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作者 朱崇科 《关东学刊》 2020年第4期71-77,共7页
《无常》作为一篇精致的散文创作,有其混杂的文体特征,即杂文性与叙事性涵容其间。而在意义指涉上也有其独特而又繁复的指向,最少有三重:其一是民间视野下的阴间设置,而连接点则是“活无常”;其二是这篇写于1926年“三一八惨案”三个多... 《无常》作为一篇精致的散文创作,有其混杂的文体特征,即杂文性与叙事性涵容其间。而在意义指涉上也有其独特而又繁复的指向,最少有三重:其一是民间视野下的阴间设置,而连接点则是“活无常”;其二是这篇写于1926年“三一八惨案”三个多月之后的文章极具批判性,一方面指向了对残暴专制的批判,另一方面又对其帮闲——“正人君子”进行多面嘲讽;其三,此文还有对人生哲学的反思——包括强调人性提升、“公理”诉求以及对“立人”新发展之后的“立国”关怀。 展开更多
关键词 《无常》 “公理” 人性 “立人”
无常的负面形象分析——重读《无常》 被引量:1
作者 刘恋 《齐齐哈尔师范高等专科学校学报》 2018年第3期23-25,共3页
关键词 《无常》 鲁迅 负面形象 悲剧色彩
鬼背后的人情味——浅析鲁迅的《无常》和《女吊》 被引量:1
作者 李安宁 《安阳师范学院学报》 2012年第3期82-84,共3页
作为"五四"一代的知识分子,鲁迅在其作品中大量地写到"鬼",这并不是迷信而是一种隐喻和寄托。是通过描绘这些活跃在乡村社戏舞台、民间传说里的"鬼"世界,在这个"鬼"世界背后看到人的某些特质... 作为"五四"一代的知识分子,鲁迅在其作品中大量地写到"鬼",这并不是迷信而是一种隐喻和寄托。是通过描绘这些活跃在乡村社戏舞台、民间传说里的"鬼"世界,在这个"鬼"世界背后看到人的某些特质来寄托他的一种人生理想。本文就通过《无常》和《女吊》两篇文章来讨论一下这鬼背后的人性。 展开更多
关键词 《无常》 《女吊》 人性
作者 李矜 《绵阳师范学院学报》 2008年第1期37-40,56,共5页
《无常》因其与《朝花夕拾》格格不入的杂文化风格常常被研究者简单化处理。但鲁迅却借助无常这一特殊形象传达了对父亲(包括父亲和老师)的理想。寿镜吾和藤野先生在描写策略上有诸多相似之处,他们是无常代表的"师格"的正面典... 《无常》因其与《朝花夕拾》格格不入的杂文化风格常常被研究者简单化处理。但鲁迅却借助无常这一特殊形象传达了对父亲(包括父亲和老师)的理想。寿镜吾和藤野先生在描写策略上有诸多相似之处,他们是无常代表的"师格"的正面典范,同时也是在鲁迅人生中缺席的父亲角色的有力补充,三者最终统一于无常。《无常》体现了鲁迅一生对"人之父"孜孜不倦追求的轨迹,并将《朝花夕拾》从回忆型文本上升到美感与哲理并存的高度。 展开更多
关键词 《无常》 恩师 缺席的父亲 人之父
作者 刘云 《东岳论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期22-29,共8页
《无常》在鲁迅作品中是颇为特殊的一篇,其间所反映出的鲁迅对“目连戏中鬼魂的偏爱”和对“民间迷信思想的同情”,为我们提供了一个新的角度来认识20世纪20年代鲁迅的民众观。本文通过对《无常》的历史渊源的分析,在厘清作为目连戏小... 《无常》在鲁迅作品中是颇为特殊的一篇,其间所反映出的鲁迅对“目连戏中鬼魂的偏爱”和对“民间迷信思想的同情”,为我们提供了一个新的角度来认识20世纪20年代鲁迅的民众观。本文通过对《无常》的历史渊源的分析,在厘清作为目连戏小戏的《无常》在清代演剧中的真正面貌的基础上,分析其在民间文化传统中的地位与作用,探寻鲁迅对之“偏爱”的真正原因以及“无常”所代表的民间诙谐文化对鲁迅的独特意义;进而通过鲁迅在20世纪20年代对“民间迷信思想”和“民众”的认识变化,管窥这一时期他所经历的思想转型的成因与影响。 展开更多
关键词 《无常》 目连戏 民间诙谐文化 民众观
作者 崔红芬 文健 《敦煌研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期45-54,共10页
《无常经》全称《佛说无常经》,亦名《三启经》,在黑水城和敦煌藏经洞中都有保存,英藏黑水城文献中有西夏文残叶,俄藏黑水城文献和敦煌文献存有汉文本。英藏、俄藏黑水城和敦煌藏经洞文献的刊布为我们更好地了解此经典的版本和流传提供... 《无常经》全称《佛说无常经》,亦名《三启经》,在黑水城和敦煌藏经洞中都有保存,英藏黑水城文献中有西夏文残叶,俄藏黑水城文献和敦煌文献存有汉文本。英藏、俄藏黑水城和敦煌藏经洞文献的刊布为我们更好地了解此经典的版本和流传提供了依据。对英国国家图书馆藏Or.12380-3700aRV (K.K.II.0258.m)、Or.12380-3700b(K.K.II.0258.m)和Or.12380-3700bRV(K.K.II.0258.m)西夏文《无常经》残叶进行释读、版式考定和内容重新缀合,比较黑水城和敦煌藏经洞出土的汉文本的差异,并考察了此经典的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 英藏黑水城文献 西夏文 《无常经》
作者 施晓燕 《上海鲁迅研究》 2020年第1期188-198,共11页
《无常》是鲁迅1926年写的一篇散文,最初发表于1926年7月10日《莽原》半月刊第一卷第十三期,1928年9月与其他9篇散文一起集结成单行本《朝花夕拾》,由北京未名社出版。这10篇文章都是回忆性散文,鲁迅在《朝花夕拾》的小引里有一段抒情... 《无常》是鲁迅1926年写的一篇散文,最初发表于1926年7月10日《莽原》半月刊第一卷第十三期,1928年9月与其他9篇散文一起集结成单行本《朝花夕拾》,由北京未名社出版。这10篇文章都是回忆性散文,鲁迅在《朝花夕拾》的小引里有一段抒情性的文字. 展开更多
关键词 《朝花夕拾》 回忆性散文 未名社 抒情性 《莽原》 《无常》 单行本
作者 张炎 《图书馆杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第7期118-128,共11页
《无常经》,一卷,唐人义净译。经普查,目前所公布的敦煌文献中存有该经91号,其中11号首尾完整,其余均为残卷或残片。本文从残字契合、内容相承、行款相同、书风书迹近似、卷面印记拼合等不同角度进行比较分析,将其中的27号残卷或残片缀... 《无常经》,一卷,唐人义净译。经普查,目前所公布的敦煌文献中存有该经91号,其中11号首尾完整,其余均为残卷或残片。本文从残字契合、内容相承、行款相同、书风书迹近似、卷面印记拼合等不同角度进行比较分析,将其中的27号残卷或残片缀合为12组。 展开更多
关键词 敦煌文献 《无常经》 残卷 缀合
作者 罗欣怡 《视听》 2021年第5期190-191,共2页
广告既具备商业价值又具备文化价值。广告作为社会文化的一部分,其中包含的文化价值观念在影响社会方面不可小觑。在2020年"全民健身日"前夕,运动健身类品牌Keep与人间世纪录片团队合作,发布了广告《无常·四重奏》。本... 广告既具备商业价值又具备文化价值。广告作为社会文化的一部分,其中包含的文化价值观念在影响社会方面不可小觑。在2020年"全民健身日"前夕,运动健身类品牌Keep与人间世纪录片团队合作,发布了广告《无常·四重奏》。本文以该广告为例,运用多模态话语分析的方法对广告内容进行拆解,并从文字、画面与声音三个方面对广告内容进行阐释。同时,从广告文化传播的角度对《无常·四重奏》中所蕴含的社会生活文化价值观念进行分析。 展开更多
关键词 广告文化 品牌文化 多模态话语分析 KEEP 《无常·四重奏》
《朝花夕拾》:文学的个人史(之二)——《朝花夕拾》分篇解读(上) 被引量:3
作者 吴俊 《写作》 2021年第3期9-20,共12页
本文是作者有关鲁迅及围绕《朝花夕拾》探讨的书稿内容,在本刊连载的第二篇,主体是解读《朝花夕拾》的前五篇。主旨是遵循作品叙述行文的脉络和逻辑,从文体修辞上分析作品的写作趣味、内蕴和技巧;同时作为“文学的个人史”,作品也是鲁... 本文是作者有关鲁迅及围绕《朝花夕拾》探讨的书稿内容,在本刊连载的第二篇,主体是解读《朝花夕拾》的前五篇。主旨是遵循作品叙述行文的脉络和逻辑,从文体修辞上分析作品的写作趣味、内蕴和技巧;同时作为“文学的个人史”,作品也是鲁迅个人生活的一种内心真实呈现,审美导向的还是人生经验和人格世界。《朝花夕拾》后6-8篇的解读,请待本刊下期连载发表。本刊目前已定发表的三篇文章,约占全部书稿的四分之一篇幅。 展开更多
关键词 文学的个人史 《朝花夕拾》 《狗·猫·鼠》 《阿长与〈山海经〉》 《二十四孝图》 《五猖会》 《无常》
《老子》首章释读的再思考 被引量:2
作者 孙功进 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2017年第4期10-16,共7页
帛本《老子》"道可道"章虽是目前可见的本章最早文本,但以帛本为"道可道"章断句方式的唯一依据仍过于武断,也并不能排除帛本来自某一《老子》传本的可能。帛本、河上公《注》、王弼《注》关于"道可道"章... 帛本《老子》"道可道"章虽是目前可见的本章最早文本,但以帛本为"道可道"章断句方式的唯一依据仍过于武断,也并不能排除帛本来自某一《老子》传本的可能。帛本、河上公《注》、王弼《注》关于"道可道"章的断句方式的确有着难以克服的阐释疑难,《老子》"道可道"章在"名""欲"前断句仍有很大的合理性。通行本《老子》首章的核心问题是"道"与名言的关系问题。通过对"无"和"有"这两个名相的互斥和双显,首章实现了对"道"之存在样态的描述,从而使处于名言世界中的人对"无名"之"道"的领悟成为可能。 展开更多
关键词 《老子》 常无 常有
Uncertainties in Quantitatively Estimating the Atmospheric Heat Source over the Tibetan Plateau 被引量:8
作者 DUAN An-Min WANG Mei-Rong XIAO Zhi-Xiang 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2014年第1期28-33,共6页
As a huge,intense,and elevated atmospheric heat source(AHS) approaching the mid-troposphere in spring and summer,the Tibetan Plateau(TP) thermal forcing is perceived as an important factor contributing to the formatio... As a huge,intense,and elevated atmospheric heat source(AHS) approaching the mid-troposphere in spring and summer,the Tibetan Plateau(TP) thermal forcing is perceived as an important factor contributing to the formation and variation of the Asian summer monsoon.Despite numerous studies devoted to determine the strength and change of the thermal forcing of the TP on the basis of various data sources and methods,uncertainties remain in quantitative estimation of the AHS and will persist for the following reasons:(1) Routine meteorological stations cover only limited regions and show remarkable spatial inhomogeneity with most distributed in the central and eastern plateau.Moreover,all of these stations are situated at an altitude below 5000 m.Thus,the large area above that elevation is not included in the data.(2) Direct observations on heat fluxes do not exist at most stations,and the sensible heat flux(SHF) is calculated by the bulk formula,in which the drag coefficient for heat is often treated as an empirical constant without considering atmospheric stability and thermal roughness length.(3) Radiation flux derived by satellite remote sensing shows a large discrepancy in the algorithm in data inversion and complex terrain.(4) In reanalysis data,besides the rare observational records employed for data assimilation,model bias in physical processes induces visible errors in producing the diabatic heating fields. 展开更多
关键词 Tibetan Plateau atmospheric heat source data bias UNCERTAINTIES
Robustness of Precipitation Projections in China:Comparison between CMIP5 and CMIP3 Models 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Huo-Po SUN Jian-Qi 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2014年第1期67-73,共7页
Three sources of uncertainty in model projections of precipitation change in China for the 21st century were separated and quantified: internal variability,inter-model variability,and scenario uncertainty.Simulations ... Three sources of uncertainty in model projections of precipitation change in China for the 21st century were separated and quantified: internal variability,inter-model variability,and scenario uncertainty.Simulations from models involved in the third phase and the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP3 and CMIP5) were compared to identify improvements in the robustness of projections from the latest generation of models.No significant differences were found between CMIP3 and CMIP5 in terms of future precipitation projections over China,with the two datasets both showing future increases.The uncertainty can be attributed firstly to internal variability,and then to both inter-model and internal variability.Quantification analysis revealed that the uncertainty in CMIP5 models has increased by about 10%–60% with respect to CMIP3,despite significant improvements in the latest generation of models.The increase is mainly due to the increase of internal variability in the initial decades,and then mainly due to the increase of inter-model variability thereafter,especially by the end of this century.The change in scenario uncertainty shows no major role,but makes a negative contribution to begin with,and then an increase later. 展开更多
Output feedback robust model predictive control with unmeasurable model parameters and bounded disturbance 被引量:2
作者 Baocang Ding Hongguang Pan 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第10期1431-1441,共11页
The output feedback model predictive control(MPC),for a linear parameter varying(LPV) process system including unmeasurable model parameters and disturbance(all lying in known polytopes),is considered.Some previously ... The output feedback model predictive control(MPC),for a linear parameter varying(LPV) process system including unmeasurable model parameters and disturbance(all lying in known polytopes),is considered.Some previously developed tools,including the norm-bounding technique for relaxing the disturbance-related constraint handling,the dynamic output feedback law,the notion of quadratic boundedness for specifying the closed-loop stability,and the ellipsoidal state estimation error bound for guaranteeing the recursive feasibility,are merged in the control design.Some previous approaches are shown to be the special cases.An example of continuous stirred tank reactor(CSTR) is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. 展开更多
关键词 Model predictive control Process systems Stability Recursive feasibility Uncertainty Norm-bounding technique
Dynamic Portfolio Choice under Time-Varying,Jumps,and Knight Uncertainty of Asset Return Process
作者 何朝林 孟卫东 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第5期720-726,共7页
By introducing a stochastic element to the double-jump diffusion framework to measure the Knight uncertainty of asset return process,the model of dynamic portfolio choice was built,which maximized the expected utility... By introducing a stochastic element to the double-jump diffusion framework to measure the Knight uncertainty of asset return process,the model of dynamic portfolio choice was built,which maximized the expected utility of terminal portfolio wealth.Through specifying the state function of uncertainty-aversion,it utilized the max-min method to derive the analytical solution of the model to study the effect of time-varying,jumps,and Knight uncertainty of asset return process on dynamic portfolio choice and their interactions.Results of comparative analysis show:the time-varying results in positive or negative intertemporal hedging demand of portfolio,which depends on the coefficient of investor's risk aversion and the correlation coefficient between return shift and volatility shift;the jumps in asset return overall reduce investor's demand for the risky asset,which can be enhanced or weakened by the jumps in volatility;due to the existing of Knight uncertainty,the investor avoids taking large position on risky asset,and improves portfolio's steady and immunity;the effects of the time-varying,jumps,and Knight uncertainty are interactive. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic portfolio TIME-VARYING JUMPS Knight uncertainty
Hybrid Slip Model for Near-Field Ground Motion Estimation Based on Uncertainty of Source Parameters
作者 孙晓丹 陶夏新 +1 位作者 汤爱平 路建波 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2010年第1期61-67,共7页
The hybrid slip model used to generate a finite fault model for near-field ground motion estimation and seismic hazard assessment was improved to express the uncertainty of the source form of a future earthquake.In th... The hybrid slip model used to generate a finite fault model for near-field ground motion estimation and seismic hazard assessment was improved to express the uncertainty of the source form of a future earthquake.In this process, source parameters were treated as normal random variables, and the Fortran code of hybrid slip model was modified by adding a random number generator so that the code could generate many finite fault models with different dimensions and slip distributions for a given magnitude.Furth... 展开更多
关键词 hybrid slip model uncertainty of source parameters optimal finite fault model near-field ground motion estimation
Anomaly detection and segmentation based on multi-student teacher network
作者 REN Chaoqiang LIU Dengfeng 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2022年第2期235-241,共7页
In automated industrial inspection,it is often necessary to train models on anomaly-free images and perform anomaly detection on products,which is also an important and challenging task in computer vision.The student-... In automated industrial inspection,it is often necessary to train models on anomaly-free images and perform anomaly detection on products,which is also an important and challenging task in computer vision.The student-teacher network trains students to regress the output of the teacher,and uses the difference between the output of the student network and the pre-trained teacher network to locate anomalies,which has achieved advanced results in the field of abnormal segmentation.However,it is slow to predict a picture,and no anomaly detection is performed.A multi-student teacher network is proposed,which uses multiple student networks to jointly regress the output of the teacher network,and the minimum square difference between the output of students and teachers in each dimension is selected as the difference value.The information in the middle layer of the network is used to represent each area of the image and calculate the anomaly distance for anomaly segmentation,and the maximum abnormal score is used to represent the abnormal degree of the image for abnormal detection.Experiments results on MVTec anomaly detection show that the algorithm predicts a picture in 0.17 s and can output anomaly detection results at the same time,with image AUROC reaching 91.1%and Pixel AUROC reaching 94.5%.On the wall tile dataset produced by taking pictures of real scenes,image AUROC reached 89.7%,and Pixel AUROC reached 89.1%.Compared with the original student-teacher network,the proposed method can quickly complete anomaly segmentation and anomaly detection tasks at the same time with better accuracy,and it also has better results in real applications. 展开更多
关键词 student-teacher network anomaly detection anomaly segmentation unsupervised learning
A Theorem on Infinitesimal I-isometry of Surfaces Immersed in a Space with Constant Curvature
作者 程新跃 杨文茂 邱敦元 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1997年第4期63-69, ,共7页
In this paper we discuss the infinitesimal I-isometric de formations of surfaces immersed in a space with constant curvature. We obtain a sufficient condition for the de formation vector field to be zero vector field ... In this paper we discuss the infinitesimal I-isometric de formations of surfaces immersed in a space with constant curvature. We obtain a sufficient condition for the de formation vector field to be zero vector field which is generalization of the results in [1] and [2]. 展开更多
关键词 infinitesimal isometric deformation mean curvature vector sectional curvature
Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment in the Supersymmetric Models with and Without Right—Handed Neutrinos
作者 FENGTai-Fu HUANGTao 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期179-188,共10页
We discuss the anomalous magnetic moment of muon in the minimal supersymmetric model with and without right-handed neutrinos. In the same framework, the decay width of is also evaluated. Considering the measured val... We discuss the anomalous magnetic moment of muon in the minimal supersymmetric model with and without right-handed neutrinos. In the same framework, the decay width of is also evaluated. Considering the measured value of muon in the E821 experiment and other experimental constraints on the lepton-flavor-violation processes, we carry out numerical analysis on the concerned observables in the minimal supergravity scenario. 展开更多
关键词 muon anomalous magnetic moment SUSY right-handed neutrino
High permittivity and low dielectric loss analysis of lead free Sr_(1-x)La_x(Ti_(0.5) Fe_(0.5))O_3
作者 M.R.Shah A.K.M.Akther Hossain 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第12期3363-3371,共9页
The structural and electrical properties of lead free Srx-xLax(Tio.sFeo.5)O3 (SLTFO) prepared by standard solid state reaction technique were studied. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the formation of a si... The structural and electrical properties of lead free Srx-xLax(Tio.sFeo.5)O3 (SLTFO) prepared by standard solid state reaction technique were studied. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed the formation of a single-phase cubic perovskite structure. The compositional dependence of lattice constant, density and microstructural studies show that they vary significantly with La3+ content. When measured at 10 kHz, all the compositions of SLTFO at room temperature exhibit a high permittivity (about 104) and low dielectric loss (about 10-3). SLTFO also display minimum dielectric loss within the lower and higher limits of frequency, indicating that the samples are of good quality. It is concluded from the calculated ac conductivity that the conduction is due to mixed polarons hopping. The complex impedance plot exhibits a tendency of forming a single semicircular arc for all compositions, which implies a dominance of grain boundary resistance on the impedance. Impedance parameters were determined by fitting the experimental data with Cole-Cole empirical formula. The results of the present experiment indicate that the lead free SLTFO materials with higher permittivity and lower dielectric loss have possible practical applications. 展开更多
关键词 dielectric properties solid state reaction Sr titanate X-ray diffraction
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