The Tangshan area lies in the North China plain where an Ms 7.8 earthquake occurred in 1976, which is associated with a hidden active fault. To reveal the recurrence characteristics of major quakes in this area over a...The Tangshan area lies in the North China plain where an Ms 7.8 earthquake occurred in 1976, which is associated with a hidden active fault. To reveal the recurrence characteristics of major quakes in this area over a relatively long time, we have conducted a comprehensive study using geological investigations, shallow seismic exploration, boreholes, trench observations and geological dating. Five paleoearthquakes were recognized in a 6.4m-deep trench west to the Tangshan Asylum. Among them, the former three events occurred between 56.78 + 4.83ka and 89.39 ~ 7.60 ka, and the fourth event occurred around 6.9 ka, respectively, and then followed by the fifth in 1976. Seven boreholes were deployed crossing the ground fissure formed by the 1976 Tangshan earthquake at the site of No. 10 Middle School, where we have identified 25 liquefaction events in the boreholes TZC6-5 and 6-7. By the comprehensive analysis of the trench, the liquefaction events from the boreholes and the depth-time curves of drill cores, we suggest a new recurrence model of major quakes in this area. It is not a constant recurring cycle since 210 ka, instead consisting of six alternating seismically quiet and active stages. Of them, stage I (〉177 ka) was a quiescent period in seismicity, stage II (from 143 ka to 177 ka) was an active one, stage III (from 102 ka to 143 ka) was quiescent again, stage IV (from 56 ka to 102 ka) had many quakes, stage V (from 6.9 ka to 56 ka) became quiet, and stage VI (from 6.9 ka to now) was the beginning of a new seismically active period.展开更多
In this paper. :LDDA (Lagrangian Discontinuous Deformation Analysis) method is used in modeling thedynamic process of the M,=7.8 Tang shan earthquake on July 28, 1976 and obtain directly the dynamic and quasi static d...In this paper. :LDDA (Lagrangian Discontinuous Deformation Analysis) method is used in modeling thedynamic process of the M,=7.8 Tang shan earthquake on July 28, 1976 and obtain directly the dynamic and quasi static dislocations. shear stress drops, fracture velocities of the Tang shan earthquake fault. The simulation showsthai the slip history at each point of the fault is different. The displacement vectors at the concave side of the faultis greater than that of the convex side of the fault. The 'over shoot' of the fault slip is greatest at the middle part ofthe fault and attenuates to its ends. The rupture velocities of the fault from the epicenter towards south-west andtowards north-east are 3.08 m/s and 1. 18 m/s, respectively, the average one is 2.13 In/s. The maximum dynamic.m quasi-static dislocations are 7. 1 m and 6.2 m respectively. the average quasi-static one on the fault is 4.5 m.initial stress dynamic and quasi-static shear stress drops are 8.1 M Pa and 5.4 MP4 respectively, the averagequasi-static shear stress drop is 3.9 M Pa. We found that the rupture velocities and shear stress are related to theinitial stress states of the fault.展开更多
There were 34 times repeated gravity measurements along Beijing, Tianjin, and Tangshan from 1971 to 1981. The gravity field around the Tangshan area continuously increased about 98×10 -8 m·s -2 fro...There were 34 times repeated gravity measurements along Beijing, Tianjin, and Tangshan from 1971 to 1981. The gravity field around the Tangshan area continuously increased about 98×10 -8 m·s -2 from 1971~1975. The peaks of the gravity changes occurred in the middle of 1975. Preliminary study of mechanism of the gravity changes before and after the Tangshan earthquake was done with combination of deformation and seismic data in the area. The final results show that the deep boundary surface up lifted with a rate of 2.5 m/a in the Tangshan area from 1971~1975.展开更多
Based on the geoelectric observation data of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake of M=7. 8 compiled by the Research Group on the Geoelectricity of the Tangshan Great Earthquake, a dimensionless factor S has been defined as t...Based on the geoelectric observation data of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake of M=7. 8 compiled by the Research Group on the Geoelectricity of the Tangshan Great Earthquake, a dimensionless factor S has been defined as the degree of ground resistivity anisotropy. The S values during the generation process of that earthquake have been calculated and their variations have been analyzed. The result has showed that the variation of the degree of ground resistivity anisotropy existed throughout the process of generation and occurrence of the Tangshan earthquake and the features of its pattern are representative. The S value can therefore be taken as a new precursory factor of earthquakes which can be applied together with other dimensionless factors in the analysis and prediction of earthquakes. A physical explanation of the variation of the S value has also been given.展开更多
By the inversion method of uneven slippage of faults in the depths(Liu et al ., 1995) and using the crustal deformation data of six phases, the movement states of seismic fault of the Tangshan earthquake in five ti...By the inversion method of uneven slippage of faults in the depths(Liu et al ., 1995) and using the crustal deformation data of six phases, the movement states of seismic fault of the Tangshan earthquake in five time periods before, during and after that earthquake are computed. The result of computation has revealed the movement process of seismic fault, during which the fault moved at an increasing rate before the quake, slipped suddenly during the quake, and became relaxed, adjusted and stabilized gradually after the quake. Moreover, the recurrence period of earthquakes in Tangshan is computed using the relation that the slippage of seismic fault bears with strain energy.展开更多
According to the precursory data of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake( M =7.8), and combining with the research results of rock fracture, seismic source, tectonics, seismic precursors, dynamic condition and crust structu...According to the precursory data of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake( M =7.8), and combining with the research results of rock fracture, seismic source, tectonics, seismic precursors, dynamic condition and crust structure, the seismogenic process of Tangshan earthquake has been numerically simulated by using the model of water saturated porous medium with a rhombic hard inclusion. First, a system of seismogenic dynamics equations of solid liquid two phase medium has been set up under considering rock inelastic dilation, strain softening and pore water permeation. Then, the finite difference method to solve the equation system in incremental form has been presented. Finally, the seismogenic process of Tangshan earthquake and the temporal spatial characteristics of its precursors have been numerically simulated when the hard inclusion includes a soft fault belt. The numerically simulating result shows that the development of Tangshan earthquake mainly undergoes following processes: elastic accumulation, early inelastic cubic dilation, accelerative softening (failure and creep) of fault first time, inelastic dilation twice in Tianjin—Ninghe area, accelerative softening of fault twice and instability. Corresponding to the fault accelerative softening, elastic recovery and inelastic dilation twice in some parts of seismogenic medium. By comparing with the data of precursory observation, ones can find the preceding simulating result explains the varied characters of practical data better. Meanwhile, the numerical simulation further displays the temporal spatial change law and complex patterns of the field of Tangshan earthquake development as well. It makes a base study for the physical mechanism of change of the seismic precursory field.展开更多
In this paper a heterogeneous fault model of the Tangshan earthquake is suggested, which consists of two southern sub faults striking N30°E and two northern sub faults striking N50°E. Total length of the m...In this paper a heterogeneous fault model of the Tangshan earthquake is suggested, which consists of two southern sub faults striking N30°E and two northern sub faults striking N50°E. Total length of the main shock fault is 114 km and seismic moment is about 1.4×10 20 N·m. The epicentre of the main shock is located at the southern part, near the intersection of the two bands. Accelerations of two aftershocks ( M L 5.5, M S 6.9 ) were used as empirical Green's functions to synthesize the accelerations of the main shock in near and far field. A method that small events and main shock are considered not satisfying the similarity relationship in the improved empirical Green's function is also applied in this paper. Peak values, duration and response spectra of synthesized accelerations in far field are in agreement with the observed records. The synthesized results in near field are also in agreement with the epicentral intensity distribution of the main shock. The results show that the peak acceleration of Tangshan earthquake in epicentral region exceeds 1.1 g. It is consistent with the peak accelerations recorded in some large earthquakes occurred in recent years.展开更多
Based on the analysis of multi-temporal and multi-spectral satellite images for North China region, we have found that one year and more before the occurrence of 1976 Tangshan earthquake, the anomalies of electro-magn...Based on the analysis of multi-temporal and multi-spectral satellite images for North China region, we have found that one year and more before the occurrence of 1976 Tangshan earthquake, the anomalies of electro-magnetic radiation on the satellite images indicated that the NE-trending Tangshan fault zone was dissected by the NNW-trending Nantai-Tangshan fault, and the Changping-Fengnan fault was dragged to form an arcuate bending at Fengnan. All these indicate the right-lateral translation along the Tangshan fault in NE direction. In order to gain an insight into the features of these faults, a shallow seismic exploration along the Tangshan and Changping-Fengnan faults has been carried out. The results have indicated that the NE-trending Tangshan fault is a high angle right-lateral strike-slip normal fault, dipping northwest, while the NWW-trending Changping-Fengnan fault is a southwest-dipping left-lateral strike-slip normal fault.展开更多
The state of the stress fields in the source region is analysed systematically, on the basis of the focal mechanismsof 167 events with Ms≥4. 0 of Tangshan sequence and 163 moderate-small events of Lancang sequence re...The state of the stress fields in the source region is analysed systematically, on the basis of the focal mechanismsof 167 events with Ms≥4. 0 of Tangshan sequence and 163 moderate-small events of Lancang sequence respectively. The result indicates that the directions of the stress field in the source region are generally stable and thevariation is not obvious after the occurrence of strong shock. The dominant orientations of focal mechanisms ofthe aftershocks are consistent with that of the mainshock, there is still a small difference between some mechanisms of aftershocks and the mechanism of mainshock, and the difference decreases as time goes on. The numbers of solutions with dominant direction of Tangshan and Lancang sequences are similar to each other, it indicates that the controls of the strong earthquake sequences from the tectonic stress field are similar to each othertoo. Through the hierarchical clustering analysis of focal mechanism,it is found that the number of clusters ofTangshan sequence is larger than that of Lancang sequence,and their orientations are relatively disordered. Itmay be the cause that the tectonics in the Tangshan region are more complicated than those in the Lancang region.展开更多
Coseismic water level changes which may have been induced by the Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake and its 15 larger aftershocks (Ms〉5.4) have been observed at Tangshan well. We analyze the correlation between coseismic pa...Coseismic water level changes which may have been induced by the Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake and its 15 larger aftershocks (Ms〉5.4) have been observed at Tangshan well. We analyze the correlation between coseismic parameters (maximum amplitude, duration, coseismic step and the time when the coseismic reach its maximum amplitude) and earthquake parameters (magnitude, well-epicenter distance and depth), and then compare the time when the coseismic oscillation reaches its maximum amplitude with the seismogram from Douhe seismic station which is about 16.3 km away from Tangshan well. The analysis indicates that magnitude is the main factor influencing the induced coseismic water level changes, and that the well-epicenter distance and depth have less influence. Ms magnitude has the strongest correlation with the coseismic water level changes comparing to Mw and ML magnitudes. There exists strong correlation between the maximum amplitude, step size and the oscillation duration. The water level oscillation and step are both caused by dynamic strain sourcing from seismic waves. Most of the times when the oscillations reach their maximum amplitudes are between S and Rayleigh waves. The coseismic water level changes are due to the co-effect of seismic waves and hydro-geological environments.展开更多
A method for inverting 3 D curved interface and layer velocity by using travel time of reflected waves is studied. Each interface is described with sectional, incomplete cubic polynomial. A fast 3 D ray tracing meth...A method for inverting 3 D curved interface and layer velocity by using travel time of reflected waves is studied. Each interface is described with sectional, incomplete cubic polynomial. A fast 3 D ray tracing method is used in forward problem, and a least squares method with variable damping is adopted in the inverse problem. Result from numerical modelling shows that the solution can converge fast on the true model. Observational data from the Tangshan earthquake area are processed, 3 D Moho discontinuity in the area is rebuilt, and finally, the relationship between the regional structure and seismicity is revealed.展开更多
The environment shear stress of Tangshan main earthquake and 38 great aftershocks have been calculated by the acceleration data of Tangshan earthquake sequence. The environment shear stress for 52 smaller aftershocks ...The environment shear stress of Tangshan main earthquake and 38 great aftershocks have been calculated by the acceleration data of Tangshan earthquake sequence. The environment shear stress for 52 smaller aftershocks from July of 1982 to July of 1984 have also been calculated by use of the digital data of the Sino-American cooperation recorded by the instrumental arrays in Tangshan. The results represent that the environment shear stress τ0 values have a weak dependence on the seismic moment, only the small and moderate earthquakes will be able to occur in the region with smaller τ0 value and the large earthquakes are only in the region with greater τ0 value. The peak acceleration, velocity and displacement will be larger for the earthquakes occurred in the region with greater τ0 value, Therefore, the measurement of environment shear stress τ0 value for the significant region will play an important role in earthquske prediction and engineering shock-proof. The environment shear stress values for the great aftershocks occurred in the two ends of the main fault are often higher than that for the main shock. This case may represent the stress concentration in the two ends of the fault. This phenomenon provides the references for the place where the great aftershock will occur.展开更多
Using the seismic records of 83 temporary and 17 permanent broadband seismic stations deployed in Tangshan earthquake region and its adjacent areas(39°N–41.5°N,115.5°E–119.5°E),we conducted a non...Using the seismic records of 83 temporary and 17 permanent broadband seismic stations deployed in Tangshan earthquake region and its adjacent areas(39°N–41.5°N,115.5°E–119.5°E),we conducted a nonlinear joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion.We obtained some detailed information about the Tangshan earthquake region and its adjacent areas,including sedimentary thickness,Moho depth,and crustal and upper mantle S-wave velocity.Meanwhile,we also obtained the vP/vS structure along two sections across the Tangshan region.The results show that:(1)the Moho depth ranges from 30 km to 38 km,and it becomes shallower from Yanshan uplift area to North China basin;(2)the thickness of sedimentary layer ranges from 0 km to 3 km,and it thickens from Yanshan uplift region to North China basin;(3)the S-wave velocity structure shows that the velocity distribution of the upper crust has obvious correlation with the surface geological structure,while the velocity characteristics of the middle and lower crust are opposite to that of the upper crust.Compared with the upper crust,the heterogeneity of the middle and lower crust is more obvious;(4)the discontinuity of Moho on the two sides of Tangshan fault suggests that Tangshan fault cut the whole crust,and the low vS and high vP/vS beneath the Tangshan earthquake region may reflect the invasion of mantle thermal material through Tangshan fault.展开更多
The success of the prediction of Haicheng earthquake and the failure of the prediction of Tangshan earthquake were both well known in the world. What happened, why such a strong earthquake as occurred in Haicheng had ...The success of the prediction of Haicheng earthquake and the failure of the prediction of Tangshan earthquake were both well known in the world. What happened, why such a strong earthquake as occurred in Haicheng had been predicted successfully and with a small loss of lives and property? Why a successively strong earthquake about a year later in a region not so further was failure in the imminent stage of prediction and there were so many fatalities and a great degree of property? The author addresses these points based on these true experiences including the first hand experiences leading up to, during, and following these two earthquarter. In addition, he also introduced some seimic phenomena which he had seen after Chi-chi earthquake in Taiwan.展开更多
The opinions of two papers carried in the journal "Seismology and Geology" are discussed in the paper.One is that the Tangshan fault is a high-angle,west-dipping and thrust with strike-slip fault.The other i...The opinions of two papers carried in the journal "Seismology and Geology" are discussed in the paper.One is that the Tangshan fault is a high-angle,west-dipping and thrust with strike-slip fault.The other is that the Fuzhuang-Xihe fault distributed on the east side of Tangshan city is the seismogenic fault that caused the Tangshan earthquake.For the former opinion,it needs to explain the relationship between the active style of the thrust Tangshan fault and the formation genesis of a Quaternary depression along the west side of Tangshan city.For the latter opinion,if the Fuzhuang-Xihe fault is the seismogenic fault of the Tangshan earthquake,it needs to explain the genesis relationship between this west-dip slip fault zone and the strike-slip surface fissure zone that extends through Tangshan city.And it needs more evidence exclude the possibility that the surface rupture belongs to the rupturing of a secondary structure.This paper suggests doing more work on the active fault that controls the Caobo Quaternary depression.展开更多
By analyzing higher-accuracy location data of the Tangshan earthquake sequence,a clear distribution pattern of three aftershock belts in the NE,NWW,and NW directions of has been obtained.The analysis reveals three rup...By analyzing higher-accuracy location data of the Tangshan earthquake sequence,a clear distribution pattern of three aftershock belts in the NE,NWW,and NW directions of has been obtained.The analysis reveals three rupture planes of strong events of MS7.8,MS7.1 and MS6.9 in the sequence.It indicates that the complex pattern is closely related to the earthquake source,and the NE-,NWW-and NW-trending regional fault zones,which have been revealed by the research of the pre-seismicity anomaly.In summary,the source is located in the junction of the three fault zones,and the rupture planes of the three strong events located in the source can be regarded as the locked segments on the three fault zones.On these grounds,the paper explains the complexity of the source and epicentral distribution of aftershocks.展开更多
We studied the seismicity before and after the M_s=7.8 Tangshan event on July 28, 1976 (39°28'N, 1 18° 11'E) and the results show that in 3 regions outside of the source zone, seismicity rate increas...We studied the seismicity before and after the M_s=7.8 Tangshan event on July 28, 1976 (39°28'N, 1 18° 11'E) and the results show that in 3 regions outside of the source zone, seismicity rate increasing were observed, which was significant in 0.99 significance level using Z-statistic test and was proposed to be triggered by the M_s=7.8 Tangshan earthquake. The magnitude of the greatest triggered event was 5.5. The epicenter distances of these earthquakes were several ten kilometers to 300 km. The static stress change △CFS of Coulomb failure was calculated using an elastic dislocation model in half space and the △CFS on the major rupture directions in these three regions were positive.展开更多
The fault deformation observed in 18 years after the Tangshan earthquake on the deformation station located on the surface fissure of the seismogenic fault is introduced. The results show that the vertical and horizo...The fault deformation observed in 18 years after the Tangshan earthquake on the deformation station located on the surface fissure of the seismogenic fault is introduced. The results show that the vertical and horizontal deformations of the seismogenic fault were concentrated within 7 years after the earthquake and the year of 1983 was the turning year of postseismic deformation. The deformation shown by large area levelings is consistent with the intensity level of fault deformation. At present, a relaxation state appears in which stress is not easy for stress to accumulate and there is no probability of stronger earthquake occurrence in the near future.展开更多
基金supported by grants from the National Key Technology Research and Development Program(2008BAK50B03-05)the Key Program of Hebei Development and Reform Commission (HBYHT2007321F)
文摘The Tangshan area lies in the North China plain where an Ms 7.8 earthquake occurred in 1976, which is associated with a hidden active fault. To reveal the recurrence characteristics of major quakes in this area over a relatively long time, we have conducted a comprehensive study using geological investigations, shallow seismic exploration, boreholes, trench observations and geological dating. Five paleoearthquakes were recognized in a 6.4m-deep trench west to the Tangshan Asylum. Among them, the former three events occurred between 56.78 + 4.83ka and 89.39 ~ 7.60 ka, and the fourth event occurred around 6.9 ka, respectively, and then followed by the fifth in 1976. Seven boreholes were deployed crossing the ground fissure formed by the 1976 Tangshan earthquake at the site of No. 10 Middle School, where we have identified 25 liquefaction events in the boreholes TZC6-5 and 6-7. By the comprehensive analysis of the trench, the liquefaction events from the boreholes and the depth-time curves of drill cores, we suggest a new recurrence model of major quakes in this area. It is not a constant recurring cycle since 210 ka, instead consisting of six alternating seismically quiet and active stages. Of them, stage I (〉177 ka) was a quiescent period in seismicity, stage II (from 143 ka to 177 ka) was an active one, stage III (from 102 ka to 143 ka) was quiescent again, stage IV (from 56 ka to 102 ka) had many quakes, stage V (from 6.9 ka to 56 ka) became quiet, and stage VI (from 6.9 ka to now) was the beginning of a new seismically active period.
文摘In this paper. :LDDA (Lagrangian Discontinuous Deformation Analysis) method is used in modeling thedynamic process of the M,=7.8 Tang shan earthquake on July 28, 1976 and obtain directly the dynamic and quasi static dislocations. shear stress drops, fracture velocities of the Tang shan earthquake fault. The simulation showsthai the slip history at each point of the fault is different. The displacement vectors at the concave side of the faultis greater than that of the convex side of the fault. The 'over shoot' of the fault slip is greatest at the middle part ofthe fault and attenuates to its ends. The rupture velocities of the fault from the epicenter towards south-west andtowards north-east are 3.08 m/s and 1. 18 m/s, respectively, the average one is 2.13 In/s. The maximum dynamic.m quasi-static dislocations are 7. 1 m and 6.2 m respectively. the average quasi-static one on the fault is 4.5 m.initial stress dynamic and quasi-static shear stress drops are 8.1 M Pa and 5.4 MP4 respectively, the averagequasi-static shear stress drop is 3.9 M Pa. We found that the rupture velocities and shear stress are related to theinitial stress states of the fault.
文摘There were 34 times repeated gravity measurements along Beijing, Tianjin, and Tangshan from 1971 to 1981. The gravity field around the Tangshan area continuously increased about 98×10 -8 m·s -2 from 1971~1975. The peaks of the gravity changes occurred in the middle of 1975. Preliminary study of mechanism of the gravity changes before and after the Tangshan earthquake was done with combination of deformation and seismic data in the area. The final results show that the deep boundary surface up lifted with a rate of 2.5 m/a in the Tangshan area from 1971~1975.
文摘Based on the geoelectric observation data of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake of M=7. 8 compiled by the Research Group on the Geoelectricity of the Tangshan Great Earthquake, a dimensionless factor S has been defined as the degree of ground resistivity anisotropy. The S values during the generation process of that earthquake have been calculated and their variations have been analyzed. The result has showed that the variation of the degree of ground resistivity anisotropy existed throughout the process of generation and occurrence of the Tangshan earthquake and the features of its pattern are representative. The S value can therefore be taken as a new precursory factor of earthquakes which can be applied together with other dimensionless factors in the analysis and prediction of earthquakes. A physical explanation of the variation of the S value has also been given.
文摘By the inversion method of uneven slippage of faults in the depths(Liu et al ., 1995) and using the crustal deformation data of six phases, the movement states of seismic fault of the Tangshan earthquake in five time periods before, during and after that earthquake are computed. The result of computation has revealed the movement process of seismic fault, during which the fault moved at an increasing rate before the quake, slipped suddenly during the quake, and became relaxed, adjusted and stabilized gradually after the quake. Moreover, the recurrence period of earthquakes in Tangshan is computed using the relation that the slippage of seismic fault bears with strain energy.
文摘According to the precursory data of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake( M =7.8), and combining with the research results of rock fracture, seismic source, tectonics, seismic precursors, dynamic condition and crust structure, the seismogenic process of Tangshan earthquake has been numerically simulated by using the model of water saturated porous medium with a rhombic hard inclusion. First, a system of seismogenic dynamics equations of solid liquid two phase medium has been set up under considering rock inelastic dilation, strain softening and pore water permeation. Then, the finite difference method to solve the equation system in incremental form has been presented. Finally, the seismogenic process of Tangshan earthquake and the temporal spatial characteristics of its precursors have been numerically simulated when the hard inclusion includes a soft fault belt. The numerically simulating result shows that the development of Tangshan earthquake mainly undergoes following processes: elastic accumulation, early inelastic cubic dilation, accelerative softening (failure and creep) of fault first time, inelastic dilation twice in Tianjin—Ninghe area, accelerative softening of fault twice and instability. Corresponding to the fault accelerative softening, elastic recovery and inelastic dilation twice in some parts of seismogenic medium. By comparing with the data of precursory observation, ones can find the preceding simulating result explains the varied characters of practical data better. Meanwhile, the numerical simulation further displays the temporal spatial change law and complex patterns of the field of Tangshan earthquake development as well. It makes a base study for the physical mechanism of change of the seismic precursory field.
文摘In this paper a heterogeneous fault model of the Tangshan earthquake is suggested, which consists of two southern sub faults striking N30°E and two northern sub faults striking N50°E. Total length of the main shock fault is 114 km and seismic moment is about 1.4×10 20 N·m. The epicentre of the main shock is located at the southern part, near the intersection of the two bands. Accelerations of two aftershocks ( M L 5.5, M S 6.9 ) were used as empirical Green's functions to synthesize the accelerations of the main shock in near and far field. A method that small events and main shock are considered not satisfying the similarity relationship in the improved empirical Green's function is also applied in this paper. Peak values, duration and response spectra of synthesized accelerations in far field are in agreement with the observed records. The synthesized results in near field are also in agreement with the epicentral intensity distribution of the main shock. The results show that the peak acceleration of Tangshan earthquake in epicentral region exceeds 1.1 g. It is consistent with the peak accelerations recorded in some large earthquakes occurred in recent years.
文摘Based on the analysis of multi-temporal and multi-spectral satellite images for North China region, we have found that one year and more before the occurrence of 1976 Tangshan earthquake, the anomalies of electro-magnetic radiation on the satellite images indicated that the NE-trending Tangshan fault zone was dissected by the NNW-trending Nantai-Tangshan fault, and the Changping-Fengnan fault was dragged to form an arcuate bending at Fengnan. All these indicate the right-lateral translation along the Tangshan fault in NE direction. In order to gain an insight into the features of these faults, a shallow seismic exploration along the Tangshan and Changping-Fengnan faults has been carried out. The results have indicated that the NE-trending Tangshan fault is a high angle right-lateral strike-slip normal fault, dipping northwest, while the NWW-trending Changping-Fengnan fault is a southwest-dipping left-lateral strike-slip normal fault.
文摘The state of the stress fields in the source region is analysed systematically, on the basis of the focal mechanismsof 167 events with Ms≥4. 0 of Tangshan sequence and 163 moderate-small events of Lancang sequence respectively. The result indicates that the directions of the stress field in the source region are generally stable and thevariation is not obvious after the occurrence of strong shock. The dominant orientations of focal mechanisms ofthe aftershocks are consistent with that of the mainshock, there is still a small difference between some mechanisms of aftershocks and the mechanism of mainshock, and the difference decreases as time goes on. The numbers of solutions with dominant direction of Tangshan and Lancang sequences are similar to each other, it indicates that the controls of the strong earthquake sequences from the tectonic stress field are similar to each othertoo. Through the hierarchical clustering analysis of focal mechanism,it is found that the number of clusters ofTangshan sequence is larger than that of Lancang sequence,and their orientations are relatively disordered. Itmay be the cause that the tectonics in the Tangshan region are more complicated than those in the Lancang region.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40574020)Basic Research item of Institute of Earthquake Science, China Earthquake Administration (No. 0207690236).
文摘Coseismic water level changes which may have been induced by the Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake and its 15 larger aftershocks (Ms〉5.4) have been observed at Tangshan well. We analyze the correlation between coseismic parameters (maximum amplitude, duration, coseismic step and the time when the coseismic reach its maximum amplitude) and earthquake parameters (magnitude, well-epicenter distance and depth), and then compare the time when the coseismic oscillation reaches its maximum amplitude with the seismogram from Douhe seismic station which is about 16.3 km away from Tangshan well. The analysis indicates that magnitude is the main factor influencing the induced coseismic water level changes, and that the well-epicenter distance and depth have less influence. Ms magnitude has the strongest correlation with the coseismic water level changes comparing to Mw and ML magnitudes. There exists strong correlation between the maximum amplitude, step size and the oscillation duration. The water level oscillation and step are both caused by dynamic strain sourcing from seismic waves. Most of the times when the oscillations reach their maximum amplitudes are between S and Rayleigh waves. The coseismic water level changes are due to the co-effect of seismic waves and hydro-geological environments.
文摘A method for inverting 3 D curved interface and layer velocity by using travel time of reflected waves is studied. Each interface is described with sectional, incomplete cubic polynomial. A fast 3 D ray tracing method is used in forward problem, and a least squares method with variable damping is adopted in the inverse problem. Result from numerical modelling shows that the solution can converge fast on the true model. Observational data from the Tangshan earthquake area are processed, 3 D Moho discontinuity in the area is rebuilt, and finally, the relationship between the regional structure and seismicity is revealed.
文摘The environment shear stress of Tangshan main earthquake and 38 great aftershocks have been calculated by the acceleration data of Tangshan earthquake sequence. The environment shear stress for 52 smaller aftershocks from July of 1982 to July of 1984 have also been calculated by use of the digital data of the Sino-American cooperation recorded by the instrumental arrays in Tangshan. The results represent that the environment shear stress τ0 values have a weak dependence on the seismic moment, only the small and moderate earthquakes will be able to occur in the region with smaller τ0 value and the large earthquakes are only in the region with greater τ0 value. The peak acceleration, velocity and displacement will be larger for the earthquakes occurred in the region with greater τ0 value, Therefore, the measurement of environment shear stress τ0 value for the significant region will play an important role in earthquske prediction and engineering shock-proof. The environment shear stress values for the great aftershocks occurred in the two ends of the main fault are often higher than that for the main shock. This case may represent the stress concentration in the two ends of the fault. This phenomenon provides the references for the place where the great aftershock will occur.
基金This research is supported by Spark Program of Earthquake Science(No.XH18065Y)National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.41774066 and 41604049)。
文摘Using the seismic records of 83 temporary and 17 permanent broadband seismic stations deployed in Tangshan earthquake region and its adjacent areas(39°N–41.5°N,115.5°E–119.5°E),we conducted a nonlinear joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion.We obtained some detailed information about the Tangshan earthquake region and its adjacent areas,including sedimentary thickness,Moho depth,and crustal and upper mantle S-wave velocity.Meanwhile,we also obtained the vP/vS structure along two sections across the Tangshan region.The results show that:(1)the Moho depth ranges from 30 km to 38 km,and it becomes shallower from Yanshan uplift area to North China basin;(2)the thickness of sedimentary layer ranges from 0 km to 3 km,and it thickens from Yanshan uplift region to North China basin;(3)the S-wave velocity structure shows that the velocity distribution of the upper crust has obvious correlation with the surface geological structure,while the velocity characteristics of the middle and lower crust are opposite to that of the upper crust.Compared with the upper crust,the heterogeneity of the middle and lower crust is more obvious;(4)the discontinuity of Moho on the two sides of Tangshan fault suggests that Tangshan fault cut the whole crust,and the low vS and high vP/vS beneath the Tangshan earthquake region may reflect the invasion of mantle thermal material through Tangshan fault.
文摘The success of the prediction of Haicheng earthquake and the failure of the prediction of Tangshan earthquake were both well known in the world. What happened, why such a strong earthquake as occurred in Haicheng had been predicted successfully and with a small loss of lives and property? Why a successively strong earthquake about a year later in a region not so further was failure in the imminent stage of prediction and there were so many fatalities and a great degree of property? The author addresses these points based on these true experiences including the first hand experiences leading up to, during, and following these two earthquarter. In addition, he also introduced some seimic phenomena which he had seen after Chi-chi earthquake in Taiwan.
文摘The opinions of two papers carried in the journal "Seismology and Geology" are discussed in the paper.One is that the Tangshan fault is a high-angle,west-dipping and thrust with strike-slip fault.The other is that the Fuzhuang-Xihe fault distributed on the east side of Tangshan city is the seismogenic fault that caused the Tangshan earthquake.For the former opinion,it needs to explain the relationship between the active style of the thrust Tangshan fault and the formation genesis of a Quaternary depression along the west side of Tangshan city.For the latter opinion,if the Fuzhuang-Xihe fault is the seismogenic fault of the Tangshan earthquake,it needs to explain the genesis relationship between this west-dip slip fault zone and the strike-slip surface fissure zone that extends through Tangshan city.And it needs more evidence exclude the possibility that the surface rupture belongs to the rupturing of a secondary structure.This paper suggests doing more work on the active fault that controls the Caobo Quaternary depression.
基金funded by the fundamental research funds of Institute of Earthquake Science,China Earthquake Administration (690206)
文摘By analyzing higher-accuracy location data of the Tangshan earthquake sequence,a clear distribution pattern of three aftershock belts in the NE,NWW,and NW directions of has been obtained.The analysis reveals three rupture planes of strong events of MS7.8,MS7.1 and MS6.9 in the sequence.It indicates that the complex pattern is closely related to the earthquake source,and the NE-,NWW-and NW-trending regional fault zones,which have been revealed by the research of the pre-seismicity anomaly.In summary,the source is located in the junction of the three fault zones,and the rupture planes of the three strong events located in the source can be regarded as the locked segments on the three fault zones.On these grounds,the paper explains the complexity of the source and epicentral distribution of aftershocks.
文摘We studied the seismicity before and after the M_s=7.8 Tangshan event on July 28, 1976 (39°28'N, 1 18° 11'E) and the results show that in 3 regions outside of the source zone, seismicity rate increasing were observed, which was significant in 0.99 significance level using Z-statistic test and was proposed to be triggered by the M_s=7.8 Tangshan earthquake. The magnitude of the greatest triggered event was 5.5. The epicenter distances of these earthquakes were several ten kilometers to 300 km. The static stress change △CFS of Coulomb failure was calculated using an elastic dislocation model in half space and the △CFS on the major rupture directions in these three regions were positive.
文摘The fault deformation observed in 18 years after the Tangshan earthquake on the deformation station located on the surface fissure of the seismogenic fault is introduced. The results show that the vertical and horizontal deformations of the seismogenic fault were concentrated within 7 years after the earthquake and the year of 1983 was the turning year of postseismic deformation. The deformation shown by large area levelings is consistent with the intensity level of fault deformation. At present, a relaxation state appears in which stress is not easy for stress to accumulate and there is no probability of stronger earthquake occurrence in the near future.