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乳头凹陷产妇实施母乳喂养的护理心得 被引量:5
作者 张露 《基层医学论坛》 2016年第12期1722-1724,共3页
据资料统计显示,西方国家女性发生乳头凹陷率达3.26%,东方部分国家妇女乳头凹陷率比率高达7%,我国妇女产后乳头凹陷的发病率为3%。世界卫生组织大力提倡全球产妇母乳喂养,指出母乳是婴儿的天然理想食物,母乳喂养是儿童生长发育的基础,... 据资料统计显示,西方国家女性发生乳头凹陷率达3.26%,东方部分国家妇女乳头凹陷率比率高达7%,我国妇女产后乳头凹陷的发病率为3%。世界卫生组织大力提倡全球产妇母乳喂养,指出母乳是婴儿的天然理想食物,母乳喂养是儿童生长发育的基础,是保障儿童健康成长的根本措施。爱婴医院要求母乳喂养率达到100%,因此推广母乳喂养对婴儿以及家庭、社会都有积极作用。 展开更多
关键词 乳头凹陷 母乳喂养 产妇心理 爱婴医院 辅助乳头 护理心得 内陷乳头 产科护士 乳头突起 乳头退缩
作者 刘吉斌 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 1989年第3期55-55,共1页
本文报告了一种中国人中罕见的胰腺实性乳头状瘤(又称囊性乳头状瘤或低度乳头状癌)的声象图表现。病例女性,29岁。超声检查偶然发现胰尾部8×8cm大小囊实性肿块,内有分隔,实性部分中有乳头状突起;超声引导下在囊性部分穿刺抽出血性... 本文报告了一种中国人中罕见的胰腺实性乳头状瘤(又称囊性乳头状瘤或低度乳头状癌)的声象图表现。病例女性,29岁。超声检查偶然发现胰尾部8×8cm大小囊实性肿块,内有分隔,实性部分中有乳头状突起;超声引导下在囊性部分穿刺抽出血性液体。实性部分细胞学检查为阴性。CT扫描与超声相同,注射对比剂后,实性部分增强。 展开更多
关键词 乳头状瘤 胰尾 囊实性肿块 乳头状癌 囊性部分 乳头突起 血性液体 囊性变 象图 注射对比剂
作者 段安明 雷春燕 +1 位作者 刘丁兰 隆孝才 《西北国防医学杂志》 CAS 1993年第2期60-60,共1页
患者,男,52岁,哈族.1991年2月18日入院.患者缘于2年前出现右侧鼻阻,后呈渐进性加重,近半年来持续鼻阻并出现鼻衄,肿物突出于鼻孔外,有粘性分泌物,伴有头痛,以前额为重.以鼻腔乳头状瘤收住.查:全身情况好,鼻背正直,右侧鼻翼处膨隆,右鼻... 患者,男,52岁,哈族.1991年2月18日入院.患者缘于2年前出现右侧鼻阻,后呈渐进性加重,近半年来持续鼻阻并出现鼻衄,肿物突出于鼻孔外,有粘性分泌物,伴有头痛,以前额为重.以鼻腔乳头状瘤收住.查:全身情况好,鼻背正直,右侧鼻翼处膨隆,右鼻孔可见多数乳头状突起物填塞鼻腔.肿物呈淡红色,触之易出血,质软.鼻咽镜:见鼻后孔有同样之乳头状组织.鼻中隔向左侧偏曲,左侧中、下甲粘膜正常.鼻道无脓性分泌物.副鼻窦拍片:右侧阻塞性上颌窦炎.临床诊断:①右侧鼻腔乳头状瘤;②右侧阻塞性上颌窦炎.于2月28日在气管内麻醉下行右鼻侧切开,完整取出一团块状巨大肿物.病理组织学检查:送检组织体积8.6×5.4×2.2cm形如一朵开放的菊花,计有78~80枝,每枝长2.0~5.0cm, 展开更多
关键词 细胞乳头状瘤 下甲 上颌窦炎 鼻侧切开 鼻道 病理组织学检查 填塞鼻腔 鼻背 气管内麻醉 乳头突起
作者 李保春 《临床皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第6期59-,69,共2页
单侧乳头乳晕部巨大软纤维瘤1例李保春①患者女性,20岁,未婚。因右侧乳头乳晕出现多个乳头状突起4年于1994年3月20日来我科就诊。患者于4年前发现右侧乳头乳晕出现粟粒样乳头状增生,以后逐渐增多增大,且融合成半环状,... 单侧乳头乳晕部巨大软纤维瘤1例李保春①患者女性,20岁,未婚。因右侧乳头乳晕出现多个乳头状突起4年于1994年3月20日来我科就诊。患者于4年前发现右侧乳头乳晕出现粟粒样乳头状增生,以后逐渐增多增大,且融合成半环状,无疼痛及瘙痒感,乳头无分沁物溢出,... 展开更多
关键词 软纤维瘤 乳头乳晕 乳头状增生 二氧化碳激光 乳头突起 乳房发育 组织病理变化 乳头 神经系统检查 乳头
作者 Mahalingam M. Bhawan J. 张宪旗 《世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册)》 2005年第1期43-43,共1页
Background: Cutaneous metastases from thyroid carcinomas, although uncommon, have been previously reported and are usually found in association with evidence of disseminated disease.Methods: We report a 75-year-old ma... Background: Cutaneous metastases from thyroid carcinomas, although uncommon, have been previously reported and are usually found in association with evidence of disseminated disease.Methods: We report a 75-year-old male who presented with a 4-cm reddish violaceous nodule on the left temple and a clinical history significant for papillary carcinoma of the thyroid.Results: Microscopic examination of a 4-mm punch biopsy revealed a poorly circumscribed neoplasm with focal epidermal connection and multiple cystic cavities and papillary projections.Conclusions: This case report describes a solitary cutaneous lesion as the first evidence of disseminated neoplastic disease in a patient with no other clinical evidence of concurrent metastases.The histology of the lesion was unusual in that it mimicked a primary cutaneous neoplasm. 展开更多
关键词 甲状腺乳头状癌 乳头突起 皮肤肿瘤 实体性肿瘤 红色结节 临床征象 显微镜检查 左侧颞 播散性 环钻
半滑舌鳎侧线器官和无眼侧皮肤表面的特殊结构 被引量:5
作者 马爱军 王新安 庄志猛 《动物学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期1113-1120,共8页
为了解决半滑舌鳎的摄食难题,探讨其摄食机理,本文采用光镜和扫描电镜手段对半滑舌鳎有眼侧侧线管和无眼侧皮肤表面的特殊结构进行了研究。结果表明(1)有眼侧:半滑舌鳎侧线孔圆形,孔径与所在部位侧线管径相同,孔上并连有一胶质管,这种... 为了解决半滑舌鳎的摄食难题,探讨其摄食机理,本文采用光镜和扫描电镜手段对半滑舌鳎有眼侧侧线管和无眼侧皮肤表面的特殊结构进行了研究。结果表明(1)有眼侧:半滑舌鳎侧线孔圆形,孔径与所在部位侧线管径相同,孔上并连有一胶质管,这种特殊结构既可以提高管道内感觉器官(管道神经丘)的敏感性,又可阻止外界异物进入侧线管内部,具有保护作用;半滑舌鳎口腔附近的侧线管管径及侧线孔孔径较其它部位大,侧线孔密度高,认为口腔附近侧线管道内的感觉器官(管道神经丘)的敏感性较其它部位高,在鱼类捕食行为中具有重要作用;(2)无眼侧:躯干部表面覆盖圆鳞,头部皮肤无鳞,表面被覆相互连结的黏液管,形成黏液管皮肤;极其发达的黏液管构成管状黏液分泌系统。扫描电镜观察发现,在头部黏液管皮肤表面镶嵌着一种乳头状突起(Pailla),其典型特征是在表面被覆一盾牌状结构,一般多个簇生在一起,很少单独存在,其分布密度是从吻端向内逐渐减少,组织切片显示内部结构周边是套细胞,中央是感觉细胞,具一柄或两柄。根据其外部形态和内部结构,作者推测,这可能是半滑舌鳎特有的一种触觉器官,并在其摄食行为中起重要作用。半滑舌鳎极其发达的黏液分泌系统对于裸露的乳头状突起(Pailla)具有相当重要的保护作用。 展开更多
关键词 半滑舌鳎 侧线器官 皮肤表面 触觉器官 乳头突起
心脏黏液瘤及颅内并发症 被引量:2
作者 黄光 王海亮 唐煜 《中风与神经疾病杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第11期1051-1052,共2页
心脏黏液瘤是最常见的心脏肿瘤,占所有心脏良性肿瘤的50%。黏液瘤主要是由粘液状的富含多粘糖细胞外基质赘生物所构成,细胞成分少,大小从1 cm-15 cm不等。典型粘液瘤多为散发病例,呈圆形、卵圆形或分叶型,表面光滑,狭窄的蒂多数附着于... 心脏黏液瘤是最常见的心脏肿瘤,占所有心脏良性肿瘤的50%。黏液瘤主要是由粘液状的富含多粘糖细胞外基质赘生物所构成,细胞成分少,大小从1 cm-15 cm不等。典型粘液瘤多为散发病例,呈圆形、卵圆形或分叶型,表面光滑,狭窄的蒂多数附着于心房壁的卵圆凹,少数游离于心房壁或房室瓣膜,也有宽基底的报道。 展开更多
关键词 心脏黏液瘤 颅内并发症 粘液瘤 细胞外基质 宽基底 乳头突起 房室瓣 叶型 临床症状 组织结构
膀胱癌并急性红白血病1例 被引量:1
作者 崔立军 张文菊 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2014年第15期2120-2120,2123,共1页
膀胱癌在临床极其常见,常发生于老年男性。急性红白血病的发病率较低,几乎占急性白血病的5%~6%,如果两种恶性肿瘤在短短时间内发生在同一患者身上,临床上很少见[1-2]。现就本院2012年5月收住了1例患者,3个月前在'北京友谊医院'... 膀胱癌在临床极其常见,常发生于老年男性。急性红白血病的发病率较低,几乎占急性白血病的5%~6%,如果两种恶性肿瘤在短短时间内发生在同一患者身上,临床上很少见[1-2]。现就本院2012年5月收住了1例患者,3个月前在'北京友谊医院'诊断为膀胱癌,手术后在本院治疗观察,骨髓穿刺后诊断为急性红白血病。现报道如下。1临床资料患者,王廷山,男,72岁。患者缘于3个月前因无痛性血尿行膀胱B超,可见膀胱左侧壁多个乳头突起。 展开更多
关键词 急性红白血病 膀胱癌细胞 乳头突起 无痛性血尿 膀胱左侧 北京友谊医院 移行细胞癌 TURBT 粒系
作者 宋国璋 《临床神经病学杂志》 CAS 1990年第3期135-135,共1页
先证者(Ⅱ<sub>8</sub>),女,54岁,农民,10岁时额部皮肤生长一小包块,后渐增多,至25岁时已遍及全身,无不适。查体:躯干部皮肤有局限性增厚硬块5处和咖啡色色素斑5处,全身多发类园形实质性皮肤包块1500个以上,小米粒至鸡蛋... 先证者(Ⅱ<sub>8</sub>),女,54岁,农民,10岁时额部皮肤生长一小包块,后渐增多,至25岁时已遍及全身,无不适。查体:躯干部皮肤有局限性增厚硬块5处和咖啡色色素斑5处,全身多发类园形实质性皮肤包块1500个以上,小米粒至鸡蛋大小,质软,有蒂或无蒂。 展开更多
关键词 家系报告 局限性增厚 躯干部皮肤 额部皮肤 先证者 硬块 色素斑 乳头突起 病理检查 临床诊断
作者 李春梅 郑敏 +1 位作者 朱笑菲 刘静涛 《黑龙江医学》 1998年第3期31-31,共1页
关键词 胰腺囊腺癌 B型超声 胰腺假性囊肿 胰腺癌 哈尔滨医科大学 强回声光团 临床医学院 急性胰腺炎 乳头突起 胰腺外伤
作者 陈秀玲 《云南医药》 CAS 2016年第6期717-719,共3页
病例患者男,69岁,因肉眼血尿2h于2016年4月16日急诊入院,患者既往于2010年、2013年、2016年3次行经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术,术后多次膀胱灌注吡柔比星,今日突发肉眼血尿,CT提示膀胱肿瘤复发,于4月22日膀胱镜检发现膀胱内全是乳头状突起,膀... 病例患者男,69岁,因肉眼血尿2h于2016年4月16日急诊入院,患者既往于2010年、2013年、2016年3次行经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术,术后多次膀胱灌注吡柔比星,今日突发肉眼血尿,CT提示膀胱肿瘤复发,于4月22日膀胱镜检发现膀胱内全是乳头状突起,膀胱壁明显增厚,目前诊断膀胱癌术后复发,入院后经止血、膀胱冲洗等内科保守治疗,血尿不止,于5月3日请介入科行动脉化疗,介入科会诊后给拟行双侧髂总动脉及膀胱动脉造影+超选择性化疗栓塞。 展开更多
关键词 膀胱动脉栓塞术 动脉血栓 膀胱肿瘤 吡柔比星 肉眼血尿 膀胱镜检 乳头突起 膀胱冲洗 髂内动脉 手术指证
作者 任洪伟 郭立新 《泸州医学院学报》 1990年第4期301-301,共1页
淋巴管瘤并不少见,但发生于肠系膜者报道极少,因临床上特异性表现,术前常常误诊。现将我院诊治2例报告如下。例1:患者男性,33岁。发现左下腹无痛性肿块2月于1984年6月25日入院。查体:腹平软,左下腹扪及—8×5cm^2大肿块,质中等硬,... 淋巴管瘤并不少见,但发生于肠系膜者报道极少,因临床上特异性表现,术前常常误诊。现将我院诊治2例报告如下。例1:患者男性,33岁。发现左下腹无痛性肿块2月于1984年6月25日入院。查体:腹平软,左下腹扪及—8×5cm^2大肿块,质中等硬,较活动。B超示实质性肿物。剖腹探查于空回肠交界处肠系膜根部见—15cm ×15cm×6cm^3大肿块,表面呈乳头状突起。术后病理学诊断为肠系膜海绵状淋巴管瘤。例2:患者女性,18岁。反复中上腹痛10年。 展开更多
关键词 海绵状淋巴管瘤 无痛性肿块 肠系膜扭转 空回肠 病理学诊断 中上腹 乳头突起 肠管系膜 小肠梗阻 质中
作者 陆新德 金玮玲 《农村科技》 1994年第5期20-20,共1页
番茄的商品性是否优良,是生产中关系到能否增产,或增产能否增收的大事。实际中往往因果畸形、裂果或果腐导致其商品性下降,甚至失去价值。这种情祝在温室、大棚早熟栽培中尤为常见,且一旦发生无法挽回。现就此几种主要畸形变态果类型、... 番茄的商品性是否优良,是生产中关系到能否增产,或增产能否增收的大事。实际中往往因果畸形、裂果或果腐导致其商品性下降,甚至失去价值。这种情祝在温室、大棚早熟栽培中尤为常见,且一旦发生无法挽回。现就此几种主要畸形变态果类型、产生的原因及改善措施列举如下。1.果实乳头状突起或子房外翻。此种畸形主要是在保花保果中使用2,4-D浓度偏高,或重复沾花、或沾花未适时进行,或是低温损伤加药害,致使子房发育不正常,在果实膨大时表现了出来。改善措施:苗期避免低于5℃的低温;同2,4-D沾花配药要严格掌握浓度;沾花后作标记,以避免重沾;改用防落素喷花,致畸程度会明显下降。采用单性结实品种,目前已有红黄果品种,可不用药剂保花保果,避免药害。 展开更多
关键词 番茄果实 保花保果 单性结实 防落素 早熟栽培 果腐 花后 低温损伤 乳头突起 座果
作者 杨培豪 吴慧如 《福建体育科技》 1989年第1期50-54,共5页
运动员科学化选材在一些体育先进国家对此都作了大量的专门研究,并把研究成果应用于运动实践,制定了选材标准和育才方法,在竞技体育中取得了优良成绩。而我国,在选材工作上,目前基本上还是凭教练员的经验,从运动员的形态、素质和成绩的... 运动员科学化选材在一些体育先进国家对此都作了大量的专门研究,并把研究成果应用于运动实践,制定了选材标准和育才方法,在竞技体育中取得了优良成绩。而我国,在选材工作上,目前基本上还是凭教练员的经验,从运动员的形态、素质和成绩的好坏考虑的较多,这样就不可避免地将那些生活年龄虽小,发育程度偏大,运动能力提早表现的青少年误认为优秀运动人材,优先选入运动队,而那些发育期高潮时间长而推迟成熟的“大器晚成”者常常被遗漏,因此,为了提高选材的成功率,注重科学选材已迫在眉睫。 展开更多
关键词 骨龄 符合率 回代 乳房发育 月经初潮 回归方程计算 研究成果应用 发育水平 乳节 乳头突起
Hypertrophied anal papillae and fibrous anal polyps,should they be removed during anal fissure surgery? 被引量:2
作者 Pravin J.Gupta 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第16期2412-2414,共3页
AIM:Hypertrophied anal papillae and fibrous anal polyps are not given due importance in the proctology practice. They are mostly ignored being considered as normal structures.The present study was aimed to demonstrate... AIM:Hypertrophied anal papillae and fibrous anal polyps are not given due importance in the proctology practice. They are mostly ignored being considered as normal structures.The present study was aimed to demonstrate that hypertrophied anal papillae and fibrous anal polyps could cause symptoms to the patients and that they should be removed in treatment of patients with chronic fissure in anus. METHODS:Two groups of patients were studied.A hundred patients were studied in group A in which the associated fibrous polyp or papillae were removed by radio frequency surgical device after a lateral subcutaneous sphincterotomy for relieving the sphincter spasm.Another group of a hundred patients who also had papillae or fibrous polyps,were treated by lateral sphincterotomy alone.They were followed up for one year. RESULTS:Eighty-nine percent patients from group A expressed their satisfaction with the treatment in comparison to only 64% from group B who underwent sphincterotomy alone with the papillae or anal polyps left untreated.Group A patients showed a marked reduction with regard to pain and irritation during defecation (P=0.0011), pricking or foreign body sensation in the anus (P=0.0006) and pruritus or wetness around the anal verge (P=0.0008). CONCLUSION:Hypertrophied anal papillae and fibrous anal polyps should be removed during treatment of chronic anal fissure.This would add to effectiveness and completeness of the procedure. 展开更多
关键词 Adult Anal Canal Female Fissure in Ano Follow-Up Studies Humans HYPERTROPHY Intestinal Polyps Male Pain Patient Satisfaction Retrospective Studies Time Factors
Pancreaticoduodenectomy for duodenal papilla carcinoma: A single-centre 9-year retrospective study of 112 patients with long-term follow-up 被引量:6
作者 Pei-Long Lian Yuan Chang +3 位作者 Xiu-Chun Xu Zhen Zhao Xian-Qiang Wang Ke-Sen Xu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第30期5579-5588,共10页
AIM To retrospectively evaluate the factors that influence long-term outcomes of duodenal papilla carcinoma (DPC) after standard pancreaticoduodenectomy (SPD). METHODS This is a single-centre, retrospective study incl... AIM To retrospectively evaluate the factors that influence long-term outcomes of duodenal papilla carcinoma (DPC) after standard pancreaticoduodenectomy (SPD). METHODS This is a single-centre, retrospective study including 112 DPC patients who had a SPD between 2006 and 2015. Associations between serum levels of CA19-9 and CEA and various clinical characteristics of 112 patients with DPC were evaluated by the. 2 test and Fisher's exact test. The patients were followed-up every 3 mo in the first two years and at least every 6 mo afterwards, with a median follow-up of 60 mo (ranging from 4 mo to 168 mo). Survival analysis was conducted using the Kaplan-Meier survival and Cox proportional hazards model analysis. The difference in survival curves was evaluated with a log-rank test. RESULTS In 112 patients undergoing SPD, serum levels of CA19-9 was associated with serum levels of CEA and drainage mode (the P values were 0.000 and 0.033, respectively); While serum levels of CEA was associated with serum levels of CA19-9 and differentiation of the tumour (the P values were 0.000 and 0.033, respectively). The serum levels of CA19-9 and CEA were closely correlated (chi(2) = 13.277, r = 0.344, P = 0.000). The overall 5-year survival was 50.00% for 112 patients undergoing SPD. The Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that increased serum levels of CA19-9, CEA, and total bilirubin were correlated with a poor prognosis, as well as a senior grade of infiltration depth, lymph node metastases, and TNM stage(the P values were 0.033, 0.018, 0.015, 0.000, 0.000 and 0.000, respectively). Only the senior grade of infiltration depth and TNM stage retained their significance when adjustments were made for other known prognostic factors in Cox multivariate analysis (RR = 2.211, P = 0.022 and RR = 2.109, P = 0.047). CONCLUSION For patients with DPC, the serum levels of CA19-9 and CEA were closely correlated, and play an important role in poor survival. Increased serum levels of total bilirubin and lymph node metastases were also correlated with a poor prognosis. The senior grade of infiltration depth and TNM stage can serve as independent prognosis indexes in the evaluation of patients with DPC after SPD. 展开更多
关键词 Duodenal papilla carcinoma CA19-9 CEA SURVIVAL PANCREATICODUODENECTOMY
Screening and analysis of differentially expressed genes of dermal papillae cells with aggregative behavior 被引量:2
作者 宋志强 郝飞 +2 位作者 杨卫兵 王继文 邹锋 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2004年第1期15-21,共7页
Objective: To screen and clone differentially expressed genes of dermal papillae cells (DPC) with aggregative behavior, and to explore the molecular mechanism of their aggregation. Methods: Total RNAs were extracted f... Objective: To screen and clone differentially expressed genes of dermal papillae cells (DPC) with aggregative behavior, and to explore the molecular mechanism of their aggregation. Methods: Total RNAs were extracted from DPC with and without aggregative behavior and double strand cDNAs were synthesized by using SMART cDNA synthesis, respectively. The cDNA fragments of differentially expressed genes in DPCs with aggregative behavior were isolated by suppression subtractive hybridization. Positive clones were screened by PCR method and verified by cDNA dot blot, Northern blot and then analyzed through homologous retrieving. Results: A subtractive cDNA library of DPC with aggregative behavior has been successfully constructed. The result of screening and cloning of the library showed that, DPC with aggregative behavior could expresse genes related to homologous aggregation, proliferation and cycle control, including known genes (capping protein, paladin, vascular endothelial growth factor), hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPC) related clone (HSPC011 and HSPC016) and a new gene. Conclusion: The construction of subtracted library of DPC lays solid foundation for screening and cloning new and specific genes related to aggregative behavior of DPC. Several genes might be cooperatively involved in the homologous aggregation, proliferation and cycle control of DPC. Among these genes, capping protein and palladin might be closely related to the aggregative behavior of dermal papilla cells, and VEGF and HSPC related clone would be responsible for the status of higher proliferation of dermal papilla cells. 展开更多
关键词 dermal papilla cells suppression subtractive hybridization LIBRARY
作者 张梦琰 管玲 《甘肃医药》 2020年第5期477-477,480,共2页
患者男,15岁,因“发现腹腔包块”入院。患者一月余前无明显诱因出现上腹部胀满不适,无发热、黄疸,无泛酸、嗳气,无恶心、呕吐,无腹泻、便秘,无黑便、便血,无咳嗽、胸闷等不适。其后上述上腹腹胀症状逐渐加重。查体:上腹部触之饱满,未及... 患者男,15岁,因“发现腹腔包块”入院。患者一月余前无明显诱因出现上腹部胀满不适,无发热、黄疸,无泛酸、嗳气,无恶心、呕吐,无腹泻、便秘,无黑便、便血,无咳嗽、胸闷等不适。其后上述上腹腹胀症状逐渐加重。查体:上腹部触之饱满,未及明显包块,全腹无明显压痛及反跳痛,莫非氏征阴性,余未见明显异常。实验室检查:各项血液学检查未见明显异常。超声表现:肝脏、胆囊、脾脏未见明显异常。胰腺头回声均匀,体、尾探查不清。胰腺后方、脊柱前方见一包膜完整、不规则形以囊性为主的分房样无回声区,大小134mm×82mm,边界尚清,内可见强回声分隔光带,分隔光带无局限性增厚,无回声区内未见漂浮光点或乳头状突起(图1)。 展开更多
关键词 血液学检查 明显压痛 腹部胀满不适 强回声 局限性增厚 腹胀症状 上腹 乳头突起
Coexistence of tuberculous peritonitis and primary papillary serous carcinoma of the peritoneum:A case report and review of the literature
作者 Xiang-Qian Hou Hai-Hong Cui Xing Jin 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期761-763,共3页
A major diagnostic challenge to the evaluation of an incomplete intestinal obstruction is to distinguish between infectious and malignant etiologies.We present a case of an elderly woman complaining of abdominal pain ... A major diagnostic challenge to the evaluation of an incomplete intestinal obstruction is to distinguish between infectious and malignant etiologies.We present a case of an elderly woman complaining of abdominal pain accompanied with nausea and vomiting,and failure to pass gas or stools.Anti-tuberculosis drugs were used to relieve her abdominal pain,and a needle biopsy of the peritoneal cavity showed evidence of primary papillary serous carcinoma of the peritoneum(PSCP). This is a rare description of tuberculosis in the setting of PSCP.This report illustrates the potential complex nature of malignancies,and emphasizes the need to consider coexistence of malignancy and infection in patients, especially in those with risk factors for malignancy who fail with antibiotic therapy. 展开更多
关键词 Primary papillary serous carcinoma PERITONEUM Tuberculous peritonitis
作者 巩伟 《中国超声诊断杂志》 2000年第2期45-45,共1页
患者男性,69岁,农民,左上腹部胀痛伴低热5月余、服止痛药可缓解,有畜牧接触史,无恶心、呕吐、腹泻、无黄疸,近日不能体力劳动,饮食下降,精神不振。入院体检,全腹平软,无腹壁静脉曲张,肝、脾、双肾触及不满意,肠呜音正常,脾区叩击痛,脾... 患者男性,69岁,农民,左上腹部胀痛伴低热5月余、服止痛药可缓解,有畜牧接触史,无恶心、呕吐、腹泻、无黄疸,近日不能体力劳动,饮食下降,精神不振。入院体检,全腹平软,无腹壁静脉曲张,肝、脾、双肾触及不满意,肠呜音正常,脾区叩击痛,脾浊音界为左腋中线第7~10肋间,血,尿,便常规均在正常范围。 B超所见:脾脏轻度肿大,厚5.7cm,长13.1cm,脾静脉内径1.0cm,形态不规则,脾内可见多个大小为3.8×2.5cm~5.3×4.5cm椭圆形液性暗区,壁较厚,完整光滑,后壁回声增强。每个液性暗区后壁均可见呈中等回声的乳头状突起,最大者约2.3×3.0cm,肝、胆、胰、肾未见异常回声。B超提示:脾脏多发性囊肿。 展开更多
关键词 胰腺癌 脾转移 囊性变 脾脏多发性囊肿 脾脏恶性肿瘤 乳头突起 脾静脉内径 B超 上腹部胀痛 脾浊音
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