Y99-61525-139 0000286低噪声放大器用的 GaAs MESFETs 的最佳宽度=Onthe optimum width of GaAs MESFETs for low noise am-plifiers[会,英]/Taylor,S.S.//1998 IEEE Radio Fre-quency Integrated Circuits Symposium.—139~142(AZ)Y9...Y99-61525-139 0000286低噪声放大器用的 GaAs MESFETs 的最佳宽度=Onthe optimum width of GaAs MESFETs for low noise am-plifiers[会,英]/Taylor,S.S.//1998 IEEE Radio Fre-quency Integrated Circuits Symposium.—139~142(AZ)Y99-61556-1603 0000287包含温度和击穿效应的功率 MESFET 的非线性模型=A nonlinear model of the power MESFET includingtemperature and breakdown effects[会,英]/Rizzoli,V.& Costanzo.A.//1998 IEEE MTT-s International Mi-展开更多
文摘Y99-61525-139 0000286低噪声放大器用的 GaAs MESFETs 的最佳宽度=Onthe optimum width of GaAs MESFETs for low noise am-plifiers[会,英]/Taylor,S.S.//1998 IEEE Radio Fre-quency Integrated Circuits Symposium.—139~142(AZ)Y99-61556-1603 0000287包含温度和击穿效应的功率 MESFET 的非线性模型=A nonlinear model of the power MESFET includingtemperature and breakdown effects[会,英]/Rizzoli,V.& Costanzo.A.//1998 IEEE MTT-s International Mi-