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《逸周书》“三训”成书年代考辨 被引量:1
作者 张海波 《史志学刊》 2019年第3期72-80,共9页
近年,清华简《命训》的问世为《逸周书·命训》等“三训”的成书年代提供了较为可靠的下限,同时也引发了学界对其成书年代上限的思考。从内容来看,《逸周书》“三训”皆涉及对“丑(耻)”的论述,阐述如何教民知耻,体现明“耻”对于... 近年,清华简《命训》的问世为《逸周书·命训》等“三训”的成书年代提供了较为可靠的下限,同时也引发了学界对其成书年代上限的思考。从内容来看,《逸周书》“三训”皆涉及对“丑(耻)”的论述,阐述如何教民知耻,体现明“耻”对于教民、治国的重要意义,是较为成熟的耻辱观。结合耻辱观在先秦时期的发展可知,“三训”中耻辱观涉及的教化对象是平民,其以刑明耻、礼法并用的特点与《管子》“齐法家”的思想有相似之处,同时受心性学说影响,与早期儒家心性学说的理论较为一致。故综合上述因素考虑,其成书年代的上限当在战国前期。 展开更多
关键词 清华简《命 《逸周书》“三训” 耻辱观 成书年代
清华简《命训》“大命”“小命”释疑——兼论《逸周书》“三训”的成书及学派归属 被引量:9
作者 梁涛 《哲学动态》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期49-60,128,共13页
清华简《命训》的"大命"指天命,"小命"指个人运命。《命训》第二句当断为:"命司德,正之以祸福","司德"指主德,即遵从德。目前学者将该句断为:"命司德正之以祸福",释"司德"... 清华简《命训》的"大命"指天命,"小命"指个人运命。《命训》第二句当断为:"命司德,正之以祸福","司德"指主德,即遵从德。目前学者将该句断为:"命司德正之以祸福",释"司德"为天神,是不正确的。《命训》的"大命""小命"说是对三代天命观的继承,同时又突出了个人运命的观念,这与孔子将天命与运命分离,以突出人的道德自主有所不同,而是力图将两者重新统一起来,表现出鲜明的神道设教的思想特点。清华简《命训》的发现,表明《逸周书》尤其是前三篇《度训》《命训》《常训》的重要性。《逸周书》应由子夏的西河学派编订于战国前期的魏国,"三训"的作者可能是子夏后学中的某位不知名学者。"三训"的人性论、礼法论均与荀子之学存在密切联系,但其天命论则与荀子的人文主义走向存在较大反差,这种联系和反差反映了"孔荀之间"思想变动的复杂情况。 展开更多
关键词 《逸周书》 清华简《命 “三训” 大命 小命
作者 胡丽珍 《江苏科技信息》 2023年第25期46-49,共4页
为深化教育改革,推动教学质量的有效提升,适应建筑业产业转型升级发展需求,针对性地进行人才培养模式的创新研究显得至关重要。文章通过对高职院校土建施工类专业实行人才培养模式研究,进一步激发高职院校在深化产教融合、校企合作、专... 为深化教育改革,推动教学质量的有效提升,适应建筑业产业转型升级发展需求,针对性地进行人才培养模式的创新研究显得至关重要。文章通过对高职院校土建施工类专业实行人才培养模式研究,进一步激发高职院校在深化产教融合、校企合作、专业建设、师资队伍建设等方面的创新活力,构建以培养应用型高技术人才为主导,以深化产教融合、校企合作为主体,以发展专业建设新内涵为主线,以创新师资队伍结构建设为主要着力点的点、线、体立体化人才培养模式,丰富高职院校人才培养模式新内涵,促进学生的全面、协调和可持续发展。培养适应建筑行业未来发展需求、满足产业转型升级的创新型智能建造科技人才,支撑我国迈向建造强国。 展开更多
关键词 教育改革 人才培养模式 “三创” 智能建造 能力迭代提升
机械专业“三赛三训三结合”创新型人才培养模式构建 被引量:3
作者 汪曦 张晓君 +1 位作者 刘健 李媛 《中国冶金教育》 2017年第6期61-63,共3页
关键词 机械专业 “三结合” 创新型人才培养 模式构建
日语教学“三法二训”模式的构建 被引量:1
作者 王映哲 《黑龙江高教研究》 北大核心 2007年第11期191-192,共2页
国际化社会的演进、社会对复合型人才的需求更加凸显高校第二外国语教学的重要。在日语二外教学中,借鉴"OPI"测试法、导入文化支撑法,与情境式教学相结合,构建立体化教学模式。变传统的灌输型教学为教师导向媒体传输学生参与... 国际化社会的演进、社会对复合型人才的需求更加凸显高校第二外国语教学的重要。在日语二外教学中,借鉴"OPI"测试法、导入文化支撑法,与情境式教学相结合,构建立体化教学模式。变传统的灌输型教学为教师导向媒体传输学生参与的双向互动式教学,加大听、说训练力度,缩短学生语言的内外化进程,达到快速提高初步语言交际能力的目的。 展开更多
关键词 日语二外 “三法二训” 立体化 教学模式
浅谈基层民警警务实战技能战术教官的培养内容和训练方法 被引量:2
作者 卢树义 《广州市公安管理干部学院学报》 2004年第4期47-49,共3页
要开展基层民警的警务实战技能战术的训练工作,具备充足而素质合格的教官队伍是一个关键性的前提。但由于各种原因,目前在基层民警队伍中,这样的教官队伍尚未完全建立起来,这就在一定程度上成为了基层民警开展警务实战技能战术训练的瓶... 要开展基层民警的警务实战技能战术的训练工作,具备充足而素质合格的教官队伍是一个关键性的前提。但由于各种原因,目前在基层民警队伍中,这样的教官队伍尚未完全建立起来,这就在一定程度上成为了基层民警开展警务实战技能战术训练的瓶颈。从基层民警中选拔人才,举办基层民警警务实战技能战术教官师资培训班,是解决这个矛盾的一个有效办法。为保证师资班的质量,在对其培训的内容和方法上,要求教官师资班学员要明确其将要承担的训练课的目的,要学会备课、试讲和考核,学会精心设计训练方案,并掌握警务实战技能战术教学的艺术。 展开更多
关键词 公安队伍正规化建设 “三个必训” 教官培养 警务实战技能
“三巡”工作前后武警某部新兵军事训练伤发生情况调查 被引量:3
作者 梁之孔 徐凯 +2 位作者 严怀宁 蔡宇璐 何晓飞 《人民军医》 2021年第9期829-832,共4页
目的:调查分析以训练伤防控知识巡讲、重点训练伤病巡诊、训练伤流行病学巡调为主要内容的全军新兵军事训练伤防控"三巡"工作期间,新兵军事训练伤发生情况。方法:选取武警某部2018年和2019年度新兵为研究对象,回顾性分析2018... 目的:调查分析以训练伤防控知识巡讲、重点训练伤病巡诊、训练伤流行病学巡调为主要内容的全军新兵军事训练伤防控"三巡"工作期间,新兵军事训练伤发生情况。方法:选取武警某部2018年和2019年度新兵为研究对象,回顾性分析2018和2019年度武警某部开展"三巡"工作前后新兵军事训练伤发生情况,统计训练伤发生率、损伤类型、时间分布及致伤训练课目等。结果:"三巡"工作开展后新兵军事训练伤总体发生率,较"三巡"工作开展前非常显著下降(P<0.01);新兵训练伤大多为骨与关节损伤,其次为软组织损伤,其他损伤发生率较低。训练伤致伤课目以3000 m跑和体能训练占比较大,其次为战术和队列训练,专业训练占比较低;"三巡"工作开展前后比较,差异不显著(P>0.05)。集训前9周训练伤发生较少,10~12周显著升高,且"三巡"工作开展后训练伤峰值出现时间向后延迟1周,因训练伤住院治疗的新兵有所减少。结论:"三巡"工作开展后新兵军事训练伤发生率显著降低。 展开更多
关键词 新兵 军事练伤 “三训”工作 效果
Training image analysis for three-dimensional reconstruction of porous media
作者 滕奇志 杨丹 +2 位作者 徐智 李征骥 何小海 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2012年第4期415-421,共7页
In order to obtain a better sandstone three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction result which is more similar to the original sample, an algorithm based on stationarity for a two-dimensional (2D) training image is prop... In order to obtain a better sandstone three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction result which is more similar to the original sample, an algorithm based on stationarity for a two-dimensional (2D) training image is proposed. The second-order statistics based on texture features are analyzed to evaluate the scale stationarity of the training image. The multiple-point statistics of the training image are applied to obtain the multiple-point statistics stationarity estimation by the multi-point density function. The results show that the reconstructed 3D structures are closer to reality when the training image has better scale stationarity and multiple-point statistics stationarity by the indications of local percolation probability and two-point probability. Moreover, training images with higher multiple-point statistics stationarity and lower scale stationarity are likely to obtain closer results to the real 3D structure, and vice versa. Thus, stationarity analysis of the training image has far-reaching significance in choosing a better 2D thin section image for the 3D reconstruction of porous media. Especially, high-order statistics perform better than low-order statistics. 展开更多
关键词 three-dimensional reconstruction training image stationarity porous media multiple-point statistics
作者 任丰兰 《中国教育技术装备》 2022年第16期39-42,48,共5页
“三高四新”是湖南发展的新坐标,“双师型”教师团队建设是职业教育发展的关键。分析“双师型”教师团队现状,并以汽车检测与维修专业的“双师型”教师团队为对象,从课程思政与教师团队的融合、构建“课程思政”+“双师型”高素质教师... “三高四新”是湖南发展的新坐标,“双师型”教师团队建设是职业教育发展的关键。分析“双师型”教师团队现状,并以汽车检测与维修专业的“双师型”教师团队为对象,从课程思政与教师团队的融合、构建“课程思政”+“双师型”高素质教师团队、“三训一赛”培养模式、基于课程思政的综合评价激励机制、“211”社会服务模式五个方面进行探索,形成课程思政与“双师型”教师团队的有机融合,实现高职院校基于课程思政与“双师型”教师相结合的教育新模式,为职业教育改革发展提供有力的师资支撑。 展开更多
关键词 职业教育 汽车检测与维修 课程思政 “双师型”教师 “三一赛”培养模式 “211”社会服务模式
Analysis of International Migrant Workers: Case Study of Worker of Madura Origin
作者 R. M. Moch. Wispandono Nety Dyah Kurniasari Deny S. B. Yuherawan 《Management Studies》 2018年第5期384-394,共11页
As international migrant workers, they should equip themselves with appropriate knowledge and skills to compete with other overseas workers in the global job market. This means that international migrant workers need ... As international migrant workers, they should equip themselves with appropriate knowledge and skills to compete with other overseas workers in the global job market. This means that international migrant workers need to improve their quality and ability. In addition, it also requires a high work and motivation to produce a satisfactory performance. Capabilities like cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities are needed to support performance Information related to three abilities also motivation is important from international migrant workers from the island of Madura to be analyzed. Based on the results of qualitative research using interview technique and observation on three informants who had worked abroad as nursing, baby sitter, and housekeeper whose data validity of interview result is measured using triangulation method, it shows different ability in working on his job (though having the same motivation) resulted different performance. Low performance due to lack of ability in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects resulted in workers who could not compete with other workers. The evidence came from the lack of contract extension for low-performing workers. It is therefore recommended for prospective international migrant workers to equip themselves with sufficient capacity through trainings undertaken by government training center (Balai Latihan Kerja/BLK) 展开更多
关键词 international migrant workers ability MOTIVATION performance COMPETITIVE
Sandwich-Course Training in Higher Education as a Major Strategic Thrust Regional Policy of Professional Training: Lessons Learned From the Pioneering Example of the University Institute of Technology Corsica 被引量:8
作者 Christophe STORAI Laetitia RINIERI Mickael BOULENGER 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第2期101-110,共10页
Corsica is an island economy marked by the complete absence of any of the big holdings and multinationals that fuel and forge the worldwide economy. Equally absent is any of the kind of medium-sized enterprises servic... Corsica is an island economy marked by the complete absence of any of the big holdings and multinationals that fuel and forge the worldwide economy. Equally absent is any of the kind of medium-sized enterprises servicing big business that have spearheaded local economies in other regions like Lombardy. Corsica's economic fabric is essentially made up of small and home businesses, farm smallholdings, artisans, and small-scale retail. Given how public-sector capital investment is already hypertrophied, a policy of investment in human capital could be a compelling new opportunity to trigger a dynamic regional development impetus. Leading the way, the University Institute of Technology Corsica, Corsica University's affiliated school of applied vocational technologies, is demonstrating its ability to act as a structurally engaged facilitator of island-wide spatial planning and regional branding. As a founding pillar in pioneering the emergence of a sandwich-course training system in higher education in Corsica, in 2010 the university made its entire training curriculum fully accessible to all through the signature of apprenticeship training or vocational qualifications agreements. This grass-roots programme is the outcome of a committed core strategy to develop partnerships with the island's key social and economic communities (businesses, community groups, and local authorities), and it plays a fundamental role in shaping and selling the most vital valued assets that typify a regional territory emerging into a structured destination-brand identity (simultaneous growth in the employability and quality of school-to-work transition shown by its human capital, mass shift in the degree of skill acquisition directly tied to the regional territory's own organic needs, fluidity of knowledge transfer fully controlled through sandwich placements, deep sustainable entrepreneurship education etc.). After highlighting the specific features of the sandwich training policy development process in Corsica as a shaper of the Regional Vocational Development Programme, this paper brings an analysis of the lessons learned from the pioneering example of the University Institute of Technology Corsica as a dynamic engineer of structured future and regional brand for Corsica. 展开更多
关键词 sandwich training employability index school-to-work transition EMPLOYABILITY regional policy of professional training
Effects of functional training on geometric indices of heart rate variability 被引量:1
作者 Marianne P.C.de Rezende Barbosa Jayme Netto Júnior +5 位作者 Bruna M.Cassemiro Aline Fernanda B.Bernardo Anne K.Fran?a da Silva Franciele M.Vanderlei Carlos Marcelo Pastre Luiz Carlos M.Vanderlei 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2016年第2期183-189,共7页
Background: Geometric methods provide an analysis of autonomic modulation using the geometric properties of the resulting pattern, and represent an interesting tool in the analysis of heart rate variability (HRV). ... Background: Geometric methods provide an analysis of autonomic modulation using the geometric properties of the resulting pattern, and represent an interesting tool in the analysis of heart rate variability (HRV). The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of functional training on cardiac autonomic modulation in healthy young women using the geometric indices of HRV. Methods: Data were analyzed from 29 women, and were stratified into a functional training group (FTG, n = 13; 23.00 ± 2.51 years; 21.90± 2.82 kg/m2) and a control group (CG, n = 16; 20.56 ± 1.03 years; 22.12±3.86 kg/m2). The FTG received periodized functional training for 12 weeks. The cardiac autonomic modulation of both groups was evaluated before and after this training, and a qualitative analysis was performed using the Poincar6 plot. Results: There was a significant increase in the difference of the triangular index (RRTri), SDI, SD2, and RR intervals in the FTG as compared to the CG, and the qualitative analysis from the Poincar6 plot showed an increase in the dispersion of beat-to-beat and long-term RR intervals in the functional group after training. No changes were observed in the triangular interpolation of RR interval histogram (TINN) or SD1/SD2. Conclusion: Functional training had a beneficial impact on autonomic modulation, as characterized by increased parasympathetic activity and overall variability, thus highlighting the clinical usefulness of this type of training. 展开更多
关键词 Autonomic nervous system EXERCISE Heart rate Resistance training Young adult
Underwater Recording and 3D Modeling during a Dive Training Course: A Case Study at Panormos, Skopelos, Greece
作者 Kimon Papadimitriou Anastasios Ktistis Ioanna Sarakinou 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2015年第9期445-454,共10页
In the field of underwater survey, there is a variety of methods which differ from each other in terms of the operating environment and the purpose that each method is used. Hence, some of the state-of-the-art methods... In the field of underwater survey, there is a variety of methods which differ from each other in terms of the operating environment and the purpose that each method is used. Hence, some of the state-of-the-art methods, that have many applications in the various scientific fields nowadays, are introduced in this paper. Additionally, the application of the procedures for an underwater survey in shallow depths is analyzed in accordance with the training standards of the PADI Underwater Survey Diver distinctive specialty. The main goal is to demonstrate not only the theoretical background of underwater surveys but also their operational issues, in order to facilitate the development of knowledge and skills during a training course. Finally, a case study for the recording and 3D modeling of the seabeds' morphology in shallow water is presented as it has been organized and accomplished by the participants of such a training course. By this way, it is expected that the reader will understand explicitly the application of the procedures prior, during and after the dive for an underwater survey in shallow depths. 展开更多
关键词 Underwater survey training course PHOTOGRAMMETRY 3D modeling.
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