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从“知识增量”向“知识升质”:以法学研究为例 被引量:4
作者 聂长建 李国强 《理论与现代化》 CSSCI 2012年第3期62-69,共8页
"知识增量"作为一个有瑕疵的概念,没有反映出它所要表达的意思的实质,对人们的思维和行动具有误导性,应当正名为"知识升质"。"知识升质"就是研究者对学术材料赋予新的组合形式,从而实现知识在"质&qu... "知识增量"作为一个有瑕疵的概念,没有反映出它所要表达的意思的实质,对人们的思维和行动具有误导性,应当正名为"知识升质"。"知识升质"就是研究者对学术材料赋予新的组合形式,从而实现知识在"质"上的突破和创新。只有学术原创作品才配称得上"知识升质",它在本质上是天赋形式和经验内容的统一。我国法学研究的现状是"增量"胜于"升质",重"数量"而轻"质量"",体积"大而"密度"小,法学研究量多质差,大而不强,肥胖臃肿呈现病态。实现法学研究由"知识增量"向"知识升质"的转变,关键是改变学术评价体系和人才选拔方式。 展开更多
关键词 知识增量 知识升质 正名 学术原创
专科高职:升格还是升质? 被引量:3
作者 吕全国 《湖北职业技术学院学报》 2015年第4期21-26,共6页
发展本科高职是完善现代职业教育体系、顺应国际职业教育发展趋势的迫切需要及专科高职急欲缓解招生困局的现实需要。但通过专科高职升格来发展本科高职,不仅不利于构建高等教育系统的生态平衡,而且还会使高等职教的品牌建设半途而废,... 发展本科高职是完善现代职业教育体系、顺应国际职业教育发展趋势的迫切需要及专科高职急欲缓解招生困局的现实需要。但通过专科高职升格来发展本科高职,不仅不利于构建高等教育系统的生态平衡,而且还会使高等职教的品牌建设半途而废,并存在跌入"升格式发展"陷阱的风险。可通过让一部分普通本科高校的转型来发展本科高职,而专科高职则只能通过"升质"来破解发展难题,实现持续健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 高职发展 专科高职 本科高职 升质
作者 胡剑波 周宗康 麦骏南 《产业经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第3期114-127,共14页
国家双创示范基地建设作为贯彻创新驱动发展战略的重要制度探索,既是迈向创新型国家前列的强劲引擎,也是推动低碳经济行稳致远的重要典范,对实现城市经济与生态环境的协同发展具有重要意义。基于中国2006—2020年城市面板数据,运用交叠... 国家双创示范基地建设作为贯彻创新驱动发展战略的重要制度探索,既是迈向创新型国家前列的强劲引擎,也是推动低碳经济行稳致远的重要典范,对实现城市经济与生态环境的协同发展具有重要意义。基于中国2006—2020年城市面板数据,运用交叠双重差分模型系统考察了国家双创示范基地政策对城市碳排放“数量”和“质量”的影响。结果表明:(1)国家双创示范基地建设有利于推进城市碳排放实现“量降质升”;(2)国家双创示范基地建设的政策效应在高行政等级、非资源型城市和非老工业基地城市中更为显著;(3)国家双创示范基地建设对城市碳排放“量降质升”的作用渠道主要为产业结构调整、绿色技术创新、缓解融资约束和加大财政科技投入;(4)国家双创示范基地建设对邻地碳排放起着显著的抑制作用,而对邻地碳全要素生产率上升的促进作用不明显。不断深化国家双创示范基地建设,探索多维路径的协同减排增效渠道,结合地区实际构建多元化的创新战略,是国家双创示范基地建设发挥更大环境改善效应的关键所在。 展开更多
关键词 国家双创示范基地 碳排放 碳全要素生产率 量降 双重差分 空间溢出
作者 杨世璋 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第2期23-27,共5页
关键词 机械工业 限量升质 中国
创新驱动政策“双试点”协同赋能与碳排放“量降质升”——来自国家自主创新示范区与创新型城市的证据 被引量:8
作者 韩先锋 郑酌基 肖远飞 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期112-123,共12页
新发展格局下,以国家自主创新示范区与创新型城市试点为代表的创新驱动政策能否有效发挥“创新试验田”效能,协同助力“双碳”目标实现?基于2006—2020年中国278个地级市面板数据,运用渐进双重差分模型(DID),从“量”与“质”的双重视角... 新发展格局下,以国家自主创新示范区与创新型城市试点为代表的创新驱动政策能否有效发挥“创新试验田”效能,协同助力“双碳”目标实现?基于2006—2020年中国278个地级市面板数据,运用渐进双重差分模型(DID),从“量”与“质”的双重视角,评估创新驱动政策“双试点”对碳排放的多维政策效应。结果表明:①“双试点”政策对碳排放“量降质升”具有明显的协同效应,且相较于“单试点”政策,“双试点”政策的协同赋能效果更为明显,以上结论通过PSM‐DID等一系列稳健性、内生性检验后依旧成立。②“双试点”政策不仅能直接发挥有效减碳的双轮驱动作用,还可通过资源配置效应与技术进步效应为“降碳升质”提供助力,但结构升级效应的作用路径尚未显现。③“双试点”政策协同赋能效果与地理区位、工业化水平有关,呈现典型“自西向东”的阶梯式分布特征,且在先成为创新型城市再成为国家自主创新示范区、资源依赖度更低的城市中,这种协同效应将更为明显。该研究为地方政府统筹释放“双试点”政策合力,加快实现“双碳”目标与创新驱动发展战略的“双赢”提供了一定启示。 展开更多
关键词 “双试点” 协同赋能 创新驱动政策 碳排放 量降
转型升级,促进融合教育提质升效——漫谈昆山张浦镇第二小学的实践 被引量:1
作者 陈辉 《生活教育》 2020年第12期29-31,共3页
关键词 特殊教育 融合教育 转型
作者 狄丹阳 方宏远 +1 位作者 王念念 赵小华 《科教导刊》 2022年第27期68-71,共4页
我国经济社会的飞速发展对专业学位研究生培养提出了更高的要求。目前的专业学位研究生教育在培养质量、培养数量和学科结构等方面存在诸多问题。本研究梳理了专业学位研究生的能力素质构成,分析了专业学位研究生培养的系统价值驱动过程... 我国经济社会的飞速发展对专业学位研究生培养提出了更高的要求。目前的专业学位研究生教育在培养质量、培养数量和学科结构等方面存在诸多问题。本研究梳理了专业学位研究生的能力素质构成,分析了专业学位研究生培养的系统价值驱动过程,以培养质量评价及优化、培养数量优化和学科结构优化为手段,提出体系化多维度的科学构建原则,进而建立在学生数量增加的同时培养质量获得提升的综合性体系架构,为学生综合培养质量的实质性提升提供技术性改进方案。 展开更多
关键词 专业学位 能力素结构 系统工程理论 量增体系
作者 张学博 高建良 +4 位作者 牛国庆 杨明 张飞燕 程磊 张念思 《创新创业理论研究与实践》 2024年第5期125-127,共3页
新时代社会主义现代化建设对高层次应用型人才的需求促进了专业学位研究生教育的发展。为加快适应国家对人才结构的调整,更好地促进安全学科专业学位研究生发展,该文对安全学科专业学位研究生量增质升实现途径进行了研究,从研究生招生... 新时代社会主义现代化建设对高层次应用型人才的需求促进了专业学位研究生教育的发展。为加快适应国家对人才结构的调整,更好地促进安全学科专业学位研究生发展,该文对安全学科专业学位研究生量增质升实现途径进行了研究,从研究生招生计划的制定、校企协同育人、完善人才培养体系、建设强大的师资队伍、加大学位论文的监管5个方面保证安全工程专业学位研究生数量增加的同时培养质量也稳步提升。 展开更多
关键词 新时代 安全科学与工程 量增 实现途径 应用型人才 培养
The effect of exogenous sugar solution and high concentration of CO_2 on the contents of sugar and protein of Betula platyphylla leaves 被引量:1
作者 周玉梅 杨传平 +3 位作者 王淑娟 吴月亮 王文章 韩士杰 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期61-63,共3页
The content of total sugar, sucrose, fructose and protein in the leaves of3-yr.-old Betula platyphylla was measured after the treatment by three exogenous sugar solutions(sucrose, fructose, glucose) and three high con... The content of total sugar, sucrose, fructose and protein in the leaves of3-yr.-old Betula platyphylla was measured after the treatment by three exogenous sugar solutions(sucrose, fructose, glucose) and three high concentrations of CO_2 (700, 1 400, 2 100 μL/L·L^(-1))for about a month in 1998. The results showed that spraying three exogenous sugar solutionsincreased markedly the content of sugar and protein of leaves under 700 μL·L^(-1) and 1 400μL·L^(-1) CO_2 The effect of spraying exogenous sucrose solution was the best among the threeexogenous sugars. The treatment of spraying exogenous sugar solution and 2 100 μL·L^(-1) CO_2constrained the accumulation of total sugar and protein of leaves. There was no difference inprotein content of leaves when spraying glucose and fructose solutions under 700 μL·L^(-1) and 1400 μL·L^(-1) CO_2. The treatment of 2 100 μL·L^(-1) CO_2 concentration significantly increasedthe contents of total sugar, sucrose, fructose, and protein of leaves compared with that of the 700μL·L^(-1) and 1 400 μL·L^(-1) CO_2 except the plants spraying fructose solution. There waspositive correlation between the content of sugar of leaves and CO_2 concentration when sprayingsame exogenous sugar solution. 展开更多
关键词 EXOGENOUS SUGAR PROTEIN high CO_2 betula platyphylla
China's Industrial Upgrade and Human Capital Improvement 被引量:1
作者 张车伟 高文书 《China Economist》 2016年第4期22-45,共24页
Based on statistics, this paper reviews China's economic growth and industrial upgrade since the reform and opening up in 1978 and estimates the contribution of industrial restructuring to economic growth. With the y... Based on statistics, this paper reviews China's economic growth and industrial upgrade since the reform and opening up in 1978 and estimates the contribution of industrial restructuring to economic growth. With the years of schooling as the proxy variable of human capital, this paper describes changes in China's labor competence during the industrial restructuring process. Then, this paper estimates China's future human capital demand and shortage based on economic and demographic forecast. Lastly, this paper proposes recommendations for improving human capital in China with skills development and education. 展开更多
关键词 industrial structure industrial upgrade human capital labor competence China supply-side structural reforms
作者 齐锡龄 金志军 +1 位作者 李惟毅 郑宗和 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2000年第1期14-17,共4页
This paper establishes the mathematical model in calculating the effective thermal conductivity and the effective mass diffusivity of dried layer of beef undergoing freeze drying process.First,experimental measurement... This paper establishes the mathematical model in calculating the effective thermal conductivity and the effective mass diffusivity of dried layer of beef undergoing freeze drying process.First,experimental measurements are done on the dehydrated quantity as well as temperature variations at different locations of the beef steak.Then the effective thermal conductivity and the effective mass diffusivity are calculated by applying the above mathematical model on the data of the dehydrated quantity.These two coefficients are further used in the calculation of temperature distribution.The result is in agreement with the measurement,thus confirming the correctness of the model and the values of the coefficients. 展开更多
关键词 sublimation drying thermal conductivity mass diffusivity
Lignin valorization toward value-added chemicals and fuels via electrocatalysis:A perspective 被引量:1
作者 Chenxin Yang Henan Chen +3 位作者 Tao Peng Baiyao Liang Yun Zhang Wei Zhao 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第11期1831-1842,共12页
Developing efficient approaches for lignin upgrading is of interest for the industrial production of chemicals and fuels from renewable biomass.Electrocatalytic lignin upgrading powered by renewable electricity operat... Developing efficient approaches for lignin upgrading is of interest for the industrial production of chemicals and fuels from renewable biomass.Electrocatalytic lignin upgrading powered by renewable electricity operating under gentle conditions(at or near ambient pressures and temperatures)enables a decentralized production of chemicals and fuels.Herein,we will cover the structures of lignin and review the recent advances in the electrocatalytic lignin upgrade,the electrocatalytic depolymerization of lignin,and the electrocatalytic upgrading of lignin monomers to value-added chemicals and fuels.Finally,we provide insights into the main challenges and future perspectives of this field. 展开更多
Study on the comparison of the pyrolysis gas release of lignite and its briquette 被引量:3
作者 ZHU Shi-feng CHU Mo ZHAO Fei-xiang 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2012年第2期177-181,共5页
In this experiment, lignite was refined and processed through binderless briquette preparation process from low-rank coal and became briquette. Then, lignite and its briquette were pyrolysed as materials to compare th... In this experiment, lignite was refined and processed through binderless briquette preparation process from low-rank coal and became briquette. Then, lignite and its briquette were pyrolysed as materials to compare the nature of their pyrolysis. In this study, the experiment was carried out through a lab tube furnace, at a heating rate of 10 ~C/min, and the gas was analyzed and compared, which was collected at different temperatures. The results show that: in the pyrolysis temperature of 550-850 ℃, the semi-coke yield of briquette is 2%-6% higher than lignite, the tar yield of briquette is 2%-3% higher than lignite and the gas yield of briquette is 4%-9% less than lignite. The time required for complete release of the briquette is about 20 min less than lignite. The components in the pyrolysis gas of lignite and its briquette are the same, and their variation with the pyrolysis temperature is similar. 展开更多
关键词 pyrolysis gas LIGNITE BRIQUETTE
粮食产后服务中心的粮食清理工艺研究 被引量:2
作者 鲍小义 单良 +2 位作者 王长凤 王玲玲 尹鸿翔 《现代食品》 2023年第16期9-12,78,共5页
本研究通过对粮食产后服务中心的粮食常见清理工艺存在的主要问题进行分析,结合在某粮食产后服务中心清理工艺的实践,从粮食清理效果和清理设备的工厂化方面入手,旨在提升粮食产后服务中心的运营效果,促进粮食产后服务中心在粮食安全和... 本研究通过对粮食产后服务中心的粮食常见清理工艺存在的主要问题进行分析,结合在某粮食产后服务中心清理工艺的实践,从粮食清理效果和清理设备的工厂化方面入手,旨在提升粮食产后服务中心的运营效果,促进粮食产后服务中心在粮食安全和粮食提质升档方面发挥更大的作用。 展开更多
关键词 粮食产后服务中心 清理工艺 运营效果 粮食提
Upgrading of Yi'an gas coal by low temperature pyrolysis under different atmospheres 被引量:4
作者 Wei Xiaomei Zhou Min +2 位作者 Zhang Chun Lei Jiali Song Liqiang 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第3期401-405,共5页
The quality of Yi'an gas coal before and after low temperature upgrading under either a N2 or H2 atmosphere was examined by thermogravimetric and infrared analyses. The effect of upgrading on the prepared coke qualit... The quality of Yi'an gas coal before and after low temperature upgrading under either a N2 or H2 atmosphere was examined by thermogravimetric and infrared analyses. The effect of upgrading on the prepared coke quality was analyzed. The results show that the carboxyl and phenolic hydroxyls in the coal molecular structure are removed after upgrading by low temperature pyrolysis under either N2 or Hz atmospheres. This improves coal caking properties to a certain extent. The upgrading effect under a Hz atmosphere is remarkably better than the effect observed after upgrading under N2. Compared to coke obtained from raw coal, the compressiveand micro-strength of the cokes obtained from upgraded coal are greatly improved. The effect on coke reactivity with CO2 is not significant. The best upgrading temperature for Yi'an gas coal under either a N2 or H2 atmosphere is 250 or 275 ℃ respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Yi'an gas coal Atmosphere Upgrading Coke quality
Analysis and Measurement of Mass Transfer in Airlift Loop Reactors 被引量:3
作者 张同旺 王铁峰 王金福 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第5期604-610,共7页
Inter-phase mass transfer is important to the design and performance of airlift loop reactors for either chemical or biochemical applications, and a good measurement technique is crucial for studying mass transfer in ... Inter-phase mass transfer is important to the design and performance of airlift loop reactors for either chemical or biochemical applications, and a good measurement technique is crucial for studying mass transfer in multiphase systems. According to the model of macro-scale mass transfer in airlift loop reactors, it was proved that the airlift loop reactor can be regarded as a continuous stirred tank reactor for measuring mass transfer coefficient. The calculated mass transfer coefficient on such a basis is different from the volumetric mass transfer coefficient in the macro-scale model and the difference is discussed. To describe the time delay of the probe response to the change of oxygen concentration in the liquid phase, a model taking into account the time constant of response is es-tablished. Sensitivity analysis shows that this model can be used to measure the volumetric mass transfer coefficient. Applying this model to the measurement of volumetric mass transfer coefficient in the loop reactor, results that co-incide with the turbulence theory in the literate were obtained. 展开更多
关键词 airlift loop reactor mass transfer model sensitivity analysis
Calculation Method for Effect of Silt Sediment on Lifting Force of Hydraulic Gate 被引量:1
作者 高仕赵 徐国宾 王明斌 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2015年第1期50-55,共6页
In this paper, silt sediment is considered to be Bingham body, which is made up of coarse and fine particles in front of a hydraulic gate. The coarse and fine particles provide friction and shear stress in the course ... In this paper, silt sediment is considered to be Bingham body, which is made up of coarse and fine particles in front of a hydraulic gate. The coarse and fine particles provide friction and shear stress in the course of opening the gate. They constitute together the adhesion force of the sediment. Based on this viewpoint, this paper puts forward a formula for the effect of silt sediment on the lifting force. The formula includes gate weight, down-suction force, sealing rubber friction, plus-weight, water-column pressure, plus-silted-sediment weight and rolling(or sliding)-bearing friction. Finally, the verification results show that the formula has certain reliability and the calculation accuracy can meet the need of practical engineering. 展开更多
关键词 radial steel gate plane steel gate lifting force silt sediment Bingham body
Surface properties of activated carbon from different raw materials 被引量:7
作者 Zhang XiangLan Zhang Yan +1 位作者 Liu Qiong Zhou Wei 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 2012年第4期483-486,共4页
Activated carbons (ACs) with different surface properties were prepared from different raw materials. N2 adsorption, pH value, Boehm titration, Temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) and FTIR were employed to char... Activated carbons (ACs) with different surface properties were prepared from different raw materials. N2 adsorption, pH value, Boehm titration, Temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) and FTIR were employed to characterize the pore structure and surface chemical properties of the ACs. The results show that AC from bituminous coal (AC-B) has more meso-pores, higher pH value, more carboxylic groups and basic site than ACs from coconut shell and hawthorn(AC-C, AC-H). Oxygen in the mixture gas has great effect on S02 catalytic oxidation/oxidation ability of AC-B. In the absence of oxygen, the adsorbed SO2 on AC-B is 0.16 mmollg and the conversion ratio of adsorbed S02 to S03 is 22.07~; while in the presence of oxygen, the adsorbed amount of S02 is 0.42 retool/g, and all of the adsorbed S02 was totally converted to SO3. This feature of AC-B is consistent with its higher pH value, basic site and the reaction ability with H2 from TPR. The conversion ratios of S02 absorbed on both AC-C and AC-H were 100%, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Activated carbonSurface propertyCatalytic SO2 adsorption
Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Biomaterial: Maleic Anhydride-modified Poly(dl-lactic acid) 被引量:8
作者 YanFengLUO YuanLiangWANG XuFengNIU JunPAN LiangPingSHI 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第5期521-524,共4页
A novel modified poly(dl-lactic acid) (PDLLA) was obtained by covalently grafting of maleic anhydride onto the backbone of PDLLA, attempting to improve PDLLA’s hydrophilicity and cell affinity and to provide reactive... A novel modified poly(dl-lactic acid) (PDLLA) was obtained by covalently grafting of maleic anhydride onto the backbone of PDLLA, attempting to improve PDLLA’s hydrophilicity and cell affinity and to provide reactive groups for further chemical modification. FTIR, 13C NMR and DSC were used to characterize the maleic anhydride-modified PDLLA. 展开更多
关键词 Poly(dl-lactic acid) maleic anhydride MODIFICATION characterization.
作者 薄艳飞 《交通企业管理》 2020年第4期64-65,共2页
党支部是党的基层组织机构,是贯彻落实党的路线方针政策、发挥战斗堡垒作用的前线,其重要性不言而喻。在当前全面从严治党的要求下,企业基层党支部已基本实现"应建必建",解决了"有没有"的问题。但企业基层党支部工... 党支部是党的基层组织机构,是贯彻落实党的路线方针政策、发挥战斗堡垒作用的前线,其重要性不言而喻。在当前全面从严治党的要求下,企业基层党支部已基本实现"应建必建",解决了"有没有"的问题。但企业基层党支部工作开展"力不力",作用发挥"好不好",仍然需要不断关注。 展开更多
关键词 交通企业 党支部 职能作用 工作效果 组织架构
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