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基于动刚度实验的发动机悬置系统计算模型及模态验证 被引量:6
作者 宋向荣 靳永军 +1 位作者 李建康 郑立辉 《噪声与振动控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期36-39,共4页
计算模型的真实性、可靠性是模型建立的关键问题,线性系统动力学模型不能适应参数呈非线性系统的建模。以发动机悬置系统为例,通过实验获得刚度和阻尼参数,用实验的质量矩阵、刚度矩阵建立系统动力学计算模型,通过实验运行模态与计算模... 计算模型的真实性、可靠性是模型建立的关键问题,线性系统动力学模型不能适应参数呈非线性系统的建模。以发动机悬置系统为例,通过实验获得刚度和阻尼参数,用实验的质量矩阵、刚度矩阵建立系统动力学计算模型,通过实验运行模态与计算模态相关分析得到验证模型。结果表明考虑动刚度参数的计算模型比传统静刚度模型更接近真实情形。 展开更多
关键词 振动与波 刚度实验 发动机悬置系统 模态验证 动力学计算模型 工作模态分析
控制棒可移动线圈电磁驱动机构线圈刚度实验 被引量:2
作者 马仓 薄涵亮 +4 位作者 姜胜耀 张洪超 王金华 秦本科 孙常龙 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期177-179,共3页
本工作在反应堆控制棒可移动线圈电磁驱动机构工程样机实验台架上,进行了电磁铁刚度实验。获得了不同保持电流工况下的平均刚度值:3 A时,平均刚度值为129 N/mm;3.5 A时,为136 N/mm;4 A时,为152 N/mm;4.5 A时,为168 N/mm;5 A时,为164 N/... 本工作在反应堆控制棒可移动线圈电磁驱动机构工程样机实验台架上,进行了电磁铁刚度实验。获得了不同保持电流工况下的平均刚度值:3 A时,平均刚度值为129 N/mm;3.5 A时,为136 N/mm;4 A时,为152 N/mm;4.5 A时,为168 N/mm;5 A时,为164 N/mm,稍低于4.5 A时的平均刚度值。随着保持电流的增加,平均刚度值呈现先增加尔后又下降的变化趋势。温度升高对刚度值有影响。 展开更多
关键词 控制棒驱动机构 可移动线圈 刚度实验
离心机用橡胶弹簧的动刚度实验研究 被引量:5
作者 宋亮 滕海燕 《煤矿机械》 北大核心 2012年第5期51-52,共2页
关键词 离心机 橡胶弹簧 刚度实验
6-UPS并联机床静刚度的有限元分析和实验研究 被引量:36
作者 李育文 张华 +2 位作者 杨建新 王立平 汪劲松 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期112-115,共4页
用有限元方法分析一种 6-UPS并联机床的静刚度 ,基于 AN-SYS建立该机床的有限元模型 ,考虑了并联机床的支链和机架的变形 ,并利用 Matrix2 7单元来模拟铰链 ;通过 APDL语言实现有限元模型的参数化设计 ,计算出并联机床在工作空间内的刚... 用有限元方法分析一种 6-UPS并联机床的静刚度 ,基于 AN-SYS建立该机床的有限元模型 ,考虑了并联机床的支链和机架的变形 ,并利用 Matrix2 7单元来模拟铰链 ;通过 APDL语言实现有限元模型的参数化设计 ,计算出并联机床在工作空间内的刚度分布。静刚度实验表明了该模型的有效性。通过该有限元模型还可以对并联机床的动态性能做进一步分析。 展开更多
关键词 并联机床 刚度 有限元分析 刚度实验
一种打磨机械臂的静刚度建模与实验 被引量:2
作者 曲梦可 王洪波 荣誉 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第20期2395-2401,共7页
设计出一种采用(U+UPS)P+UPS并联机构的打磨3-DOF机械臂。运用子结构拆分和叠加思想,将机械臂手腕的位姿变形因素拆分为只考虑各支链拉/压变形、只考虑UP支链扭转变形、只考虑UP支链弯曲变形3个主要影响因素。通过基于矢量回路的虚功原... 设计出一种采用(U+UPS)P+UPS并联机构的打磨3-DOF机械臂。运用子结构拆分和叠加思想,将机械臂手腕的位姿变形因素拆分为只考虑各支链拉/压变形、只考虑UP支链扭转变形、只考虑UP支链弯曲变形3个主要影响因素。通过基于矢量回路的虚功原理和结构矩阵建立3个主要影响因素的刚度模型,并根据各支链的结构特点定义了支链内各部件变形系数。通过叠加原理将各影响因素的刚度模型叠加整合为机械臂的整体刚度模型。研制出机械臂的实验样机本体,采用一套高精度机器人刚度实验系统对机械臂实验样机进行了刚度标定。实验结果表明:机械臂实验样机的位置变形实测值与理论值之间偏差均小于3μm,姿态变形实测值与理论值之间偏差均小于0.05°,机械臂实验样机的变形均在合理范围之内。 展开更多
关键词 机械臂 铸件打磨 并联机构 刚度分析 实验样机 刚度实验
基于ANSYS的转子支座静刚度计算方法及实验验证 被引量:4
作者 李志鹏 雷晓波 +2 位作者 房剑锋 张强波 许艳芝 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2019年第24期398-404,共7页
针对旋转机械常用的刚性支座、鼠笼弹性支座,利用ANSYS建立了支座静刚度计算模型。利用螺纹杠杆原理设计了可产生10 kN拉力的支座施力机构,开展了多种支座静刚度测量实验。实验结果表明:有限元计算的静刚度最大误差为8.3%,验证了支座静... 针对旋转机械常用的刚性支座、鼠笼弹性支座,利用ANSYS建立了支座静刚度计算模型。利用螺纹杠杆原理设计了可产生10 kN拉力的支座施力机构,开展了多种支座静刚度测量实验。实验结果表明:有限元计算的静刚度最大误差为8.3%,验证了支座静刚度模型的正确性;刚性支座水平径向和垂向静刚度数值差异很大,刚度表现出很强的各向异性;鼠笼弹性支座径向静刚度差异很小,刚度表现为各向同性。静刚度有限元计算模型中正确的载荷类型为余弦面载荷分布。边界约束条件为:针对刚性支座,在支座底板螺栓孔周围施加全约束,在底板其他区域则给予轴向约束;对于鼠笼弹性支座,在鼠笼弹性结构与刚性支座联接面上施加全约束。 展开更多
关键词 转子支座 刚度 ANSYS 刚度测量实验 边界条件 螺纹杠杆原理
基于摄影测量的飞机静弹性风洞模型刚度识别方法 被引量:1
作者 王超 张征宇 +2 位作者 殷国富 王水亮 赵涛 《四川大学学报(工程科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期183-188,共6页
气动弹性风洞实验对飞行器研制不可或缺。为此,作者基于摄影测量技术,提出静弹性风洞实验模型刚度分布识别方法,即利用作用在模型机翼各个截面的已知弯矩、扭矩,结合摄影测量技术测得机翼各个截面受载变形前后的3D坐标,识别出模型的抗... 气动弹性风洞实验对飞行器研制不可或缺。为此,作者基于摄影测量技术,提出静弹性风洞实验模型刚度分布识别方法,即利用作用在模型机翼各个截面的已知弯矩、扭矩,结合摄影测量技术测得机翼各个截面受载变形前后的3D坐标,识别出模型的抗弯刚度和抗扭刚度分布。数值仿真和地面刚度实验研究表明:所建立的刚度识别方法能真实反映模型结构刚度特性,同时,较传统接触式测量方法,提出的方法对气动弹性风洞实验模型测量无附加刚度,既可提高刚度识别精度,又大幅缩短了刚度识别周期,故具有使用价值。 展开更多
关键词 静弹性模型 刚度实验 刚度识别 摄影测量
作者 卢红岩 孟宪红 《力学与实践》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期65-67,共3页
基于损伤力学原理,推导了扭力矩门槛值表达式.并采用多次卸载后加载的方法进行定扭角刚度下降实验,得到卸载后加载的剩余扭力矩,进而计算每次加载后的剪应变门槛值.实验表明多次卸载后加载的方法可在一定程度上提高剪应变门槛值.此结论... 基于损伤力学原理,推导了扭力矩门槛值表达式.并采用多次卸载后加载的方法进行定扭角刚度下降实验,得到卸载后加载的剩余扭力矩,进而计算每次加载后的剪应变门槛值.实验表明多次卸载后加载的方法可在一定程度上提高剪应变门槛值.此结论可以用于同类材料在工程应用中需要提高门槛值的构件. 展开更多
关键词 刚度下降实验 剪应变门槛值 损伤力学
作者 贺静 马文文 +1 位作者 张小涛 王志军 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期81-86,共6页
为了降低柔性球铰的加工难度和制造成本,提出了一种环状柔性球铰。对该类型球铰的刚度特性与设计方法进行了研究。利用分割法、数值计算方法、位移矩阵法和位姿变换公式对其进行刚度建模。采用变量唯一的方法分析环状柔性球铰结构参数... 为了降低柔性球铰的加工难度和制造成本,提出了一种环状柔性球铰。对该类型球铰的刚度特性与设计方法进行了研究。利用分割法、数值计算方法、位移矩阵法和位姿变换公式对其进行刚度建模。采用变量唯一的方法分析环状柔性球铰结构参数对其刚度的影响。根据所得的刚度数学模型,采用一组实例进行刚度计算,同时对其进行有限元和刚度实验分析,分析结果表明,有限元和刚度实验分析结果与其理论值最大误差不超过7%,验证了所推导刚度矩阵的正确性和设计方法的有效性,对柔性球铰的设计和力学特性研究具有重要的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 环状柔性球铰 刚度建模 刚度分析 有限元分析 刚度分析实验
Wind Vibration Study of Long-span Steel Arch Structure of Beijing Capital International Airport 被引量:4
作者 周岱 马俊 +1 位作者 朱忠义 柳杰 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2005年第4期429-435,共7页
The wind-induced dynamic response of long-span light-weight steel arch structure of the global transportation center (GTC) of Beijing Capital International Airport was studied. A composite technique with combination o... The wind-induced dynamic response of long-span light-weight steel arch structure of the global transportation center (GTC) of Beijing Capital International Airport was studied. A composite technique with combination of WAWS(Weighted Amplitude Wavelet Superposition) and FFT(Fast Fourier Transformation) was introduced to simulate wind velocity time series of hundreds of spatial points simultaneously. The structural shape factors of wind load was obtained from wind tunnel model test. The wind vibration factor based on structural displacement response was investigated. After comparing the computational results with wind tunnel model test data, it was found out that the two results accord with each other if wind comes from 0° direction angle, but are quite different if wind comes from 180° direction angle in the area blocked off by airport terminals. The possible reasons of this difference were analyzed. Haar wavelet was used to transform and analyze wind velocity time series and structural wind-induced dynamic responses. The relationship between exciting wind loads and structural responses was studied in time and frequency domains. 展开更多
关键词 steel arch structure wind velocity time series wind-induced vibration factor wavelet analysis
Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization of Geometric Parameters of a New Fluid Bag Buffer Mechanism on Buffering Performance 被引量:1
作者 WANG Hongxian HOU Yu +1 位作者 ZHANG Ming NIE Hong 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2022年第5期569-583,共15页
A new fluid bag buffer mechanism,which can provide large axial stiffness under the small displacement,is designed.The dynamic change laws of the mechanism stiffness and the internal pressure of the fluid bag are studi... A new fluid bag buffer mechanism,which can provide large axial stiffness under the small displacement,is designed.The dynamic change laws of the mechanism stiffness and the internal pressure of the fluid bag are studied when it is subjected to impact load.According to the protection performance for the flexible joint and the pressure change in the fluid bag during the impact process,the sensitivity of the geometric parameters of the fluid bag to the axial stiffness is analyzed by using the orthogonal experimental method,and the optimal parameter combination of the geometric parameters of the fluid bag under impact is obtained,leading to the displacement of the inner shell reduce by 41.4%.The results show that the internal pressure of the fluid bag is a rising process of oscillation and fluctuation.The sensitivity of the geometric parameters of the fluid bag to the displacement of the inner shell from high to low is as follows:Height H,radius r,wall thickness t,chamfer A.The correlation between the geometric parameters of the fluid bag and its internal pressure is:H is negatively correlated with the internal pressure,while the r,t,and A are positively correlated with the internal pressure. 展开更多
关键词 fluid bag buffer mechanism flexible joint axial stiffness characteristics orthogonal experiment method internal pressure of fluid bag
New type of groove used to improve friction in roll forging
作者 贾智 周杰 姬金金 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第2期493-499,共7页
A FEM model for a failed industrial example of roll forging was established to analyze the generation mechanisms of the mismatch of size and shape of two spring board.To demonstrate the formulation of these defects,th... A FEM model for a failed industrial example of roll forging was established to analyze the generation mechanisms of the mismatch of size and shape of two spring board.To demonstrate the formulation of these defects,the bites condition and contact status between rectangular groove and workpiece during rolling the first and second spring boards were analyzed.Then,a new oval-diamond groove combining oval groove and diamond groove was presented to eliminate these defects.By analyzing field variables under the same deformation degree,the larger friction can be obtained on the contact surface of workpiece and the oval-diamond groove.The physical experiment validates that the oval-diamond groove can eliminate these defects effectively,and the size of part is in good agreement with design requirement. 展开更多
关键词 roll forging spring board oval-diamond groove rectangular groove automobile front axles
The effect of axial stiffness of mooring lines on the horizontal motion of FDPSO 被引量:7
作者 WEI YueFeng YANG JianMin +1 位作者 CHEN Gang HU ZhiQiang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第1期10-15,共6页
FDPSO is a multifunction floating platform,which has the integral function of drilling,production,storage and offloading.A spread mooring system is adopted to position the FDPSO.The coupled analysis in time domain for... FDPSO is a multifunction floating platform,which has the integral function of drilling,production,storage and offloading.A spread mooring system is adopted to position the FDPSO.The coupled analysis in time domain for FDPSO system is conducted in the present paper,using the code DeepC.The effect of axial stiffness of the mooring line on the horizontal motion of FDPSO is studied by employing five types of different axial stiffness in the calculation of the motion response of FDPSO vessel.Furthermore,the results of a model test conducted in the State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering in Shanghai Jiao Tong University are used to investigate the feasibility of the numerical method. 展开更多
关键词 FDPSO motion performance mooring lines axial stiffness
作者 Yanping CHEN Nianshi XIA Nianyu YI 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2011年第4期663-671,共9页
This paper considers the Legendre Galerkin spectral approximation for the unconstralnea optimal control problems. The authors derive a posteriori error estimate for the spectral approximation scheme of optimal control... This paper considers the Legendre Galerkin spectral approximation for the unconstralnea optimal control problems. The authors derive a posteriori error estimate for the spectral approximation scheme of optimal control problem. By choosing the appropriate basis functions, the stiff matrix of the discretization equations is sparse. And the authors use the Fast Legendre Transform to improve the efficiency of this method. Two numerical experiments demonstrating our theoretical results are presented. 展开更多
关键词 Legendre-Galerkin optimal control spectral method.
Lateral stiffness of steel plate shear walls 被引量:2
作者 NIE JianGuo ZHU Li 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期151-162,共12页
The steel plate shear wall system has been used in a number of buildings as an innovative lateral force resistant system.Openings often exist in the steel plate shear walls due to the various functional requirements o... The steel plate shear wall system has been used in a number of buildings as an innovative lateral force resistant system.Openings often exist in the steel plate shear walls due to the various functional requirements of structures.These openings may negatively impact the lateral stiffness of steel plate shear walls.Therefore,an experimental research was instituted to investigate the seismic behavior of steel plate shear walls,with and without openings.The experimental results showed that steel plate shear walls have the satisfying seismic behavior,and,as expected,the strength and stiffness characteristics of the walls were reduced due to openings.Then a single-story wall panel FE model and an analytical deep beam model are developed in order to find the critical factors dominating the thickness reduction coefficient of wall panels with the opening.Furthermore,extensive parametric analysis is conducted to derive a simplified formula for the determination of the thickness reduction coefficient of wall panels with the opening for substituting solid wall panels with reduced thickness for actual wall panels with the opening.Finally,the design method for calculating the lateral stiffness is verified by some experimental programs and recommended for the routine practice of steel plate shear walls. 展开更多
关键词 steel plate shear walls wall panels with the opening thickness reduction coefficient lateral stiffness design method analytical deep beam model
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