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作者 张廷芳 《科学咨询》 2024年第11期229-232,共4页
以“续论”为理论基础,通过语篇构建词汇习得的教学模式是否能提高和促进学习者的语篇构建能力,其主要从构建语篇的语言功能、语境、模式和准确性进行动态性验证。具体实验结果表明,“续论”是词汇构建语篇的必要的“续”的手段,是提高... 以“续论”为理论基础,通过语篇构建词汇习得的教学模式是否能提高和促进学习者的语篇构建能力,其主要从构建语篇的语言功能、语境、模式和准确性进行动态性验证。具体实验结果表明,“续论”是词汇构建语篇的必要的“续”的手段,是提高语篇构建的有效产出,能进一步促进有效的语言习得。 展开更多
关键词 “续论” SPOC教学模式 语篇构建
“续论”对大学基础英语教学的启示 被引量:1
作者 张蕾 《武夷学院学报》 2018年第10期88-91,共4页
在我国大学基础英语教学中,学生的语言应用能力的培养,是一个薄弱环节。就其原因主要有三个方面:应试导向的制约,语言环境的缺失,传统英语教学模式落后。"续论"作为一种新的语言习得观,从全新的视角解析了语言习得的过程。语... 在我国大学基础英语教学中,学生的语言应用能力的培养,是一个薄弱环节。就其原因主要有三个方面:应试导向的制约,语言环境的缺失,传统英语教学模式落后。"续论"作为一种新的语言习得观,从全新的视角解析了语言习得的过程。语言是通过"续"学会的,学习高效率是通过"续"实现的,以"续"促学为大学基础英语教学提供了新的启示。 展开更多
关键词 “续论” 大学基础英语 教学启示
作者 晏丽 杜雪琴 《产业与科技论坛》 2021年第11期163-164,共2页
"续论"认为语言是通过"续"的过程习得的,且"续"的促学效果已得到不少国内学者的证实。本文以中医文本翻译为例,探讨了如何将"续论"的读后续写、读后续译、对比续译等模式应用到中医翻译教学中... "续论"认为语言是通过"续"的过程习得的,且"续"的促学效果已得到不少国内学者的证实。本文以中医文本翻译为例,探讨了如何将"续论"的读后续写、读后续译、对比续译等模式应用到中医翻译教学中,改变"教师讲授为主、学生翻译训练为辅"的传统中医翻译教学模式,提出了以续促译,让学生在续译中提高中医翻译能力和水平的有效途径。"续论"不仅为中医翻译教学实践提供新思路,同时也为中医翻译教学研究提供新课题。 展开更多
关键词 “续论” 中医翻译 英语翻译
发挥“续”的协同和促学效应 ——例谈“续论”视域下的高中英语读后写作教学 被引量:1
作者 宋玉琴 《教学月刊(中学版)(外语教学)》 2023年第12期71-74,共4页
“续论”是由发轫于20世纪90年代末的以“续”促学理念发展而来的语言习得观,其内在要求与新课程理念一致。开展“续论”视域下的高中英语读后写作教学,可以充分发挥“续”的协同和促学效应,促进学生的知识内化和迁移。具体而言,教师可... “续论”是由发轫于20世纪90年代末的以“续”促学理念发展而来的语言习得观,其内在要求与新课程理念一致。开展“续论”视域下的高中英语读后写作教学,可以充分发挥“续”的协同和促学效应,促进学生的知识内化和迁移。具体而言,教师可采用如下实施路径:在读后写作前,深入剖析语篇;在读后写作中,根据写作任务开展聚焦单元语言知识和技能的写作;在读后写作后,以“教师领评、学生互评”师生合作评价机制和多元反馈机制实现以评促学。 展开更多
关键词 “续论” 读后写作 高中英语教学
浅析“续论”在小学英语教学中的应用——以绘本I love my white shoes为例 被引量:1
作者 黄珂 《英语教师》 2021年第8期143-145,共3页
阐述“续论”的核心概念及其应用价值。以英语绘本I love my white shoes的教学为例,探究如何将“续论”运用到小学英语课堂教学中,以期在实践中检验“续论”的促学效果。
关键词 小学英语 “续论” 促学效果 英语绘本
作者 陈燕文 邢媛媛 李杰 《产业与科技论坛》 2023年第14期82-84,共3页
英语教育是人文教育,将知识、能力与价值目标很好地融为一体。“续论”不同于引进的教育教学理论,它是中国提出的教育教学理论。“续论”视域下大学英语写作课程思政探索从输入前读材料、学生内化前读材料、任务产出和评价四个方面使大... 英语教育是人文教育,将知识、能力与价值目标很好地融为一体。“续论”不同于引进的教育教学理论,它是中国提出的教育教学理论。“续论”视域下大学英语写作课程思政探索从输入前读材料、学生内化前读材料、任务产出和评价四个方面使大学英语写作教学与思政教育协调同步,学生的大学英语写作水平不仅得到提高,而且完成了立德树人的任务,成为能将价值目标、能力目标、知识目标融为一体的具有中国情怀和国际视野的优秀人才。 展开更多
关键词 “续论”理论 课程思政 大学英语写作 立德树人
作者 王冬梅 《学园》 2018年第34期46-47,共2页
关键词 “续论” 高职 商务英语 写作教学
作者 陈康 《外语测试与教学》 2024年第1期32-38,共7页
为进一步深化教考衔接,助力普通高中落实新课标要求,高考英语科基于第二语言习得研究领域的最新理论成果“续论”设计了读后续写题型,并于2016年开始在国内多个省份投入使用。面对新题型,高中英语教师和教研人员需准确把握“续”的内在... 为进一步深化教考衔接,助力普通高中落实新课标要求,高考英语科基于第二语言习得研究领域的最新理论成果“续论”设计了读后续写题型,并于2016年开始在国内多个省份投入使用。面对新题型,高中英语教师和教研人员需准确把握“续”的内在机制,正确运用读后续写任务,革新教学方法,贯彻课程改革理念,提高英语教学效率和质量。 展开更多
关键词 新课标 高考英语 “续论” 读后续写
Characterization of discontinuous yielding phenomenon in isothermal compression of TC8 titanium alloy 被引量:3
作者 王柯 李淼泉 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期1583-1588,共6页
The discontinuous yielding phenomenon (DYP) during high temperature deformation was investigated based on the isothermal compression of TC8 titanium alloy. The DYP of TC8 titanium alloy was characterized by quan... The discontinuous yielding phenomenon (DYP) during high temperature deformation was investigated based on the isothermal compression of TC8 titanium alloy. The DYP of TC8 titanium alloy was characterized by quantifying the yield drop of the DYP (△σUL) and ending strain of flow oscillation (εOSC) based on the flow stress?strain curves, and then the effect of deformation parameters on the △σUL and εOSC values was analyzed. The results show that the △σUL and εOSC values increase with the increase of strain rate. The effect of deformation temperature on the ?σUL value depends on the strain rate. Finally, the transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation shows the evidence for the dynamic theory, which ascribes the DYP to the generation of mobile dislocation at the grain boundary. Meanwhile, the optical microscope (OM) observation shows that both the primary α grain and β grain become smaller with the increase of strain, which well interprets the effect of deformation parameters on the △σUL and εOSC values. 展开更多
关键词 titanium alloy flow stress discontinuous yielding dynamic theory
刍议高中英语译林版新教材Extended Reading的教学
作者 原华平 《海外英语》 2021年第19期98-100,共3页
译林出版社针对《新课标》推出了新版英语教材,增加了Extended Reading教学板块。该文就“八省联考”谈起,得出三点启迪:重阅读、重思维、重拓展。继而,笔者就“extend”一词引出Extended Reading的理论支撑——王初明教授的“续论”,... 译林出版社针对《新课标》推出了新版英语教材,增加了Extended Reading教学板块。该文就“八省联考”谈起,得出三点启迪:重阅读、重思维、重拓展。继而,笔者就“extend”一词引出Extended Reading的理论支撑——王初明教授的“续论”,对它作了简要的介绍并指出《新课标》中也有“续论”的影子。接着,笔者结合教学实践对新教材Extended Reading的教学提出四点展望:(1)关注主题语境,挖掘语篇深层次内涵;(2)优化教学环节,分解“续作”多样化任务;(3)鉴赏语篇语言,品味英语修辞格魅力;(4)关注生活英语,引导学生勤查阅词典。最后,文章提出Extended Reading教学要依托《新课标》要求,贯彻“续论”理念,在设计教学环节要体现内容的“延展性”,融入思维的“延续性”,培养学生的思维品质,进而提升学生的英语学科核心素养。 展开更多
关键词 Extended reading “续论” 主题语境
求真创新 科学系统--读《汉字汉语论稿续编》 被引量:1
作者 王虎 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第3期137-140,共4页
关键词 《汉字汉语论稿续编》 汉字学三平面理论 汉字体系
Hydrolysis Mechanism of the NAMI-A-type Antitumor Complex (HL)[trans-RuCl4L(dmso-S)] (L=1-methyl-l,2,4-triazole)
作者 陈兰美 陈锦灿 +3 位作者 廖思燕 刘江琴 罗辉 郑康成 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期383-390,I0003,共9页
The hydrolysis process of Ru(III) complex (HL)[trans-RuC14L(dmso-S)] (L=l-methyl-l,2,4- triazole and dmso-S=S-dimethyl sulfoxide) (1), a potential antitumor complex similar to the well-known antitumor agent ... The hydrolysis process of Ru(III) complex (HL)[trans-RuC14L(dmso-S)] (L=l-methyl-l,2,4- triazole and dmso-S=S-dimethyl sulfoxide) (1), a potential antitumor complex similar to the well-known antitumor agent (Him)[trans-RuC14 (dmso-S)(im)] (NAMI-A, im=imidazole), was investigated using density functional theory combined with the conductor-like polarizable continuum model approach. Tile structural characteristics and the detailed energy profiles for the hydrolysis processes of this complex were obtained. For the first hydrolysis step, complex 1 has slightly higher barrier energies than the reported anticancer drug NAMI-A, and the result is in accordance with the experimental evidence indicating larger half-life for complex 1. For the second hydrolysis step, the formation of cis-diaqua species is thermodynamic preferred to that of trans isomers. In addition, on the basis of the analysis of electronic characteristics of species in the hydrolysis process, the trend in nucleophilic attack abilities of hydrolysis products by pertinent biomolecules is revealed and predicted. 展开更多
关键词 NAMI-A-type complex Anticancer activity HYDROLYSIS Density functional theory Conductor-like polarizable continuum model
From Xu to the Development of L2 Interactional Competence: A Conversation Analytic Case Study 被引量:7
作者 Mei YANG Xiaofei LU 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2021年第3期273-291,430,共20页
Dialogues are fundamentally driven by xu(C. Wang, 2016, 2017), a Chinese word meaning continuation that captures the process in which interlocutors participate in interaction through the actions of(utterance) completi... Dialogues are fundamentally driven by xu(C. Wang, 2016, 2017), a Chinese word meaning continuation that captures the process in which interlocutors participate in interaction through the actions of(utterance) completion,(content) extension, and(topic) creation(CEC). This article reports a conversation analytic case study designed to investigate how the continuation strategies of CEC are used in real-time communication to achieve mutual understanding, and thus to construct intersubjectivity(Verhagen, 2005) and promote the development of second language(L2)interactional competence. Our data consisted of audio and video recordings of a 25-minute conversation between two L2 English speakers, one expert and one novice, and a stimulated recall interview with them. Results revealed that the expert employed CEC at the early stage of interaction to maintain successful communication, and the novice gradually aligned with the expert and used CEC to achieve mutual understanding, construct intersubjectivity, and create opportunities for interaction and learning at the late stage, displaying her development of L2 interactional competence. Our findings have useful implications for theoretical and methodological development of the xu-argument studies as well as for xu-based L2 pedagogy. 展开更多
关键词 the xu-argument INTERSUBJECTIVITY interactional competence continuation strategies conversation analysis
Investigating the Use of Translation Continuation Tasks in Commercial Translation Teaching: A Study on Translating User Manuals 被引量:5
作者 Qi XU Lijun DENG 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2021年第3期366-381,431,共17页
Based on the xu-argument, this study investigated the use of translation continuation tasks in commercial translation instruction. Forty-four second-year Business English majors at a Chinese university participated in... Based on the xu-argument, this study investigated the use of translation continuation tasks in commercial translation instruction. Forty-four second-year Business English majors at a Chinese university participated in the study. They were divided into equal-sized control and experimental groups. Members of the experimental group were asked to read Chinese-English parallel texts from a user manual, while those of the control group were asked to read the Chinese text only.Subsequently, both groups were required to translate the continued Chinese text into English. The results indicated the following: 1) the experimental group’s translated text was of significantly higher quality than that of the control group;and 2) the experimental group’s translations were well-aligned with the original text in their use of terminology, sentence structure, and stylistic features. The study concludes by suggesting that translation continuation tasks can improve commercial translation instruction and hence should be further applied in practice. 展开更多
关键词 the xu-argument translation continuation tasks commercial translation instruction translation of user manuals
Evaluation of mine scale longwall top coal caving parameters using continuum analysis 被引量:9
作者 Manoj Khanal Deepak Adhikary Rao Balusu 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第6期787-796,共10页
A mine-scale analysis of Longwall Top Coal Caving (LTCC) is performed using a continuum mechanics finite element solver called COSFLOW. The uniqueness of COSFLOW is that it incorporates Cosserat continuum theory in it... A mine-scale analysis of Longwall Top Coal Caving (LTCC) is performed using a continuum mechanics finite element solver called COSFLOW. The uniqueness of COSFLOW is that it incorporates Cosserat continuum theory in its formulation for describing the load deformation of bedded rocks. It is shown that such a continuum based code is valuable for assessing the feasibility of introducing LTCC in any mine. Various LTCC parameters, for example chock convergences, top coal failure behavior, strata cavingmechanism, abutment stresses and vertical stresses, were evaluated for a mine using COSFLOW. 展开更多
关键词 LTCC COSFLOW Cosserat FEM Modeling Simulation
New Criteria for Oscillation of Vector Parabolic Equations with Continuous Distribution Arguments 被引量:3
作者 LI Yuan-dan LUO Li-ping YU Yuan-hong 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2011年第2期260-264,共5页
The oscillations of a class of vector parabolic partial differential equations with continuous distribution arguments are studied.By employing the concept of H-oscillation and the method of reducing dimension with inn... The oscillations of a class of vector parabolic partial differential equations with continuous distribution arguments are studied.By employing the concept of H-oscillation and the method of reducing dimension with inner product,the multi-dimensional oscillation problems are changed into the problems of which one-dimensional functional differential inequalities have not eventually positive solution.Some new sufficient conditions for the H-oscillation of all solutions of the equations are obtained under Dirichlet boundary condition,where H is a unit vector of RM. 展开更多
关键词 H-oscillation VECTOR parabolic equation continuous distribution argument
The Loeb Algebras of Absolutely Continuous Measure 被引量:2
作者 CHENDong-li YUANWen-fa 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2004年第2期218-220,共3页
It is proved that if μ and v be finite measures on a measurable space (X, S) and v is absolutely continuous with respect to v, then it is holds that L(* S, * μ) L(* S, *v), while L(*S, *μ) and L(*S, V) are the Loeb... It is proved that if μ and v be finite measures on a measurable space (X, S) and v is absolutely continuous with respect to v, then it is holds that L(* S, * μ) L(* S, *v), while L(*S, *μ) and L(*S, V) are the Loeb algebras with respect to measure spaces (X, S,μ) and (X,S,v). 展开更多
关键词 absolute continuous Loeb measure space denumerable comprehension overflow principle infinitesimal prolongation
Nonlinear model predictive control based on hyper chaotic diagonal recurrent neural network 被引量:1
作者 Samira Johari Mahdi Yaghoobi Hamid RKobravi 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期197-208,共12页
Nonlinear model predictive controllers(NMPC)can predict the future behavior of the under-controlled system using a nonlinear predictive model.Here,an array of hyper chaotic diagonal recurrent neural network(HCDRNN)was... Nonlinear model predictive controllers(NMPC)can predict the future behavior of the under-controlled system using a nonlinear predictive model.Here,an array of hyper chaotic diagonal recurrent neural network(HCDRNN)was proposed for modeling and predicting the behavior of the under-controller nonlinear system in a moving forward window.In order to improve the convergence of the parameters of the HCDRNN to improve system’s modeling,the extent of chaos is adjusted using a logistic map in the hidden layer.A novel NMPC based on the HCDRNN array(HCDRNN-NMPC)was proposed that the control signal with the help of an improved gradient descent method was obtained.The controller was used to control a continuous stirred tank reactor(CSTR)with hard-nonlinearities and input constraints,in the presence of uncertainties including external disturbance.The results of the simulations show the superior performance of the proposed method in trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection.Parameter convergence and neglectable prediction error of the neural network(NN),guaranteed stability and high tracking performance are the most significant advantages of the proposed scheme. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear model predictive control diagonal recurrent neural network chaos theory continuous stirred tank reactor
Design of supercontinuum source for coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Hui CHANG Sheng-jiang ZHANG Yan-xin ZHAO Xiang-ting 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2008年第2期103-105,共3页
A new method to obtain supercontinuum(SC) source for multiplex coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy is proposed. The nonlinear propagation in photonic-crystal fibers (PCF) of femtosecond pulse laser... A new method to obtain supercontinuum(SC) source for multiplex coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy is proposed. The nonlinear propagation in photonic-crystal fibers (PCF) of femtosecond pulse laser with central wavelength at 800.9 nm is studied with scalar wave theory. Based on the incident laser power and dispersion of PCF, super broadband source for multiplex CARS microscopy is designed. 展开更多
关键词 超级连续资源 拉曼理论 散射显微镜 光纤器械
Theory and Practice of Soil and Water Ecology 被引量:4
作者 SUN Fazheng 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第2期71-74,共4页
Author of this paper introduced the formation and development, main viewpoints, and framework of the theory of soil and water ecology, as well as the role and value of realizing the sustainable utilization of soil and... Author of this paper introduced the formation and development, main viewpoints, and framework of the theory of soil and water ecology, as well as the role and value of realizing the sustainable utilization of soil and water ecological resources, the sustainable maintenance of ecological environment, and the sustainable development of economy and society. The paper argued that in the current era, it is imperative to maintain the integrity and continuity of soil and water ecology and culture, emphasize the planning and construction of soil and water ecological infrastructure, and ensure the service functions of urban ecosystem, so as to realize the sustainable utilization of soil and water ecological resources, and the sustainable maintenance of ecological environment, and the sustainable development of economy and society. 展开更多
关键词 Soil and water ecology THEORY PRACTICE Role Far-reaching significance
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