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作者 王天根 《南昌师范学院学报》 2024年第2期29-35,共7页
“现代中国”新闻事业的历史轨迹及其规律性呈现,离不开历史语境的清算与经验总结。新闻舆论史学探索侧重文本及其与社会语境的关系,涉及近代报刊的地方意识与全国视野,转向探讨区域性、全国性与世界性乃至全球化的关系。在国家与社会... “现代中国”新闻事业的历史轨迹及其规律性呈现,离不开历史语境的清算与经验总结。新闻舆论史学探索侧重文本及其与社会语境的关系,涉及近代报刊的地方意识与全国视野,转向探讨区域性、全国性与世界性乃至全球化的关系。在国家与社会关系重构过程中,传媒重要角色是塑造国家认同,这是爱国主义传统的重要延续。而觉醒与启蒙系两次世界大战影响下中国发展的舆论动员重要面相。总体而言,从旧民主主义革命到新民主主义革命,从旧中国到新中国,涉及传媒在国家认同上的重要作用。由此而论,政治议题与媒介议题,政治议程与媒介议程互动,当给建国学理探索更多可以发掘的空间。简言之,近代传媒与现代化的关系是近代史学探索重要命题。 展开更多
关键词 新闻舆论史 “现代中国 全球化 区域性 现代
“现代中国文学史”学科的四个基本特征 被引量:9
作者 朱德发 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第6期104-109,共6页
"现代中国文学史学科"不同于"中国现代文学史学科"和"20世纪中国文学史学科",它以现代民族国家观念为思想基础;起讫时间上限为晚清变法维新,下限则随国家的现代化而延伸,这是个"上可封顶,下不封底&q... "现代中国文学史学科"不同于"中国现代文学史学科"和"20世纪中国文学史学科",它以现代民族国家观念为思想基础;起讫时间上限为晚清变法维新,下限则随国家的现代化而延伸,这是个"上可封顶,下不封底"的学科架构。其主要特征是:整体性,即展示现代中国文学的总体面貌;贯通性,它既能打通近代、现代和当代的文学,又能联通古今中外的文学;兼容性,即它可以将现代中国生成的所有文学兼容并包之;异同性,它能理出各种形态文学的差异性又能从差异互见中摸清其联系性和趋同性,使书写的现代中国文学史呈现出多元性与严整性相统一的格局。 展开更多
关键词 “现代中国文学史学科” 民族国家想象 整体性 贯通性 兼容性 异同性
重估20世纪末中国“现代书法运动” 被引量:2
作者 屈立丰 《宜宾学院学报》 2008年第5期108-109,共2页
关键词 中国“现代书法运动” 现代 现代 现代 书法本体
作者 王志彬 《湖北社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第10期131-135,共5页
要建构具有文学通史意味的"现代中国文学史"学科,应该把鸦片战争作为"现代中国文学史"书写的时间上限。要围绕民族国家想象与建构这一叙述主线,按照经典化、互补性和"一体多元"的原则对不同文学板块进行... 要建构具有文学通史意味的"现代中国文学史"学科,应该把鸦片战争作为"现代中国文学史"书写的时间上限。要围绕民族国家想象与建构这一叙述主线,按照经典化、互补性和"一体多元"的原则对不同文学板块进行整合。同时还要把台港澳以外的部分海外华文文学纳入文学史视野。 展开更多
关键词 “现代中国文学史”学科 现代中国文学史 建构起点 建构难点 海外华文文学
作者 孙丙堂 付欣桐 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2019年第5期72-78,共7页
美国著名作家赛珍珠毕生致力于中国题材的跨文化书写,被尼克松总统誉为"沟通东、西方文明的人桥"。文章以赛珍珠的演讲集《我所知道的中国》(China As I See It)为研究文本,从"现代中国"的社会变革和文化决策两个... 美国著名作家赛珍珠毕生致力于中国题材的跨文化书写,被尼克松总统誉为"沟通东、西方文明的人桥"。文章以赛珍珠的演讲集《我所知道的中国》(China As I See It)为研究文本,从"现代中国"的社会变革和文化决策两个方面阐释在特定历史文化语境下赛珍珠对"现代中国"的看法。赛珍珠怀有世界主义精神,她指出"现代中国"激进的社会变革造成文化断层,武断的文化决策源于文化自卑心理,表明"现代中国"应该走"外化内不化"的道路,同时充分发扬传统文化的包容性。研究赛氏对"现代中国"的思考对当今中国的传统文化复兴也有着重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 赛珍珠 “现代中国 社会变革 文化决策 意义
作者 欧阳钦 《齐齐哈尔师范高等专科学校学报》 2009年第1期28-29,共2页
无论是文学理论的倡导还是在文学创作实践,20世纪的中国文学都仅仅只具有西方近代文学的特征,而并未营造出真正成熟的现代文学形态,也缺乏现代文学生长发育的文化环境与现实土壤。目前,我们正处于一个文化转型的变革时代,需要有强劲的... 无论是文学理论的倡导还是在文学创作实践,20世纪的中国文学都仅仅只具有西方近代文学的特征,而并未营造出真正成熟的现代文学形态,也缺乏现代文学生长发育的文化环境与现实土壤。目前,我们正处于一个文化转型的变革时代,需要有强劲的人文精神做坚实的基础,与其急切的将20世纪中国文学与西方现代文学甚至后现代文学对接,不如打稳人文主义启蒙文学的基础。唯此,中国真正意义上的现代文学,才能产生在21世纪。 展开更多
关键词 20世纪 中国“现代”文学 “近代性”
试论琴曲《梅花三弄》核心音调在中国“现代音乐”创作中的运用 被引量:1
作者 蔡若愚 《大舞台》 2011年第10期50-51,共2页
本文以陈其钢大提琴协奏曲《逝去的时光》、谭盾弦乐四重奏《风·雅·颂》、朱践耳《第十交响曲"江雪"》以及唐建平琵琶协奏曲《春秋》为例,试图通过古琴曲《梅花三弄》核心音调在中国"现代音乐"中的几种... 本文以陈其钢大提琴协奏曲《逝去的时光》、谭盾弦乐四重奏《风·雅·颂》、朱践耳《第十交响曲"江雪"》以及唐建平琵琶协奏曲《春秋》为例,试图通过古琴曲《梅花三弄》核心音调在中国"现代音乐"中的几种不同的运用方式和表现手法,从而窥探民族情结对中国"现代音乐"的深远影响。 展开更多
关键词 《梅花三弄》 西方“现代音乐” 中国“现代音乐” 民族情结
作者 闫奇男 《贺州学院学报》 2010年第2期29-31,60,共4页
关键词 “现代中国文学” 现代“人的文学” 民族化与世界化(或现代化) 指导性传统
作者 吴晓东 《文学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期16-24,共9页
中华人民共和国成立以来,中国现代文学研究界对“现代中国文学传统”的探索,对现代文学中所蕴含的中国经验的总结,以及对研究范式和话语形态的凝练,构成了一代代研究者的叙事主轴。在构建“现代中国文学传统”的过程中,研究界对“五四... 中华人民共和国成立以来,中国现代文学研究界对“现代中国文学传统”的探索,对现代文学中所蕴含的中国经验的总结,以及对研究范式和话语形态的凝练,构成了一代代研究者的叙事主轴。在构建“现代中国文学传统”的过程中,研究界对“五四”的重估,对“现代民族国家文学”的语言形式和审美范式的重塑,以及对中国革命光辉历程的再现等构成了主要的面向,对这些问题的考察可管窥75年来现代文学研究领域的发展历程以及所取得的丰硕成果。 展开更多
关键词 现代文学研究 “现代中国文学传统” “民族国家文学” 中国革命
作者 邱爱萍 凌秀梅 《现代教学》 2024年第1期59-60,共2页
在“五育融合”的理念指导下,上海市辽阳中学基于学校办学传统,基于新时代对教育提出的新要求,基于学生、家长、社会的课程需求,聚焦具有“爱国自觉”“健康体魄”“启智创新”“国际视野”“幸福生活”特征的“现代中国人”的学生培养... 在“五育融合”的理念指导下,上海市辽阳中学基于学校办学传统,基于新时代对教育提出的新要求,基于学生、家长、社会的课程需求,聚焦具有“爱国自觉”“健康体魄”“启智创新”“国际视野”“幸福生活”特征的“现代中国人”的学生培养目标,完成学校课程体系的重构,通过设置及实施“五育融合”的课程实现整体育人。 展开更多
关键词 “现代中国人” 学校课程体系
作者 邓春蓉 《电影文学》 北大核心 2016年第20期17-19,共3页
中国形象是指包含了中国的自然景观、地域风貌以及人文特色的综合国力的集合体,是中国国家软实力的重要组成部分。随着中国综合实力的提升,在国际上塑造中国形象得到了国家的重视,在电影领域也得到了越来越多的体现。本文将在概述21世... 中国形象是指包含了中国的自然景观、地域风貌以及人文特色的综合国力的集合体,是中国国家软实力的重要组成部分。随着中国综合实力的提升,在国际上塑造中国形象得到了国家的重视,在电影领域也得到了越来越多的体现。本文将在概述21世纪以来中国电影对于中国形象展现的基础上,分"古代中国""近代中国""现代中国"三个方面,以近年来活跃在银幕之上的相关影片为例,对21世纪中国电影中的中国形象进行解读。 展开更多
关键词 中国电影 “古代中国 “近代中国 “现代中国
Mass Human Migration and the Urban Heat Island during the Chinese New Year Holiday: A Case Study in Harbin City, Northeast China 被引量:6
作者 WU Ling-Yun ZHANG Jing-Yong SHI Chun-Xiang 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2015年第2期63-66,共4页
Many Chinese people leave big cities for family reunions during the Chinese New Year (CNY), which is the most important public holiday in China. However, how modem mass human migration during the CNY holiday affects... Many Chinese people leave big cities for family reunions during the Chinese New Year (CNY), which is the most important public holiday in China. However, how modem mass human migration during the CNY holiday affects the urban heat island (UHI) is still un- known. Here, the authors investigate the role of modem human migration for the UHI effects during the CNY holiday for the period of 1992-2006 in Harbin City, Northeast China. The results show that during the CNY week, the UHI effects expressed as daily mean, maxi- mum, and minimum temperature differences between urban and rural stations averaged over the period of 1992-2006 are 0.65℃ (43%), 0.31℃ (48%), and 1.14℃ (71%) lower than during the background period (four weeks before and four weeks after the CNY week), re- spectively. Our findings identify previously unknown impacts of modem mass human migration on the UHI effects based on a case study in Harbin City. 展开更多
关键词 urban heat island Chinese New Year holiday mass human migration surface air temperature Harbin City
The Fault Line in Chinese Reflective Thinking 被引量:1
作者 Jim Platts 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第10期945-957,共13页
Behind what is called "Needham's Grand Question" (why was China overshot by the West in science and technology?) lies a deeper question of how China came to lose the capacity of deeply reflective thought clearly... Behind what is called "Needham's Grand Question" (why was China overshot by the West in science and technology?) lies a deeper question of how China came to lose the capacity of deeply reflective thought clearly present in the ancient Chinese philosophers. This is a loss felt by all Chinese as a psychological sense of hollowness, a loss of identity, made worse by the seeming inaccessibility of the ancient Chinese wisdom to the modern Chinese mind. It is clear that at some historical point China suffered an extreme psychological blow sufficient to traumatise it at the threshold of reflective thought, unable to look inwards any more. The paper identifies that point as the utter devastation wrought by Kublai Khan and the Mongols 750 years ago. What devastates reflective thought is wilfulness, the insistent focusing of all attention and energy on external, material things, and Kublai Khan was wilful in the extreme. What confirms this as the crippling point is that, in response to Kublai Khan's Mongol invasion the Chinese, over time, not only completely altered the geography of China itself, moving their capital to the North (Beijing), but have ever since fought to establish as "China" all the territory over which Kublai Khan ruled. China is clearly not free of Kublai Khan's shadow. But even more precisely, in the process of doing this--and showing their own wilfulness--in building the Forbidden City in Beijing they built it in the shape of the Chinese metaphysical model of the universe, the Chinese version of the Tree of Life metaphysical glyph But it has an error in it. And the error is precisely that in where it places things, it makes what would have been the attributes of reflective thought subservient to wilfulness. The model itself thus shows the hollowness of the Chinese mind from that moment on. The outer form--the "appearance"---of the ancient wisdom was still there. But the content--the "substance"--of it was not. And with no reflective thought, true creativity disappears. 展开更多
关键词 Needham's grand question Kublai Khan the Forbidden City the Tree of Life reflective thinking wilfulness psychological block
《美术》 北大核心 2004年第5期130-130,共1页
关键词 冯绪民 中国“现代版画”的特殊历程及其他》 绘画形式 绘画手段 美学思想 美术批评
探索传播规律 弘扬先进文化——“现代传播与中国当代文化”高峰论坛在福建泉州召开
作者 阿元 《当代电视》 北大核心 2004年第7期22-22,共1页
关键词 “现代传播与中国当代文化”高峰论坛 传播规律 福建 泉州市 大众传媒 民族文化
高考历史新专题教学设计 专题4 现代中国的民主政治建设
作者 毕道江 《中学历史教学参考》 2004年第1期78-79,共2页
关键词 复习目标 高考 历史 专题复习 教学设计 2004年 “现代中国的民主政治建设” 中国现代
Leisure Sports Characteristics and Development Trend in China
作者 Ruidong WANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期54-56,共3页
The 21st century is the era of human recreation. What leisure and sport bring to people is bound to be a civilized, healthy, happy, and new life patterns. Throughout the development of sports and leisure history, we c... The 21st century is the era of human recreation. What leisure and sport bring to people is bound to be a civilized, healthy, happy, and new life patterns. Throughout the development of sports and leisure history, we can see that in the era of leisure sports agricultural, civilization reflects a more casual game. Strictly speaking, leisure sport is a product of the birth of modern industrial civilization. But today, it has become a recreational sport entirely necessities of life, recreation is the ultimate ownership of human beings, but also one of the best state of human existence, and therefore we have reason to believe that in the near future, leisure Sports will bring a self-liberation and ultimate human freedom. 展开更多
作者 葛以嘉 张慧文 《中国学术》 2002年第2期300-303,共4页
关键词 史书美 中国 近代文学 “现代”的诱惑:半殖民地-中国现代主义写作》 书评
The Influences of American Deep Image on the Third-Generation Poets in China
作者 YIN Gen-de 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第10期1251-1257,共7页
The Third-Generation Poetry of China (namely Post-misty Poetry too) initiated with the introduction of Western modernist poetry, especially sorts of American Post-modernist poetry schools into China. "The relation ... The Third-Generation Poetry of China (namely Post-misty Poetry too) initiated with the introduction of Western modernist poetry, especially sorts of American Post-modernist poetry schools into China. "The relation between American poetry and Chinese poetry has a long history, which lies in the influences on the creation of the Third-Generation poets. This influence is probably unprecedented in its depth and breadth." "Irrational association" and "leaping images" proposed by American Deep Image poets influenced by Freudian and Jungian unconscious perception gained an extraordinary appreciation among the Third-Generation poets who were in pursuit constantly of the experiments on poetic form and language. This paper mainly discusses the influences of American Deep Image on the Third-Generation poets of China through a case study of WANG Yin and CHEN Dongdong's poems. 展开更多
关键词 The Third-Generation Poetry Deep Image influence irrational association leaping image
The Politics of a Vernacular Aesthetic: The Invention of Modern Chinese Essay in Zhou Zuo-ren in the 1930s
作者 Zhang Xu-dong 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2009年第3期60-93,共34页
This paper examines in detail how Zhou Zuo-ren, leading essayist and theoretician of the personal essay in the 1930s, turned the essay, the most free, independent, and informal of all the literary genres, into a vital... This paper examines in detail how Zhou Zuo-ren, leading essayist and theoretician of the personal essay in the 1930s, turned the essay, the most free, independent, and informal of all the literary genres, into a vital medium for the cultural and political self-assertion of the modern Chinese men of letters and for the making of a vernacular aesthetic by incorporating Western values with a rediscovered tradition of individualism and self--expression in classical Chinese literature, thus conforming to the tasks of the New Literature of breaking free from the prison-house of an over-coded cultural system into the refresh, raw experience of the mundane daily world and of transforming the language of the everyday into a refined mode of expression suitable for the expanded horizon of the enlightened individual. 展开更多
关键词 Zhou Zuo-ren ESSAY vernacular aesthetic POLITICS New Literature
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