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琼东南盆地南部中新统“丘”形反射成因探讨 被引量:11
作者 赵天亮 蒲仁海 +3 位作者 屈红军 张功成 梁建设 冯杨伟 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期112-120,共9页
在琼东南盆地南部中新统梅山组广泛发育"丘"形反射,对其识别分析具有重要的意义。这些"丘"形反射主要分布在北礁凹陷及周缘斜坡带上,在顶底界面呈强反射,在内部成层、杂乱或为空白反射,有时在顶部见披覆沉积,从盆... 在琼东南盆地南部中新统梅山组广泛发育"丘"形反射,对其识别分析具有重要的意义。这些"丘"形反射主要分布在北礁凹陷及周缘斜坡带上,在顶底界面呈强反射,在内部成层、杂乱或为空白反射,有时在顶部见披覆沉积,从盆地中心北礁凹陷向边缘斜坡带迁移生长。通过对"丘"形反射的古构造和古地理背景、几何学特征及地震响应特征等方面综合分析,对其成因进行了探讨,排除了其为生物礁、泥底辟以及火山丘的可能,认为其可能为深水环境底流作用下形成的等深流沉积或某种沉积物波。 展开更多
关键词 “丘”形反射 地震反射特征 中新统 琼东南盆地 南海北部深水区
“丘”非“乡”而为“里”辨 被引量:10
作者 吴海燕 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第6期123-124,共2页
关键词 “丘” 先秦时期 “乡” “里” 地方行政系统
作者 温美姬 《湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2005年第8期127-128,共2页
关键词 释义 “丘” 《汉语大字典》 别字
黄河下游地区为何多“丘”——《禹贡》“桑土即蚕,是降丘宅土”考论 被引量:1
作者 闫文晟 《决策探索》 2007年第12B期22-23,共2页
序言 《禹贡》在九州之一兖州中有这样一句“桑土即蚕,是降丘宅土”。关于这一句,伪孔传的解释是:“地高曰丘。大水去,民下丘居平土,就蚕桑。”孔颖达疏是:“宜桑之土既得桑养蚕矣,洪水之时,民居丘土,于是得下丘陵,居平土矣... 序言 《禹贡》在九州之一兖州中有这样一句“桑土即蚕,是降丘宅土”。关于这一句,伪孔传的解释是:“地高曰丘。大水去,民下丘居平土,就蚕桑。”孔颖达疏是:“宜桑之土既得桑养蚕矣,洪水之时,民居丘土,于是得下丘陵,居平土矣。”郑玄云:“此州寡于山而夹川,两大流之间遭洪水,其民犹困。水害既除,于是民下丘居土,以其免于厄犹喜,故记之。”郑玄之说很近情理,丘应是兖州代表地貌的名称。 展开更多
关键词 《禹贡》 蚕桑 下游地区 “丘” 黄河 考论 孔颖达 兖州
作者 徐咏威 《社会科学论坛(学术研究卷)》 2005年第6期7-9,12,共4页
关键词 “丘” 释义 《汉语大字典》 “一” 词典 字义
作者 王月萍 《新天地(开拓教育新天地)》 2011年第11期104-104,共1页
关键词 教学案例 “丘” 带着问题读 学生 语文课 课文
作者 徐山 《河南教育学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第3期112-112,共1页
关键词 《周易》 爻辞 “丘” “经” 王肃 卦辞
作者 沈坚 《寻根》 2012年第2期57-59,共3页
关键词 中国地名 “丘” 文化内涵 命名原则 自然地理 历史传统 人文因素 文化心理
作者 贾春生 马小顺 +10 位作者 石晶 王耀民 李永方 袁军 李梅 郑利星 张祥建 王少锦 高建英 李晓峰 霍永利 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2008年第1期1-9,共9页
Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of electro acupuncture at QIǖXǖ(丘墟GB40) for treating migraine and provide clinical study for Acupoints Dictionary of People's Republic of China. Methods Multi-center ... Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of electro acupuncture at QIǖXǖ(丘墟GB40) for treating migraine and provide clinical study for Acupoints Dictionary of People's Republic of China. Methods Multi-center (3 First-Class hospitals) study was adopted, and the involved 3 hospitals did clinical observation according to the requirements of the project. The methods are as follows. All cases were randomized into treatment group and control group according to their sequence. QIǖXǖ(丘墟GB40) was selected in treatment group, while Tiānshū (天枢 ST25) was selected in control group. Both groups were performed electro acupuncture, and syndromes indexes of migraine and 5-HT were observed before and after treatment. All data were analyzed by statistic software SPSS11.5. Results There was significant difference of VAS margin between two groups in each center and the combined center (u= -3. 362, P=0. 001 ). There was significant difference of therapeutic effect of 4-week treatment between two groups in each clinical center and the combined center. The therapeutic effect of 3-month treatment between two groups in No. 1 and No. 3 hospitals, showed significant difference, the treatment group was better; while that of No. 2 hospital had no obvious difference. The therapeutic effect of 6-month treatment between two groups in each center and the combined center had significant difference, the treatment group was better. Conclusion The therapy of electro acupuncture at QIǖXǖ(丘墟GB40) is effective for migraine. 展开更多
关键词 QIǖXǖ(墟GB40) Electro acupuncture Migraine Multi-center clinical observation
楚简《诗论》苑丘考 被引量:1
作者 刘信芳 《古籍整理研究学刊》 2002年第3期5-7,22,共4页
关键词 楚简 诗论
作者 何孝荣 陈文博 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期21-32,共12页
丘濬是明代中期的“理学名臣”、宰辅高官。他尊奉程朱理学,视佛教为“异端”,要求禁绝佛教,强调抑制佛教势力,去除日常生活中的佛教习俗,同时他也赞扬、信奉佛教,宣传慧能及广东地区在中国佛教史上的地位,与僧人交游,出入理学与佛教之... 丘濬是明代中期的“理学名臣”、宰辅高官。他尊奉程朱理学,视佛教为“异端”,要求禁绝佛教,强调抑制佛教势力,去除日常生活中的佛教习俗,同时他也赞扬、信奉佛教,宣传慧能及广东地区在中国佛教史上的地位,与僧人交游,出入理学与佛教之间。丘濬的佛教观建立在理学根基之上,因此杂糅矛盾,官职、身份地位以及社会大环境、地域小环境等都发挥着形塑作用。丘濬的佛教观是明代中期官员士人佛教观的缩影。 展开更多
关键词 明代 程朱理学 佛教
作者 刘精盛 《湖南人文科技学院学报》 2006年第2期117-119,146,共4页
关键词 《诗经》 中有麻》 文学语言 先泰文学
作者 夏靖尧 《走向世界》 2017年第18期44-47,共4页
诞生于栖霞的长春真人之姓,有的写“丘”,有的写“邱”。那么,长春真人究竟姓“邱”还是“丘”?丘处机,字通密,道号长春子,是我国道教主流真道掌教,全真龙门派创始人,于公元1191年以故居为观主持修建太虚宫,盛极一时,闻名海内外,被誉... 诞生于栖霞的长春真人之姓,有的写“丘”,有的写“邱”。那么,长春真人究竟姓“邱”还是“丘”?丘处机,字通密,道号长春子,是我国道教主流真道掌教,全真龙门派创始人,于公元1191年以故居为观主持修建太虚宫,盛极一时,闻名海内外,被誉为“东方道林之冠”。 展开更多
关键词 “丘” 长春 真人 全真龙门派 处机 创始人 教主 太虚
《快乐青春(经典阅读)(中学生必读)》 2010年第9期64-64,共1页
关键词 “丘” 百家讲坛 读法 老师
作者 张照华 石培育 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第4期125-128,共4页
南国巫教与《老子》和浪漫文学源流——《诗·陈风·宛丘》情字发覆 被引量:2
作者 艾荫范 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第5期134-139,共6页
一个颇耐深思的现象:《诗》称言志,可是全书从头到尾无志字;《诗》主抒情,然而终三百篇只发现一个情字,而笔者以为此情当读为精。志字另外具文探讨,本文专说情何以为精。在笔者看来,研判精与情之间这一转换,对于廓清春秋、战国之交的宗... 一个颇耐深思的现象:《诗》称言志,可是全书从头到尾无志字;《诗》主抒情,然而终三百篇只发现一个情字,而笔者以为此情当读为精。志字另外具文探讨,本文专说情何以为精。在笔者看来,研判精与情之间这一转换,对于廓清春秋、战国之交的宗教、哲学、精神、心理、审美几方面相互关系,理顺后世一些文学重大母题的发端、走向,都是不可多得的个案,值得十分重视。 展开更多
关键词 《诗经》 《宛 《老子》 文学主题 游仙 萨满教 巫教
Effect of Weak Noise on the Frequency Tuning of Mouse Inferior Collicular Neurons 被引量:8
作者 唐佳 皮建辉 +2 位作者 王丹 吴飞健 陈其才 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期191-197,共7页
In order to study the effect of weak noise on the sound signal extraction of mouse (Mus musculus Km) inferior collicular (IC) neurons from environments,we examined the changes in frequency tuning curves (FTCs) of 32 n... In order to study the effect of weak noise on the sound signal extraction of mouse (Mus musculus Km) inferior collicular (IC) neurons from environments,we examined the changes in frequency tuning curves (FTCs) of 32 neurons induced by a weak noise relative to 5 dB below minimum threshold of tone (reMT-5 dB) under free field stimulation conditions.The results were as follows:① There were three types of variations in FTCs,sharpened (34.4%),broadened (18.8%),and unaffected (46.9%),nevertheless,only the alteration of sharpened FTCs was statistically different.② Sharpness of frequency tuning induced by a reMT-5 dB noise was very strong.Q 10 and Q 30 of FTCs were increased by (34.42±17.04)% (P=0.026,n=11) and (46.34±22.88)% (P=0.009,n=7).③ The changes of inverse-slopes (ISs,kHz/dB) between high (IS high) and low (IS low) limbs of FTCs were dissymmetry.The IS high of FTCs decreased markedly (P=0.046,n=7),however,there was little change (P=0.947,n=7) in IS low.Our data revealed for the first time that the weak noise could sharpen frequency tuning and increase the sensitivity on the high frequency of sound signal in IC neurons of mouse. 展开更多
关键词 Weak white noise Sharpening frequency tuning Inferior collicular neurons MOUSE
Effect of Slow and Controlled Release Fertilizers on the Yield and Nutrient Use Efficiency of Hot Pepper in Qiu-bei 被引量:8
作者 杜彩艳 段宗颜 +2 位作者 鲁耀 胡万里 陈拾华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第5期761-764,共4页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to investigate the impacts of slow and controlled release fertilizers(SCRF)on the yield of qiubei hot pepper,its nutrient use efficiency and environment.[Method] Using Qiubei ho... [Objective] The aim of this study was to investigate the impacts of slow and controlled release fertilizers(SCRF)on the yield of qiubei hot pepper,its nutrient use efficiency and environment.[Method] Using Qiubei hot pepper(Capsicum frutescens L.)as the experimental material,we studied the fertilization effect and environment-protecting effect of SCRF.[Result] The result showed that SCRF could improve the agronomic characteristics of hot pepper.Compared to singly applied common fertilizers,SCRF increased economic yield by 20.90% and economic benefit by 13 234.35 Yuan/hm2,and the ratio of output to input was improved by 47.93%.In comparison with common straight fertilizers at same NPK proportion and rate,SCRF increased economic yield by 5.26% and economic benefit by 5 554.80 Yuan/hm2,and the ratio of output to input was improved by 9.91%.Under the reduced use of SCRF by 20%,SCRF increased economic yield by 12.38% and economic benefit by 9595.20 Yuan/hm2 compared with singly applied common fertilizers,and the ratio of output to input was improved by 65.95%.SCRF improved nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium use efficiencies by 12.42-17.53,3.35-5.24 and 5.37-14.02 percents respectively.[Conclusion] As the result of much reduced N and P application rates,SCRF would significantly economize fertilizer resources and minimize the pollution caused by the loss of fertilizer nutrients,which is of practical importance for environment protection. 展开更多
关键词 Slow and controlled release fertilizer Qiubei hot pepper YIELD Nutrient use efficiency
Topsoil phosphorus signature in five forest types along an urban-suburban-rural gradient in Nanchang, southern China 被引量:5
作者 陈伏生 李茜 +1 位作者 Greg Nagle 詹书侠 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期39-44,I0002,共7页
Conversions from rural to urban land uses have the potential to greatly modify soil phosphorus (P) levels. Soils in shrubs, Masson pine forest, conifer and broadleaf mixed forest, evergreen broadleaved forest and ba... Conversions from rural to urban land uses have the potential to greatly modify soil phosphorus (P) levels. Soils in shrubs, Masson pine forest, conifer and broadleaf mixed forest, evergreen broadleaved forest and bamboo forest in the mid-subtropical region along an urban-rural gradient in Nanchang City, southern China, were analyzed for total P and P fractions using the modified Hedley P sequential fractionation method. Results show that the topsoil total P and total exactable P concentrations were significantly higher in the urban area (0.71 g·kg^-1 and 378.50 mg·kg^-1, respectively) than in the suburban (0.30 g·kg^-1 and 150.74 mg·kg^-1, respectively) and rural areas (0.31 g·kg^-1 and 147.38 mg·kg^-1, respectively) (p〈0.05). Among the five P fractions of resin-P, NaHCO3-P NaOH-P, Sonication-P and HCI-P, the relative abundance of HCl-P in urban forest soils (36%) was the highest and also significantly higher than in suburban (8%) and rural soils (6%), while NaOH-P was the dominant form in suburban (41%) and rural soils (50%). Phosphorus accumulation in the urban soils could affect the cycle of P in urban forest systems, particularly the HCl-P fraction that might rapidly enrich aquatic systems in urban areas. 展开更多
关键词 hilly red soil phosphorus accumulation soil phosphorusfractionation URBANIZATION urban forest
Effects of ginkgolide B on neuronal discharges in paraventricular nucleus of rat hypothalamic slices 被引量:2
作者 林悦 王茹 +2 位作者 王昕 何瑞荣 武宇明 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第6期345-350,共6页
Objective To study the central role of ginkgolide B (BN52021) in regulating cardiovascular function of nerve center by examining the effects of ginkgolide B on the electrical activity of rat paraventricular nucleus ... Objective To study the central role of ginkgolide B (BN52021) in regulating cardiovascular function of nerve center by examining the effects of ginkgolide B on the electrical activity of rat paraventricular nucleus (PVN) neurons in hypothalamic slice preparation and to elucidate the mechanism involved. Methods Extracellular single-unit discharge recording technique. Results (1) In response to the application of ginkgolide t3 (0.1, 1, 10 μmol/L; n = 27) into the perfusate for 2 rain, the spontaneous discharge rates (SDR) of 26 (26/27, 96.30%) neurons were significantly decreased in a dose-dependent manner. (2) Pretreatment with L-glutamate (L-Glu, 0.2 mmol/L) led to a marked increase in the SDR of all 8 (100%) neurons in an epileptiform pattern. The increased discharges were suppressed significantly after ginkgolide B (1 μmol/L) was applied into the perfusate for 2 min. (3) In 8 neurons, perfusion of the selective L-type calcium channel agonist, Bay K 8644 (0.1 μmol/L), induced a significant increase in the discharge rates of 8 (8/8, 100%) neurons, while ginkgolide B (1μmol/L) applied into the perfusate, could inhibit the discharges of 8 (100%) neurons. (4) In 8 neurons, the broad potassium channels blocker, tetraethylammonium (TEA, 1 mmol/L) completely blocked the inhibitory effect of ginkgolide B (1 μmol/L). Conclusion These results suggest that ginkgolide B can inhibit the electrical activity of paraventricular neurons. The inhibitory effect may be related to the blockade of L-type voltage-activated calcium channel and potentially concerned with delayed rectifier potassium channel (KDR). 展开更多
关键词 paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus ginkgolide B L-GLUTAMATE Bay K 8644 TEA
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