The existence of multiple positive solutions for a class of higher order p Laplacian boundary value problem is studied. By means of the Leggett Williams fixed point theorem in cones, existence criteria which e...The existence of multiple positive solutions for a class of higher order p Laplacian boundary value problem is studied. By means of the Leggett Williams fixed point theorem in cones, existence criteria which ensure the existence of at least three positive solutions of the boundary value problem are established.展开更多
The present paper is concerned with the existence of positive solutions of the (k,n-k) conjugate boundary value problems(-1) n-k u (h) (t)=λa(t)f(u(t)),t∈(0,1), u (i) (0)=0,0≤i≤k-1, u (j) (0)=0,0...The present paper is concerned with the existence of positive solutions of the (k,n-k) conjugate boundary value problems(-1) n-k u (h) (t)=λa(t)f(u(t)),t∈(0,1), u (i) (0)=0,0≤i≤k-1, u (j) (0)=0,0≤j≤n-k-1,where λ is a positive parmeter. Krasnoselsii’s fixed point theorem is employed to obtain the existence criteria for positive solution.展开更多
By using cone theory and the MSnch fixed theorem combined with a monotone iterative technique, we investigate the existence of positive solutions for systems of second- order nonlinear singular differential equations ...By using cone theory and the MSnch fixed theorem combined with a monotone iterative technique, we investigate the existence of positive solutions for systems of second- order nonlinear singular differential equations with integral boundary conditions on infinite interval and establish the existence theorem of positive solutions and iterative sequence for approximating the positive solutions. The results in this paper improve some known results.展开更多
We classify all positive solutions for the following integral system:{ui(x)=∫Rn1/│x-y│^n-α fi(u(y))dy,x∈R^n,i=1,…,m,0〈α〈n,and u(x)=(u1(x),u2(x)…,um(x)).Here fi(u), 1 ≤ i ≤m, monotone non...We classify all positive solutions for the following integral system:{ui(x)=∫Rn1/│x-y│^n-α fi(u(y))dy,x∈R^n,i=1,…,m,0〈α〈n,and u(x)=(u1(x),u2(x)…,um(x)).Here fi(u), 1 ≤ i ≤m, monotone nondecreasing are real-valued functions of homogeneous degree n+α/n-α and are monotone nondecreasing with respect to all the independent variables U1, u2, ..., urn.In the special case n ≥ 3 and α = 2. we show that the above system is equivalent to thefollowing elliptic PDE system:This system is closely related to the stationary SchrSdinger system with critical exponents for Bose-Einstein condensate展开更多
In this paper, we study the multiplicity results of positive solutions for a class of quasi-linear elliptic equations involving critical Sobolev exponent. With the help of Nehari manifold and a mini-max principle, we ...In this paper, we study the multiplicity results of positive solutions for a class of quasi-linear elliptic equations involving critical Sobolev exponent. With the help of Nehari manifold and a mini-max principle, we prove that problem admits at least two or three positive solutions under different conditions.展开更多
In this article, we study the multiplicity and concentration behavior of positive solutions for the p-Laplacian equation of SchrSdinger-Kirchhoff type -εpM(εp-N∫RN|△u|p)△pu+v(x|u|p-2u=f(u)in RN, where ...In this article, we study the multiplicity and concentration behavior of positive solutions for the p-Laplacian equation of SchrSdinger-Kirchhoff type -εpM(εp-N∫RN|△u|p)△pu+v(x|u|p-2u=f(u)in RN, where △p is the p-Laplacian operator, 1 〈 p 〈 N, M : R+ → R+ and V : RN →R+ are continuous functions, ε is a positive parameter, and f is a continuous function with subcritical growth. We assume that V satisfies the local condition introduced by M. del Pino and P. Felmer. By the variational methods, penalization techniques, and Lyusternik- Schnirelmann theory, we prove the existence, multiplicity, and concentration of solutions for the above equation.展开更多
We study the existence of multiple positive solutions for a Neumann problem with singular φ-Laplacian{-(φ(u′))′= λf(u), x ∈(0, 1),u′(0) = 0 = u′(1),where λ is a positive parameter, φ(s) =s/(1-s;...We study the existence of multiple positive solutions for a Neumann problem with singular φ-Laplacian{-(φ(u′))′= λf(u), x ∈(0, 1),u′(0) = 0 = u′(1),where λ is a positive parameter, φ(s) =s/(1-s;);, f ∈ C;([0, ∞), R), f′(u) > 0 for u > 0, and for some 0 < β < θ such that f(u) < 0 for u ∈ [0, β)(semipositone) and f(u) > 0 for u > β.Under some suitable assumptions, we obtain the existence of multiple positive solutions of the above problem by using the quadrature technique. Further, if f ∈ C;([0, β) ∪(β, ∞), R),f′′(u) ≥ 0 for u ∈ [0, β) and f′′(u) ≤ 0 for u ∈(β, ∞), then there exist exactly 2 n + 1 positive solutions for some interval of λ, which is dependent on n and θ. Moreover, We also give some examples to apply our results.展开更多
The existence of positive solutions to second-order periodic BVPs-u'+Mu =j(t, u),t(0) = u(2π),u'(0) = '(2π) and u'+ Mu = I(t, u), u(0) = u(2π), u'(0) = u'(2π)is proved by a simple appliCati...The existence of positive solutions to second-order periodic BVPs-u'+Mu =j(t, u),t(0) = u(2π),u'(0) = '(2π) and u'+ Mu = I(t, u), u(0) = u(2π), u'(0) = u'(2π)is proved by a simple appliCation of a Fixed point Theorem in cones due to Krasnoselskii.展开更多
In this paper, we deal with the existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for the quasilinear elliptic problem -△pu-∑i=1^kμi|u|^p-2/|x-ai|p^u=|u|^p^*-2u+λ|u|^q-2u,x∈Ω,where Ω belong to R^N(N ...In this paper, we deal with the existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for the quasilinear elliptic problem -△pu-∑i=1^kμi|u|^p-2/|x-ai|p^u=|u|^p^*-2u+λ|u|^q-2u,x∈Ω,where Ω belong to R^N(N ≥ 3) is a smooth bounded domain such that the different points ai∈Ω,i= 1,2,...,k,0≤μi〈μ^-=(N-p/p)^p,λ〉0,1≤q〈p,and p^*=p^N/N-p.The results depend crucially cn the parameters λ,q and μi for i=1,2,...,k.展开更多
In this article, we consider the existence of two positive solutions to nonlinear second order three-point singular boundary value problem: -u′′(t) = λf(t, u(t)) for all t ∈ (0, 1) subjecting to u(0) = ...In this article, we consider the existence of two positive solutions to nonlinear second order three-point singular boundary value problem: -u′′(t) = λf(t, u(t)) for all t ∈ (0, 1) subjecting to u(0) = 0 and αu(η) = u(1), where η ∈ (0, 1), α ∈ [0, 1), and λ is a positive parameter. The nonlinear term f(t, u) is nonnegative, and may be singular at t = 0, t = 1, and u = 0. By the fixed point index theory and approximation method, we establish that there exists λ* ∈ (0, +∞], such that the above problem has at least two positive solutions for any λ ∈ (0, λ*) under certain conditions on the nonlinear term f.展开更多
New existence results are presented for the singular second-order nonlinear boundary value problems u ' + g(t)f(u) = 0, 0 < t < 1, au(0) - betau ' (0) = 0, gammau(1) + deltau ' (1) = 0 under the cond...New existence results are presented for the singular second-order nonlinear boundary value problems u ' + g(t)f(u) = 0, 0 < t < 1, au(0) - betau ' (0) = 0, gammau(1) + deltau ' (1) = 0 under the conditions 0 less than or equal to f(0)(+) < M-1, m(1) < f(infinity)(-)less than or equal to infinity or 0 less than or equal to f(infinity)(+)< M-1, m(1) < f (-)(0)less than or equal to infinity where f(0)(+) = lim(u -->0)f(u)/u, f(infinity)(-)= lim(u --> infinity)f(u)/u, f(0)(-)= lim(u -->0)f(u)/u, f(infinity)(+) = lim(u --> infinity)f(u)/u, g may be singular at t = 0 and/or t = 1. The proof uses a fixed point theorem in cone theory.展开更多
In this article,we study the following critical problem involving the fractional Laplacian:{(−Δ)^α/2u−γu/|x|^α=λ|u|^q−2/|x|^s+|u|^2^∗α^(t)−2u/|x|^t in Ω,u=0 in R^N∖Ω,whereΩ⊂R^N(N>α)is a bounded smooth dom...In this article,we study the following critical problem involving the fractional Laplacian:{(−Δ)^α/2u−γu/|x|^α=λ|u|^q−2/|x|^s+|u|^2^∗α^(t)−2u/|x|^t in Ω,u=0 in R^N∖Ω,whereΩ⊂R^N(N>α)is a bounded smooth domain containing the origin,α∈(0,2),0≤s,t<α,1≤q<2,λ>0,2α^*(t)=2(N-t)/N-αis the fractional critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent,0≤γ<γH,and γH is the sharp constant of the Sobolev-Hardy inequality.We deal with the existence of multiple solutions for the above problem by means of variational methods and analytic techniques.展开更多
In this paper, we consider the positive solutions of fractional three-point boundary value problem of the form Dο^α+u(t)+f(t,u(t),u'(t),…,u^(n-3)(5),u^(n-2)(t))=0,u^(i)(0)=0,0≤i≤n-2,u^(n-...In this paper, we consider the positive solutions of fractional three-point boundary value problem of the form Dο^α+u(t)+f(t,u(t),u'(t),…,u^(n-3)(5),u^(n-2)(t))=0,u^(i)(0)=0,0≤i≤n-2,u^(n-2)(1)-βu^(n-2)(ξ)=0,where 0〈t〈1,n-1〈α≤n,n≥2,ξ Е(0,1),βξ^a-n〈1. We first transform it into another equivalent boundary value problem. Then, we derive the Green's function for the equivalent boundary value problem and show that it satisfies certain properties. At last, by using some fixed-point theorems, we obtain the existence of positive solution for this problem. Example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of our result.展开更多
We mainly study the existence of positive solutions for the following third order singular multi-point boundary value problem{x^(3)(t) + f(t, x(t), x′(t)) = 0, 0 〈 t 〈 1,x(0)-∑i=1^m1 αi x(ξi) = 0...We mainly study the existence of positive solutions for the following third order singular multi-point boundary value problem{x^(3)(t) + f(t, x(t), x′(t)) = 0, 0 〈 t 〈 1,x(0)-∑i=1^m1 αi x(ξi) = 0, x′(0)-∑i=1^m2 βi x′(ηi) = 0, x′(1)=0,where 0 ≤ ai≤∑i=1^m1 αi 〈 1, i = 1, 2, ···, m1, 0 〈 ξ1〈 ξ2〈 ··· 〈 ξm1〈 1, 0 ≤βj≤∑i^m2=1βi〈1,J=1,2, ···, m2, 0 〈 η1〈 η2〈 ··· 〈 ηm2〈 1. And we obtain some necessa βi 〈=11, j = 1,ry and sufficient conditions for the existence of C^1[0, 1] and C^2[0, 1] positive solutions by constructing lower and upper solutions and by using the comparison theorem. Our nonlinearity f(t, x, y)may be singular at x, y, t = 0 and/or t = 1.展开更多
The existence of positive solutions for second order m-point boundary value problemx″-q(t)f(x,x′)x′=0, x(0)= m i=2 b ix(ξ i),x′(1)=αx′(0)are investigated,where ξ i,b i and α are constants satisfying...The existence of positive solutions for second order m-point boundary value problemx″-q(t)f(x,x′)x′=0, x(0)= m i=2 b ix(ξ i),x′(1)=αx′(0)are investigated,where ξ i,b i and α are constants satisfying 0=ξ 1<ξ 2<...<ξ m-1 <ξ m=1,b i≥0 for i=2,...,m with β∶= m i=2 b i∈[0,1), and α>1. Our approach is based on the fixed point theorem in cones.展开更多
In this paper, we consider the semilinear equation involving the fractional Laplacian in the Euclidian space R^n:(-△)^α/2u(x) : f(xn)u^p(x), x ∈R^n(0.1)in the subcritical case with 1〈 p〈n+a/n-a.Inste...In this paper, we consider the semilinear equation involving the fractional Laplacian in the Euclidian space R^n:(-△)^α/2u(x) : f(xn)u^p(x), x ∈R^n(0.1)in the subcritical case with 1〈 p〈n+a/n-a.Instead of carrying out direct investigations on pseudo-differential equation (0.1), we first seek its equivalent form in an integral equation as below:u(x)=∫R^nG∞(x, y) f(yn) u^p(y)dy,where G∞(x, y) is the Green's function associated with the fractional Laplacian in R^n. Employing the method of moving planes in integral forms, we are able to derive the nonexistence of positive solutions for (0.2) in the subcritical case. Thanks to the equivalence, same con- clusion is true for (0.1).展开更多
In this paper the sufficient conditions for the existence of positive solutions of the neutral difference equations with positive and negative coefficients are established. The results improve some known conclusions i...In this paper the sufficient conditions for the existence of positive solutions of the neutral difference equations with positive and negative coefficients are established. The results improve some known conclusions in the literature.展开更多
In this paper, the author studies the following nonlinear dynamic equation {x△(t) = r(t)x(σ(t)) + f(t, x(σ(t))), t ∈ [0, T ], x(0) = x(σ(T )). By applying and improving the generalized form of Leggett-Williams fi...In this paper, the author studies the following nonlinear dynamic equation {x△(t) = r(t)x(σ(t)) + f(t, x(σ(t))), t ∈ [0, T ], x(0) = x(σ(T )). By applying and improving the generalized form of Leggett-Williams fixed point theorem, sufficient conditions are established for the existence of positive solutions.展开更多
An existence criterion of triple positive solutions to a third-order m-point boundary value problem{v″′(s)+λh(s)f(s,v(s),v′(s))=0,s∈(0,1),v(0)=v″(0)=0,v′(1)=∑m-i=1kiv(ηi),is established by Avery-Peterson fixe...An existence criterion of triple positive solutions to a third-order m-point boundary value problem{v″′(s)+λh(s)f(s,v(s),v′(s))=0,s∈(0,1),v(0)=v″(0)=0,v′(1)=∑m-i=1kiv(ηi),is established by Avery-Peterson fixed point theorem.At the same time,a corresponding example is given to illustrate the result.展开更多
We prove the existence of a positive solution to the problem-Δu=a(x)f(u), x∈Ω, u(x)=0,x∈Ω,where Ω is a bounded domain in R n with smooth boundary, a(x) is allowed to change sign.
文摘The existence of multiple positive solutions for a class of higher order p Laplacian boundary value problem is studied. By means of the Leggett Williams fixed point theorem in cones, existence criteria which ensure the existence of at least three positive solutions of the boundary value problem are established.
文摘The present paper is concerned with the existence of positive solutions of the (k,n-k) conjugate boundary value problems(-1) n-k u (h) (t)=λa(t)f(u(t)),t∈(0,1), u (i) (0)=0,0≤i≤k-1, u (j) (0)=0,0≤j≤n-k-1,where λ is a positive parmeter. Krasnoselsii’s fixed point theorem is employed to obtain the existence criteria for positive solution.
基金SuppoSed by the NSF of Anhui Provincial Education Depaxtment(KJ2012A265,KJ2012B187)
文摘By using cone theory and the MSnch fixed theorem combined with a monotone iterative technique, we investigate the existence of positive solutions for systems of second- order nonlinear singular differential equations with integral boundary conditions on infinite interval and establish the existence theorem of positive solutions and iterative sequence for approximating the positive solutions. The results in this paper improve some known results.
基金supported by NSF Grant DMS-0604638Li partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-0401174
文摘We classify all positive solutions for the following integral system:{ui(x)=∫Rn1/│x-y│^n-α fi(u(y))dy,x∈R^n,i=1,…,m,0〈α〈n,and u(x)=(u1(x),u2(x)…,um(x)).Here fi(u), 1 ≤ i ≤m, monotone nondecreasing are real-valued functions of homogeneous degree n+α/n-α and are monotone nondecreasing with respect to all the independent variables U1, u2, ..., urn.In the special case n ≥ 3 and α = 2. we show that the above system is equivalent to thefollowing elliptic PDE system:This system is closely related to the stationary SchrSdinger system with critical exponents for Bose-Einstein condensate
文摘In this paper, we study the multiplicity results of positive solutions for a class of quasi-linear elliptic equations involving critical Sobolev exponent. With the help of Nehari manifold and a mini-max principle, we prove that problem admits at least two or three positive solutions under different conditions.
基金supported by Natural Science Foundation of China(11371159 and 11771166)Hubei Key Laboratory of Mathematical Sciences and Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University#IRT_17R46
文摘In this article, we study the multiplicity and concentration behavior of positive solutions for the p-Laplacian equation of SchrSdinger-Kirchhoff type -εpM(εp-N∫RN|△u|p)△pu+v(x|u|p-2u=f(u)in RN, where △p is the p-Laplacian operator, 1 〈 p 〈 N, M : R+ → R+ and V : RN →R+ are continuous functions, ε is a positive parameter, and f is a continuous function with subcritical growth. We assume that V satisfies the local condition introduced by M. del Pino and P. Felmer. By the variational methods, penalization techniques, and Lyusternik- Schnirelmann theory, we prove the existence, multiplicity, and concentration of solutions for the above equation.
文摘We study the existence of multiple positive solutions for a Neumann problem with singular φ-Laplacian{-(φ(u′))′= λf(u), x ∈(0, 1),u′(0) = 0 = u′(1),where λ is a positive parameter, φ(s) =s/(1-s;);, f ∈ C;([0, ∞), R), f′(u) > 0 for u > 0, and for some 0 < β < θ such that f(u) < 0 for u ∈ [0, β)(semipositone) and f(u) > 0 for u > β.Under some suitable assumptions, we obtain the existence of multiple positive solutions of the above problem by using the quadrature technique. Further, if f ∈ C;([0, β) ∪(β, ∞), R),f′′(u) ≥ 0 for u ∈ [0, β) and f′′(u) ≤ 0 for u ∈(β, ∞), then there exist exactly 2 n + 1 positive solutions for some interval of λ, which is dependent on n and θ. Moreover, We also give some examples to apply our results.
文摘The existence of positive solutions to second-order periodic BVPs-u'+Mu =j(t, u),t(0) = u(2π),u'(0) = '(2π) and u'+ Mu = I(t, u), u(0) = u(2π), u'(0) = u'(2π)is proved by a simple appliCation of a Fixed point Theorem in cones due to Krasnoselskii.
文摘In this paper, we deal with the existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for the quasilinear elliptic problem -△pu-∑i=1^kμi|u|^p-2/|x-ai|p^u=|u|^p^*-2u+λ|u|^q-2u,x∈Ω,where Ω belong to R^N(N ≥ 3) is a smooth bounded domain such that the different points ai∈Ω,i= 1,2,...,k,0≤μi〈μ^-=(N-p/p)^p,λ〉0,1≤q〈p,and p^*=p^N/N-p.The results depend crucially cn the parameters λ,q and μi for i=1,2,...,k.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11071149, 10771128)the NSF of Shanxi Province (2006011002, 2010011001-1)
文摘In this article, we consider the existence of two positive solutions to nonlinear second order three-point singular boundary value problem: -u′′(t) = λf(t, u(t)) for all t ∈ (0, 1) subjecting to u(0) = 0 and αu(η) = u(1), where η ∈ (0, 1), α ∈ [0, 1), and λ is a positive parameter. The nonlinear term f(t, u) is nonnegative, and may be singular at t = 0, t = 1, and u = 0. By the fixed point index theory and approximation method, we establish that there exists λ* ∈ (0, +∞], such that the above problem has at least two positive solutions for any λ ∈ (0, λ*) under certain conditions on the nonlinear term f.
文摘New existence results are presented for the singular second-order nonlinear boundary value problems u ' + g(t)f(u) = 0, 0 < t < 1, au(0) - betau ' (0) = 0, gammau(1) + deltau ' (1) = 0 under the conditions 0 less than or equal to f(0)(+) < M-1, m(1) < f(infinity)(-)less than or equal to infinity or 0 less than or equal to f(infinity)(+)< M-1, m(1) < f (-)(0)less than or equal to infinity where f(0)(+) = lim(u -->0)f(u)/u, f(infinity)(-)= lim(u --> infinity)f(u)/u, f(0)(-)= lim(u -->0)f(u)/u, f(infinity)(+) = lim(u --> infinity)f(u)/u, g may be singular at t = 0 and/or t = 1. The proof uses a fixed point theorem in cone theory.
文摘In this article,we study the following critical problem involving the fractional Laplacian:{(−Δ)^α/2u−γu/|x|^α=λ|u|^q−2/|x|^s+|u|^2^∗α^(t)−2u/|x|^t in Ω,u=0 in R^N∖Ω,whereΩ⊂R^N(N>α)is a bounded smooth domain containing the origin,α∈(0,2),0≤s,t<α,1≤q<2,λ>0,2α^*(t)=2(N-t)/N-αis the fractional critical Sobolev-Hardy exponent,0≤γ<γH,and γH is the sharp constant of the Sobolev-Hardy inequality.We deal with the existence of multiple solutions for the above problem by means of variational methods and analytic techniques.
基金Supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(11071001)Supported by the Key Program of Ministry of Education of China(205068)
文摘In this paper, we consider the positive solutions of fractional three-point boundary value problem of the form Dο^α+u(t)+f(t,u(t),u'(t),…,u^(n-3)(5),u^(n-2)(t))=0,u^(i)(0)=0,0≤i≤n-2,u^(n-2)(1)-βu^(n-2)(ξ)=0,where 0〈t〈1,n-1〈α≤n,n≥2,ξ Е(0,1),βξ^a-n〈1. We first transform it into another equivalent boundary value problem. Then, we derive the Green's function for the equivalent boundary value problem and show that it satisfies certain properties. At last, by using some fixed-point theorems, we obtain the existence of positive solution for this problem. Example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of our result.
基金supported by the National Science Foundation of Shandong Province(ZR2009AM004)
文摘We mainly study the existence of positive solutions for the following third order singular multi-point boundary value problem{x^(3)(t) + f(t, x(t), x′(t)) = 0, 0 〈 t 〈 1,x(0)-∑i=1^m1 αi x(ξi) = 0, x′(0)-∑i=1^m2 βi x′(ηi) = 0, x′(1)=0,where 0 ≤ ai≤∑i=1^m1 αi 〈 1, i = 1, 2, ···, m1, 0 〈 ξ1〈 ξ2〈 ··· 〈 ξm1〈 1, 0 ≤βj≤∑i^m2=1βi〈1,J=1,2, ···, m2, 0 〈 η1〈 η2〈 ··· 〈 ηm2〈 1. And we obtain some necessa βi 〈=11, j = 1,ry and sufficient conditions for the existence of C^1[0, 1] and C^2[0, 1] positive solutions by constructing lower and upper solutions and by using the comparison theorem. Our nonlinearity f(t, x, y)may be singular at x, y, t = 0 and/or t = 1.
基金Natural Scince Foundation of China and Foundation for University Key Teacher by the Ministry of Education
文摘The existence of positive solutions for second order m-point boundary value problemx″-q(t)f(x,x′)x′=0, x(0)= m i=2 b ix(ξ i),x′(1)=αx′(0)are investigated,where ξ i,b i and α are constants satisfying 0=ξ 1<ξ 2<...<ξ m-1 <ξ m=1,b i≥0 for i=2,...,m with β∶= m i=2 b i∈[0,1), and α>1. Our approach is based on the fixed point theorem in cones.
文摘In this paper, we consider the semilinear equation involving the fractional Laplacian in the Euclidian space R^n:(-△)^α/2u(x) : f(xn)u^p(x), x ∈R^n(0.1)in the subcritical case with 1〈 p〈n+a/n-a.Instead of carrying out direct investigations on pseudo-differential equation (0.1), we first seek its equivalent form in an integral equation as below:u(x)=∫R^nG∞(x, y) f(yn) u^p(y)dy,where G∞(x, y) is the Green's function associated with the fractional Laplacian in R^n. Employing the method of moving planes in integral forms, we are able to derive the nonexistence of positive solutions for (0.2) in the subcritical case. Thanks to the equivalence, same con- clusion is true for (0.1).
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(1 0 0 71 0 1 8)
文摘In this paper the sufficient conditions for the existence of positive solutions of the neutral difference equations with positive and negative coefficients are established. The results improve some known conclusions in the literature.
基金Supported by the NNSF of China(10871052, 109010600)Supported by the NSF of Guangdong Province(10151009001000032)
文摘In this paper, the author studies the following nonlinear dynamic equation {x△(t) = r(t)x(σ(t)) + f(t, x(σ(t))), t ∈ [0, T ], x(0) = x(σ(T )). By applying and improving the generalized form of Leggett-Williams fixed point theorem, sufficient conditions are established for the existence of positive solutions.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.11761046)Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province(Grant No.20JR5RA411).
文摘An existence criterion of triple positive solutions to a third-order m-point boundary value problem{v″′(s)+λh(s)f(s,v(s),v′(s))=0,s∈(0,1),v(0)=v″(0)=0,v′(1)=∑m-i=1kiv(ηi),is established by Avery-Peterson fixed point theorem.At the same time,a corresponding example is given to illustrate the result.
文摘We prove the existence of a positive solution to the problem-Δu=a(x)f(u), x∈Ω, u(x)=0,x∈Ω,where Ω is a bounded domain in R n with smooth boundary, a(x) is allowed to change sign.