The Birimian Baguiomo formations are located in the northern part of the Boromo greenstone belt. In this belt, the volcanic rocks (tholeiitic basalt, calcalkaline basalt, andesite) hosting the gold mineralization are ...The Birimian Baguiomo formations are located in the northern part of the Boromo greenstone belt. In this belt, the volcanic rocks (tholeiitic basalt, calcalkaline basalt, andesite) hosting the gold mineralization are located in the Kwademen-Baguiomo shear zone. This mineralization, located only a few kilometers from the Kwademen gold deposit, is uncharacterized and, together with the latter, could constitute a gold potential capable of being economically exploitable. It is in this sense that this work is carried out with a view to characterizing the gold mineralization of the Baguiomo gold panning site. To carry out this work, we have made direct field measurements, combined with microstructures, and combined all this with data from geochemical rock analysis of the basalts that are the main host formations. Geochemical data show that tholeitic basalts formed from a mantle plume that was emplaced in an oceanic plateau context. Calc-alkaline basalts and andesites are comparable to Paleoproterozoic tholeitic basalts (PTH3), which are slightly enriched in light rare earths. Fertility tests show that these basalts concentrate between 3 and 6 ppb of gold at the time of accretion, which is sufficient for remobilization of this primary gold during the Eburnian orogeny to yield a deposit of around 4 - 5 Moz. Gold mineralization is associated with pyrite crystals when the latter are disseminated in the rock mass, whereas it is associated with hematite in quartz veins concordant with S1 shear deformation. It is mainly the pyrite crystals in the pressure shadows that contain the gold grains, whose development would be synchronous with micro-shear zone reactivation during the first phase of D1<sub>B</sub> deformation. The second phase of D2<sub>B</sub> deformation, which is a crenulation or fracture schistosity, does not significantly affect the shear deformation that controls mineralization.展开更多
Despite its often illegal nature, artisanal gold mining in Burkina Faso contributes to the economic and social development of the country. However, the rudimentary techniques used in gold panning have a significant im...Despite its often illegal nature, artisanal gold mining in Burkina Faso contributes to the economic and social development of the country. However, the rudimentary techniques used in gold panning have a significant impact on the environment due to inappropriate practices and the use of various chemical substances. This study aims to assess the impact of artisanal gold mining on the quality of water resources in a rural community at Méguet, Burkina Faso. To this end, surface and groundwater samples were collected and analyzed at the BUMIGEB laboratory. Field results show that the waters are slightly alkaline (6.97 < pH < 8.1), weakly mineralized and conductive (124 < EC < 543 μS/cm), with temperatures ranging from 24.6˚C to 31.6˚C. In addition, trace metals (TMEs) analyzed from surface and subsurface waters show very high levels, generally deviating from the levels recommended by WHO guidelines for Burkina Faso. Trace metals contamination of water resources in the commune of Méguet is mainly due to Fe (3.78 - 11.12 mg/kg), Hg (0.03 - 0.29 mg/kg), As (0.01- 6.31 mg/kg) and Pb (0.01 - 3.8 mg/kg). This study can serve as a basis for guiding national environmental policies to protect the water resources of the Méguet mine.展开更多
The aim of this study is to contribute to better targeting of gold prospecting areas using geospatial information. To this end, 3 mining sites were selected for the study. They are: the Sénoufo belt (Barrick Gold...The aim of this study is to contribute to better targeting of gold prospecting areas using geospatial information. To this end, 3 mining sites were selected for the study. They are: the Sénoufo belt (Barrick Gold mine), the Yaouré complex (Perseus Mining mine) and the South Fetêkro belt (Bonikro, Hiré and Agbaou mines). For this study, a multi-scale approach was carried out at regional, mine and microscopic levels. At the regional scale, a comparative analysis of 1:200,000 scale geological maps revealed that 3 main lithologies are regularly repeated on and around the various mining sites. These are: undifferentiated volcanics, metagranodiorites and metasiltites dominated by meta-arenites. Most of these lithologies are affected by undifferentiated faults generally oriented NE-SW, N-S, ENE-WSW and WNW-ESE. In addition, gold and manganese occurrences are present on all the sites studied. At the mine scale, radarsat-1 images processing indicate that the main mining sites are generally located near or at the intersection of lineaments-oriented NE-SW or N-S on the one hand and E-W or ENE-WSW or WNW-ESE or again NW-SE on the other. These mines are also located at the interface between zones of high and low lineament density. At the microscopic scale, petrographic studies of undifferentiated volcanic samples from the various sites indicate that they consist of andesites, meta-andesites and tuffs.展开更多
The finite deformation structures recorded in the Essakane area, located in the northeast corner of Burkina Faso, highlight three major compressive deformation phases, successively named D1, D2, and D3. The D1 event p...The finite deformation structures recorded in the Essakane area, located in the northeast corner of Burkina Faso, highlight three major compressive deformation phases, successively named D1, D2, and D3. The D1 event phase, trending NE-SW, is characterised by P1 folds and S1 axial plane schistosity. The D2 phase trending NW-SE is characterised by folds P2, schistosity (S2) and shear (C) planes. And the D3 phase trending NNE-SSW to N-S is characterised by P3 folds, crenulation microfolds and S3 spaced schistosity. It has also been noted that gold mineralizations are mainly hosted in quartz, carbonate, pyrite, and arsenopyrite veins. Structural interpretation indicates that these veins are organized into lenticular bodies that were formed during the first two deformation phases (D1 and D2). This suggests a strong structural control typical of orogenic gold concentrations.展开更多
Local populations in Cameroon thrive on forest resources and the flow of ecosystem services they provide are pivotal in sustaining national economy, improving people’s lives, safeguarding biodiversity, and mitigating...Local populations in Cameroon thrive on forest resources and the flow of ecosystem services they provide are pivotal in sustaining national economy, improving people’s lives, safeguarding biodiversity, and mitigating the impacts of environmental changes. The exploitation of these resources invariably leads to deforestation and forest degradation. This study was designed to evaluate land use land cover change (LULCC) in the Eseka alluvial gold mining district with the aid of Landsat images. In the investigation of forest cover change, four Landsat satellite images for (1990, 2002, 2015 and 2022) were used. Ground-truthing also helped to identify the activities carried out by the local population and to determine agents, drivers and pressures of land use and land cover change. Four main land cover classes namely: forest, agricultural land, settlement/mining camps and water bodies were selected. Between 1990 and 2022, the proportion of forest decreased from 98% to 34% while those of agricultural land and settlement/mining camps increased from 2% to 60% and 0.54% to 6% respectively. Analysis showed ongoing deforestation with forest cover loss of ~98,263 ha in 32 years giving a cover change percentage of 63.94%. Kappa coefficient for the study period ranged from 0.92 to 0.99. Forest cover loss could be attributed to farming activities, wood extraction and alluvial gold mining activities. Economic motives notably the need to increase household income from a frequent demand for farm and wood products in neighbouring towns and the quest for gold were the main drivers of these activities. Hence, this study assesses the impact of human activities from the mining sector on the forest ecosystem in a bid to inform mitigation policies.展开更多
The Douta permit of African Star Resources/Thor Explorations, located in the southeast of Senegal, in the Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier (western part of the West African Craton), is dominated to the East by m...The Douta permit of African Star Resources/Thor Explorations, located in the southeast of Senegal, in the Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier (western part of the West African Craton), is dominated to the East by metasedimentary formations such as greywackes, shales, graphitic shales, quartzites, cherts, claystones and breccias characteristic of the Dialé-Daléma basin. To the West, the mafic formations of the Mako volcanic belt are the most common. Metasedimentary rocks are associated with metavolcanosedimentary terms found at the contact zones between the two (2) Birimian groups. These different geological formations are cut by mafic dolerite and gabbro sills and/or dykes, as well as quartz and microgranite veins. The Douta gold project is crossed from North to South by the MTZ (Main Transcurrent Zone), generally oriented NE-SW and becoming N-S towards the North. The permit is characterized by several shear corridors. The rocks are affected by brittle, brittle-ductile to ductile deformations. The gold mineralization is hosted by a NE-trending shear corridor called the Makosa corridor (Makosa shear zone), therefore sub-parallel to the MTZ. It has a subvertical dip (75˚ to 85˚ to the NW). It is associated with a hydrothermal phase characterized by quartz-sericite-epidote-fine, disseminated pyrite and arsenopyrite ± albite ± chlorite paragenesis. These minerals testify to the existence of a low degree of metamorphism (greenschist facies, epizonal domain) in the area. However, metamorphism reaches amphibolite facies in some places, particularly in the vicinity of intrusive bodies, with the presence of hornblende (amphiboles) and plagioclase. The gold mineralization is mainly hosted by two (2) metasedimentary lithological units: meta-greywackes and shales.展开更多
The Intiédougou located in the Houndé Birimian greenstone belt has been the subject of several mining and geoscience studies that have led to the discovery of mineralized gold targets. One of these mineraliz...The Intiédougou located in the Houndé Birimian greenstone belt has been the subject of several mining and geoscience studies that have led to the discovery of mineralized gold targets. One of these mineralized targets has prompted work that raises the issue of control factors for the gold mineralization of the prospect. The methodology used in this study combines a study of core drill hole data located in the area and laboratory studies. The Intiédougou sector is based on andesito-basaltic, andesitic interstratified volcanoclastite rocks and Tarkwaïen type detrital sedimentary rocks caught in a vice in the volcano-sedimentary unit. Lithostructural analysis of the sector shows that the subvolcanic rocks bearing gold mineralization are subjected to heterogeneous ductile to brittle deformations and affected by hydrothermalism evolving at stages marked by large fissure fillings. These hydrothermal phases evolve in the zones of expansion created by the brittle deformations that have contributed to the deposits of different types of gold-enriched sulphides. These different phases of hydrothermal destabilization generally of low degree accompany the tardi to post-eburnean brittle tectonics. This deformation system is favorable to the establishment of gold mineralization in the form of vein bodies. The overimposition of deformed and altered areas suggests a genetic relationship between deformation and hydrothermal activity. In conclusion, the mineralization of Intiédougou in vein styles, set up in a volcanic arc environment with a paragenesis of gold-pyrite deposit ± chalcopyrite would be controlled by the structural aspect and accompanied by hydrothermal alteration.展开更多
The study was conducted to determine the applicability of gravity separation method on the Ashashire gold ore deposit Benishangul gumuz region, western Ethiopia. The Ashashire composite was produced to provide suffici...The study was conducted to determine the applicability of gravity separation method on the Ashashire gold ore deposit Benishangul gumuz region, western Ethiopia. The Ashashire composite was produced to provide sufficient mass for this study and experiment, including sample preparation, mineralogical analysis of gold and associated elements, gravity concentration, and data interpretation and analysis. During the study, a grind optimization was conducted on the composites sample with varying grind size to evaluate the effect of grind size on gold recovery. The ore was moderately ground to the standard grind size of 80%, passing 106 µm, 75 µm, 53 µm and this nominal size was selected for the preliminary assessment for concentration optimization for this deposit. The gravity testing comprised three-stage concentration using Knelson concentrator. High recovery of gold from the gravity concentrates was achieved from the second gravity concentration. Based on the laboratory experimental result analysis, a grind size of P80 75 µm is selected as optimal size for the Ashashire gold deposit. Increasing the grind size from P80 of 75 µm to 106 µm decreases the recovery rate from 75% to 54%, or decreasing the grind size from P80 of 75 µm to 53 µm decreases the gold recovery rate to 37%. The native gold grain in the ores is mostly associated with quartz and fine gold is closely associated with pyrite. According to analysis of the fire assay, chemical, and mineralogical data, only gold and telluride is commercially valuable elements in the ores. Predominantly gold was occurred in the native form of Au-Te. The sample subjected to gravity separation assayed about 2.6 g/t Au.展开更多
The use of gold as a tracer element for understanding the mode of emplacement of these formations requires a good knowledge of its dynamics. To this end, we have carried out experimental studies to investigate the evo...The use of gold as a tracer element for understanding the mode of emplacement of these formations requires a good knowledge of its dynamics. To this end, we have carried out experimental studies to investigate the evolution of contour states (regular, irregular), surface states (blunt, rough), shape (elongation) and dimension (size). The study of these criteria is carried out on SEM photos of particles, taken before and after the experiment, using Aphelion image processing software. Five experiments were carried out to study the influence of sediment granulometry and water dilution on particle morphological changes. The results of these experiments show that coarse sediments (>1 mm) are largely responsible for morphological changes in gold. They cause fragmentation and/or folding of the particle edges, depending on the magnitude of the impact forces. Strong impacts due to high water dilution cause staking on the particle surface. Fine sediments (<1 mm) slow down particle evolution as they cushion impacts and particles tend to flatten rather than fragment.展开更多
The Boulon Djounga eastern perimeter is part of the Tiawa operating permit of the Société des Mines du Liptako (SML), located in the central southwestern part of Liptako (Niger). In this study, we used field...The Boulon Djounga eastern perimeter is part of the Tiawa operating permit of the Société des Mines du Liptako (SML), located in the central southwestern part of Liptako (Niger). In this study, we used field data, Reverse Circulation (RC) surveys and chemical analyzes of gold to determine the characteristics of gold and its mineralization style. The eastern perimeter of Boulon Djounga is represented by a succession of metabasalts and metasediments both intersected by intrusions of quartz and dolerite dykes, and covered by sandstone and clayey rocks. Gold is present in low contents (0.00 - 0.30 ppm) in the sedimentary cover and in medium (0.30 - 1.00 ppm) or high contents (1.00 - 4.534 ppm) in the metasediments, and in the gray quartz veins and locally in the volcanics. It exists in a disseminated state or in a concentrated state in the surrounding areas in the form of discrete grains associated with sulphurous minerals (pyrite: FeS<sub>2</sub>, chalcopyrite: CuFeS<sub>2</sub> or arsenopyrite: FeAsS). The presence of gold in the quartz veins, and the NE-SW and NW-SE orientations of the ore bodies suggest that the eastern Boulon Djounga gold mineralization would be established during a late magmatic extensive phase.展开更多
文摘The Birimian Baguiomo formations are located in the northern part of the Boromo greenstone belt. In this belt, the volcanic rocks (tholeiitic basalt, calcalkaline basalt, andesite) hosting the gold mineralization are located in the Kwademen-Baguiomo shear zone. This mineralization, located only a few kilometers from the Kwademen gold deposit, is uncharacterized and, together with the latter, could constitute a gold potential capable of being economically exploitable. It is in this sense that this work is carried out with a view to characterizing the gold mineralization of the Baguiomo gold panning site. To carry out this work, we have made direct field measurements, combined with microstructures, and combined all this with data from geochemical rock analysis of the basalts that are the main host formations. Geochemical data show that tholeitic basalts formed from a mantle plume that was emplaced in an oceanic plateau context. Calc-alkaline basalts and andesites are comparable to Paleoproterozoic tholeitic basalts (PTH3), which are slightly enriched in light rare earths. Fertility tests show that these basalts concentrate between 3 and 6 ppb of gold at the time of accretion, which is sufficient for remobilization of this primary gold during the Eburnian orogeny to yield a deposit of around 4 - 5 Moz. Gold mineralization is associated with pyrite crystals when the latter are disseminated in the rock mass, whereas it is associated with hematite in quartz veins concordant with S1 shear deformation. It is mainly the pyrite crystals in the pressure shadows that contain the gold grains, whose development would be synchronous with micro-shear zone reactivation during the first phase of D1<sub>B</sub> deformation. The second phase of D2<sub>B</sub> deformation, which is a crenulation or fracture schistosity, does not significantly affect the shear deformation that controls mineralization.
文摘Despite its often illegal nature, artisanal gold mining in Burkina Faso contributes to the economic and social development of the country. However, the rudimentary techniques used in gold panning have a significant impact on the environment due to inappropriate practices and the use of various chemical substances. This study aims to assess the impact of artisanal gold mining on the quality of water resources in a rural community at Méguet, Burkina Faso. To this end, surface and groundwater samples were collected and analyzed at the BUMIGEB laboratory. Field results show that the waters are slightly alkaline (6.97 < pH < 8.1), weakly mineralized and conductive (124 < EC < 543 μS/cm), with temperatures ranging from 24.6˚C to 31.6˚C. In addition, trace metals (TMEs) analyzed from surface and subsurface waters show very high levels, generally deviating from the levels recommended by WHO guidelines for Burkina Faso. Trace metals contamination of water resources in the commune of Méguet is mainly due to Fe (3.78 - 11.12 mg/kg), Hg (0.03 - 0.29 mg/kg), As (0.01- 6.31 mg/kg) and Pb (0.01 - 3.8 mg/kg). This study can serve as a basis for guiding national environmental policies to protect the water resources of the Méguet mine.
文摘The aim of this study is to contribute to better targeting of gold prospecting areas using geospatial information. To this end, 3 mining sites were selected for the study. They are: the Sénoufo belt (Barrick Gold mine), the Yaouré complex (Perseus Mining mine) and the South Fetêkro belt (Bonikro, Hiré and Agbaou mines). For this study, a multi-scale approach was carried out at regional, mine and microscopic levels. At the regional scale, a comparative analysis of 1:200,000 scale geological maps revealed that 3 main lithologies are regularly repeated on and around the various mining sites. These are: undifferentiated volcanics, metagranodiorites and metasiltites dominated by meta-arenites. Most of these lithologies are affected by undifferentiated faults generally oriented NE-SW, N-S, ENE-WSW and WNW-ESE. In addition, gold and manganese occurrences are present on all the sites studied. At the mine scale, radarsat-1 images processing indicate that the main mining sites are generally located near or at the intersection of lineaments-oriented NE-SW or N-S on the one hand and E-W or ENE-WSW or WNW-ESE or again NW-SE on the other. These mines are also located at the interface between zones of high and low lineament density. At the microscopic scale, petrographic studies of undifferentiated volcanic samples from the various sites indicate that they consist of andesites, meta-andesites and tuffs.
文摘The finite deformation structures recorded in the Essakane area, located in the northeast corner of Burkina Faso, highlight three major compressive deformation phases, successively named D1, D2, and D3. The D1 event phase, trending NE-SW, is characterised by P1 folds and S1 axial plane schistosity. The D2 phase trending NW-SE is characterised by folds P2, schistosity (S2) and shear (C) planes. And the D3 phase trending NNE-SSW to N-S is characterised by P3 folds, crenulation microfolds and S3 spaced schistosity. It has also been noted that gold mineralizations are mainly hosted in quartz, carbonate, pyrite, and arsenopyrite veins. Structural interpretation indicates that these veins are organized into lenticular bodies that were formed during the first two deformation phases (D1 and D2). This suggests a strong structural control typical of orogenic gold concentrations.
文摘Local populations in Cameroon thrive on forest resources and the flow of ecosystem services they provide are pivotal in sustaining national economy, improving people’s lives, safeguarding biodiversity, and mitigating the impacts of environmental changes. The exploitation of these resources invariably leads to deforestation and forest degradation. This study was designed to evaluate land use land cover change (LULCC) in the Eseka alluvial gold mining district with the aid of Landsat images. In the investigation of forest cover change, four Landsat satellite images for (1990, 2002, 2015 and 2022) were used. Ground-truthing also helped to identify the activities carried out by the local population and to determine agents, drivers and pressures of land use and land cover change. Four main land cover classes namely: forest, agricultural land, settlement/mining camps and water bodies were selected. Between 1990 and 2022, the proportion of forest decreased from 98% to 34% while those of agricultural land and settlement/mining camps increased from 2% to 60% and 0.54% to 6% respectively. Analysis showed ongoing deforestation with forest cover loss of ~98,263 ha in 32 years giving a cover change percentage of 63.94%. Kappa coefficient for the study period ranged from 0.92 to 0.99. Forest cover loss could be attributed to farming activities, wood extraction and alluvial gold mining activities. Economic motives notably the need to increase household income from a frequent demand for farm and wood products in neighbouring towns and the quest for gold were the main drivers of these activities. Hence, this study assesses the impact of human activities from the mining sector on the forest ecosystem in a bid to inform mitigation policies.
文摘The Douta permit of African Star Resources/Thor Explorations, located in the southeast of Senegal, in the Kédougou-Kéniéba Inlier (western part of the West African Craton), is dominated to the East by metasedimentary formations such as greywackes, shales, graphitic shales, quartzites, cherts, claystones and breccias characteristic of the Dialé-Daléma basin. To the West, the mafic formations of the Mako volcanic belt are the most common. Metasedimentary rocks are associated with metavolcanosedimentary terms found at the contact zones between the two (2) Birimian groups. These different geological formations are cut by mafic dolerite and gabbro sills and/or dykes, as well as quartz and microgranite veins. The Douta gold project is crossed from North to South by the MTZ (Main Transcurrent Zone), generally oriented NE-SW and becoming N-S towards the North. The permit is characterized by several shear corridors. The rocks are affected by brittle, brittle-ductile to ductile deformations. The gold mineralization is hosted by a NE-trending shear corridor called the Makosa corridor (Makosa shear zone), therefore sub-parallel to the MTZ. It has a subvertical dip (75˚ to 85˚ to the NW). It is associated with a hydrothermal phase characterized by quartz-sericite-epidote-fine, disseminated pyrite and arsenopyrite ± albite ± chlorite paragenesis. These minerals testify to the existence of a low degree of metamorphism (greenschist facies, epizonal domain) in the area. However, metamorphism reaches amphibolite facies in some places, particularly in the vicinity of intrusive bodies, with the presence of hornblende (amphiboles) and plagioclase. The gold mineralization is mainly hosted by two (2) metasedimentary lithological units: meta-greywackes and shales.
文摘The Intiédougou located in the Houndé Birimian greenstone belt has been the subject of several mining and geoscience studies that have led to the discovery of mineralized gold targets. One of these mineralized targets has prompted work that raises the issue of control factors for the gold mineralization of the prospect. The methodology used in this study combines a study of core drill hole data located in the area and laboratory studies. The Intiédougou sector is based on andesito-basaltic, andesitic interstratified volcanoclastite rocks and Tarkwaïen type detrital sedimentary rocks caught in a vice in the volcano-sedimentary unit. Lithostructural analysis of the sector shows that the subvolcanic rocks bearing gold mineralization are subjected to heterogeneous ductile to brittle deformations and affected by hydrothermalism evolving at stages marked by large fissure fillings. These hydrothermal phases evolve in the zones of expansion created by the brittle deformations that have contributed to the deposits of different types of gold-enriched sulphides. These different phases of hydrothermal destabilization generally of low degree accompany the tardi to post-eburnean brittle tectonics. This deformation system is favorable to the establishment of gold mineralization in the form of vein bodies. The overimposition of deformed and altered areas suggests a genetic relationship between deformation and hydrothermal activity. In conclusion, the mineralization of Intiédougou in vein styles, set up in a volcanic arc environment with a paragenesis of gold-pyrite deposit ± chalcopyrite would be controlled by the structural aspect and accompanied by hydrothermal alteration.
文摘The study was conducted to determine the applicability of gravity separation method on the Ashashire gold ore deposit Benishangul gumuz region, western Ethiopia. The Ashashire composite was produced to provide sufficient mass for this study and experiment, including sample preparation, mineralogical analysis of gold and associated elements, gravity concentration, and data interpretation and analysis. During the study, a grind optimization was conducted on the composites sample with varying grind size to evaluate the effect of grind size on gold recovery. The ore was moderately ground to the standard grind size of 80%, passing 106 µm, 75 µm, 53 µm and this nominal size was selected for the preliminary assessment for concentration optimization for this deposit. The gravity testing comprised three-stage concentration using Knelson concentrator. High recovery of gold from the gravity concentrates was achieved from the second gravity concentration. Based on the laboratory experimental result analysis, a grind size of P80 75 µm is selected as optimal size for the Ashashire gold deposit. Increasing the grind size from P80 of 75 µm to 106 µm decreases the recovery rate from 75% to 54%, or decreasing the grind size from P80 of 75 µm to 53 µm decreases the gold recovery rate to 37%. The native gold grain in the ores is mostly associated with quartz and fine gold is closely associated with pyrite. According to analysis of the fire assay, chemical, and mineralogical data, only gold and telluride is commercially valuable elements in the ores. Predominantly gold was occurred in the native form of Au-Te. The sample subjected to gravity separation assayed about 2.6 g/t Au.
文摘The use of gold as a tracer element for understanding the mode of emplacement of these formations requires a good knowledge of its dynamics. To this end, we have carried out experimental studies to investigate the evolution of contour states (regular, irregular), surface states (blunt, rough), shape (elongation) and dimension (size). The study of these criteria is carried out on SEM photos of particles, taken before and after the experiment, using Aphelion image processing software. Five experiments were carried out to study the influence of sediment granulometry and water dilution on particle morphological changes. The results of these experiments show that coarse sediments (>1 mm) are largely responsible for morphological changes in gold. They cause fragmentation and/or folding of the particle edges, depending on the magnitude of the impact forces. Strong impacts due to high water dilution cause staking on the particle surface. Fine sediments (<1 mm) slow down particle evolution as they cushion impacts and particles tend to flatten rather than fragment.
文摘The Boulon Djounga eastern perimeter is part of the Tiawa operating permit of the Société des Mines du Liptako (SML), located in the central southwestern part of Liptako (Niger). In this study, we used field data, Reverse Circulation (RC) surveys and chemical analyzes of gold to determine the characteristics of gold and its mineralization style. The eastern perimeter of Boulon Djounga is represented by a succession of metabasalts and metasediments both intersected by intrusions of quartz and dolerite dykes, and covered by sandstone and clayey rocks. Gold is present in low contents (0.00 - 0.30 ppm) in the sedimentary cover and in medium (0.30 - 1.00 ppm) or high contents (1.00 - 4.534 ppm) in the metasediments, and in the gray quartz veins and locally in the volcanics. It exists in a disseminated state or in a concentrated state in the surrounding areas in the form of discrete grains associated with sulphurous minerals (pyrite: FeS<sub>2</sub>, chalcopyrite: CuFeS<sub>2</sub> or arsenopyrite: FeAsS). The presence of gold in the quartz veins, and the NE-SW and NW-SE orientations of the ore bodies suggest that the eastern Boulon Djounga gold mineralization would be established during a late magmatic extensive phase.