Since 1960, the tumor strains of L6565 viral leukemia, SRS lymphoma and L783 transplantable leukemia were established successively in our laboratory. Recently, derived from the strains of threse leukemia/lymphoma, SRS...Since 1960, the tumor strains of L6565 viral leukemia, SRS lymphoma and L783 transplantable leukemia were established successively in our laboratory. Recently, derived from the strains of threse leukemia/lymphoma, SRS-82 cell line, SACIIB2, SACIIC3 cell clones and a cell line infected with SRS leukemia virus (SRSV/3T3) were obtained at vitro. The main results of study on the biology, virology and Its Induction of differentiation are summarily reported.展开更多
By scanning and transmission electron microscopy, leukemlc celb were obwrved after CFU-Mix culture. Even though granulocytlc growth factor, erythropoietin and lymphocytlc growth factor were added at vitor, acute leuke...By scanning and transmission electron microscopy, leukemlc celb were obwrved after CFU-Mix culture. Even though granulocytlc growth factor, erythropoietin and lymphocytlc growth factor were added at vitor, acute leukemlc celb still showed defects In differentiation and maturation. These were characterized by abnormal colony which consisted of smooth cells, bizarre shape, nuclear-cytoplasmic asynchrony In development, and appearance of nuclear bleb. However, chronic myelogenous leukemlc celb were more nature than the acute ones, manifesting in normal colony with finger- like projections and ruffled membrane. Macrophages and eosinophils could be observed. It b suggested that there b a difference In differentiation between acute and chronic leukemia cells.展开更多
AIM: To establish clone cells with different metastatic potential for the study of metastasis-related mechanisms. METHODS: Cloning procedure was performed on parental hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell line MHCC97, a...AIM: To establish clone cells with different metastatic potential for the study of metastasis-related mechanisms. METHODS: Cloning procedure was performed on parental hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell line MHCC97, and biological characteristics of the target clones selected by in vivo screening were studied. RESULTS: Two clones with high (MHCC97-H) and low (MHCC97-L) metastatic potential were isolated from the parent cell line. Compared with MHCC97-L, MHCC97-H had smaller cell size (average cell diameter 43 microm vs 50 microm) and faster in vitro and in vivo growth rate (tumor cell doubling time was 34.2h vs 60.0h). The main ranges of chromosomes were 55-58 in MHCC97-H and 57-62 in MHCC97-L. Boyden chamber in vitro invasion assay demonstrated that the number of penetrating cells through the artificial basement membrane was (37.5 +/- 11.0) cells/field for MHCC97-H vs (17.7 +/- 6.3)/field for MHCC97-L. The proportions of cells in G0-G1 phase, S phase, and G2-M phase for MHCC97-H/MHCC97-L were 0.56/0.65, 0.28/0.25 and 0.16/0.10, respectively, as measured by flow cytometry. The serum AFP levels in nude mice 5wk after orthotopic implantation of tumor tissue were (246 +/- 66) microg.L(-1) for MHCC97-H and (91 +/- 66) microg.L(-1) for MHCC97-L. The pulmonary metastatic rate was 100% (10/10) vs 40% (4/10). CONCLUSION: Two clones of the same genetic background but with different biological behaviors were established, which could be valuable models for investigation on HCC metastasis.展开更多
Background Primary systemic light chain amyloidosis (AL) is a rare plasma cell disease,our purpose was to analyze the immunophenotypic characteristics of the plasma cells in bone marrow in AL patients,and explore wh...Background Primary systemic light chain amyloidosis (AL) is a rare plasma cell disease,our purpose was to analyze the immunophenotypic characteristics of the plasma cells in bone marrow in AL patients,and explore whether the detection of abnormal plasma cell clones in bone marrow by flow cytometry (FCM) could be used as an important indicator of AL diagnosis.Methods Fresh bone marrow samples were collected from 51 AL,21 multiple myeloma (MM),and 5 Waldenstr(o)m's macroglobulinemia (WM) patients.The immunophenotype of bone marrow cells were analyzed and compared by FCM using a panel of antibodies including CD45,CD38,CD138,CD117,CD56,and CD19.Results In AL,light chain restriction could be identified in 31 cases (60.9%),in which the λ light chain restriction was found in 24 cases (77.4%).In MM,κ light chain restriction was found in 13 cases (61.9%),and λ light chain restriction in eight cases.CD45 on abnormal plasma cells was negative to weakly positive in both AL and MM,but was positive to strongly positive in WM.In the bone marrow plasma cells of the 51 AL,78.4% were CD56+,68.6% were CD117+,and 88.2% were CD19-.While in the 21 MM cases,66.7% were CD56+,38.1% were CD117+,and 90.4% were CD19-.The plasmacytoid lymphocytes in the five WM patients were CD19+ and CD56-,CD117-.Conclusion Detection of abnormal plasma cell clones in bone marrow by FCM is valuable for the diagnosis of AL.展开更多
Bovine embryonic stem cell would be invaluable for researching the aspect of animal cloning, production transgenic animal and discussion of gene function in vitro. With the object of establishing an effective culture ...Bovine embryonic stem cell would be invaluable for researching the aspect of animal cloning, production transgenic animal and discussion of gene function in vitro. With the object of establishing an effective culture system for isolation and clone of bovine pluripotent stem cell, we cultured bovine embryos and mouse embryos including morula blastula and hatached blastula and obtained animal ICM on Primary murine embryonic fibroblast (Primary murine embryonic fibroblast, PMEF) feeder layer with tissue medium(DMEM supplemented with 15ml/100ml NBS,0.1μmol/L Na2SeO3, 0.1mmol/L p-mercaptoethanol, 1000ng/ml LIF, 10 ng/ml IGF, 1mmol/L necessary amino acid and 1mmol/L L-glutamine),then,we obtained mouse ICM and bovine ICM. Moreover, we isolated and cloned the 6 passage bovine ES like cells(12 cell lines) and 9 passage murine ES like cells (52 cell lines) deriving from bovine ICM and murine ICM respectively on the feeder layer of PMEF by disaggregating ICM and ES cell clones of bovine and murine into smaller clumps through digesting with 0.125g/100ml trypsin and 0.02g/100ml EDTA and scattering with a glass needle. The pluripotency of both murine and bovine ES like cells was identified with morphological character, histochemistry identification , karyotype analysis and differentiation of ES cells in vitro or in vivo. This result showed that bovine embryonic stem cell and murine embryonic stem cell had developmental pluripotency.展开更多
Guava (Psidium guajava L.), a tropical fruit, belongs to Myrtaceae family. Leaves and fruits of guava have been reported to have an anti-diarrheal, hypoglycemic, lipid lowering, anti-bacterial in addition to antioxida...Guava (Psidium guajava L.), a tropical fruit, belongs to Myrtaceae family. Leaves and fruits of guava have been reported to have an anti-diarrheal, hypoglycemic, lipid lowering, anti-bacterial in addition to antioxidant activities. The aim of this study was to investigate several guava leaf extract cytotoxic effects on healthy clone 9 liver cells and its hepatoprotective effects on ethanol-induced heap-toxicity. It was discovered that when the clone 9 liver cells were treated with guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) extracts for 24 hours, there was no retardation of growth as well as when ethanol and acetone extracts at low concentrations 100 μg/mL and 50 μg/mL were administered however cytototoxic effects were detected at higher concentrations. Water and hot water extracts in concentrations lower than or equal to 500 μg/mL revealed no cytotoxic effects. Injury induction to healthy clone 9 liver cells using 5% alcohol concentration for 30 minutes revealed the hepatoprotective properties of guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) extracts. This was significant in concentrations of 100 μg/mL or lower for ethanol and all concentrations for hot water extracts. Hot water extracts showed higher hepatoprotective and lower cytotoxic properties than other extracts.展开更多
The rearrangement of Bcl-1 gene (Bcl-1/IgH rearrangement) and expression of cyclin D1 in multiple myeloma (MM) precursor cells were studied and the role of cyclin D1 in the pathogenesis of MM was investigated. The BCL...The rearrangement of Bcl-1 gene (Bcl-1/IgH rearrangement) and expression of cyclin D1 in multiple myeloma (MM) precursor cells were studied and the role of cyclin D1 in the pathogenesis of MM was investigated. The BCL-1 rearrangement and cyclin D1 protein expression in 15 cases of MM were detected. By using hemi-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) the genomic DNA from fresh peripheral blood and bone marrow was amplified and the expression of cyclin D1 in the smears was detected by using immunohistochemical method. Ten volunteer with normal bone marrow served as control group. The results showed Bcl-1 rearrangement was detectable in 3/15 (20 %) MM patients and cyclin D, expression in 4/15 (27 % ) MM patients. BeLl-1 rearrangement and cyclin D1 protein expression were also detected in MM precursor cells. No overexpression of cyclin D1 or the rearrangement of the BeL-1 gene was found in the 10 volunteers. It was concluded that Bel-1 rearrangement and cyclin D1 protein overexpression were detected in MM precursor cells, speculating that overexpression of cyclin D1 protein may play an initial (critical) role in the pathogenesis of MM.展开更多
AIM: To clone the cDNA of UGT1A9 from a Chinese human liver and establish the Chinese hamster lung (CHL) cell line expressing human UGT1A9. METHODS: cDNA of UGT1 A9 was transcripted from mRNA by reverse transcriptase-...AIM: To clone the cDNA of UGT1A9 from a Chinese human liver and establish the Chinese hamster lung (CHL) cell line expressing human UGT1A9. METHODS: cDNA of UGT1 A9 was transcripted from mRNA by reverse transcriptase-ploymerase chain reaction, and was cloned into the pGEM-T vector which was amplified in the host bacteric E.Coli DH5(alpha). The inserted fragment, verified by DNA sequencing, was subcloned into the Hind III /Not I site of a mammalian expression vector pREP9 to construct the plasmid termed pREP9-UGT1A9. CHL cells were transfected with the resultant recombinants, pREP9-UGT1A9, and selected by G418 (400 mg x L(-1)) for one month. The surviving clone (CHL-UGT1A9) was harvested as a pool and sub-cultured in medium containing G418 to obtain samples forUGT1A9 assays. The enzyme activity of CHL-UGT1A9 towards propranolol in S9 protein of the cell was determined by HPLC. RESULTS: The sequence of the cDNA segment cloned, which was 1666 bp in length, was identical to that released by Gene Bank (GenBank accession number: AF056188) in coding region. The recombinant constructed, pREP9-UGT1A9, contains the entire coding region, along with 18 bp of the 5' and 55 bp of the 3' untranslated region of theUGT1A9 cDNA, respectively. The cell lines established expressed the protein of UGT1A9, and the enzyme activity towards propranolol in S9 protein was found to be 101+/- 24 pmol x min(-1) x mg(-1) protein (n=3), but was not detectable in parental CHL cells. CONCLUSION: The cDNA of UGT1A9 was successfully cloned from a Chinese human liver and transfected into CHL cells. The CHL-UGT1 A9 cell lines established efficiently expressed the protein ofUGT1A9 for the further enzyme study of drug glucuronidation.展开更多
INTRODUCTIONClinical factors contributing to the therapeutic challenge of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are manifold :tumors arise often in patients with compromised liver function ,therefore limiting therapeutic opt...INTRODUCTIONClinical factors contributing to the therapeutic challenge of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are manifold :tumors arise often in patients with compromised liver function ,therefore limiting therapeutic options ;symptoms develop only at later stages of tumor progression ,and tumors tend to invade normal stuctures or occur in multiple locations simultaneously.展开更多
Activation and expansion of drug reactive T cells are key features in drug hypersensitivity reactions. Drugs may interact directly with immune receptors such as the human leukocyte antigens (HLA) or the T-cell recepto...Activation and expansion of drug reactive T cells are key features in drug hypersensitivity reactions. Drugs may interact directly with immune receptors such as the human leukocyte antigens (HLA) or the T-cell receptors (TCR) itself, the pharmacological interaction [p-i] concept. To analyze whether the drug sulfamethoxazole (SMX) interacts directly with the TCR and thereby contributing to signaling and T cell activation, we analyze two SMX specific T cell clones (TCC “1.3”and “H13”). Proliferation to SMX and 11 related sulfanilamides, Ca++ influx in drug stimulated T-cells and the inhibitory effect of non-reactive sulfanilamides on SMX stimulation were analyzed. In silico docking of SMX and related sulfanilamide to the TCR were used to identify possible drug binding sites, and correlated to in vitro data to find the correct docking. In Ca++ influx assays, reactions occurred as early as 14 sec after adding SMX to TCC and APC. The broadly reactive clone (“H13”) was stimulated by 5 additional sulfanilamide, while one TCC (“1.3”) was reactive exclusively with SMX but not other sulfanilamides. Competition experiments with sulfanilamide inhibited SMX induced Ca++ influx and proliferation of the TCC1.3 ina dose dependent way. Docking experiments with SMX and related sulfanilamides confirmed and explained the in vitro data as docking localized binding sites for SMX and the 5 stimulating sulfanilamides on the CDR2β domain of the clone H13, while the 6 non-stimulatory SA failed to bind. In TCC 1.3, SMX could be docked on the CDR3α of the TCR. The other, non-stimulatory but inhibitory SA could also be docked to the same site. The combined analysis of in vitro and in silico data show that sulfanilamide can bind directly to TCRs. It shows that TCR, like other receptors, appear to be reamenable to manipulations by small molecules.展开更多
Summary: A new type of TGF-β3 fusion protein with targeted therapy function was constructed, and its feasibility and target specificity of inducing chondrogenesis were investigated by transfecting LAP-MMP-mTGF-β3 g...Summary: A new type of TGF-β3 fusion protein with targeted therapy function was constructed, and its feasibility and target specificity of inducing chondrogenesis were investigated by transfecting LAP-MMP-mTGF-β3 gene into adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs). The recombinant pIRES- EGFP-MMP was constructed by inserting the sense and antisense DNA of encoding the amino acid of the synthetic MMP enzyme cutting site into the eukaryotic expression vector pIRES-EGFE LAP and mTGF-β3 fragments were obtained by using RT-PCR and inserted into the upstream and downstream of MMP from pIRES-EGFP-MMP respectively, and the recombinant plasmid of pIRES-EGFP- LAP-MMP-mTGF-β3 was constructed, which was transferred to ADSCs. The ADSCs were cultured and divided in three groups: experimental group (MMP group), negative control group (no MMP) and non-transfection group. The morphological changes were observed microscopically, and the expression of proteoglycan and type II collagen (Col II) was detected by using Alcian blue staining and immuno- histochemistry staining at 7th, 14th and 21st day after culture. The recombinant plasmid of pIRES-EGFP-LAP-MMP-mTGF-β3 was correctly constructed by methods of enzyme cutting and se- quencing analysis. The mTGF-β3 fusion protein was successfully expressed after transfection, and in the presence of the MMP, active protein mTGF-β3 was generated, which significantly promoted differ- entiation of ADSCs into chondrocytes and the expression of cartilage matrix. The novel fusion protein LAP-MMP-mTGF-β3 can targetedly induce differentiation of ADSCs into chondrocytes, which would open up prospects for target therapy of cartilage damage repair in future.展开更多
Chinese scientists have succeeded in cloning a colony of cattle from fully differentiated somatic cells. The news was announced jointly by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), National Natural Science Foundation... Chinese scientists have succeeded in cloning a colony of cattle from fully differentiated somatic cells. The news was announced jointly by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the government of Shandong Province at a press conference held on March 7, 2002.……展开更多
Summary: To clone Uroplakin Ⅱ gene from Chinese transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of bladder and construct its eukaryotic expression vector, the molecular cloning method was used to extract total RNA from a GⅢ/ T 3...Summary: To clone Uroplakin Ⅱ gene from Chinese transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of bladder and construct its eukaryotic expression vector, the molecular cloning method was used to extract total RNA from a GⅢ/ T 3N 0M 0 tissue sample of the bladder TCC patients. The primers were designed by Primer 5.0 software. Full length cDNA of Uroplakin Ⅱ gene was amplified by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), assayed by nucleic acid sequencing and then inserted between XbaⅠ and HindⅢ restrictive sites of eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA3.0. The recombinant was assayed by restricted enzyme digestion. Under the induction of Lipofectamine 2000, the recombinant was transfected into Uroplakin Ⅱ negative bladder cancer cell line EJ. Cellular expression levels of Uroplakin Ⅱ were detected by RT-PCR. The nucleic acid sequencing results indicated that Chinese Uroplakin Ⅱ cDNA (555 bp) was successfully cloned. The BLAST analysis demonstrated that the cloned sequence is 100 % homologous with sequences reported overseas. The GenBank accession number AY455312 was also registered. The results of restricted enzyme digestion indicated that eukaryotic vector pcDNA-UPⅡ for Uroplakin Ⅱ was successfully constructed. After being transferred with pcDNA-UPⅡ for 72 h, cellular Uroplakin Ⅱ mRNA levels were significantly improved (P<0.01). It is concluded that human Uroplakin Ⅱ gene was successfully cloned from Chinese TCC tissues, which provided a basis for further exploration of the roles of Uroplakin Ⅱ gene in TCC biological behaviors and potential strategies for targeted biological therapy of TCC.展开更多
Objective: To explore whether human umbilical cord blood hematopoietic progenitor cells transduced with human O^6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltrans (MGMT) gene could increase resistance to 1,3-Bis(2- Chloroethyl)-1-Nitros...Objective: To explore whether human umbilical cord blood hematopoietic progenitor cells transduced with human O^6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltrans (MGMT) gene could increase resistance to 1,3-Bis(2- Chloroethyl)-1-Nitrosourea (BCNU). Methods: The cDNA encoding the MGMT was isolated by using RT- PCR method from total RNA of fresh human liven the fragment was cloned into PGEM-T vector and further subcloned into GINa retrovirus vector. Then the GINaMGMT was transduced into the packaging cell lines GP+E86 and PA317 by LipofectAMINE. By using the medium containing BCNU for cloning selection and ping-ponging supernatant infection between ecotropic producer clone and amphotropic producer clone, high titer amphotropic PA317 producer clone with the highest titer up to 5.8x105 CFU/ml was obtained. Cord blood CD34+ cells were transfected repeatedly with supernatant of retrovirus containing human MGMT- cDNA under stimulation of hemopoietic growth factors. Results: The retrovirus vector construction was verified by restriction endonuclease analysis and DNA sequencing. PCR, RT-PCR, Southern Blot, Western Blot and MTT analyses showed that MGMT drug resistance gene has been integrated into the genomic DNA of cord blood CD34+ cells and expressed efficiently. The transgene cord blood CD34+ cells conferred 4-folds stronger resistance to BCNU than untransduced cells. Conclusion: The retrovirus vector-mediated transfer of MGMT drug resistance gene into human cord blood CD34+ cells and its expression provided an experimental foundation for gene therapy in clinical trial.展开更多
To explore a novel strategy for antisense gene therapy of cancer,the coding sequence of hum an proliferating cell nuclear antigen(PCNA) c DNA was reversely inserted into the eukaryotic vector p L XSN by molecular cl...To explore a novel strategy for antisense gene therapy of cancer,the coding sequence of hum an proliferating cell nuclear antigen(PCNA) c DNA was reversely inserted into the eukaryotic vector p L XSN by molecular cloning techniques and transferred into bladder cancer EJcells with li- posome. The PCNA expression in transferred cells was dynamically detected by immunofluo- rescence and RT- PCR techniques. Changes of proliferation activities of cancer cells were assayed by MTT colorim etric and cloning formation m ethods.In the experiment,the antisense eukaryotic vector was successfully constructed and nam ed as p L APSN.After transfection with it for1- 7 days,PCNA protein and m RNA levels in cancer cells were blocked by16 .74 % - 84 .2 1% (P< 0 .0 5 ) and2 3.2 7% - 86 .15 % (P<0 .0 5 ) respectively.The proliferation activities of transferred cells were inhibited by 2 7.91% - 6 2 .0 7% (P<0 .0 1) ,with cloning formation abilities being de- creased by 5 0 .81% (P<0 .0 1) . Itwas concluded that the in vitro proliferation activities of cancer cells could be effectively inhibited by blocking PCNA expression with antisense technique,which could serve as an ideal strategy for gene therapy of bladder cancer.展开更多
To clone the murine α fetoprotein (AFP) gene, construct the eukaryotic expression vector of AFP and express in CHO cells, total RNA were extracted from Hepa 1 6 cells, and then the murine α fetoprotein gene was a...To clone the murine α fetoprotein (AFP) gene, construct the eukaryotic expression vector of AFP and express in CHO cells, total RNA were extracted from Hepa 1 6 cells, and then the murine α fetoprotein gene was amplified by RT PCR and cloned into the eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA3.1. The recombinant of vector was identified by restriction enzyme analysis and sequencing. After transient transfection of CHO cells with the vector, Western blotting was used to detect the expression of AFP. It is concluded that the 1.8kb murine α fetoprotein gene was successfully cloned and its eukaryotic expression vector was successfully constructed.展开更多
文摘Since 1960, the tumor strains of L6565 viral leukemia, SRS lymphoma and L783 transplantable leukemia were established successively in our laboratory. Recently, derived from the strains of threse leukemia/lymphoma, SRS-82 cell line, SACIIB2, SACIIC3 cell clones and a cell line infected with SRS leukemia virus (SRSV/3T3) were obtained at vitro. The main results of study on the biology, virology and Its Induction of differentiation are summarily reported.
文摘By scanning and transmission electron microscopy, leukemlc celb were obwrved after CFU-Mix culture. Even though granulocytlc growth factor, erythropoietin and lymphocytlc growth factor were added at vitor, acute leukemlc celb still showed defects In differentiation and maturation. These were characterized by abnormal colony which consisted of smooth cells, bizarre shape, nuclear-cytoplasmic asynchrony In development, and appearance of nuclear bleb. However, chronic myelogenous leukemlc celb were more nature than the acute ones, manifesting in normal colony with finger- like projections and ruffled membrane. Macrophages and eosinophils could be observed. It b suggested that there b a difference In differentiation between acute and chronic leukemia cells.
基金Supportod ty the State Key Basic Research Program Grant G1998051211 the Fund for Leading Specialty of Shanghai Metropolitan Bureau of Public Health.
文摘AIM: To establish clone cells with different metastatic potential for the study of metastasis-related mechanisms. METHODS: Cloning procedure was performed on parental hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell line MHCC97, and biological characteristics of the target clones selected by in vivo screening were studied. RESULTS: Two clones with high (MHCC97-H) and low (MHCC97-L) metastatic potential were isolated from the parent cell line. Compared with MHCC97-L, MHCC97-H had smaller cell size (average cell diameter 43 microm vs 50 microm) and faster in vitro and in vivo growth rate (tumor cell doubling time was 34.2h vs 60.0h). The main ranges of chromosomes were 55-58 in MHCC97-H and 57-62 in MHCC97-L. Boyden chamber in vitro invasion assay demonstrated that the number of penetrating cells through the artificial basement membrane was (37.5 +/- 11.0) cells/field for MHCC97-H vs (17.7 +/- 6.3)/field for MHCC97-L. The proportions of cells in G0-G1 phase, S phase, and G2-M phase for MHCC97-H/MHCC97-L were 0.56/0.65, 0.28/0.25 and 0.16/0.10, respectively, as measured by flow cytometry. The serum AFP levels in nude mice 5wk after orthotopic implantation of tumor tissue were (246 +/- 66) microg.L(-1) for MHCC97-H and (91 +/- 66) microg.L(-1) for MHCC97-L. The pulmonary metastatic rate was 100% (10/10) vs 40% (4/10). CONCLUSION: Two clones of the same genetic background but with different biological behaviors were established, which could be valuable models for investigation on HCC metastasis.
基金This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.81370612) and the Youth Fund Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.81102211).
文摘Background Primary systemic light chain amyloidosis (AL) is a rare plasma cell disease,our purpose was to analyze the immunophenotypic characteristics of the plasma cells in bone marrow in AL patients,and explore whether the detection of abnormal plasma cell clones in bone marrow by flow cytometry (FCM) could be used as an important indicator of AL diagnosis.Methods Fresh bone marrow samples were collected from 51 AL,21 multiple myeloma (MM),and 5 Waldenstr(o)m's macroglobulinemia (WM) patients.The immunophenotype of bone marrow cells were analyzed and compared by FCM using a panel of antibodies including CD45,CD38,CD138,CD117,CD56,and CD19.Results In AL,light chain restriction could be identified in 31 cases (60.9%),in which the λ light chain restriction was found in 24 cases (77.4%).In MM,κ light chain restriction was found in 13 cases (61.9%),and λ light chain restriction in eight cases.CD45 on abnormal plasma cells was negative to weakly positive in both AL and MM,but was positive to strongly positive in WM.In the bone marrow plasma cells of the 51 AL,78.4% were CD56+,68.6% were CD117+,and 88.2% were CD19-.While in the 21 MM cases,66.7% were CD56+,38.1% were CD117+,and 90.4% were CD19-.The plasmacytoid lymphocytes in the five WM patients were CD19+ and CD56-,CD117-.Conclusion Detection of abnormal plasma cell clones in bone marrow by FCM is valuable for the diagnosis of AL.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation(C36970359).
文摘Bovine embryonic stem cell would be invaluable for researching the aspect of animal cloning, production transgenic animal and discussion of gene function in vitro. With the object of establishing an effective culture system for isolation and clone of bovine pluripotent stem cell, we cultured bovine embryos and mouse embryos including morula blastula and hatached blastula and obtained animal ICM on Primary murine embryonic fibroblast (Primary murine embryonic fibroblast, PMEF) feeder layer with tissue medium(DMEM supplemented with 15ml/100ml NBS,0.1μmol/L Na2SeO3, 0.1mmol/L p-mercaptoethanol, 1000ng/ml LIF, 10 ng/ml IGF, 1mmol/L necessary amino acid and 1mmol/L L-glutamine),then,we obtained mouse ICM and bovine ICM. Moreover, we isolated and cloned the 6 passage bovine ES like cells(12 cell lines) and 9 passage murine ES like cells (52 cell lines) deriving from bovine ICM and murine ICM respectively on the feeder layer of PMEF by disaggregating ICM and ES cell clones of bovine and murine into smaller clumps through digesting with 0.125g/100ml trypsin and 0.02g/100ml EDTA and scattering with a glass needle. The pluripotency of both murine and bovine ES like cells was identified with morphological character, histochemistry identification , karyotype analysis and differentiation of ES cells in vitro or in vivo. This result showed that bovine embryonic stem cell and murine embryonic stem cell had developmental pluripotency.
文摘Guava (Psidium guajava L.), a tropical fruit, belongs to Myrtaceae family. Leaves and fruits of guava have been reported to have an anti-diarrheal, hypoglycemic, lipid lowering, anti-bacterial in addition to antioxidant activities. The aim of this study was to investigate several guava leaf extract cytotoxic effects on healthy clone 9 liver cells and its hepatoprotective effects on ethanol-induced heap-toxicity. It was discovered that when the clone 9 liver cells were treated with guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) extracts for 24 hours, there was no retardation of growth as well as when ethanol and acetone extracts at low concentrations 100 μg/mL and 50 μg/mL were administered however cytototoxic effects were detected at higher concentrations. Water and hot water extracts in concentrations lower than or equal to 500 μg/mL revealed no cytotoxic effects. Injury induction to healthy clone 9 liver cells using 5% alcohol concentration for 30 minutes revealed the hepatoprotective properties of guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) extracts. This was significant in concentrations of 100 μg/mL or lower for ethanol and all concentrations for hot water extracts. Hot water extracts showed higher hepatoprotective and lower cytotoxic properties than other extracts.
文摘The rearrangement of Bcl-1 gene (Bcl-1/IgH rearrangement) and expression of cyclin D1 in multiple myeloma (MM) precursor cells were studied and the role of cyclin D1 in the pathogenesis of MM was investigated. The BCL-1 rearrangement and cyclin D1 protein expression in 15 cases of MM were detected. By using hemi-nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) the genomic DNA from fresh peripheral blood and bone marrow was amplified and the expression of cyclin D1 in the smears was detected by using immunohistochemical method. Ten volunteer with normal bone marrow served as control group. The results showed Bcl-1 rearrangement was detectable in 3/15 (20 %) MM patients and cyclin D, expression in 4/15 (27 % ) MM patients. BeLl-1 rearrangement and cyclin D1 protein expression were also detected in MM precursor cells. No overexpression of cyclin D1 or the rearrangement of the BeL-1 gene was found in the 10 volunteers. It was concluded that Bel-1 rearrangement and cyclin D1 protein overexpression were detected in MM precursor cells, speculating that overexpression of cyclin D1 protein may play an initial (critical) role in the pathogenesis of MM.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(C39370805)Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation(300487)the Excellent Youth Scientist Fund of Zhejiang Province
文摘AIM: To clone the cDNA of UGT1A9 from a Chinese human liver and establish the Chinese hamster lung (CHL) cell line expressing human UGT1A9. METHODS: cDNA of UGT1 A9 was transcripted from mRNA by reverse transcriptase-ploymerase chain reaction, and was cloned into the pGEM-T vector which was amplified in the host bacteric E.Coli DH5(alpha). The inserted fragment, verified by DNA sequencing, was subcloned into the Hind III /Not I site of a mammalian expression vector pREP9 to construct the plasmid termed pREP9-UGT1A9. CHL cells were transfected with the resultant recombinants, pREP9-UGT1A9, and selected by G418 (400 mg x L(-1)) for one month. The surviving clone (CHL-UGT1A9) was harvested as a pool and sub-cultured in medium containing G418 to obtain samples forUGT1A9 assays. The enzyme activity of CHL-UGT1A9 towards propranolol in S9 protein of the cell was determined by HPLC. RESULTS: The sequence of the cDNA segment cloned, which was 1666 bp in length, was identical to that released by Gene Bank (GenBank accession number: AF056188) in coding region. The recombinant constructed, pREP9-UGT1A9, contains the entire coding region, along with 18 bp of the 5' and 55 bp of the 3' untranslated region of theUGT1A9 cDNA, respectively. The cell lines established expressed the protein of UGT1A9, and the enzyme activity towards propranolol in S9 protein was found to be 101+/- 24 pmol x min(-1) x mg(-1) protein (n=3), but was not detectable in parental CHL cells. CONCLUSION: The cDNA of UGT1A9 was successfully cloned from a Chinese human liver and transfected into CHL cells. The CHL-UGT1 A9 cell lines established efficiently expressed the protein ofUGT1A9 for the further enzyme study of drug glucuronidation.
文摘INTRODUCTIONClinical factors contributing to the therapeutic challenge of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are manifold :tumors arise often in patients with compromised liver function ,therefore limiting therapeutic options ;symptoms develop only at later stages of tumor progression ,and tumors tend to invade normal stuctures or occur in multiple locations simultaneously.
文摘Activation and expansion of drug reactive T cells are key features in drug hypersensitivity reactions. Drugs may interact directly with immune receptors such as the human leukocyte antigens (HLA) or the T-cell receptors (TCR) itself, the pharmacological interaction [p-i] concept. To analyze whether the drug sulfamethoxazole (SMX) interacts directly with the TCR and thereby contributing to signaling and T cell activation, we analyze two SMX specific T cell clones (TCC “1.3”and “H13”). Proliferation to SMX and 11 related sulfanilamides, Ca++ influx in drug stimulated T-cells and the inhibitory effect of non-reactive sulfanilamides on SMX stimulation were analyzed. In silico docking of SMX and related sulfanilamide to the TCR were used to identify possible drug binding sites, and correlated to in vitro data to find the correct docking. In Ca++ influx assays, reactions occurred as early as 14 sec after adding SMX to TCC and APC. The broadly reactive clone (“H13”) was stimulated by 5 additional sulfanilamide, while one TCC (“1.3”) was reactive exclusively with SMX but not other sulfanilamides. Competition experiments with sulfanilamide inhibited SMX induced Ca++ influx and proliferation of the TCC1.3 ina dose dependent way. Docking experiments with SMX and related sulfanilamides confirmed and explained the in vitro data as docking localized binding sites for SMX and the 5 stimulating sulfanilamides on the CDR2β domain of the clone H13, while the 6 non-stimulatory SA failed to bind. In TCC 1.3, SMX could be docked on the CDR3α of the TCR. The other, non-stimulatory but inhibitory SA could also be docked to the same site. The combined analysis of in vitro and in silico data show that sulfanilamide can bind directly to TCRs. It shows that TCR, like other receptors, appear to be reamenable to manipulations by small molecules.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.81101376)
文摘Summary: A new type of TGF-β3 fusion protein with targeted therapy function was constructed, and its feasibility and target specificity of inducing chondrogenesis were investigated by transfecting LAP-MMP-mTGF-β3 gene into adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs). The recombinant pIRES- EGFP-MMP was constructed by inserting the sense and antisense DNA of encoding the amino acid of the synthetic MMP enzyme cutting site into the eukaryotic expression vector pIRES-EGFE LAP and mTGF-β3 fragments were obtained by using RT-PCR and inserted into the upstream and downstream of MMP from pIRES-EGFP-MMP respectively, and the recombinant plasmid of pIRES-EGFP- LAP-MMP-mTGF-β3 was constructed, which was transferred to ADSCs. The ADSCs were cultured and divided in three groups: experimental group (MMP group), negative control group (no MMP) and non-transfection group. The morphological changes were observed microscopically, and the expression of proteoglycan and type II collagen (Col II) was detected by using Alcian blue staining and immuno- histochemistry staining at 7th, 14th and 21st day after culture. The recombinant plasmid of pIRES-EGFP-LAP-MMP-mTGF-β3 was correctly constructed by methods of enzyme cutting and se- quencing analysis. The mTGF-β3 fusion protein was successfully expressed after transfection, and in the presence of the MMP, active protein mTGF-β3 was generated, which significantly promoted differ- entiation of ADSCs into chondrocytes and the expression of cartilage matrix. The novel fusion protein LAP-MMP-mTGF-β3 can targetedly induce differentiation of ADSCs into chondrocytes, which would open up prospects for target therapy of cartilage damage repair in future.
文摘 Chinese scientists have succeeded in cloning a colony of cattle from fully differentiated somatic cells. The news was announced jointly by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the government of Shandong Province at a press conference held on March 7, 2002.……
基金This project was supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30200284).
文摘Summary: To clone Uroplakin Ⅱ gene from Chinese transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of bladder and construct its eukaryotic expression vector, the molecular cloning method was used to extract total RNA from a GⅢ/ T 3N 0M 0 tissue sample of the bladder TCC patients. The primers were designed by Primer 5.0 software. Full length cDNA of Uroplakin Ⅱ gene was amplified by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), assayed by nucleic acid sequencing and then inserted between XbaⅠ and HindⅢ restrictive sites of eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA3.0. The recombinant was assayed by restricted enzyme digestion. Under the induction of Lipofectamine 2000, the recombinant was transfected into Uroplakin Ⅱ negative bladder cancer cell line EJ. Cellular expression levels of Uroplakin Ⅱ were detected by RT-PCR. The nucleic acid sequencing results indicated that Chinese Uroplakin Ⅱ cDNA (555 bp) was successfully cloned. The BLAST analysis demonstrated that the cloned sequence is 100 % homologous with sequences reported overseas. The GenBank accession number AY455312 was also registered. The results of restricted enzyme digestion indicated that eukaryotic vector pcDNA-UPⅡ for Uroplakin Ⅱ was successfully constructed. After being transferred with pcDNA-UPⅡ for 72 h, cellular Uroplakin Ⅱ mRNA levels were significantly improved (P<0.01). It is concluded that human Uroplakin Ⅱ gene was successfully cloned from Chinese TCC tissues, which provided a basis for further exploration of the roles of Uroplakin Ⅱ gene in TCC biological behaviors and potential strategies for targeted biological therapy of TCC.
文摘Objective: To explore whether human umbilical cord blood hematopoietic progenitor cells transduced with human O^6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltrans (MGMT) gene could increase resistance to 1,3-Bis(2- Chloroethyl)-1-Nitrosourea (BCNU). Methods: The cDNA encoding the MGMT was isolated by using RT- PCR method from total RNA of fresh human liven the fragment was cloned into PGEM-T vector and further subcloned into GINa retrovirus vector. Then the GINaMGMT was transduced into the packaging cell lines GP+E86 and PA317 by LipofectAMINE. By using the medium containing BCNU for cloning selection and ping-ponging supernatant infection between ecotropic producer clone and amphotropic producer clone, high titer amphotropic PA317 producer clone with the highest titer up to 5.8x105 CFU/ml was obtained. Cord blood CD34+ cells were transfected repeatedly with supernatant of retrovirus containing human MGMT- cDNA under stimulation of hemopoietic growth factors. Results: The retrovirus vector construction was verified by restriction endonuclease analysis and DNA sequencing. PCR, RT-PCR, Southern Blot, Western Blot and MTT analyses showed that MGMT drug resistance gene has been integrated into the genomic DNA of cord blood CD34+ cells and expressed efficiently. The transgene cord blood CD34+ cells conferred 4-folds stronger resistance to BCNU than untransduced cells. Conclusion: The retrovirus vector-mediated transfer of MGMT drug resistance gene into human cord blood CD34+ cells and its expression provided an experimental foundation for gene therapy in clinical trial.
基金This studywassupported by a grant from the NationalNatural Sciences Foundation ofChina(No. 39770 739)
文摘To explore a novel strategy for antisense gene therapy of cancer,the coding sequence of hum an proliferating cell nuclear antigen(PCNA) c DNA was reversely inserted into the eukaryotic vector p L XSN by molecular cloning techniques and transferred into bladder cancer EJcells with li- posome. The PCNA expression in transferred cells was dynamically detected by immunofluo- rescence and RT- PCR techniques. Changes of proliferation activities of cancer cells were assayed by MTT colorim etric and cloning formation m ethods.In the experiment,the antisense eukaryotic vector was successfully constructed and nam ed as p L APSN.After transfection with it for1- 7 days,PCNA protein and m RNA levels in cancer cells were blocked by16 .74 % - 84 .2 1% (P< 0 .0 5 ) and2 3.2 7% - 86 .15 % (P<0 .0 5 ) respectively.The proliferation activities of transferred cells were inhibited by 2 7.91% - 6 2 .0 7% (P<0 .0 1) ,with cloning formation abilities being de- creased by 5 0 .81% (P<0 .0 1) . Itwas concluded that the in vitro proliferation activities of cancer cells could be effectively inhibited by blocking PCNA expression with antisense technique,which could serve as an ideal strategy for gene therapy of bladder cancer.
文摘To clone the murine α fetoprotein (AFP) gene, construct the eukaryotic expression vector of AFP and express in CHO cells, total RNA were extracted from Hepa 1 6 cells, and then the murine α fetoprotein gene was amplified by RT PCR and cloned into the eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA3.1. The recombinant of vector was identified by restriction enzyme analysis and sequencing. After transient transfection of CHO cells with the vector, Western blotting was used to detect the expression of AFP. It is concluded that the 1.8kb murine α fetoprotein gene was successfully cloned and its eukaryotic expression vector was successfully constructed.