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“印太战略”背景下的中斯合作 被引量:1
作者 陈利君 《南亚东南亚研究》 2020年第2期66-93,151,152,共30页
近年来,由于印度洋战略地位的提升以及"印太战略"逐步从构想转变为现实,以美国为首的域外国家和以印度为首的域内国家不断加大对印度洋及其周边国家的政治、外交、经济、军事、安全等投入,使得印度洋的大国博弈日趋激烈。这... 近年来,由于印度洋战略地位的提升以及"印太战略"逐步从构想转变为现实,以美国为首的域外国家和以印度为首的域内国家不断加大对印度洋及其周边国家的政治、外交、经济、军事、安全等投入,使得印度洋的大国博弈日趋激烈。这不仅对印度洋周边国家的内外政策产生了重要影响,而且对我国倡议推动的"一带一路"国际合作也产生了深远影响。尽管斯里兰卡是印度洋上的一个小国,人口不多,经济实力不算强,在"印太战略"中也非核心国家,但其独特的地缘政治经济优势成为各方争夺的对象和大国博弈的一个重点。在此背景下,斯里兰卡的国内外政策与形势出现了许多新变化,国内政局稳定性下降,对外政策出现"摇摆",经济增长率下降,民生改善缓慢,恐怖活动增加,民众意见日益多元化,这值得我们在推进"一带一路"国际合作过程中高度关注。 展开更多
关键词 印太战略 “一带一路” 中斯合作 对策建议 里兰卡
岛国发展困局与中斯经济合作 被引量:4
作者 陈利君 《南亚东南亚研究》 2022年第3期92-107,155,156,共18页
岛国与内陆国、沿海国的地理、资源、市场容量等条件不同,其发展道路也不尽相同。世界上岛国众多,但大多数都面临一定的“发展困局”。斯里兰卡是印度洋岛国,长期奉行独立自主的外交政策,同世界建立了广泛联系。中国与斯里兰卡虽然地理... 岛国与内陆国、沿海国的地理、资源、市场容量等条件不同,其发展道路也不尽相同。世界上岛国众多,但大多数都面临一定的“发展困局”。斯里兰卡是印度洋岛国,长期奉行独立自主的外交政策,同世界建立了广泛联系。中国与斯里兰卡虽然地理位置较远,但友好交往源远流长。近年来,中斯在“一带一路”框架下开展全方位合作,合作成果丰硕,双边关系迈上新台阶。目前斯里兰卡受俄乌冲突、疫情、国际大宗商品价格猛涨等外溢因素的影响,正面临着严重的外汇危机、能源危机、粮食危机、药品危机和经济危机,经济发展、人民生活、社会稳定受到前所未有的挑战。中国积极发展中斯关系,努力推进经济合作,并在力所能及的范围之内为斯提供各种帮助,这对斯里兰卡经济社会发展和民生改善提供了强有力的支持,获得了斯各界的广泛认可。斯里兰卡要恢复往日的“亚洲之虎”荣光,既需要政局与社会稳定、深化改革、振兴产业,增强内生发展动力,又需要扩大开放、优化环境、保持“外交平衡”,以充分利用国内外资源促进发展。中斯可借建交65周年和《米胶协定》签署70周年之机,承前启后,进一步深化务实合作,高质量共建“一带一路”,共同开启友好合作新篇章。 展开更多
关键词 “一带一路” 岛国经济 岛国困局 经济危机 中斯合作
作者 王秋彬 普雷马拉特纳 乌梅什·莫拉穆达利 《南亚东南亚研究》 2023年第2期96-108,156,共14页
斯里兰卡是较早参与“一带一路”倡议的国家之一,使用中国贷款建设了高速公路、港口、机场、电视塔等重要基础设施,但却经常被西方与印度拿来作为所谓“中国债务陷阱论”的典型案例。2022年,斯里兰卡爆发自独立以来最为严重的债务危机,... 斯里兰卡是较早参与“一带一路”倡议的国家之一,使用中国贷款建设了高速公路、港口、机场、电视塔等重要基础设施,但却经常被西方与印度拿来作为所谓“中国债务陷阱论”的典型案例。2022年,斯里兰卡爆发自独立以来最为严重的债务危机,陷入经济、政治、社会等多重危机,引起国际社会广泛关注。由于近年来中国贷款在斯里兰卡外债总额中的占比增加,西方以及印度有些人就把这场危机归咎于中国贷款,再度大肆炒作“中国债务陷阱论”。但事实上,从外债结构来看,斯里兰卡高额债务负担的直接原因是商业贷款规模的急剧增加;从债权人结构来看,国际主权债券(ISB)而不是中国贷款规模在斯里兰卡外债存量以及还本付息额中占比更高。可见,这场危机不仅不能算到中国头上,也很难完全归咎于新冠病毒大流行、乌克兰危机等外部因素。危机的根源性因素主要是在斯里兰卡内部:国家落入中等收入陷阱、政府长期的经济管理不善与政治机会主义、经济的结构性弱点等因素,这是造成这场严重危机的重要根源。简言之,债务危机的爆发不是债务本身或贷款国出了问题,而是使用债务的人与方式出了问题。为此,斯里兰卡需要进行重大改革并采取短期、中期和长期战略,才能带领国家走出危机。 展开更多
关键词 里兰卡 债务危机 国债务陷阱论” 国贷款 中斯合作
习近平元首外交与中斯战略合作伙伴关系:路径选择、影响因素与危机处理 被引量:3
作者 张颖 魏斌 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期1-14,共14页
中国与斯里兰卡有着深厚的传统友谊,两国关系的发展现状和走向对中国在印度洋区域内的相关利益有着极其重要的影响。"一带一路"倡议提出后,斯里兰卡作为"一带一路"建设在印度洋的支点国家,战略位置愈加重要。在中... 中国与斯里兰卡有着深厚的传统友谊,两国关系的发展现状和走向对中国在印度洋区域内的相关利益有着极其重要的影响。"一带一路"倡议提出后,斯里兰卡作为"一带一路"建设在印度洋的支点国家,战略位置愈加重要。在中国与斯里兰卡的交往中,习近平通过元首外交,规划了中斯战略合作伙伴关系的路径目标,克服了影响中斯关系的不利因素,体现了习近平"亲诚惠容"的外交理念和"与邻为善、以邻为伴"的周边外交思想;体现了习近平外交思想中以"一带一路"建设为重点,遵循共商共建共享的原则,扩大同各国的利益交汇点的战略思想;体现了习近平外交思想中构建人类命运共同体,推动建设相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系的宏大构想。 展开更多
关键词 元首外交 里兰卡 战略合作伙伴关系 “一带一路” 合作共赢 习近平外交思想
The Opportunities, Challenges and Countermeasures of Energy Cooperation between China and Kazakhstan under the Background of "One Belt and One Road"
作者 KARIPBEK ZHASSULAN 《International English Education Research》 2018年第3期17-19,共3页
Relative to countries such as Russia, the United States, and Europe, China has only recently occupied a place in the energy sector in Kazakhstan. However, after 10 years of hard work, China has come to the fore and th... Relative to countries such as Russia, the United States, and Europe, China has only recently occupied a place in the energy sector in Kazakhstan. However, after 10 years of hard work, China has come to the fore and the fierce energy competition in Kazakhstan has become an important energy trading partner of Central Asian countries. Therefore, we can learn a lot of experience and lessons from our emphasis on cooperation with China's energy trade and research in Central Asian countries. Against the backdrop of fierce international energy competition and the deep implementation of the "One Belt and One Road" initiative, it is like a double-edged sword for energy trade cooperation between China and Central Asian countries, problem. How China seizes opportunities, resolves challenges, and further deepens pragmatic cooperation in the energy sector with Central Asian countries so as to better protect the country' s energy security is a very real issue. 展开更多
关键词 One Belt One Road China and Kazakhstan Energy Cooperation
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO): Prospects and Problems in Russia-China Relations
作者 Hu, Feng-Yung 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第2期101-113,共13页
After the collapse of Soviet Union, both Russia and China started to normalize their bilateral relations. Russia lost her geopolitical sphere and China started to broaden his influence in Asian-Pacific and Central Asi... After the collapse of Soviet Union, both Russia and China started to normalize their bilateral relations. Russia lost her geopolitical sphere and China started to broaden his influence in Asian-Pacific and Central Asian regions. The function of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is changing from symbolic to more substantial cooperation. It seems to be that the SCO plays multiple roles in Russia-China relations both in anti-terrorism and in energy economy. This paper is devoted to exploring the functions of the SCO and to seeing the problems in furthering Russia-China relations 展开更多
关键词 Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Russia-China relations prospects and problems
Are China and Russia Axis or Partners?
作者 Fu Ying 《Contemporary International Relations》 2016年第1期1-30,136,共30页
Grounded in an analysis of the unique advantages of China-Russia relations, the paper argues that the two countries have established a high level of political trust and will continue to work in concert on all fronts. ... Grounded in an analysis of the unique advantages of China-Russia relations, the paper argues that the two countries have established a high level of political trust and will continue to work in concert on all fronts. It also looks back at how China entered into alliances throughout its history and the lessons it has learned from those experiences. It emphasizes that China does not deem the establishment of exclusive alliances or political blocs as a foreign policy option. 展开更多
关键词 Russia political cooperation trust alliance affairs learned exclusive jointly mutual
Evolution of Regional Geopolitical Pattern and Its Impact on the Regional Resources Cooperation in Northeast Asia 被引量:3
作者 于会录 董锁成 +3 位作者 李泽红 李飞 程昊 李富佳 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2015年第2期93-100,共8页
Taking America's implementing the Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy and China's building the Silk Road Belt as a backdrop, this research generalizes the basic concepts of geopolitics, geo-economy and geo-strategy, a... Taking America's implementing the Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy and China's building the Silk Road Belt as a backdrop, this research generalizes the basic concepts of geopolitics, geo-economy and geo-strategy, and then reviews the basic theories of geopolitics and its progress. Furthermore, based on the results of analyzing the features of changes of East Asia geopolitical environment, the paper summarizes the development trends of geopolitical environment of Sino-Mongolia and Sino-Russia, and considers that the geopolitical pattern and order of the South China Sea has been changed deeply with the strong involvement of USA. One of the most important changes is that China's interests are suffering stern challenge from Japan, Vietnam, Philippines and other countries. Afterwards, taking the energy market as an example, this research analyzes the impact of geopolitical changes of East Asia on the regional resources market. For China, the strategic conception of building the Silk Road Economic Belt is a countermeasure to counterbalance the adverse changing. At the same time, Russia was sanctioned by western countries and turned their eyes to Asia. So the stern geopolitical environment of both countries provides a good opportunity for China-Russia economic and trade cooperation. Because of the similar geopolitical situation and economic complementary, the energy cooperation between China and Russia is expected to be further enhanced in the future. Although Mongolia's economy relies heavily on China, its geopolitical strategic demand and strategic target have changed profoundly since the United States returns to Asia. The diplomatic priority of Mongolia is to strengthen exchanges with "the third neighbor" and to counterbalance its two neighbors' influences. Though the Sino-Mongolia geopolitical relations are mainly positive, America's involvement increased the uncertainty of Sino-Mongolia resources cooperation. For Japan and Korea being America's allies, the harsh regional geopolitical environment will decrease their share of resources market in northeast Asia in the future. 展开更多
关键词 the American Asia-Pacific Rebalancing strategy geopolitical pattern resources cooperation ChinaMongolia RUSSIA
Problems and Countermeasures to Timber Trade between China and Russian Far East Region
作者 LI Jianquan HOU Jianjun +1 位作者 DUAN Xinfang LU Wenming 《Chinese Forestry Science and Technology》 2007年第3期72-84,共13页
The shortfall of timber resource in China constantly keeps about 150 million m3, which mainly relies on import to fill in the gap. However, Russia, the key timber supply state of China, has encouraged the development ... The shortfall of timber resource in China constantly keeps about 150 million m3, which mainly relies on import to fill in the gap. However, Russia, the key timber supply state of China, has encouraged the development of its national intensive timber processing and therefore the Russian Far East Region started to gradually restrict log export. To this end, this paper analyzes the situation of forest industry and timber production in Russian Far East and discusses the current status and existing problems in timber trade between Russian Far East and China. At the end, the paper presents policy recommendation for future timber trade between Russian Far East and China and views their forestry cooperation prospect. 展开更多
关键词 timber trade forest resources forestry cooperation Russia Far East China
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