By using regular meteorological data and Doppler radar data,causes for a hail storm over northern area of Dalian on Oct.13,2009 were analyzed from several aspects,including synoptic background,T-LnP charts and the cha...By using regular meteorological data and Doppler radar data,causes for a hail storm over northern area of Dalian on Oct.13,2009 were analyzed from several aspects,including synoptic background,T-LnP charts and the characteristics of radar reflectivity factor evolution.The results showed that the hail storm occurred in downstream of 500 hPa trough.The 500 hPa cold trough turned zonally and triggered the formation of shear line on lower level.Before the hail event,instability energy and moisture supply were observed.The shear line on lower level intensified the atmospheric instability,promoted the release of potential energy,caused the hail event.The cooperation of upper and lower level jet streams provided favorable dynamic condition for strong convection development.The Doppler radar analysis showed that strong convection was comprised of multiple convection cells,which demonstrated 'L' and 'V' shapes during mature stage,with peak intensity of 50-60 dBz.展开更多
Over the past few years, landfall and track,intensity, sustaining mechanisms of tropical cyclones (hereafter TCs) and associated weather changes have become heated topics of research, From the viewpoints of energy t...Over the past few years, landfall and track,intensity, sustaining mechanisms of tropical cyclones (hereafter TCs) and associated weather changes have become heated topics of research, From the viewpoints of energy transformation, moisture transfer, midlatitude baroclinic frontal zones and ambient wind fields, Chen et al.Le et al.and Zeng et al.studied the sustaining mechanism of TCs that have made landfall. Li et al.also pointed out that the intensification of TCs during transition was associated with the disturbance and downward transportation of high-level potential vortexes, low-level frontal zones and low-pressure circulation around TCs, after explaining the difference in TCs transition following the theory of wet potential vortexes. With large-scale diagnostic study of two types of TCs that unexpectedly weaken or enhance just before landfall in southern China, Hu et al.noted that enhancing TCs were usually to the southwest or south of the subtropical high with low levels featured by well-defined southwesterly inflow inside TCs and sufficient supply of water vapor. Liang et al.not only analyzed the changes in convective cloud bands, precipitation, track and temperature and humidity structure in the course of TC Vongfang landfall, but the effect of cold air and Southwest Monsoon on its intensity in particular. As also shown in numerical experiments conducted both at home and abroad and relevant studies,saturated humidity and large-sized bodies of water are favorable for the maintenance and enhancement of landfall TCs circulation. All of the above research achievements not only help broaden the understanding of the patterns by which TCs behave but are positive in improving the forecast of the track, winds and rains after landfall. It is.however, not much addressed in the field or evounon of landfall TCs when they are with special underlying surface and circulation background. TC Rananim (0414) was the most serious typhoon that ever affected Zhejiang province after landfall in the 48 years from 1956 to 2004, which was also the storm that caused heavy rains in the most widespread area in Jiangxi province in the past 20 years. There are two points about Rananim that stand out from the other storms. The first was the sudden westward turning of its track and the second the significant enhancement of precipitation after moving above the Boyang Lake.What kind of mechanism caused such remarkable change in the storm? With 6-hourly 1×1°NECP global reanalysis data, real-time upper-level observations and TCs location reports by the Central Observatory, the above two points and possible causes are studied in terms large-scale circulation background, underlying surface, cold air and diagnosis of physical quantity fields. New understanding has been made about the behavioral pattern of landfall TCs and related results will offer effective help in operational forecast.展开更多
[Objective] The research aimed to analyze the rainstorm process and backward trajectory simulation of water vapor condition in Jilin Province in July,2010.[Method] Based on the actual situation data of routine weather...[Objective] The research aimed to analyze the rainstorm process and backward trajectory simulation of water vapor condition in Jilin Province in July,2010.[Method] Based on the actual situation data of routine weather chart,NCEP (2.5°×2.5°) reanalysis data per 6 h and GBL data of NOAA,the rainstorm process was carried out the diagnostic analysis of physical quantity in Jilin Province in July,2010.Moreover,HYSPLIT backward trajectory mode was used to simulate the water vapor source.[Result] The coexistence of upper-level divergence and low-level convergence generated the ascending motion,which was the dynamic condition of rainstorm appearance.The unstable energy induced by the low-level shear promoted the generation of heavy rainstorm.The water vapor source of precipitation process was divided into the water vapor in the southern sea area,northern high-altitude water vapor transportation and local water vapor source.[Conclusion] The research provided some reference basis for the forecast and analysis of rainstorm.展开更多
This work examines the mechanism of rainfall associated with typhoon Molave(0906)in Guangdong province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonamous Region with rainfall observations,radar mosaics from China National Meteorological C...This work examines the mechanism of rainfall associated with typhoon Molave(0906)in Guangdong province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonamous Region with rainfall observations,radar mosaics from China National Meteorological Center and the final analysis data of National Center of Environmental Prediction(FNL/NCEP,USA).The result shows that the mechanism is different for the rainfall in the these areas.The rainfall in eastern Guangdong is mainly associated with a convective line to the front-right of the typhoon.The convective line is about 200 km away from the typhoon center.The rainfall in western Guangdong and Guangxi appear ahead of or to the left of the typhoon and is very close to the typhoon center.Both rainfall moves forward with the typhoon anticlockwise.It was also found that the rainfall occurred in the boundary between unstable and low-level convergent areas and closer to the convergent area.The unstable area is located in the downstream of rainfall and ahead of the convective line.It is an important factor to the development and convection.Strong frontogenesis is observed in the backward or upstream convective area of rainfall and is thus an important lifting condition for the formation of rainfall.When the low-level convergent area moves to the unstable area ahead of it,the unstable energy is left behind and as a result the convection is strengthened.展开更多
[Objective] The research aimed to analyze a regional rainstorm weather process in north-central Henan Province. [Method] Based on the conventional meteorological observation data and the rainfall data of Henan Meteoro...[Objective] The research aimed to analyze a regional rainstorm weather process in north-central Henan Province. [Method] Based on the conventional meteorological observation data and the rainfall data of Henan Meteorological Station, the diagnostic analysis of atmospheric thermodynamics and dynamics on a rainstorm weather process in north-central Henan Province on July 19, 2010 was carried out. The characteristics of physical quantity field and the evolution of weather situation in north-central Henan Province when the rainstorm happened were studied. [Result] Western Pacific subtropical high strengthened to extend westward. The dynamic uplifting of low vortex at the middle and low layers, the strong water vapor transportation of southwest low-level jet caused the regional rainstorm weather process in north-central Henan Province. The diagnostic results of physical quantity showed that the deep, thick wet layer and the sustained water vapor convergence provided the abundant water vapor for rainstorm generation. The positive vorticity advection center developed and spread from northwest to southeast, which was favorable for the development of vertical movement. The structure maintenance of positive vorticity at the middle and low layers, negative vorticity at the middle and high levels provided the power condition for the regional rainstorm generation. The pumping effect of convergence at the middle and low layers, divergence at the high layer was favorable for the strengthening of vertical ascending motion at the low layer. The uplifting effect of dew point front at the middle and low layers triggered the release of unstable energy. The confrontation of warm and cold air was one of the important reasons for the regional rainstorm. TBB characteristic analysis showed that TBB was from -60 to -50 ℃ in north-central Henan Province in the whole strong precipitation time, and the moving speed was equivalent to that of southwest vortex. The low-value belt of TBB corresponded with the rainstorm occurrence zone in Henan, and the minimum-value center of TBB was basically consistent with the strongest center of precipitation. [Conclusion] The research provided the scientific basis for the short-term forecast of rainstorm.展开更多
The automatic diagnostic analysis on atmospheric horizontal inversion area is realized through changing the single atmospheric inversion into horizontal one based on the sounding data in Micaps system;the basic concep...The automatic diagnostic analysis on atmospheric horizontal inversion area is realized through changing the single atmospheric inversion into horizontal one based on the sounding data in Micaps system;the basic conceptual model INCLUDING atmospheric horizontal inversion area,ground 0 ℃ line,high altitude wet area,extreme point 0 ℃ line in inversion layer is buillt after the research on relationship between atmospheric horizontal inversion area and freezing rain falling area;automatic diagnostic analysis on freezing rain falling area is developed based on the conceptual model,the method is in accord well with the actual situation (freezing rain disaster weather occurred in most part of the south in beginning of 2008) and fitting rate reaches 94.4%,quantitative correlation coefficient between the area of freezing rain falling area and stations reporting freezing rain is 0.839.展开更多
[ Objective] The research aimed to analyze a local snowstorm weather process which happened in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei during I - 4 January, 2010. [ Method] Based on routine meteorological observation data and NCEP...[ Objective] The research aimed to analyze a local snowstorm weather process which happened in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei during I - 4 January, 2010. [ Method] Based on routine meteorological observation data and NCEP/NCAR 2.5° ×2.5° grid data (four times every day), a lo- cal snowstorm weather process which happened in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei during 1 -4 January, 2010 was carried out diagnostic analysis by using composite analysis method. [Result] Circumfluence on the ground and strong cold advection in the rear of upper trough were the main weath- er system of the snowfall. The deep thick wet layer and strong water vapor convergence provided sufficient water vapor for snowfall. The divergence field of low-level convergence and high^level divergence, dynamic coupling effect of vorticity provided favorable dynamic condition upwardly for the occurrence of strong snowfall. The steep dense area of Oso, low temperature at the ground layer and inversion temperature at the high layer provided certain energy condition for the development of snowfall weather. [ Conclusion] The research provided theoretical basis for snowfall forecast in future.展开更多
By employing NCEP−NCAR 1°×1°reanalysis datasets,the mechanism of the easterlies vortex(EV)affecting the short-term movement of the subtropical anticyclone over the western Pacific(WPSA)in the mei-yu per...By employing NCEP−NCAR 1°×1°reanalysis datasets,the mechanism of the easterlies vortex(EV)affecting the short-term movement of the subtropical anticyclone over the western Pacific(WPSA)in the mei-yu period is examined using potential vorticity(PV)theory.The results show that when the EV and the westerlies vortex(WV)travel west/east to the same longitude of 120°E,the WPSA suddenly retreats.The EV and WV manifest as the downward transport of PV in the upper troposphere,and the variation of the corresponding high-value regions of PV significantly reflects the intensity changes of the EV and WV.The meridional propagation of PV causes the intensity change of the EV.The vertical movement on both sides of the EV is related to the position of the EV relative to the WPSA and the South Asian high(SAH).When the high PV in the easterlies and westerlies arrive at the same longitude in the meridional direction,the special circulation pattern will lower the position of PV isolines at the ridge line of the WPSA.Thus,the cyclonic circulation at the lower level will be strengthened,causing the abnormally eastward retreat of the WPSA.Analysis of the PV equation at the isentropic surface indicates that when the positive PV variation west of the EV intensifies,it connects with the positive PV variation east of the WV,forming a positive PV band and making the WPSA retreat abnormally.The horizontal advection of the PV has the greatest effect.The contribution of the vertical advection of PV and the vertical differential of heating is also positive,but the values are relatively small.The contribution of the residual was negative and it becomes smaller before and after the WPSA retreats.展开更多
[Objective] The research aimed to analyze a rainstorm process in Chongqing. [Methed] Based on precipitation product datasets and NCEP reanalysis data, synoptic situation and diagnostic analysis of a heavy rain process...[Objective] The research aimed to analyze a rainstorm process in Chongqing. [Methed] Based on precipitation product datasets and NCEP reanalysis data, synoptic situation and diagnostic analysis of a heavy rain process during 11 -12 May, 2012 in Chongqing were made, and the diagnostic analysis included dynamic and vapor conditions, instability index, vapor helicity and vapor divergence flux. [ Result] The east-south moving short wave trough and east-north moving southwest vortex were the main synoptic systems causing the heavy rain; the positive vorticity advection before trough and after ridge helped the ascending motion from surface; the southwest stream at 700 hPa provided vapor and energy, promoting and maintaining the intense development of convection; the higher vapor helicity and lower vapor divergence flux were well corresponding with higher precipitation area, and had well temporal correlation, which was significant for forecast of precipitation area and its development; the ascended warm wet stream on the lower air came across the cold air on the upper air, triggering the heavy rain; the Kindex and A index were significant for the heavy rain forecasting. [ Conclusion] The research could provide some references for research and forecast of future rainstorm process in Sichuan and Chongqing.展开更多
A three-dimensional density field associated with mesoscaie unstable waves generated by the 3-D, primitive-equation model (Wang and Ikeda, 1996) is provided to the quasi-geostrophic pressure tendency and ω-equations,...A three-dimensional density field associated with mesoscaie unstable waves generated by the 3-D, primitive-equation model (Wang and Ikeda, 1996) is provided to the quasi-geostrophic pressure tendency and ω-equations, and to the (ageostrophic) Q-vector equation. Diagnostic analyses, analogous to the approaches in meteorology: ω-equation and Q-vector method, are for the first time developed to examine the mesoscaie dynamical processes and mechanisms of the unstable waves propagating in the mid-latitude ocean. The weaknesses and strengths of these two diagnostic approaches are evaluated and compared to the model results. The Q-vector method is then recommended to diagnose the vertical motion associated with the mesoscaie dynamics from a hydrographic CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) array, while the quasi-geostrophic equations produce some small-scale features (errors) in the diagnosed fields.展开更多
In this paper, the winter atmospheric circulation, the convection along the equator and their variations of 1982 and 1983 are investigated. It is suggested that there was a well organized three dimensional structure o...In this paper, the winter atmospheric circulation, the convection along the equator and their variations of 1982 and 1983 are investigated. It is suggested that there was a well organized three dimensional structure of anomalies of the atmospheric circulations during 1982 winter which may be related to the variations of the convection in the equatorial region.展开更多
Based on hail weather cases in Chenzhou of Hunan in 2016,environmental conditions and physical quantity characteristics of hail generation were analyzed and studied from circulation field,low level jet,stability,dynam...Based on hail weather cases in Chenzhou of Hunan in 2016,environmental conditions and physical quantity characteristics of hail generation were analyzed and studied from circulation field,low level jet,stability,dynamic and thermal fields,and some conclusions with the guiding significance of prediction were obtained,which had an active effect on guiding prewarning of hail weather in Hunan,forecast business in falling region,disaster prevention and mitigation.展开更多
By consulting the typhoon yearbook and restoring the historical weather chart,technical separation of typhoon precipitation in Yongzhou from July to September of 1981-2015 was conducted.On this basis,climatic characte...By consulting the typhoon yearbook and restoring the historical weather chart,technical separation of typhoon precipitation in Yongzhou from July to September of 1981-2015 was conducted.On this basis,climatic characteristics of typhoon precipitation in midsummer of Yongzhou were analyzed,and climate prediction and diagnostic analysis were carried out.The research results showed that typhoon precipitation was an important component of midsummer precipitation in Yongzhou,but its contribution to total precipitation was not as much as precipitation of the westerly belt system.When the ridge line of the western Pacific subtropical high was northward,typhoon precipitation was more than westerly precipitation in midsummer of Yongzhou;when the subtropical high was southward,there were more patterns of westerly precipitation year;when the subtropical high was normally northward,typhoon precipitation and westerly precipitation were less,with more dry years.In summer,abnormal cold sea surface temperature(SST)in tidal zone and warm pool zone of western Pacific and abnormal warm SST in NinoZ zone(strong El Nino event)were favorable for that the ridge line of the western Pacific subtropical high was southward,and there were more patterns of westerly precipitation year in midsummer of Yongzhou.On the contrary,when subtropical high was northward or normally northerly,there was less westerly precipitation.In non La Nina years when the subtropical high was northward,most of them were typhoon precipitation years.In La Nina years when the subtropical high was northward,most of them were dry years.展开更多
The process of habitat degradation varies in habitat type and driving force which shows certain spatial and temporal heterogeneity on regional scales. In the present study, a new diagnostic model for enclosed bay habi...The process of habitat degradation varies in habitat type and driving force which shows certain spatial and temporal heterogeneity on regional scales. In the present study, a new diagnostic model for enclosed bay habitat degradation was established, with which the spatial and temporal variation patterns of habitat degradation during 1991–2012 in Sansha Bay, Fujian, China was investigated. The results show that anthropogenic disturbance is the major controlling factor for the habitat degradation in large temporal heterogeneity in the bay. On the other hand, the habitat degradation experienced signifi cant spatial variations among six sub-bays. Under the joint action of temporal and spatial heterogeneity, the degradation trend in growing scale shows a more signifi cant correlation with the distribution of local leading industries along shorelines. Therefore, we quantifi ed the main characters of habitat degradation in Sansha Bay, and have understood the relationship between the status of habitats spatio-temporal variation value and the main controlling factor leading to the changes. However, a defi ciency of this research is the lack of or inaccessible to the detailed data, which shall be better solved in the future study for accessing more data from more sources.展开更多
Clear air turbulence(CAT),a meso-or microscale(subgrid scale)phenomenon occurring in synoptic scale flow field at high altitude,is very difficult to be observed by the conventional obser- vation network.Thus it is nec...Clear air turbulence(CAT),a meso-or microscale(subgrid scale)phenomenon occurring in synoptic scale flow field at high altitude,is very difficult to be observed by the conventional obser- vation network.Thus it is necessary to approach an index to predict CAT.But at first,the struc- ture characteristics of CAT should be preanalyzed.In this paper,based on the theoretical and diag- nostic analysis of a case,features for wind profile,energy budget and dynamic mechanism of this case were presented.Furthermore,an objective and quantitative index for CAT forecast was giv- en.The verification for its efficiency was done with both real-time observation data and products from a numerical model.The results are very encouraging.展开更多
Based on the observation data of meteorological stations,Doppler radar observation data of Ulanqab City,and ERA-5 reanalysis data,a snowstorm process in Ulanqab City from March 17 to 18,2022 was analyzed.The results s...Based on the observation data of meteorological stations,Doppler radar observation data of Ulanqab City,and ERA-5 reanalysis data,a snowstorm process in Ulanqab City from March 17 to 18,2022 was analyzed.The results show that this was a type Ⅱ snowstorm process generated under the joint influence of upper trough and ground low inverted trough and frontal cyclone.The main period of snowfall can be divided into two time stages,and the total snowfall was more in the south and less in the north,which was consistent with that of average specific humidity field.Water vapor conditions provided by strong water vapor transport and convergence,strong upward movement shown by large vertical velocity field,and the suction action of high-and low-layer divergence and convergence were the reasons for the hourly heavy snowfall on the 18^(th).During the process,radar echoes were mainly sheet-shaped,and composite reflectivity was 15-25 dBZ in most areas.The zero speed line in the first period was positively"S"-shaped,and there was warm advection and southwest wind.On the morning of the 18^(th),after the cold front transited the city,Ulanqab City was gradually controlled by northwest wind,and the snow tended to end.展开更多
By using the routine weather data and the numerical value forecast products,applying the weather analysis and diagnostic analysis methods,the cold wave weather which happened in the south area of Dalian was analyzed o...By using the routine weather data and the numerical value forecast products,applying the weather analysis and diagnostic analysis methods,the cold wave weather which happened in the south area of Dalian was analyzed on December 29-30,2009.The results showed that based on the temperature rise in prior period,the strong cold air accumulated in Mongolia and passed Ulan Bator,Erenhot to invade Dalian area.In the cold wave process,the circulation situations in the middle and high latitudes were the 'one ridge and one trough' pattern in Asia.The dynamic mechanisms were the rotary low-pressure trough in high altitude and the strong frontal zone,and the flow field which induced the cold wave to break out was the 'low trough rotation pattern'.After the cold air broke out,Dalian area was controlled by the strong cold advection.The cold high-pressure on the ground entered into the key zone and reached the intensity of cold wave.However,the circulation of cold wave occurrence was southerly,and the shifts of cold air and influence system were quicker.Therefore,the cold wave appeared in Dalian's south areas which included Lvshun,Dalian and Jinzhou.On this basis,the key point of cold wave weather forecast in Dalian area was summarized.展开更多
NCEP GFS(Global Forecast System)analytical data(available 4 times per day),satellite cloud image data and real-time observations of path and intensity of Typhoon Morakot are employed to investigate the variation of sy...NCEP GFS(Global Forecast System)analytical data(available 4 times per day),satellite cloud image data and real-time observations of path and intensity of Typhoon Morakot are employed to investigate the variation of synoptic dynamics in its intensity and structure before and after the landing.This study intends to offer some hints for the forecast of intensity and structure of typhoons.Results show that in the tangential direction,the averaged asymmetry amplitude of wind on the radius of a large-value center of the low-level wind can be used as an important parameter for diagnosing the intensity of typhoons.Besides,the maximum of the upper dry potential vorticity in Morakot’s center tends to extend downward along the intensive gradient of tangential wind situated on the inner side of a large-value center of the low-level tangential wind.Additionally,the radial advection of the tangential wind determines the variation of tangential wind in conjunction with the vertical transmission of the tangential wind,the inertial centrifugal force and the Coriolis force.These four items are dominant in the motion equation of tangential wind based on a cylindrical coordinate without the effects of friction and turbulence.Moreover,the low-level convergence center of the typhoon has a tendency of shifting and developing along the intensive gradient of the tangential wind in the tangential direction.展开更多
Based on the routine observation data,the satellite cloud images and so on,the synoptics analysis and the diagnostic analysis of physical quantity field were used to analyze the heavy snowstorm process which happened ...Based on the routine observation data,the satellite cloud images and so on,the synoptics analysis and the diagnostic analysis of physical quantity field were used to analyze the heavy snowstorm process which happened in Northeast China during March 3-5 in 2007.The results showed that the main influence systems in the process were the eastward shift and up north of southern cyclone,the combination of south and north branches upper troughs in 500 hPa.The dynamic mechanisms of heavy snowstorm formation were the strong ascending movement which was caused by the configuration of high-layer divergence and low-layer convergence,the generation and maintenance of deep and thick positive vorticity in the middle and low layers.The sufficient water vapor in the East China Sea and the South China Sea which was brought by 700 hPa by south low-level jet stream reached Northeast China.The falling zones of strong precipitation were consistent with the big value zones of 850 hPa positive vorticity and 200 hPa positive divergence.Meanwhile,the intensity of temperature advection and the position of cold warm transition zone could reflect well the intensity and falling zone of precipitation.展开更多
By using WRF mesoscale model, this paper carries out a numerical simulation and diagnostic analysis of the structural characteristics of the asymmetric spiral rain bands around the landing of Typhoon Haitang during th...By using WRF mesoscale model, this paper carries out a numerical simulation and diagnostic analysis of the structural characteristics of the asymmetric spiral rain bands around the landing of Typhoon Haitang during the period of July 19 to 20, 2005. The result indicated that the two rainbands associated with the precipitation centre was mainly located northeast of the typhoon centre. The movement and intensity of the southern rainband corresponded well with the 850-hPa positive vorticity band from 0200 to 1800 UTC July 19, 2005. Under the effect of cyclonic circulation, the positive vorticity band at 850 hPa connected with a southern rain band, leading to the intensification of rainfall in the southern centre of the precipitation. The southward rainband gradually moved toward and then merges with the northward one, strengthening the rainfall in the northern centre of the precipitation. Besides, the relationship between the heavy rainfall and the divergence field of vertical shear wind in the high altitude is analyzed. Finally, the relationship is revealed between the development of the vertical component of convective vorticity vector and the rainfall near the two centres of precipitation in the low altitude.展开更多
文摘By using regular meteorological data and Doppler radar data,causes for a hail storm over northern area of Dalian on Oct.13,2009 were analyzed from several aspects,including synoptic background,T-LnP charts and the characteristics of radar reflectivity factor evolution.The results showed that the hail storm occurred in downstream of 500 hPa trough.The 500 hPa cold trough turned zonally and triggered the formation of shear line on lower level.Before the hail event,instability energy and moisture supply were observed.The shear line on lower level intensified the atmospheric instability,promoted the release of potential energy,caused the hail event.The cooperation of upper and lower level jet streams provided favorable dynamic condition for strong convection development.The Doppler radar analysis showed that strong convection was comprised of multiple convection cells,which demonstrated 'L' and 'V' shapes during mature stage,with peak intensity of 50-60 dBz.
文摘Over the past few years, landfall and track,intensity, sustaining mechanisms of tropical cyclones (hereafter TCs) and associated weather changes have become heated topics of research, From the viewpoints of energy transformation, moisture transfer, midlatitude baroclinic frontal zones and ambient wind fields, Chen et al.Le et al.and Zeng et al.studied the sustaining mechanism of TCs that have made landfall. Li et al.also pointed out that the intensification of TCs during transition was associated with the disturbance and downward transportation of high-level potential vortexes, low-level frontal zones and low-pressure circulation around TCs, after explaining the difference in TCs transition following the theory of wet potential vortexes. With large-scale diagnostic study of two types of TCs that unexpectedly weaken or enhance just before landfall in southern China, Hu et al.noted that enhancing TCs were usually to the southwest or south of the subtropical high with low levels featured by well-defined southwesterly inflow inside TCs and sufficient supply of water vapor. Liang et al.not only analyzed the changes in convective cloud bands, precipitation, track and temperature and humidity structure in the course of TC Vongfang landfall, but the effect of cold air and Southwest Monsoon on its intensity in particular. As also shown in numerical experiments conducted both at home and abroad and relevant studies,saturated humidity and large-sized bodies of water are favorable for the maintenance and enhancement of landfall TCs circulation. All of the above research achievements not only help broaden the understanding of the patterns by which TCs behave but are positive in improving the forecast of the track, winds and rains after landfall. It is.however, not much addressed in the field or evounon of landfall TCs when they are with special underlying surface and circulation background. TC Rananim (0414) was the most serious typhoon that ever affected Zhejiang province after landfall in the 48 years from 1956 to 2004, which was also the storm that caused heavy rains in the most widespread area in Jiangxi province in the past 20 years. There are two points about Rananim that stand out from the other storms. The first was the sudden westward turning of its track and the second the significant enhancement of precipitation after moving above the Boyang Lake.What kind of mechanism caused such remarkable change in the storm? With 6-hourly 1×1°NECP global reanalysis data, real-time upper-level observations and TCs location reports by the Central Observatory, the above two points and possible causes are studied in terms large-scale circulation background, underlying surface, cold air and diagnosis of physical quantity fields. New understanding has been made about the behavioral pattern of landfall TCs and related results will offer effective help in operational forecast.
文摘[Objective] The research aimed to analyze the rainstorm process and backward trajectory simulation of water vapor condition in Jilin Province in July,2010.[Method] Based on the actual situation data of routine weather chart,NCEP (2.5°×2.5°) reanalysis data per 6 h and GBL data of NOAA,the rainstorm process was carried out the diagnostic analysis of physical quantity in Jilin Province in July,2010.Moreover,HYSPLIT backward trajectory mode was used to simulate the water vapor source.[Result] The coexistence of upper-level divergence and low-level convergence generated the ascending motion,which was the dynamic condition of rainstorm appearance.The unstable energy induced by the low-level shear promoted the generation of heavy rainstorm.The water vapor source of precipitation process was divided into the water vapor in the southern sea area,northern high-altitude water vapor transportation and local water vapor source.[Conclusion] The research provided some reference basis for the forecast and analysis of rainstorm.
基金Natural Science Foundation of China(407309484090502840975035)
文摘This work examines the mechanism of rainfall associated with typhoon Molave(0906)in Guangdong province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonamous Region with rainfall observations,radar mosaics from China National Meteorological Center and the final analysis data of National Center of Environmental Prediction(FNL/NCEP,USA).The result shows that the mechanism is different for the rainfall in the these areas.The rainfall in eastern Guangdong is mainly associated with a convective line to the front-right of the typhoon.The convective line is about 200 km away from the typhoon center.The rainfall in western Guangdong and Guangxi appear ahead of or to the left of the typhoon and is very close to the typhoon center.Both rainfall moves forward with the typhoon anticlockwise.It was also found that the rainfall occurred in the boundary between unstable and low-level convergent areas and closer to the convergent area.The unstable area is located in the downstream of rainfall and ahead of the convective line.It is an important factor to the development and convection.Strong frontogenesis is observed in the backward or upstream convective area of rainfall and is thus an important lifting condition for the formation of rainfall.When the low-level convergent area moves to the unstable area ahead of it,the unstable energy is left behind and as a result the convection is strengthened.
文摘[Objective] The research aimed to analyze a regional rainstorm weather process in north-central Henan Province. [Method] Based on the conventional meteorological observation data and the rainfall data of Henan Meteorological Station, the diagnostic analysis of atmospheric thermodynamics and dynamics on a rainstorm weather process in north-central Henan Province on July 19, 2010 was carried out. The characteristics of physical quantity field and the evolution of weather situation in north-central Henan Province when the rainstorm happened were studied. [Result] Western Pacific subtropical high strengthened to extend westward. The dynamic uplifting of low vortex at the middle and low layers, the strong water vapor transportation of southwest low-level jet caused the regional rainstorm weather process in north-central Henan Province. The diagnostic results of physical quantity showed that the deep, thick wet layer and the sustained water vapor convergence provided the abundant water vapor for rainstorm generation. The positive vorticity advection center developed and spread from northwest to southeast, which was favorable for the development of vertical movement. The structure maintenance of positive vorticity at the middle and low layers, negative vorticity at the middle and high levels provided the power condition for the regional rainstorm generation. The pumping effect of convergence at the middle and low layers, divergence at the high layer was favorable for the strengthening of vertical ascending motion at the low layer. The uplifting effect of dew point front at the middle and low layers triggered the release of unstable energy. The confrontation of warm and cold air was one of the important reasons for the regional rainstorm. TBB characteristic analysis showed that TBB was from -60 to -50 ℃ in north-central Henan Province in the whole strong precipitation time, and the moving speed was equivalent to that of southwest vortex. The low-value belt of TBB corresponded with the rainstorm occurrence zone in Henan, and the minimum-value center of TBB was basically consistent with the strongest center of precipitation. [Conclusion] The research provided the scientific basis for the short-term forecast of rainstorm.
文摘The automatic diagnostic analysis on atmospheric horizontal inversion area is realized through changing the single atmospheric inversion into horizontal one based on the sounding data in Micaps system;the basic conceptual model INCLUDING atmospheric horizontal inversion area,ground 0 ℃ line,high altitude wet area,extreme point 0 ℃ line in inversion layer is buillt after the research on relationship between atmospheric horizontal inversion area and freezing rain falling area;automatic diagnostic analysis on freezing rain falling area is developed based on the conceptual model,the method is in accord well with the actual situation (freezing rain disaster weather occurred in most part of the south in beginning of 2008) and fitting rate reaches 94.4%,quantitative correlation coefficient between the area of freezing rain falling area and stations reporting freezing rain is 0.839.
文摘[ Objective] The research aimed to analyze a local snowstorm weather process which happened in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei during I - 4 January, 2010. [ Method] Based on routine meteorological observation data and NCEP/NCAR 2.5° ×2.5° grid data (four times every day), a lo- cal snowstorm weather process which happened in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei during 1 -4 January, 2010 was carried out diagnostic analysis by using composite analysis method. [Result] Circumfluence on the ground and strong cold advection in the rear of upper trough were the main weath- er system of the snowfall. The deep thick wet layer and strong water vapor convergence provided sufficient water vapor for snowfall. The divergence field of low-level convergence and high^level divergence, dynamic coupling effect of vorticity provided favorable dynamic condition upwardly for the occurrence of strong snowfall. The steep dense area of Oso, low temperature at the ground layer and inversion temperature at the high layer provided certain energy condition for the development of snowfall weather. [ Conclusion] The research provided theoretical basis for snowfall forecast in future.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41775048,91937301,41775050 and 91637105)the National Key R&D Program of China(Grant No.2018YFC1507804)the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research(STEP)program(Grant No.2019QZKK0105).
文摘By employing NCEP−NCAR 1°×1°reanalysis datasets,the mechanism of the easterlies vortex(EV)affecting the short-term movement of the subtropical anticyclone over the western Pacific(WPSA)in the mei-yu period is examined using potential vorticity(PV)theory.The results show that when the EV and the westerlies vortex(WV)travel west/east to the same longitude of 120°E,the WPSA suddenly retreats.The EV and WV manifest as the downward transport of PV in the upper troposphere,and the variation of the corresponding high-value regions of PV significantly reflects the intensity changes of the EV and WV.The meridional propagation of PV causes the intensity change of the EV.The vertical movement on both sides of the EV is related to the position of the EV relative to the WPSA and the South Asian high(SAH).When the high PV in the easterlies and westerlies arrive at the same longitude in the meridional direction,the special circulation pattern will lower the position of PV isolines at the ridge line of the WPSA.Thus,the cyclonic circulation at the lower level will be strengthened,causing the abnormally eastward retreat of the WPSA.Analysis of the PV equation at the isentropic surface indicates that when the positive PV variation west of the EV intensifies,it connects with the positive PV variation east of the WV,forming a positive PV band and making the WPSA retreat abnormally.The horizontal advection of the PV has the greatest effect.The contribution of the vertical advection of PV and the vertical differential of heating is also positive,but the values are relatively small.The contribution of the residual was negative and it becomes smaller before and after the WPSA retreats.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(41175046,41205009)
文摘[Objective] The research aimed to analyze a rainstorm process in Chongqing. [Methed] Based on precipitation product datasets and NCEP reanalysis data, synoptic situation and diagnostic analysis of a heavy rain process during 11 -12 May, 2012 in Chongqing were made, and the diagnostic analysis included dynamic and vapor conditions, instability index, vapor helicity and vapor divergence flux. [ Result] The east-south moving short wave trough and east-north moving southwest vortex were the main synoptic systems causing the heavy rain; the positive vorticity advection before trough and after ridge helped the ascending motion from surface; the southwest stream at 700 hPa provided vapor and energy, promoting and maintaining the intense development of convection; the higher vapor helicity and lower vapor divergence flux were well corresponding with higher precipitation area, and had well temporal correlation, which was significant for forecast of precipitation area and its development; the ascended warm wet stream on the lower air came across the cold air on the upper air, triggering the heavy rain; the Kindex and A index were significant for the heavy rain forecasting. [ Conclusion] The research could provide some references for research and forecast of future rainstorm process in Sichuan and Chongqing.
文摘A three-dimensional density field associated with mesoscaie unstable waves generated by the 3-D, primitive-equation model (Wang and Ikeda, 1996) is provided to the quasi-geostrophic pressure tendency and ω-equations, and to the (ageostrophic) Q-vector equation. Diagnostic analyses, analogous to the approaches in meteorology: ω-equation and Q-vector method, are for the first time developed to examine the mesoscaie dynamical processes and mechanisms of the unstable waves propagating in the mid-latitude ocean. The weaknesses and strengths of these two diagnostic approaches are evaluated and compared to the model results. The Q-vector method is then recommended to diagnose the vertical motion associated with the mesoscaie dynamics from a hydrographic CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) array, while the quasi-geostrophic equations produce some small-scale features (errors) in the diagnosed fields.
文摘In this paper, the winter atmospheric circulation, the convection along the equator and their variations of 1982 and 1983 are investigated. It is suggested that there was a well organized three dimensional structure of anomalies of the atmospheric circulations during 1982 winter which may be related to the variations of the convection in the equatorial region.
基金Supported by the Item of Hunan Meteorological Bureau(XQKJ18B078)
文摘Based on hail weather cases in Chenzhou of Hunan in 2016,environmental conditions and physical quantity characteristics of hail generation were analyzed and studied from circulation field,low level jet,stability,dynamic and thermal fields,and some conclusions with the guiding significance of prediction were obtained,which had an active effect on guiding prewarning of hail weather in Hunan,forecast business in falling region,disaster prevention and mitigation.
文摘By consulting the typhoon yearbook and restoring the historical weather chart,technical separation of typhoon precipitation in Yongzhou from July to September of 1981-2015 was conducted.On this basis,climatic characteristics of typhoon precipitation in midsummer of Yongzhou were analyzed,and climate prediction and diagnostic analysis were carried out.The research results showed that typhoon precipitation was an important component of midsummer precipitation in Yongzhou,but its contribution to total precipitation was not as much as precipitation of the westerly belt system.When the ridge line of the western Pacific subtropical high was northward,typhoon precipitation was more than westerly precipitation in midsummer of Yongzhou;when the subtropical high was southward,there were more patterns of westerly precipitation year;when the subtropical high was normally northward,typhoon precipitation and westerly precipitation were less,with more dry years.In summer,abnormal cold sea surface temperature(SST)in tidal zone and warm pool zone of western Pacific and abnormal warm SST in NinoZ zone(strong El Nino event)were favorable for that the ridge line of the western Pacific subtropical high was southward,and there were more patterns of westerly precipitation year in midsummer of Yongzhou.On the contrary,when subtropical high was northward or normally northerly,there was less westerly precipitation.In non La Nina years when the subtropical high was northward,most of them were typhoon precipitation years.In La Nina years when the subtropical high was northward,most of them were dry years.
基金Supported by the Public Science and Technology Research Funds Projects of Ocean(No.201205009)
文摘The process of habitat degradation varies in habitat type and driving force which shows certain spatial and temporal heterogeneity on regional scales. In the present study, a new diagnostic model for enclosed bay habitat degradation was established, with which the spatial and temporal variation patterns of habitat degradation during 1991–2012 in Sansha Bay, Fujian, China was investigated. The results show that anthropogenic disturbance is the major controlling factor for the habitat degradation in large temporal heterogeneity in the bay. On the other hand, the habitat degradation experienced signifi cant spatial variations among six sub-bays. Under the joint action of temporal and spatial heterogeneity, the degradation trend in growing scale shows a more signifi cant correlation with the distribution of local leading industries along shorelines. Therefore, we quantifi ed the main characters of habitat degradation in Sansha Bay, and have understood the relationship between the status of habitats spatio-temporal variation value and the main controlling factor leading to the changes. However, a defi ciency of this research is the lack of or inaccessible to the detailed data, which shall be better solved in the future study for accessing more data from more sources.
文摘Clear air turbulence(CAT),a meso-or microscale(subgrid scale)phenomenon occurring in synoptic scale flow field at high altitude,is very difficult to be observed by the conventional obser- vation network.Thus it is necessary to approach an index to predict CAT.But at first,the struc- ture characteristics of CAT should be preanalyzed.In this paper,based on the theoretical and diag- nostic analysis of a case,features for wind profile,energy budget and dynamic mechanism of this case were presented.Furthermore,an objective and quantitative index for CAT forecast was giv- en.The verification for its efficiency was done with both real-time observation data and products from a numerical model.The results are very encouraging.
文摘Based on the observation data of meteorological stations,Doppler radar observation data of Ulanqab City,and ERA-5 reanalysis data,a snowstorm process in Ulanqab City from March 17 to 18,2022 was analyzed.The results show that this was a type Ⅱ snowstorm process generated under the joint influence of upper trough and ground low inverted trough and frontal cyclone.The main period of snowfall can be divided into two time stages,and the total snowfall was more in the south and less in the north,which was consistent with that of average specific humidity field.Water vapor conditions provided by strong water vapor transport and convergence,strong upward movement shown by large vertical velocity field,and the suction action of high-and low-layer divergence and convergence were the reasons for the hourly heavy snowfall on the 18^(th).During the process,radar echoes were mainly sheet-shaped,and composite reflectivity was 15-25 dBZ in most areas.The zero speed line in the first period was positively"S"-shaped,and there was warm advection and southwest wind.On the morning of the 18^(th),after the cold front transited the city,Ulanqab City was gradually controlled by northwest wind,and the snow tended to end.
文摘By using the routine weather data and the numerical value forecast products,applying the weather analysis and diagnostic analysis methods,the cold wave weather which happened in the south area of Dalian was analyzed on December 29-30,2009.The results showed that based on the temperature rise in prior period,the strong cold air accumulated in Mongolia and passed Ulan Bator,Erenhot to invade Dalian area.In the cold wave process,the circulation situations in the middle and high latitudes were the 'one ridge and one trough' pattern in Asia.The dynamic mechanisms were the rotary low-pressure trough in high altitude and the strong frontal zone,and the flow field which induced the cold wave to break out was the 'low trough rotation pattern'.After the cold air broke out,Dalian area was controlled by the strong cold advection.The cold high-pressure on the ground entered into the key zone and reached the intensity of cold wave.However,the circulation of cold wave occurrence was southerly,and the shifts of cold air and influence system were quicker.Therefore,the cold wave appeared in Dalian's south areas which included Lvshun,Dalian and Jinzhou.On this basis,the key point of cold wave weather forecast in Dalian area was summarized.
基金Natural Fundamental Research and Development Project"973"Program(2013CB430103)National Natural Science Foundation of China(41375058)Foundation of Science&Technology Innovation Team in Jiangsu Province
文摘NCEP GFS(Global Forecast System)analytical data(available 4 times per day),satellite cloud image data and real-time observations of path and intensity of Typhoon Morakot are employed to investigate the variation of synoptic dynamics in its intensity and structure before and after the landing.This study intends to offer some hints for the forecast of intensity and structure of typhoons.Results show that in the tangential direction,the averaged asymmetry amplitude of wind on the radius of a large-value center of the low-level wind can be used as an important parameter for diagnosing the intensity of typhoons.Besides,the maximum of the upper dry potential vorticity in Morakot’s center tends to extend downward along the intensive gradient of tangential wind situated on the inner side of a large-value center of the low-level tangential wind.Additionally,the radial advection of the tangential wind determines the variation of tangential wind in conjunction with the vertical transmission of the tangential wind,the inertial centrifugal force and the Coriolis force.These four items are dominant in the motion equation of tangential wind based on a cylindrical coordinate without the effects of friction and turbulence.Moreover,the low-level convergence center of the typhoon has a tendency of shifting and developing along the intensive gradient of the tangential wind in the tangential direction.
文摘Based on the routine observation data,the satellite cloud images and so on,the synoptics analysis and the diagnostic analysis of physical quantity field were used to analyze the heavy snowstorm process which happened in Northeast China during March 3-5 in 2007.The results showed that the main influence systems in the process were the eastward shift and up north of southern cyclone,the combination of south and north branches upper troughs in 500 hPa.The dynamic mechanisms of heavy snowstorm formation were the strong ascending movement which was caused by the configuration of high-layer divergence and low-layer convergence,the generation and maintenance of deep and thick positive vorticity in the middle and low layers.The sufficient water vapor in the East China Sea and the South China Sea which was brought by 700 hPa by south low-level jet stream reached Northeast China.The falling zones of strong precipitation were consistent with the big value zones of 850 hPa positive vorticity and 200 hPa positive divergence.Meanwhile,the intensity of temperature advection and the position of cold warm transition zone could reflect well the intensity and falling zone of precipitation.
基金National Program on Basic Research Project (973 Program) (2009CB421503)National Natural Science Foundation of China (40775033)National Natural Science Foundation of China (40975037)
文摘By using WRF mesoscale model, this paper carries out a numerical simulation and diagnostic analysis of the structural characteristics of the asymmetric spiral rain bands around the landing of Typhoon Haitang during the period of July 19 to 20, 2005. The result indicated that the two rainbands associated with the precipitation centre was mainly located northeast of the typhoon centre. The movement and intensity of the southern rainband corresponded well with the 850-hPa positive vorticity band from 0200 to 1800 UTC July 19, 2005. Under the effect of cyclonic circulation, the positive vorticity band at 850 hPa connected with a southern rain band, leading to the intensification of rainfall in the southern centre of the precipitation. The southward rainband gradually moved toward and then merges with the northward one, strengthening the rainfall in the northern centre of the precipitation. Besides, the relationship between the heavy rainfall and the divergence field of vertical shear wind in the high altitude is analyzed. Finally, the relationship is revealed between the development of the vertical component of convective vorticity vector and the rainfall near the two centres of precipitation in the low altitude.