Wushan crisp plum is a new cultivar of green crisp plum with dignified fruit shape,crisp and tender flesh,pit separability and sweet taste.It is bred from natural bud mutant of Jiang'an Dabaili,a local green crisp...Wushan crisp plum is a new cultivar of green crisp plum with dignified fruit shape,crisp and tender flesh,pit separability and sweet taste.It is bred from natural bud mutant of Jiang'an Dabaili,a local green crisp plum cultivar by Wushan County Fruit Industry Development Center,Southwest University and Chongqing Agricultural Technology Extension Station.Wushan crisp plum has won the gold award in the National High-quality Plum and Apricot Appraise and Elect and the tile of"the king of fruit"in the"Three-Gorge Cup"High-quality Crisp Plum Appraise and Elect.In the southwestern region of China,the planting area of Wushan crisp plum has been extended to 33000 ha.The cultivar has strong robust and fast growth.In the area along the Yangtze River in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of Chongqing,it ripens from early to middle July.The fruit is ovoid and of medium size,with average longitudinal diameter of 3.3 cm,average horizontal diameter of 4.0 cm,average single fruit mass of 37.2 g,carpopodium length of 1.5 cm,and carpopodium diameter of 0.1 cm.The top of the fruit is slightly concave.The peel is green to green-yellow in background color and medium in thickness,with obvious fruit dots and thick white fruit wax.The flesh is light yellow,compact,short in fiber length,juicy,crisp,tender,pure and sweet,with soluble solids content of 12%-15%,titratable acid content of 0.43%-0.72%and vitamin C content of 6.12-8.99 mg/100 g.The pit is small,separable,and oblate.The percentage of edible flesh is up to 94.80%-96.88%.There is no obvious pre-harvest cracking and intra-fruit pectin.The cultivar is mid-ripening and high in yield.In the firm ripe stage,the flesh is crunchy;and after entering the soft ripe stage,the flesh becomes powdery,and the hardness decreases.At room temperature,the fruit is not resistant to storage and transportation.Wushan crisp plum is tolerant to the climate with high temperature,high humidity and less sunshine,with good adaptability.It is suitable for promoting in the upper reaches of Yangtze River within 180-1000 m elevation.展开更多
'Xianghongli' is a mid-ripening pear with red appearance. The seeding was selected from seeds of Red D'Anjou radiated by γ-Co^60. The cultivar is a tall tree, with a height of 3.31 m at 6 years old. The tree is vi...'Xianghongli' is a mid-ripening pear with red appearance. The seeding was selected from seeds of Red D'Anjou radiated by γ-Co^60. The cultivar is a tall tree, with a height of 3.31 m at 6 years old. The tree is vigorous with ramose crown and upright tree gesture. Leaves are elliptic, acuminate, with average 5.802 cm length and 3.389 cm width. Flowers are pale pink. The relative position of petals is overlap. The petal shape is oval with more pollen. The average single fruit weight is 216.0 g, with mainly wide-necked pear formed. The ground color of peel is yellow with 80% bright red of cover color. The flesh is white, melting, soft and juicy, sour-sweet, strongly fragrant, little stone cell and small core. The soluble solid content is 12.5%. The soluble sugar content is 10.78%. The titratable acid content is 0.097%. The fruit quality is excellent. The fruit development period is 125-130 d and the ripe stage is at the end of August in Changli area, Hebei province, It is easy to form flower on short branches, and possesses large number of flower buds. The properties of early-bearing and high yielding are better. It is resistant to fruit phellem, pear scab, cold, etc. The shelf life of fruit is over 20 d. The fruit can be stored for 5 months in refrigeration condition. Suitable cultivation area is Qinhuang- dao,Tangshan, Cangzhou in Hebei, Beijing, Taiyuan in Shanxi and similar area. Xi- anghongli has the high-yield potential and can be extended to the most area of Northern China.展开更多
Comparative test was conducted on 11 (including the cultivar as control) new watermelon cultivars to identify the yielding ability, stability, adaptability, stress resistance and other important characteristics of t...Comparative test was conducted on 11 (including the cultivar as control) new watermelon cultivars to identify the yielding ability, stability, adaptability, stress resistance and other important characteristics of the new watermelon oultivars, to thereby obtain new watermelon cultivars with good comprehensive characters suit- able for different regions and different cultivation manners. The results showed that Dali Qilin, Jingangerhao Hemeiren, Hongli Dahonghu, Hongli Baowang, Longjing Heibao and XJ-I had outstanding performance in yield, resistance and quality, and thus were worthy of further experiment demonstration and certification.展开更多
'Heishi No.I' is an excellent early-maturing persimmon with black ap- pearance. The cultivar was selected from natural persimmon germplasm resources, and the variation maternal plant was discovered in Taihang Mounta...'Heishi No.I' is an excellent early-maturing persimmon with black ap- pearance. The cultivar was selected from natural persimmon germplasm resources, and the variation maternal plant was discovered in Taihang Mountain. Fruit of 'Heishi No.l' is mainly obround, and below the calyx is flesh seat indent. And the pericarp is smooth without any furrow in shinning deep black color, with white fruit powder on the surface. The pulp is exquisite with sweet flavor in orange-yellow col- or. The fruit is of middle size with the average fruit weight of 126.56 g, maximum fruit weight of 232.38 g, average soluble solid content of 22.43%, vitamin C content of 406 mg/kg, total sugar content of 19.46%, reducing sugar of 16.33%, total acid of 0.08% and tannic content of 0.56%. The fruit has small core, which becomes solid when ripe, and it has no seed. It has tolerance to storage and transportation, and easy to get deastringency, making it have excellent quality. This cuitivar is vig- orous with conicalness crown and semi-open tree gesture. Young branches are slightly curved in dull grey-green color. Leaves are deep green and lanceolate of 18.7 cm long, 10.1 cm wide, with 1.8 cm petioles. In Zhengzhou area, Henan province, 'Heishi No.l' begins spouting at the end of March and flowering in early May, and the fruits gradually turns into black from yellow from mid-September. The fruit development period is about 130-140 d, and ripens at the end of September. The harvest time can be extended to late October. The cultivar is parthenocarpy, and bears food early with strong yielding ability. And it can flower and bear fruits in two years after planting, and reaches high yield of 48 720 kg/hm2 in the fifth year. There are few physiological fruit drops after fruit-setting and during the fruit expand- ing period, and the variation in different years is not significant. 'Heishi No.l' has strong stress resistance and relatively few plant diseases and insect pests, and it has special resistance to anthracnose and angle of spot. Since the pericarp is thick with white fruit powder covered on the surface, the fruit has long storage-life and high tolerance to storage and transportation. After picking, :the fruits can be stored for over 30 d in normal temperature, and the cold storage life could reach 3-4 months. The cultivar also has strong adaptability, resistance to cold and tolerance to poor soil conditions, and it is suitable to be planted in both plains and hilly areas in Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Anhui, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other areas of persimmon distribution.展开更多
[Objective] This study aimed to meet the demand of farmers for highyielding, high-quality, wide-adaptability and multi-resistant new maize cultivars, and to make food production grow continuously. [Method] Comparative...[Objective] This study aimed to meet the demand of farmers for highyielding, high-quality, wide-adaptability and multi-resistant new maize cultivars, and to make food production grow continuously. [Method] Comparative test of new maize cultivars was conducted at different altitudes in 2015, and the yield, main economic characters, agronomic traits, growth period and resistance of maize cultivars were analyzed. [Result] Ruidan 26 and Yongrui 16 can be cultivated in the areas below the altitude of 2 200 m; Huaxingdan 88 can be cultivated in the areas below the altitude of 1 750 m; the other new maize cultivars still need to be tested further. [Cenclusion] The research results can be applied in this area and other similar areas, which will effectively promote the upgrading of maize cultivars and improve the yield per unit area.展开更多
[Objective] This study was conducted to develop some new iron yam (Dioscorea opposita) varieties with excellent cooking, eating and nutritional qualities. [Method] The fresh weight per plant, drying rate, dry weight...[Objective] This study was conducted to develop some new iron yam (Dioscorea opposita) varieties with excellent cooking, eating and nutritional qualities. [Method] The fresh weight per plant, drying rate, dry weight per plant, yield, allan- toin content, water soluble extract content and disease resistance of seven new iron yam cultivars (No.1, No.2, No.4, No.6, No.8, No.9 and No.10) obtained through spaceflight mutation breeding were measured and compared with control (No.11). Then, the nutrition quality of two elite cultivars No. 6 and No.10 was determined by comparing with the control. [Result] The eight iron yam cultivars ranked in descend- ing order of their fresh weight per plant as follows: No.6(0.255 kg)〉No.10(0.254 kg)〉 No.4(0.242 kg)〉No.9(0.237 kg)〉No.1(0.233 kg)〉No.11(0.206 kg)〉No.2(0.191 kg)〉No.8 (0.157 kg). There was no significant difference in fresh weight per plant between No.6 and No.10, but extremely significant difference between No.6 and the control, No.10 and the control. The eight iron yam cultivars ranked in descending order of their drying rate as follows: No.2 (32.641%)〉No.10 (32.230%)〉No.9 (28.223%)〉No.6 (25.174%)〉No.8(25.122%)〉No.11 (25.043%)〉No.1 (24.291%)〉No.4(20.234%). The dry- ing rate of both No.6 and No.10 was higher than that of the control. The eight iron yam cultivars ranked in descending order of their dry weight per plant as follows: No.10(0.082 kg)〉No.9(0.067 kg)〉No.6(0.064 kg)〉No.2(0.062 kg)〉No.1(0.056 kg)〉No.11 (0.052 kg)〉No.4 (0.049 kg)〉No.8 (0.039 kg). The dry weight per plant of both No.6 and No.10 is higher than that of the control. The eight iron yam cultivars ranked in descending order of their allantoin content as follows No.6 (0.484%)〉No.4 (0.467%)〉 No.10 (0.399%)〉No.ll (0.386%)〉No.9 (0.378%)〉No.8 (0.350%)〉No.2 (0.342)〉No.1 (0.325%). The allantoin content of No.6 was significantly higher than that of No.10 and the control. There was significant difference in allantoin content between No.6 and No.10, but no significant difference between No 10 and the control. The eight iron yam cultivars ranked in descending order of their extract content as follows No. 6(20.49%)〉No.2(16.01%)〉No.4(15.54%) 〉No. 10(15.35%)〉No. 1 (14.48%)〉No. 11 (14.10%) 〉No.9(13.88%)〉No.8(11.87%). The extract content of No.6 exhibited extremely sig- nificant difference with that of No.10 and the control, and the extract content of No. 10 was also significantly different from that of the control. The taste of No.10 was dry, soft, floury, sweet and fragrant, better than that of the other seven cultivars. No.6 had the strongest resistance to Gloeosporium pestis and Cylindrosporium dioscoreae. No.10 had a middle resistance to G. pestis and a strong resistance to C. dioscoreae. No.6 and No.10 had higher contents of starch, reducing sugar, pro- tein and ash, lower water content and better nutrition quality than the control. [Conclusion] No.10 can be popularized as a new variety of edible iron yam, and No.6 as a new variety of medicinal iron yam.展开更多
The domesticated olives originated based on decades of selection from the natural forest around the Mediterranean basin being one of the oldest cultivated tree crops. The requirement for new olive varieties increased ...The domesticated olives originated based on decades of selection from the natural forest around the Mediterranean basin being one of the oldest cultivated tree crops. The requirement for new olive varieties increased markedly during the last 100 years as a result of a worldwide transformation changing from a traditional extensive to a modern intensive mechanized industry. The traditional olive cultivars still widely used are selections from the local autochthonous cultivars which are well adapted to their natural environment. However, the level of production of those is usually rather low and many of them failed to respond enough to modern intensification methods. The wild olive population is gradually diminishing in all regions thus, natural selection is not efficient enough for developing the cultivars required for the new intensive olive industry. Cross breeding between cultivars with specific characters became the basis for the required new cultivars. The genetic diversity in progenies of most olive cultivars is extremely wide and thus becomes the basic source for breeding of the needed new cultivars. However, the genetic information on olive heredity and identification of specific gene characteristics is still limited. Genomic information is required for rational choice of genitors in accordance with each breeding aim, particularly as most criteria required for the new varieties are of multi-gene nature. The availability of advanced genomic information will also serve as basis for molecular engineering when accepted for use in the olive commodity. Geographically isolated olive populations developed during generations of inbreeding in remote regions are another important genetic resource of characters required for breeding the cultivars for the new modern mechanized olive orchards. The use of molecular markers based on AFLP, SSRs, DArT and SNPs is important for the choice of genitors leading to a reduction of the progeny size required in olive breeding. Presently the newly released olive cultivars are still the result of classical breeding.展开更多
基金National Guided Science and Technology Plan(2014GXS4D144)Wushan Crisp Plum New Variety Technology Integration Demonstration Project of Ministry of Science and Technology,China(2110402-9)Modern Efficient Industrial Technology System with Mountain Characteristics of Chongqing City(Late-ripening Citrus and Crisp Plum)(2015-01)。
文摘Wushan crisp plum is a new cultivar of green crisp plum with dignified fruit shape,crisp and tender flesh,pit separability and sweet taste.It is bred from natural bud mutant of Jiang'an Dabaili,a local green crisp plum cultivar by Wushan County Fruit Industry Development Center,Southwest University and Chongqing Agricultural Technology Extension Station.Wushan crisp plum has won the gold award in the National High-quality Plum and Apricot Appraise and Elect and the tile of"the king of fruit"in the"Three-Gorge Cup"High-quality Crisp Plum Appraise and Elect.In the southwestern region of China,the planting area of Wushan crisp plum has been extended to 33000 ha.The cultivar has strong robust and fast growth.In the area along the Yangtze River in the Three Gorges Reservoir area of Chongqing,it ripens from early to middle July.The fruit is ovoid and of medium size,with average longitudinal diameter of 3.3 cm,average horizontal diameter of 4.0 cm,average single fruit mass of 37.2 g,carpopodium length of 1.5 cm,and carpopodium diameter of 0.1 cm.The top of the fruit is slightly concave.The peel is green to green-yellow in background color and medium in thickness,with obvious fruit dots and thick white fruit wax.The flesh is light yellow,compact,short in fiber length,juicy,crisp,tender,pure and sweet,with soluble solids content of 12%-15%,titratable acid content of 0.43%-0.72%and vitamin C content of 6.12-8.99 mg/100 g.The pit is small,separable,and oblate.The percentage of edible flesh is up to 94.80%-96.88%.There is no obvious pre-harvest cracking and intra-fruit pectin.The cultivar is mid-ripening and high in yield.In the firm ripe stage,the flesh is crunchy;and after entering the soft ripe stage,the flesh becomes powdery,and the hardness decreases.At room temperature,the fruit is not resistant to storage and transportation.Wushan crisp plum is tolerant to the climate with high temperature,high humidity and less sunshine,with good adaptability.It is suitable for promoting in the upper reaches of Yangtze River within 180-1000 m elevation.
基金Supported by Changli Comprehensive Station of National Pear Industry Technology System(CARS-29-23)Innovation of Scab-resistant,Strongly-fragrant and Storageresistant Pear Germplasm(16226312D-3)~~
文摘'Xianghongli' is a mid-ripening pear with red appearance. The seeding was selected from seeds of Red D'Anjou radiated by γ-Co^60. The cultivar is a tall tree, with a height of 3.31 m at 6 years old. The tree is vigorous with ramose crown and upright tree gesture. Leaves are elliptic, acuminate, with average 5.802 cm length and 3.389 cm width. Flowers are pale pink. The relative position of petals is overlap. The petal shape is oval with more pollen. The average single fruit weight is 216.0 g, with mainly wide-necked pear formed. The ground color of peel is yellow with 80% bright red of cover color. The flesh is white, melting, soft and juicy, sour-sweet, strongly fragrant, little stone cell and small core. The soluble solid content is 12.5%. The soluble sugar content is 10.78%. The titratable acid content is 0.097%. The fruit quality is excellent. The fruit development period is 125-130 d and the ripe stage is at the end of August in Changli area, Hebei province, It is easy to form flower on short branches, and possesses large number of flower buds. The properties of early-bearing and high yielding are better. It is resistant to fruit phellem, pear scab, cold, etc. The shelf life of fruit is over 20 d. The fruit can be stored for 5 months in refrigeration condition. Suitable cultivation area is Qinhuang- dao,Tangshan, Cangzhou in Hebei, Beijing, Taiyuan in Shanxi and similar area. Xi- anghongli has the high-yield potential and can be extended to the most area of Northern China.
文摘Comparative test was conducted on 11 (including the cultivar as control) new watermelon cultivars to identify the yielding ability, stability, adaptability, stress resistance and other important characteristics of the new watermelon oultivars, to thereby obtain new watermelon cultivars with good comprehensive characters suit- able for different regions and different cultivation manners. The results showed that Dali Qilin, Jingangerhao Hemeiren, Hongli Dahonghu, Hongli Baowang, Longjing Heibao and XJ-I had outstanding performance in yield, resistance and quality, and thus were worthy of further experiment demonstration and certification.
基金Supported by the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program(ASTIP).(CAAS-ASTIP-2015-ZFRI)~~
文摘'Heishi No.I' is an excellent early-maturing persimmon with black ap- pearance. The cultivar was selected from natural persimmon germplasm resources, and the variation maternal plant was discovered in Taihang Mountain. Fruit of 'Heishi No.l' is mainly obround, and below the calyx is flesh seat indent. And the pericarp is smooth without any furrow in shinning deep black color, with white fruit powder on the surface. The pulp is exquisite with sweet flavor in orange-yellow col- or. The fruit is of middle size with the average fruit weight of 126.56 g, maximum fruit weight of 232.38 g, average soluble solid content of 22.43%, vitamin C content of 406 mg/kg, total sugar content of 19.46%, reducing sugar of 16.33%, total acid of 0.08% and tannic content of 0.56%. The fruit has small core, which becomes solid when ripe, and it has no seed. It has tolerance to storage and transportation, and easy to get deastringency, making it have excellent quality. This cuitivar is vig- orous with conicalness crown and semi-open tree gesture. Young branches are slightly curved in dull grey-green color. Leaves are deep green and lanceolate of 18.7 cm long, 10.1 cm wide, with 1.8 cm petioles. In Zhengzhou area, Henan province, 'Heishi No.l' begins spouting at the end of March and flowering in early May, and the fruits gradually turns into black from yellow from mid-September. The fruit development period is about 130-140 d, and ripens at the end of September. The harvest time can be extended to late October. The cultivar is parthenocarpy, and bears food early with strong yielding ability. And it can flower and bear fruits in two years after planting, and reaches high yield of 48 720 kg/hm2 in the fifth year. There are few physiological fruit drops after fruit-setting and during the fruit expand- ing period, and the variation in different years is not significant. 'Heishi No.l' has strong stress resistance and relatively few plant diseases and insect pests, and it has special resistance to anthracnose and angle of spot. Since the pericarp is thick with white fruit powder covered on the surface, the fruit has long storage-life and high tolerance to storage and transportation. After picking, :the fruits can be stored for over 30 d in normal temperature, and the cold storage life could reach 3-4 months. The cultivar also has strong adaptability, resistance to cold and tolerance to poor soil conditions, and it is suitable to be planted in both plains and hilly areas in Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Anhui, Hubei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other areas of persimmon distribution.
基金Supported by Modern Agriculture(Maize)Industrial Technology System of Yunnan Province[YNKZ(2009)53,YCN(2009)171]~~
文摘[Objective] This study aimed to meet the demand of farmers for highyielding, high-quality, wide-adaptability and multi-resistant new maize cultivars, and to make food production grow continuously. [Method] Comparative test of new maize cultivars was conducted at different altitudes in 2015, and the yield, main economic characters, agronomic traits, growth period and resistance of maize cultivars were analyzed. [Result] Ruidan 26 and Yongrui 16 can be cultivated in the areas below the altitude of 2 200 m; Huaxingdan 88 can be cultivated in the areas below the altitude of 1 750 m; the other new maize cultivars still need to be tested further. [Cenclusion] The research results can be applied in this area and other similar areas, which will effectively promote the upgrading of maize cultivars and improve the yield per unit area.
基金Supported by Special Fund for Public Health from State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Financial Institution[2011]76)Special Fund for Scientific Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry(201207002)+1 种基金Henan Social Sciences Planning Project(2013BJJ084)Henan Industry-University-Research Institute Cooperation Project(142107000078)
文摘[Objective] This study was conducted to develop some new iron yam (Dioscorea opposita) varieties with excellent cooking, eating and nutritional qualities. [Method] The fresh weight per plant, drying rate, dry weight per plant, yield, allan- toin content, water soluble extract content and disease resistance of seven new iron yam cultivars (No.1, No.2, No.4, No.6, No.8, No.9 and No.10) obtained through spaceflight mutation breeding were measured and compared with control (No.11). Then, the nutrition quality of two elite cultivars No. 6 and No.10 was determined by comparing with the control. [Result] The eight iron yam cultivars ranked in descend- ing order of their fresh weight per plant as follows: No.6(0.255 kg)〉No.10(0.254 kg)〉 No.4(0.242 kg)〉No.9(0.237 kg)〉No.1(0.233 kg)〉No.11(0.206 kg)〉No.2(0.191 kg)〉No.8 (0.157 kg). There was no significant difference in fresh weight per plant between No.6 and No.10, but extremely significant difference between No.6 and the control, No.10 and the control. The eight iron yam cultivars ranked in descending order of their drying rate as follows: No.2 (32.641%)〉No.10 (32.230%)〉No.9 (28.223%)〉No.6 (25.174%)〉No.8(25.122%)〉No.11 (25.043%)〉No.1 (24.291%)〉No.4(20.234%). The dry- ing rate of both No.6 and No.10 was higher than that of the control. The eight iron yam cultivars ranked in descending order of their dry weight per plant as follows: No.10(0.082 kg)〉No.9(0.067 kg)〉No.6(0.064 kg)〉No.2(0.062 kg)〉No.1(0.056 kg)〉No.11 (0.052 kg)〉No.4 (0.049 kg)〉No.8 (0.039 kg). The dry weight per plant of both No.6 and No.10 is higher than that of the control. The eight iron yam cultivars ranked in descending order of their allantoin content as follows No.6 (0.484%)〉No.4 (0.467%)〉 No.10 (0.399%)〉No.ll (0.386%)〉No.9 (0.378%)〉No.8 (0.350%)〉No.2 (0.342)〉No.1 (0.325%). The allantoin content of No.6 was significantly higher than that of No.10 and the control. There was significant difference in allantoin content between No.6 and No.10, but no significant difference between No 10 and the control. The eight iron yam cultivars ranked in descending order of their extract content as follows No. 6(20.49%)〉No.2(16.01%)〉No.4(15.54%) 〉No. 10(15.35%)〉No. 1 (14.48%)〉No. 11 (14.10%) 〉No.9(13.88%)〉No.8(11.87%). The extract content of No.6 exhibited extremely sig- nificant difference with that of No.10 and the control, and the extract content of No. 10 was also significantly different from that of the control. The taste of No.10 was dry, soft, floury, sweet and fragrant, better than that of the other seven cultivars. No.6 had the strongest resistance to Gloeosporium pestis and Cylindrosporium dioscoreae. No.10 had a middle resistance to G. pestis and a strong resistance to C. dioscoreae. No.6 and No.10 had higher contents of starch, reducing sugar, pro- tein and ash, lower water content and better nutrition quality than the control. [Conclusion] No.10 can be popularized as a new variety of edible iron yam, and No.6 as a new variety of medicinal iron yam.
文摘The domesticated olives originated based on decades of selection from the natural forest around the Mediterranean basin being one of the oldest cultivated tree crops. The requirement for new olive varieties increased markedly during the last 100 years as a result of a worldwide transformation changing from a traditional extensive to a modern intensive mechanized industry. The traditional olive cultivars still widely used are selections from the local autochthonous cultivars which are well adapted to their natural environment. However, the level of production of those is usually rather low and many of them failed to respond enough to modern intensification methods. The wild olive population is gradually diminishing in all regions thus, natural selection is not efficient enough for developing the cultivars required for the new intensive olive industry. Cross breeding between cultivars with specific characters became the basis for the required new cultivars. The genetic diversity in progenies of most olive cultivars is extremely wide and thus becomes the basic source for breeding of the needed new cultivars. However, the genetic information on olive heredity and identification of specific gene characteristics is still limited. Genomic information is required for rational choice of genitors in accordance with each breeding aim, particularly as most criteria required for the new varieties are of multi-gene nature. The availability of advanced genomic information will also serve as basis for molecular engineering when accepted for use in the olive commodity. Geographically isolated olive populations developed during generations of inbreeding in remote regions are another important genetic resource of characters required for breeding the cultivars for the new modern mechanized olive orchards. The use of molecular markers based on AFLP, SSRs, DArT and SNPs is important for the choice of genitors leading to a reduction of the progeny size required in olive breeding. Presently the newly released olive cultivars are still the result of classical breeding.