We present here a two-step method of classification and calculation for decay rates in the Standard Model. The first step is a phenomenological classification method, which is an extended and improved schematic experi...We present here a two-step method of classification and calculation for decay rates in the Standard Model. The first step is a phenomenological classification method, which is an extended and improved schematic experimental formula for decay width originally introduced by Chang. This schematic formula separates decays into seven classes. Furthermore, from it is derived a process-specific interaction energy m<sub>X</sub>. The second step is a numerical calculation method, which calculates this interaction energy m<sub>X</sub> numerically by minimization of action from the Lagrangian of the process, from which follows the decay width via the phenomenological formula. The Lagrangian is based on an extension of the Standard Model, the extended SU(4)-preon-model. A comparison of numerically calculated and observed decay widths for a large selection of decays shows a good agreement.展开更多
This paper describes an extension and a new foundation of the Standard Model of particle physics based on a SU(4)-force called hyper-color, and on preon subparticles. The hyper-color force is a generalization of the S...This paper describes an extension and a new foundation of the Standard Model of particle physics based on a SU(4)-force called hyper-color, and on preon subparticles. The hyper-color force is a generalization of the SU(2)-based weak interaction and the SU(1)-based right-chiral self-interaction, in which the W-and the Z-bosons are Yukawa residual-field-carriers of the hyper-color force, in the same sense as the pions are the residual-field-carriers of the color SU(3) interaction. Using the method of numerical minimization of the SU(4)-action based on this model, the masses and the inner structure of leptons, quarks and weak bosons are calculated: the mass results are very close to the experimental values. We calculate also precisely the value of the Cabibbo angle, so the mixing matrices of the Standard model, CKM matrix for quarks and PMNS matrix for neutrinos can also be calculated. In total, we reduce the 29 parameters of the Standard Model to a total of 7 parameters.展开更多
In this paper, we propose a new attribute-based proxy re-encryption scheme, where a semi-trusted proxy, with some additional information, can transform a ciphertext under a set of attributes into a new ciphertext unde...In this paper, we propose a new attribute-based proxy re-encryption scheme, where a semi-trusted proxy, with some additional information, can transform a ciphertext under a set of attributes into a new ciphertext under another set of attributes on the same message, but not vice versa, furthermore, its security was proved in the standard model based on decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption. This scheme can be used to realize fine-grained selectively sharing of encrypted data, but the general proxy rencryption scheme severely can not do it, so the proposed schemecan be thought as an improvement of general traditional proxy re-encryption scheme.展开更多
Digital signature,as an important cryptographic primitive,has been widely used in many application scenarios,such as e-commerce,authentication,cloud computing,and so on.Certificateless Public Key Cryptography(PKC)can ...Digital signature,as an important cryptographic primitive,has been widely used in many application scenarios,such as e-commerce,authentication,cloud computing,and so on.Certificateless Public Key Cryptography(PKC)can get rid of the certificate management problem in the traditional Public Key Infrastructure(PKI)and eliminate the key-escrow problem in the identity-based PKC.Lately,a new Certificateless Signature(CLS)scheme has been proposed by Kyung-Ah Shim(IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL,2018,13(2)),which claimed to achieve provable security in the standard model.Unfortunately,we present a concrete attack to demonstrate that the scheme cannot defend against the Type I adversary.In this type of attack,the adversary can replace the public key of the signer,and then he plays the role of the signer to forge a legal certificateless signature on any message.Furthermore,we give an improved CLS scheme to resist such an attack.In terms of the efficiency and the signature length,the improved CLS is preferable to the original scheme and some recently proposed CLS schemes in the case of precomputation.展开更多
The underlying rules for a natural system describing cellular automata are simple, but produce highly complex behavior. A mathematical basis for the spectra of discrete coherent and non-coherent electromagnetic (EM) f...The underlying rules for a natural system describing cellular automata are simple, but produce highly complex behavior. A mathematical basis for the spectra of discrete coherent and non-coherent electromagnetic (EM) frequencies was derived, in which the algorithm exhibits an information distribution according to ratios of 2:3 in 1:2 at a semi-harmonic manner. This generalized music (GM) model shows that energy both in elementary particles and animate systems is semi-harmonic, quantized and discrete. A support for an ontological basis of the Standard Model was found, and indicates that the GM-model underlies the quantum field theory of subatomic particles. The present theory combines quantum mechanics and classical periodic systems, obeys to locality and solves the “hidden variable theory of Bohm”. The discovered pattern of electromagnetic field eigenvalues, within a broad range of discrete frequencies, points at a de Broglie/Bohm type of causal interpretation of quantum mechanics, implying an integral resonant pilot-wave/particle modality. The model has been substantiated by a meta-analysis of measured discrete energies of: 37 different Elementary Particles, 45 different EPR-measurements, zero-point energies of elements and about 450 electromagnetic wave frequencies of cells with a mean accuracy of 0.58%. It has been shown that the GM-scale is frequency-locked with zero-point oscillations, and thereby evidently implies involvement of entanglement.展开更多
The Standard Model of particle physics does not account for charged fermion mass values and neutrino mass, or explain why only three particles are in each charge state 0, -e/3, 2e/3, and -e. These issues are addressed...The Standard Model of particle physics does not account for charged fermion mass values and neutrino mass, or explain why only three particles are in each charge state 0, -e/3, 2e/3, and -e. These issues are addressed by treating Standard Model particles with mass m as spheres with diameter equal to their Compton wavelength l =ħ/mc, where ħis Planck’s constant and c the speed of light, and any charge in diametrically opposed pairs ±ne/6 with n = 1, 2, or 3 at the axis of rotation on the sphere surface. Particles are ground state solutions of quantized Friedmann equations from general relativity, with differing internal gravitational constants. Energy distribution within particles identifies Standard Model particles with spheres containing central black holes with mass m, and particle spin resulting from black hole angular momentum. In each charge state, energy distribution within particles satisfies a cubic equation in l, allowing only three particles in the charge state and requiring neutrino mass. Cosmic vacuum energy density is a lower limit on energy density of systems in the universe, and setting electron neutrino average energy density equal to cosmic vacuum energy density predicts neutrino masses consistent with experiment. Relations between charged fermion wavelength solutions to cubic equations in different charge states determine charged fermion masses relative to electron mass as a consequence of charge neutrality of the universe. An appendix shows assigning charge ±e/6 to bits of information on the event horizon available for holographic description of physics in the observable universe accounts for dominance of matter over anti-matter. The analysis explains why only three Standard Models are in each charge state and predicts neutrino masses based on cosmic vacuum energy density as a lower bound on neutrino energy density.展开更多
We investigated the neutral Higgs boson pair production at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the SM with four families. We found that the gluon-gluon fusion mode is the most dominant one in producing neutral Hig...We investigated the neutral Higgs boson pair production at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the SM with four families. We found that the gluon-gluon fusion mode is the most dominant one in producing neutral Higgs boson pair at the LHC, and it can be used to probe the trilinear Higgs coupling. If the heavy quarks of the fourth generation really exist within the SM, they can manifest their effect on the cross section of the Higgs pair production process at the LHC. Our numerical results show that there will be neutral Higgs boson pair production events per year if the next generation heavy quarks really exist, while there will be only events produced per year if there are only three families in the SM.展开更多
We investigate in detail the effects of R-parity lepton number violation onthe decay b_1 → bχ_1~0 in the R-parity violating minimal supersymmetric standard model (R_p-MSSM)under the present experimental constraints ...We investigate in detail the effects of R-parity lepton number violation onthe decay b_1 → bχ_1~0 in the R-parity violating minimal supersymmetric standard model (R_p-MSSM)under the present experimental constraints on R_p parameters. In our numerical calculations weconsider two cases of input parameters of the squark and slepton sectors, M_(squark) 【 M_(slepton)and M_(squark) 】 M_(slepton), for comparison. The results show that the relative R-parity violatingcorrection is not very sensitive to the mass of the lightest neutralino bχ_1~0 the degenerateR-parity violating coupling parameter λ′_2 but strongly depends on M_(squark), M_(slepton) tan βand tie degenerate R-parity violating coupling parameter λ′_1. The relative correction is about -4~ 3% and can exceed -6% in some region of parameter space. Therefore, precise experiment analyseson the decay b_1 → bχ_1~0 may provide a probe of the R-parity violation.展开更多
In this theory, “mass is equivalent to length of imaginary straight line segment” and “direction to imaginary line segment is intrinsic property of that particle which is Equivalent to its intrinsic spin”. With th...In this theory, “mass is equivalent to length of imaginary straight line segment” and “direction to imaginary line segment is intrinsic property of that particle which is Equivalent to its intrinsic spin”. With this concept, all fundamental particles, fermions and bosons are described as quanta imaginary string particles with a definite direction. For e.g. unidirectional imaginary straight line with fixed length are massive spin 1/2 fermions;while unidirectional imaginary quanta curved lines are massless spin 1 bosons. Thus, it gives co-relation between massless (curved imaginary line) and spin = 1 properties of boson as proved in QED theory. All fundamental particles of standard model and beyond standard model are arranged in one simple diagram in 3 folds (bottom fold, middle upper and lower folds and top fold) and are projected in 4<sup>th</sup> Imaginary Dimension in order of decreased in Mass from TeV to approx. 0 eV. This theory is beyond standard model because it predicts new fundamental particles viz. dark matter (spin = 0 massive boson) along with gravitons (spin = 2, massless bosons);4<sup>th</sup> pair of neutrinos, vertical massless boson (VMB) particles and tri-axis massive boson (spin = 0) particle. The discovery of these new particles will act as solid proof to this theory. With this 3F4D representation of the universe at an atomic and sub-atomic level, it solves lots of current problems of SM of particle physics like matter-antimatter asymmetry, origin of mass of hadrons like protons, origin of mass and L.H. nature for neutrinos, wave-particle duality of particles, etc. giving true insight of fundamental particles. With proving that, dark matter is not a quanta particle, rather it is a single entity and spreads/expands throughout the universe in the form of “web of spider”, it shows space-time is not empty, but it is filled with Continuous lines of Dark Matter and we, materialistic massive objects are floating/sailing w.r.t. current of this vast ocean. Correlation of its continuity with time gives new a definition to time: “Time is neither Illusion nor 4th Dimension, but, it represents Continuous Flow of Single Entity, Dark Matter”. Space-time is not Empty and is filled with massive dark matter, hence, we have to add more terms to newtonian gravitational equation to account for gravitational strength of mass of surrounding dark matter which represents curvature of space-time in terms of Increase in its mass-density w.r.t. to mass-density of flat universe. Finally, using an empirical formula (h = k*c*Q;k = boltzmann’s constant = mass in TeV range) and inverse relation of mass-density of DM with age of the universe (H<sup>2</sup> = Constant<span style="white-space:nowrap;">•</span>G<span style="white-space:nowrap;">•</span>Mass-Density of DM);Unification of Gravity at TeV is achieved without consideration of “Gravitational Constant, G”, hence, Planck’s Scale is not required.展开更多
We show how to generalize the Weyl equation to include the Standard Model fermions and a dark matter fermion. The 2 × 2 complex matrices are a matrix ring <em>R</em>. A finite group <em>G</em...We show how to generalize the Weyl equation to include the Standard Model fermions and a dark matter fermion. The 2 × 2 complex matrices are a matrix ring <em>R</em>. A finite group <em>G</em> can be used to define a group algebra <em>G[R]</em> which is a generalization of the ring. For a group of size <em>N</em>, this defines <em>N</em> Weyl equations coupled by the group operation. We use the group character table to uncouple the equations by diagonalizing the group algebra. Using the full octahedral point symmetry group for <em>G</em>, our uncoupled Weyl equations have the symmetry of the Standard Model fermions plus a dark matter particle. We describe the symmetry properties of dark matter.展开更多
The Standard Model of particle physics requires nine lepton and quark masses as inputs, but does not incorporate neutrino masses required by neutrino oscillation observations. This analysis addresses these problems, e...The Standard Model of particle physics requires nine lepton and quark masses as inputs, but does not incorporate neutrino masses required by neutrino oscillation observations. This analysis addresses these problems, explaining Standard Model particle masses by describing fundamental particles as solutions of Einstein’s equations, with radii 1/4 their Compton wavelength and half of any charge on rotating particles located on the surface at each end of the axis of rotation. The analysis relates quark and lepton masses to electron charge and mass, and identifies neutrino masses consistent with neutrino oscillation observations.展开更多
The particle physics Standard Model involves three charge 0 neutrinos, three charge e leptons, three charge (2/3)<em>e</em> quarks, and three charge <span style="white-space:nowrap;">&m...The particle physics Standard Model involves three charge 0 neutrinos, three charge e leptons, three charge (2/3)<em>e</em> quarks, and three charge <span style="white-space:nowrap;">−</span>(1/3)<em>e</em> quarks, where <em>e</em> is electron charge. However, the Standard Model cannot explain why there are three generations of particles in each charge state and makes no predictions relating to quark and lepton masses. This analysis, treating Standard Model particles as spheres with radii 1/4 the particle Compton wavelength, explains three, and only three fermions are in each charge state and relates first generation quark masses to the electron mass.展开更多
Based on a comprehensive review of mainly the non-quantum aspects of the standard model of cosmology, the 5 dimensional models, and the analysis here, we propose a 5 dimensional model with expanding 4D multi-branes. A...Based on a comprehensive review of mainly the non-quantum aspects of the standard model of cosmology, the 5 dimensional models, and the analysis here, we propose a 5 dimensional model with expanding 4D multi-branes. A review of the standard model in the context of many new developments and discoveries in cosmology in the recent times, such as the accelerated expansion of the universe, Plank cosmic microwave measurements, dark energy survey, Hubble tension etc. tends to indicate that the standard model is essentially a patchwork of different theoretical models that have been pieced together in an attempt to explain different aspects of the astrophysical observations, which do not necessarily emanate from a full end-to-end understanding of a physical process. The purpose of each individual theoretical piece such as “inflation” is limited to providing an explanation to the problem area or a gap in our understanding. A number of new theories such as the five-dimensional universe, the bulk and brane, extended theories of gravity, and conformal cyclic cosmology offer alternate ways of addressing the existential aspects of the universe but these models too remain hypothetical with shortcomings and a lack of conclusive evidence. The model proposed by us, presents a way forward in addressing dark matter and dark energy as manifestations of the multiple underlying branes in the aftermath of the big-bang. In the process, we present a theorem of the dimensionality of the expanding universe, which necessitates the need for at least one more dimension in addition to the 4 dimensions of spacetime. While carrying out the review of the standard model, we present new analysis and facts that strengthen the case for the 5<sup>th</sup> dimension. According to the multi-brane hypothesis presented here, our observed universe could be one of the many branes, and it is more likely than not that in the <i>aftermath</i> of the big-bang that generated <i>our brane</i>, more branes were generated, which further points towards a much more prolonged big-bang event than what has been the perception so far.展开更多
The Standard Model is the theory of Physics that describes the elementary particles of matter and the strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions, between them. The theory of the Standard Model does not include the ...The Standard Model is the theory of Physics that describes the elementary particles of matter and the strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions, between them. The theory of the Standard Model does not include the description of the gravitational interactions. It is a very well founded theory that has predicted many experimental results, such as the existence of many particles and has withstood many experimental tests. The key missing piece of the theory to fill in was the Higgs boson, whose existence was reasonably suspected and confirmed by CERN’s ATLAS and CMS experiments in 2012. The current synthesis of the theory was completed in the mid-1970s, after the experimental confirmation of the existence of the quarks, and then confirmed, with the discovery of the Higgs boson, in 2012. All these, are according to the established views of science. But according to the opinions of many scientists, opinions with which I as the author of this paper agree, the theory of the Standard Model is a wrong theory because, while it makes some successful predictions, it does not answer to a number of many other questions that it should answer for its final establishment. Specifically and according to established views, the theory cannot explain the existence of dark matter and dark energy, the behavior of neutrinos and the existence of particles with very different masses. It is also questionable whether the Higgs boson, discovered in the ATLAS experiment is actually the particle that contributes to the creation of the mass of the elementary particles of matter, and whether the Higgs mechanism is theoretically a correct mechanism. There is doubt if the interactions, actually be created by the exchange of bosons? If bosons are really exist? And not any convincing explanation is given by the theory, for the case that, the bosons exist as particles, where were they found? And how do they work? For replace, or fill the void will be left by the theory of the Standard Model, which I believe sooner or later will be renewed or retired, I propose a New Model that more convincingly describes the elementary components of matter and the interactions between them. The New Model also addresses all the weak points of the theory of the Standard Model, including the interaction of gravity. But the main feature of the New Model, which will surprise you! Is its reliability, correctness, logic and simplicity. But this is something you will judge after studying the New Model.展开更多
By assuming the cosmological principle includes the Pauli Exclusion Principle (PEP) and that the initial singularity existed within Planck time and length scales, a model for inflationary expansion is argued using onl...By assuming the cosmological principle includes the Pauli Exclusion Principle (PEP) and that the initial singularity existed within Planck time and length scales, a model for inflationary expansion is argued using only standard model physics without any changes to general relativity. All Fermionic matter is forced by the PEP to make a quantum transition to minimally orthogonal states in sequential Planck time intervals. This results in an initial inflation effect due to nearest neighbor quantum transitions which is then exacerbated by matter and antimatter creation effects due to collisions giving rise to the observational effects of universal inflation. The model provides a mechanistic explanation for primordial expansion using only physics from the standard model, specifically utilizing the PEP as a repulsion force between indistinguishable fermions. The present theory offers the benefit of not requiring any particles or fields outside of the standard model nor utilizing changes to general relativity. More succinctly, this theory goes beyond simply offering a mathematical representation (or fit) of the functional dependence but rather offers a mechanistic model to drive inflation using only standard model physics.展开更多
The existence of the neutron, originally postulated to justify the stability of the nucleus, is very similar to the postulation of Dark Matter to give stability to galaxies and galaxy clusters. However, the existence ...The existence of the neutron, originally postulated to justify the stability of the nucleus, is very similar to the postulation of Dark Matter to give stability to galaxies and galaxy clusters. However, the existence of the neutron has been proven as an important part of the nucleus that is linked within its integral structure in the Standard Model of Particle Physics. The Standard Model that began with the electron and the proton, currently, with more than one hundred particles, shows in some parts, cracks that induce to reconsider the veracity of the theories and models. Here it is established that all theories are to some extent false and therefore, so will any model, which is always a specific part of the theory. Also, like several other things, by means of a mathematical calculation, it is clarified why, it has not been possible to incorporate the Dark Matter within the Standard Model. Furthermore, it is reliably demonstrated that the introduction of the Dark matter postulate is superfluous and that the high speeds of stellar rotation determined experimentally are analytically explained with the stellar dynamics described here.展开更多
This work argues a new standard model physics approach for neutrino oscillations by allowing neutrinos to have their flavor be entangled amongst all interacting fermions. Specifically, for a flavor conserved system, t...This work argues a new standard model physics approach for neutrino oscillations by allowing neutrinos to have their flavor be entangled amongst all interacting fermions. Specifically, for a flavor conserved system, the effects from entanglement beginning at its origin and continuing through transit can give rise to the same observational outcomes as a flavor oscillation described by mass eigenstates. The implication being that although neutrino flavor is conserved in weak processes, this is argued to hold for all subsequent interactions. In so doing, the conventional neutrino mass propagator is argued to be a dimensional artifact of the oscillation being dependent on the linear density of material along the neutrino trajectory.展开更多
General relativity links gravitation to the structure of our space-time. Nowadays physics knows four types of interactions: Gravitation, electromagnetism, weak interactions, strong interactions. The theory of everythi...General relativity links gravitation to the structure of our space-time. Nowadays physics knows four types of interactions: Gravitation, electromagnetism, weak interactions, strong interactions. The theory of everything (ToE) is the unification of these four domains. We study several necessary cornerstones for such a theory: geometry and mathematics, adapted manifolds on the real domain, Clifford algebras over tangent spaces of these manifolds, the real Lagrangian density in connection with the standard model of quantum physics. The geometry of the standard model of quantum physics uses three Clifford algebras. The algebra ?of the 3-dimensional physical space is sufficient to describe the wave of the electron. The algebra of space-time is sufficient to describe the wave of the pair electron-neutrino. A greater space-time with two additional dimensions of space generates the algebra . It is sufficient to get the wave equation for all fermions, electron, its neutrino and quarks u and d of the first generation, and the wave equations for the two other generations. Values of these waves allow defining, in each point of space-time, geometric transformations from one intrinsic manifold of space-time into the usual manifold. The Lagrangian density is the scalar part of the wave equation.展开更多
In this work a simulated B-L model at Large Hadrons Collider is presented using Monte Carlo si- mulation software. B-L model is one of the scenarios proposed to add an extension of the standard models. B-L model predi...In this work a simulated B-L model at Large Hadrons Collider is presented using Monte Carlo si- mulation software. B-L model is one of the scenarios proposed to add an extension of the standard models. B-L model predicts the existence of three new particles at the LHC. They are a new neutral massive gauge boson, three heavy neutrinos and a heavy Higgs boson.展开更多
We show that the model of discrete spaces that we have proposed in previous contributions gives a comprehensive and detailed interpretation of the properties of the standard model of particles. Moreover the model also...We show that the model of discrete spaces that we have proposed in previous contributions gives a comprehensive and detailed interpretation of the properties of the standard model of particles. Moreover the model also suggests the possible existence of a non-standard family of particles.展开更多
文摘We present here a two-step method of classification and calculation for decay rates in the Standard Model. The first step is a phenomenological classification method, which is an extended and improved schematic experimental formula for decay width originally introduced by Chang. This schematic formula separates decays into seven classes. Furthermore, from it is derived a process-specific interaction energy m<sub>X</sub>. The second step is a numerical calculation method, which calculates this interaction energy m<sub>X</sub> numerically by minimization of action from the Lagrangian of the process, from which follows the decay width via the phenomenological formula. The Lagrangian is based on an extension of the Standard Model, the extended SU(4)-preon-model. A comparison of numerically calculated and observed decay widths for a large selection of decays shows a good agreement.
文摘This paper describes an extension and a new foundation of the Standard Model of particle physics based on a SU(4)-force called hyper-color, and on preon subparticles. The hyper-color force is a generalization of the SU(2)-based weak interaction and the SU(1)-based right-chiral self-interaction, in which the W-and the Z-bosons are Yukawa residual-field-carriers of the hyper-color force, in the same sense as the pions are the residual-field-carriers of the color SU(3) interaction. Using the method of numerical minimization of the SU(4)-action based on this model, the masses and the inner structure of leptons, quarks and weak bosons are calculated: the mass results are very close to the experimental values. We calculate also precisely the value of the Cabibbo angle, so the mixing matrices of the Standard model, CKM matrix for quarks and PMNS matrix for neutrinos can also be calculated. In total, we reduce the 29 parameters of the Standard Model to a total of 7 parameters.
基金the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (Y2007G37)the Science and Technology Development Program of Shandong Province (2007GG10001012)
文摘In this paper, we propose a new attribute-based proxy re-encryption scheme, where a semi-trusted proxy, with some additional information, can transform a ciphertext under a set of attributes into a new ciphertext under another set of attributes on the same message, but not vice versa, furthermore, its security was proved in the standard model based on decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption. This scheme can be used to realize fine-grained selectively sharing of encrypted data, but the general proxy rencryption scheme severely can not do it, so the proposed schemecan be thought as an improvement of general traditional proxy re-encryption scheme.
基金The work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant Nos.61872060 and 61772292the National Key R&D Program of China under grant No.2017YFB0802000+3 种基金Key Laboratory of Financial Mathematics of Fujian Province University(Putian University)under grant Nos.JR201806 and JR201901by the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province under grant Nos.2019J01752 and 2020J01905by the Program for Innovative Research Team in Science and Technology in Fujian Province University under grant No.2018-049by the Educational Research Projects of Young and Middle-aged Teachers in Fujian Education Department(JAT200514).
文摘Digital signature,as an important cryptographic primitive,has been widely used in many application scenarios,such as e-commerce,authentication,cloud computing,and so on.Certificateless Public Key Cryptography(PKC)can get rid of the certificate management problem in the traditional Public Key Infrastructure(PKI)and eliminate the key-escrow problem in the identity-based PKC.Lately,a new Certificateless Signature(CLS)scheme has been proposed by Kyung-Ah Shim(IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL,2018,13(2)),which claimed to achieve provable security in the standard model.Unfortunately,we present a concrete attack to demonstrate that the scheme cannot defend against the Type I adversary.In this type of attack,the adversary can replace the public key of the signer,and then he plays the role of the signer to forge a legal certificateless signature on any message.Furthermore,we give an improved CLS scheme to resist such an attack.In terms of the efficiency and the signature length,the improved CLS is preferable to the original scheme and some recently proposed CLS schemes in the case of precomputation.
文摘The underlying rules for a natural system describing cellular automata are simple, but produce highly complex behavior. A mathematical basis for the spectra of discrete coherent and non-coherent electromagnetic (EM) frequencies was derived, in which the algorithm exhibits an information distribution according to ratios of 2:3 in 1:2 at a semi-harmonic manner. This generalized music (GM) model shows that energy both in elementary particles and animate systems is semi-harmonic, quantized and discrete. A support for an ontological basis of the Standard Model was found, and indicates that the GM-model underlies the quantum field theory of subatomic particles. The present theory combines quantum mechanics and classical periodic systems, obeys to locality and solves the “hidden variable theory of Bohm”. The discovered pattern of electromagnetic field eigenvalues, within a broad range of discrete frequencies, points at a de Broglie/Bohm type of causal interpretation of quantum mechanics, implying an integral resonant pilot-wave/particle modality. The model has been substantiated by a meta-analysis of measured discrete energies of: 37 different Elementary Particles, 45 different EPR-measurements, zero-point energies of elements and about 450 electromagnetic wave frequencies of cells with a mean accuracy of 0.58%. It has been shown that the GM-scale is frequency-locked with zero-point oscillations, and thereby evidently implies involvement of entanglement.
文摘The Standard Model of particle physics does not account for charged fermion mass values and neutrino mass, or explain why only three particles are in each charge state 0, -e/3, 2e/3, and -e. These issues are addressed by treating Standard Model particles with mass m as spheres with diameter equal to their Compton wavelength l =ħ/mc, where ħis Planck’s constant and c the speed of light, and any charge in diametrically opposed pairs ±ne/6 with n = 1, 2, or 3 at the axis of rotation on the sphere surface. Particles are ground state solutions of quantized Friedmann equations from general relativity, with differing internal gravitational constants. Energy distribution within particles identifies Standard Model particles with spheres containing central black holes with mass m, and particle spin resulting from black hole angular momentum. In each charge state, energy distribution within particles satisfies a cubic equation in l, allowing only three particles in the charge state and requiring neutrino mass. Cosmic vacuum energy density is a lower limit on energy density of systems in the universe, and setting electron neutrino average energy density equal to cosmic vacuum energy density predicts neutrino masses consistent with experiment. Relations between charged fermion wavelength solutions to cubic equations in different charge states determine charged fermion masses relative to electron mass as a consequence of charge neutrality of the universe. An appendix shows assigning charge ±e/6 to bits of information on the event horizon available for holographic description of physics in the observable universe accounts for dominance of matter over anti-matter. The analysis explains why only three Standard Models are in each charge state and predicts neutrino masses based on cosmic vacuum energy density as a lower bound on neutrino energy density.
基金The project supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘We investigated the neutral Higgs boson pair production at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the SM with four families. We found that the gluon-gluon fusion mode is the most dominant one in producing neutral Higgs boson pair at the LHC, and it can be used to probe the trilinear Higgs coupling. If the heavy quarks of the fourth generation really exist within the SM, they can manifest their effect on the cross section of the Higgs pair production process at the LHC. Our numerical results show that there will be neutral Higgs boson pair production events per year if the next generation heavy quarks really exist, while there will be only events produced per year if there are only three families in the SM.
文摘We investigate in detail the effects of R-parity lepton number violation onthe decay b_1 → bχ_1~0 in the R-parity violating minimal supersymmetric standard model (R_p-MSSM)under the present experimental constraints on R_p parameters. In our numerical calculations weconsider two cases of input parameters of the squark and slepton sectors, M_(squark) 【 M_(slepton)and M_(squark) 】 M_(slepton), for comparison. The results show that the relative R-parity violatingcorrection is not very sensitive to the mass of the lightest neutralino bχ_1~0 the degenerateR-parity violating coupling parameter λ′_2 but strongly depends on M_(squark), M_(slepton) tan βand tie degenerate R-parity violating coupling parameter λ′_1. The relative correction is about -4~ 3% and can exceed -6% in some region of parameter space. Therefore, precise experiment analyseson the decay b_1 → bχ_1~0 may provide a probe of the R-parity violation.
文摘In this theory, “mass is equivalent to length of imaginary straight line segment” and “direction to imaginary line segment is intrinsic property of that particle which is Equivalent to its intrinsic spin”. With this concept, all fundamental particles, fermions and bosons are described as quanta imaginary string particles with a definite direction. For e.g. unidirectional imaginary straight line with fixed length are massive spin 1/2 fermions;while unidirectional imaginary quanta curved lines are massless spin 1 bosons. Thus, it gives co-relation between massless (curved imaginary line) and spin = 1 properties of boson as proved in QED theory. All fundamental particles of standard model and beyond standard model are arranged in one simple diagram in 3 folds (bottom fold, middle upper and lower folds and top fold) and are projected in 4<sup>th</sup> Imaginary Dimension in order of decreased in Mass from TeV to approx. 0 eV. This theory is beyond standard model because it predicts new fundamental particles viz. dark matter (spin = 0 massive boson) along with gravitons (spin = 2, massless bosons);4<sup>th</sup> pair of neutrinos, vertical massless boson (VMB) particles and tri-axis massive boson (spin = 0) particle. The discovery of these new particles will act as solid proof to this theory. With this 3F4D representation of the universe at an atomic and sub-atomic level, it solves lots of current problems of SM of particle physics like matter-antimatter asymmetry, origin of mass of hadrons like protons, origin of mass and L.H. nature for neutrinos, wave-particle duality of particles, etc. giving true insight of fundamental particles. With proving that, dark matter is not a quanta particle, rather it is a single entity and spreads/expands throughout the universe in the form of “web of spider”, it shows space-time is not empty, but it is filled with Continuous lines of Dark Matter and we, materialistic massive objects are floating/sailing w.r.t. current of this vast ocean. Correlation of its continuity with time gives new a definition to time: “Time is neither Illusion nor 4th Dimension, but, it represents Continuous Flow of Single Entity, Dark Matter”. Space-time is not Empty and is filled with massive dark matter, hence, we have to add more terms to newtonian gravitational equation to account for gravitational strength of mass of surrounding dark matter which represents curvature of space-time in terms of Increase in its mass-density w.r.t. to mass-density of flat universe. Finally, using an empirical formula (h = k*c*Q;k = boltzmann’s constant = mass in TeV range) and inverse relation of mass-density of DM with age of the universe (H<sup>2</sup> = Constant<span style="white-space:nowrap;">•</span>G<span style="white-space:nowrap;">•</span>Mass-Density of DM);Unification of Gravity at TeV is achieved without consideration of “Gravitational Constant, G”, hence, Planck’s Scale is not required.
文摘We show how to generalize the Weyl equation to include the Standard Model fermions and a dark matter fermion. The 2 × 2 complex matrices are a matrix ring <em>R</em>. A finite group <em>G</em> can be used to define a group algebra <em>G[R]</em> which is a generalization of the ring. For a group of size <em>N</em>, this defines <em>N</em> Weyl equations coupled by the group operation. We use the group character table to uncouple the equations by diagonalizing the group algebra. Using the full octahedral point symmetry group for <em>G</em>, our uncoupled Weyl equations have the symmetry of the Standard Model fermions plus a dark matter particle. We describe the symmetry properties of dark matter.
文摘The Standard Model of particle physics requires nine lepton and quark masses as inputs, but does not incorporate neutrino masses required by neutrino oscillation observations. This analysis addresses these problems, explaining Standard Model particle masses by describing fundamental particles as solutions of Einstein’s equations, with radii 1/4 their Compton wavelength and half of any charge on rotating particles located on the surface at each end of the axis of rotation. The analysis relates quark and lepton masses to electron charge and mass, and identifies neutrino masses consistent with neutrino oscillation observations.
文摘The particle physics Standard Model involves three charge 0 neutrinos, three charge e leptons, three charge (2/3)<em>e</em> quarks, and three charge <span style="white-space:nowrap;">−</span>(1/3)<em>e</em> quarks, where <em>e</em> is electron charge. However, the Standard Model cannot explain why there are three generations of particles in each charge state and makes no predictions relating to quark and lepton masses. This analysis, treating Standard Model particles as spheres with radii 1/4 the particle Compton wavelength, explains three, and only three fermions are in each charge state and relates first generation quark masses to the electron mass.
文摘Based on a comprehensive review of mainly the non-quantum aspects of the standard model of cosmology, the 5 dimensional models, and the analysis here, we propose a 5 dimensional model with expanding 4D multi-branes. A review of the standard model in the context of many new developments and discoveries in cosmology in the recent times, such as the accelerated expansion of the universe, Plank cosmic microwave measurements, dark energy survey, Hubble tension etc. tends to indicate that the standard model is essentially a patchwork of different theoretical models that have been pieced together in an attempt to explain different aspects of the astrophysical observations, which do not necessarily emanate from a full end-to-end understanding of a physical process. The purpose of each individual theoretical piece such as “inflation” is limited to providing an explanation to the problem area or a gap in our understanding. A number of new theories such as the five-dimensional universe, the bulk and brane, extended theories of gravity, and conformal cyclic cosmology offer alternate ways of addressing the existential aspects of the universe but these models too remain hypothetical with shortcomings and a lack of conclusive evidence. The model proposed by us, presents a way forward in addressing dark matter and dark energy as manifestations of the multiple underlying branes in the aftermath of the big-bang. In the process, we present a theorem of the dimensionality of the expanding universe, which necessitates the need for at least one more dimension in addition to the 4 dimensions of spacetime. While carrying out the review of the standard model, we present new analysis and facts that strengthen the case for the 5<sup>th</sup> dimension. According to the multi-brane hypothesis presented here, our observed universe could be one of the many branes, and it is more likely than not that in the <i>aftermath</i> of the big-bang that generated <i>our brane</i>, more branes were generated, which further points towards a much more prolonged big-bang event than what has been the perception so far.
文摘The Standard Model is the theory of Physics that describes the elementary particles of matter and the strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions, between them. The theory of the Standard Model does not include the description of the gravitational interactions. It is a very well founded theory that has predicted many experimental results, such as the existence of many particles and has withstood many experimental tests. The key missing piece of the theory to fill in was the Higgs boson, whose existence was reasonably suspected and confirmed by CERN’s ATLAS and CMS experiments in 2012. The current synthesis of the theory was completed in the mid-1970s, after the experimental confirmation of the existence of the quarks, and then confirmed, with the discovery of the Higgs boson, in 2012. All these, are according to the established views of science. But according to the opinions of many scientists, opinions with which I as the author of this paper agree, the theory of the Standard Model is a wrong theory because, while it makes some successful predictions, it does not answer to a number of many other questions that it should answer for its final establishment. Specifically and according to established views, the theory cannot explain the existence of dark matter and dark energy, the behavior of neutrinos and the existence of particles with very different masses. It is also questionable whether the Higgs boson, discovered in the ATLAS experiment is actually the particle that contributes to the creation of the mass of the elementary particles of matter, and whether the Higgs mechanism is theoretically a correct mechanism. There is doubt if the interactions, actually be created by the exchange of bosons? If bosons are really exist? And not any convincing explanation is given by the theory, for the case that, the bosons exist as particles, where were they found? And how do they work? For replace, or fill the void will be left by the theory of the Standard Model, which I believe sooner or later will be renewed or retired, I propose a New Model that more convincingly describes the elementary components of matter and the interactions between them. The New Model also addresses all the weak points of the theory of the Standard Model, including the interaction of gravity. But the main feature of the New Model, which will surprise you! Is its reliability, correctness, logic and simplicity. But this is something you will judge after studying the New Model.
文摘By assuming the cosmological principle includes the Pauli Exclusion Principle (PEP) and that the initial singularity existed within Planck time and length scales, a model for inflationary expansion is argued using only standard model physics without any changes to general relativity. All Fermionic matter is forced by the PEP to make a quantum transition to minimally orthogonal states in sequential Planck time intervals. This results in an initial inflation effect due to nearest neighbor quantum transitions which is then exacerbated by matter and antimatter creation effects due to collisions giving rise to the observational effects of universal inflation. The model provides a mechanistic explanation for primordial expansion using only physics from the standard model, specifically utilizing the PEP as a repulsion force between indistinguishable fermions. The present theory offers the benefit of not requiring any particles or fields outside of the standard model nor utilizing changes to general relativity. More succinctly, this theory goes beyond simply offering a mathematical representation (or fit) of the functional dependence but rather offers a mechanistic model to drive inflation using only standard model physics.
文摘The existence of the neutron, originally postulated to justify the stability of the nucleus, is very similar to the postulation of Dark Matter to give stability to galaxies and galaxy clusters. However, the existence of the neutron has been proven as an important part of the nucleus that is linked within its integral structure in the Standard Model of Particle Physics. The Standard Model that began with the electron and the proton, currently, with more than one hundred particles, shows in some parts, cracks that induce to reconsider the veracity of the theories and models. Here it is established that all theories are to some extent false and therefore, so will any model, which is always a specific part of the theory. Also, like several other things, by means of a mathematical calculation, it is clarified why, it has not been possible to incorporate the Dark Matter within the Standard Model. Furthermore, it is reliably demonstrated that the introduction of the Dark matter postulate is superfluous and that the high speeds of stellar rotation determined experimentally are analytically explained with the stellar dynamics described here.
文摘This work argues a new standard model physics approach for neutrino oscillations by allowing neutrinos to have their flavor be entangled amongst all interacting fermions. Specifically, for a flavor conserved system, the effects from entanglement beginning at its origin and continuing through transit can give rise to the same observational outcomes as a flavor oscillation described by mass eigenstates. The implication being that although neutrino flavor is conserved in weak processes, this is argued to hold for all subsequent interactions. In so doing, the conventional neutrino mass propagator is argued to be a dimensional artifact of the oscillation being dependent on the linear density of material along the neutrino trajectory.
文摘General relativity links gravitation to the structure of our space-time. Nowadays physics knows four types of interactions: Gravitation, electromagnetism, weak interactions, strong interactions. The theory of everything (ToE) is the unification of these four domains. We study several necessary cornerstones for such a theory: geometry and mathematics, adapted manifolds on the real domain, Clifford algebras over tangent spaces of these manifolds, the real Lagrangian density in connection with the standard model of quantum physics. The geometry of the standard model of quantum physics uses three Clifford algebras. The algebra ?of the 3-dimensional physical space is sufficient to describe the wave of the electron. The algebra of space-time is sufficient to describe the wave of the pair electron-neutrino. A greater space-time with two additional dimensions of space generates the algebra . It is sufficient to get the wave equation for all fermions, electron, its neutrino and quarks u and d of the first generation, and the wave equations for the two other generations. Values of these waves allow defining, in each point of space-time, geometric transformations from one intrinsic manifold of space-time into the usual manifold. The Lagrangian density is the scalar part of the wave equation.
文摘In this work a simulated B-L model at Large Hadrons Collider is presented using Monte Carlo si- mulation software. B-L model is one of the scenarios proposed to add an extension of the standard models. B-L model predicts the existence of three new particles at the LHC. They are a new neutral massive gauge boson, three heavy neutrinos and a heavy Higgs boson.
文摘We show that the model of discrete spaces that we have proposed in previous contributions gives a comprehensive and detailed interpretation of the properties of the standard model of particles. Moreover the model also suggests the possible existence of a non-standard family of particles.