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南非和美国关于承认和执行外国法院判决的比较 被引量:2
作者 洪永红 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1999年第5期107-109,133,共4页
比较南非和美国关于承认和执行外国法院判决的规定 ,可发现两国有许多相同和不同之处。南非的“外国法院判决”只是指南非共和国以外的外国法院所做的判决 ,而美国除指美利坚合众国以外的法院判决外 ,也指美国国内各州法院之间的判决。... 比较南非和美国关于承认和执行外国法院判决的规定 ,可发现两国有许多相同和不同之处。南非的“外国法院判决”只是指南非共和国以外的外国法院所做的判决 ,而美国除指美利坚合众国以外的法院判决外 ,也指美国国内各州法院之间的判决。在理论基础方面 ,南非并不是很确定 ,有“礼让”“重大关系”等学说 ,美国的传统理论是普通法的礼让原则。在程序上 ,南非采取登记方式承认和执行外国法院判决 ,美国境外的外国法院判决 ,由美联邦法院负责承认与执行 ,美国境内“姊妹州”的判决则分两种情况。在抗辩理由方面 ,两国都以原判决国法院缺乏管辖权为重大理由 ,但南非一般主张根据诉讼地法院的法律来确定管辖权 ,美国则以被申请法院地的法律来确定 ;南非法院不承认和执行可能被上诉或尚在上诉审中的判决 。 展开更多
关键词 外国院判决 承认和执行 南非法 美国
从南非矿法修改看其矿业政策发展变化 被引量:1
作者 王华春 郑伟 +3 位作者 王秀波 郭彤荔 王健 王海平 《中国国土资源经济》 2014年第5期50-53,40,共5页
南非对2002年颁布的《矿产与石油资源开发法》进行了多次修订。修订后的南非矿法在矿业权管制条款、选矿条款两个方面扩大了部长的自由裁量权,加强了国家对该项的控制和管理;矿业权申请方式增加了投标的申请方式,并可以就部分矿业权进... 南非对2002年颁布的《矿产与石油资源开发法》进行了多次修订。修订后的南非矿法在矿业权管制条款、选矿条款两个方面扩大了部长的自由裁量权,加强了国家对该项的控制和管理;矿业权申请方式增加了投标的申请方式,并可以就部分矿业权进行申请;社区可以作为经济实体参与矿业开发,提高了社会和劳工计划要求,保障矿业社区利益;提高环境义务和闭坑要求,设定环境授权和用水许可证以及开放式的闭坑环境义务。首次以法律条文的形式规定政府无偿享有石油开发企业一定比例的利润分成。南非矿法修订频繁、条款变化幅度极大、矿业政策稳定性极低。 展开更多
关键词 南非 修订 矿业政策
论南非物权自由原则的实践和启示——兼议物权编物权法定原则之缓和 被引量:2
作者 张静 《交大法学》 CSSCI 2018年第2期128-149,共22页
南非属于混合法系,南非物权法采取了物权自由原则,并运用登记能力和"所有权切割"理论作为物权的甄别机制。这个机制在保证物权体系不断发展的同时维持了物债二分,不过它面临司法适用不一致的问题,物权和债权的界限难以完全确... 南非属于混合法系,南非物权法采取了物权自由原则,并运用登记能力和"所有权切割"理论作为物权的甄别机制。这个机制在保证物权体系不断发展的同时维持了物债二分,不过它面临司法适用不一致的问题,物权和债权的界限难以完全确定。在理论上,南非的物权自由原则有助于我们认识物权的客体和内容,理解物权体系的形成和演进。在实践上,物权自由原则的实践对于如何缓和物权法定原则和认定新型物权具有重要意义。我国《民法总则》第116条的规定过于僵化,仅由立法者预先设计物权体系。未来民法典物权编中需要规定缓和物权法定规则,授予法官认定新型物权的权力,引入司法性的事后认定机制作为辅助。 展开更多
关键词 物权 物权自由 物权定的缓和 南非物权
作者 杨波 《兵器知识》 2010年第3期48-50,共3页
中国对南海诸岛拥有主权,但是20世纪70年代以后,南海周邻几国对南沙群岛提出主权要求,并占领了部分岛礁。特别是越南,不顾中国政府多次严正声明和警告,迄今已侵占南沙岛礁29个之多,驻守兵力达到2 000余人。为了达到永久占领南沙的目的,... 中国对南海诸岛拥有主权,但是20世纪70年代以后,南海周邻几国对南沙群岛提出主权要求,并占领了部分岛礁。特别是越南,不顾中国政府多次严正声明和警告,迄今已侵占南沙岛礁29个之多,驻守兵力达到2 000余人。为了达到永久占领南沙的目的,越南当局在军事上始终强调以武力捍卫南沙,为此,他们在南沙各岛礁上修筑永久性军事设施,派遣大量舰船驻防南沙,驱赶、抓捕、跟踪监视我各种船只,而且多次联合东南亚各国进行以南沙为背景、以我国为目标的军事演习。《兵器知识》2010年第2A期刊登《俄越军火交易背后的暗流》后,山东读者吕伟民点登有关越南非法侵占南沙岛礁的情况。 展开更多
关键词 南沙群岛 越南 南非法 侵占 规模估计 千米 岛礁 北纬 东经 驻军
中国公路隧道围岩分级法和挪威Q值法及南非RMR法对应关系探讨 被引量:3
作者 金立平 《城市道桥与防洪》 2013年第3期203-205,224,共3页
关键词 围岩分级 BQ值 挪威Q值 南非RMR
埃及、南非司法制度见闻(上) 被引量:2
作者 江必新 《中国审判》 2007年第10期68-70,共3页
关键词 最高上诉 制度 上诉 埃及 南非法 巡回 刑事案件 初审 独立
南非种族主义宪法的沿革和南非“新宪法” 被引量:1
作者 夏吉生 《西亚非洲》 1985年第1期45-52,37,共9页
近年来,南非当局加紧推行所谓“宪法改革”。通过1983年11月举行只有白人才能参加的“全国公民投票”,正式制定了“新宪法”。去年8、9月又强制进行议会和总统选举,将“新宪法”付诸实施。这是南非自1910年成立联邦以来的第三个宪法。... 近年来,南非当局加紧推行所谓“宪法改革”。通过1983年11月举行只有白人才能参加的“全国公民投票”,正式制定了“新宪法”。去年8、9月又强制进行议会和总统选举,将“新宪法”付诸实施。这是南非自1910年成立联邦以来的第三个宪法。考察一下这七十多年来南非宪法发展的历史和现在这个宪法的内容,不难看出。 展开更多
关键词 新宪 种族主义 发展 总统选举 公民投票 改革 议会 联邦 南非法 白人
《中国金属通报》 2003年第43期19-19,共1页
伦敦消息:在欧洲金属协会(Eurometaux)申诉中国出口欧盟的氧化锌绕道越南非法逃避关税后,欧盟部长理事会决定扩大对进口氧化锌反倾销税的征收范围。在此之前,欧盟生产商联合会也发表声明指出,去年在对原产中国的纯度不少于93%的氧化锌征... 伦敦消息:在欧洲金属协会(Eurometaux)申诉中国出口欧盟的氧化锌绕道越南非法逃避关税后,欧盟部长理事会决定扩大对进口氧化锌反倾销税的征收范围。在此之前,欧盟生产商联合会也发表声明指出,去年在对原产中国的纯度不少于93%的氧化锌征收6.9%- 展开更多
关键词 反倾销税 欧盟 理事会 氧化锌 生产商 关税 征收范围 欧洲 越南 南非法
SOX A Comparison With the South African Status Quo
作者 Warren J. Maroun 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第3期357-364,共8页
Auditor independence provisions enshrined in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) were promulgated in 2002 in response to the Errron-Anderson scandal leading to a diminution of trust in the audit profession. In seeking to r... Auditor independence provisions enshrined in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) were promulgated in 2002 in response to the Errron-Anderson scandal leading to a diminution of trust in the audit profession. In seeking to regulate auditor independence in the name of investor protection, SOX has been heralded as "ground-breaking" public interest reform. Ironically, when one considers the substance of these reforms and contrasts them with the situation prevailing in South Africa, a different impression results. Despite the fact that South Africa is classified as a "developing" nation and one which has only recently transitioned to democracy, many of the auditor independence principles legislated under SOX have been part of generally accepted practice in South Africa since the 1950s. Accordingly, SOX may not be the progressive example of auditor regulation that it is generally perceived to be. 展开更多
关键词 auditor independence auditing regulations independent regulators Auditing Profession Act (2005) Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002) South Africa United States of America
Probability and reliability analysis of pillar stability in South Africa
作者 Gaofeng Song Shengli Yang 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 EI CSCD 2018年第4期704-708,共5页
A deterministic approach is frequently used in engineering design. In this quantitative design methodology, a safety factor, which is typically a strength-to-stress ratio, is derived as an index for the stability asse... A deterministic approach is frequently used in engineering design. In this quantitative design methodology, a safety factor, which is typically a strength-to-stress ratio, is derived as an index for the stability assessment of the engineering design. In underground coal mining applications such as pillar design,however, the inputs of pillar design are variables. This is widely overlooked in the deterministic approach. A probabilistic approach assessing the probability of failure or reliability of a system might be an alternative to the conventional quantitative methodology. This approach can incorporate the degree of uncertainty and deviations of variables and provide more versatile and reliable results. In this research, the reliability of case histories from stable and failed pillars of South Africa presented by Merwe and Mathey is examed. The updated Salamon and Munro strength formula(S-M formula) and Merwe and Mathey strength formula(M-M formula) are evaluated through a probabilistic approach. It is concluded that stable pillar cases have a reliability value greater than 0.83 while the reliability value of failed pillar cases are slightly larger than 0.50. There seems to be a positive relation between safety factor and reliability. The reliability of a pillar increases with pillar width but decreases with depth of cover, pillar height and entry width. The reliability analysis also confirms that M-M strength formula has a better distinction between the stable and failed pillar cases. 展开更多
关键词 Pillar design Probabilistic approach RELIABILITY Monte Carlo simulation
The Androgynic Pedagogic Approach in the Study and Teaching of Performing Arts in South Africa
作者 Ndwamato George Mugovhani 《Sociology Study》 2012年第12期908-917,共10页
For many years now, scholars or researchers have been advocating for an androgynous or all-embracing (multicultural) approach in teaching and learning of musical arts and other performing arts at universities, perfo... For many years now, scholars or researchers have been advocating for an androgynous or all-embracing (multicultural) approach in teaching and learning of musical arts and other performing arts at universities, performing arts centres and other institutions. This article discusses the study and teaching situation of musical arts in South Africa, based on the research of nine institutions of higher learning. The major objective of this article therefore is to explore the extent to which South African institutions of higher learning and performing arts centres have incorporated the arts and culture of the historically marginalised people of South Africa in their respective curricula. From the results, it points out that music departments at South African institutions of higher learning have not yet fully transformed their programmes away from European models to programmes that affirm and embrace all the musical styles and genres practiced in the country. The article provides an advocacy for a strong androgynic approach in the study and teaching of performing arts in South Africa: the incorporation of both African indigenous and Western art forms in the respective curricula. 展开更多
关键词 African renaissance UBUNTU androgynic
Overview of Abandoned Mines in the Limpopo Province, South Africa: Rehabilitation Challenges
作者 Khodani Matshusa Mosidi Makgae 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2014年第3期156-161,共6页
South Africa is facing enormous financial, environmental and social challenges posed by abandoned mines. This investigation focused on field verification of 850 abandoned mines and associated rehabilitation challenges... South Africa is facing enormous financial, environmental and social challenges posed by abandoned mines. This investigation focused on field verification of 850 abandoned mines and associated rehabilitation challenges in the Limpopo Province. The investigations included desktop studies, standardised field-based ranking system and sampling. The waste material samples were analysed using XRF (X-ray fluorescence spectrometry) at the Council for Geoscience Laboratory. Approximately 5% of 850 abandoned mines in the Limpopo Province require urgent rehabilitation either due to high concentrations of metals from mine dumps or presence of open shafts. For example, copper concentrations at Messina and Spoedwel were 9,719 ppm and 56,160 ppm, respectively. Birthday Gold Mine in Giyani area is characterised by un-safe open shafts and un-stable grounds which poses safety problems and limits the future land-use. Although these investigations have been conducted, it is not possible to rehabilitate all abandoned mines mainly due to limited financial resources. The abandoned mines close to human settlement are given priority due to their immediate threat to people. This study recommends that rehabilitation of abandoned mines should take cognisance of the sustainable future land use that will favour the creation of jobs and nature conservation. 展开更多
关键词 Abandoned mines rehabilitation challenges Limpopo Province.
South Africa's Nuclear Forensics Response Plan Step 1 - in Support of Nuclear Security Investigations
作者 Phuti Reuben Mogafe Banyana Kokwane Precious Tshidada AmosL Matshiga JJHancket 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2015年第3期183-190,共8页
In South Africa, the nuclear forensics approach and its functions hosted and managed by Necsa, in support of any nuclear security investigations, start from the incident scene when the nuclear or radioactive material ... In South Africa, the nuclear forensics approach and its functions hosted and managed by Necsa, in support of any nuclear security investigations, start from the incident scene when the nuclear or radioactive material (that is out of regulatory control) is being handled and handed over to Necsa Emergency Control Centre by the South African law enforcement agencies in the presence of NOMS Department official. The main objective of this approach is to increase the credibility status of the chain of custody on the handling of the material during incident (crime) scene management process (for both nuclear forensics and traditional forensic evidence collection) and its transportation from the scene to the suitable storage facility at Necsa. Aspects to be looked into during the response process include interactions between law enforcement agencies, Necsa relevant departments and the National Nuclear Regulator of South Africa. This paper focuses on the entire whole response process and associated prior arrangements, in order to show and provide a set of requirements attached to the material, the scope of critical relevant technical and law enforcement information that to be acquired by all parties involving and participating in the nuclear/radiological incident or event response process before the material is authorized for storage at a suitably qualified Necsa's nuclear forensics, which is dedicated storage facility on Pelindaba site. 展开更多
关键词 Response plan nuclear incidents.
Human Capital Management: A South African Perspective
作者 Wynand Goosen 《Sociology Study》 2014年第3期269-282,共14页
In keeping with the need for skills development and increased demand by business for more robust systems to develop staff, innovative ways for the development of human capital would need to be found. The current role ... In keeping with the need for skills development and increased demand by business for more robust systems to develop staff, innovative ways for the development of human capital would need to be found. The current role of workplace learning would need to align to job and qualification requirements. Organisations would need to explore the development of Corporate Qualifications Frameworks to quantity skills needs. In the process, attention has to be paid to creat contextual awareness as well as a sense of purpose for learners. In essence, an integrated educational model that should be more flexible, more adaptable, and more effective, serving the needs of society at large should be considered. Care should be taken to build frameworks and models that address both the productive needs of organisations, whilst at the same time, ensuring the engagement of individuals. These frameworks should entice the employee to participate in a self-development process that benifits the organisation. Corporates should address the aspirations of individuals and plan more rewarding careers for staff. Employees should have a clear path for development and growth. Through collective effort, all particpants would benefit. 展开更多
关键词 Human capital (individual) human capital (corporate) academic credit corporate qualifications framework ACCREDITATION
南非社会保障体系中的社会救助制度 被引量:7
作者 杨立华 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第9期29-36,共8页
南非自1994年建立种族平等的民主制度以来,改革社会保障制度,废除了种族歧视法规,建立了全国统一的社会保障体制和社会救助制度。南非政府社会救助金占政府预算和国内生产总值的比例在发展中国家中居前列,甚至与发达国家不相上下。社会... 南非自1994年建立种族平等的民主制度以来,改革社会保障制度,废除了种族歧视法规,建立了全国统一的社会保障体制和社会救助制度。南非政府社会救助金占政府预算和国内生产总值的比例在发展中国家中居前列,甚至与发达国家不相上下。社会救助覆盖面达到全国人口的1/4,对缓解贫困、满足弱势群体的基本生活需求起到重要作用。但是,依赖社会救助的心理和社会现象也随之出现。南非政府以发展经济和扩大就业为社会发展政策,扩大初次分配中劳动者的收入,改革现有与就业相关的社会保险体制,提高民众的社会保障水平。南非的上述尝试对发展中国家解决经济增长与社会公平之间的关系有借鉴价值。 展开更多
关键词 南非 社会保障 社会救助 南非社会保障机构 《社会援助
作者 邵燕 李正则 《民商法论丛》 2023年第1期352-368,共17页
罗马-荷兰法是1652年由西蒙·范·莱文所提出的概念,其是指当时尼德兰地区通过将优士丁尼罗马法、日耳曼习惯法以及尼德兰地区法院判例相结合而创制的一种独特的法律体系。罗马-荷兰法曾经作为一种独特的法律体系存在于尼德兰地... 罗马-荷兰法是1652年由西蒙·范·莱文所提出的概念,其是指当时尼德兰地区通过将优士丁尼罗马法、日耳曼习惯法以及尼德兰地区法院判例相结合而创制的一种独特的法律体系。罗马-荷兰法曾经作为一种独特的法律体系存在于尼德兰地区,并伴随着尼德兰的殖民活动而扩展到南非、斯里兰卡、苏里南等地。在尼德兰本土已经放弃罗马-荷兰法的今天,罗马一荷兰法依旧作为一种法律渊源影响着这些国家的法律。 展开更多
关键词 罗马-荷兰 罗马 南非法 斯里兰卡
bonjour mademoiselle
作者 韩景龙 《西湖》 2010年第5期5-8,4,共5页
bonjour mademoiselle(你好,小姐)bonjour dragon.(你好,龙)和她相识三个多月我还是没办法记住她的名字,冗长而且绕口,不知道是南非法语口音的问题,还是那边的人名就是如此。
关键词 房间 光盘 厨房 名字 南非法 长时间 留学生 公寓 洗手间
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