The UV attenuation due to atmospheric aerosols in Guangzhou was quantitatively assessed using surface ultraviolet radiation (UV,295-385 nm) observation,sun photometer and radiation models.Observations showed that the ...The UV attenuation due to atmospheric aerosols in Guangzhou was quantitatively assessed using surface ultraviolet radiation (UV,295-385 nm) observation,sun photometer and radiation models.Observations showed that the annual average value of aerosol optical depth (AOD) was 1.19 in UV spectral region of 340 nm,the annual average occurrence frequency of aerosol optical depth AOD 340 nm >1.0 was 55%,and the annual average attenuation rate of surface UV direct radiation of 340 nm was 68%.It was proven in the observation of surface UV radiation and model evaluation that annual average attenuation of UV due to atmosphere was 75%,and that reached 72% in the dry season (October,November,December and January);while average attenuation of UV due to atmospheric aerosols reached 62% in the dry season.It was indicated that very significant UV attenuations due to atmospheric aerosols existed in Guangzhou urban agglomeration,and at least half of UV radiation was attenuated due to atmospheric aerosols.Such large-amplitude attenuation will have a significant impact on urban ecosystem and species chemical cycles,especially photochemical reaction processes.展开更多
We here report our recent research results on the climatic features of Tibetan thermodynamic functions and their impacts on the regional climates of the Northern Hemisphere. The results show that the thermodynamic pro...We here report our recent research results on the climatic features of Tibetan thermodynamic functions and their impacts on the regional climates of the Northern Hemisphere. The results show that the thermodynamic processes over the Tibetan Plateau not only strongly influence the Asian monsoon and precipitation, but also modulate the atmospheric circulation and climate over North America and Europe through stimulating the large-scale teleconnections such as the Asian-Pacific oscillation and affect the atmospheric circulation over the southern Indian Ocean. The Tibetan climate may be affected by sea surface temperatures over the tropical Pacific. On the other hand, the Tibetan climate also affects the atmosphere-ocean interactions in the tropics and mid-latitudes of the Pacific by the atmospheric circulation over the North Pacific. In spring and summer, the thermodynamic anomalies on the plateau affect the subtropical high pressure, the Hadley circulation, and the intertropical convergence zone over the Pacific, and then modulate the development of the El Ni-o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). It is necessary to study the forecasting methods for the development of ENSO from the Tibetan climate anomaly. This result also embodies the essence of interactions among land, atmosphere, and ocean over the Northern Hemisphere. Since the previous studies focused on impacts of the plateau on climates in the Asian monsoon regions, it is essential to pay more attention to studying the roles of the plateau in the Northern Hemispheric and even global climates.展开更多
Using meteorological observations, proxies of precipitation and temperature, and climate simulation outputs, we synthetically analyzed the regularities of decadal-centennial-scale changes in the summer thermal contras...Using meteorological observations, proxies of precipitation and temperature, and climate simulation outputs, we synthetically analyzed the regularities of decadal-centennial-scale changes in the summer thermal contrast between land and ocean and summer precipitation over the East Asian monsoon region during the past millennium; compared the basic characteristics of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) circulation and precipitation in the present day, the Little Ice Age (LIA) and the Medieval Warm Period (MWP); and explored their links with solar irradiance and global climate change. The results indicate that over the last 150 years, the EASM circulation and precipitation, indicated by the temperature contrast between the East Asian mainland and adjacent oceans, had a significant decadal perturbation and have been weaker during the period of rapid global warming over the past 50 years. On the centennial time scale, the EASM in the MWP was strongest over the past 1000 years. Over the past 1000 years, the EASM was weakest in 1450-1570. When the EASM circulation was weaker, the monsoon rain belt over eastern China was generally located more southward, with there being less precipitation in North China and more precipitation in the Yangtze River valley; therefore, there was an anomalous pattern of southern flood/northern drought. From the 1900s to 1920s, precipitation had a pat- tern opposite to that of the southern flood/northern drought, with there being less precipitation in the Yangtze River valley and more precipitation in North China. Compared with the case for the MWP, there was a longer-time-scale southern flood/northern drought phenomenon in 1400-1600. Moreover, the EASM circulation and precipitation did not synchronously vary with the trend of global temperature. During the last 150 years, although the annual mean surface temperature around the world and in China has increased, the EASM circulation and precipitation did not have strengthening or weakening trends. Over the past 1000 years, the weakest EASM occurred ahead of the lowest Northern Hemispheric temperature and corresponded to the weakest solar irradiance.展开更多
By analyzing the total ozone data from TOMS and ground-based observations, it is found that a large area with extremely low ozone occurred over the Tibetan Plateau during December 14-17, 2003. After correcting the bia...By analyzing the total ozone data from TOMS and ground-based observations, it is found that a large area with extremely low ozone occurred over the Tibetan Plateau during December 14-17, 2003. After correcting the bias in TOMS data, the area with the total ozone < 220 DU is found to be over 2500000 km2, and the minimum value is only 190 DU. It is the first time that an ozone mini-hole or an extremely low ozone event is found to occur over the Tibetan Plateau.展开更多
To study the long-term variation of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM),the Asian-Pacific Oscillation index(IAPO),representing a zonal thermal contrast between Asia and the North Pacific,is recon-structed over the pas...To study the long-term variation of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM),the Asian-Pacific Oscillation index(IAPO),representing a zonal thermal contrast between Asia and the North Pacific,is recon-structed over the past millennium.During the Little Ice Age(LIA),the variability of the reconstructed IAPO is closely linked to dry-wet anomalies in eastern China on the centennial scale.This correlation pattern is consistent with the observation during the current period,which suggests that the reconstructed IAPO may generally represent the centennialscale variation of the EASM and rainfall anomalies over eastern China during the LIA.展开更多
The charge structures and temporal and spatial characteristics of cloud-to-ground (CG) light- ning discharges in two supercell thunderstorms have been analyzed based on the data of three-dimen- sional VHF radiation so...The charge structures and temporal and spatial characteristics of cloud-to-ground (CG) light- ning discharges in two supercell thunderstorms have been analyzed based on the data of three-dimen- sional VHF radiation sources with high time and space resolution produced by lightning discharges. The results indicate that the charge structures in main part (convective region) of the thunderstorms were inverted tripole while a number of positive CG lightning discharges were occurring in the two thun- derstorms. The positive CG lightning discharges oc- curred in main part of the thunderstorms and origi- nated from the positive charge region located at the middle part of the thunderstorms. While a number of negative CG lightning discharges were occurring, the negative CG lightning discharges occurred in the anvil of the thunderstorm. The charge structure is inverted dipole in the region due to the slant of charge structure in main region toward anvil region. The negative charge region located at the upper part of anvil produced a lot of negative CG lightning dis- charges. No or less CG lighting was produced di- rectly by the charge region located at the lower part of the thunderstorm. The charge region in lower part of the thunderstorm plays an important role for the occurrence of CG lightning from charge region above it.展开更多
To study the temporally varying features of summer thermal contrast between the Asian continent and the adjacent ocean on decadal-centennial time scales and the links between thermal contrast and solar irradiance, we ...To study the temporally varying features of summer thermal contrast between the Asian continent and the adjacent ocean on decadal-centennial time scales and the links between thermal contrast and solar irradiance, we used a time series of the reconstructed Asian-Pacific oscillation index and solar irradiance over the past millennium. The results showed that thermal contrast in the Asian monsoon region has quasi-90-year, 10-13-year, and 3-7-year periods. On the centennial time scale, thermal contrast showed three abrupt changes, occurring in 1305-1315, 1420-1430, and 1625-1635. There is a significant positive correlation between thermal contrast and solar irradiance, which is particularly strong at 250-year, 120-160-year, 60-70-year, and quasi-15-year periods. The three abrupt changes in thermal contrast corresponded to a significantly weakening or strengthening of solar irradiance, lagging 12-22 years behind the solar irradiance, which possibly reflects an effect of solar irradiance on the abrupt change in Asian monsoon climate on the centennial time scale. On the decadal time scale, the abrupt change in the thermal contrast was not closely associated with solar irradiance, which implies that solar activity may not be a major factor affecting the decadal abrupt change in Asian-Pacific thermal contrast. Relative to thermal contrast, the decadal abrupt change in Northern Hemispheric annual mean surface temperature is more closely associated with solar activity, while its centennial abrupt change has a weaker relationship with solar展开更多
Haze and fog are both low visibility events, but with different physical properties. Haze is caused by the increase of aerosol loading or the hygroscopic growth of aerosol at high relative humidity, whereas visibility...Haze and fog are both low visibility events, but with different physical properties. Haze is caused by the increase of aerosol loading or the hygroscopic growth of aerosol at high relative humidity, whereas visibility degradation in fog is due to the light scattering of fog droplets, which are transited from aerosols via activation. Based on the difference of physical properties between haze and fog, this study presents a novel method to distinguish haze and fog using real time measurements of PM2.5, visibility, and relative humidity. In this method, a criterion can be developed based on the local historical data of particle number size distributions and aerosol hygroscopicity. Low visibility events can be classified into haze and fog according to this criterion.展开更多
Here we use harmonic analyses to examine seasonal variations of China land rainfall, low-level winds, and atmospheric heating over East Asia during spring to summer and the associated subtropical summer monsoon activi...Here we use harmonic analyses to examine seasonal variations of China land rainfall, low-level winds, and atmospheric heating over East Asia during spring to summer and the associated subtropical summer monsoon activities. Our results indicate that the South China spring rainfall (SCSR) in March is the prophase of East Asian sub-tropical summer monsoon (EASSM), and the onset of EASSM and China summer rainy season starts in early April, characterized by the enhanced rainfall in South China and the seasonal reverse of zonal land-sea thermal contrast in sub-tropical East Asia. The EASSM onset is earlier than that of South China Sea summer monsoon, and it is active in east of 100?E and north of 20?N. Our analyses suggest that the subsequent heating appears over India-China Peninsula in March and South China in April and causes the low-level atmospheric warming and the zonal land-sea thermal contrast seasonal reverse in East Asian subtropics. The atmospheric heating over South China is the main force to drive the southwesterly winds, updrafts and strengthen the summer precipitation in South China.展开更多
Using a monthly precipitation dataset of 160 stations over China and a daily and monthly National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis dataset from 1961 ...Using a monthly precipitation dataset of 160 stations over China and a daily and monthly National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis dataset from 1961 to 2006, we here define an East Asian land-sea atmospheric heat source difference index ILSQD and investigate its relationship to summer rainfall in China and East Asian general circulation. The results show that ILSQD more closely reflects the anomalous variations in summer monsoon phenomena; in the high-index (HI) cases, the strong low-level southerlies over East China and the strong high-level westerlies over middle latitudes indicate an active summer monsoon, and vice versa in the low-index (LI) cases. This index also reflects summer rainfall anomalies over East China; in the HI (LI) cases rainfall increases (decreases) over North China and at the same time decreases (increases) over the mid-lower Yangtze River valley and the southern Yangtze River. Hence, ILSQD can be utilized as a summer monsoon index. There is also remarkable correlation between ILSQD in March and the following summer rainfall over the mid-lower Yangtze River valley. Finally, the Community Atmospheric Model Version 3.1 (CAM3.1) of NCAR is used to run numerical experiments, which verify that the anomalous summer precipitation in simulations is similar to that of diagnosis analysis based on the anomalous summer atmospheric heating forcing. Similarly, the atmospheric heating rate in March can force summer rainfall anomalies in the simulations just as observed in the data.展开更多
This paper presents a comprehensive observa-tion technique on derived aerosols data from mobile sun-photometer graph and Terra-Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) observation. Research results sugges...This paper presents a comprehensive observa-tion technique on derived aerosols data from mobile sun-photometer graph and Terra-Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) observation. Research results suggest that after being treated by the variational technique with respect to sunphotometer observations, the Terra- MODIS remote sensing aerosol data are remarkably im-proved, thus for the first time revealing features of the influ-ence of aerosols and pollution emissions of Beijing and its adjoining areas (Hebei, Shandong, etc. provinces). The re-gional impact features of aerosols are related with the pe-ripheral U-shape topography of Beijing. Analyses with Hy-brid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model (HYSPLIT-4) and meteorological data in the case studied confirm the pollutants diffusion process along the trajectory from the sources in the south-west region, and the regional aerosol impact features.展开更多
Our analysis of the surface aerosol and ultraviolet (UV) measurements in Pearl River Delta (PRD) region shows that the surface UV radiation is reduced by more than 50% due to high aerosol concentrations. This has ...Our analysis of the surface aerosol and ultraviolet (UV) measurements in Pearl River Delta (PRD) region shows that the surface UV radiation is reduced by more than 50% due to high aerosol concentrations. This has important impacts on urban ecosystem and photochemistry, especially on ozone photochemical production over the region. The quantitative effect of aerosols on surface ozone is evaluated by analyzing surface observations (including ozone, ultraviolet radiation, aerosol radiative parameters) and by using radiative and chemical models. A case study shows that the aerosol concentrations and UV radiation are significantly correlated with ozone concentrations. The correlation coefficient between the aerosol optical depth (AOD) and the PM10 mass concentration is very high, with a maximum of 0.98, and the AOD and UV radiation/ozone is anti- correlated, with a correlation coefficient of-0.90. The analysis suggests that ozone productivity is significantly decreased due to the reduction of UV radiation. The noon-time ozone maximum is considerably depressed when AOD is 0.6, and is further decreased when AOD is up to 1.2 due to the reduction of ozone photochemical productivity. Because the occurring probability of aerosol optical depth for AOD550m≥0.6 and AOD340mm ≥1.0 is 47, and 55% respectively during the dry season (October, November, December, January), this heavy aerosol condition explains the low ozone maximum that often occurs in the dry season over the Guangzhou region. The analysis also suggests that the value of single scattering albedo (SSA) is very sensitive to the aerosol radiative effect when the radiative and chemical models are applied, implying that the value of SSA needs to be carefully studied when the models are used in calculating ozone production.展开更多
This note retrieves the annual and monthly mean 0.75 urn aerosol optical depth (AOD) by using the daily direct solar radiation and sunshine duration data of 47 solar stations from 1961 to 1990. The characteristic of A...This note retrieves the annual and monthly mean 0.75 urn aerosol optical depth (AOD) by using the daily direct solar radiation and sunshine duration data of 47 solar stations from 1961 to 1990. The characteristic of AOD variation over China in recent 30 years was analyzed. The results indicate that AOD increased obviously over China from 1961 to 1990. AOD increased most rapidly over the east part of Southwest China, the middle-and-lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Tibetan Plateau. The increasing trend of AOD is also relatively distinct in North China, the Shandong Peninsula, east part of Qinghai Province, and coastal areas of Guangdong Province. However, in most parts of Northwest China and Northeast China, the increase of AOD is less significant, while in the west part of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and some parts of Yunnan Province, AOD shows decreasing tendency. Generally, AOD reaches its maximum in spring and the minimum appears in summer. As to the linear trend, the maximum展开更多
In this paper, we investigate a novel technique that reconstructs the observed time series and incorporates driving forces. Furthermore, to illustrate and test the technique, we consider a couple of predictive experim...In this paper, we investigate a novel technique that reconstructs the observed time series and incorporates driving forces. Furthermore, to illustrate and test the technique, we consider a couple of predictive experiments using ideal time series provided by the logistic and Lorenz systems with specific driving forces. The preliminary results show this approach can improve prediction proficiency to some extent, and the external forces play a similar role to that of state variables.展开更多
The ring-width chronology of a Juniperus przewalskii tree from the middle of the Qilian Mountain was constructed to estimate the annual precipitation (from previous August to current July) since AD 1480.The reconstruc...The ring-width chronology of a Juniperus przewalskii tree from the middle of the Qilian Mountain was constructed to estimate the annual precipitation (from previous August to current July) since AD 1480.The reconstruction showed four major alternations of drying and wetting over the past 521 years.The rainy 16th century was followed by persistent drought in the 17th century.Moreover,relatively wet conditions persisted from the 18th to the beginning of 20th century until the recurrence of a drought during the 1920s and 1930s.Based on the Empirical Mode Decomposition method,eight Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) were extracted,each representing unique fluctuations of the reconstructed precipitation in the time-frequency domain.The high amplitudes of IMFs on different timescales were often consistent with the high amount of precipitation,and vice versa.The IMF of the lowest frequency indicated that the precipitation has undergone a slow increasing trend over the past 521 years.The 2-3 year and 5-8 year time-scales reflected the characteristics of inter-annual variability in precipitation relevant to regional atmospheric circulation and the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO),respectively.The 10-13 year scale of IMF may be associated with changing solar activity.Specifically,an amalgamation of previous and present data showed that droughts were likely to be a historically persistent feature of the Earth's climate,whereas the probability of intensified rainfall events seemed to increase during the course of the 19th and 20th centuries.These changing characteristics in precipitation indicate an unprecedented alteration of the hydrological cycle,with unknown future amplitude.Our reconstruction complements existing information on past precipitation changes in the Qilian Mountain,and provides additional low-frequency information not previously available.展开更多
Using the National Centers for Environmental Prediction–National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP–NCAR) reanalysis dataset, the NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center’s merged analysis of precipitation, and the MM5...Using the National Centers for Environmental Prediction–National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP–NCAR) reanalysis dataset, the NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center’s merged analysis of precipitation, and the MM5v3 Meso-scale Model, the impacts of surface temperature differences between the East Asian land and its adjacent oceans on spring southwesterly winds and rainfall over eastern China are studied. The modeling results show that the temperature differences exert strong influence on the occurrence of the southwesterly winds and rainfall over southern China and their northward advances. When surface temperature increases over the land and decreases over the oceans, the temperature gradient with a winter feature earlier changes toward the gradient with a summer feature. Both the low-pressure system east of the Tibetan Plateau and the subtropical high-pressure system over the western Pacific strengthen, accompanying with the strengthening of the lower-tropospheric southwesterly winds over eastern China. Accordingly, the upward motion increases over the Yangtze-Huaihe River (YHR) valleys and decreases over southern China, leading to an increase of spring rainfall over the YHR valleys and a decrease over southern China. Thus, the rain belt over eastern China appears over the YHR valleys but not over southern China. Under a weaker condition of the spring thermal contrast, the rain belt does not occur over eastern China. When the spring thermal contrast pronouncedly strengthens, the rain belt over southern China may advance northward into the YHR valleys during spring, though there is no onset of the tropical monsoon over the South China Sea. This forms a rain belt similar to that of the YHR valleys during the summer Meiyu period.展开更多
We present validation studies of MLS V2.2 and V3.3 water vapor(WV) and ozone profiles over the Tibetan Plateau(Naqu and Lhasa) and its adjacent region(Tengchong) respectively by using the balloon-borne Cryogenic Frost...We present validation studies of MLS V2.2 and V3.3 water vapor(WV) and ozone profiles over the Tibetan Plateau(Naqu and Lhasa) and its adjacent region(Tengchong) respectively by using the balloon-borne Cryogenic Frost point Hygrometer and Electrochemical Concentration Cell ozonesonde. Coincident in situ measurements were selected to compare the MLS V2.2 and V3.3 WV and ozone profiles for understanding the applicability of the two version MLS products over the region. MLS V2.2 and V3.3 WV profiles respectively show their differences within ?2.2±15.7%(n=74) and 0.3±14.9%(n=75) in the stratosphere at and above 82.5 h Pa. Accordingly, at 100 h Pa, the altitude approaching the tropopuase height, differences are within 9.8± 46.0%(n=18) and 23.0±45.8%(n=17), and they are within 21.5±90.6%(n=104) and 6.0±83.4%(n=99) in upper troposphere. The differences of MLS ozone are within ?11.7±16.3%(n=135, V2.2) and 15.6±24.2%(n=305, V3.3) at and above 82.5 h Pa. At 100 h Pa, they are within ?3.5±54.4%(n=27) and ?8.7±41.6%(n=38), and within 18.0±79.1%(n=47) and 34.2±76.6%(n=160) in the upper troposphere. The relative difference of MLS WV and ozone profile has significant oscillation and scatter at upper troposphere and lower stratosphere partly due to the stronger gradients of WV and ozone concentrations here as well the linear interpolation of sonde data for the intercomparison. At and below 70 h Pa, the relative differences of MLS ozone are significantly larger over Lhasa during the Tibetan Plateau "ozone valley" season, which is also the Asian Summer Monsoon period. The MLS ozone differences over the three sites are similar in their vertical distributions during that period. A simple linear correlation analysis between MLS and sonde profiles indicates that the sensitivity of MLS profile products is related to concentrations at each pressure level. The MLS V3.3 product sensitivity is slightly improved for WV at and above 82.5 h Pa, whereas it is not obvious for ozone. The possible factors contributing to the differences of the MLS profile products of WV and ozone are discussed.展开更多
Despite many studies on reconstructing the climate changes over the last millennium in China,the cause of the China's climate change remains unclear.We used the UVic Earth System Climate Model(UVic Model),an Earth...Despite many studies on reconstructing the climate changes over the last millennium in China,the cause of the China's climate change remains unclear.We used the UVic Earth System Climate Model(UVic Model),an Earth system model of intermediate complexity,to investigate the contributions of climate forcings( insolation variability,anomalous volcanic aerosols,greenhouse gas,solar orbital change,land cover changes,and anthropogenic sulfate aerosols) to surface air temperature over East China in the past millennium.The simulation of the UVic Model could reproduce the three main characteristic periods(e.g.the Medieval Warm Period(MWP),the Little Ice Age(LIA),and the 20th Century Warming Period(20CWP)) of the northern hemisphere and East China,which were consistent with the corresponding reconstructed air temperatures at century scales.The simulation result reflected that the air temperature anomalies of East China were larger than those of the global air temperature during the MWP and the first half of 20CWP and were lower than those during the LIA.The surface air temperature of East China over the past millennium has been divided into three periods in the MWP,four in the LIA,and one in the 20CWP.The MWP of East China was caused primarily by solar insolation and secondarily by volcanic aerosols.The variation of the LIA was dominated by the individual sizes of the contribution of solar insolation variability,greenhouse gas,and volcano aerosols.Greenhouse gas and volcano aerosols were the main forcings of the third and fourth periods of the LIA,respectively.We examined the nonlinear responses among the natural and anthropogenic forcings in terms of surface air temperature over East China.The nonlinear responses between the solar orbit change and anomalous volcano aerosols and those between the greenhouse gases and land cover change(or anthropogenic sulfate aerosols) all contributed approximately 0.2℃ by the end of 20th century.However,the output of the energy-moisture balance atmospheric model from UVic showed no obvious nonlinear responses between anthropogenic and natural forcings.The nonlinear responses among all the climate forcings(both anthropogenic and natural forcings) contributed to a temperature increase of approximately 0.27℃ at the end of the 20th century,accounting for approximately half of the warming during this period;the remainder was due to the climate forcings themselves.展开更多
A new Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) model (namely MY-4 in this paper) was developed with reference to Mellor-Yamada’s Level 4 turbulent closure concept. Having been coupled with a meso-scale model MM5, MY-4 was util...A new Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) model (namely MY-4 in this paper) was developed with reference to Mellor-Yamada’s Level 4 turbulent closure concept. Having been coupled with a meso-scale model MM5, MY-4 was util-ized to simulate a heavy-rain process, which took place over South China during June 8-9, 1998. Its model outputs indi-cated that the rainfall process was well captured in terms of its intensity and geographical distribution. More importantly, in comparison with MM5’s original boundary layer models, MY-4 made the following improvements: (1) MY-4 not only simulated the major weather systems like low vortexes and low-level jets more accurately, thus improving the general weather pattern of the rainfall process, but it was also capa-ble of restraining the occurrence of false rainfall centers with maximum precipitation amounts exceeding 160 mm. (2) Having been compared with the wind profile observed at Hong Kong, it revealed that MY-4 could reproduce the wind speed fluctuations in a short time scale reasonably well, which was not yet achieved in the original PBL models in MM5. Furthermore, a more detailed comparative study was made on the results simulated by MY-4 and a PBL model (which is based on Mellor-Yamada’s Level 2.5 concept) re-spectively. It showed that the contributions of turbulences generated by the two categories of PBL models to the wind fields at a lower atmosphere were increasingly different even in the first 1-2 hours of integrations. As the analysis dem-onstrated, under the nonlinear interactions within the meso-scale MM5 model, it was the turbulences in the boundary layer that had the most important impacts on the final model outputs and MY-4 seemed to better reflect this turbulent process, hence leading to the aforementioned im-provements.展开更多
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41175117,40875090and40375002)the National Basic Research Program(2011CB403403)+1 种基金the Science and Technology Foundation of Guangdong Province(2010A030200012)the Science and Technology Innovation Team Plan of Guangdong Meteorological Bureau(201103)
文摘The UV attenuation due to atmospheric aerosols in Guangzhou was quantitatively assessed using surface ultraviolet radiation (UV,295-385 nm) observation,sun photometer and radiation models.Observations showed that the annual average value of aerosol optical depth (AOD) was 1.19 in UV spectral region of 340 nm,the annual average occurrence frequency of aerosol optical depth AOD 340 nm >1.0 was 55%,and the annual average attenuation rate of surface UV direct radiation of 340 nm was 68%.It was proven in the observation of surface UV radiation and model evaluation that annual average attenuation of UV due to atmosphere was 75%,and that reached 72% in the dry season (October,November,December and January);while average attenuation of UV due to atmospheric aerosols reached 62% in the dry season.It was indicated that very significant UV attenuations due to atmospheric aerosols existed in Guangzhou urban agglomeration,and at least half of UV radiation was attenuated due to atmospheric aerosols.Such large-amplitude attenuation will have a significant impact on urban ecosystem and species chemical cycles,especially photochemical reaction processes.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40890052, 40921003)the Chinese COPES Project (Grant No. GYHY200706005)
文摘We here report our recent research results on the climatic features of Tibetan thermodynamic functions and their impacts on the regional climates of the Northern Hemisphere. The results show that the thermodynamic processes over the Tibetan Plateau not only strongly influence the Asian monsoon and precipitation, but also modulate the atmospheric circulation and climate over North America and Europe through stimulating the large-scale teleconnections such as the Asian-Pacific oscillation and affect the atmospheric circulation over the southern Indian Ocean. The Tibetan climate may be affected by sea surface temperatures over the tropical Pacific. On the other hand, the Tibetan climate also affects the atmosphere-ocean interactions in the tropics and mid-latitudes of the Pacific by the atmospheric circulation over the North Pacific. In spring and summer, the thermodynamic anomalies on the plateau affect the subtropical high pressure, the Hadley circulation, and the intertropical convergence zone over the Pacific, and then modulate the development of the El Ni-o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). It is necessary to study the forecasting methods for the development of ENSO from the Tibetan climate anomaly. This result also embodies the essence of interactions among land, atmosphere, and ocean over the Northern Hemisphere. Since the previous studies focused on impacts of the plateau on climates in the Asian monsoon regions, it is essential to pay more attention to studying the roles of the plateau in the Northern Hemispheric and even global climates.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40890053 and 40890052)the National Basic Research Program of China (2007CB815901)the Special Project of Basic Science and Technology (2011FY120300)
文摘Using meteorological observations, proxies of precipitation and temperature, and climate simulation outputs, we synthetically analyzed the regularities of decadal-centennial-scale changes in the summer thermal contrast between land and ocean and summer precipitation over the East Asian monsoon region during the past millennium; compared the basic characteristics of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) circulation and precipitation in the present day, the Little Ice Age (LIA) and the Medieval Warm Period (MWP); and explored their links with solar irradiance and global climate change. The results indicate that over the last 150 years, the EASM circulation and precipitation, indicated by the temperature contrast between the East Asian mainland and adjacent oceans, had a significant decadal perturbation and have been weaker during the period of rapid global warming over the past 50 years. On the centennial time scale, the EASM in the MWP was strongest over the past 1000 years. Over the past 1000 years, the EASM was weakest in 1450-1570. When the EASM circulation was weaker, the monsoon rain belt over eastern China was generally located more southward, with there being less precipitation in North China and more precipitation in the Yangtze River valley; therefore, there was an anomalous pattern of southern flood/northern drought. From the 1900s to 1920s, precipitation had a pat- tern opposite to that of the southern flood/northern drought, with there being less precipitation in the Yangtze River valley and more precipitation in North China. Compared with the case for the MWP, there was a longer-time-scale southern flood/northern drought phenomenon in 1400-1600. Moreover, the EASM circulation and precipitation did not synchronously vary with the trend of global temperature. During the last 150 years, although the annual mean surface temperature around the world and in China has increased, the EASM circulation and precipitation did not have strengthening or weakening trends. Over the past 1000 years, the weakest EASM occurred ahead of the lowest Northern Hemispheric temperature and corresponded to the weakest solar irradiance.
基金supported by the Knowledge Innovation Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.KZCX3-SW-217)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.40333034,40205004,and 40375013).
文摘By analyzing the total ozone data from TOMS and ground-based observations, it is found that a large area with extremely low ozone occurred over the Tibetan Plateau during December 14-17, 2003. After correcting the bias in TOMS data, the area with the total ozone < 220 DU is found to be over 2500000 km2, and the minimum value is only 190 DU. It is the first time that an ozone mini-hole or an extremely low ozone event is found to occur over the Tibetan Plateau.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40890052 and 40890053)National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2007CB815901)
文摘To study the long-term variation of the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM),the Asian-Pacific Oscillation index(IAPO),representing a zonal thermal contrast between Asia and the North Pacific,is recon-structed over the past millennium.During the Little Ice Age(LIA),the variability of the reconstructed IAPO is closely linked to dry-wet anomalies in eastern China on the centennial scale.This correlation pattern is consistent with the observation during the current period,which suggests that the reconstructed IAPO may generally represent the centennialscale variation of the EASM and rainfall anomalies over eastern China during the LIA.
基金This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.40475002)the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(Grant No.2003BA904B10).
文摘The charge structures and temporal and spatial characteristics of cloud-to-ground (CG) light- ning discharges in two supercell thunderstorms have been analyzed based on the data of three-dimen- sional VHF radiation sources with high time and space resolution produced by lightning discharges. The results indicate that the charge structures in main part (convective region) of the thunderstorms were inverted tripole while a number of positive CG lightning discharges were occurring in the two thun- derstorms. The positive CG lightning discharges oc- curred in main part of the thunderstorms and origi- nated from the positive charge region located at the middle part of the thunderstorms. While a number of negative CG lightning discharges were occurring, the negative CG lightning discharges occurred in the anvil of the thunderstorm. The charge structure is inverted dipole in the region due to the slant of charge structure in main region toward anvil region. The negative charge region located at the upper part of anvil produced a lot of negative CG lightning dis- charges. No or less CG lighting was produced di- rectly by the charge region located at the lower part of the thunderstorm. The charge region in lower part of the thunderstorm plays an important role for the occurrence of CG lightning from charge region above it.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40890053 and 40890052)the National Basic Research Program of China (2007CB815901)
文摘To study the temporally varying features of summer thermal contrast between the Asian continent and the adjacent ocean on decadal-centennial time scales and the links between thermal contrast and solar irradiance, we used a time series of the reconstructed Asian-Pacific oscillation index and solar irradiance over the past millennium. The results showed that thermal contrast in the Asian monsoon region has quasi-90-year, 10-13-year, and 3-7-year periods. On the centennial time scale, thermal contrast showed three abrupt changes, occurring in 1305-1315, 1420-1430, and 1625-1635. There is a significant positive correlation between thermal contrast and solar irradiance, which is particularly strong at 250-year, 120-160-year, 60-70-year, and quasi-15-year periods. The three abrupt changes in thermal contrast corresponded to a significantly weakening or strengthening of solar irradiance, lagging 12-22 years behind the solar irradiance, which possibly reflects an effect of solar irradiance on the abrupt change in Asian monsoon climate on the centennial time scale. On the decadal time scale, the abrupt change in the thermal contrast was not closely associated with solar irradiance, which implies that solar activity may not be a major factor affecting the decadal abrupt change in Asian-Pacific thermal contrast. Relative to thermal contrast, the decadal abrupt change in Northern Hemispheric annual mean surface temperature is more closely associated with solar activity, while its centennial abrupt change has a weaker relationship with solar
基金supported by the Basic Research Program of China(Grant No.2011CB403402)the Basic Research Fund of Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences(Grant No.2008Z011)
文摘Haze and fog are both low visibility events, but with different physical properties. Haze is caused by the increase of aerosol loading or the hygroscopic growth of aerosol at high relative humidity, whereas visibility degradation in fog is due to the light scattering of fog droplets, which are transited from aerosols via activation. Based on the difference of physical properties between haze and fog, this study presents a novel method to distinguish haze and fog using real time measurements of PM2.5, visibility, and relative humidity. In this method, a criterion can be developed based on the local historical data of particle number size distributions and aerosol hygroscopicity. Low visibility events can be classified into haze and fog according to this criterion.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40921003 and 90711003)the Program of the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (Grant Nos. 2010Z003 and GYHY 200706005)
文摘Here we use harmonic analyses to examine seasonal variations of China land rainfall, low-level winds, and atmospheric heating over East Asia during spring to summer and the associated subtropical summer monsoon activities. Our results indicate that the South China spring rainfall (SCSR) in March is the prophase of East Asian sub-tropical summer monsoon (EASSM), and the onset of EASSM and China summer rainy season starts in early April, characterized by the enhanced rainfall in South China and the seasonal reverse of zonal land-sea thermal contrast in sub-tropical East Asia. The EASSM onset is earlier than that of South China Sea summer monsoon, and it is active in east of 100?E and north of 20?N. Our analyses suggest that the subsequent heating appears over India-China Peninsula in March and South China in April and causes the low-level atmospheric warming and the zonal land-sea thermal contrast seasonal reverse in East Asian subtropics. The atmospheric heating over South China is the main force to drive the southwesterly winds, updrafts and strengthen the summer precipitation in South China.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.90711003,40505014,40805035 and 40633018)
文摘Using a monthly precipitation dataset of 160 stations over China and a daily and monthly National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis dataset from 1961 to 2006, we here define an East Asian land-sea atmospheric heat source difference index ILSQD and investigate its relationship to summer rainfall in China and East Asian general circulation. The results show that ILSQD more closely reflects the anomalous variations in summer monsoon phenomena; in the high-index (HI) cases, the strong low-level southerlies over East China and the strong high-level westerlies over middle latitudes indicate an active summer monsoon, and vice versa in the low-index (LI) cases. This index also reflects summer rainfall anomalies over East China; in the HI (LI) cases rainfall increases (decreases) over North China and at the same time decreases (increases) over the mid-lower Yangtze River valley and the southern Yangtze River. Hence, ILSQD can be utilized as a summer monsoon index. There is also remarkable correlation between ILSQD in March and the following summer rainfall over the mid-lower Yangtze River valley. Finally, the Community Atmospheric Model Version 3.1 (CAM3.1) of NCAR is used to run numerical experiments, which verify that the anomalous summer precipitation in simulations is similar to that of diagnosis analysis based on the anomalous summer atmospheric heating forcing. Similarly, the atmospheric heating rate in March can force summer rainfall anomalies in the simulations just as observed in the data.
文摘This paper presents a comprehensive observa-tion technique on derived aerosols data from mobile sun-photometer graph and Terra-Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) observation. Research results suggest that after being treated by the variational technique with respect to sunphotometer observations, the Terra- MODIS remote sensing aerosol data are remarkably im-proved, thus for the first time revealing features of the influ-ence of aerosols and pollution emissions of Beijing and its adjoining areas (Hebei, Shandong, etc. provinces). The re-gional impact features of aerosols are related with the pe-ripheral U-shape topography of Beijing. Analyses with Hy-brid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model (HYSPLIT-4) and meteorological data in the case studied confirm the pollutants diffusion process along the trajectory from the sources in the south-west region, and the regional aerosol impact features.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40875090, 40375002, 40775011)Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (Grant No. 7035008)Tropical Marine Meteorological Science Foundation (Grant No. 200502)
文摘Our analysis of the surface aerosol and ultraviolet (UV) measurements in Pearl River Delta (PRD) region shows that the surface UV radiation is reduced by more than 50% due to high aerosol concentrations. This has important impacts on urban ecosystem and photochemistry, especially on ozone photochemical production over the region. The quantitative effect of aerosols on surface ozone is evaluated by analyzing surface observations (including ozone, ultraviolet radiation, aerosol radiative parameters) and by using radiative and chemical models. A case study shows that the aerosol concentrations and UV radiation are significantly correlated with ozone concentrations. The correlation coefficient between the aerosol optical depth (AOD) and the PM10 mass concentration is very high, with a maximum of 0.98, and the AOD and UV radiation/ozone is anti- correlated, with a correlation coefficient of-0.90. The analysis suggests that ozone productivity is significantly decreased due to the reduction of UV radiation. The noon-time ozone maximum is considerably depressed when AOD is 0.6, and is further decreased when AOD is up to 1.2 due to the reduction of ozone photochemical productivity. Because the occurring probability of aerosol optical depth for AOD550m≥0.6 and AOD340mm ≥1.0 is 47, and 55% respectively during the dry season (October, November, December, January), this heavy aerosol condition explains the low ozone maximum that often occurs in the dry season over the Guangzhou region. The analysis also suggests that the value of single scattering albedo (SSA) is very sensitive to the aerosol radiative effect when the radiative and chemical models are applied, implying that the value of SSA needs to be carefully studied when the models are used in calculating ozone production.
文摘This note retrieves the annual and monthly mean 0.75 urn aerosol optical depth (AOD) by using the daily direct solar radiation and sunshine duration data of 47 solar stations from 1961 to 1990. The characteristic of AOD variation over China in recent 30 years was analyzed. The results indicate that AOD increased obviously over China from 1961 to 1990. AOD increased most rapidly over the east part of Southwest China, the middle-and-lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Tibetan Plateau. The increasing trend of AOD is also relatively distinct in North China, the Shandong Peninsula, east part of Qinghai Province, and coastal areas of Guangdong Province. However, in most parts of Northwest China and Northeast China, the increase of AOD is less significant, while in the west part of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and some parts of Yunnan Province, AOD shows decreasing tendency. Generally, AOD reaches its maximum in spring and the minimum appears in summer. As to the linear trend, the maximum
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40890052, 41075061 and 40940023)
文摘In this paper, we investigate a novel technique that reconstructs the observed time series and incorporates driving forces. Furthermore, to illustrate and test the technique, we consider a couple of predictive experiments using ideal time series provided by the logistic and Lorenz systems with specific driving forces. The preliminary results show this approach can improve prediction proficiency to some extent, and the external forces play a similar role to that of state variables.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41001058, 41001009, 40971119 and 40890052)the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant Nos. 201003194)
文摘The ring-width chronology of a Juniperus przewalskii tree from the middle of the Qilian Mountain was constructed to estimate the annual precipitation (from previous August to current July) since AD 1480.The reconstruction showed four major alternations of drying and wetting over the past 521 years.The rainy 16th century was followed by persistent drought in the 17th century.Moreover,relatively wet conditions persisted from the 18th to the beginning of 20th century until the recurrence of a drought during the 1920s and 1930s.Based on the Empirical Mode Decomposition method,eight Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) were extracted,each representing unique fluctuations of the reconstructed precipitation in the time-frequency domain.The high amplitudes of IMFs on different timescales were often consistent with the high amount of precipitation,and vice versa.The IMF of the lowest frequency indicated that the precipitation has undergone a slow increasing trend over the past 521 years.The 2-3 year and 5-8 year time-scales reflected the characteristics of inter-annual variability in precipitation relevant to regional atmospheric circulation and the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO),respectively.The 10-13 year scale of IMF may be associated with changing solar activity.Specifically,an amalgamation of previous and present data showed that droughts were likely to be a historically persistent feature of the Earth's climate,whereas the probability of intensified rainfall events seemed to increase during the course of the 19th and 20th centuries.These changing characteristics in precipitation indicate an unprecedented alteration of the hydrological cycle,with unknown future amplitude.Our reconstruction complements existing information on past precipitation changes in the Qilian Mountain,and provides additional low-frequency information not previously available.
基金Supported by the Chinese COPES project (Grant No. GYHY200706005)National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2009CB421404)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40890052 and 40890053)
文摘Using the National Centers for Environmental Prediction–National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP–NCAR) reanalysis dataset, the NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center’s merged analysis of precipitation, and the MM5v3 Meso-scale Model, the impacts of surface temperature differences between the East Asian land and its adjacent oceans on spring southwesterly winds and rainfall over eastern China are studied. The modeling results show that the temperature differences exert strong influence on the occurrence of the southwesterly winds and rainfall over southern China and their northward advances. When surface temperature increases over the land and decreases over the oceans, the temperature gradient with a winter feature earlier changes toward the gradient with a summer feature. Both the low-pressure system east of the Tibetan Plateau and the subtropical high-pressure system over the western Pacific strengthen, accompanying with the strengthening of the lower-tropospheric southwesterly winds over eastern China. Accordingly, the upward motion increases over the Yangtze-Huaihe River (YHR) valleys and decreases over southern China, leading to an increase of spring rainfall over the YHR valleys and a decrease over southern China. Thus, the rain belt over eastern China appears over the YHR valleys but not over southern China. Under a weaker condition of the spring thermal contrast, the rain belt does not occur over eastern China. When the spring thermal contrast pronouncedly strengthens, the rain belt over southern China may advance northward into the YHR valleys during spring, though there is no onset of the tropical monsoon over the South China Sea. This forms a rain belt similar to that of the YHR valleys during the summer Meiyu period.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.40875014)the Special Fund for Meteorological Research in the Public Interest(Grant No.GYHY201106023)+1 种基金the Scientific and Technological Innovation Team Project of Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences(Grant No.2011Z003)supported by the Tengchong Meteorological Bureau in Yunnan,Naqu Meteorological Bureau,and Lhasa Meteorological Bureau in Tibet
文摘We present validation studies of MLS V2.2 and V3.3 water vapor(WV) and ozone profiles over the Tibetan Plateau(Naqu and Lhasa) and its adjacent region(Tengchong) respectively by using the balloon-borne Cryogenic Frost point Hygrometer and Electrochemical Concentration Cell ozonesonde. Coincident in situ measurements were selected to compare the MLS V2.2 and V3.3 WV and ozone profiles for understanding the applicability of the two version MLS products over the region. MLS V2.2 and V3.3 WV profiles respectively show their differences within ?2.2±15.7%(n=74) and 0.3±14.9%(n=75) in the stratosphere at and above 82.5 h Pa. Accordingly, at 100 h Pa, the altitude approaching the tropopuase height, differences are within 9.8± 46.0%(n=18) and 23.0±45.8%(n=17), and they are within 21.5±90.6%(n=104) and 6.0±83.4%(n=99) in upper troposphere. The differences of MLS ozone are within ?11.7±16.3%(n=135, V2.2) and 15.6±24.2%(n=305, V3.3) at and above 82.5 h Pa. At 100 h Pa, they are within ?3.5±54.4%(n=27) and ?8.7±41.6%(n=38), and within 18.0±79.1%(n=47) and 34.2±76.6%(n=160) in the upper troposphere. The relative difference of MLS WV and ozone profile has significant oscillation and scatter at upper troposphere and lower stratosphere partly due to the stronger gradients of WV and ozone concentrations here as well the linear interpolation of sonde data for the intercomparison. At and below 70 h Pa, the relative differences of MLS ozone are significantly larger over Lhasa during the Tibetan Plateau "ozone valley" season, which is also the Asian Summer Monsoon period. The MLS ozone differences over the three sites are similar in their vertical distributions during that period. A simple linear correlation analysis between MLS and sonde profiles indicates that the sensitivity of MLS profile products is related to concentrations at each pressure level. The MLS V3.3 product sensitivity is slightly improved for WV at and above 82.5 h Pa, whereas it is not obvious for ozone. The possible factors contributing to the differences of the MLS profile products of WV and ozone are discussed.
基金supported by the Major Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40890052)National Basic Research Progam of China (Grant No. 2007CB815901)+1 种基金National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40805036)the Basic Research Fund of CAMS
文摘Despite many studies on reconstructing the climate changes over the last millennium in China,the cause of the China's climate change remains unclear.We used the UVic Earth System Climate Model(UVic Model),an Earth system model of intermediate complexity,to investigate the contributions of climate forcings( insolation variability,anomalous volcanic aerosols,greenhouse gas,solar orbital change,land cover changes,and anthropogenic sulfate aerosols) to surface air temperature over East China in the past millennium.The simulation of the UVic Model could reproduce the three main characteristic periods(e.g.the Medieval Warm Period(MWP),the Little Ice Age(LIA),and the 20th Century Warming Period(20CWP)) of the northern hemisphere and East China,which were consistent with the corresponding reconstructed air temperatures at century scales.The simulation result reflected that the air temperature anomalies of East China were larger than those of the global air temperature during the MWP and the first half of 20CWP and were lower than those during the LIA.The surface air temperature of East China over the past millennium has been divided into three periods in the MWP,four in the LIA,and one in the 20CWP.The MWP of East China was caused primarily by solar insolation and secondarily by volcanic aerosols.The variation of the LIA was dominated by the individual sizes of the contribution of solar insolation variability,greenhouse gas,and volcano aerosols.Greenhouse gas and volcano aerosols were the main forcings of the third and fourth periods of the LIA,respectively.We examined the nonlinear responses among the natural and anthropogenic forcings in terms of surface air temperature over East China.The nonlinear responses between the solar orbit change and anomalous volcano aerosols and those between the greenhouse gases and land cover change(or anthropogenic sulfate aerosols) all contributed approximately 0.2℃ by the end of 20th century.However,the output of the energy-moisture balance atmospheric model from UVic showed no obvious nonlinear responses between anthropogenic and natural forcings.The nonlinear responses among all the climate forcings(both anthropogenic and natural forcings) contributed to a temperature increase of approximately 0.27℃ at the end of the 20th century,accounting for approximately half of the warming during this period;the remainder was due to the climate forcings themselves.
基金This work was kindly and generously supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.40405002)the Ministry of Science and Technology as a key research project implemented during the 10th Five-Year Plan period(Grant No.2001 BA-607B).
文摘A new Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) model (namely MY-4 in this paper) was developed with reference to Mellor-Yamada’s Level 4 turbulent closure concept. Having been coupled with a meso-scale model MM5, MY-4 was util-ized to simulate a heavy-rain process, which took place over South China during June 8-9, 1998. Its model outputs indi-cated that the rainfall process was well captured in terms of its intensity and geographical distribution. More importantly, in comparison with MM5’s original boundary layer models, MY-4 made the following improvements: (1) MY-4 not only simulated the major weather systems like low vortexes and low-level jets more accurately, thus improving the general weather pattern of the rainfall process, but it was also capa-ble of restraining the occurrence of false rainfall centers with maximum precipitation amounts exceeding 160 mm. (2) Having been compared with the wind profile observed at Hong Kong, it revealed that MY-4 could reproduce the wind speed fluctuations in a short time scale reasonably well, which was not yet achieved in the original PBL models in MM5. Furthermore, a more detailed comparative study was made on the results simulated by MY-4 and a PBL model (which is based on Mellor-Yamada’s Level 2.5 concept) re-spectively. It showed that the contributions of turbulences generated by the two categories of PBL models to the wind fields at a lower atmosphere were increasingly different even in the first 1-2 hours of integrations. As the analysis dem-onstrated, under the nonlinear interactions within the meso-scale MM5 model, it was the turbulences in the boundary layer that had the most important impacts on the final model outputs and MY-4 seemed to better reflect this turbulent process, hence leading to the aforementioned im-provements.