顶部电离层是指F2层电子密度最大值所在高度以上的电离层区域。掩星观测能够提供地面到低轨卫星轨道高度处的整个电离层电子密度剖面,对于顶部电离层的研究具有重要作用。标高是构建顶部以上电离层电子密度剖面模型的重要参数。本文使用...顶部电离层是指F2层电子密度最大值所在高度以上的电离层区域。掩星观测能够提供地面到低轨卫星轨道高度处的整个电离层电子密度剖面,对于顶部电离层的研究具有重要作用。标高是构建顶部以上电离层电子密度剖面模型的重要参数。本文使用2007—2020年的气象、电离层和气候星座观测系统(Constellation Observing System for Meteorology,Ionosphere and Climate,COSMIC)掩星观测数据,提取有效电子密度剖面数据的顶部标高,分析了其随地方时、季节、经纬度和太阳活动水平的变化特性。结果表明:顶部标高具有明显的日变化和季节变化规律,并且表现出强烈的太阳活动依赖性;顶部标高在纬度上的变化强烈依赖于地方时,同时在东西经向上表现出明显的波状结构,且这种经度波状结构在南北半球具有不同的形态;顶部标高在夏季半球具有显著的东西经向差异,南半球夏季更为明显。展开更多
According to models such as panspermia or the Nebula-Relay hypothesis,the ancestors of life on Earth once lived in molecular clouds.Then what are the energy source and bioenergetics for such lifeforms?A new bioenerget...According to models such as panspermia or the Nebula-Relay hypothesis,the ancestors of life on Earth once lived in molecular clouds.Then what are the energy source and bioenergetics for such lifeforms?A new bioenergetic mechanism powered by cosmic ray ionization of hydrogen molecules is proposed and its relation with the origin of chemiosmosis is also discussed in this paper.Based on this mechanism,the Last Universal Common Ancestor may be a type of lifeform that utilizes hydrogen molecules as donors of electron transport chains.展开更多
We develop methods to extract key dark energy information from cosmic distance measurements including the BAO scales and supernova(SN) luminosity distances.Demonstrated using simulated data sets of the complete DESI,L...We develop methods to extract key dark energy information from cosmic distance measurements including the BAO scales and supernova(SN) luminosity distances.Demonstrated using simulated data sets of the complete DESI,LSST and Roman surveys designed for BAO and SN distance measurements,we show that using our method,the dynamical behavior of the energy,pressure,equation of state(with its time derivative) of dark energy and the cosmic deceleration function can all be accurately recovered from high-quality data,which allows for robust diagnostic tests for dark energy models.展开更多
Here, using the Scale-Symmetric Theory (SST) we explain the cosmological tension and the origin of the largest cosmic structures. We show that a change in value of strong coupling constant for cold baryonic matter lea...Here, using the Scale-Symmetric Theory (SST) we explain the cosmological tension and the origin of the largest cosmic structures. We show that a change in value of strong coupling constant for cold baryonic matter leads to the disagreement in the galaxy clustering amplitude, quantified by the parameter S8. Within the same model we described the Hubble tension. We described also the mechanism that transforms the gravitational collapse into an explosion—it concerns the dynamics of virtual fields that lead to dark energy. Our calculations concern the Type Ia supernovae and the core-collapse supernovae. We calculated the quantized masses of the progenitors of supernovae, emitted total energy during explosion, and we calculated how much of the released energy was transferred to neutrinos. Value of the speed of sound in the strongly interacting matter measured at the LHC confirms that presented here model is correct. Our calculations show that the Universe is cyclic.展开更多
Two new solutions of the homogeneous diffusion equation in 1D are derived in the presence of losses and a trigonometric profile for a profile of density. A simulation for the ankle in the energy distribution of cosmic...Two new solutions of the homogeneous diffusion equation in 1D are derived in the presence of losses and a trigonometric profile for a profile of density. A simulation for the ankle in the energy distribution of cosmic rays (CRs) is provided in the framework of the fine tuning of the involved parameters. A theoretical image for the overall diffusion of CRs in galactic coordinates is provided.展开更多
We show that recently multi-messenger astronomy has provided compelling evidence that the bulk of high energy cosmic rays (CRs) are produced by highly relativistic narrow jets of plasmoids launched in core collapse of...We show that recently multi-messenger astronomy has provided compelling evidence that the bulk of high energy cosmic rays (CRs) are produced by highly relativistic narrow jets of plasmoids launched in core collapse of stripped-envelope massive stars to neutron stars and stellar mass black holes. Such events produce also a visible GRB if the jet happens to point in our direction. This has been long advocated by the cannon ball (CB) model of high energy CRs and GRBs, but the evidence has been provided only recently by what were widely believed to be unrelated discoveries. They include the very recent discovery of a knee around TeV in the energy spectrum of high energy CR electrons, the peak photon energy in the “brightest of all time” GRB221009A, and the failure of IceCube to detect high energy neutrinos from GRBs, including GRB221009A. They were all predicted by the cannonball (CB) model of high energy CRs and GRBs long before they were discovered in observations, despite a negligible probability to occur by chance.展开更多
Previously, we presented several empirical equations using the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature. Next, we propose an empirical equation for the fine-structure constant. Considering the compatibility among...Previously, we presented several empirical equations using the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature. Next, we propose an empirical equation for the fine-structure constant. Considering the compatibility among these empirical equations, the CMB temperature (Tc) and gravitational constant (G) were calculated to be 2.726312 K and 6.673778 × 10−11 m3∙kg−1∙s−2, respectively. Every equation can be explained numerically in terms of the Compton length of an electron (λe), the Compton length of a proton (λp) and α. Furthermore, every equation can also be explained in terms of the Avogadro number and the number of electrons at 1 C. We show that every equation can be described in terms of the Planck constant. Then, the ratio of the gravitational force to the electric force can be uniquely determined with the assumption of minimum mass. In this report, we describe the algorithms used to explain these equations in detail. Thus, there are no dimension mismatch problems.展开更多
Previously, we presented several empirical equations using the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature. Next, we propose an empirical equation for the fine-structure constant. Considering the compatibility among...Previously, we presented several empirical equations using the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature. Next, we propose an empirical equation for the fine-structure constant. Considering the compatibility among these empirical equations, the CMB temperature (T<sub>c</sub>) and gravitational constant (G) were calculated to be 2.726312 K and 6.673778 × 10<sup>−11</sup> m<sup>3</sup>∙kg<sup>−1</sup>∙s<sup>−2</sup>, respectively. Every equation could be explained in terms of the Compton length of an electron (λ<sub>e</sub>), the Compton length of a proton (λ<sub>p</sub>) and a. Furthermore, every equation could also be explained in terms of Avogadro’s number and the number of electrons in 1 C. However, the ratio of the gravitational force to the electric force cannot be uniquely determined when the unit of the Planck constant (Js) is changed. In this study, we showed that every equation can be described in terms of Planck constant. From the assumption of minimum mass, the ratio of gravitational force to electric force could be elucidated.展开更多
Previously, we presented several empirical equations using the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature that were mathematically connected. Next, we proposed an empirical equation for the fine-structure constant....Previously, we presented several empirical equations using the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature that were mathematically connected. Next, we proposed an empirical equation for the fine-structure constant. Considering the compatibility among these empirical equations, the CMB temperature (T<sub>c</sub>) and gravitational constant (G) were calculated to be 2.726312 K and 6.673778 × 10<sup>-11</sup> m<sup>3</sup>·kg<sup>-1</sup>·s<sup>-2</sup>, respectively. Every equation can be explained in terms of the Compton length of an electron (λ<sub>e</sub>), the Compton length of a proton (λ<sub>p</sub>) and α. However, these equations are difficult to follow. Using the correspondence principle with the thermodynamic principles in solid-state ionics, we propose a canonical ensemble to explain these equations in this report. For this purpose, we show that every equation can be explained in terms of Avogadro’s number and the number of electrons in 1 C.展开更多
COSMIC(Constellation Observation System for Meteorology,Ionosphere and Climate)每天可以提供全球2000~3000条从40 km高空到近地面的大气温、压、湿的廓线资料,有效地弥补了常规探空资料在时间和空间上分辨率的不足。通过对2008年...COSMIC(Constellation Observation System for Meteorology,Ionosphere and Climate)每天可以提供全球2000~3000条从40 km高空到近地面的大气温、压、湿的廓线资料,有效地弥补了常规探空资料在时间和空间上分辨率的不足。通过对2008年5月20日至2008年11月26日COSMIC资料与L波段探空秒数据进行比对,结果表明,在10 km高度以下,COSMIC反演的湿廓线资料与L波段探空数据偏差较小,温度偏差为-0.5℃,均方根误差为1.5℃;折射率偏差为1.4N,均方根误差为5.9N;气压偏差为2.0 hPa,均方根误差为4.7 hPa;水汽压偏差为0.1 hPa,均方根误差为1.1 hPa。COSMIC干廓线资料与L波段探空相比,在10~30 km高度内,温度偏差为-0.3℃,均方根误差为1.9℃;折射率偏差为0.4N,均方根误差为0.9N;气压偏差为1.4 hPa,均方根误差为2.6 hPa。表明COSMIC资料既具有较高的时空分辨率,又具有较好的精度,在数值模式中具有重要的潜在应用。展开更多
Based on the Mach's principle and the characteristic mass of the present universe, Mo a c3/2GHo, it is noticed that, 'rate of decrease in the laboratory fine structure ratio' is a measure of the cosmic rate of expa...Based on the Mach's principle and the characteristic mass of the present universe, Mo a c3/2GHo, it is noticed that, 'rate of decrease in the laboratory fine structure ratio' is a measure of the cosmic rate of expansion. If the observed laboratory fine structure ratio is a constant, then, independent of the cosmic red shift and CMBR observations, it can be suggested that, at present there is no cosmic acceleration. Obtained value of the present Hubble constant is 70.75 Km/sec/Mpc. If it is true that, rate of decrease in temperature is a measure of cosmic rate of expansion, then from the observed cosmic isotropy it can also be suggested that, at present there is no cosmic acceleration. At present if the characteristic mass of the universe is, Mo = c3/2GHo and if the primordial universe is a natural setting for the creation of black holes and other non-perturbative gravitational entities, it is also possible to assume that throughout its journey, the whole universe is a primordial growing and light speed rotating black hole. At any time, if cot is the angular velocity, then cosmic radius is c/ω1 and cosmic mass is c3/2Gω1 Instead of the Planck mass, initial conditions can be addressed with the Coulomb mass = Mc = √/4xeoG At present, if ω1= H0 the cosmic black hole's volume density, observed matter density and the thermal energy density are in geometric series and the geometric ratio is 1 + ln(M0 +Mc).展开更多
对流层顶是地球大气的一个最基本的结构特征,对流层与平流层通过对流层顶交换气团、水汽、微量气体、能量等.对流层顶结构变化与气候变化密切相连.本文采用掩星弯曲角自然对数协方差变换法确定对流层顶,利用气象、电离层与气候星座观测...对流层顶是地球大气的一个最基本的结构特征,对流层与平流层通过对流层顶交换气团、水汽、微量气体、能量等.对流层顶结构变化与气候变化密切相连.本文采用掩星弯曲角自然对数协方差变换法确定对流层顶,利用气象、电离层与气候星座观测系统(Constellation Observing System for Meteorology,Ionosphere and Climate,COSMIC)2007年1月至2011年12月共5年的掩星观测数据分析了中国区域对流层顶高度、温度、气压等参数随经度、纬度、时间变化的特征.采用2°×2°网格法,把包括中国在内的16°N—54°N、72°E—136°E区域共分成19×32个格网单元,然后计算每个格网单元内对流层顶高度、温度、气压的平均值,结果表明对流层顶参数呈明显的纬度分带分布特征.计算每个格网单元内对流层顶参数季节平均值,结果显示对流层顶高度和气压具有明显的季节性变化特征.采用中位数斜率回归法分析对流层顶参数年平均值,发现在研究时段内中国区域对流层顶高度平均每年降低8m.展开更多
为了获得足够多的地面掩星点资料,用于全球和局部天气预报和大气研究,1997年中国台湾地区和美国联合制定了耗资1亿美元的COSMIC(Constellation Observing System for Meteorology,Ionosphere and Climate)计划。COSMIC是气象、电离层和...为了获得足够多的地面掩星点资料,用于全球和局部天气预报和大气研究,1997年中国台湾地区和美国联合制定了耗资1亿美元的COSMIC(Constellation Observing System for Meteorology,Ionosphere and Climate)计划。COSMIC是气象、电离层和气候星座观测系统,它包括卫星、地面数据接受和卫星控制站、数据分析中心和数字通讯网络,计划于2005年开始实施。介绍了COSMIC计划产出的历史背景、科学任务及其整个系统的组成,井针对COSMIC和其它LEO(低地球轨道)星座计划,提出了我们应做和正在做的研究工作。展开更多
文摘顶部电离层是指F2层电子密度最大值所在高度以上的电离层区域。掩星观测能够提供地面到低轨卫星轨道高度处的整个电离层电子密度剖面,对于顶部电离层的研究具有重要作用。标高是构建顶部以上电离层电子密度剖面模型的重要参数。本文使用2007—2020年的气象、电离层和气候星座观测系统(Constellation Observing System for Meteorology,Ionosphere and Climate,COSMIC)掩星观测数据,提取有效电子密度剖面数据的顶部标高,分析了其随地方时、季节、经纬度和太阳活动水平的变化特性。结果表明:顶部标高具有明显的日变化和季节变化规律,并且表现出强烈的太阳活动依赖性;顶部标高在纬度上的变化强烈依赖于地方时,同时在东西经向上表现出明显的波状结构,且这种经度波状结构在南北半球具有不同的形态;顶部标高在夏季半球具有显著的东西经向差异,南半球夏季更为明显。
基金Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2016YFA0400200)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grants No.11773075)the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.2016288).
文摘According to models such as panspermia or the Nebula-Relay hypothesis,the ancestors of life on Earth once lived in molecular clouds.Then what are the energy source and bioenergetics for such lifeforms?A new bioenergetic mechanism powered by cosmic ray ionization of hydrogen molecules is proposed and its relation with the origin of chemiosmosis is also discussed in this paper.Based on this mechanism,the Last Universal Common Ancestor may be a type of lifeform that utilizes hydrogen molecules as donors of electron transport chains.
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2023YFA1607800,2023YFA1607803)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC,Grant Nos.11925303 and11890691)+3 种基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC,Grant No.12203062)by a CAS Project for Young Scientists in Basic Research (No.YSBR-092)supported by science research grants from the China Manned Space Project with No.CMS-CSST-2021-B01supported by the New Cornerstone Science Foundation through the XPLORER prize。
文摘We develop methods to extract key dark energy information from cosmic distance measurements including the BAO scales and supernova(SN) luminosity distances.Demonstrated using simulated data sets of the complete DESI,LSST and Roman surveys designed for BAO and SN distance measurements,we show that using our method,the dynamical behavior of the energy,pressure,equation of state(with its time derivative) of dark energy and the cosmic deceleration function can all be accurately recovered from high-quality data,which allows for robust diagnostic tests for dark energy models.
文摘Here, using the Scale-Symmetric Theory (SST) we explain the cosmological tension and the origin of the largest cosmic structures. We show that a change in value of strong coupling constant for cold baryonic matter leads to the disagreement in the galaxy clustering amplitude, quantified by the parameter S8. Within the same model we described the Hubble tension. We described also the mechanism that transforms the gravitational collapse into an explosion—it concerns the dynamics of virtual fields that lead to dark energy. Our calculations concern the Type Ia supernovae and the core-collapse supernovae. We calculated the quantized masses of the progenitors of supernovae, emitted total energy during explosion, and we calculated how much of the released energy was transferred to neutrinos. Value of the speed of sound in the strongly interacting matter measured at the LHC confirms that presented here model is correct. Our calculations show that the Universe is cyclic.
文摘Two new solutions of the homogeneous diffusion equation in 1D are derived in the presence of losses and a trigonometric profile for a profile of density. A simulation for the ankle in the energy distribution of cosmic rays (CRs) is provided in the framework of the fine tuning of the involved parameters. A theoretical image for the overall diffusion of CRs in galactic coordinates is provided.
文摘We show that recently multi-messenger astronomy has provided compelling evidence that the bulk of high energy cosmic rays (CRs) are produced by highly relativistic narrow jets of plasmoids launched in core collapse of stripped-envelope massive stars to neutron stars and stellar mass black holes. Such events produce also a visible GRB if the jet happens to point in our direction. This has been long advocated by the cannon ball (CB) model of high energy CRs and GRBs, but the evidence has been provided only recently by what were widely believed to be unrelated discoveries. They include the very recent discovery of a knee around TeV in the energy spectrum of high energy CR electrons, the peak photon energy in the “brightest of all time” GRB221009A, and the failure of IceCube to detect high energy neutrinos from GRBs, including GRB221009A. They were all predicted by the cannonball (CB) model of high energy CRs and GRBs long before they were discovered in observations, despite a negligible probability to occur by chance.
文摘Previously, we presented several empirical equations using the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature. Next, we propose an empirical equation for the fine-structure constant. Considering the compatibility among these empirical equations, the CMB temperature (Tc) and gravitational constant (G) were calculated to be 2.726312 K and 6.673778 × 10−11 m3∙kg−1∙s−2, respectively. Every equation can be explained numerically in terms of the Compton length of an electron (λe), the Compton length of a proton (λp) and α. Furthermore, every equation can also be explained in terms of the Avogadro number and the number of electrons at 1 C. We show that every equation can be described in terms of the Planck constant. Then, the ratio of the gravitational force to the electric force can be uniquely determined with the assumption of minimum mass. In this report, we describe the algorithms used to explain these equations in detail. Thus, there are no dimension mismatch problems.
文摘Previously, we presented several empirical equations using the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature. Next, we propose an empirical equation for the fine-structure constant. Considering the compatibility among these empirical equations, the CMB temperature (T<sub>c</sub>) and gravitational constant (G) were calculated to be 2.726312 K and 6.673778 × 10<sup>−11</sup> m<sup>3</sup>∙kg<sup>−1</sup>∙s<sup>−2</sup>, respectively. Every equation could be explained in terms of the Compton length of an electron (λ<sub>e</sub>), the Compton length of a proton (λ<sub>p</sub>) and a. Furthermore, every equation could also be explained in terms of Avogadro’s number and the number of electrons in 1 C. However, the ratio of the gravitational force to the electric force cannot be uniquely determined when the unit of the Planck constant (Js) is changed. In this study, we showed that every equation can be described in terms of Planck constant. From the assumption of minimum mass, the ratio of gravitational force to electric force could be elucidated.
文摘Previously, we presented several empirical equations using the cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature that were mathematically connected. Next, we proposed an empirical equation for the fine-structure constant. Considering the compatibility among these empirical equations, the CMB temperature (T<sub>c</sub>) and gravitational constant (G) were calculated to be 2.726312 K and 6.673778 × 10<sup>-11</sup> m<sup>3</sup>·kg<sup>-1</sup>·s<sup>-2</sup>, respectively. Every equation can be explained in terms of the Compton length of an electron (λ<sub>e</sub>), the Compton length of a proton (λ<sub>p</sub>) and α. However, these equations are difficult to follow. Using the correspondence principle with the thermodynamic principles in solid-state ionics, we propose a canonical ensemble to explain these equations in this report. For this purpose, we show that every equation can be explained in terms of Avogadro’s number and the number of electrons in 1 C.
文摘Based on the Mach's principle and the characteristic mass of the present universe, Mo a c3/2GHo, it is noticed that, 'rate of decrease in the laboratory fine structure ratio' is a measure of the cosmic rate of expansion. If the observed laboratory fine structure ratio is a constant, then, independent of the cosmic red shift and CMBR observations, it can be suggested that, at present there is no cosmic acceleration. Obtained value of the present Hubble constant is 70.75 Km/sec/Mpc. If it is true that, rate of decrease in temperature is a measure of cosmic rate of expansion, then from the observed cosmic isotropy it can also be suggested that, at present there is no cosmic acceleration. At present if the characteristic mass of the universe is, Mo = c3/2GHo and if the primordial universe is a natural setting for the creation of black holes and other non-perturbative gravitational entities, it is also possible to assume that throughout its journey, the whole universe is a primordial growing and light speed rotating black hole. At any time, if cot is the angular velocity, then cosmic radius is c/ω1 and cosmic mass is c3/2Gω1 Instead of the Planck mass, initial conditions can be addressed with the Coulomb mass = Mc = √/4xeoG At present, if ω1= H0 the cosmic black hole's volume density, observed matter density and the thermal energy density are in geometric series and the geometric ratio is 1 + ln(M0 +Mc).
文摘对流层顶是地球大气的一个最基本的结构特征,对流层与平流层通过对流层顶交换气团、水汽、微量气体、能量等.对流层顶结构变化与气候变化密切相连.本文采用掩星弯曲角自然对数协方差变换法确定对流层顶,利用气象、电离层与气候星座观测系统(Constellation Observing System for Meteorology,Ionosphere and Climate,COSMIC)2007年1月至2011年12月共5年的掩星观测数据分析了中国区域对流层顶高度、温度、气压等参数随经度、纬度、时间变化的特征.采用2°×2°网格法,把包括中国在内的16°N—54°N、72°E—136°E区域共分成19×32个格网单元,然后计算每个格网单元内对流层顶高度、温度、气压的平均值,结果表明对流层顶参数呈明显的纬度分带分布特征.计算每个格网单元内对流层顶参数季节平均值,结果显示对流层顶高度和气压具有明显的季节性变化特征.采用中位数斜率回归法分析对流层顶参数年平均值,发现在研究时段内中国区域对流层顶高度平均每年降低8m.
文摘为了获得足够多的地面掩星点资料,用于全球和局部天气预报和大气研究,1997年中国台湾地区和美国联合制定了耗资1亿美元的COSMIC(Constellation Observing System for Meteorology,Ionosphere and Climate)计划。COSMIC是气象、电离层和气候星座观测系统,它包括卫星、地面数据接受和卫星控制站、数据分析中心和数字通讯网络,计划于2005年开始实施。介绍了COSMIC计划产出的历史背景、科学任务及其整个系统的组成,井针对COSMIC和其它LEO(低地球轨道)星座计划,提出了我们应做和正在做的研究工作。