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用厌氧产氢反应器出水培养好氧颗粒污泥的研究 被引量:3
作者 郑煜铭 俞汉青 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期30-33,共4页
以厌氧产氢反应器出水为底物,在序批式反应器中研究了好氧颗粒污泥的培养过程。结果表明,以厌氧产氢反应器出水为底物,在60 d内能够培养出粒径大、沉降性能优异且对污染物去除能力强的好氧颗粒污泥。在活性污泥的颗粒化过程中,伴随着污... 以厌氧产氢反应器出水为底物,在序批式反应器中研究了好氧颗粒污泥的培养过程。结果表明,以厌氧产氢反应器出水为底物,在60 d内能够培养出粒径大、沉降性能优异且对污染物去除能力强的好氧颗粒污泥。在活性污泥的颗粒化过程中,伴随着污泥体积指数的减小,污泥的粒径和沉速增大,反应器内的污泥浓度增加,从而提高了反应器的处理效能。 展开更多
关键词 好氧颗粒污泥 培养 厌氧产氢反应器出水 序批式反应
具有高产氢反应催化活性的纳米多孔Ni基合金电极 被引量:1
作者 康建立 李一飞 《天津工业大学学报》 北大核心 2017年第6期45-49,共5页
为制备具有高催化活性的纳米多孔Ni基合金电极用于碱性电解水产氢,首先制备了Ni、NiCo、NiCu和NiFe 4种Ni基合金条带;基于NiCu和NiCo合金体系,利用脱合金化法制备了纳米多孔NiCu和NiCo合金;采用XRD、BET、TEM、LSV等方法分析Ni基合金的... 为制备具有高催化活性的纳米多孔Ni基合金电极用于碱性电解水产氢,首先制备了Ni、NiCo、NiCu和NiFe 4种Ni基合金条带;基于NiCu和NiCo合金体系,利用脱合金化法制备了纳米多孔NiCu和NiCo合金;采用XRD、BET、TEM、LSV等方法分析Ni基合金的晶体结构、形貌结构和电化学性能.结果表明:Ni基合金均为面心立方晶型的单相固溶体;纳米多孔NiCo合金具有均匀的多孔结构,孔径分布为3~6 nm;与原Ni基合金相比,纳米多孔NiCu和NiCo合金的过电势和塔菲尔(Tafel)斜率大幅降低,催化活性明显提高,纳米多孔NiCo合金在电流密度20 m A/cm^2下过电势为140 m V,Tafel斜率为60 m V/dec),接近于Pt.因此,选择具有协同作用的掺杂元素和构建纳米多孔结构是提高Ni基合金电极产氢反应催化活性的有效途径. 展开更多
关键词 纳米多孔Ni基合金 碱性电解水 产氢反应 催化活性 电化学性能
作者 黄剑锋 肖婷 +2 位作者 冯亮亮 曹丽云 徐瑞 《陕西科技大学学报》 北大核心 2021年第2期106-111,118,共7页
以四水合钼酸铵和硫代乙酰胺为原料,通过简单的一步水热法在钼箔上生成了MoS_(2)纳米片(命名为MoS_(2)/MF).首先探讨了不同氨水加入量对样品的结构及催化性能的影响,得到最佳的MoS_(2)/MF样品,其次通过对最佳样品的组成、形貌以及微观... 以四水合钼酸铵和硫代乙酰胺为原料,通过简单的一步水热法在钼箔上生成了MoS_(2)纳米片(命名为MoS_(2)/MF).首先探讨了不同氨水加入量对样品的结构及催化性能的影响,得到最佳的MoS_(2)/MF样品,其次通过对最佳样品的组成、形貌以及微观结构等测试分析,表明存在于MoS_(2)/MF中的1T相MoS_(2)以及活性位点的增加是提高电催化产氢性能的重要原因.电催化测试表明,在酸性条件下,最优化的MoS_(2)/MF电极在100 mA/cm^(2)时的过电势为269 mV,甚至能比得上20%Pt/C/MF,且能进行65 h的稳定工作. 展开更多
关键词 电催化 水分解 MoS_(2) 产氢反应
原位合成泡沫镍支撑的NiAl-LDH纳米片用于高效产氢反应 被引量:2
作者 冯亮亮 杜盈盈 +1 位作者 黄剑锋 曹丽云 《陕西科技大学学报》 CAS 2020年第2期123-129,共7页
以六水合氯化铝、尿素和泡沫镍为原料,通过简单的一步水热法在泡沫镍上原位生成了NiAl-LDH纳米片(命名为NiAl-LDH/NF).首先探讨了不同铝源加入量对样品的形貌与性能的影响,获得最佳NiAl-LDH/NF,然后通过X射线衍射仪、显微共焦拉曼光谱... 以六水合氯化铝、尿素和泡沫镍为原料,通过简单的一步水热法在泡沫镍上原位生成了NiAl-LDH纳米片(命名为NiAl-LDH/NF).首先探讨了不同铝源加入量对样品的形貌与性能的影响,获得最佳NiAl-LDH/NF,然后通过X射线衍射仪、显微共焦拉曼光谱仪、扫描电子显微镜与透射电子显微镜对最佳样品的组成、形貌以及微观结构等进行表征分析.电催化测试表明,在中性和碱性条件下,最优化的NiAl-LDH/NF电极在10 mA/cm^2时的过电势分别仅为189 mV和140 mV,且均能进行90 h的稳定工作. 展开更多
关键词 电催化 水分解 双金属氧化物 产氢反应
作者 王松林 李永祥 任君 《应用化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第S02期27-31,共5页
应用密度泛函理论方法设计计算了钴团簇负载于石墨烯和缺陷石墨烯表面上的产氢反应(HER)机理,通过比较我们得知,在钴-石墨烯体系中,Co_(7)-石墨烯自由能变为-0.025 eV,表面其HER活性高于其它小钴团簇尺寸的催化剂;同时在钴-缺陷石墨烯体... 应用密度泛函理论方法设计计算了钴团簇负载于石墨烯和缺陷石墨烯表面上的产氢反应(HER)机理,通过比较我们得知,在钴-石墨烯体系中,Co_(7)-石墨烯自由能变为-0.025 eV,表面其HER活性高于其它小钴团簇尺寸的催化剂;同时在钴-缺陷石墨烯体系,单个钴原子嵌入到缺陷石墨烯缺陷位时,其自由能变为0.029 eV,表明其HER活性最高。我们的计算结果为实验设计、开发和合成石墨烯基金属掺杂催化剂提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 金属钴团簇 石墨烯 产氢反应 密度泛函理论
La^(3+)对产氢产甲烷厌氧反应器作用的研究 被引量:2
作者 陈晨 马邕文 +1 位作者 檀笑 彭香琴 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第S2期91-95,共5页
通过3个阶段的实验,第一阶段采用IC厌氧反应器做为产氢反应器的启动过程中,确定了葡萄糖进水COD为2 000 mg/L时,最佳水力停留时间为6 h。COD去除率达到34%,氢气产量达到8 L/d。第二阶段产氢产甲烷反应器的启动,产氢反应器COD去除率为31%... 通过3个阶段的实验,第一阶段采用IC厌氧反应器做为产氢反应器的启动过程中,确定了葡萄糖进水COD为2 000 mg/L时,最佳水力停留时间为6 h。COD去除率达到34%,氢气产量达到8 L/d。第二阶段产氢产甲烷反应器的启动,产氢反应器COD去除率为31%~34%,氢气产量7.5~8 L/d,产甲烷反应器的COD去除率为83%~86%。最大比产甲烷活性493~504 m L/(g·d)。实现了同时产氢和产甲烷,达到了能源的最大产出,提高了废水处理效果,具有重要的现实意义。第三阶段稀土元素对产氢产甲烷反应器的促进作用表现在对产甲烷菌的促进,当La3+浓度为0.3 mg/L时,此时产甲烷反应器COD去除率达到最大值92%,比产甲烷活性达到520 m L/(g·d);对产氢反应器的作用不大。稀土元素进一步提高了废水处理效果和产甲烷量,将其用在废水处理中是可行并且有效的。 展开更多
关键词 产氢反应 甲烷反应 稀土元素
柔性PAN/Zr-MOFs纳米纤维薄膜的制备及其压电光催化裂解水产氢 被引量:1
作者 胡蝶 敖宇飞 +10 位作者 曾锴 朱丽叶 莫洁琼 刘鑫 黎小芳 孙亚 王春蕾 王小波 丁灯 闫俊涛 曾小军 《陶瓷学报》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第5期885-901,共17页
金属有机框架(MOFs)作为一类晶体多孔材料,近年来在光催化产氢反应(HER)中受到了广泛关注。然而,MOFs光生载流子复合率高,导致HER的效率仍然较低。报道了通过静电纺丝技术制备聚丙烯腈(PAN)纳米纤维表面富集Zr-MOFs纳米颗粒的复合薄膜... 金属有机框架(MOFs)作为一类晶体多孔材料,近年来在光催化产氢反应(HER)中受到了广泛关注。然而,MOFs光生载流子复合率高,导致HER的效率仍然较低。报道了通过静电纺丝技术制备聚丙烯腈(PAN)纳米纤维表面富集Zr-MOFs纳米颗粒的复合薄膜。通过将具有光催化性能的Zr-MOFs(UiO-66,UiO-66-NH_(2),UiO-66-SO_(3)H,UiO-66-NH_(2)-SO_(3)H)掺杂到具有压电性能的柔性PAN纳米纤维中,使得复合膜同时展现出压电性和光催化性能。在机械振动和光照协同作用下,PAN/Zr-MOFs复合膜的产氢速率均优于单纯光照条件下的产氢速率。PAN/UiO-66-NH_(2)-SO_(3)H纳米纤维膜表现出最高的产氢速率(2306μmol^(-1)·g^(-1)·h^(-1)),是单光催化条件下的约4.2倍。机械振动促进HER的机理归因于PAN纳米纤维的压电效应,PAN在机械变形下产生的压电电场可以加速Zr-MOFs中光生电子和空穴的分离。该工作展示了一种通过吸收机械振动的动能和光能共同作用显著提高MOFs复合膜的光催化产氢反应(HER)的策略,为光催化裂解水产氢的提供一个新的协同催化模式。 展开更多
关键词 光催化剂 压电光催化 产氢反应 Zr-MOFs 静电纺丝技术
光合产氢-膜曝气生物膜反应器耦合系统产氢与底物降解特性 被引量:2
作者 田鑫 孙少鹏 +1 位作者 周崇波 俞铁铭 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期613-619,共7页
为提高光合产氢反应器性能,构建了一种采用沼泽红假单胞菌CQK01接种的光生物产氢-膜曝气生物膜反应器(PBR-MABR)耦合系统。实验表明,在序批培养条件下,由于产氢过程中有机酸和氢离子不断积累,使得PBR系统的产氢速率远低于PBR-MABR系统,... 为提高光合产氢反应器性能,构建了一种采用沼泽红假单胞菌CQK01接种的光生物产氢-膜曝气生物膜反应器(PBR-MABR)耦合系统。实验表明,在序批培养条件下,由于产氢过程中有机酸和氢离子不断积累,使得PBR系统的产氢速率远低于PBR-MABR系统,其产氢速率为0.49 mmol·(L·h)-1;而PBR-MABR、PBR-2MABRs和PBR-3MABRs的产氢速率则分别可达到0.61、0.76和0.85 mmol·(L·h)-1。这主要是由于有机酸被MABR中的透气膜上生长的生物膜不断降解所致。有机酸的降解不仅提高了耦合系统内pH值并在一定程度上缓解了体系中的产物抑制。 展开更多
关键词 光合产氢反应 膜曝气生物膜反应 速率 底物降解
Thermal nitridation of triazine motifs to heptazine-based carbon nitride frameworks for use in visible light photocatalysis 被引量:9
作者 林珍珍 林励华 王心晨 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期2089-2094,共6页
A thermal nitridation route for the assembly and polymerization of molecular triazine units to heptazine-based covalent frameworks has been successfully established. The obtained conjugated carbon nitride polymers fea... A thermal nitridation route for the assembly and polymerization of molecular triazine units to heptazine-based covalent frameworks has been successfully established. The obtained conjugated carbon nitride polymers feature nanostructures that show enhanced photocatalytic reactivity for hydrogen production under visible light irradiation. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon nitride Thermal nitridation POLYMERIZATION PHOTOCATALYSIS Hydrogen evolution
Structural change of molybdenum sulfide facilitates the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction at neutral pH as revealed by in situ Raman spectroscopy 被引量:2
作者 Yamei Li Ryuhei Nakamura 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期401-406,共6页
Molybdenum sulfides are promising electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction(HER).Sand Mo‐related species have been proposed as the active site for forming adsorbed hydrogen to initiate the HER;however,the ... Molybdenum sulfides are promising electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction(HER).Sand Mo‐related species have been proposed as the active site for forming adsorbed hydrogen to initiate the HER;however,the nature of the interaction between Mo centers and S ligands is unclear.Further,the development of cost‐effective water‐splitting systems using neutral water as a proton source for H2evolution is highly desirable,whereas the mechanism of the HER at neutral pH is rarely discussed.Here,the structural change in the Mo?Mo and S?S species in a synthesized molybdenum sulfide was monitored at neutral pH using in situ electrochemical Raman spectroscopy.Analysis of the potential dependent Raman spectra revealed that the band assigned to a terminal S?S species emerged along with synchronized changes in the frequency of the Mo?Mo,Mo3?μ3S,and Mo?S vibrational bands.This indicates that Mo?Mo bonds and terminal S?S ligands play synergistic roles in facilitating hydrogen evolution,likely via the internal reorganization of trinuclear Mo3?thio species.The nature and role of metal‐ligand interactions in the HER revealed in this study demonstrated a mechanism that is distinct from those reported previously in which the S or Mo sites function independently. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrogen evolution reaction Molybdenum sulfide ELECTROCATALYST In‐situ Raman spectroscopy Artificial photosynthesis Clean energy
Construction of CuO-modified zeolitic imidazolate framework-9 for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution 被引量:2
作者 Kai Fan Zhiliang Jin +2 位作者 Hong Yuan Hongyan Hu Yingpu Bi 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期2056-2066,共11页
An efficient CuO‐modified zeolitic imidazolate framework‐9(ZIF‐9)photocatalyst is successfully prepared at room temperature under mild conditions.It is observed that the ZIF‐9/CuO photocatalyst is effective for H2... An efficient CuO‐modified zeolitic imidazolate framework‐9(ZIF‐9)photocatalyst is successfully prepared at room temperature under mild conditions.It is observed that the ZIF‐9/CuO photocatalyst is effective for H2generation under visible light with sacrificial agent conditions.When the CuO is introduced,the photocatalytic properties of ZIF‐9are greatly improved and when the content of CuO is40%,the photocatalytic activity reaches a maximum of78.74μmol after5h.This results from the200–300nm cube structure of ZIF‐9being able to adsorb more dye molecules and the CuO,which connects with ZIF‐9,greatly improving the electronic transmission efficiency.Moreover,the interaction between the dye molecule Eosin Y(EY)and the catalyst is also studied by transient fluorescence spectroscopy.A series of characterizations,such as SEM,TEM,XPS,XRD,UV‐vis,FTIR,transient fluorescence and photocurrent,are conducted,and the results are in good agreement with the experimental result.In addition,the possible reaction mechanism over EY‐sensitized ZIF‐9/CuO under visible light irradiation is proposed. 展开更多
关键词 ZIF‐9 CUO Eosin Y Sensitized pathway Hydrogen evolution Reaction optimization
The start-up of biohydrogen-producing process by bioaugmentation in the EGSB reactor 被引量:5
作者 王相晶 Ren Nanqi +1 位作者 Xiang Wensheng Guo Wanqian 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2006年第3期328-332,共5页
Expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor and bioaugmentation were employed to investigate biohydrogen production with molasses wastewater. The start-up experiments consisted of two stages. In the first stage (0 ... Expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor and bioaugmentation were employed to investigate biohydrogen production with molasses wastewater. The start-up experiments consisted of two stages. In the first stage (0 - 24d) seeded with activated sludge, the butyric acid type-fermentation formed when the initial expanding rate, organic loading rate (OLR), the initial redox potential (ORP) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) were 10%, 10.0 kg COD/(m^3·d), -215 mV and 6.7 h, respectively. At the beginning of the second stage on day 25, the novel hydrogen-producing fermentative bacterial strain B49 (AF481148 in EMBL) were inoculated into the reactor under the condition of OLR 16. 0 kg COD/(m^3·d), ORP and HRT about - 139 mV and 6.7 h, respectively, and then the reaction system transformed to ethanol-type fermentation gradually with the increase in OLR. When OLR, ORP and HRT were about 94.3 kg COD/(m^3·d), -250 mV and 1.7 h, respectively, the system achieved the maximum hydrogen-producing rate of 282.6 mL H2/L reactor·h and hydrogen percentage of 51% -53% in the biogas. 展开更多
关键词 START-UP biohydrogen production BIOAUGMENTATION hydrogen-producing bacterial strain B49 EGSB reactor
Effect of calcination temperatures on photocatalytic H_(2)O_(2)-production activity of ZnO nanorods 被引量:7
作者 Zicong Jiang Yong Zhang +2 位作者 Liuyang Zhang Bei Cheng Linxi Wang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第2期226-233,共8页
Photocatalytic hydrogen peroxide(H_(2)O_(2))production from O_(2) and H2O is an ideal process for solar‐to‐chemical energy conversion.Herein,ZnO nanorods are prepared via a simple hydrothermal method for photocataly... Photocatalytic hydrogen peroxide(H_(2)O_(2))production from O_(2) and H2O is an ideal process for solar‐to‐chemical energy conversion.Herein,ZnO nanorods are prepared via a simple hydrothermal method for photocatalytic H_(2)O_(2) production.The ZnO nanorods exhibit varied performance with different calcination temperatures.Benefiting from calcination,the separation efficiency of photo‐induced carriers is significantly improved,leading to the superior photocatalytic activity for H_(2)O_(2) production.The H_(2)O_(2) produced by ZnO calcined at 300℃ is 285μmol L^(−1),which is over 5 times larger than that produced by untreated ZnO.This work provides an insight into photocatalytic H2O2 production mechanism by ZnO nanorods,and presents a promising strategy to H2O2 production. 展开更多
关键词 PHOTOCATALYSIS Hydrogen peroxide production ZnO nanorod Calcination temperature Oxygen reduction
Methanol and DME Co-production from CO2 hydrogenation over hybrid catalysts
作者 Noor Asmawati Mohd Zabidi Muhammad Zahiruddin Ramli Fai Kait Chong 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2009年第12期37-41,62,共6页
Catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 into methanol and dimethyl ether was carried out over hybrid catalysts consisting of methanol-synthesis catalyst and zeolite. The methanol-synthesis catalyst, Cu/ZnO/Al2O3, was prepared ... Catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 into methanol and dimethyl ether was carried out over hybrid catalysts consisting of methanol-synthesis catalyst and zeolite. The methanol-synthesis catalyst, Cu/ZnO/Al2O3, was prepared by a co-precipitation method. Then it was physically mixed with HZSM-5 zeolite at weight ratios of 2:1, 1:1 and 1:2. The CO2 hydrogenation reaction was conducted in a fixed-bed microreactor at 250℃ and 40 bar in pre-mixed H2/CO2 feed with H2:CO2 molar ratios of 3:1 and 7:1. Products detected include methanol, dimethyl ether, carbon monoxide and water. Conversion of CO2 and yield of oxygenated products were influenced by the weight ratio of Cu/ZnO/Al2O3:HZSM-5 in the hybrid system and also the feed ratio. The Cu/ZnO/Al2O3: HZSM-5 hybrid at 1:1 resulted in methanol yield of 22.0% and was found to be an efficient hybrid catalyst for the CO2 hydrogenation reaction. 展开更多
关键词 CO2 METHANOL dimethyl ether HYDROGENATION hybrid catalyst
Hydrogen production from partial oxidation of dimethyl ether by plasma-catalyst reforming
作者 宋凌珺 李兴虎 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第12期3764-3769,共6页
Hydrogen was produced from partial oxidation reforming of DME (dimethyl ether) by spark discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure. A plasma-catalyst reformer was designed. A series of experiments were carried out to ... Hydrogen was produced from partial oxidation reforming of DME (dimethyl ether) by spark discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure. A plasma-catalyst reformer was designed. A series of experiments were carried out to investigate its performance of hydrogen-rich gas production. The effects of reaction temperature, catalyst and flow rate on gas concentrations (volume fraction), hydrogen yield, DME conversion ratio, specific energy consumption and thermal efficiency were investigated, respectively. The experimental results show that hydrogen concentration and the flow rate of produced H2 are improved when temperature increases from 300 ℃ to 700 ℃. Hydrogen yield, hydrogen concentration and the flow rate of produced H2 are substantially improved in the use of Fe-based catalyst at high temperature. Moreover, hydrogen yield and thermal efficiency are improved and change slightly when flow rate increases. When catalyst is 12 g, and flow rate increases from 35 mL/min to 210 mL/min, hydrogen yield decreases from 66.4% to 57.7%, and thermal efficiency decreases from 35.6% to 30.9%. It is anticipated that the results would serve as a good guideline to the application of hydrogen generation from hydrocarbon fuels by plasma reforming onboard. 展开更多
关键词 plasma-catalyst REFORMING hydrogen production dimethyl ether high temperature
CO_(2) Reduction on Metal-Doped SnO_(2)(110)Surface Catalysts:Manipulating the Product by Changing the Ratio of Sn:O
作者 Lei Cui DaDi Zhang +1 位作者 Yuan Kong Xiao Zheng 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第3期413-421,I0001,共10页
The electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction reaction(CO_(2) RR)producing HCOOH and CO is one of the most promising approaches for storing renewable electricity as chemical energy in fuels.SnO_(2) is a good catalyst ... The electrocatalytic carbon dioxide reduction reaction(CO_(2) RR)producing HCOOH and CO is one of the most promising approaches for storing renewable electricity as chemical energy in fuels.SnO_(2) is a good catalyst for CO_(2)-to-HCOOH or CO_(2)-to-CO conversion,with different crystal planes participating the catalytic process.Among them,(110)surface SnO_(2) is very stable and easy to synthesisze.By changing the ratio of Sn:O for SnO_(2)(110),we have two typical SnO_(2) thin films:fully oxidized(stoichiometric)and partially reduced.In this work,we are concerned with different metals(Fe,Co,Ni,Cu,Ru,Rh,Pd,Ag,Os,Ir,Pt,and Au)-doped SnO_(2)(110)with different activity and selectivity for CO_(2) RR.All these changes are manipulated by adjusting the ratio of Sn:O in(110)surface.The results show that stochiometric and reduced Cu/Ag doped SnO_(2)(110)have different selectivity for CO_(2) RR.More specifically,stochiometric Cu/Ag-doped SnO_(2)(110)tends to generate CO(g).Meanwhile,the reduced surface tends to generate HCOOH(g).Moreover,we also considered the competitive hydrogen evolution reaction(HER).The catalysts SnO_(2)(110)doped by Ru,Rh,Pd,Os,Ir,and Pt have high activity for HER,and others are good catalysts for CO_(2) RR. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon dioxide reduction reaction DFT calculation Product manipulation
Product Vibrational State Distributions of F+CH_(3)OH Reaction on Full-Dimensional Accurate Potential Energy Surface
作者 Meng Zhang Yongfa Zhu Jun Li 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期153-166,I0064,共15页
The hydrogen abstraction reaction of methanol with fluorine atoms can produce HF and CH_(3)O or CH_(2)OH radicals,which are important in the environment,combustion,radiation,and interstellar chemistry.In this work,the... The hydrogen abstraction reaction of methanol with fluorine atoms can produce HF and CH_(3)O or CH_(2)OH radicals,which are important in the environment,combustion,radiation,and interstellar chemistry.In this work,the dynamics of this typical reaction is investigated by the quasi-classical trajectory method based on a recently developed globally accurate full-dimensional potential energy surface.Particularly,the vibrational state distributions of the polyatomic products CH_(3)O and CH_(2)OH are determined by using the normal mode analysis method.It is found that CH_(3)O and CH_(2)OH are dominantly populated in the ground state when the reactants are at the ground ro-vibrational state.The OH stretching mode,torsional mode,H_(2)CO out-of-plane bending mode and their combination bands in the CH_(2)OH product can be effectively excited once the OH stretching mode of the reactant CH_(3)OH is excited to the first vibrationally excited state.Most of the available energy flows into the HF vibrational energy and the translational energy in both channels,while the radical products,CH_(3)O or CH_(2)OH,receive a small amount of energy,consistent with experiment,which is an indication of its spectator nature. 展开更多
关键词 Normal mode analysis Potential energy surface CH_(3)OH Product energy partitioning Hydrogen abstraction reaction
Surface assembly of cobalt species for simultaneous acceleration of interfacial charge separation and catalytic reactions on Cd_(0.9)Zn_(0.1)S photocatalyst
作者 Khakemin Khan Lifen Xu +5 位作者 Ming Shi Jiangshan Qu Xiaoping Tao Zhaochi Feng Can Li Rengui Li 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第6期1004-1012,共9页
Although photocatalytic water splitting has excellent potential for converting solar energy into chemical energy,the challenging charge separation process and sluggish surface catalytic reactions significantly limit p... Although photocatalytic water splitting has excellent potential for converting solar energy into chemical energy,the challenging charge separation process and sluggish surface catalytic reactions significantly limit progress in solar energy conversion using semiconductor photocatalysts.Herein,we demonstrate a feasible strategy involving the surface assembly of cobalt oxide species(CoO_(x))on a visible-light-responsive Cd_(0.9)Zn_(0.1)S(CZS)photocatalyst to fabricate a hierarchical CZS@CoO_(x) heterostructure.The unique hierarchical structure effectively accelerates the directional transfer of photogenerated charges,reducing charge recombination through the smooth interfacial heterojunction between CZS and CoO_(x),as evidenced by photoluminescence(PL)spectroscopy and various electrochemical characterizations.The surface cobalt species on the CZS material also act as efficient cocatalysts for photocatalytic hydrogen production,with activity even higher than that of noble metals.The well-defined CZS@CoO_(x) heterostructure not only enhances the interfacial separation of photoinduced charges,but also improves surface catalytic reactions.This leads to superior photocatalytic performances,with an apparent quantum efficiency of 20%at 420 nm for visible-light-driven hydrogen generation,which is one of the highest quantum efficiencies measured among noble-metal-free photocatalysts.Our work presents a potential pathway for controlling complex charge separation and catalytic reaction processes in photocatalysis,guiding the practical development of artificial photocatalysts for successful transformation of solar to chemical energy. 展开更多
关键词 Hierarchical heterostructure Interfacial charge separation Surface reaction Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution
厌氧发酵生物制氢微生物及工艺开发的研究进展 被引量:14
作者 李玉友 褚春凤 堆洋平 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期1569-1588,共20页
厌氧发酵生物制氢在国内外受到了普遍关注,如何确保稳定、持续、高效的产氢率成为生物制氢研究的关键问题所在.本文在查阅国内外大量文献的基础上,重点介绍了产氢发酵微生物、产氢菌种的构建、产氢反应器及厌氧发酵产氢工艺的最新研究状... 厌氧发酵生物制氢在国内外受到了普遍关注,如何确保稳定、持续、高效的产氢率成为生物制氢研究的关键问题所在.本文在查阅国内外大量文献的基础上,重点介绍了产氢发酵微生物、产氢菌种的构建、产氢反应器及厌氧发酵产氢工艺的最新研究状况.同时,就两相循环高温氢/甲烷发酵工艺的进一步发展前景提出了建议. 展开更多
关键词 发酵微生物 接种物预处理 产氢反应 高温发酵 两相循环工艺
A micro-sphere catalyst complex with nano CaCO_3 precursor for hydrogen production used in ReSER process 被引量:6
作者 Wu Sufang Li Lianbao Zhu Yanqing Wang Xieqing 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第1期22-26,共5页
This paper describes the preparation and evaluation of a micro-sphere catalytic complex for the hydrogen production in a Reactive Sorption Enhanced Reforming (ReSER) process. The catalytic complex made by a spray te... This paper describes the preparation and evaluation of a micro-sphere catalytic complex for the hydrogen production in a Reactive Sorption Enhanced Reforming (ReSER) process. The catalytic complex made by a spray technique has a dual function containing Ni as a catalytic material and CaO as an adsorption material used in the ReSER process. The attrition characteristics of the catalytic complex are acceptable for the commercial used. The nano GaCO3 material used as a precursor of CaO showed a desirable durability with a CO2 sorption capacity of 0.6 mol CO2/kg after 10 repeating cycles under the carbonation temperature of 600 ℃, a CO2 partial pressure of 0.02 MPa, and a calcination temperature of 750 ℃ in N2 measured by a thermal gravimetric analyzer. The testing of the catalytic complex for ReSER showed a hydrogen yield of over 95 % (v/v) in the laboratory fixed fluidized bed reactor. The catalytic system has an attractive prospect in the ReSER process for hydrogen production, especially in the fluidized mode where reactor and regenerator combined in a cycling process. 展开更多
关键词 hydrogen nano calcium carbonate ADSORPTION catalytic activation reaction engineering stability
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