Soil is a significant carbon reservoir with the capacity to store carbon twice as much as the atmosphere or plants. Given the significant potential of soil to capture and store atmospheric CO2, it presents a viable so...Soil is a significant carbon reservoir with the capacity to store carbon twice as much as the atmosphere or plants. Given the significant potential of soil to capture and store atmospheric CO2, it presents a viable solution for mitigating the present and future impacts of climate change. However, due to its high susceptibility to global environmental issues like land degradation, loss of biodiversity, and climate change, monitoring and protecting soil carbon pools is a complex challenge. Intensive agricultural operations have detrimental effects on the soil, including the rapid breakdown of soil organic carbon, which releases excess carbon into the air, causing increased atmospheric CO2 levels and a depletion of the soil carbon reserves. The diversity and abundance of soil microbial communities play a crucial role in controlling essential ecosystem processes, including the decomposition of organic matter and nutrient cycling, including carbon. Heterotrophic soil microorganisms facilitate the soil organic matter turnover to obtain the nutrients and energy required for their growth and maintenance. Therefore, the microbial residues and exudates have up to 80% carbon in the stable soil organic matter fractions. This overview attempts to summarize the information on various carbon pools, soil carbon interaction with microbes, impacts on environmental changes, and strategies to enhance the storage of belowground carbon.展开更多
Tartaric acid, oxalic acid, glucose, and fructose are highly important compounds. A comprehensive study of these substances is fascinating from a scientific perspective. They are key components found in wine, vegetabl...Tartaric acid, oxalic acid, glucose, and fructose are highly important compounds. A comprehensive study of these substances is fascinating from a scientific perspective. They are key components found in wine, vegetables, and fruits. Understanding the isotopic compositions in organic compounds is crucial for comprehending various biochemical processes and the nature of substances present in different natural products. Tartaric acid, oxalic acid, glucose, and fructose are widely distributed compounds, including in vegetables and fruits. Tartaric acid plays a significant role in determining the quality and taste properties of wine, while oxalic acid is also prevalent but holds great interest for further research, especially in terms of carbon isotopic composition. We can unveil the mechanisms of processes that were previously impossible to study. Glucose and fructose are the most common monosaccharides in the hexose group, and both are found in fruits, with sweeter fruits containing higher amounts of these substances. In addition to fruits, wheat, barley, rye, onions, garlic, lentils, peppers, dried fruits, beans, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, and other foods are also rich sources of fructose and glucose. To determine the mass fraction of the carbon-13 isotope in these compounds, it is important to study their changes during natural synthesis. These compounds can be modified with a carbon center. According to the existing isotopic analysis method, these compounds are converted into carbon oxide or dioxide [1]. At this point, the average carbon content in the given compound is determined, but information about isotope-modified centers is lost. Dilution may occur through the transfer of other carbon-containing organic compounds in the sample or by dilution with natural carbon or carbon dioxide during the transfer process. This article discusses the possibility of carbon-13 isotope propagation directly in these compounds, both completely modified and modified with individual carbon centers. The literature provides information on determining carbon-13 substance in organic compounds, both with a general approach and for individual compounds [2] [3].展开更多
The accessibility of tetracycline resistance gene (tetG) into the pores of activated carbon (AC), as well as the impact of the pore size distribution (PSD) of AC on the uptake capacity of tetG, were investigated using...The accessibility of tetracycline resistance gene (tetG) into the pores of activated carbon (AC), as well as the impact of the pore size distribution (PSD) of AC on the uptake capacity of tetG, were investigated using eight types of AC (four coal-based and four wood-based). AC showed the capability to admit tetG and the average reduction of tetG for coal-based and wood-based ACs at the AC dose of 1 g·L<sup>-1</sup> was 3.12 log and 3.65 log, respectively. The uptake kinetic analysis showed that the uptake of the gene followed the pseudo-second-order kinetics reaction, and the uptake rate constant for the coal-based and wood-based ACs was in the range of 5.97 × 10<sup>-12</sup> - 4.64 × 10<sup>-9</sup> and 7.02 × 10<sup>-11</sup> - 1.59 × 10<sup>-8</sup> copies·mg<sup>-1</sup>·min<sup>-1</sup>, respectively. The uptake capacity analysis by fitting the obtained experiment data with the Freundlich isotherm model indicated that the uptake constant (K<sub>F</sub>) values were 1.71 × 10<sup>3</sup> - 8.00 × 10<sup>9</sup> (copies·g<sup>-1</sup>)<sup>1-1/n</sup> for coal-based ACs and 7.00 × 10<sup>8</sup> - 3.00 × 10<sup>10</sup> (copies·g<sup>-1</sup>)<sup>1-1/n</sup> for wood-based ones. In addition, the correlation analysis between K<sub>F</sub> values and pore volume as well as pore surface at different pore size regions of ACs showed that relatively higher positive correlation was found for pores of 50 - 100 Å, suggesting ACs with more pores in this size region can uptake more tetG. The findings of this study are valuable as reference for optimizing the adsorption process regarding antibiotic resistance-related concerns in drinking water treatment.展开更多
Ploughing and fertilization practices in rice-wheat system have deteriorated the soil carbon (C) pools. Conservation agriculture (CA) based management approaches have proven to enhance C sequestration and reverse the ...Ploughing and fertilization practices in rice-wheat system have deteriorated the soil carbon (C) pools. Conservation agriculture (CA) based management approaches have proven to enhance C sequestration and reverse the loss of soil-organic-carbon (SOC), which further enhances soil fertility. Different fractions of SOC pools react to the alterations in management practices and indicate changes in SOC dynamics as compared to total C in the soil. Higher SOC levels in soil have been observed in case of reduced/no-till (NT) practices than conventional tillage (CT). However, between CT and zero tillage/NT, total SOC stocks diminished with an increase in soil depth, which demonstrated that the benefits of SOC are more pronounced in the topsoil under NT. Soil aggregation provides physical protection to C associated with different-sized particles, thus, the improvement in soil aggregation through CA is an effective way to mitigate soil C loss. Along with less soil disturbance, residual management, suitable crop rotation, rational application of manures and fertilizers, and integrated nutrient management have been found to be effective in not only improving soil C stock but also enhancing the soil health and productivity. Thus, CA can be considered as a potential method in the build-up of SOC of soil in rice-wheat system.展开更多
This work was devoted to the study of the physico-chemical properties of two clay minerals from the Mountain District (West Côte d'Ivoire) referenced ME1 and ME2. These samples were characterized by the exper...This work was devoted to the study of the physico-chemical properties of two clay minerals from the Mountain District (West Côte d'Ivoire) referenced ME1 and ME2. These samples were characterized by the experimental techniques, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Infrared spectroscopy (IR), Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES), Differential Thermal Analysis and Thermogravimetry (DTA-TG), Brunauer, Emett and Teller method (BET), laser particle size analysis and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The main results of these analyses reveal that the two clay samples mainly contain quartz (52.91% for ME1 and 51.72% for ME2), kaolinite (36.60% for ME1 and 41.6% for ME2) and associated phases, namely goethite and hematite (13.47% for ME1 and 11.00% for ME2). The specific surface values obtained for samples ME1 and ME2 are 34.78 m2/g and 29.18 m2/g respectively. The results obtained show that the samples studied belong to the kaolinite family. After calcination, they could have good pozzolanic activity and therefore be used in the manufacture of low-carbon cements.展开更多
While hydropower is generally considered a clean energy source, it is important to recognize that their waste can still contribute to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). The purpose of this study is to assess the carbon f...While hydropower is generally considered a clean energy source, it is important to recognize that their waste can still contribute to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). The purpose of this study is to assess the carbon footprint associated with the waste sector throughout the operational phase of the Nam Theun 2 hydropower plant in Laos. Understanding the environmental impact of the waste sector is crucial for ensuring the plant’s sustainability. This study utilizes the theoretical estimation method recommended in the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, as well as the Requirements for Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of GHG emissions and removals. We emphasize the significance of implementing sustainable waste management practices to reduce GHG emissions and minimize the environmental impact of hydropower operations. By conducting a comprehensive analysis, this paper also provides insights into the environmental implications of waste management in hydropower plants and identifies strategies to mitigate the carbon footprint in the waste sector. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the environmental sustainability of hydropower plants and provide valuable guidance for policymakers, energy producers, and environmental practitioners involved in hydropower plant design and operation.展开更多
Activity data and emission factors are critical for estimating greenhouse gas emissions and devising effective climate change mitigation strategies. This study developed the activity data and emission factor in the Fo...Activity data and emission factors are critical for estimating greenhouse gas emissions and devising effective climate change mitigation strategies. This study developed the activity data and emission factor in the Forestry and Other Land Use Change (FOLU) subsector in Malawi. The results indicate that “forestland to cropland,” and “wetland to cropland,” were the major land use changes from the year 2000 to the year 2022. The forestland steadily declined at a rate of 13,591 ha (0.5%) per annum. Similarly, grassland declined at the rate of 1651 ha (0.5%) per annum. On the other hand, cropland, wetland, and settlements steadily increased at the rate of 8228 ha (0.14%);5257 ha (0.17%);and 1941 ha (8.1%) per annum, respectively. Furthermore, the results indicate that the “grassland to forestland” changes were higher than the “forestland to grassland” changes, suggesting that forest regrowth was occurring. On the emission factor, the results interestingly indicate that there was a significant increase in carbon sequestration in the FOLU subsector from the year 2011 to 2022. Carbon sequestration increased annually by 13.66 ± 0.17 tCO<sub>2</sub> e/ha/yr (4.6%), with an uncertainty of 2.44%. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is potential for a Carbon market in Malawi.展开更多
Activated carbons (ACs) calcined at 400˚C, 500˚C, and 600˚C (AC-400, AC-500, and AC-600) were prepared using palm nut shells from Gabon as raw material and zinc chloride (ZnCl2) as a chemical activating agent. Prepare...Activated carbons (ACs) calcined at 400˚C, 500˚C, and 600˚C (AC-400, AC-500, and AC-600) were prepared using palm nut shells from Gabon as raw material and zinc chloride (ZnCl2) as a chemical activating agent. Prepared ACs were characterized by physisorption of nitrogen (N2), determination of diode and methylene blue numbers for studies of porosity and by quantification and determination of surface functional groups and pH at point of zero charge (pHpzc) respectively, for studies of chemical properties of prepared ACs. Then, effects of calcination temperature (Tcal) on porosity and chemical properties of prepared ACs were studied. The results obtained showed that when the calcination temperature increases from 500˚C to 600˚C, the porosity and chemical properties of prepared ACs are modified. Indeed, the methylene blue and iodine numbers determined for activated carbons AC-400 (460 and 7.94 mg·g−1, respectively) and AC-500 (680 and 8.90 mg·g−1, respectively) are higher than those obtained for AC-600 (360 and 5.75 mg·g−1, respectively). Compared to the AC-500 adsorbent, specific surface areas (SBET) and microporous volume losses for AC-600 were estimated to 44.7% and 45.8%, respectively. Moreover, in our experimental conditions, the effect of Tcal on the quantities of acidic and basic functional groups on the surface of the ACs appears negligible. In addition, results of the pHpzc of prepared ACs showed that as Tcal increases, the pH of the adsorbents increases and tends towards neutrality. Indeed, a stronger acidity was determined on AC-400 (pHpzc = 5.60) compared to those on AC-500 and AC-600 (pHpzc = 6.85 and 6.70, respectively). Also according to the results of porosity and chemical characterizations, adsorption being a surface phenomenon, 500˚C appears to be the optimal calcination temperature for the preparation of activated carbons from palm nut shells in our experimental conditions.展开更多
Several Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) member states (OMSs) have updated their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) with the aim of achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050. Carbon neu...Several Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) member states (OMSs) have updated their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) with the aim of achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050. Carbon neutrality requires shifting from a linear carbon economy (LCE) to a circular carbon economy (CCE). Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies, including reduction, recycle, reuse, removal, and storage technologies, represent an important strategy for achieving such a shift. Herein, we investigate the effects of CCS technology adoption in six OMSs—namely the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), Qatar, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Kuwait, Algeria, and Iraq—by examining their Circular Carbon Economy Index (CCEI) scores, which reflect compliance with CCE-transition policies. Total CCEI, current performance CCEI dimension, and future enabler CCEI dimensions scores were compared among the aforementioned six OMSs and relative to Norway, which was used as a global-high CCEI reference standard. Specifically, CCEI general scope and CCEI oil scope dimension scores were compared. The KSA, Qatar, the UAE, and Kuwait had higher CCEI scores than Algeria and Iraq, reflecting their greater adoption of CCE-transition policies and greater emission-reducing modernization investments. The current performance CCEI scores of Algeria and Iraq appear to be buttressed to some extent by their greater natural carbon sink resources. Based on the findings, we recommend specific actions for OMSs to enhance their CCE transitions and mitigate the negative impacts associated with the associated investments, including: taking rapid practical steps to eliminate carbon oil industry emissions;detailed CCS planning by national oil companies;international cooperation and coordination;and increased investment in domestic CCS utilization infrastructure.展开更多
L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid for human health. Nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) from marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) extracted from plants harvested in the center of Tunisia was used for the first time for...L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid for human health. Nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) from marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) extracted from plants harvested in the center of Tunisia was used for the first time for the modification of a glassy carbon electrode (GCE), for the sensitive detection of L-tryptophan (Trp). After spectroscopic and morphological characterization of the extracted NFC, the GC electrode modification was monitored through cyclic voltammetry. The NFC-modified electrode exhibited good analytical performance in detecting Trp with a wide linear range between 7.5 × 10−4 mM and 10−2 mM, a detection limit of 0.2 µM, and a high sensitivity of 140.0 µA∙mM−1. Additionally, the NFC/GCE showed a good reproducibility, good selectivity versus other amino acids, uric acid, ascorbic acid, and good applicability to the detection of Trp in urine samples.展开更多
In the maritime industry, cost-effective and lightweight Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites offer excellent mechanical properties, design flexibility, and corrosion resistance. However, their reliability in har...In the maritime industry, cost-effective and lightweight Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites offer excellent mechanical properties, design flexibility, and corrosion resistance. However, their reliability in harsh seawater conditions is a concern. Researchers address this by exploring three approaches: coating fiber surfaces, hybridizing fibers and matrices with or without nanofillers, and interply rearrangement. This study focuses on evaluating the synergistic effects of interply rearrangement of glass/carbon fibers and hybrid nanofillers, specifically Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and Halloysite nanotubes (HNT). The aim is to enhance impact properties by minimizing moisture absorption. Hybrid nanocomposites with equal-weight proportions of two nanofillers: 0 wt.%, 1 wt.%, and 2 wt.% were exposed to seawater for 90 days. Experimental data was subjected to modelling through the application of Predictive Fick’s Law. The study found that the hybrid composite containing 2 wt.% hybrid nanofillers exhibited a 22.10% increase in impact performance compared to non-modified counterparts. After 90 days of seawater aging, the material exhibited enhanced resistance to moisture absorption (15.74%) and minimal reduction in impact strength (8.52%) compared to its dry strength, with lower diffusion coefficients.展开更多
Carbonation is a natural aging process that occurs in all types of concrete. One of its primary implications is the acceleration of steel corrosion caused by the phenomena of depassivation. The goal of this research i...Carbonation is a natural aging process that occurs in all types of concrete. One of its primary implications is the acceleration of steel corrosion caused by the phenomena of depassivation. The goal of this research is to investigate the carbonation of quarry sand-based concrete. The concrete is made of 100% crushed sand 0/6.3, gravel 8/15, and 15/25 from the Arab Contractor quarry in Nomayos, Cameroon, with CEM II B-P 42.5 R from CIMENCAM (Cimenteries du Cameroun). The study employed two admixtures: one with a dual superplasticizing and reducing action (Sikamen) and another with a water-repellent effect (Sika liquid). Carbonation was performed on concrete samples at the following dates: 0, 7, 14, 28, 56, 90, 180 days, one year, and six months. Carbonated concrete (CC) and non-carbonated concrete (NCC) samples are compared in terms of their physical attributes and mineralogical characteristics. The results of this investigation reveal that after more than a year and six months of carbonation, porosity decreases and permeability increases. Despite the high fineness modulus of quarry sand, the compressive strength of quarry sand-based concrete is satisfactory. Carbonation depth is relatively high on some dates, exceeding the minimal cover value for concrete reinforcement. Sikament additive increases concrete compactness and durability while decreasing permeability. Sika water repellant mixes with the lime in cement to generate complimentary crystallizations that block the mortar’s capillaries, making it watertight.展开更多
Carbon nanofibers have revolutionized nanotechnology due to their potential applications in emerging frontiers of research and industrial sectors. This can be attributed to their superior properties such as higher mec...Carbon nanofibers have revolutionized nanotechnology due to their potential applications in emerging frontiers of research and industrial sectors. This can be attributed to their superior properties such as higher mechanical strength, unique surface characteristics, and improved adherence that is transmitted into the polymer matrix to form a nanocomposite with improved properties. Polymethyl methacrylate is a common carbon source for the synthesis of carbon nanofibres of its high mechanical strength, thermal stability, and low moisture and water absorbing capacity that allows its products to have several applications. In this work, we report the successful electrospinning of carbon nanofibres from Poly methyl methacrylate and functionalizing the resulting carbon nanofibres. The functionalized carbon nanofibres were analyzed to determine their solubility/dispersion in selected organic solvents, then characterized using Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy combined with Energy dispersive spectroscopy and Thermalgravimetric analysis.展开更多
This study examines the impact of different mangrove species on the structure and carbon storage potential of mangrove stands in Myanmar. We focused on three species: Avicennia officinalis, Avicennia marina and Brugui...This study examines the impact of different mangrove species on the structure and carbon storage potential of mangrove stands in Myanmar. We focused on three species: Avicennia officinalis, Avicennia marina and Bruguiera sexangula. These species were selected for their fast growth, ability to protect against cyclones, and effectiveness in coastal defense during mangrove restoration. To collect data on tree structure and carbon storage, we conducted field surveys measuring parameters such as diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height and crown diameter for each tree. Non-destructive methods were used for data collection. Using ANOVA and post-hoc multiple comparison tests, we assessed differences in structure and carbon stock among the three species. Regression analysis was also performed to understand the relationship between carbon stock and structural attributes. In terms of stand densities, we observed variations among species, with pioneer stage plantations exhibiting higher densities compared to mature stands. Seedlings showed sufficient regeneration, supporting the sustainability of the forest. Biomass accumulation varied across species, with A. officinalis having the highest average biomass. Aboveground biomass showed a strong correlation with basal area. A. officinalis had the highest total biomass carbon accumulation at 55.29 ± 20.91 Mg C ha<sup>-1</sup>, with 77.43% aboveground carbon and 22.57% belowground carbon. A. marina stored 41.09 ± 11.03 Mg C ha<sup>-1</sup>, with a similar distribution of 76.05% aboveground and 23.95% belowground carbon, while B. sexangula stored 23.23 ± 3.12 Mg C ha<sup>-1</sup>, with 70.70% aboveground carbon and 29.30% belowground carbon. The amount of aboveground carbon was a significant portion of the overall carbon storage and correlated with tree density, diameter, basal area and height. Our findings highlight the importance of selecting suitable species and considering structural attributes for mangrove restoration and carbon storage efforts. These results provide valuable insights for managing mangrove plantations at regional and global levels. On average, the reported carbon sequestration was 154.40 MgCO<sub>2</sub>-eq ha<sup>-1</sup>.展开更多
文摘Soil is a significant carbon reservoir with the capacity to store carbon twice as much as the atmosphere or plants. Given the significant potential of soil to capture and store atmospheric CO2, it presents a viable solution for mitigating the present and future impacts of climate change. However, due to its high susceptibility to global environmental issues like land degradation, loss of biodiversity, and climate change, monitoring and protecting soil carbon pools is a complex challenge. Intensive agricultural operations have detrimental effects on the soil, including the rapid breakdown of soil organic carbon, which releases excess carbon into the air, causing increased atmospheric CO2 levels and a depletion of the soil carbon reserves. The diversity and abundance of soil microbial communities play a crucial role in controlling essential ecosystem processes, including the decomposition of organic matter and nutrient cycling, including carbon. Heterotrophic soil microorganisms facilitate the soil organic matter turnover to obtain the nutrients and energy required for their growth and maintenance. Therefore, the microbial residues and exudates have up to 80% carbon in the stable soil organic matter fractions. This overview attempts to summarize the information on various carbon pools, soil carbon interaction with microbes, impacts on environmental changes, and strategies to enhance the storage of belowground carbon.
文摘Tartaric acid, oxalic acid, glucose, and fructose are highly important compounds. A comprehensive study of these substances is fascinating from a scientific perspective. They are key components found in wine, vegetables, and fruits. Understanding the isotopic compositions in organic compounds is crucial for comprehending various biochemical processes and the nature of substances present in different natural products. Tartaric acid, oxalic acid, glucose, and fructose are widely distributed compounds, including in vegetables and fruits. Tartaric acid plays a significant role in determining the quality and taste properties of wine, while oxalic acid is also prevalent but holds great interest for further research, especially in terms of carbon isotopic composition. We can unveil the mechanisms of processes that were previously impossible to study. Glucose and fructose are the most common monosaccharides in the hexose group, and both are found in fruits, with sweeter fruits containing higher amounts of these substances. In addition to fruits, wheat, barley, rye, onions, garlic, lentils, peppers, dried fruits, beans, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, and other foods are also rich sources of fructose and glucose. To determine the mass fraction of the carbon-13 isotope in these compounds, it is important to study their changes during natural synthesis. These compounds can be modified with a carbon center. According to the existing isotopic analysis method, these compounds are converted into carbon oxide or dioxide [1]. At this point, the average carbon content in the given compound is determined, but information about isotope-modified centers is lost. Dilution may occur through the transfer of other carbon-containing organic compounds in the sample or by dilution with natural carbon or carbon dioxide during the transfer process. This article discusses the possibility of carbon-13 isotope propagation directly in these compounds, both completely modified and modified with individual carbon centers. The literature provides information on determining carbon-13 substance in organic compounds, both with a general approach and for individual compounds [2] [3].
文摘The accessibility of tetracycline resistance gene (tetG) into the pores of activated carbon (AC), as well as the impact of the pore size distribution (PSD) of AC on the uptake capacity of tetG, were investigated using eight types of AC (four coal-based and four wood-based). AC showed the capability to admit tetG and the average reduction of tetG for coal-based and wood-based ACs at the AC dose of 1 g·L<sup>-1</sup> was 3.12 log and 3.65 log, respectively. The uptake kinetic analysis showed that the uptake of the gene followed the pseudo-second-order kinetics reaction, and the uptake rate constant for the coal-based and wood-based ACs was in the range of 5.97 × 10<sup>-12</sup> - 4.64 × 10<sup>-9</sup> and 7.02 × 10<sup>-11</sup> - 1.59 × 10<sup>-8</sup> copies·mg<sup>-1</sup>·min<sup>-1</sup>, respectively. The uptake capacity analysis by fitting the obtained experiment data with the Freundlich isotherm model indicated that the uptake constant (K<sub>F</sub>) values were 1.71 × 10<sup>3</sup> - 8.00 × 10<sup>9</sup> (copies·g<sup>-1</sup>)<sup>1-1/n</sup> for coal-based ACs and 7.00 × 10<sup>8</sup> - 3.00 × 10<sup>10</sup> (copies·g<sup>-1</sup>)<sup>1-1/n</sup> for wood-based ones. In addition, the correlation analysis between K<sub>F</sub> values and pore volume as well as pore surface at different pore size regions of ACs showed that relatively higher positive correlation was found for pores of 50 - 100 Å, suggesting ACs with more pores in this size region can uptake more tetG. The findings of this study are valuable as reference for optimizing the adsorption process regarding antibiotic resistance-related concerns in drinking water treatment.
文摘Ploughing and fertilization practices in rice-wheat system have deteriorated the soil carbon (C) pools. Conservation agriculture (CA) based management approaches have proven to enhance C sequestration and reverse the loss of soil-organic-carbon (SOC), which further enhances soil fertility. Different fractions of SOC pools react to the alterations in management practices and indicate changes in SOC dynamics as compared to total C in the soil. Higher SOC levels in soil have been observed in case of reduced/no-till (NT) practices than conventional tillage (CT). However, between CT and zero tillage/NT, total SOC stocks diminished with an increase in soil depth, which demonstrated that the benefits of SOC are more pronounced in the topsoil under NT. Soil aggregation provides physical protection to C associated with different-sized particles, thus, the improvement in soil aggregation through CA is an effective way to mitigate soil C loss. Along with less soil disturbance, residual management, suitable crop rotation, rational application of manures and fertilizers, and integrated nutrient management have been found to be effective in not only improving soil C stock but also enhancing the soil health and productivity. Thus, CA can be considered as a potential method in the build-up of SOC of soil in rice-wheat system.
文摘This work was devoted to the study of the physico-chemical properties of two clay minerals from the Mountain District (West Côte d'Ivoire) referenced ME1 and ME2. These samples were characterized by the experimental techniques, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Infrared spectroscopy (IR), Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES), Differential Thermal Analysis and Thermogravimetry (DTA-TG), Brunauer, Emett and Teller method (BET), laser particle size analysis and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The main results of these analyses reveal that the two clay samples mainly contain quartz (52.91% for ME1 and 51.72% for ME2), kaolinite (36.60% for ME1 and 41.6% for ME2) and associated phases, namely goethite and hematite (13.47% for ME1 and 11.00% for ME2). The specific surface values obtained for samples ME1 and ME2 are 34.78 m2/g and 29.18 m2/g respectively. The results obtained show that the samples studied belong to the kaolinite family. After calcination, they could have good pozzolanic activity and therefore be used in the manufacture of low-carbon cements.
文摘While hydropower is generally considered a clean energy source, it is important to recognize that their waste can still contribute to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). The purpose of this study is to assess the carbon footprint associated with the waste sector throughout the operational phase of the Nam Theun 2 hydropower plant in Laos. Understanding the environmental impact of the waste sector is crucial for ensuring the plant’s sustainability. This study utilizes the theoretical estimation method recommended in the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, as well as the Requirements for Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of GHG emissions and removals. We emphasize the significance of implementing sustainable waste management practices to reduce GHG emissions and minimize the environmental impact of hydropower operations. By conducting a comprehensive analysis, this paper also provides insights into the environmental implications of waste management in hydropower plants and identifies strategies to mitigate the carbon footprint in the waste sector. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the environmental sustainability of hydropower plants and provide valuable guidance for policymakers, energy producers, and environmental practitioners involved in hydropower plant design and operation.
文摘Activity data and emission factors are critical for estimating greenhouse gas emissions and devising effective climate change mitigation strategies. This study developed the activity data and emission factor in the Forestry and Other Land Use Change (FOLU) subsector in Malawi. The results indicate that “forestland to cropland,” and “wetland to cropland,” were the major land use changes from the year 2000 to the year 2022. The forestland steadily declined at a rate of 13,591 ha (0.5%) per annum. Similarly, grassland declined at the rate of 1651 ha (0.5%) per annum. On the other hand, cropland, wetland, and settlements steadily increased at the rate of 8228 ha (0.14%);5257 ha (0.17%);and 1941 ha (8.1%) per annum, respectively. Furthermore, the results indicate that the “grassland to forestland” changes were higher than the “forestland to grassland” changes, suggesting that forest regrowth was occurring. On the emission factor, the results interestingly indicate that there was a significant increase in carbon sequestration in the FOLU subsector from the year 2011 to 2022. Carbon sequestration increased annually by 13.66 ± 0.17 tCO<sub>2</sub> e/ha/yr (4.6%), with an uncertainty of 2.44%. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is potential for a Carbon market in Malawi.
文摘Activated carbons (ACs) calcined at 400˚C, 500˚C, and 600˚C (AC-400, AC-500, and AC-600) were prepared using palm nut shells from Gabon as raw material and zinc chloride (ZnCl2) as a chemical activating agent. Prepared ACs were characterized by physisorption of nitrogen (N2), determination of diode and methylene blue numbers for studies of porosity and by quantification and determination of surface functional groups and pH at point of zero charge (pHpzc) respectively, for studies of chemical properties of prepared ACs. Then, effects of calcination temperature (Tcal) on porosity and chemical properties of prepared ACs were studied. The results obtained showed that when the calcination temperature increases from 500˚C to 600˚C, the porosity and chemical properties of prepared ACs are modified. Indeed, the methylene blue and iodine numbers determined for activated carbons AC-400 (460 and 7.94 mg·g−1, respectively) and AC-500 (680 and 8.90 mg·g−1, respectively) are higher than those obtained for AC-600 (360 and 5.75 mg·g−1, respectively). Compared to the AC-500 adsorbent, specific surface areas (SBET) and microporous volume losses for AC-600 were estimated to 44.7% and 45.8%, respectively. Moreover, in our experimental conditions, the effect of Tcal on the quantities of acidic and basic functional groups on the surface of the ACs appears negligible. In addition, results of the pHpzc of prepared ACs showed that as Tcal increases, the pH of the adsorbents increases and tends towards neutrality. Indeed, a stronger acidity was determined on AC-400 (pHpzc = 5.60) compared to those on AC-500 and AC-600 (pHpzc = 6.85 and 6.70, respectively). Also according to the results of porosity and chemical characterizations, adsorption being a surface phenomenon, 500˚C appears to be the optimal calcination temperature for the preparation of activated carbons from palm nut shells in our experimental conditions.
文摘Several Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) member states (OMSs) have updated their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) with the aim of achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050. Carbon neutrality requires shifting from a linear carbon economy (LCE) to a circular carbon economy (CCE). Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies, including reduction, recycle, reuse, removal, and storage technologies, represent an important strategy for achieving such a shift. Herein, we investigate the effects of CCS technology adoption in six OMSs—namely the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), Qatar, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Kuwait, Algeria, and Iraq—by examining their Circular Carbon Economy Index (CCEI) scores, which reflect compliance with CCE-transition policies. Total CCEI, current performance CCEI dimension, and future enabler CCEI dimensions scores were compared among the aforementioned six OMSs and relative to Norway, which was used as a global-high CCEI reference standard. Specifically, CCEI general scope and CCEI oil scope dimension scores were compared. The KSA, Qatar, the UAE, and Kuwait had higher CCEI scores than Algeria and Iraq, reflecting their greater adoption of CCE-transition policies and greater emission-reducing modernization investments. The current performance CCEI scores of Algeria and Iraq appear to be buttressed to some extent by their greater natural carbon sink resources. Based on the findings, we recommend specific actions for OMSs to enhance their CCE transitions and mitigate the negative impacts associated with the associated investments, including: taking rapid practical steps to eliminate carbon oil industry emissions;detailed CCS planning by national oil companies;international cooperation and coordination;and increased investment in domestic CCS utilization infrastructure.
文摘L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid for human health. Nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) from marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) extracted from plants harvested in the center of Tunisia was used for the first time for the modification of a glassy carbon electrode (GCE), for the sensitive detection of L-tryptophan (Trp). After spectroscopic and morphological characterization of the extracted NFC, the GC electrode modification was monitored through cyclic voltammetry. The NFC-modified electrode exhibited good analytical performance in detecting Trp with a wide linear range between 7.5 × 10−4 mM and 10−2 mM, a detection limit of 0.2 µM, and a high sensitivity of 140.0 µA∙mM−1. Additionally, the NFC/GCE showed a good reproducibility, good selectivity versus other amino acids, uric acid, ascorbic acid, and good applicability to the detection of Trp in urine samples.
文摘In the maritime industry, cost-effective and lightweight Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites offer excellent mechanical properties, design flexibility, and corrosion resistance. However, their reliability in harsh seawater conditions is a concern. Researchers address this by exploring three approaches: coating fiber surfaces, hybridizing fibers and matrices with or without nanofillers, and interply rearrangement. This study focuses on evaluating the synergistic effects of interply rearrangement of glass/carbon fibers and hybrid nanofillers, specifically Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and Halloysite nanotubes (HNT). The aim is to enhance impact properties by minimizing moisture absorption. Hybrid nanocomposites with equal-weight proportions of two nanofillers: 0 wt.%, 1 wt.%, and 2 wt.% were exposed to seawater for 90 days. Experimental data was subjected to modelling through the application of Predictive Fick’s Law. The study found that the hybrid composite containing 2 wt.% hybrid nanofillers exhibited a 22.10% increase in impact performance compared to non-modified counterparts. After 90 days of seawater aging, the material exhibited enhanced resistance to moisture absorption (15.74%) and minimal reduction in impact strength (8.52%) compared to its dry strength, with lower diffusion coefficients.
文摘Carbonation is a natural aging process that occurs in all types of concrete. One of its primary implications is the acceleration of steel corrosion caused by the phenomena of depassivation. The goal of this research is to investigate the carbonation of quarry sand-based concrete. The concrete is made of 100% crushed sand 0/6.3, gravel 8/15, and 15/25 from the Arab Contractor quarry in Nomayos, Cameroon, with CEM II B-P 42.5 R from CIMENCAM (Cimenteries du Cameroun). The study employed two admixtures: one with a dual superplasticizing and reducing action (Sikamen) and another with a water-repellent effect (Sika liquid). Carbonation was performed on concrete samples at the following dates: 0, 7, 14, 28, 56, 90, 180 days, one year, and six months. Carbonated concrete (CC) and non-carbonated concrete (NCC) samples are compared in terms of their physical attributes and mineralogical characteristics. The results of this investigation reveal that after more than a year and six months of carbonation, porosity decreases and permeability increases. Despite the high fineness modulus of quarry sand, the compressive strength of quarry sand-based concrete is satisfactory. Carbonation depth is relatively high on some dates, exceeding the minimal cover value for concrete reinforcement. Sikament additive increases concrete compactness and durability while decreasing permeability. Sika water repellant mixes with the lime in cement to generate complimentary crystallizations that block the mortar’s capillaries, making it watertight.
文摘Carbon nanofibers have revolutionized nanotechnology due to their potential applications in emerging frontiers of research and industrial sectors. This can be attributed to their superior properties such as higher mechanical strength, unique surface characteristics, and improved adherence that is transmitted into the polymer matrix to form a nanocomposite with improved properties. Polymethyl methacrylate is a common carbon source for the synthesis of carbon nanofibres of its high mechanical strength, thermal stability, and low moisture and water absorbing capacity that allows its products to have several applications. In this work, we report the successful electrospinning of carbon nanofibres from Poly methyl methacrylate and functionalizing the resulting carbon nanofibres. The functionalized carbon nanofibres were analyzed to determine their solubility/dispersion in selected organic solvents, then characterized using Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy combined with Energy dispersive spectroscopy and Thermalgravimetric analysis.
文摘This study examines the impact of different mangrove species on the structure and carbon storage potential of mangrove stands in Myanmar. We focused on three species: Avicennia officinalis, Avicennia marina and Bruguiera sexangula. These species were selected for their fast growth, ability to protect against cyclones, and effectiveness in coastal defense during mangrove restoration. To collect data on tree structure and carbon storage, we conducted field surveys measuring parameters such as diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height and crown diameter for each tree. Non-destructive methods were used for data collection. Using ANOVA and post-hoc multiple comparison tests, we assessed differences in structure and carbon stock among the three species. Regression analysis was also performed to understand the relationship between carbon stock and structural attributes. In terms of stand densities, we observed variations among species, with pioneer stage plantations exhibiting higher densities compared to mature stands. Seedlings showed sufficient regeneration, supporting the sustainability of the forest. Biomass accumulation varied across species, with A. officinalis having the highest average biomass. Aboveground biomass showed a strong correlation with basal area. A. officinalis had the highest total biomass carbon accumulation at 55.29 ± 20.91 Mg C ha<sup>-1</sup>, with 77.43% aboveground carbon and 22.57% belowground carbon. A. marina stored 41.09 ± 11.03 Mg C ha<sup>-1</sup>, with a similar distribution of 76.05% aboveground and 23.95% belowground carbon, while B. sexangula stored 23.23 ± 3.12 Mg C ha<sup>-1</sup>, with 70.70% aboveground carbon and 29.30% belowground carbon. The amount of aboveground carbon was a significant portion of the overall carbon storage and correlated with tree density, diameter, basal area and height. Our findings highlight the importance of selecting suitable species and considering structural attributes for mangrove restoration and carbon storage efforts. These results provide valuable insights for managing mangrove plantations at regional and global levels. On average, the reported carbon sequestration was 154.40 MgCO<sub>2</sub>-eq ha<sup>-1</sup>.