A large number of papers have been published and great efforts have been made in the recent 20 years by the Chinese oceanographic and meteorological scientists in the ocean-atmosphere interaction studies. The present ...A large number of papers have been published and great efforts have been made in the recent 20 years by the Chinese oceanographic and meteorological scientists in the ocean-atmosphere interaction studies. The present paper is an overview of the major achievements made by Chinese scientists aad their collaborators in studies of larger scale ocean-atmosphere interaction in the following oceans: the South China Sea, the Tropical Pacific, the indian Ocean and the North Pacific. Many interesting phenomena and dynamic mechanisms have been discovered and studied in these papers. These achievements have improved our understanding of climate variability and have great implications in climate prediction, and thus are highly relevant to the ongoing international Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) efforts.展开更多
A conceptual coupled ocean-atmosphere model was used to study coupled ensemble data assimilation schemes with a focus on the role of ocean-atmosphere interaction in the assimilation. The optimal scheme was the fully c...A conceptual coupled ocean-atmosphere model was used to study coupled ensemble data assimilation schemes with a focus on the role of ocean-atmosphere interaction in the assimilation. The optimal scheme was the fully coupled data assimilation scheme that employs the coupled covariance matrix and assimilates observations in both the atmosphere and ocean. The assimilation of synoptic atmospheric variability that captures the temporal fluctuation of the weather noise was found to be critical for the estimation of not only the atmospheric, but also oceanic states. The synoptic atmosphere observation was especially important in the mid-latitude system, where oceanic variability is driven by weather noise. The assimilation of synoptic atmospheric variability in the coupled model improved the atmospheric variability in the analysis and the subsequent forecasts, reducing error in the surface forcing and, in turn, in the ocean state. Atmospheric observation was able to further improve the oceanic state estimation directly through the coupled covariance between the atmosphere and ocean states. Relative to the mid-latitude system, the tropical system was influenced more by ocean atmosphere interaction and, thus, the assimilation of oceanic observation becomes more important for the estimation of the ocean and atmosphere.展开更多
The relative contributions of atmospheric fluctuations on 6 h?2 d,2?8 d,and 8 d?1 month time scales to the changes in the air?sea fluxes,the SO circulation,and Antarctic sea ice are investigated.It was found that the ...The relative contributions of atmospheric fluctuations on 6 h?2 d,2?8 d,and 8 d?1 month time scales to the changes in the air?sea fluxes,the SO circulation,and Antarctic sea ice are investigated.It was found that the imposed forcing variability on the three time scales creates a significant increase in wind power input,and hence an increase of about 50%,97%,and 5%of eddy kinetic energy relative to the simulation driven by monthly forcing,respectively.Also,SO circulation and the strength of the upper cell of meridional overturning circulation become strengthened.These results indicate more dominant effects of atmospheric variability on the 2?8 d time scale on the SO circulation.Meanwhile,the 6 h?2 d(2?8 d)atmospheric variability causes an increase in the total sea-ice extent,area,and volume,by about 33%,30%,and 19%(17%,20%,and 25%),respectively,relative to those in the experiment forced by monthly atmospheric variables.Such significant sea-ice increases are caused by a cooler ocean surface and stronger sea-ice transports owing to the enhanced heat losses and air-ice stresses induced by the atmospheric variability at 6 h?2 d and 2?8 d,while the effects of the variability at 8 d?1 month are rather weak.The influences of atmospheric variability found here mainly result from wind fluctuations.Our findings in this study indicate the importance of properly resolving high-frequency atmospheric variability in modeling studies.展开更多
The mechanical influences involved in the interaction between the Antarctic sea ice and ocean surface current(OSC)on the subpolar Southern Ocean have been systematically investigated for the first time by conducting t...The mechanical influences involved in the interaction between the Antarctic sea ice and ocean surface current(OSC)on the subpolar Southern Ocean have been systematically investigated for the first time by conducting two simulations that include and exclude the OSC in the calculation of the ice-ocean stress(IOS), using an eddy-permitting coupled ocean-sea ice global model. By comparing the results of these two experiments, significant increases of 5%, 27%, and 24%, were found in the subpolar Southern Ocean when excluding the OSC in the IOS calculation for the ocean surface stress,upwelling, and downwelling, respectively. Excluding the OSC in the IOS calculation also visibly strengthens the total mechanical energy input to the OSC by about 16%, and increases the eddy kinetic energy and mean kinetic energy by about38% and 12%, respectively. Moreover, the response of the meridional overturning circulation in the Southern Ocean yields respective increases of about 16% and 15% for the upper and lower branches;and the subpolar gyres are also found to considerably intensify, by about 12%, 11%, and 11% in the Weddell Gyre, the Ross Gyre, and the Australian-Antarctic Gyre, respectively. The strengthened ocean circulations and Ekman pumping result in a warmer sea surface temperature(SST), and hence an incremental surface heat loss. The increased sea ice drift and warm SST lead to an expansion of the sea ice area and a reduction of sea ice volume. These results emphasize the importance of OSCs in the air-sea-ice interactions on the global ocean circulations and the mass balance of Antarctic ice shelves, and this component may become more significant as the rapid change of Antarctic sea ice.展开更多
In this paper, ocean-atmosphere coupled regimes are identified on the basis of SVD analysis, cluster analysis and composite analysis. The coupled regimes in cold seasons are identified as the clusters of the ocean-atm...In this paper, ocean-atmosphere coupled regimes are identified on the basis of SVD analysis, cluster analysis and composite analysis. The coupled regimes in cold seasons are identified as the clusters of the ocean-atmosphere coupled states in a low dimensional phase space spanned by the first four SVD modes. Three coupled regimes are found. The first two coupled regimes reflect the ENSO episodes and the accompanying PNA patterns. The third regime, i.e., EAWM regime, is characterized by the strong EAWM activity and the specific SST anomaly. The composite analysis gives further evidences to the identification of EAWM regime and also demonstrates the dynamical process of its formation. The anomaly pattern of the tropical Pacific SSTA in the strong EAWM year differs significantly from that of the La Nina year.展开更多
An atmosphere-ocean coupled mesoscale modeling system is developed and used to investigate the interactions between a squall line and the upper ocean observed over the western Paci?c warm pool during the Tropical Oc...An atmosphere-ocean coupled mesoscale modeling system is developed and used to investigate the interactions between a squall line and the upper ocean observed over the western Paci?c warm pool during the Tropical Ocean/Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean and Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA-COARE). The modeling system is developed by coupling the Advanced Regional Prediction Sys- tem (ARPS) to the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) through precipitation and two-way exchanges of mo- mentum, heat, and moisture across the air-sea interface. The results indicate that the interaction between the squall-line and the upper ocean produced noticeable di?erences in the sensible and latent heat ?uxes, as compared to the uncoupled cases. Precipitation, which is often ignored in air-sea heat ?ux estimates, played a major role in the coupling between the mesoscale convective system and the ocean. Precipitation a?ected the air-sea interaction through both freshwater ?ux and sensible heat ?ux. The former led to the formation of a thin stable ocean layer underneath and behind the precipitating atmospheric convection. The presence of this stable layer resulted in a more signi?cant convection-induced sea surface temperature (SST) change in and behind the precipitation zone. However, convection-induced SST changes do not seem to play an important role in the intsensi?cation of the existing convective system that resulted in the SST change, as the convection quickly moved away from the region of original SST response.展开更多
The South China Sea(SCS) is an eddy-active area. Composite analyses based on 438 mesoscale ocean eddies during 2000–2012 revealed the status of the atmospheric boundary layer is influenced remarkably by such eddies...The South China Sea(SCS) is an eddy-active area. Composite analyses based on 438 mesoscale ocean eddies during 2000–2012 revealed the status of the atmospheric boundary layer is influenced remarkably by such eddies. The results showed cold-core cyclonic(warm-core anticyclonic) eddies tend to cool(warm) the overlying atmosphere and cause surface winds to decelerate(accelerate). More than 5% of the total variance of turbulent heat fluxes, surface wind speed and evaporation rate are induced by mesoscale eddies. Furthermore, mesoscale eddies locally affect the columnar water vapor, cloud liquid water, and rain rate. Dynamical analyses indicated that both variations of atmospheric boundary layer stability and sea level pressure are responsible for atmospheric anomalies over mesoscale eddies. To reveal further details about the mechanisms of atmospheric responses to mesoscale eddies, atmospheric manifestations over a pair of cold and warm eddies in the southwestern SCS were simulated. Eddy-induced heat flux anomalies lead to changes in atmospheric stability. Thus, anomalous turbulence kinetic energy and friction velocity arise over the eddy dipole, which reduce(enhance) the vertical momentum transport over the cold(warm) eddy, resulting in the decrease(increase) of sea surface wind. Diagnoses of the model's momentum balance suggested that wind speed anomalies directly over the eddy dipole are dominated by vertical mixing terms within the atmospheric boundary layer, while wind anomalies on the edges of eddies are produced by atmospheric pressure gradient forces and atmospheric horizontal advection terms.展开更多
By utilizing a 3-D atmospheric circulation resolving method, the authors studied the air-sea interactive linkages between the tropical Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean in 1979-2008 E1 Nifio-Southern Oscillation (E...By utilizing a 3-D atmospheric circulation resolving method, the authors studied the air-sea interactive linkages between the tropical Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean in 1979-2008 E1 Nifio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. Their findings showed that evident 3-D gear-coupling characteristics existed in the 1979-2008 ENSO events. Their resolving analyses also suggested that the general circulation showed stronger and wider sinking motions over the eastern Indian Ocean-western Pacific during the mature phase of 1979-2008 ENSO events, compared with the vertical velocities from the U.S. National Centers for Enviornmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data. With their 3-D analysis method, the vertical velocity was resolved by two components, i.e. zonal and meridional components. It was found that the zonal component of the vertical velocities showed a strong sinking motion while the meridional components showed an upward motion during the prevailing phases of the ENSO events. In the tropics, the zonal component of the vertical velocities was found greater than the meridional component, reflecting the dominant characteristics of the vertical velocity, and the overall outcomes showed a strong sinking motion, although the two components also partially offset each other in the processes. Compared with the vertical velocities from NCEP reanalysis, the vertical motions calculated with the 3-D resolving analysis method demonstrate some advantages.展开更多
The interannual atmosphere-ocean-sea ice interaction (AOSI) in high northern latitudes is studied with a global atmosphere-ocean-sea ice coupled model system, in which the model components of atmosphere and land sur...The interannual atmosphere-ocean-sea ice interaction (AOSI) in high northern latitudes is studied with a global atmosphere-ocean-sea ice coupled model system, in which the model components of atmosphere and land surface are from China National Climate Center and that of ocean and sea ice are from LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. A daily flux anomaly correction scheme is employed to couple the atmosphere model and the ocean model with the effect of inhomogenity of sea ice in high latitudes is considered. The coupled model system has been run for 50 yr and the results of the last 30 years are analyzed. After the sea level pressure (SLP), surface air temperature (SAT), sea surface temperature (SST), sea ice concentration (SIC), and sea surface sensible heat flux (SHF) are filtered with a digital filter firstly, their normalized anomalies are used to perform the decomposition of combined complex empirical orthogonal function (CCEOF) and then they are reconstructed with the leading mode. The atmosphere-ocean-sea ice interactions in high northern latitudes during a periodical cycle (approximately 4 yr) are analyzed. It is shown that: (1) When the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is in its positive phase, the southerly anomaly appears in the Greenland Sea, SAT increases, the sea loses less SHF, SST increases and SIC decreases accordingly; when the NAO is in its negative phase, the northerly anomaly appears in the Greenland Sea, SAT decreases, the sea loses more SHF, SST decreases and SIC increases accordingly. There are similar features in the Barents Sea, but the phase of evolution in the Barents Sea is different from that in the Greenland Sea. (2) For an average of multi-years, there is a cold center in the inner part of the Arctic Ocean near the North Pole. When there is an anomaly of low pressure, which is closer to the Pacific Ocean, in the inner part of the Arctic Ocean, anomalies of warm advection appear in the region near the Pacific Ocean and anomalies of cold advection appear in the region near the Atlantic Ocean. Accompanying with these anomalies of warm and cold advection in these two regions~ warm and cold anomalies appear respectively. Accordingly, SHF sent to the atmosphere from the sea surface decreases and increases, and SST increases and decreases~ SIC decreases and increases in these two regions. When there is an anomaly of high pressure in the inner part of the Arctic Ocean, the former relationships reverse. From these results~ it can be deduced that, during the interannual cycle of the coupled atmosphere-ocean system, the variability of large-scale atmospheric circulation plays a dominant role and variations of SST and SIC are mainly responding to that of atmospheric circulation.展开更多
Ocean response to atmospheric forcing in the CZ ocean model is analyzed.The results show that Nino 3 indexfrom the CZ ocean model driven by linear composite of biennial,ENSO and even annual time scale wind stressanoma...Ocean response to atmospheric forcing in the CZ ocean model is analyzed.The results show that Nino 3 indexfrom the CZ ocean model driven by linear composite of biennial,ENSO and even annual time scale wind stressanomalies is consistent well with composite of responding two or three components of observed Nino 3 index duringthe EI Nino period while the La Nina phenomena cannot be reproduced by the linear composite.It implies that linearresponse process for ocean response to atmospheric forcing is dominated during the EI Nino period while nonlinearresponse might be main process during the La Nina period.Simulated results also suggest that optimal response frequency of the CZ ocean model is the frequency lowerthan annual variability and ocean response to the atmospheric forcing with annual time scale can give rise to incorrectsignal-errors in the simulated SSTA field.展开更多
This paper summarizes the progress of large-scale air-sea interaction studies that has been achieved in China in the four-year period from July 1998 to July 2002, including seven aspects in the area of the air-sea int...This paper summarizes the progress of large-scale air-sea interaction studies that has been achieved in China in the four-year period from July 1998 to July 2002, including seven aspects in the area of the air-sea interaction, namely air-sea interaction related to the tropical Pacific Ocean, monsoon-related air-sea interaction, air-sea interaction in the north Pacific Ocean, air-sea interaction in the Indian Ocean, air-sea interactions in the global oceans, field experiments, and oceanic cruise surveys. However more attention has been paid to the first and the second aspects because a large number of papers in the reference literature for preparing and organizing this paper are concentrated in the tropical Pacific Ocean, such as the ENSO process with its climatic effects and dynamics, and the monsoon-related air-sea interaction. The literature also involves various phenomena with their different time and spatial scales such as intraseasonal, annual, interannual, and interdecadal variabilities in the atmosphere/ocean interaction system, reflecting the contemporary themes in the four-year period at the beginning of an ara from the post-TOGA to CLIVAR studies. Apparently, it is a difficult task to summarize the great progress in this area, as it is extracted from a large quantity of literature, although the authors tried very hard.展开更多
The oceanic warm pool (OWP) defined by sea surface temperature (SST) is known as the "heat reservoir" in the ocean. The warmest portion in the ocean mirrors the fact that the wettest region with the largest accu...The oceanic warm pool (OWP) defined by sea surface temperature (SST) is known as the "heat reservoir" in the ocean. The warmest portion in the ocean mirrors the fact that the wettest region with the largest accumulation of water vapor (WV) in the atmosphere, termed atmospheric wet pool (AWP), should be identified because of the well-known Clausius-Clapeyron relationship between SST and WV. In this study, we used 14-year simultaneous observations of WV and SST from January 1988 to December 2001 to define the AWP and investigate its coupling and co-variations with the OWE The joint examination of the area variations, centroid locations, and zonal migrations of the AWP and OWP lead to a number of interesting findings. The results hopefully can contribute to our understanding of the air-sea interaction in general and characterization of E1 Nifio/La Nifia events in particular.展开更多
Using 1961-1995 monthly atmospheric apparent heat source/sink 【Q1】 over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau (QXP)and reanalysis data of NCEP/NCAR, and 1961 ?1994 monthly SST of UK/GISST2, the statistical study is undertaken ...Using 1961-1995 monthly atmospheric apparent heat source/sink 【Q1】 over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau (QXP)and reanalysis data of NCEP/NCAR, and 1961 ?1994 monthly SST of UK/GISST2, the statistical study is undertaken on the QXP heat source/sink in relation to both atmospheric circulation in Asia and El Nino/La Nina events. It is discovered that there exists noticeable interaction in aquasi-4-year period among the 【Q1】 of the QXP, low-levelmeridional winds east of the QXP, low-level zonal winds in the equatorial Pacific, SST in the equatorial eastern Pacific, and the circulation at mid and high latitudes north of the QXP. They have difference in phase. The cold source intensity of the QXP in winter favours a low-level meridional wind anomaly to prevail in the mainland of China and its coast east of the QXP and to last until the subsequent autumn. The wind anomaly can induce a low-level zonal wind anomaly of the tropic Pacific that finally affects an El Nino/La Nina event in the autumn and subsequent winter.展开更多
In a real climate system there are multiple time-space scale atmosphere-ocean interactions, ranging from the planetary scale and basin scale to local air-sea interactions. The Zebiak-Cane (ZC) model with one-level atm...In a real climate system there are multiple time-space scale atmosphere-ocean interactions, ranging from the planetary scale and basin scale to local air-sea interactions. The Zebiak-Cane (ZC) model with one-level atmosphere described only local air-sea interaction process. Thus the planetary scale Hadley cell and Walker cell anomalies should be introduced in the model. Including the planetary scale Hadley cell anomaly in the model improved the prediction skill. It showed that the improved model provided satisfactory prediction of the equatorial eastern Pacific SST anomaly with lead time of 9-10 months not only for 1970-1991 but also for 1992-1995.展开更多
ENSO induces coherent climate anomalies over the Indo-western Pacific, but these anomalies outlast SST anomalies of the equatorial Pacific by a season, with major effects on the Asian summer monsoon. This review provi...ENSO induces coherent climate anomalies over the Indo-western Pacific, but these anomalies outlast SST anomalies of the equatorial Pacific by a season, with major effects on the Asian summer monsoon. This review provides historical accounts of major milestones and synthesizes recent advances in the endeavor to understand summer variability over the Indo-Northwest Pacific region. Specifically, a large-scale anomalous anticyclone (AAC) is a recurrent pattern in post-E1 Nifio summers, spanning the tropical Northwest Pacific and North Indian oceans. Regarding the ocean memory that anchors the summer AAC, competing hypotheses emphasize either SST cooling in the easterly trade wind regime of the Northwest Pacific or SST warming in the westerly monsoon regime of the North Indian Ocean. Our synthesis reveals a coupled ocean- atmosphere mode that builds on both mechanisms in a two-stage evolution. In spring, when the northeast trades prevail, the AAC and Northwest Pacific cooling are coupled via wind-evaporation-SST feedback. The Northwest Pacific cooling persists to trigger a summer feedback that arises from the interaction of the AAC and North Indian Ocean warming, enabled by the westerly monsoon wind regime. This Indo-western Pacific ocean capacitor (IPOC) effect explains why E1 Nifio stages its last act over the monsoonal Indo-Northwest Pacific and casts the Indian Ocean warming and AAC in leading roles. The IPOC displays interdecadal modulations by the ENSO variance cycle, significantly correlated with ENSO at the turn of the 20th century and after the 1970s, but not in between. Outstanding issues, including future climate projections, are also discussed.展开更多
A weakly coupled assimilation system, in which SST observations are assimilated into a coupled climate model (CAS- ESM-C) through an ensemble optimal interpolation scheme, was established. This system is a useful to...A weakly coupled assimilation system, in which SST observations are assimilated into a coupled climate model (CAS- ESM-C) through an ensemble optimal interpolation scheme, was established. This system is a useful tool for historical climate simulation, showing substantial advantages, including maintaining the atmospheric feedback, and keeping the oceanic tields from drifting far away from the observation, among others. During the coupled model integration, the bias of both surface and subsurface oceanic fields in the analysis can be reduced compared to unassimilated fields. Based on 30 model years of ot.tput fiom the system, the climatology and imerannual variability of the climate system were evaluated. The results showed that the system can reasonably reproduce the climatological global precipitation and SLP, bul it still sutters from the double ITCZ problem. Besides, the ENSO footprint, which is revealed by ENSO-related surface air temperature, geopotential height and precipitation during El Nifio evolution, is basically reproduced by the system. The system can also simulate the observed SST-rainfall relationships well on both interannual and intraseasonal timescales in the western North Pacific region, in which atmospheric feedback is crucial for climate simulation.展开更多
基金the Natioual Natural Science Foundation of China Grant No. 40333030 , 40233033.
文摘A large number of papers have been published and great efforts have been made in the recent 20 years by the Chinese oceanographic and meteorological scientists in the ocean-atmosphere interaction studies. The present paper is an overview of the major achievements made by Chinese scientists aad their collaborators in studies of larger scale ocean-atmosphere interaction in the following oceans: the South China Sea, the Tropical Pacific, the indian Ocean and the North Pacific. Many interesting phenomena and dynamic mechanisms have been discovered and studied in these papers. These achievements have improved our understanding of climate variability and have great implications in climate prediction, and thus are highly relevant to the ongoing international Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) efforts.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 2012CB955201 and 41130105)supported by the NOAA
文摘A conceptual coupled ocean-atmosphere model was used to study coupled ensemble data assimilation schemes with a focus on the role of ocean-atmosphere interaction in the assimilation. The optimal scheme was the fully coupled data assimilation scheme that employs the coupled covariance matrix and assimilates observations in both the atmosphere and ocean. The assimilation of synoptic atmospheric variability that captures the temporal fluctuation of the weather noise was found to be critical for the estimation of not only the atmospheric, but also oceanic states. The synoptic atmosphere observation was especially important in the mid-latitude system, where oceanic variability is driven by weather noise. The assimilation of synoptic atmospheric variability in the coupled model improved the atmospheric variability in the analysis and the subsequent forecasts, reducing error in the surface forcing and, in turn, in the ocean state. Atmospheric observation was able to further improve the oceanic state estimation directly through the coupled covariance between the atmosphere and ocean states. Relative to the mid-latitude system, the tropical system was influenced more by ocean atmosphere interaction and, thus, the assimilation of oceanic observation becomes more important for the estimation of the ocean and atmosphere.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41806216)the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant Nos.2019 T120379 and 2018M630499)+4 种基金the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No.2018B19214)Zhaomin WANG was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41941007 and 41876220)Xia LIN was supported by a project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.41906190)the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant No.2019M661705)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No.2019B19014).
文摘The relative contributions of atmospheric fluctuations on 6 h?2 d,2?8 d,and 8 d?1 month time scales to the changes in the air?sea fluxes,the SO circulation,and Antarctic sea ice are investigated.It was found that the imposed forcing variability on the three time scales creates a significant increase in wind power input,and hence an increase of about 50%,97%,and 5%of eddy kinetic energy relative to the simulation driven by monthly forcing,respectively.Also,SO circulation and the strength of the upper cell of meridional overturning circulation become strengthened.These results indicate more dominant effects of atmospheric variability on the 2?8 d time scale on the SO circulation.Meanwhile,the 6 h?2 d(2?8 d)atmospheric variability causes an increase in the total sea-ice extent,area,and volume,by about 33%,30%,and 19%(17%,20%,and 25%),respectively,relative to those in the experiment forced by monthly atmospheric variables.Such significant sea-ice increases are caused by a cooler ocean surface and stronger sea-ice transports owing to the enhanced heat losses and air-ice stresses induced by the atmospheric variability at 6 h?2 d and 2?8 d,while the effects of the variability at 8 d?1 month are rather weak.The influences of atmospheric variability found here mainly result from wind fluctuations.Our findings in this study indicate the importance of properly resolving high-frequency atmospheric variability in modeling studies.
基金supported by the Independent Research Foundation of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Zhuhai) (Grant No. SML2021SP306)National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41941007, 41806216, 41876220, and 62177028)+2 种基金Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (Grant No. BK20211015)China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant Nos. 2019T120379 and 2018M630499)the Talent start-up fund of Nanjing Xiaozhuang University (Grant No. 4172111)。
文摘The mechanical influences involved in the interaction between the Antarctic sea ice and ocean surface current(OSC)on the subpolar Southern Ocean have been systematically investigated for the first time by conducting two simulations that include and exclude the OSC in the calculation of the ice-ocean stress(IOS), using an eddy-permitting coupled ocean-sea ice global model. By comparing the results of these two experiments, significant increases of 5%, 27%, and 24%, were found in the subpolar Southern Ocean when excluding the OSC in the IOS calculation for the ocean surface stress,upwelling, and downwelling, respectively. Excluding the OSC in the IOS calculation also visibly strengthens the total mechanical energy input to the OSC by about 16%, and increases the eddy kinetic energy and mean kinetic energy by about38% and 12%, respectively. Moreover, the response of the meridional overturning circulation in the Southern Ocean yields respective increases of about 16% and 15% for the upper and lower branches;and the subpolar gyres are also found to considerably intensify, by about 12%, 11%, and 11% in the Weddell Gyre, the Ross Gyre, and the Australian-Antarctic Gyre, respectively. The strengthened ocean circulations and Ekman pumping result in a warmer sea surface temperature(SST), and hence an incremental surface heat loss. The increased sea ice drift and warm SST lead to an expansion of the sea ice area and a reduction of sea ice volume. These results emphasize the importance of OSCs in the air-sea-ice interactions on the global ocean circulations and the mass balance of Antarctic ice shelves, and this component may become more significant as the rapid change of Antarctic sea ice.
文摘In this paper, ocean-atmosphere coupled regimes are identified on the basis of SVD analysis, cluster analysis and composite analysis. The coupled regimes in cold seasons are identified as the clusters of the ocean-atmosphere coupled states in a low dimensional phase space spanned by the first four SVD modes. Three coupled regimes are found. The first two coupled regimes reflect the ENSO episodes and the accompanying PNA patterns. The third regime, i.e., EAWM regime, is characterized by the strong EAWM activity and the specific SST anomaly. The composite analysis gives further evidences to the identification of EAWM regime and also demonstrates the dynamical process of its formation. The anomaly pattern of the tropical Pacific SSTA in the strong EAWM year differs significantly from that of the La Nina year.
基金the Division of Atmospheric Sciences, National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. ATM-9632390 , ATM-0080088 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration under Grant No.NA03-NES-4400015.
文摘An atmosphere-ocean coupled mesoscale modeling system is developed and used to investigate the interactions between a squall line and the upper ocean observed over the western Paci?c warm pool during the Tropical Ocean/Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean and Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA-COARE). The modeling system is developed by coupling the Advanced Regional Prediction Sys- tem (ARPS) to the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) through precipitation and two-way exchanges of mo- mentum, heat, and moisture across the air-sea interface. The results indicate that the interaction between the squall-line and the upper ocean produced noticeable di?erences in the sensible and latent heat ?uxes, as compared to the uncoupled cases. Precipitation, which is often ignored in air-sea heat ?ux estimates, played a major role in the coupling between the mesoscale convective system and the ocean. Precipitation a?ected the air-sea interaction through both freshwater ?ux and sensible heat ?ux. The former led to the formation of a thin stable ocean layer underneath and behind the precipitating atmospheric convection. The presence of this stable layer resulted in a more signi?cant convection-induced sea surface temperature (SST) change in and behind the precipitation zone. However, convection-induced SST changes do not seem to play an important role in the intsensi?cation of the existing convective system that resulted in the SST change, as the convection quickly moved away from the region of original SST response.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41675043 and 41375050)
文摘The South China Sea(SCS) is an eddy-active area. Composite analyses based on 438 mesoscale ocean eddies during 2000–2012 revealed the status of the atmospheric boundary layer is influenced remarkably by such eddies. The results showed cold-core cyclonic(warm-core anticyclonic) eddies tend to cool(warm) the overlying atmosphere and cause surface winds to decelerate(accelerate). More than 5% of the total variance of turbulent heat fluxes, surface wind speed and evaporation rate are induced by mesoscale eddies. Furthermore, mesoscale eddies locally affect the columnar water vapor, cloud liquid water, and rain rate. Dynamical analyses indicated that both variations of atmospheric boundary layer stability and sea level pressure are responsible for atmospheric anomalies over mesoscale eddies. To reveal further details about the mechanisms of atmospheric responses to mesoscale eddies, atmospheric manifestations over a pair of cold and warm eddies in the southwestern SCS were simulated. Eddy-induced heat flux anomalies lead to changes in atmospheric stability. Thus, anomalous turbulence kinetic energy and friction velocity arise over the eddy dipole, which reduce(enhance) the vertical momentum transport over the cold(warm) eddy, resulting in the decrease(increase) of sea surface wind. Diagnoses of the model's momentum balance suggested that wind speed anomalies directly over the eddy dipole are dominated by vertical mixing terms within the atmospheric boundary layer, while wind anomalies on the edges of eddies are produced by atmospheric pressure gradient forces and atmospheric horizontal advection terms.
基金Key knowledge innovation research project (KZCX2-YW-Q11-01)973 project (2006CB403600)National Natural Science Foundation of China project (40805034)
文摘By utilizing a 3-D atmospheric circulation resolving method, the authors studied the air-sea interactive linkages between the tropical Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean in 1979-2008 E1 Nifio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. Their findings showed that evident 3-D gear-coupling characteristics existed in the 1979-2008 ENSO events. Their resolving analyses also suggested that the general circulation showed stronger and wider sinking motions over the eastern Indian Ocean-western Pacific during the mature phase of 1979-2008 ENSO events, compared with the vertical velocities from the U.S. National Centers for Enviornmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data. With their 3-D analysis method, the vertical velocity was resolved by two components, i.e. zonal and meridional components. It was found that the zonal component of the vertical velocities showed a strong sinking motion while the meridional components showed an upward motion during the prevailing phases of the ENSO events. In the tropics, the zonal component of the vertical velocities was found greater than the meridional component, reflecting the dominant characteristics of the vertical velocity, and the overall outcomes showed a strong sinking motion, although the two components also partially offset each other in the processes. Compared with the vertical velocities from NCEP reanalysis, the vertical motions calculated with the 3-D resolving analysis method demonstrate some advantages.
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.40675065the National Basic Research Priorities Program of China under Grant No.2005CB32170X.
文摘The interannual atmosphere-ocean-sea ice interaction (AOSI) in high northern latitudes is studied with a global atmosphere-ocean-sea ice coupled model system, in which the model components of atmosphere and land surface are from China National Climate Center and that of ocean and sea ice are from LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. A daily flux anomaly correction scheme is employed to couple the atmosphere model and the ocean model with the effect of inhomogenity of sea ice in high latitudes is considered. The coupled model system has been run for 50 yr and the results of the last 30 years are analyzed. After the sea level pressure (SLP), surface air temperature (SAT), sea surface temperature (SST), sea ice concentration (SIC), and sea surface sensible heat flux (SHF) are filtered with a digital filter firstly, their normalized anomalies are used to perform the decomposition of combined complex empirical orthogonal function (CCEOF) and then they are reconstructed with the leading mode. The atmosphere-ocean-sea ice interactions in high northern latitudes during a periodical cycle (approximately 4 yr) are analyzed. It is shown that: (1) When the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is in its positive phase, the southerly anomaly appears in the Greenland Sea, SAT increases, the sea loses less SHF, SST increases and SIC decreases accordingly; when the NAO is in its negative phase, the northerly anomaly appears in the Greenland Sea, SAT decreases, the sea loses more SHF, SST decreases and SIC increases accordingly. There are similar features in the Barents Sea, but the phase of evolution in the Barents Sea is different from that in the Greenland Sea. (2) For an average of multi-years, there is a cold center in the inner part of the Arctic Ocean near the North Pole. When there is an anomaly of low pressure, which is closer to the Pacific Ocean, in the inner part of the Arctic Ocean, anomalies of warm advection appear in the region near the Pacific Ocean and anomalies of cold advection appear in the region near the Atlantic Ocean. Accompanying with these anomalies of warm and cold advection in these two regions~ warm and cold anomalies appear respectively. Accordingly, SHF sent to the atmosphere from the sea surface decreases and increases, and SST increases and decreases~ SIC decreases and increases in these two regions. When there is an anomaly of high pressure in the inner part of the Arctic Ocean, the former relationships reverse. From these results~ it can be deduced that, during the interannual cycle of the coupled atmosphere-ocean system, the variability of large-scale atmospheric circulation plays a dominant role and variations of SST and SIC are mainly responding to that of atmospheric circulation.
文摘Ocean response to atmospheric forcing in the CZ ocean model is analyzed.The results show that Nino 3 indexfrom the CZ ocean model driven by linear composite of biennial,ENSO and even annual time scale wind stressanomalies is consistent well with composite of responding two or three components of observed Nino 3 index duringthe EI Nino period while the La Nina phenomena cannot be reproduced by the linear composite.It implies that linearresponse process for ocean response to atmospheric forcing is dominated during the EI Nino period while nonlinearresponse might be main process during the La Nina period.Simulated results also suggest that optimal response frequency of the CZ ocean model is the frequency lowerthan annual variability and ocean response to the atmospheric forcing with annual time scale can give rise to incorrectsignal-errors in the simulated SSTA field.
基金supported by the National Key Basic Science Program:Argo Observation and Research on the Pacific-Indian Ocean Warm Pool(Grant No.2002CB714001),which is funded by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology.
文摘This paper summarizes the progress of large-scale air-sea interaction studies that has been achieved in China in the four-year period from July 1998 to July 2002, including seven aspects in the area of the air-sea interaction, namely air-sea interaction related to the tropical Pacific Ocean, monsoon-related air-sea interaction, air-sea interaction in the north Pacific Ocean, air-sea interaction in the Indian Ocean, air-sea interactions in the global oceans, field experiments, and oceanic cruise surveys. However more attention has been paid to the first and the second aspects because a large number of papers in the reference literature for preparing and organizing this paper are concentrated in the tropical Pacific Ocean, such as the ENSO process with its climatic effects and dynamics, and the monsoon-related air-sea interaction. The literature also involves various phenomena with their different time and spatial scales such as intraseasonal, annual, interannual, and interdecadal variabilities in the atmosphere/ocean interaction system, reflecting the contemporary themes in the four-year period at the beginning of an ara from the post-TOGA to CLIVAR studies. Apparently, it is a difficult task to summarize the great progress in this area, as it is extracted from a large quantity of literature, although the authors tried very hard.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under projects (Nos.40730530,40675016,40706056)
文摘The oceanic warm pool (OWP) defined by sea surface temperature (SST) is known as the "heat reservoir" in the ocean. The warmest portion in the ocean mirrors the fact that the wettest region with the largest accumulation of water vapor (WV) in the atmosphere, termed atmospheric wet pool (AWP), should be identified because of the well-known Clausius-Clapeyron relationship between SST and WV. In this study, we used 14-year simultaneous observations of WV and SST from January 1988 to December 2001 to define the AWP and investigate its coupling and co-variations with the OWE The joint examination of the area variations, centroid locations, and zonal migrations of the AWP and OWP lead to a number of interesting findings. The results hopefully can contribute to our understanding of the air-sea interaction in general and characterization of E1 Nifio/La Nifia events in particular.
基金This work was supported by the State Key Basic Research Project (Grant No. G1998040800) and the Key Basic Research Project on the Tibetan Plateau of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant Nos. KZ951-A1-204 and KZ95T-06).
文摘Using 1961-1995 monthly atmospheric apparent heat source/sink 【Q1】 over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau (QXP)and reanalysis data of NCEP/NCAR, and 1961 ?1994 monthly SST of UK/GISST2, the statistical study is undertaken on the QXP heat source/sink in relation to both atmospheric circulation in Asia and El Nino/La Nina events. It is discovered that there exists noticeable interaction in aquasi-4-year period among the 【Q1】 of the QXP, low-levelmeridional winds east of the QXP, low-level zonal winds in the equatorial Pacific, SST in the equatorial eastern Pacific, and the circulation at mid and high latitudes north of the QXP. They have difference in phase. The cold source intensity of the QXP in winter favours a low-level meridional wind anomaly to prevail in the mainland of China and its coast east of the QXP and to last until the subsequent autumn. The wind anomaly can induce a low-level zonal wind anomaly of the tropic Pacific that finally affects an El Nino/La Nina event in the autumn and subsequent winter.
基金Project supported by the National 95 Scienct & Technology and the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘In a real climate system there are multiple time-space scale atmosphere-ocean interactions, ranging from the planetary scale and basin scale to local air-sea interactions. The Zebiak-Cane (ZC) model with one-level atmosphere described only local air-sea interaction process. Thus the planetary scale Hadley cell and Walker cell anomalies should be introduced in the model. Including the planetary scale Hadley cell anomaly in the model improved the prediction skill. It showed that the improved model provided satisfactory prediction of the equatorial eastern Pacific SST anomaly with lead time of 9-10 months not only for 1970-1991 but also for 1992-1995.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2012CB 955600)the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDA11010103)+1 种基金the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund 2-1503 of the Japanese Ministry of Environment, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 25287120 and for Young Scientists 15H05466the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41205049, 41275081, 41425019, 41525019, 41521005)
文摘ENSO induces coherent climate anomalies over the Indo-western Pacific, but these anomalies outlast SST anomalies of the equatorial Pacific by a season, with major effects on the Asian summer monsoon. This review provides historical accounts of major milestones and synthesizes recent advances in the endeavor to understand summer variability over the Indo-Northwest Pacific region. Specifically, a large-scale anomalous anticyclone (AAC) is a recurrent pattern in post-E1 Nifio summers, spanning the tropical Northwest Pacific and North Indian oceans. Regarding the ocean memory that anchors the summer AAC, competing hypotheses emphasize either SST cooling in the easterly trade wind regime of the Northwest Pacific or SST warming in the westerly monsoon regime of the North Indian Ocean. Our synthesis reveals a coupled ocean- atmosphere mode that builds on both mechanisms in a two-stage evolution. In spring, when the northeast trades prevail, the AAC and Northwest Pacific cooling are coupled via wind-evaporation-SST feedback. The Northwest Pacific cooling persists to trigger a summer feedback that arises from the interaction of the AAC and North Indian Ocean warming, enabled by the westerly monsoon wind regime. This Indo-western Pacific ocean capacitor (IPOC) effect explains why E1 Nifio stages its last act over the monsoonal Indo-Northwest Pacific and casts the Indian Ocean warming and AAC in leading roles. The IPOC displays interdecadal modulations by the ENSO variance cycle, significantly correlated with ENSO at the turn of the 20th century and after the 1970s, but not in between. Outstanding issues, including future climate projections, are also discussed.
基金supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant No.2015M571095)the Chinese Academy of Sciences Project“Western Pacific Ocean System:Structure,Dynamics and Consequences”(Grant No.XDA10010405)
文摘A weakly coupled assimilation system, in which SST observations are assimilated into a coupled climate model (CAS- ESM-C) through an ensemble optimal interpolation scheme, was established. This system is a useful tool for historical climate simulation, showing substantial advantages, including maintaining the atmospheric feedback, and keeping the oceanic tields from drifting far away from the observation, among others. During the coupled model integration, the bias of both surface and subsurface oceanic fields in the analysis can be reduced compared to unassimilated fields. Based on 30 model years of ot.tput fiom the system, the climatology and imerannual variability of the climate system were evaluated. The results showed that the system can reasonably reproduce the climatological global precipitation and SLP, bul it still sutters from the double ITCZ problem. Besides, the ENSO footprint, which is revealed by ENSO-related surface air temperature, geopotential height and precipitation during El Nifio evolution, is basically reproduced by the system. The system can also simulate the observed SST-rainfall relationships well on both interannual and intraseasonal timescales in the western North Pacific region, in which atmospheric feedback is crucial for climate simulation.