Liquid pig manure (LPM), digested from pig slurry, has been used as a nutrient source substituting chemical fertilizer (CF) for some crops. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different levels of C...Liquid pig manure (LPM), digested from pig slurry, has been used as a nutrient source substituting chemical fertilizer (CF) for some crops. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different levels of CF and LPM in early July on nitrogen (N) uptake of pot-grown young “Fuyu” persimmon (Diospyros kaki). The total N and potassium (K) from CF and LPM applied to a 3 L pot were 1.2 g N and 1.15 g K for the low and 2.4 g N and 2.3 g K for the high level. From 2 weeks after the applications, secondary shoots started to grow for the CF but none for the LPM. Two nutrient sources did not significantly affect the amount of N increase in different tree parts from July 1 to August 6. At the high level, tree total N increased by 80% from 551 mg for the CF and by 31% from 583 mg for the LPM. The nutrient sources did not affect soil pH. The soil that received LPM contained more organic matter (P = 0.048), available phosphorus (P) (P = 0.002), and exchangeable K+ (P = 0.001) and Mg2+ (P = 0.009) than the soil that received CF on August 6. These results indicated that N in LPM becomes available later but its effect is more durable than CF.展开更多
Rapid growth is an innovative trait of woody bamboos that has been widely studied.However,the genetic basis and evolution of this trait are poorly understood.Taking advantage of genomic resources of 11 representative ...Rapid growth is an innovative trait of woody bamboos that has been widely studied.However,the genetic basis and evolution of this trait are poorly understood.Taking advantage of genomic resources of 11 representative bamboos at different ploidal levels,we integrated morphological,physiological,and transcriptomic datasets to investigate rapid growth.In particular,these bamboos include two large-sized and a small-sized woody species,compared with a diploid herbaceous species.Our results showed that gibberellin A1 was important for the rapid shoot growth of the world's largest bamboo,Dendrocalamus sinicus,and indicated that two gibberellins(GAs)-related genes,KAO and SLRL1,were key to the rapid shoot growth and culm size in woody bamboos.The expression of GAs-related genes exhibited significant subgenome asymmetry with subgenomes A and C demonstrating expression dominance in the large-sized woody bamboos while the generally submissive subgenomes B and D dominating in the small-sized species.The subgenome asymmetry was found to be correlated with the subgenome-specific gene structure,particularly UTRs and core promoters.Our study provides novel insights into the molecular mechanism and evolution of rapid shoot growth following allopolyploidization in woody bamboos,particularly via subgenome asymmetry.These findings are helpful for understanding of how polyploidization in general and subgenome asymmetry in particular contributed to the origin of innovative traits in plants.展开更多
The equilibrium between root, shoot and growth stability under different soil water conditions were investigated in a tube experiment of winter wheat. The water supplying treatments included: sufficient irrigation at...The equilibrium between root, shoot and growth stability under different soil water conditions were investigated in a tube experiment of winter wheat. The water supplying treatments included: sufficient irrigation at whole growth phase, moderate deficiency irrigation at whole growth phase, serious deficiency irrigation at whole growth phase, sufficient irrigation at jointing stage, tillering stage, flowering stage, and fillering respectively, after moderate and serious water deficit during their previous growth stage. Root and shoot biomass were measured. On the basis of the cooperative root-shoot interactions model, the equilibrium and growth stability were studied on the strength of the kinetics system theory. There was only one varying equilibrium point between the root and shoot over the life time of the winter wheat plant. Water stress prolonged the duration of stable growth, the more serious the water deficit, the longer the period of stable growth. The duration of stable growth was shortened and that of unstable growth was prolonged after water recovery. The growth behavior of the plants exposed to moderate water deficit shifted from stable to unstable until the end of the growth, after rewatering at flowering. In the life-time of the crop, the root and shoot had been adjusting themselves in structure and function so as to maintain an equilibrium, but could not achieve the equilibrium state for long. They were always in an unbalanced state from the beginning to the end of growth. This was the essence of root-shoot equilibrium. Water stress inhibited the function of root and shoot, reduced root shoot interactions, and as a result, the plant growth gradually tended to stabilize. Rewatering enhanced root shoot interactions, prolonged duration of instable growth. Rewatering at flowering could upset the inherent relativity during the long time of stable growth from flowering to filling stage, thus leading to unstable growth and enhanced dry matter accumulating rate in the whole plant.展开更多
The variation in shoot and root seedling growth traits was compared among three Faidherbia albida (Del). A. Chev. provenances originating from Kenya (Taveta), Malawi (Bolero) and Ghana (Bolgatanga); representi...The variation in shoot and root seedling growth traits was compared among three Faidherbia albida (Del). A. Chev. provenances originating from Kenya (Taveta), Malawi (Bolero) and Ghana (Bolgatanga); representing east, south and west Africa, respectively. Bulked seeds from three provenances were grown in two soil types (clay and sand) at the World Agroforestry Centre nursery, Nairobi. Seedlings grown in clay soil had high shoot growth and shoot to root ratios but shorter root length, lower number of nodules and specific root length compared to seedlings in sand soil. Shoot to root ratios reduced with time and this was more pronounced in sand soil. Overall, the Bolero and Taveta provenances had higher growth than the Bolgatanga provenance. This was probably because plants grown in nutrient-rich clay soil invest more in shoot growth as compared to root growth. Longer root growth in sand soil shows a better adaptive mechanism that increases competitive ability and survival in nutrient-poor systems. Variations observed among the seedling variables such us shoot and root growth could be used for early selection for reforestation and agroforestry in predominantly clay and sand soil areas.展开更多
In plant factories,the plant microclimate is affected by the control system,plant physiological activities and aerodynamic characteristics of leaves,which often leads to poor ventilation uniformity,suboptimal environm...In plant factories,the plant microclimate is affected by the control system,plant physiological activities and aerodynamic characteristics of leaves,which often leads to poor ventilation uniformity,suboptimal environmental conditions and inefficient air conditioning.In this study,interlayer cool airflow(ILCA)was used to introduce room air into plants’internal canopy through vent holes in cultivation boards and air layer between cultivation boards and nutrient solution surface(interlayer).By using optimal operating parameters at a room temperature of 28℃,the ILCA system achieved similar cooling effects in the absence of a conventional air conditioning system and achieved an energy saving of 50.8% while bringing about positive microclimate change in the interlayer and nutrient solution.This resulted in significantly reduced root growth by 41.7% without a negative influence on lettuce crop yield.Future development in this precise microclimate control method is predicted to replace the conventional cooling(air conditioning)systems for crop production in plant factories.展开更多
Axillary buds from 3-yr.-old seedlings of Camptotheca acuminata in the greenhouse were cultured on the different basal media with different concentrations of growth regulators for shoot regeneration for studying the e...Axillary buds from 3-yr.-old seedlings of Camptotheca acuminata in the greenhouse were cultured on the different basal media with different concentrations of growth regulators for shoot regeneration for studying the effects of different basal media, different concen- trations of growth regulators (BA or TDZ), sucrose, agar and pH value on shoot regeneration from axillary bud. The results showed that B5 and WPM media were the optimal basal media and the optimal phyotohormone was BA of 1.0 mg/L or TDZ of 0.1mg/L; The concentrations of sucrose of 30g/L and agar of 6g/L were most suitable for the shoot regeneration; pH value from 5.8 to 6.6 were broadly effective, but the best at pH 5.8.展开更多
The present study was designed to develop an efficient protocol for micro propagation of S. rebaudiana from nodal explants and study the influence of additives on enhancement of shoot proliferation. A two-step protoco...The present study was designed to develop an efficient protocol for micro propagation of S. rebaudiana from nodal explants and study the influence of additives on enhancement of shoot proliferation. A two-step protocol has been standardized in which, first step comprising growth hormones concentration is optimized and it was found that MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/l BAP + 0.5 mg/l Kin + 0.1 mg/l NAA turned out to be the best treatment for shoot induction. In the second step, the best treatment for shoot induction was fortified with different growth additives for further shoot proliferation. Among the different types of additives used, casein hydrolysate at 0.05% (w/v) was found to be most effective, resulted with maximum of 15.0 shoots. 90% regeneration frequency and shoot length of 6.0 cm were recorded per explant. Thus, the procedure described is a quick and reliable method which could be applied for efficient large scale propagation, genetic transformation assays and secondary metabolite production of Stevia.展开更多
Rosa centifolia is grown for its flowers which are used for essential oil extraction. It is vegetatively propagated through its cuttings which are difficult to root. This study was designed to increase the rooting per...Rosa centifolia is grown for its flowers which are used for essential oil extraction. It is vegetatively propagated through its cuttings which are difficult to root. This study was designed to increase the rooting percentage of cuttings by applying plant growth regulators (PGRs) with different levels. In total 31 treatments with different concentrations (450 ppm, 700 ppm and 950 ppm) of indole butyric acid (IBA), indole acetic acid (IAA), naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) alone, in combination and with same concentrations of 6-benzylamino purine (BAP) were used. Healthy similar sized cutting of R. centifolia was treated in solution of PGRs by quick dip method and planted in polythene bags. The data for shoot length, shoot dry weight, number of roots, root length and root dry weight were recorded. All three levels (450 ppm, 700 ppm and 950 ppm) of IBA alone produced maximum results in case of all parameters as compared to all other treatments. Among three levels of IBA, 450 ppm concentration produced maximum shoot length (10.67 cm), shoot dry weight (3.02 g), number of roots (14.00), root length (11.90 cm) and root dry weight (0.50 g). Lower concentrations of plant growth regulators produced better results as compared to higher concentrations.展开更多
Chonemorpha fragrans is an endangered medicinal woody climber,regarded among alternative plant sources of camptothecin.Camptothecin is a monoterpene indole anti-cancer alkaloid with annual trade value of over three bi...Chonemorpha fragrans is an endangered medicinal woody climber,regarded among alternative plant sources of camptothecin.Camptothecin is a monoterpene indole anti-cancer alkaloid with annual trade value of over three billion U.S.dollars in the recent,and is used in the production of its analog drugs approved for the chemotherapy of cancer of varied types.Effects of plant growth regulators,culture media strength and photoperi-odic duration on the micropropagation ef ciency of C.fragrans from nodal segment explants were studied on Murashige and Skoog(MS)medium amended with Thidiazuron(TDZ),Benzylaminopurine(BAP)or Kinetin(Kin).Thidiazuron was more ef cient over BAP and Kin when half basal MS medium was used over full or quarter strength.Results of carbon source experiment showed sucrose as the most effective over glucose,fructose,and maltose in the clonal production.Studies on the photope-riodic incubation duration showed 12 h as the best light period and sub or supra-optimal resulted in the production of abnormal and albino micro shoots.Experimental results on the evaluation of physiological,biochemical parameters showed the role of pigment molecules and antioxidant systems in the production of albino micro shoots.展开更多
黄淮海地区农业集约化和机械化发展导致土壤紧实问题日益加重,限制玉米产量的进一步提升。明确不同品种玉米根系和地上部生长对土壤紧实胁迫的差异性响应特征,可为该区玉米高产栽培提供理论依据。本研究选用3个玉米品种,采用机械碾压的...黄淮海地区农业集约化和机械化发展导致土壤紧实问题日益加重,限制玉米产量的进一步提升。明确不同品种玉米根系和地上部生长对土壤紧实胁迫的差异性响应特征,可为该区玉米高产栽培提供理论依据。本研究选用3个玉米品种,采用机械碾压的方法在同一田块模拟无紧实胁迫(NC:no compaction stress,容重1.0~1.3 g cm^(-3))、中度紧实胁迫(MC:moderate compaction stress,容重1.4~1.5 g cm^(-3))和重度紧实胁迫(HC:heavy compaction stress,容重>1.6 g cm^(-3))3个紧实程度处理,定量解析不同程度土壤紧实胁迫下不同品种玉米根冠生长各指标及产量的变化规律。结果表明,与NC相比,MC和HC处理导致玉米减产3.8%~10.3%和12.5%~33.3%。玉米根冠生长及产量形成对土壤紧实胁迫的响应存在基因型差异。MC处理下,DK517的根长、根干重及根冠比较ZD958和DH605分别提高6.0%和14.0%、15.7%和29.6%、18.8%和24.8%,但最大叶面积指数、植株总干物重和产量无显著差异;HC处理下,DK517的根长和根干重较ZD958和DH605分别提高8.4%和22.5%、29.6%和57.8%,且最大叶面积指数、植株总干物重和根冠比分别提高4.6%和15.5%、3.7%和20.9%、28.0%和32.1%,因此产量分别增加7.5%和27.2%。相关分析表明,土壤容重和贯穿阻力与玉米根冠生长各指标和产量呈显著负相关关系(P<0.01)。综上所述,土壤紧实胁迫会显著抑制玉米根系和地上部生长而造成减产,但不同品种玉米根冠生长对不同程度土壤紧实胁迫的响应存在着差异,重度土壤紧实胁迫下根冠生长均具有优势的品种能够维持较高的产量,研究结果可为玉米品种改良和土壤紧实下耕作措施优化提供理论依据。展开更多
文摘Liquid pig manure (LPM), digested from pig slurry, has been used as a nutrient source substituting chemical fertilizer (CF) for some crops. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different levels of CF and LPM in early July on nitrogen (N) uptake of pot-grown young “Fuyu” persimmon (Diospyros kaki). The total N and potassium (K) from CF and LPM applied to a 3 L pot were 1.2 g N and 1.15 g K for the low and 2.4 g N and 2.3 g K for the high level. From 2 weeks after the applications, secondary shoots started to grow for the CF but none for the LPM. Two nutrient sources did not significantly affect the amount of N increase in different tree parts from July 1 to August 6. At the high level, tree total N increased by 80% from 551 mg for the CF and by 31% from 583 mg for the LPM. The nutrient sources did not affect soil pH. The soil that received LPM contained more organic matter (P = 0.048), available phosphorus (P) (P = 0.002), and exchangeable K+ (P = 0.001) and Mg2+ (P = 0.009) than the soil that received CF on August 6. These results indicated that N in LPM becomes available later but its effect is more durable than CF.
基金supported by the Key Project of Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan Province(202401AS070082)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(grants 32120103003 and 31970355)facilitated by the Germplasm Bank of Wild Species.
文摘Rapid growth is an innovative trait of woody bamboos that has been widely studied.However,the genetic basis and evolution of this trait are poorly understood.Taking advantage of genomic resources of 11 representative bamboos at different ploidal levels,we integrated morphological,physiological,and transcriptomic datasets to investigate rapid growth.In particular,these bamboos include two large-sized and a small-sized woody species,compared with a diploid herbaceous species.Our results showed that gibberellin A1 was important for the rapid shoot growth of the world's largest bamboo,Dendrocalamus sinicus,and indicated that two gibberellins(GAs)-related genes,KAO and SLRL1,were key to the rapid shoot growth and culm size in woody bamboos.The expression of GAs-related genes exhibited significant subgenome asymmetry with subgenomes A and C demonstrating expression dominance in the large-sized woody bamboos while the generally submissive subgenomes B and D dominating in the small-sized species.The subgenome asymmetry was found to be correlated with the subgenome-specific gene structure,particularly UTRs and core promoters.Our study provides novel insights into the molecular mechanism and evolution of rapid shoot growth following allopolyploidization in woody bamboos,particularly via subgenome asymmetry.These findings are helpful for understanding of how polyploidization in general and subgenome asymmetry in particular contributed to the origin of innovative traits in plants.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program,G1999011709)the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province,China(33135).
文摘The equilibrium between root, shoot and growth stability under different soil water conditions were investigated in a tube experiment of winter wheat. The water supplying treatments included: sufficient irrigation at whole growth phase, moderate deficiency irrigation at whole growth phase, serious deficiency irrigation at whole growth phase, sufficient irrigation at jointing stage, tillering stage, flowering stage, and fillering respectively, after moderate and serious water deficit during their previous growth stage. Root and shoot biomass were measured. On the basis of the cooperative root-shoot interactions model, the equilibrium and growth stability were studied on the strength of the kinetics system theory. There was only one varying equilibrium point between the root and shoot over the life time of the winter wheat plant. Water stress prolonged the duration of stable growth, the more serious the water deficit, the longer the period of stable growth. The duration of stable growth was shortened and that of unstable growth was prolonged after water recovery. The growth behavior of the plants exposed to moderate water deficit shifted from stable to unstable until the end of the growth, after rewatering at flowering. In the life-time of the crop, the root and shoot had been adjusting themselves in structure and function so as to maintain an equilibrium, but could not achieve the equilibrium state for long. They were always in an unbalanced state from the beginning to the end of growth. This was the essence of root-shoot equilibrium. Water stress inhibited the function of root and shoot, reduced root shoot interactions, and as a result, the plant growth gradually tended to stabilize. Rewatering enhanced root shoot interactions, prolonged duration of instable growth. Rewatering at flowering could upset the inherent relativity during the long time of stable growth from flowering to filling stage, thus leading to unstable growth and enhanced dry matter accumulating rate in the whole plant.
基金funded by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) through the Science Domains 1 (Agroforestry productivity) and 3 (Tree diversity, domestication and delivery)
文摘The variation in shoot and root seedling growth traits was compared among three Faidherbia albida (Del). A. Chev. provenances originating from Kenya (Taveta), Malawi (Bolero) and Ghana (Bolgatanga); representing east, south and west Africa, respectively. Bulked seeds from three provenances were grown in two soil types (clay and sand) at the World Agroforestry Centre nursery, Nairobi. Seedlings grown in clay soil had high shoot growth and shoot to root ratios but shorter root length, lower number of nodules and specific root length compared to seedlings in sand soil. Shoot to root ratios reduced with time and this was more pronounced in sand soil. Overall, the Bolero and Taveta provenances had higher growth than the Bolgatanga provenance. This was probably because plants grown in nutrient-rich clay soil invest more in shoot growth as compared to root growth. Longer root growth in sand soil shows a better adaptive mechanism that increases competitive ability and survival in nutrient-poor systems. Variations observed among the seedling variables such us shoot and root growth could be used for early selection for reforestation and agroforestry in predominantly clay and sand soil areas.
基金This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31701969)the Key Projects of Ningxia Key R&D Program Fund,China(2018BBF02012)the Science and Technology Program of Shaanxi Province,China(2017ZDXM-NY-057).
文摘In plant factories,the plant microclimate is affected by the control system,plant physiological activities and aerodynamic characteristics of leaves,which often leads to poor ventilation uniformity,suboptimal environmental conditions and inefficient air conditioning.In this study,interlayer cool airflow(ILCA)was used to introduce room air into plants’internal canopy through vent holes in cultivation boards and air layer between cultivation boards and nutrient solution surface(interlayer).By using optimal operating parameters at a room temperature of 28℃,the ILCA system achieved similar cooling effects in the absence of a conventional air conditioning system and achieved an energy saving of 50.8% while bringing about positive microclimate change in the interlayer and nutrient solution.This resulted in significantly reduced root growth by 41.7% without a negative influence on lettuce crop yield.Future development in this precise microclimate control method is predicted to replace the conventional cooling(air conditioning)systems for crop production in plant factories.
基金教育部重点项目,Application Fund of Agricultural Research Production
文摘Axillary buds from 3-yr.-old seedlings of Camptotheca acuminata in the greenhouse were cultured on the different basal media with different concentrations of growth regulators for shoot regeneration for studying the effects of different basal media, different concen- trations of growth regulators (BA or TDZ), sucrose, agar and pH value on shoot regeneration from axillary bud. The results showed that B5 and WPM media were the optimal basal media and the optimal phyotohormone was BA of 1.0 mg/L or TDZ of 0.1mg/L; The concentrations of sucrose of 30g/L and agar of 6g/L were most suitable for the shoot regeneration; pH value from 5.8 to 6.6 were broadly effective, but the best at pH 5.8.
文摘The present study was designed to develop an efficient protocol for micro propagation of S. rebaudiana from nodal explants and study the influence of additives on enhancement of shoot proliferation. A two-step protocol has been standardized in which, first step comprising growth hormones concentration is optimized and it was found that MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/l BAP + 0.5 mg/l Kin + 0.1 mg/l NAA turned out to be the best treatment for shoot induction. In the second step, the best treatment for shoot induction was fortified with different growth additives for further shoot proliferation. Among the different types of additives used, casein hydrolysate at 0.05% (w/v) was found to be most effective, resulted with maximum of 15.0 shoots. 90% regeneration frequency and shoot length of 6.0 cm were recorded per explant. Thus, the procedure described is a quick and reliable method which could be applied for efficient large scale propagation, genetic transformation assays and secondary metabolite production of Stevia.
文摘Rosa centifolia is grown for its flowers which are used for essential oil extraction. It is vegetatively propagated through its cuttings which are difficult to root. This study was designed to increase the rooting percentage of cuttings by applying plant growth regulators (PGRs) with different levels. In total 31 treatments with different concentrations (450 ppm, 700 ppm and 950 ppm) of indole butyric acid (IBA), indole acetic acid (IAA), naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) alone, in combination and with same concentrations of 6-benzylamino purine (BAP) were used. Healthy similar sized cutting of R. centifolia was treated in solution of PGRs by quick dip method and planted in polythene bags. The data for shoot length, shoot dry weight, number of roots, root length and root dry weight were recorded. All three levels (450 ppm, 700 ppm and 950 ppm) of IBA alone produced maximum results in case of all parameters as compared to all other treatments. Among three levels of IBA, 450 ppm concentration produced maximum shoot length (10.67 cm), shoot dry weight (3.02 g), number of roots (14.00), root length (11.90 cm) and root dry weight (0.50 g). Lower concentrations of plant growth regulators produced better results as compared to higher concentrations.
基金supported by the Department of Biotechnology,Government of India New Delhithe World Academy of Science(TWAS)for the Advancement of Science in the Developing World TriesteItaly through DBT-TWAS Postgraduate Research Fellowship
文摘Chonemorpha fragrans is an endangered medicinal woody climber,regarded among alternative plant sources of camptothecin.Camptothecin is a monoterpene indole anti-cancer alkaloid with annual trade value of over three billion U.S.dollars in the recent,and is used in the production of its analog drugs approved for the chemotherapy of cancer of varied types.Effects of plant growth regulators,culture media strength and photoperi-odic duration on the micropropagation ef ciency of C.fragrans from nodal segment explants were studied on Murashige and Skoog(MS)medium amended with Thidiazuron(TDZ),Benzylaminopurine(BAP)or Kinetin(Kin).Thidiazuron was more ef cient over BAP and Kin when half basal MS medium was used over full or quarter strength.Results of carbon source experiment showed sucrose as the most effective over glucose,fructose,and maltose in the clonal production.Studies on the photope-riodic incubation duration showed 12 h as the best light period and sub or supra-optimal resulted in the production of abnormal and albino micro shoots.Experimental results on the evaluation of physiological,biochemical parameters showed the role of pigment molecules and antioxidant systems in the production of albino micro shoots.
文摘黄淮海地区农业集约化和机械化发展导致土壤紧实问题日益加重,限制玉米产量的进一步提升。明确不同品种玉米根系和地上部生长对土壤紧实胁迫的差异性响应特征,可为该区玉米高产栽培提供理论依据。本研究选用3个玉米品种,采用机械碾压的方法在同一田块模拟无紧实胁迫(NC:no compaction stress,容重1.0~1.3 g cm^(-3))、中度紧实胁迫(MC:moderate compaction stress,容重1.4~1.5 g cm^(-3))和重度紧实胁迫(HC:heavy compaction stress,容重>1.6 g cm^(-3))3个紧实程度处理,定量解析不同程度土壤紧实胁迫下不同品种玉米根冠生长各指标及产量的变化规律。结果表明,与NC相比,MC和HC处理导致玉米减产3.8%~10.3%和12.5%~33.3%。玉米根冠生长及产量形成对土壤紧实胁迫的响应存在基因型差异。MC处理下,DK517的根长、根干重及根冠比较ZD958和DH605分别提高6.0%和14.0%、15.7%和29.6%、18.8%和24.8%,但最大叶面积指数、植株总干物重和产量无显著差异;HC处理下,DK517的根长和根干重较ZD958和DH605分别提高8.4%和22.5%、29.6%和57.8%,且最大叶面积指数、植株总干物重和根冠比分别提高4.6%和15.5%、3.7%和20.9%、28.0%和32.1%,因此产量分别增加7.5%和27.2%。相关分析表明,土壤容重和贯穿阻力与玉米根冠生长各指标和产量呈显著负相关关系(P<0.01)。综上所述,土壤紧实胁迫会显著抑制玉米根系和地上部生长而造成减产,但不同品种玉米根冠生长对不同程度土壤紧实胁迫的响应存在着差异,重度土壤紧实胁迫下根冠生长均具有优势的品种能够维持较高的产量,研究结果可为玉米品种改良和土壤紧实下耕作措施优化提供理论依据。