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A simple atomization approach enables monolayer dispersion of nano graphenes in cementitious composites with excellent strength gains
作者 Nanxi Dang Rijiao Yang +4 位作者 Chengji Xu Yu Peng Qiang Zeng Weijian Zhao zhidong zhang 《Nano Materials Science》 EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期211-222,共12页
Carbon nano additives(CNAs)are critical to achieving the unique properties of functionalized composites,however,controlling the dispersion of CNAs in material matrix is always a challenging task.In this study,a simple... Carbon nano additives(CNAs)are critical to achieving the unique properties of functionalized composites,however,controlling the dispersion of CNAs in material matrix is always a challenging task.In this study,a simple atomization approach was successfully developed to promote the dispersion efficiency of graphene nanoplatelets(GNPs)in cement composites.This atomization approach can be integrated with the direct,indirect and combined ultrasonic stirrings in a homemade automatic stirring-atomization device.Mechanical and microstructure tests were performed on hardened cement pastes blended with GNPs in different stirring and mixing approaches.Results show that the direct ultrasonic stirrings enabled more homogeneous dispersions of GNP particles with a smaller size for a longer duration.The atomized droplets with the mean size of~100μm largely mitigated GNPs’agglomerations.Monolayer GNPs were observed in the cement matrix with the strength gain by up to 54%,and the total porosity decrease by 21%in 0.3 wt%GNPs dosage.The greatly enhanced dispersion efficiency of GNPs in cement also raised the cement hydration.This work provides an effective and manpower saving technique toward dispersing CNAs in engineering materials with great industrialization prospects. 展开更多
进展期胃癌新辅助治疗后病理完全缓解相关因素分析及风险预测模型建立 被引量:14
作者 田园 杨沛刚 +5 位作者 李勇 范立侨 张志栋 王冬 赵雪峰 赵群 《中国肿瘤临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第16期829-834,共6页
目的:探讨局部进展期胃癌新辅助治疗后病理完全缓解(pathological complete response,pCR)的临床相关因素。方法:回顾性分析2011年6月至2018年3月河北医科大学第四医院收治的452例局部进展期胃癌患者cT3~4N+~M0新辅助治疗及手术的临床资... 目的:探讨局部进展期胃癌新辅助治疗后病理完全缓解(pathological complete response,pCR)的临床相关因素。方法:回顾性分析2011年6月至2018年3月河北医科大学第四医院收治的452例局部进展期胃癌患者cT3~4N+~M0新辅助治疗及手术的临床资料,采用单因素分析及Logistic多因素回归分析法研究pCR的临床相关因素。结果:452例患者全部完成新辅助治疗及根治性手术,其中44例(9.7%)患者达到pCR。治疗前T分期为T3期、肿瘤最长径<4 cm、治疗前CA199≤30 U/mL、治疗结束与手术时间间隔≥6周、同步放化疗或联合靶向治疗方案与进展期胃癌新辅助治疗后高pCR率有关(均P<0.05)。治疗前T分期为T3期、CA199≤30 U/mL、肿瘤最长径<4 cm、新辅助同步放化疗或联合靶向治疗是影响进展期胃癌新辅助治疗后出现pCR的独立因素(均P<0.05)。以上每项指标出现pCR的预测评分均为1分。评分>2分患者出现pCR的概率为34.48%,评分≤2分患者出现pCR的概率为6.09%。结论:治疗前临床分期、CA199水平、肿瘤最长径及治疗模式是进展期胃癌新辅助治疗后达到pCR的影响因素,通过预测评分模型能有效识别其发生率。 展开更多
关键词 进展期胃癌 新辅助治疗 病理完全缓解 相关因素 风险预测模型
术前SII-PNI评分与老年胃癌患者临床病理特征及预后关系的研究 被引量:7
作者 吕景霞 丁平安 +7 位作者 张志栋 王冬 赵雪峰 檀碧波 刘羽 范立侨 李勇 赵群 《中国肿瘤临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期384-389,共6页
目的:基于外周血中性粒细胞、淋巴细胞及血小板计数的系统性炎症反应指数(systemic immune-inflammation index,SII)以及根据血清白蛋白水平和外周血淋巴细胞计数确定的预后营养指数(prognostic nutritional index,PNI),探讨术前SII-PN... 目的:基于外周血中性粒细胞、淋巴细胞及血小板计数的系统性炎症反应指数(systemic immune-inflammation index,SII)以及根据血清白蛋白水平和外周血淋巴细胞计数确定的预后营养指数(prognostic nutritional index,PNI),探讨术前SII-PNI评分在预测老年胃癌患者根治术后预后中的临床价值。方法:回顾性分析2012年1月至2015年1月于河北医科大学第四医院行根治性手术治疗的327例老年胃癌患者(年龄≥70岁)临床资料,分别计算术前SII及PNI值。利用ROC曲线确定SII、PNI的最佳cut-off值,根据评分将患者分为3组,比较各组患者之间的临床病理特征及生存预后。结果:术前SII-PNI不同评分患者中,肿瘤直径、肿瘤浸润程度(pT分期)、淋巴结是否转移、pTNM分期、脉管浸润与神经受侵发生率以及Ki-67阳性比例比较,差异均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。Cox多因素分析显示,肿瘤组织学类型(P=0.023)、肿瘤浸润深度pT分期(P=0.016)、存在淋巴结转移(P=0.014)、肿瘤pTNM分期(P=0.001)和术前SII-PNI评分(P=0.001)是影响老年胃癌患者预后的独立危险因素。结论:术前SII-PNI评分与老年胃癌患者的临床病理特征密切相关,同时评分越高患者术后易出现并发症,而且预后越差。 展开更多
关键词 胃肿瘤 系统性炎症反应指数 预后营养指数 危险因素
腹腔热灌注化疗联合全身系统化疗及阿帕替尼转化治疗对胃癌腹膜转移的疗效 被引量:19
作者 丁平安 杨沛刚 +8 位作者 田园 庞悦 郭洪海 刘洋 张志栋 王冬 檀碧波 李勇 赵群 《中国肿瘤临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期409-414,共6页
目的:通过腹腔热灌注化疗(hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy,HIPEC)联合腹腔局部加全身系统化疗(neoadjuvant intraperitoneal and systemic chemotherapy,NIPS)及阿帕替尼转化治疗胃癌腹膜转移(P1CY1)患者,评价其临床安全性... 目的:通过腹腔热灌注化疗(hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy,HIPEC)联合腹腔局部加全身系统化疗(neoadjuvant intraperitoneal and systemic chemotherapy,NIPS)及阿帕替尼转化治疗胃癌腹膜转移(P1CY1)患者,评价其临床安全性及有效性。方法:回顾性分析2017年10月至2018年10月河北医科大学第四医院收治的32例经腹腔镜探查后证实为P1CY1胃癌患者,所有患者均进行HIPEC联合NIPS及阿帕替尼靶向治疗。在进行6个周期转化治疗后再次进行腹腔镜探查评估,根据评估结果对患者进行进一步治疗。结果:32例患者经转化治疗后均进行疗效评价,其中客观缓解率(objective response rate,ORR)为62.50%,疾病控制率(disease control rate,DCR)为90.63%。所有患者均进行二次腹腔镜探查,PCI评分较之前下降者24例(75.00%),上升者8例(25.00%),其中R0切除率为18.75%。中位随访时间25.2个月,中位生存期(median overall survival,m OS)为16.2(13.5~22.5)个月,中位无进展生存期(median progression-free survival,m PFS)为14.9(11.4~20.3)个月。常见不良反应主要包括骨髓抑制、周围感觉神经病变、消化道反应及口腔黏膜炎,无不良反应相关死亡病例。结论:HIPEC联合NIPS及阿帕替尼靶向治疗可以提高腹膜转移胃癌患者的R0切除率和疾病控制率,同时化疗不良反应可控,是一种安全有效的转化治疗方案,值得深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 胃肿瘤 HIPEC治疗 NIPS治疗 阿帕替尼 腹膜转移
进展期胃癌新辅助化疗期间伴急性上消化道出血患者的生存分析 被引量:6
作者 丁平安 张志栋 +6 位作者 杨沛刚 田园 郭洪海 刘洋 王冬 李勇 赵群 《中国肿瘤临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第24期1254-1260,共7页
目的:探讨进展期胃癌新辅助化疗期间合并急性上消化道出血(acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding,AUGB)患者的临床特征和生存预后。方法:回顾性分析河北医科大学第四医院自2015年1月至2017年1月行术前新辅助化疗的476例胃癌患者,筛选... 目的:探讨进展期胃癌新辅助化疗期间合并急性上消化道出血(acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding,AUGB)患者的临床特征和生存预后。方法:回顾性分析河北医科大学第四医院自2015年1月至2017年1月行术前新辅助化疗的476例胃癌患者,筛选出新辅助治疗期间出现AUGB的患者,分析临床特征及影响预后的因素。结果:476例胃癌患者行新辅助化疗期间出现AUGB者35例(7.35%),其中经补液止血保守治疗好转者6例,内镜下成功止血者5例,血管造影栓塞术成功止血者7例,余17例患者均行剖腹探查手术止血。全组患者3年总生存率(overall survival,OS)为65.13%,3年无病生存率(disease-free survival,DFS)为60.71%。其中出现AUGB者3年OS为48.57%,3年DFS为42.86%,而未出现AUGB者3年OS、DFS分别为66.44%、62.13%,两组患者的3年OS、DFS差异均具有统计学意义(P=0.033、P=0.025)。Cox比例风险模型多因素分析发现,肿瘤组织学类型为低分化-未分化型(P=0.004、P=0.008)、肿瘤cTNM分期为Ⅲ期(P=0.002、P=0.013)和出现AUGB后未继续行化疗治疗(P=0.003、P=0.005)是影响AUGB患者预后及复发的独立危险因素。结论:进展期胃癌患者进行新辅助化疗期间出现AUGB与多种危险因素有关,此类患者需引起临床重视;新辅助化疗期间出现AUGB后需积极对症止血治疗,止血成功后继续化疗才可能延长此类患者生存期。 展开更多
关键词 进展期胃癌 新辅助化疗 急性上消化道出血 预后
胃癌根治术后切缘阳性患者的临床病理特征和预后分析 被引量:3
作者 高歌 张志栋 +6 位作者 贾楠 王志新 王冬 李芳 赵群 范立侨 李勇 《中国肿瘤临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期237-243,共7页
目的:探讨胃癌根治术后切缘阳性患者的临床病理特征及其对预后影响。方法:回顾性分析河北医科大学第四医院2011年1月至2016年1月收治的胃癌根治术后切缘阳性患者的临床病理资料。按1∶2随机数法选取同期收治的切缘阴性患者,比较阳性和... 目的:探讨胃癌根治术后切缘阳性患者的临床病理特征及其对预后影响。方法:回顾性分析河北医科大学第四医院2011年1月至2016年1月收治的胃癌根治术后切缘阳性患者的临床病理资料。按1∶2随机数法选取同期收治的切缘阴性患者,比较阳性和阴性切缘患者的一般临床病理学特征及预后情况。结果:共纳入73例切缘阳性患者,与同期纳入的146例切缘阴性病例比较,阳性组的肿瘤直径更大、更多位于贲门或全胃,组织学类型更差、Lauren分型趋于弥漫型、Borrmann分型多为Ⅲ~Ⅳ型、肿瘤浸润深度以T4a~4b为主、pTNM分期更晚,脉管浸润率及淋巴结转移率也更高,同时术者经验、手术方式的差异也与阳性切缘发生有关(均P<0.05)。全组共有205例患者获得完整随访,两组患者5年总生存(overall survival,OS)率及无进展生存(progression-free survival,PFS)率均有显著性差异(23.19%vs.58.82%,15.94%vs.47.06%,均P<0.001)。Cox多因素分析显示,切缘状态(P=0.012)、pTNM分期(P=0.023)及术后综合治疗(化疗/化疗联合放疗)(P<0.001)是影响胃癌预后的独立因素。结论:胃癌根治术后切缘状态与多种临床病理特征相关,切缘阳性患者预后较差。 展开更多
关键词 胃癌 根治术 切缘阳性 危险因素 预后分析
Recent advances in detoxification strategies for zearalenone contamination in food and feed 被引量:6
作者 Na Wu Wen Ou +3 位作者 zhidong zhang Yuwen Wang Qing Xu He Huang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第2期168-177,共10页
Zearalenone(ZEN)is a widely distributed mycotoxin that frequently contaminates crops and animal feed.ZEN can cause serious health problems in livestock and humans alike,leading to great economic losses in the food ind... Zearalenone(ZEN)is a widely distributed mycotoxin that frequently contaminates crops and animal feed.ZEN can cause serious health problems in livestock and humans alike,leading to great economic losses in the food industry and livestock farming.Therefore,approaches for efficient ZEN decontamination in food and feed are urgently needed.Traditional physical and chemical methods may decrease the nutritional quality of food and palatability of feed,or leading to residues and safety concerns.By contrast,biological methods for the removal or degradation of ZEN overcome these problems,especially for biological degradation by microorganisms and specific enzymes extracted from strains that can convert ZEN to less toxic or even completely harmless products.In this review,we comprehensively describe methods for ZEN degradation,focusing especially on biological strategies.Finally,emerging strategies and advice on remaining challenges in biodegradation research are also briefly discussed. 展开更多
关键词 MYCOTOXIN Removal Degradation ZEARALENONE Food safety
Fundamental band gap and alignment of two-dimensional semiconductors explored by machine learning 被引量:2
作者 Zhen Zhu Baojuan Dong +2 位作者 Huaihong Guo Teng Yang zhidong zhang 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第4期327-335,共9页
Two-dimensional(2D)semiconductors isoelectronic to phosphorene have been drawing much attention recently due to their promising applications for next-generation(opt)electronics.This family of 2D materials contains mor... Two-dimensional(2D)semiconductors isoelectronic to phosphorene have been drawing much attention recently due to their promising applications for next-generation(opt)electronics.This family of 2D materials contains more than 400members,including(a)elemental group-V materials,(b)binary III–VII and IV–VI compounds,(c)ternary III–VI–VII and IV–V–VII compounds,making materials design with targeted functionality unprecedentedly rich and extremely challenging.To shed light on rational functionality design with this family of materials,we systemically explore their fundamental band gaps and alignments using hybrid density functional theory(DFT)in combination with machine learning.First,calculations are performed using both the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof exchange–correlation functional within the generalgradient-density approximation(GGA-PBE)and Heyd–Scuseria–Ernzerhof hybrid functional(HSE)as a reference.We find this family of materials share similar crystalline structures,but possess largely distributed band-gap values ranging approximately from 0 eV to 8 eV.Then,we apply machine learning methods,including linear regression(LR),random forest regression(RFR),and support vector machine regression(SVR),to build models for the prediction of electronic properties.Among these models,SVR is found to have the best performance,yielding the root mean square error(RMSE)less than 0.15 eV for the predicted band gaps,valence-band maximums(VBMs),and conduction-band minimums(CBMs)when both PBE results and elemental information are used as features.Thus,we demonstrate that the machine learning models are universally suitable for screening 2D isoelectronic systems with targeted functionality,and especially valuable for the design of alloys and heterogeneous systems. 展开更多
Synthesis, Structure and Magnetic Properties of CoNi Submicrospherical Chains 被引量:1
作者 Yajing zhang Siu-Wing Or zhidong zhang 《Advances in Materials Physics and Chemistry》 2011年第2期7-13,共7页
High-purity magnetic CoNi submicrospherical chains, each of length 20 μm - 30 μm and self-assembled from fcc-phase CoNi submicrospheres of average diameter 800 nm, are synthesized via a surfactant-assisted solvother... High-purity magnetic CoNi submicrospherical chains, each of length 20 μm - 30 μm and self-assembled from fcc-phase CoNi submicrospheres of average diameter 800 nm, are synthesized via a surfactant-assisted solvothermal route without the aid of nucleation agent. The effects of surfactant and reducing agent on the morphology and size of the CoNi chains are studied, and a possible growth mechanism for the CoNi chains is proposed. The CoNi chains show ferromagnetic characteristics with a similarly small saturation magnetization of 104.1 emu/g and a larger coercivity of 150 Oe at room temperature compared to the monodispersed CoNi submicrospheres of 105 emu/g and 34 Oe as a result of the increased shape anisotropy. 展开更多
Impurity-induced Shiba bound state in the BCS–BEC crossover regime of two-dimensional Fermi superfluid
作者 Siqi Shao Kezhao Zhou zhidong zhang 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第7期162-167,共6页
For a two-dimensional ultra-cold Fermi superfluid with an effective static magnetic impurity, we theoretically investigated the variation of the Yu–Shiba–Rusinov(YSR) bound state in the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer(B... For a two-dimensional ultra-cold Fermi superfluid with an effective static magnetic impurity, we theoretically investigated the variation of the Yu–Shiba–Rusinov(YSR) bound state in the Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer(BCS) to Bose–Einstein condensation(BEC) crossover regime.Within the framework of mean-field theory, analytical results of the YSR bound state energy were obtained as a function of the interaction parameters.First, when the background Fermi superfluid system stays in the weakly interacting BCS regime, we found that the YSR bound state energy is linearly dependent on the gap parameter with its coefficient slightly different from previous results.Second, we discovered re-entrance phenomena for the YSR state and an upper bound of the strength of the interaction between the paired atoms.By carefully analyzing the bound state energy as a function of the interaction parameters, we obtained a phase diagram showing the existence of the YSR state.Finally, we concluded that the re-entrance phenomena and the critical point can be easily experimentally detected through measurement of radio-frequency spectroscopy and density of states using current experimental techniques. 展开更多
关键词 ultra-cold quantum gases BCS–BEC CROSSOVER magnetic IMPURITY Yu–Shiba–Rusinov(YSR) state
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Mechanically Alloyed Nd_(15)Fe_(70)T_(15)N_δ(T=V,Mo) Magnets
作者 Xinguo ZHAO zhidong zhang +1 位作者 Wei LIU Qun WAN and Xaokai SUN(Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy f Sciences, Shenyang, 110015, China) 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1995年第1期1-4,共4页
Structural and magnetic properties of Nd15Fe70T15Nδ(T=V, Mo) alloys, made by mechanical alloying (MA) followed by heat-treatment and nitriding, have been investigated systematically.Effects of annealing temperature o... Structural and magnetic properties of Nd15Fe70T15Nδ(T=V, Mo) alloys, made by mechanical alloying (MA) followed by heat-treatment and nitriding, have been investigated systematically.Effects of annealing temperature on the structure and magnetic properties of the materials were studied by means of X-ray diffraction, AC susceptibility and high field magnetization measurements. Under pure argon atmosphere, the optimum temperatures for the heat treatment are found to be 75 and 850℃ for Nd15Fe7015Nδ and Nd15Fe70Mo15Nδ respectively. Correspondingly, the following magnetic properties are achieved : (1) Nd15Fe70V15Nδ:Br=0.63 T,,HC=8.01kA/cm (10.1 kOe), (BH )max=50.3 kJ/m3 (6 32 MGOe), (2) Nd15Fe70Mo15Nδ :Br=0.42 T. iHc=5.6 kA/cm (7.4 kOe), (BH )max=26.6 kJ/m3 (3.34 MGOe) 展开更多
关键词 FE T=V Mo T MAGNETS Structural and Magnetic Properties of Mechanically Alloyed Nd
Characterizing the Exchange Interaction of Sm-Co/Co(and Fe_(65)Co_(35))Magnetic Films
作者 Caiyin YOU zhidong zhang +3 位作者 Xiaokai SUN C.J.Yang Wei LIU Xingguo ZHAO 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第4期521-524,共4页
Exchange interaction plays an important role on magnetic properties of nanocomposite magnets consisting of hard- and soft-magnetic phases. Here the exchange interaction in the Sm-Co/Co (and Fe65Co35) magnetic films ... Exchange interaction plays an important role on magnetic properties of nanocomposite magnets consisting of hard- and soft-magnetic phases. Here the exchange interaction in the Sm-Co/Co (and Fe65Co35) magnetic films was characterized by measuring static (mr(H)) and demagnetized (md(H)) remanence curves. According to conventional method: δm(H)=md(H) - [1 - 2mr(H)], the exchange interaction was evaluated. The switching fields H′p and Hp, at which static (mr(H)) and demagnetized (md(H)) remanence show the fastest change, were identified. The relative ratio η=Hp-H′p/Hp of switching fields H′p and Hp has a linear relationship with the maximum value δmmax of δm(H) curves, proposing an alternative way to characterize the exchange interaction. 展开更多
关键词 Multilayered films Exchange interaction Switching field Magnetic properties
In vitro investigation of a new thrombus aspiration and autologous blood reinfusion system
作者 Weixiao Li Qiang Li +4 位作者 Shuiting Zhai Tianxiao Li Nick Cheshire zhidong zhang Kai Liang 《Journal of Interventional Medicine》 2019年第1期12-15,共4页
Purpose: The aim of the study was to evaluate the feasibility of a new venous-thrombus aspiration and autologous blood(auto-blood) reinfusion system.Materials and methods: We constructed the venous model from polyviny... Purpose: The aim of the study was to evaluate the feasibility of a new venous-thrombus aspiration and autologous blood(auto-blood) reinfusion system.Materials and methods: We constructed the venous model from polyvinyl chloride(PVC) tubes and three-way unions using a fresh clot of chicken blood as the venous thrombus. Eight French and 12 F aspiration catheters were used to aspirate the thrombus in the right–pulmonary-artery model, 8 French and 14 F aspiration catheters were used in the inferior–vena cava model, and 8 French and 10 F aspiration catheters were used in the left-–iliofemoral-vein model. A thrombus filtration and auto-blood reinfusion bottle was used to filter the thrombus and re-infuse auto-blood. We evaluated the thrombus aspiration capability of each catheter by comparing preaspirated with the post-aspirated thrombus volume, and we evaluated the difference in aspiration capability between the two catheters in each model by comparing their thrombus aspiration rates. We used Student’s t-test for statistical analysis.Results: Differences between pre-aspirated and post-aspirated thrombus volumes for each catheter were insignificant, as were those between the thrombus aspiration rates of the two catheters in each venous model. Using the thrombus aspiration and auto-blood reinfusion system, each aspiration catheter could fluently aspirate the thrombus out of the venous model.Conclusion: In this study, we designed a new venous-thrombus aspiration system. This system could be used to aspirate acute venous thrombi and re-infuse autologous blood. 展开更多
Magnetic Nanocapsules
作者 zhidong zhang 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第1期1-14,共14页
A brief review on recent advances in the area of the magnetic nanocapsules is given. The most applicable nanoencapsulation procedures are introduced, which include: (1) physical techniques such as arc-discharge, ev... A brief review on recent advances in the area of the magnetic nanocapsules is given. The most applicable nanoencapsulation procedures are introduced, which include: (1) physical techniques such as arc-discharge, evaporating, etc.; (2) chemical techniques such as chemical vapor deposition, solid-state reactions, etc. The structure and magnetic properties of various nanocapsules with different core/shell structures are studied in details, for possibly applications in magnetic recording, magnetic refrigerator, magnetic fluids, superconductors and medicine. 展开更多
Guided Wave Studies of Reflective MTN Liquid Crystal Cell
作者 zhidong zhang Libin Si +2 位作者 Wenjiang Ye Xuan Zhou Li Jiang 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2012年第10期1586-1591,共6页
The fully-leaky guided wave technique has been used to study the reflective 90? MTN liquid crystal cell used for LCOS. The cell is comprised of upper substrate with indium-tin-oxide coating and lower substrate with al... The fully-leaky guided wave technique has been used to study the reflective 90? MTN liquid crystal cell used for LCOS. The cell is comprised of upper substrate with indium-tin-oxide coating and lower substrate with aluminum coating. Reflective angle-dependent signals (Rss, Rpp, Rsp and Rps) were recorded over a range of angles of incidence with the cell under application of 0 - 7 Vrms ac electric fields. From the recorded experimental data, we found the reflective signals are quite strong, especially the polarization conversion signals. Fitting the data in reflection with the results of the modeling-program gives the information about the pre-tilt and twist of the director as well as the parameters of different optical layers. We found that the pre-tilt angle on the upper substrate is different from that on the bottom in the best fits, which suggests that the indium-tin-oxide and the aluminum coatings have different effects on the alignment layers. 展开更多
关键词 Fully-Leaky GUIDED WAVE Liquid CRYSTAL MTN Cell MULTILAYER Optical Theory
Dynamics of a ±1/2 Defect Pair in a Confined Geometry
作者 Lixia Lu zhidong zhang 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2014年第18期2080-2088,共9页
This paper investigated the dynamics of a dipole of ±1/2 parallel wedge disclination lines in a confined geometry, based on Landau-de Gennes theory. The behavior of the pair depends on the competition between two... This paper investigated the dynamics of a dipole of ±1/2 parallel wedge disclination lines in a confined geometry, based on Landau-de Gennes theory. The behavior of the pair depends on the competition between two kinds of forces: the attractive force between the two defects, aggravating the annihilation process, and the anchoring forces coming from the substrates, inhibiting the annihilation process. There are three states when the system is equilibrium, divided by two critical thicknesses dc1 and dc2 (existing when r0≤15ξ, r0 is the initial distance between the two defects), both changing linearly with r0. When the cell gap d>dc1, the two defects coalesce and annihilate. The dynamics follows the function of r∝(t0-t)α during the annihilation step when d is sufficiently large, relative to r0, where r is the relative distance between the pair and t0 is the coalescence time. α decreases with the decrease of d or the increase of r0. The annihilation process has delicate structures: when r0≤15ξ and d>dc2 or r0>15ξand d>dc1, the two defects annihilate and the system is uniaxial at equilibrium state;when r0≤15ξ and dc2>d>dc1, the two defects coalesce and annihilate, and the system is not uniaxial, but biaxial in the region where the defects collide. When d≤dc1, the defects can be stable existence. 展开更多
Defect Core Structures in Twisted Nematic and Twisted Chiral Liquid Crystals
作者 Xuan Zhou Guili Zheng zhidong zhang 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2013年第2期272-279,共8页
The defect structures of s = ±1/2 twist disclinations in twisted nematic and twisted chiral liquid crystals have been investigated within the Landau-de Gennes theory numerically. Our results show that there exist... The defect structures of s = ±1/2 twist disclinations in twisted nematic and twisted chiral liquid crystals have been investigated within the Landau-de Gennes theory numerically. Our results show that there exists eigenvalue exchange across the defect core of both the two models. The defect core is essentially biaxial and never isotropic. The defect centre is uniaxial and is surrounded by a strong biaxial region. 展开更多
关键词 DISCLINATIONS EIGENVALUE Exchange DEFECT Core Landau-de Gennes Theory
作者 Bing Li Yukinobu Kawakita +21 位作者 Seiko Ohira-Kawamura Takeshi Sugahara Hui Wang Jingfan Wang Yanna Chen Saori I.Kawaguchi Shogo Kawaguchi Koji Ohara Kuo Li Dehong Yu Richard Mole Takanori Hattori Tatsuya Kikuchi Shin-ichiro Yano Zhao zhang Zhe zhang Weijun Ren Shangchao Lin Osami Sakata Kenji Nakajima zhidong zhang 李巧红 《家电科技》 2019年第3期9-9,共1页
制冷对现代社会至关重要,世界上25%到30%的电力用于制冷。例如,食品储存和空调的使用等都需要耗费大量的电力。目前的制冷技术主要还是以传统蒸汽压缩循环为主,但由于具有加剧全球变暖的潜力危险,人们一直尝试找到更好的替代方案。在这... 制冷对现代社会至关重要,世界上25%到30%的电力用于制冷。例如,食品储存和空调的使用等都需要耗费大量的电力。目前的制冷技术主要还是以传统蒸汽压缩循环为主,但由于具有加剧全球变暖的潜力危险,人们一直尝试找到更好的替代方案。在这背景下,基于固态相变热效应的制冷技术作为一种很有前途的替代技术,在近几十年来一直是研究者们关注的重点。但是,由于其等温爛变化小,所需驱动动能大以及材料性能有限等种种劣势均限制了其应用推广。 展开更多
关键词 制冷技术 晶体 塑料 蒸汽压缩 全球变暖 固态相变 材料性能 热效应
Analytical solutions for full-field radiations of magnetoelectric antennas with nonlinear magnetoelastic coupling
作者 Baoxin Lei Zhixiong You +1 位作者 zhidong zhang Yang Shi 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期109-121,共13页
This paper presents analytical solutions for full-field radiation in magnetoelectric(ME)antennas,considering a fully magnetoelastic coupled constitutive relation.A nonlinear converse ME coupling model is established,i... This paper presents analytical solutions for full-field radiation in magnetoelectric(ME)antennas,considering a fully magnetoelastic coupled constitutive relation.A nonlinear converse ME coupling model is established,incorporating mechanical,electric,and magnetic variables with generalized Maxwell equations.This model emphasizes the essence of ME antennas,where radiation is achieved through strain/stress-mediated coupling between different phases.The magnetic flux density and electric displacement obtained from the model are used as sources to solve the full-field radiations of ME antennas.The proposed model is validated through existing experiments and simulations,demonstrating that the radiation performance of ME antennas is strongly influenced by nonlinear magneto-elastic coupling.The material parameters and magnetic bias significantly impact the magnetic flux density and far-field radiation due to the nonlinear magnetization process.The study reveals the mechanisms behind enhanced working bandwidth and frequency tuning by examining the frequency response of the radiation impedance with material parameters.By adjusting the initial magnetization rate,saturation magnetostriction,and saturation magnetization,the radiation efficiency/gain can be increased by 340%,108%,and 112%respectively.This model enhances our understanding of the full-field radiation of ME antennas and provides a foundation for designing tunable ME antennas. 展开更多
关键词 ME antenna Full-field radiation Magneto-elastic coupling Radiation patterns
Taming heat with tiny pressure
作者 Kun zhang Zhe zhang +17 位作者 Hailong Pan Haoyu Wang Xueting Zhao Ji Qi Zhao zhang Ruiqi Song Chenyang Yu Biaohong Huang Xujing Li Huaican Chen Wen Yin Changlong Tan Weijin Hu Michael Wüubbenhorst Jiangshui Luo Dehong Yu zhidong zhang Bing Li 《The Innovation》 EI 2024年第2期70-78,共9页
Heat is almost everywhere.Unlike electricity,which can be easily manipulated,the current ability to control heat is still highly limited owing to spontaneous thermal dissipation imposed by the second law of thermodyna... Heat is almost everywhere.Unlike electricity,which can be easily manipulated,the current ability to control heat is still highly limited owing to spontaneous thermal dissipation imposed by the second law of thermodynamics.Optical illumination and pressure have been used to switch endothermic/exothermic responses of materials via phase transitions;however,these strategies are less cost-effective and unscalable.Here,we spectroscopically demonstrate the glassy crystal state of 2-amino-2-methyl-1,3-propanediol(AMP)to realize an affordable,easily manageable approach for thermal energy recycling.The supercooled state of AMP is so sensitive to pressure that even several megapascals can induce crystallization to the ordered crystal,resulting in a substantial temperature increase of 48 K within 20 s.Furthermore,we demonstrate a proof-of-concept device capable of programable heating with an extremely high work-to-heat conversion effi-ciency of383.Such delicate and efficient tuning of heat may remarkably facilitate rational utilization of waste heat. 展开更多
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