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基于CMOS有源超材料的生物分子的自旋太赫兹传感 被引量:1
作者 陈亚玄 孔茹茹 +7 位作者 李昭颖 孙统 熊凡 孙芸 刘永山 张有光 白中扬 温良恭 《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》 2024年第2期160-167,共8页
基于互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)有源超材料,通过结合自旋太赫兹源,对生物分子的太赫兹频段指纹谱进行传感检测。对比基于自旋太赫兹源和基于光电导天线的太赫兹时域光谱系统测量的3种不同生物样品的指纹谱特征峰,验证了自旋太赫兹源测... 基于互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)有源超材料,通过结合自旋太赫兹源,对生物分子的太赫兹频段指纹谱进行传感检测。对比基于自旋太赫兹源和基于光电导天线的太赫兹时域光谱系统测量的3种不同生物样品的指纹谱特征峰,验证了自旋太赫兹源测量生物样品的可行性。同时,提出一种基于CMOS有源超材料的生物分子太赫兹传感方案,仿真结果表明CMOS调控器件对生物样品的扫描测试表现为生物透射峰与器件谐振峰变化统一。当吸收峰位于器件的调控范围内时,随着加电压的增大,生物透射谱谐振频率减小,出现红移,最大红移量达到40 GHz。因为不同的生物样品有不同的吸收峰,根据不同的太赫兹指纹谱吸收峰的位置设计了5种对应中心频率的CMOS有源超材料,为实现生物分子太赫兹传感系统的小型化和集成化提供了理论及实验基础。 展开更多
关键词 自旋太赫兹源 指纹谱 CMOS有源超材料 太赫兹传感
电子信息工程类课程国际化教学改革——以“北航—隆德大学联合班级项目”为例 被引量:1
作者 高飞 刘爱冬 +2 位作者 张有光 王俊 熊庆旭 《中国现代教育装备》 2018年第23期39-42,共4页
以在北京航空航天大学开展的"隆德大学联合班级项目"为实施对象,对电子信息工程类课程进行国际化教学改革的探索与实践。提出了强化双语教育、开展小组研讨、重新设计实验环节、深化国际联合办学等措施,提升课堂效率与课程国... 以在北京航空航天大学开展的"隆德大学联合班级项目"为实施对象,对电子信息工程类课程进行国际化教学改革的探索与实践。提出了强化双语教育、开展小组研讨、重新设计实验环节、深化国际联合办学等措施,提升课堂效率与课程国际化水平,使学生具备国际化视野,提升国际通用工程能力,满足社会对国际化精英通用工程人才的要求,服务于北京航空航天大学"双一流"大学建设目标。 展开更多
关键词 电子信息工程类课程 课程改革 国际化 中外联合班级
长三角沿海地区土地承载力测度与耦合分析 被引量:6
作者 王曼曼 张宏艳 +2 位作者 张有广 林明森 宫鹏 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期281-292,共12页
客观准确把握长三角沿海地区土地承载力发展状态及其区际演化差异,是开展土地资源优化配置与可持续发展的基础。该研究从支撑方-施压方维度构建了沿海地区土地承载力评价指标体系,借助遥感影像解译数据与社会经济统计数据,运用熵值法、... 客观准确把握长三角沿海地区土地承载力发展状态及其区际演化差异,是开展土地资源优化配置与可持续发展的基础。该研究从支撑方-施压方维度构建了沿海地区土地承载力评价指标体系,借助遥感影像解译数据与社会经济统计数据,运用熵值法、耦合协调分析法及土地承载力指数法,对2000、2010及2018年长三角11个沿海地区的土地承载力时空分异特征及支撑-施压耦合协调关系进行了综合研究,结果表明:1)长三角沿海区域各年份综合施压力均高于支撑力,始终处于超载状态,且支撑力指数与施压力指数分别呈现波动式上升、波动式下降趋势;2)在各时期共计33个沿海地区样本中,有9个区域土地承载力指数大于1,沿海地区盈余状态占比27.3%。其中,上海市和杭州市在各时期的支撑力与施压力水平均未发生变化,其余地区在支撑力与施压力水平上则呈现出等级的持续上升、持续下降或升降交替变化趋势;3)长三角沿海地区耦合度介于0.9~1.0之间的区域占比为97%,其均处于协调耦合期;土地支撑-施压协调度涵盖中度失调型、基本协调型、中度协调型、高度协调型4种类型,其中,江苏省以中度失调型居多,浙江省以基本协调型居多,形成"北低南高"的空间格局,并呈现由南北两侧逐渐向上海市进行高值汇聚的态势;4)长三角沿海区域整体承载力水平始终处于超载但超载程度趋于减弱,且各时期均存在土地超载与盈余并存的区域发展状态;空间上呈现出江苏省"南北超载中部盈余"、上海市"全域盈余"以及浙江省"北部盈余南部超载"的格局特征。 展开更多
关键词 沿海地区 土地承载力 耦合度 协调度 长三角
近39年长三角海岸带土地开发利用格局演变分析 被引量:3
作者 王曼曼 张宏艳 +2 位作者 张有广 林明森 宫鹏 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期142-154,共13页
长三角海岸带是全球变化与人类活动剧烈相互作用的典型区域,在沿海开发逐渐深化与政策助推背景下,该区域土地利用变化加剧,已成为经济发展与生态保护的矛盾热点区,分析海岸带土地开发利用格局演变过程对推动长三角沿海发展带具有重要意... 长三角海岸带是全球变化与人类活动剧烈相互作用的典型区域,在沿海开发逐渐深化与政策助推背景下,该区域土地利用变化加剧,已成为经济发展与生态保护的矛盾热点区,分析海岸带土地开发利用格局演变过程对推动长三角沿海发展带具有重要意义。本文基于1980-2018年5期土地利用矢量数据,采用桑基图、年变化率、动态度及核密度分析方法,揭示了近39年来长三角海岸带土地开发利用在数量结构、空间形态、重点地类集聚及海陆梯度变化规律等方面的演变特征。结果表明:(1) 2018年长三角海岸带基底景观由耕地、林地和建设用地构成,占研究区总面积的89.86%,呈现出北耕南林、建设用地呈散团式镶嵌其中的空间格局。(2)近39年来研究区土地利用系统在数量结构和空间形态上变化各异,其中,在数量结构上整体呈现耕地持续平稳减少、建设用地持续快速增加、林地波动式微弱减少、草地和水域波动式微弱增加的发展趋势,且历经围填海开发面积累计达2 161.01 km2;在空间形态上主要呈现出建设用地斑块遍地开花并伴随局部爆炸式扩张、耕地斑块逐渐缩减且趋于破碎化、江苏和上海东部以及杭州湾沿岸围填海开发形成明显湿地景观的演变态势。(3)重点针对建设用地和湿地开展空间集聚演变特征分析,其中,建设用地扩张规模呈小而散且扩张集聚度呈持续增强趋势,形成由"单中心"趋向"多中心"空间集聚格局;滩涂资源呈现数量少、斑块小且分布散的特征,总体呈减少趋势,各时期扩展热点区及缩减热点区地处县市各异。(4)在距离海岸线20 km范围内,研究区土地利用动态度呈现明显的建设用地趋海及海洋用地趋陆的变化规律,且江苏、上海及浙江沿海地带的各地类动态度海陆梯度变化规律各异。 展开更多
关键词 长三角 海岸带 格局演变 转移网络 核密度 滩涂
HY-2B卫星载荷联合观测海面阵风的一种反演方法 被引量:1
作者 张有广 蒋城飞 +1 位作者 贾永君 马小峰 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期133-143,共11页
国内外对海上阵风的研究并不多,且大多集中在阵风预报和应用研究方面,对于海洋阵风数据的获取技术未见文献系统论述。本文利用HY-2B卫星雷达高度计观测的后向散射系数,结合校正微波辐射计观测的亮度温度信息,提出联合反演阵风风速的方... 国内外对海上阵风的研究并不多,且大多集中在阵风预报和应用研究方面,对于海洋阵风数据的获取技术未见文献系统论述。本文利用HY-2B卫星雷达高度计观测的后向散射系数,结合校正微波辐射计观测的亮度温度信息,提出联合反演阵风风速的方法。两个遥感载荷联合反演得到的阵风风速与2019–2021年美国国家浮标数据中心(NDBC)浮标数据进行真实性检验,结果显示:阵风风速均方根误差(RMSE)为0.98 m/s,相关系数为0.82;基于本方法利用国外同类卫星Jason-3得到的阵风风速与2016–2018年NDBC浮标数据的RMSE为0.96 m/s,相关系数为0.88。本文在HY-2B卫星雷达高度计海面风速观测的基础上,纳入同一卫星平台校正微波辐射计的同步观测信息联合实现了海面阵风的观测,数据的比对结果证明文中方法具有较高的观测精度。同时,该方法对于具有相同观测体制的国内外卫星也适用。 展开更多
关键词 HY-2B卫星 雷达高度计 校正微波辐射计 海面阵风 反演方法
First six months quality assessment of HY-2A SCAT wind products using in situ measurements 被引量:10
作者 WANG He ZHU Jianhua +5 位作者 LIN Mingsen HUANG Xiaoqi ZHAO Yili CHEN Chuntao zhang youguang PENG Hailong 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第11期27-33,共7页
The first Chinese microwave ocean environment satellite HY-2A, carrying a Ku-band scatteromenter (SCAT), was successfully launched in August 2011. The first quality assessment of HY-2A SCAT wind products is presente... The first Chinese microwave ocean environment satellite HY-2A, carrying a Ku-band scatteromenter (SCAT), was successfully launched in August 2011. The first quality assessment of HY-2A SCAT wind products is presented through the comparison of the first 6 months operationally released SCAT products with in situ data. The in situ winds from the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) buoys, R/V Polarstern, Aurora Australis, Roger Revelle and PY30-1 oil platform, were converted to the 10 m equivalent neutral winds. The temporal and spatial differences between the HY-2A SCAT and the in situ observations were limited to less than 5 min and 12.5 km. For HY-2A SCAT wind speed products, the comparison and analysis using the NDBC buoys yield a bias of-0.49 m/s, a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.3 m/s and an increase negative bias with increasing wind speed observation above 3 m/s. Although less accurate of HY-2A SCAT wind direction at low winds, the RMSE of 19.19° with a bias of 0.92° is found for wind speeds higher than 3 m/s. These results are found consistent with those from R/Vs and oil platform comparisons. Moreover, the NDBC buoy comparison results also suggest that the accuracy of HY-2A SCAT winds is consistent over the first half year of 2012. The encouraging assessment results over the first 6 months show that wind products from HY-2A SCAT will be useful for scientific community. 展开更多
关键词 HY-2A satellite microwave scatterometer WIND validation
The validation of the significant wave height product of HY-2altimeter–primary results 被引量:7
作者 CHEN Chuntao ZHU Jianhua +5 位作者 LIN Mingsen ZHAO Yili HUANG Xiaoqi WANG He zhang youguang PENG Hailong 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第11期82-86,共5页
The HY-2 satellite was successfully launched on 16 August 2011. The HY-2 significant wave height (SWH) is validated by the data from the South China Sea (SCS) field experiment, National Data Buoy Center (NDBC/ bu... The HY-2 satellite was successfully launched on 16 August 2011. The HY-2 significant wave height (SWH) is validated by the data from the South China Sea (SCS) field experiment, National Data Buoy Center (NDBC/ buoys and Jason-1/2 altimeters, and is corrected using a linear regression with in-situ measurements. Com- pared with NDBC SWH, the HY-2 SWH show a RMS of 0.36 m, which is similar to Jason- 1 and Jason-2 SWH with the RMS of 0.35 m and 0.37 m respectively; the RMS of corrected HY-2 SWH is 0.27 m, similar to 0.27 m and 0.23 m of corrected Jason-1 and Jason-2 SWH. Therefore the accuracy of HY-2 SWH products is close to that of Jason-1/2 SWH, and the linear regression function derived can improve the accuracy of HY-2 SWH products. 展开更多
关键词 ALTIMETER significant wave height VALIDATION linear regression CORRECTION root mean square
作者 刘晓 刘迪军 +2 位作者 张有光 罗力川 康旺 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期3228-3233,共6页
随着互补金属氧化物半导体技术的特征尺寸的不断缩小,其面临的静态功耗问题缩越来越突出。自旋磁随机存储器(MRAM)由于其非易失性、高速读写能力、高集成密度和CMOS兼容性等良好特性,受到了学术界的广泛关注和研究。该文采用电压调控的... 随着互补金属氧化物半导体技术的特征尺寸的不断缩小,其面临的静态功耗问题缩越来越突出。自旋磁随机存储器(MRAM)由于其非易失性、高速读写能力、高集成密度和CMOS兼容性等良好特性,受到了学术界的广泛关注和研究。该文采用电压调控的自旋轨道矩随机存储器设计了一个存内计算可重构逻辑阵列,能够实现全部布尔逻辑功能和高度并行计算。在此基础上设计了存内计算全加器并在40 nm工艺下进行了仿真验证。结果表明,与当前先进研究相比,该文提出的全加器具有更高的并行度,能够实现更快的计算速度(约1.11 ns/bit)和更低的计算功耗(约5.07 fJ/bit)。 展开更多
关键词 全加器 存内计算 自旋轨道距 磁隧道结 可重构
作者 兰友国 林明森 +1 位作者 张有广 杨典 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期183-194,共12页
当利用三配准(Triple Collocation,TC)方法进行误差分析时,系统间随机误差(简称误差)不相关是一个重要前提假设,而在实际应用中不同系统误差常存在相关性,基于最小二乘法扩展配准(Extended Collocation,EC)方法能够在误差相关性存在情... 当利用三配准(Triple Collocation,TC)方法进行误差分析时,系统间随机误差(简称误差)不相关是一个重要前提假设,而在实际应用中不同系统误差常存在相关性,基于最小二乘法扩展配准(Extended Collocation,EC)方法能够在误差相关性存在情况进行误差分析,但对于误差弱相关性情况不能够准确估计误差的标准差。为此本文提出利用3个误差独立系统对第四个系统进行误差估计的方法,同时考虑误差相关性和表征误差,在误差弱相关情况下能更精确估计系统误差的标准差。本文根据HY-2B卫星3个载荷风速观测数据集随机误差相互独立特点,利用扩展三配准(Extended Triple Collocation,ETC)方法计算得到散射计、辐射计和高度计3个载荷风速产品误差的标准差分别为0.600 m/s、0.742 m/s和0.533 m/s;再对ECMWF再分析数据集ERA5的风速产品误差及相关性进行估计,计算出ERA5再分析风速产品随机误差的标准差为0.810 m/s,HY-2B卫星散射计风速产品和ERA5再分析风速产品误差相关性为0.231,HY-2B卫星辐射计风速产品和ERA5再分析风速产品误差相关性为0.105。本文提出利用已知3个误差独立数据集对第四个数据集误差及相关性进行估计的方法,实现了在误差弱相关情况下对系统误差的标准差更为准确的估计,有助于在同化和融合中更好地使用这些数据。 展开更多
关键词 HY-2B卫星 海表面风速 扩展三配准方法 随机误差 误差相关性
Assessment of the initial sea surface temperature product of the scanning microwave radiometer aboard on HY-2 satellite 被引量:5
作者 ZHAO Yili ZHU Jianhua +5 位作者 LIN Mingsen CHEN Chuntao HUANG Xiaoqi WANG He zhang youguang PENG Hailong 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期109-113,共5页
HY-2 satellite is the first satellite for dynamic environmental parameters measurement of China,which was launched on 16th August 2011.A scanning microwave radiometer(RM) is carried for sea surface temperature(SST... HY-2 satellite is the first satellite for dynamic environmental parameters measurement of China,which was launched on 16th August 2011.A scanning microwave radiometer(RM) is carried for sea surface temperature(SST),sea surface wind speed,columnar water vapor and columnar cloud liquid water detection.In this paper,the initial SST product of RM was validated with in-situ data of National Data of Buoy Center(NDBC) mooring and Argo buoy.The validation results indicate the accuracy of RM SST is better than 1.7 C.The comparison of RM SST and WindSat SST shows the former is warmer than the latter at high sea surface wind speed and the difference between these SSTs is depend on the sea surface wind speed.Then,the relationship between the errors of RM SST and sea surface wind speed was analyzed using NDBC mooring measurements.Based on the results of assessment and errors analysis,the suggestions of taking account of the affection of sea surface wind speed and using sea surface wind speed and direction derived from the microwave scatteromter aboard on HY-2 for SST product calibration were given for retrieval algorithm improvement. 展开更多
关键词 validation sea surface temperature HY-2 satellite microwave radiometer
A preliminary assessment of the sea surface wind speed production of HY-2 scanning microwave radiometer 被引量:4
作者 HUANG Xiaoqi ZHU Jianhua +5 位作者 LIN Mingsen ZHAO Yili WANG He CHEN Chuntao PENG Hailong zhang youguang 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期114-119,共6页
A scanning microwave radiometer(RM) was launched on August 16,2011,on board HY-2 satellite.The six-month long global sea surface wind speeds observed by the HY-2 scanning microwave radiometer are preliminarily valid... A scanning microwave radiometer(RM) was launched on August 16,2011,on board HY-2 satellite.The six-month long global sea surface wind speeds observed by the HY-2 scanning microwave radiometer are preliminarily validated using in-situ measurements and WindSat observations,respectively,from January to June 2012.The wind speed root-mean-square(RMS) difference of the comparisons with in-situ data is 1.89 m/s for the measurements of NDBC and 1.72 m/s for the recent four-month data measured by PY30-1 oil platform,respectively.On a global scale,the wind speeds of HY-2 RM are compared with the sea surface wind speeds derived from WindSat,the RMS difference of 1.85 m/s for HY-2 RM collocated observations data set is calculated in the same period as above.With analyzing the global map of a mean difference between HY-2 RM and WindSat,it appears that the bias of the sea surface wind speed is obviously higher in the inshore regions.In the open sea,there is a relatively higher positive bias in the mid-latitude regions due to the overestimation of wind speed observations,while the wind speeds are underestimated in the Southern Ocean by HY-2 RM relative to WindSat observations. 展开更多
关键词 HY-2 satellite scanning microwave radiometer sea surface wind speed spatial and temporal collocation validation
The numerical simulation of the Kuroshio frontal eddies in the East China Sea using a hybrid coordinate ocean mode 被引量:2
作者 JIA Yongjun zhang youguang LIN Mingsen 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期31-41,共11页
A hybrid coordinate ocean model (ltYCOM) is used to simulate the Kuroshio frontal eddies in the East China Sea (ECS). The research area is located (20°-32°N, 120°-132°E). Using tile simulatin... A hybrid coordinate ocean model (ltYCOM) is used to simulate the Kuroshio frontal eddies in the East China Sea (ECS). The research area is located (20°-32°N, 120°-132°E). Using tile simulating data, it is figured out that the Kuroshio frontal eddies occur in summer as well as in the other season in this area. The life cycle of the Kuroshio and its frontal eddies is different with the position. The life-cycle of the Kuroshio frontal eddies of the northwest Diaoyu Islands is about 14 d; and the life cycle of the Kuroshio frontal eddies of southwest Yakushima about 20 d. This result extends the in situ researching results greatly. In addition, the vertical impact depth of the Kuroshio frontal eddies is also changing with the position. On the whole, in the ECS, the maximum impact depth of the Kuroshio frontal eddies of the northwest Taiwan Islands is about 75 m; the maximum impact depth of the Kuroshio frontal eddies of the northwest Diaoyu Islands is more than 125 m, but no more than 200 m; and the maximum impact depth of the Kuroshio frontal eddies of southwest Yakushima is up to 100 m. 展开更多
关键词 Kuroshio frontal eddies hybrid coordinate ocean model East China Sea
作者 孙杰杰 王超 +5 位作者 李嘉威 姜传鹏 曹凯华 施辉 张有光 赵巍胜 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期174-195,共22页
新型非易失磁性随机存储器(magnetic random access memory,MRAM)具有读写速度快、数据保持时间长、功耗低等优点,引起了研究人员的广泛关注。其优异的抗辐照能力被人们深入挖掘,有望进一步应用于航天等领域。本文回顾了MRAM的产业化发... 新型非易失磁性随机存储器(magnetic random access memory,MRAM)具有读写速度快、数据保持时间长、功耗低等优点,引起了研究人员的广泛关注。其优异的抗辐照能力被人们深入挖掘,有望进一步应用于航天等领域。本文回顾了MRAM的产业化发展历程、技术变革及应用情况,列举了近年成熟的MRAM产品,对不同的代际MRAM的优缺点进行了剖析;对MRAM核心存储单元——磁隧道结(magnetic tunnel junction,MTJ)和外围基于互补金属氧化物半导体(complementary metal oxide semiconductor,CMOS)的读写电路的辐射效应分别进行了探讨;总结了近年来MRAM抗辐照加固设计方面的最新成果;对抗辐照MRAM在航空航天领域甚至核能领域的发展前景进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 磁性随机存储器 磁隧道结 辐照 电离总剂量 单粒子效应
An ocean current inversion accuracy analysis based on a Doppler spectrum model 被引量:1
作者 BAO Qingliu zhang youguang +1 位作者 LIN Mingsen GONG Peng 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第9期101-107,共7页
Microwave remote sensing is one of the most useful methods for observing the ocean parameters. The Doppler frequency or interferometric phase of the radar echoes can be used for an ocean surface current speed retrieva... Microwave remote sensing is one of the most useful methods for observing the ocean parameters. The Doppler frequency or interferometric phase of the radar echoes can be used for an ocean surface current speed retrieval,which is widely used in spaceborne and airborne radars. While the effect of the ocean currents and waves is interactional. It is impossible to retrieve the ocean surface current speed from Doppler frequency shift directly. In order to study the relationship between the ocean surface current speed and the Doppler frequency shift, a numerical ocean surface Doppler spectrum model is established and validated with a reference. The input parameters of ocean Doppler spectrum include an ocean wave elevation model, a directional distribution function, and wind speed and direction. The suitable ocean wave elevation spectrum and the directional distribution function are selected by comparing the ocean Doppler spectrum in C band with an empirical geophysical model function(CDOP). What is more, the error sensitivities of ocean surface current speed to the wind speed and direction are analyzed. All these simulations are in Ku band. The simulation results show that the ocean surface current speed error is sensitive to the wind speed and direction errors. With VV polarization, the ocean surface current speed error is about 0.15 m/s when the wind speed error is 2 m/s, and the ocean surface current speed error is smaller than 0.3 m/s when the wind direction error is within 20° in the cross wind direction. 展开更多
关键词 Doppler spectrum model ocean surface current speed parameter sensitivity analysis measurement error
Shenzhou-4 spaceborne altimeter waveform processing and significant wave height retrieval
作者 JI Yonggang zhang Jie +1 位作者 zhang youguang MENG Junmin 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第3期40-47,共8页
The Shenzhou -4 spaceborne (SZ -4) altimeter waveforms were processed, and then the significant wave heights (SWH) was retrieved on the basis of waveform fitting and waveform retracking. Waveforms processing inclu... The Shenzhou -4 spaceborne (SZ -4) altimeter waveforms were processed, and then the significant wave heights (SWH) was retrieved on the basis of waveform fitting and waveform retracking. Waveforms processing includes the waveform ls averaging, the elimination of thermal noise and the waveforms normalization. Double peaks were found on each SZ - 4 waveform, and it was pointed out that the region of waveforms with the second peak is abnormal and its effects on the whole waveform in the waveform fit should be taken into consideration. To obtain the width of the waveform leading-edge, a method was proposed to find the starting point of waveform, and the half-power point of waveform was found by retracking the waveform. The normalized wavefornis were fitted with the Haynes model by using the weighting least square fit method. Then the selections of the weighting coefficients and their effects on significant wave hight retrieving were discussed, and the optimal five-region weighting method was proposed. At last, the SWH data of SZ -4 altimeter retrieved by using the proposed method were compared with those of ERS -2 and Jason - 1 altimeter, and it was concluded that the SZ -4 altimeter can detect significant wave height. 展开更多
关键词 SZ-4 spaeeborne altimeter significant wave height double peaks waveform retraeking waveform fit
Current Status and Main Application Achievements of Ocean Satellites
作者 LIN Mingsen zhang youguang 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期733-743,共11页
Ocean satellites have realized multi-satellite networked operation.The HY-1D satellite launched in June 2020 realized networked with HY-1C satellite,and completed the construction of ocean color satellite constellatio... Ocean satellites have realized multi-satellite networked operation.The HY-1D satellite launched in June 2020 realized networked with HY-1C satellite,and completed the construction of ocean color satellite constellation.The HY-2D satellite launched in May 2021 is networked with the on orbit HY-2B and HY-2C satellites to complete the construction of marine dynamic environment satellite constellation.The 1 mC-SAR satellite 01 launched in November 2021 is networked with GF-3,which initially forms the marine monitoring satellite constellation.This year,the networking of 1 mC-SAR satellite 02 with satellite 01 and GF-3 is realized,and the construction of marine monitoring satellite constellation is completed.At present,the ocean satellites have the operational application capabilities of remote sensing investigation,monitoring,evaluation and supervision of marine ecology,marine disaster prevention and reduction,global oceans and Polar Regions,Sea Islands,rights and interests maintenance. 展开更多
关键词 Ocean color satellite Ocean dynamic environment satellite Ocean monitoring satellite Satellite networking
The Development Status and Main Application Progress of China’s Ocean Satellites
作者 LIN Mingsen zhang youguang 《Aerospace China》 2022年第1期41-54,共14页
China’s ocean satellites are divided into three series based on ocean color satellites(HY-1),ocean dynamic environment satellites(HY-2)and ocean monitoring satellites(HY-3).The three series of ocean satellites operat... China’s ocean satellites are divided into three series based on ocean color satellites(HY-1),ocean dynamic environment satellites(HY-2)and ocean monitoring satellites(HY-3).The three series of ocean satellites operate today in a multi-satellite network.The HY-1 D satellite launched in June 2020 and the HY-1 C satellite,already in orbit,realized a network observation capability and completed the formation of the ocean color satellite constellation.The HY-2 D satellite launched in May 2021 joined the HY-2 B and HY-2 C satellites,which have been on orbit already and completed a network observation capability,thus establishing the ocean dynamic environment satellite constellation.The GF-302 satellite(1 m C-SAR 01)launched in November 2021 has networked with GF-3,initially establishing an ocean monitoring satellite constellation,which has finally completed its construction with the launch of the GF-303 satellite(1 m C-SAR 02)in April 2022.The GF-3 three-satellite network effectively boasts a wide capability in applications of satellite data products and services in many fields,such as ocean environmental monitoring,ocean disaster prevention and mitigation,marine scientific research and polar research. 展开更多
关键词 ocean color satellite ocean dynamic environment satellite ocean monitoring satellite satellite constellation
作者 张有广 贾永君 +1 位作者 林明森 马小峰 《遥感学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1588-1601,共14页
基于HY-2卫星数据提出了主被动微波遥感联合观测热带气旋海面高风速和海面气压的方法。在海面风速观测方法中,利用与雷达高度计同步观测的校正辐射计获取的亮度温度信息来修正雷达高度计观测中受到的降雨影响,以此提升高风速观测能力。... 基于HY-2卫星数据提出了主被动微波遥感联合观测热带气旋海面高风速和海面气压的方法。在海面风速观测方法中,利用与雷达高度计同步观测的校正辐射计获取的亮度温度信息来修正雷达高度计观测中受到的降雨影响,以此提升高风速观测能力。校正辐射计观测的降雨和海面粗糙度信息能够真实的反映在亮度温度中,结合雷达高度计观测的海面粗糙度信息,把校正辐射计观测亮温中的海面粗糙度信息剥离,将剩余的降雨信息等效为风速补偿到雷达高度计的原有海面风速观测中,进而得到海面高风速。在上述研究基础上,依据热带气旋期间气压差与风速差的比例关系,计算出中心气压。通过与预报和机载观测数据比对的结果表明:该方法能够实现热带气旋期间高风速的观测,HY-2卫星与预报数据和机载观测数据的均方根误差分别为1.3 m/s和1.0 m/s;海面气压均方根误差分别为5.5 hPa和4.6 hPa。同时,文中方法对于中低风速和中低风速条件下的海面气压也具备观测能力。 展开更多
关键词 遥感 HY-2卫星 热带气旋 海面风速 海面气压 反演方法
电子信息类实验教学对学生关联力培养的研究 被引量:6
作者 哈聪颖 张玉玺 +1 位作者 王俊 张有光 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期182-187,共6页
关联力是“新工科”培养的未来工程师应该具备的重要素质,本文研究了电子信息类实验教学如何提升学生关联力的问题,重点从知识空间、虚拟空间、人际交往空间关联几方面展开探索与实践。基于成果导向教育理念及关联主义理论,设计了一种... 关联力是“新工科”培养的未来工程师应该具备的重要素质,本文研究了电子信息类实验教学如何提升学生关联力的问题,重点从知识空间、虚拟空间、人际交往空间关联几方面展开探索与实践。基于成果导向教育理念及关联主义理论,设计了一种螺旋关联的电子信息综合实验体系,促进学生跨学期知识体系的贯通性、能力发展的连续性;借鉴现代自由学习理论、关联主义理论,形成了一种“虚实融合、师生学习共同体”实验教学方法,强调跨时空关联、师生关联,促进关联力的逐步提升。学生能力培养最终的落脚点在于评价,给出了一种“关联能力导向式、教师全过程评价、学生自评与互评”融合的实验教学评价方法,将学生行为级别的评价转化为能力级别的评价,更利于实验教学的持续改进。 展开更多
关键词 电子信息 实验教学 关联力 螺旋关联 虚实融合 师生学习共同体
科研驱动式“数字电路与系统”层次化实验创新 被引量:6
作者 何锋 李峭 +1 位作者 张玉玺 张有光 《高等工程教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期76-82,共7页
针对数字电路与系统课堂教学和实验教学分离问题,以独立、创新和实践精神培养为导向,对课程授课体系进行革新设计,采用科教融合手段,引入与课堂授课融合的数字电路研讨和实验,形成了科研驱动式层次化课内实验创新实践。通过逐层递进、... 针对数字电路与系统课堂教学和实验教学分离问题,以独立、创新和实践精神培养为导向,对课程授课体系进行革新设计,采用科教融合手段,引入与课堂授课融合的数字电路研讨和实验,形成了科研驱动式层次化课内实验创新实践。通过逐层递进、难度上升的五个实验,对空天信背景下的曼切斯特码检测系统进行设计与验证,构建了面向航空机载通信应用的层次化实验体系,促使学生积累系统工程的经验和实现成就感,并使得实验教学成为"知识再创造"的过程,有效促进了学生科研思维的训练。 展开更多
关键词 数字电路 课内实验 科研驱动 创新实践 层次化设计
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