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作者 胡志红 喻继军 《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》 2001年第3期71-73,共3页
文章从比较语言学的角度 ,对英、汉仿词这一修辞手法的特点进行了介绍 ,同时还介绍了英语中仿调这一语言现象的特点 ,在此基础上 。
关键词 仿 词格 仿调
作者 田庄 《老年世界》 2009年第20期17-17,共1页
南湖星火撒神州。 唤起工农, 为解放奋斗。 一百年腥风血雨,
关键词 仿调:蝶恋花庆祝建国六十周年》 田庄 诗词 当代作品
英语广告仿拟修辞佳作鉴赏 被引量:3
作者 周双娥 《语言教育》 2001年第9期32-33,共2页
仿拟(parody)修辞格是故意模仿现成的语言形式,如:某一著名的语篇、诗歌、名言、警句、成语或谚语,改动部分词语而表达一种新的思想,从而使表达风趣、生动、简洁明快、取得风趣幽默的效果,给人耳目一新之感。仿拟形式上有拟句、仿调、... 仿拟(parody)修辞格是故意模仿现成的语言形式,如:某一著名的语篇、诗歌、名言、警句、成语或谚语,改动部分词语而表达一种新的思想,从而使表达风趣、生动、简洁明快、取得风趣幽默的效果,给人耳目一新之感。仿拟形式上有拟句、仿调、仿词等,技巧上有“硬仿”和“活仿”两种形式。但无论哪种形式,不管何种方式,关键是在新的语境中有新的创意,巧移善铸,融形会神,注入新的血液,才能做到借“他山之石,可以攻玉”的修辞效果。本文拟与大家一起欣赏英语广告及英汉互译中的仿拟佳作。 展开更多
关键词 英语广告 仿 仿调 仿 英汉广告 风趣幽默 英语习语 意美 攻玉 陈望道先生
作者 李晓艳 罗赛群 李月梅 《湖南医科大学学报(社会科学版)》 2001年第4期35-39,共5页
关键词 PARODY 仿 修辞 英语 汉语 比较研究 定义 形式 仿调 操作机制 仿 仿成语 仿 仿
关于拈连、仿词与仿拟 被引量:4
作者 吴宗渊 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 1981年第2期24-29,共6页
修辞学中对拈连与仿词的理解,可说是众说纷纭,莫衷一是。而与仿词相关的辞格——仿拟,现在似乎已极少被提及,尽管语言运用中仍存在着。 本文就拈连、仿词的理解和区分,仿拟所含的内容等问题,谈谈自己的看法。
关键词 仿 仿 语言运用 修辞方法 仿调 固定词组 句型结构 专有名称 《虞美人》 语言结构
关于古典诗歌的仿用 被引量:1
作者 吴宗渊 《宁夏师范学院学报》 1991年第3期17-20,43,共5页
关键词 古典诗歌 仿调 夜直 病起荆江亭即事 忆江上吴处士 郁孤台 二字 《短歌行》 《陌上桑》 仿
作者 巩衍杞 杨戈 《新闻知识》 1988年第8期35-35,共1页
樊敏之原本不见经传的,算是一个“后起之臭”,现在任太原宪兵司令,据说他在战前原是一个少尉排长。(《群魔乱舞的太原》1946年,《历史的脚步声》,新华出版社,1984年第一版,第129页) 理发员单纯追求定额,“快刀斩乱发”,顾客颇有意见。(... 樊敏之原本不见经传的,算是一个“后起之臭”,现在任太原宪兵司令,据说他在战前原是一个少尉排长。(《群魔乱舞的太原》1946年,《历史的脚步声》,新华出版社,1984年第一版,第129页) 理发员单纯追求定额,“快刀斩乱发”,顾客颇有意见。(丁继荣黄际昌《扬州三把刀》,《人民日报》1979、5、22、) 这是两个运用仿拟修辞方法的例子。所谓“仿拟”,就是有意识地模仿现成的词语或者篇章而造出一个新的词语或者篇章。这种修辞手法一般分为三种形式:仿词、仿句和仿调;新闻写作中常用的是仿词、仿句两种,很少用仿调的。 展开更多
关键词 仿 仿 仿调 修辞方法 荣黄 新闻写作 把刀 新华出版社 修辞作用 九十岁
丘陵山地拖拉机机身自平衡机构稳定性分析 被引量:4
作者 张静 刘昱 +1 位作者 郑德聪 李志伟 《中国农机化学报》 北大核心 2022年第9期102-108,共7页
针对丘陵山地拖拉机坡地适应性差,易翻倾,通过性差等问题,设计一种具有自动调平机构的504型丘陵山地拖拉机。整机采用机械传动,四驱轮式行走系统,两侧独立传动转向系统,平行四杆自动调平机构,可实现拖拉机姿态自动仿形调平。基于SolidWo... 针对丘陵山地拖拉机坡地适应性差,易翻倾,通过性差等问题,设计一种具有自动调平机构的504型丘陵山地拖拉机。整机采用机械传动,四驱轮式行走系统,两侧独立传动转向系统,平行四杆自动调平机构,可实现拖拉机姿态自动仿形调平。基于SolidWorks对拖拉机进行整机三维建模,运用ADAMS软件对虚拟样机进行侧倾稳定性动态仿真分析。结果表明:自动调平机构调平动作范围732 mm,可在25°的坡地上保证车身横向水平。上坡极限翻倾角及下坡极限翻倾角均为45°,上坡纵向滑移角为33.69°,下坡纵向滑移角为16°,前后驱动轮越障高度为214 mm。调平状态下车身的最大侧倾角为37.5°,与理论计算35.93°非常接近。该机前后驱动桥均可进行独立调平,保证机身始终处于水平姿态,能够满足丘陵山地生产作业要求。 展开更多
关键词 丘陵山地拖拉机 仿平机构 稳定性 越障性能
作者 凌步程 《河池学院学报》 1988年第2期42-44,共3页
在对话或者论辩性的文章中,人们常常在某个恰当的时候,巧妙地接过对方的话茬故意摹仿对方的口吻和语气,字面上完全重复或略微改动对方的语句,把对方本来用于批评、教训、揶揄、嘲讽、挖苦或者斥责别人的言语反转来嘲弄、回击对方,以取... 在对话或者论辩性的文章中,人们常常在某个恰当的时候,巧妙地接过对方的话茬故意摹仿对方的口吻和语气,字面上完全重复或略微改动对方的语句,把对方本来用于批评、教训、揶揄、嘲讽、挖苦或者斥责别人的言语反转来嘲弄、回击对方,以取得反唇相讥的效果。这种修辞方法,与陈望道先生在《修辞学发凡》中论及的“仿拟”所包括的“拟句”和“仿调”有点相似而实则不同,在此,暂且称之为“摹腔”。例如:①一九二五年“五卅”惨案发生以后,当时的资产阶级右翼知识分子陈源著文辱骂中国人民的反帝爱国运动,他以十分恶毒的口吻写道:“打.打.宣战.宣战.这样的中国人,呸.”陈源的行径激起了人们的极大愤概,鲁迅先生撰文《并非闲话》(二)予以反击. 展开更多
关键词 陈望道先生 修辞方法 仿调 仿 《修辞学发凡》 并非闲话 反帝爱国运动 修辞作用 一九 施蛰存
Bio‐inspired nanostructured g-C_(3)N_(4)-based photocatalysts:A comprehensive review 被引量:8
作者 Bo Lin Mengyang Xia +3 位作者 Baorong Xu Ben Chong Zihao Chen Guidong Yang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第8期2141-2172,共32页
As a new organic conjugated semiconductor,graphitic carbon nitride(g-C_(3)N_(4))is emerging as a fascinating material for various photocatalytic applications due to its adjustable electronic structure,outstanding ther... As a new organic conjugated semiconductor,graphitic carbon nitride(g-C_(3)N_(4))is emerging as a fascinating material for various photocatalytic applications due to its adjustable electronic structure,outstanding thermal endurance,appealing chemical stability,low cost,and environmental friendliness.Nevertheless,unmodified bulk g-C_(3)N_(4) possesses some intrinsic limitations related to poor crystallinity,marginal visible-light harvesting,easy recombination of charge pairs,small surface area,and slow charge migration,which give rise to the low quantum efficiency of photocatalytic reactions.One efficient strategy to overcome these shortcomings is the manipulation of the microstructures of g-C_(3)N_(4).Other than the traditional structure control,mimicking the structures of creatures in nature to design and construct bio-inspired structures is a promising approach to improve the photocatalytic performance of g-C_(3)N_(4) and even g-C_(3)N_(4)-based systems.This review summarizes the recent advances of the traditional structure-control of g-C_(3)N_(4)-based systems,and bio-inspired synthesis of g-C_(3)N_(4)-based systems from two aspects of structural bionics and functional bionics.Furthermore,the fundamentals of bio-inspired design and fabrication of g-C_(3)N_(4)-based systems are introduced in detail.Additionally,the different theoretical calculations,diverse photocatalytic applications and various modification strategies of bio-inspired structured g-C_(3)N_(4)-based systems are recapped.We believe that this work will be a guiding star for future research in the new field of biomimetic photocatalysis. 展开更多
关键词 g-C_(3)N_(4)-based system Bio-inspired design Structure control Biomimetic photocatalysis Reaction mechanism
作者 徐小增 李叶松 秦忆 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2004年第3期195-199,共5页
A fuzzy neural network controller with the teaching controller guidance and parameter regulations for vector-controlled induction motor is proposed. The design procedures of the fuzzy neural controller and the teachin... A fuzzy neural network controller with the teaching controller guidance and parameter regulations for vector-controlled induction motor is proposed. The design procedures of the fuzzy neural controller and the teaching controller are described. The parameters of the membership function are regulated by an on-line learning algorithm. The speed responses of the system under the condition, where the target functions are chosen as I qs and ω, are analyzed. The system responses with the variant of parameter moment of inertial J, viscous coefficients B and torque constant K tare also analyzed. Simulation results show that the control scheme and the controller have the advantages of rapid speed response and good robustness. 展开更多
关键词 induction motor fuzzy neural network vector control speed control system
Coordinated control method of intersection traffic light in one-way road based on V2X 被引量:3
作者 GAO Kai HAN Fa-rong +3 位作者 WEN Meng-fei DU Rong-hua LI Shuo ZHOU Feng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第9期2516-2527,共12页
One-way roads have potential for improving vehicle speed and reducing traffic delay.Suffering from dense road network,most of adjacent intersections’distance on one-way roads becomes relatively close,which makes isol... One-way roads have potential for improving vehicle speed and reducing traffic delay.Suffering from dense road network,most of adjacent intersections’distance on one-way roads becomes relatively close,which makes isolated control of intersections inefficient in this scene.Thus,it is significant to develop coordinated control of multiple intersection signals on the one-way roads.This paper proposes a signal coordination control method that is suitable for one-way arterial roads.This method uses the cooperation technology of the vehicle infrastructure to collect intersection traffic information and share information among the intersections.Adaptive signal control system is adopted for each intersection in the coordination system,and the green light time is adjusted in real time based on the number of vehicles in queue.The offset and clearance time can be calculated according to the real-time traffic volume.The proposed method was verified with simulation results by VISSIM traffic simulation software.The results compared with other methods show that the coordinated control method proposed in this paper can effectively reduce the average delay of vehicles on the arterial roads and improve the traffic efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 INTERSECTION vehicle infrastructure cooperation coordinated control simulation evaluation
The Design and Simulation Analysis of Adjustable DC Source Circuit based on AD 13 Software
作者 Qiang CHEN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第2期90-92,共3页
DC regulated power has play a decisive role status in the modem enterprise production and family life. With the development of science and technology, all kinds of computer simulation technology is increasingly rising... DC regulated power has play a decisive role status in the modem enterprise production and family life. With the development of science and technology, all kinds of computer simulation technology is increasingly rising, the paper simulate and compare common DC regulated power with adjustable DC regulated power by Altium Designer software, intuitively demonstrates the stabilizing effect of the circuit, and introduces the characteristics of adjustable DC regulated power. Using AD13 software simulate and design DC stabilized power supply circuit, calculated the main parameters of the circuit, simulated and analyzed the circuit working simulation process and the working state of the circuit, it can visually verify the results of the theoretical analysis, and get relevant conclusions. 展开更多
关键词 DC regulated power SIMULATION Altium Designer SIMULATION
Life prediction for rolling contact fatigue crack initiation of kiln wheels 被引量:1
作者 Shen Yiping Wang Songlai +1 位作者 Li Xuejun B. S. Dhillon 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第4期58-64,共7页
This paper investigates the rolling contact fatigue of kiln wheels with respect to the axis line deflection, which is linear with the applied supporting loads on wheels. Fatigue crack initiation criteria for elastic s... This paper investigates the rolling contact fatigue of kiln wheels with respect to the axis line deflection, which is linear with the applied supporting loads on wheels. Fatigue crack initiation criteria for elastic shakedown, plastic shakedown and ratcheting material responses are applied to assess wheels responses with two sets of axial line deflection. The finite element simulations are performed by using the bilinear material mode for nonlinear and kinematic hardening in ANSYS 11.0. By comparing the results from different critera, it is showed that the low-cycle fatigue is the predominated failure. Results from different axial line deflections indicate that the optimum adjustment can greatly enhance the whole life of the supporting structure. 展开更多
关键词 rolling contact fatigue crack initiation finite element simulation axis line deflection shakedown map
An Improved Walk Model for Train Movement on Railway Network
作者 LI Ke-Ping MAO Bo-Hua GAO Zi-You 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期979-984,共6页
In this paper, we propose an improved walk model for simulating the train movement on railway network. In the proposed method, walkers represent trains. The improved walk model is a kind of the network-based simulatio... In this paper, we propose an improved walk model for simulating the train movement on railway network. In the proposed method, walkers represent trains. The improved walk model is a kind of the network-based simulation analysis model. Using some management rules for walker movement, walker can dynamically determine its departure and arrival times at stations. In order to test the proposed method, we simulate the train movement on a part of railway network. The numerical simulation and analytical results demonstrate that the improved model is an effective tool for simulating the train movement on railway network. Moreover, it can well capture the characteristic behaviors of train scheduling in railway traffic. 展开更多
关键词 train movement random-walk model train timetable
Cooling Load Distribution of Large Space Building
作者 陈红兵 涂光备 +1 位作者 杨洁 Chan K T 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2003年第4期340-344,共5页
The cooling and heating load distribution of large area air-conditioned room such as “open” offices, shopping malls and waiting rooms is usually assumed to be even in air conditioning system design. However, it is n... The cooling and heating load distribution of large area air-conditioned room such as “open” offices, shopping malls and waiting rooms is usually assumed to be even in air conditioning system design. However, it is not the case in reality, and a low efficient air conditioning system results from this assumption. A simulation and analysis of the cooling load distribution of an office building in Hong Kong with TRANSYS software is provided in this paper. A typical office is divided into 13 zones for simulation, including external zone, medial zone and internal zone in the north, the south, the east and the west respectively and a central zone, instead of 4 directional zone. The result shows there is much cooling load difference between each zone, and more attention should be paid to uneven indoor cooling and heating load distribution to further guide the design. 展开更多
关键词 zonal temperature distribution cooling index internal zone cooling load distribution
语体仿拟浅说 被引量:3
作者 曾毅平 《中国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第4期343-346,共4页
一仿拟新类:语体仿拟仿拟是一种传统辞格,陈望道《修辞学发凡》即已拈出,并将其区分为'拟句'和'拟调'两式。《发凡》之后,语料搜求更为全面,仿拟的分类也逐渐细密,分出'仿词'、'仿语'、'仿句'... 一仿拟新类:语体仿拟仿拟是一种传统辞格,陈望道《修辞学发凡》即已拈出,并将其区分为'拟句'和'拟调'两式。《发凡》之后,语料搜求更为全面,仿拟的分类也逐渐细密,分出'仿词'、'仿语'、'仿句'、'仿段'、'仿篇'、'仿调'几式。词、语、句、段、篇是根据语篇的结构单位分类的。 展开更多
关键词 仿 仿调 《修辞学发凡》 结构单位 仿 仿 谭永祥 功能变体 汉语修辞 修辞效果
Component-based software reliability process simulation considering imperfect debugging 被引量:1
作者 张策 Cui Gang +1 位作者 Bian Yali Liu Hongwei 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2014年第1期9-15,共7页
In view of the flaws of component-based software (CBS) reliability modeling and analysis, the low recognition degree of debugging process, too many assumptions and difficulties in obtaining the solution, a CBS relia... In view of the flaws of component-based software (CBS) reliability modeling and analysis, the low recognition degree of debugging process, too many assumptions and difficulties in obtaining the solution, a CBS reliability simulation process is presented incorporating the imperfect debugging and the limitation of debugging resources. Considering the effect of imperfect debugging on fault detec- tion and correction process, a CBS integration testing model is sketched by multi-queue muhichannel and finite server queuing model (MMFSQM). Compared with the analytical method based on pa- rameters and other nonparametric approaches, the simulation approach can relax more of the usual reliability modeling assumptions and effectively expound integration testing process of CBS. Then, CBS reliability process simulation procedure is developed accordingly. The proposed simulation ap- proach is validated to be sound and effective by simulation experiment studies and analysis. 展开更多
关键词 software reliability growth model (SRGM) component-based software (CBS) imperfect debugging reliability simulation queuing theory
作者 刘德志 《湖北招生考试》 2011年第17期63-64,共2页
关键词 仿 仿调 仿 幽默风趣 唐言 风萧萧 仿 陈伯吹 余味无穷 提问者
作者 徐迅雷 《杂文选刊(下半月)》 2010年第11期6-6,共1页
关键词 白岩松 黄健翔 长江文艺出版社 刘建宏 八分 韩日世界杯 韩寒 宽松自由 独唱团 仿调
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