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Flow and heat transfer characteristics of regenerative cooling parallel channel
作者 JU Yinchao LIU Xiaoyong +1 位作者 XU Guoqiang DONG Bensi 《推进技术》 北大核心 2025年第1期163-171,共9页
Due to the complex high-temperature characteristics of hydrocarbon fuel,the research on the long-term working process of parallel channel structure under variable working conditions,especially under high heat-mass rat... Due to the complex high-temperature characteristics of hydrocarbon fuel,the research on the long-term working process of parallel channel structure under variable working conditions,especially under high heat-mass ratio,has not been systematically carried out.In this paper,the heat transfer and flow characteristics of related high temperature fuels are studied by using typical engine parallel channel structure.Through numeri⁃cal simulation and systematic experimental verification,the flow and heat transfer characteristics of parallel chan⁃nels under typical working conditions are obtained,and the effectiveness of high-precision calculation method is preliminarily established.It is known that the stable time required for hot start of regenerative cooling engine is about 50 s,and the flow resistance of parallel channel structure first increases and then decreases with the in⁃crease of equivalence ratio(The following equivalence ratio is expressed byΦ),and there is a flow resistance peak in the range ofΦ=0.5~0.8.This is mainly caused by the coupling effect of high temperature physical proper⁃ties,flow rate and pressure of fuel in parallel channels.At the same time,the cooling and heat transfer character⁃istics of parallel channels under some conditions of high heat-mass ratio are obtained,and the main factors affect⁃ing the heat transfer of parallel channels such as improving surface roughness and strengthening heat transfer are mastered.In the experiment,whenΦis less than 0.9,the phenomenon of local heat transfer enhancement and deterioration can be obviously observed,and the temperature rise of local structures exceeds 200℃,which is the risk of structural damage.Therefore,the reliability of long-term parallel channel structure under the condition of high heat-mass ratio should be fully considered in structural design. 展开更多
关键词 Regenerative cooling Heat transfer Flow resistance ENGINE parallel channel
作者 韩卫萍 盖磊 《水处理技术》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第1期114-119,共6页
针对农村低C/N污水污染物和营养盐去除率差的问题,以倒置A^(2)/O耦联膜生物反应器(MBR)组合工艺为探究对象,通过控制进水污染物浓度,在中温条件下考察了有机负荷(OLR)对倒置A^(2)/O耦联MBR组合工艺处理农村低C/N污水的影响。结果表明,OL... 针对农村低C/N污水污染物和营养盐去除率差的问题,以倒置A^(2)/O耦联膜生物反应器(MBR)组合工艺为探究对象,通过控制进水污染物浓度,在中温条件下考察了有机负荷(OLR)对倒置A^(2)/O耦联MBR组合工艺处理农村低C/N污水的影响。结果表明,OLR由150 mg/L提高至450 mg/L时,总氮(TN)和溶解性磷酸盐(SOP)去除率分别由67.6%和86.6%提高至72.4%和94.3%,进一步提高OLR降低了组合工艺对污染物和营养盐的去除。此外,OLR能影响新工艺内污泥特征,提高OLR促进了胞外聚合物(EPS)分泌,尤其在OLR为600 mg/L组别内,EPS含量提高至139.6 mg/g。进水OLR对缺氧池内EPS的影响要大于其对厌氧池内EPS的影响。OLR能影响新工艺内污染物和营养盐去除相关关键酶的活性,当OLR为450 mg/L时,污染物和营养盐去除相关关键活性酶最强。研究结果为农村低C/N污水的高效处理提供了理论依据和数据支撑。 展开更多
关键词 农村低C/N污水 倒置A^(2)/o MBR 胞外聚合物 关键酶
作者 计建洪 耿学坚 +2 位作者 王丽聪 杭彩云 庄惠生 《印染》 北大核心 2025年第1期64-67,共4页
采用“倒置A^(2)/O+A生化法+膜法+磁混凝物化法”组合工艺处理污水,分析了工艺特点,并详述了主要构筑物及设备参数。该组合工艺处理效果优良,除磷脱氮效果好,出水COD、TP、NH_(3)-N、TN月均值分别为28、0.2、0.3、6.06mg/L,达到了DB32/1... 采用“倒置A^(2)/O+A生化法+膜法+磁混凝物化法”组合工艺处理污水,分析了工艺特点,并详述了主要构筑物及设备参数。该组合工艺处理效果优良,除磷脱氮效果好,出水COD、TP、NH_(3)-N、TN月均值分别为28、0.2、0.3、6.06mg/L,达到了DB32/1072—2018《太湖地区城镇污水处理厂及重点工业行业主要水污染物排放限值》其他区域污染物排放标准,其中COD、TP和NH_(3)-N三个指标达到了GB3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅳ类水排放标准。 展开更多
关键词 废水处理 倒置A^(2)/o 除磷脱氮 磁混凝沉淀 膜法
作者 石锋 《常熟理工学院学报》 2025年第1期32-35,64,共5页
本文从八个方面讨论汉语拼音中“o”的读音,以把字母“o”和元音“o”区分开来。一、制定《汉语拼音方案》有语音学原则、文字学原则和兼顾传统的做法。二、普通话基础音系没有“o”元音音位。三、汉语拼音中的字母“o”有三种不同的发... 本文从八个方面讨论汉语拼音中“o”的读音,以把字母“o”和元音“o”区分开来。一、制定《汉语拼音方案》有语音学原则、文字学原则和兼顾传统的做法。二、普通话基础音系没有“o”元音音位。三、汉语拼音中的字母“o”有三种不同的发音。四、中国学生的语音直觉就是“bo、duo”的韵母相同。五、教外国学生汉语拼音时要注意说明并操练字母“o”在不同条件下的实际发音。六、语文字典可以兼顾韵母“o”的读音和叹词“喔”的规范。七、可以适当编制相应的使用说明以妥善处理《汉语拼音方案》使用中的问题。八、建议完善《汉语拼音方案》,以便更好地发挥汉语拼音的作用。 展开更多
关键词 汉语拼音 字母“o 元音“o 语音学原则 文字学原则
作者 严飞 郑绪文 +2 位作者 孟川 李楚 刘银萍 《现代电子技术》 北大核心 2025年第1期151-156,共6页
卷积神经网络是目标检测中的常用算法,但由于卷积神经网络参数量和计算量巨大导致检测速度慢、功耗高,且难以部署到硬件平台,故文中提出一种采用CPU与FPGA融合结构实现MobileNetV1目标检测加速的应用方法。首先,通过设置宽度超参数和分... 卷积神经网络是目标检测中的常用算法,但由于卷积神经网络参数量和计算量巨大导致检测速度慢、功耗高,且难以部署到硬件平台,故文中提出一种采用CPU与FPGA融合结构实现MobileNetV1目标检测加速的应用方法。首先,通过设置宽度超参数和分辨率超参数以及网络参数定点化来减少网络模型的参数量和计算量;其次,对卷积层和批量归一化层进行融合,减少网络复杂性,提升网络计算速度;然后,设计一种八通道核间并行卷积计算引擎,每个通道利用行缓存乘法和加法树结构实现卷积运算;最后,利用FPGA并行计算和流水线结构,通过对此八通道卷积计算引擎合理的复用完成三种不同类型的卷积计算,减少硬件资源使用量、降低功耗。实验结果表明,该设计可以对MobileNetV1目标检测进行硬件加速,帧率可达56.7 f/s,功耗仅为0.603 W。 展开更多
关键词 卷积神经网络 目标检测 FPGA MobileNetV1 并行计算 硬件加速
作者 贾科军 连江龙 +1 位作者 张常瑞 蔺莹 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2025年第1期96-102,共7页
在室内可见光通信中符号间干扰和噪声会严重影响系统性能,K均值(K-means)均衡方法可以抑制光无线信道的影响,但其复杂度较高,且在聚类边界处易出现误判。提出了改进聚类中心点的K-means(Improved Center K-means,IC-Kmeans)算法,通过随... 在室内可见光通信中符号间干扰和噪声会严重影响系统性能,K均值(K-means)均衡方法可以抑制光无线信道的影响,但其复杂度较高,且在聚类边界处易出现误判。提出了改进聚类中心点的K-means(Improved Center K-means,IC-Kmeans)算法,通过随机生成足够长的训练序列,然后将训练序列每一簇的均值作为K-means聚类中心,避免了传统K-means反复迭代寻找聚类中心。进一步,提出了基于神经网络的IC-Kmeans(Neural Network Based IC-Kmeans,NNIC-Kmeans)算法,使用反向传播神经网络将接收端二维数据映射至三维空间,以增加不同簇之间混合数据的距离,提高了分类准确性。蒙特卡罗误码率仿真表明,IC-Kmeans均衡和传统K-means算法的误码率性能相当,但可以显著降低复杂度,特别是在信噪比较小时。同时,在室内多径信道模型下,与IC-Kmeans和传统Kmeans均衡相比,NNIC-Kmeans均衡的光正交频分复用系统误码率性能最好。 展开更多
关键词 可见光通信 光正交频分复用 多径信道 信道均衡 K-means算法 反向传播神经网络
作者 宦娟 郑永春 +4 位作者 徐宪根 张浩 袁佳龙 李鑫城 周立万 《光谱学与光谱分析》 北大核心 2025年第2期591-600,共10页
湖泊水质直接影响周边生态、人类健康和经济,而现代工业、城市化带来的压力使得湖泊面临着严峻挑战,需要深入了解变化、寻找污染源,并采取有效措施维护生态健康和人民生活水质安全。因此,基于三维荧光(3DEEMs)和平行因子(PARAFAC)方法,... 湖泊水质直接影响周边生态、人类健康和经济,而现代工业、城市化带来的压力使得湖泊面临着严峻挑战,需要深入了解变化、寻找污染源,并采取有效措施维护生态健康和人民生活水质安全。因此,基于三维荧光(3DEEMs)和平行因子(PARAFAC)方法,对2022年长荡湖及其周边面源的水质溶解性有机物(DOM)的荧光光谱进行分析,探讨了长荡湖DOM的荧光组分来源及时空分布,同时对比周边面源荧光与湖体荧光的相似性。结果表明,长荡湖水体的溶解有机质(DOM)荧光主要由两类荧光组分构成:类蛋白荧光组分(C1)和类腐殖质组分(C2、C3、C4)。这些组分与周边印染、生活排放以及水产养殖等源头的荧光组分相似度较高。长荡湖在不同水期各类荧光分布存在差异,特别是丰水期,荧光强度主要集中于下游出湖口。长荡湖荧光特征参数FI的值为(1.68~1.75),BIX的值在(0.92~0.93),HIX的值在(0.56~0.7),表明长荡湖DOM的增量以内源为主。综合分析显示,长荡湖的有机质主要来自水生动植物和藻类的腐解等内源增量。冗余分析结果表明,与湖体DOM相关性较大的环境因子主要包括Chl-a和COD。本研究不仅对解决当地生态环境问题具有积极作用,同时也为其他湖泊生态系统的研究提供了有价值的实践经验。 展开更多
关键词 长荡湖 三维荧光 平行因子分析 DoM时空分布 有机污染
A possible probe to neutron-skin thickness by fragment parallel momentum distribution in projectile fragmentation reactions 被引量:1
作者 Chun-Wang Ma Yi-Jie Duan +5 位作者 Ya-Fei Guo Chun-Yuan Qiao Yu-Ting Wang Jie Pu Kai-Xuan Cheng Hui-Ling Wei 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期114-119,共6页
Neutron-skin thickness is a key parameter for a neutron-rich nucleus;however,it is difficult to determine.In the framework of the Lanzhou Quantum Molecular Dynamics(LQMD)model,a possible probe for the neutron-skin thi... Neutron-skin thickness is a key parameter for a neutron-rich nucleus;however,it is difficult to determine.In the framework of the Lanzhou Quantum Molecular Dynamics(LQMD)model,a possible probe for the neutron-skin thickness(δ_(np))of neutron-rich ^(48)Ca was studied in the 140A MeV ^(48)Ca+^(9)Be projectile fragmentation reaction based on the parallel momentum distribution(p∥)of the residual fragments.A Fermi-type density distribution was employed to initiate the neutron density distributions in the LQMD simulations.A combined Gaussian function with different width parameters for the left side(Γ_(L))and the right side(Γ_(R))in the distribution was used to describe the p∥of the residual fragments.Taking neutron-rich sulfur isotopes as examples,Γ_(L) shows a sensitive correlation withδ_(np) of ^(48)Ca,and is proposed as a probe for determining the neutron skin thickness of the projectile nucleus. 展开更多
关键词 Neutron-skin thickness Projectile fragmentation parallel momentum distribution Neutron-rich nucleus Quantum molecular dynamics model
作者 张晨 姜为翰 钱鹏博 《科技情报研究》 2025年第1期118-130,共13页
[目的/意义]文章以大学生为研究对象,探究该群体信息成瘾行为的影响机制,为大学生信息成瘾行为的预防和管理提供价值参考。[方法/过程]引入刺激-机体-反应(S-O-R)理论,利用文献梳理总结大学生信息成瘾过程中的外部刺激,深度剖析机体在... [目的/意义]文章以大学生为研究对象,探究该群体信息成瘾行为的影响机制,为大学生信息成瘾行为的预防和管理提供价值参考。[方法/过程]引入刺激-机体-反应(S-O-R)理论,利用文献梳理总结大学生信息成瘾过程中的外部刺激,深度剖析机体在成瘾过程中产生的认知心理,构建大学生信息成瘾行为理论模型,运用结构方程模型实证分析大学生信息成瘾的触发路径。[结果/结论]研究结果表明,信息过载、间歇性奖励和行为管理会显著正向影响大学生的不确定性回避,进而导致大学生信息成瘾。同时,信息过载也会使大学生产生信息焦虑,信息焦虑显著正向影响大学生信息成瘾行为。面向高等院校、大学生群体和科技企业,提出针对性建议与对策,有助于完善高等院校管理体系,促进学生适应信息化环境,推动高等教育事业更好发展。 展开更多
关键词 信息成瘾 S-o-R理论 结构方程模型 干预策略
作者 陈慧玲 齐鲁 +7 位作者 陈加波 夏智恒 李乾岗 敖梓鼎 姜昭 张彤彤 王洪臣 刘国华 《中国环境科学》 北大核心 2025年第2期718-726,共9页
主要对比了SBR和AAO这两类典型污水处理工艺中N_(2)O的排放特征,并分析引起差异的机制.结果表明,按照SBR的总氮去除量计算的N_(2)O排放因子为2.36%,比AAO高1.92倍.其中好氧段为两种工艺中N_(2)O产生的主要阶段,占总产生量的90%以上.间... 主要对比了SBR和AAO这两类典型污水处理工艺中N_(2)O的排放特征,并分析引起差异的机制.结果表明,按照SBR的总氮去除量计算的N_(2)O排放因子为2.36%,比AAO高1.92倍.其中好氧段为两种工艺中N_(2)O产生的主要阶段,占总产生量的90%以上.间歇运行的SBR工艺相较于连续运行的AAO工艺,低DO时间占比更久,在好氧运行开始时会发生NH_(4)^(+)-N浓度的突增,且存在NO_(2)^(-)-N的高浓度积累.微生物菌群结构及酶活性分析显示了SBR工艺的硝化细菌AOB/NOB比值及NOR活性分别为AAO工艺的1.7倍和1.4倍,进一步促进好氧阶段AOB介导的硝化反硝化途径产生更多的N_(2)O,这是SBR具有高N_(2)O排放因子的本质原因. 展开更多
关键词 污水处理 N_(2)o AAo SBR 排放特征 机制
An MPI parallel DEM-IMB-LBM framework for simulating fluid-solid interaction problems 被引量:2
作者 Ming Xia Liuhong Deng +3 位作者 Fengqiang Gong Tongming Qu Y.T.Feng Jin Yu 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第6期2219-2231,共13页
The high-resolution DEM-IMB-LBM model can accurately describe pore-scale fluid-solid interactions,but its potential for use in geotechnical engineering analysis has not been fully unleashed due to its prohibitive comp... The high-resolution DEM-IMB-LBM model can accurately describe pore-scale fluid-solid interactions,but its potential for use in geotechnical engineering analysis has not been fully unleashed due to its prohibitive computational costs.To overcome this limitation,a message passing interface(MPI)parallel DEM-IMB-LBM framework is proposed aimed at enhancing computation efficiency.This framework utilises a static domain decomposition scheme,with the entire computation domain being decomposed into multiple subdomains according to predefined processors.A detailed parallel strategy is employed for both contact detection and hydrodynamic force calculation.In particular,a particle ID re-numbering scheme is proposed to handle particle transitions across sub-domain interfaces.Two benchmarks are conducted to validate the accuracy and overall performance of the proposed framework.Subsequently,the framework is applied to simulate scenarios involving multi-particle sedimentation and submarine landslides.The numerical examples effectively demonstrate the robustness and applicability of the MPI parallel DEM-IMB-LBM framework. 展开更多
关键词 Discrete element method(DEM) Lattice Boltzmann method(LBM) Immersed moving boundary(IMB) Multi-cores parallelization Message passing interface(MPI) CPU Submarine landslides
作者 韩超 王越 +5 位作者 冯开宇 高娜 张礼格 崔天成 李涛 肖国萍 《燃料化学学报(中英文)》 北大核心 2025年第2期198-210,共13页
本综述重点介绍了固体氧化物电解池(SOEC)的发展历史、基本机理和关键阴极材料的研究进展。在共电解过程中,SOEC阴极在控制电池运行稳定性方面具有至关重要的作用,然而目前最常用的Ni-YSZ金属陶瓷材料由于Ni的粗化、团聚等原因,导致其... 本综述重点介绍了固体氧化物电解池(SOEC)的发展历史、基本机理和关键阴极材料的研究进展。在共电解过程中,SOEC阴极在控制电池运行稳定性方面具有至关重要的作用,然而目前最常用的Ni-YSZ金属陶瓷材料由于Ni的粗化、团聚等原因,导致其稳定性不佳,研究者在探索提高金属陶瓷电极稳定性方法的同时,也在尝试寻找SOEC共电解中可替代金属陶瓷电极的阴极材料,钙钛矿材料由于具有较好的混合导电性、抗积炭性、杂质耐受性、氧化还原稳定性被研究者所关注,但其相对较低的催化活性是大多数钙钛矿相关氧化物面临的主要挑战,研究者发现通过浸渍、掺杂、脱溶等技术可以增加材料表面氧空位和活性三相界面,这些氧空位可以作为宿主位点在高温下容纳CO_(2)分子,从而降低电极极化电阻,提高电极的电化学性能,且浸渍法具有易于操作、效率高、制备温度低等优点,掺杂法具有掺杂过程简单、无污染和低成本等优点,原位溶出法具有稳定性高、效率高、性能好等优点,均易于后期推广。因此本文结合金属陶瓷和钙钛矿等阴极材料存在的问题和挑战,归纳了采用浸渍、掺杂、脱溶等技术提升阴极材料的性能和稳定性等方面的进展,为SOEC的商业化提供技术可行性分析。 展开更多
关键词 固体氧化物电解池 Co_(2)/H_(2)o共电解 金属陶瓷 钙钛矿
Parallel Implementation of the CCSDS Turbo Decoder on GPU
作者 Liu Zhanxian Liu Rongke +3 位作者 Zhang Haijun Wang Ning Sun Lei Wang Jianquan 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第10期70-77,共8页
This paper presents a software turbo decoder on graphics processing units(GPU).Unlike previous works,the proposed decoding architecture for turbo codes mainly focuses on the Consultative Committee for Space Data Syste... This paper presents a software turbo decoder on graphics processing units(GPU).Unlike previous works,the proposed decoding architecture for turbo codes mainly focuses on the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems(CCSDS)standard.However,the information frame lengths of the CCSDS turbo codes are not suitable for flexible sub-frame parallelism design.To mitigate this issue,we propose a padding method that inserts several bits before the information frame header.To obtain low-latency performance and high resource utilization,two-level intra-frame parallelisms and an efficient data structure are considered.The presented Max-Log-Map decoder can be adopted to decode the Long Term Evolution(LTE)turbo codes with only small modifications.The proposed CCSDS turbo decoder at 10 iterations on NVIDIA RTX3070 achieves about 150 Mbps and 50Mbps throughputs for the code rates 1/6 and 1/2,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 CCSDS CUDA GPU parallel decoding turbo codes
Evaluation on Configuration Stiffness of Overconstrained 2R1T Parallel Mechanisms
作者 Xuejian Ma Zhenghe Xu +3 位作者 Yundou Xu Yu Wang Jiantao Yao Yongsheng Zhao 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期62-82,共21页
Currently,two rotations and one translation(2R1T)three-degree-of-freedom(DOF)parallel mechanisms(PMs)are widely applied in five-DOF hybrid machining robots.However,there is a lack of an effective method to evaluate th... Currently,two rotations and one translation(2R1T)three-degree-of-freedom(DOF)parallel mechanisms(PMs)are widely applied in five-DOF hybrid machining robots.However,there is a lack of an effective method to evaluate the configuration stiffness of mechanisms during the mechanism design stage.It is a challenge to select appropriate 2R1T PMs with excellent stiffness performance during the design stage.Considering the operational status of 2R1T PMs,the bending and torsional stiffness are considered as indices to evaluate PMs'configuration stiffness.Subsequently,a specific method is proposed to calculate these stiffness indices.Initially,the various types of structural and driving stiffness for each branch are assessed and their specific values defined.Subsequently,a rigid-flexible coupled force model for the over-constrained 2R1T PM is established,and the proposed evaluation method is used to analyze the configuration stiffness of the five 2R1T PMs in the entire workspace.Finally,the driving force and constraint force of each branch in the whole working space are calculated to further elucidate the stiffness evaluating results by using the proposed method above.The obtained results demonstrate that the bending and torsional stiffness of the 2RPU/UPR/RPR mechanism along the x and y-directions are larger than the other four mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 parallel mechanism STIFFNESS over-constrained Three degrees of freedom
Configuration and Kinematics of a 3-DOF Generalized Spherical Parallel Mechanism for Ankle Rehabilitation
作者 Jianjun Zhang Shuai Yang +2 位作者 Chenglei Liu Xiaohui Wang Shijie Guo 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期176-188,共13页
The kinematic equivalent model of an existing ankle-rehabilitation robot is inconsistent with the anatomical structure of the human ankle,which influences the rehabilitation effect.Therefore,this study equates the hum... The kinematic equivalent model of an existing ankle-rehabilitation robot is inconsistent with the anatomical structure of the human ankle,which influences the rehabilitation effect.Therefore,this study equates the human ankle to the UR model and proposes a novel three degrees of freedom(3-DOF)generalized spherical parallel mechanism for ankle rehabilitation.The parallel mechanism has two spherical centers corresponding to the rotation centers of tibiotalar and subtalar joints.Using screw theory,the mobility of the parallel mechanism,which meets the requirements of the human ankle,is analyzed.The inverse kinematics are presented,and singularities are identified based on the Jacobian matrix.The workspaces of the parallel mechanism are obtained through the search method and compared with the motion range of the human ankle,which shows that the parallel mechanism can meet the motion demand of ankle rehabilitation.Additionally,based on the motion-force transmissibility,the performance atlases are plotted in the parameter optimal design space,and the optimum parameter is obtained according to the demands of practical applications.The results show that the parallel mechanism can meet the motion requirements of ankle rehabilitation and has excellent kinematic performance in its rehabilitation range,which provides a theoretical basis for the prototype design and experimental verification. 展开更多
关键词 Ankle rehabilitation parallel mechanism Kinematic analysis Parameter optimization
An efficient parallel algorithm of variational nodal method for heterogeneous neutron transport problems
作者 Han Yin Xiao-Jing Liu Teng-Fei Zhang 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期29-45,共17页
The heterogeneous variational nodal method(HVNM)has emerged as a potential approach for solving high-fidelity neutron transport problems.However,achieving accurate results with HVNM in large-scale problems using high-... The heterogeneous variational nodal method(HVNM)has emerged as a potential approach for solving high-fidelity neutron transport problems.However,achieving accurate results with HVNM in large-scale problems using high-fidelity models has been challenging due to the prohibitive computational costs.This paper presents an efficient parallel algorithm tailored for HVNM based on the Message Passing Interface standard.The algorithm evenly distributes the response matrix sets among processors during the matrix formation process,thus enabling independent construction without communication.Once the formation tasks are completed,a collective operation merges and shares the matrix sets among the processors.For the solution process,the problem domain is decomposed into subdomains assigned to specific processors,and the red-black Gauss-Seidel iteration is employed within each subdomain to solve the response matrix equation.Point-to-point communication is conducted between adjacent subdomains to exchange data along the boundaries.The accuracy and efficiency of the parallel algorithm are verified using the KAIST and JRR-3 test cases.Numerical results obtained with multiple processors agree well with those obtained from Monte Carlo calculations.The parallelization of HVNM results in eigenvalue errors of 31 pcm/-90 pcm and fission rate RMS errors of 1.22%/0.66%,respectively,for the 3D KAIST problem and the 3D JRR-3 problem.In addition,the parallel algorithm significantly reduces computation time,with an efficiency of 68.51% using 36 processors in the KAIST problem and 77.14% using 144 processors in the JRR-3 problem. 展开更多
关键词 Neutron transport Variational nodal method parallelIZATIoN KAIST JRR-3
Performance Enhancement of XML Parsing Using Regression and Parallelism
作者 Muhammad Ali Minhaj Ahmad Khan 《Computer Systems Science & Engineering》 2024年第2期287-303,共17页
The Extensible Markup Language(XML)files,widely used for storing and exchanging information on the web require efficient parsing mechanisms to improve the performance of the applications.With the existing Document Obj... The Extensible Markup Language(XML)files,widely used for storing and exchanging information on the web require efficient parsing mechanisms to improve the performance of the applications.With the existing Document Object Model(DOM)based parsing,the performance degrades due to sequential processing and large memory requirements,thereby requiring an efficient XML parser to mitigate these issues.In this paper,we propose a Parallel XML Tree Generator(PXTG)algorithm for accelerating the parsing of XML files and a Regression-based XML Parsing Framework(RXPF)that analyzes and predicts performance through profiling,regression,and code generation for efficient parsing.The PXTG algorithm is based on dividing the XML file into n parts and producing n trees in parallel.The profiling phase of the RXPF framework produces a dataset by measuring the performance of various parsing models including StAX,SAX,DOM,JDOM,and PXTG on different cores by using multiple file sizes.The regression phase produces the prediction model,based on which the final code for efficient parsing of XML files is produced through the code generation phase.The RXPF framework has shown a significant improvement in performance varying from 9.54%to 32.34%over other existing models used for parsing XML files. 展开更多
关键词 Regression parallel parsing multi-cores XML
Type Synthesis of Self-Alignment Parallel Ankle Rehabilitation Robot with Suitable Passive Degrees of Freedom
作者 Ya Liu Wenjuan Lu +3 位作者 Dabao Fan Weijian Tan Bo Hu Daxing Zeng 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期160-175,共16页
The current parallel ankle rehabilitation robot(ARR)suffers from the problem of difficult real-time alignment of the human-robot joint center of rotation,which may lead to secondary injuries to the patient.This study ... The current parallel ankle rehabilitation robot(ARR)suffers from the problem of difficult real-time alignment of the human-robot joint center of rotation,which may lead to secondary injuries to the patient.This study investigates type synthesis of a parallel self-alignment ankle rehabilitation robot(PSAARR)based on the kinematic characteristics of ankle joint rotation center drift from the perspective of introducing"suitable passive degrees of freedom(DOF)"with a suitable number and form.First,the self-alignment principle of parallel ARR was proposed by deriving conditions for transforming a human-robot closed chain(HRCC)formed by an ARR and human body into a kinematic suitable constrained system and introducing conditions of"decoupled"and"less limb".Second,the relationship between the self-alignment principle and actuation wrenches(twists)of PSAARR was analyzed with the velocity Jacobian matrix as a"bridge".Subsequently,the type synthesis conditions of PSAARR were proposed.Third,a PSAARR synthesis method was proposed based on the screw theory and type of PSAARR synthesis conducted.Finally,an HRCC kinematic model was established to verify the self-alignment capability of the PSAARR.In this study,93 types of PSAARR limb structures were synthesized and the self-alignment capability of a human-robot joint axis was verified through kinematic analysis,which provides a theoretical basis for the design of such an ARR. 展开更多
关键词 Ankle rehabilitation robot SELF-ALIGNMENT parallel mechanism Type synthesis Screw theory
MPI/OpenMP-Based Parallel Solver for Imprint Forming Simulation
作者 Yang Li Jiangping Xu +2 位作者 Yun Liu Wen Zhong Fei Wang 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第7期461-483,共23页
In this research,we present the pure open multi-processing(OpenMP),pure message passing interface(MPI),and hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallel solvers within the dynamic explicit central difference algorithm for the coining pr... In this research,we present the pure open multi-processing(OpenMP),pure message passing interface(MPI),and hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallel solvers within the dynamic explicit central difference algorithm for the coining process to address the challenge of capturing fine relief features of approximately 50 microns.Achieving such precision demands the utilization of at least 7 million tetrahedron elements,surpassing the capabilities of traditional serial programs previously developed.To mitigate data races when calculating internal forces,intermediate arrays are introduced within the OpenMP directive.This helps ensure proper synchronization and avoid conflicts during parallel execution.Additionally,in the MPI implementation,the coins are partitioned into the desired number of regions.This division allows for efficient distribution of computational tasks across multiple processes.Numerical simulation examples are conducted to compare the three solvers with serial programs,evaluating correctness,acceleration ratio,and parallel efficiency.The results reveal a relative error of approximately 0.3%in forming force among the parallel and serial solvers,while the predicted insufficient material zones align with experimental observations.Additionally,speedup ratio and parallel efficiency are assessed for the coining process simulation.The pureMPI parallel solver achieves a maximum acceleration of 9.5 on a single computer(utilizing 12 cores)and the hybrid solver exhibits a speedup ratio of 136 in a cluster(using 6 compute nodes and 12 cores per compute node),showing the strong scalability of the hybrid MPI/OpenMP programming model.This approach effectively meets the simulation requirements for commemorative coins with intricate relief patterns. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid MPi/openMP parallel computing MPI oPENMP imprint forming
Impact of radiation,melting,and chemical reaction on magnetohydrodynamics nanoparticle aggregation flow across parallel plates
作者 Ram Prakash SHARMA J.K.MADHUKESH +3 位作者 Sunendra SHUKLA Amal ABDULRAHMAN B.C.PRASANNAKUMARA K.V.NAGARAJA 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第10期3715-3729,共15页
The heat transfer between two corresponding plates,disks,and concentric pipes has many applications,including water cleansing and lubrication.Furthermore,TiO_(2)-water-based nanofluids are used widely because it is us... The heat transfer between two corresponding plates,disks,and concentric pipes has many applications,including water cleansing and lubrication.Furthermore,TiO_(2)-water-based nanofluids are used widely because it is useful for operating and controlling the temperature,especially in photovoltaic technology and solar panels.Motivated by these applications,the current study is based on the nanoparticle aggregation effect on magnetohydrodynamics(MHD)flow via rotating parallel plates with the chemical reaction.To achieve maximum heat transportation,the Bruggeman model is used to adapt the Maxwell model.Also,melting and thermal radiation effects are considered in the modeling to discuss heat transport.The Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 4th−5th order method is used to attain numerical solutions.The main focus of this study is to see the thermodynamic behavior considering several aspects of nanoparticle aggregation.The heat transfer rate between the parallel plates is enhanced by improving the thermophoresis,radiation,and Brownian motion parameters.The rise in Schmidt number and chemical reaction rate parameter decreases the concentration distribution.This study will be helpful in enhancing the thermal efficiency of photovoltaic technology in solar plates,water purifying,thermal management of electronic devices,designing effective cooling systems,and other sustainable technologies. 展开更多
关键词 nanoparticle aggregation thermal radiation parallel plates magnetic field chemical reaction
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