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因境定教初探 被引量:1
作者 孔凡成 《语文教学通讯(高中)(A)》 2017年第3期4-8,共5页
关键词 语文教学 教学内容 教学语 因境定教
因地制宜 因境成景 扬州园桥设计启示
作者 马辉 马晗捷 《风景园林》 2005年第4期78-81,共4页
分析归纳扬州园桥的文献资料和具体实例,对园桥设计的文化背景、环境构成和理念理法进行较为系统的专题研究。从“用地分析-环境构成-设计理法-空间审美”有机结合的园桥设计序列出发,重点分析其环境构成对园桥设计的基础作用,并运用建... 分析归纳扬州园桥的文献资料和具体实例,对园桥设计的文化背景、环境构成和理念理法进行较为系统的专题研究。从“用地分析-环境构成-设计理法-空间审美”有机结合的园桥设计序列出发,重点分析其环境构成对园桥设计的基础作用,并运用建筑环境心理学、建筑美学等理论,总结归纳为“因地制宜因境成景”的园桥设计理法。 展开更多
关键词 园桥设计 因地制宜 因境成景 构成
试论抓好企业基层党建工作中因境施教 被引量:1
作者 向芸芸 韩玉琳 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2013年第S1期121-122,125,共3页
对于基层电力企业而言,党组织是企业领导的核心,是企业健康运作的保障,企业的党建水平直接影响着企业发展、稳定的大局,做好党建工作至关重要。党建工作的核心内容和目标是一致的,但不同行业又有其自身特点,对于抽水蓄能电站这样的基层... 对于基层电力企业而言,党组织是企业领导的核心,是企业健康运作的保障,企业的党建水平直接影响着企业发展、稳定的大局,做好党建工作至关重要。党建工作的核心内容和目标是一致的,但不同行业又有其自身特点,对于抽水蓄能电站这样的基层电力生产单位,其党建工作因工作环境、工作性质、员工数量的制约,具有其特殊性,只有把握中心,抓住特点,因境施教,重在实效,在不断的实践和摸索中寻求最佳模式,才能实现党建提升和企业发展的互惠双赢。 展开更多
关键词 基层党建 企业发展 因境施教 重在实效
循序渐进 因境思策——高中"实用性阅读与交流任务群"教学纠偏
作者 王丽芳 《语文教学之友》 2023年第1期3-5,共3页
"实用性阅读与交流任务群"在教学过程中存在学习目标零散、拔苗助长、任务设置随意、学习评价方式单一等问题.针对统编版高中语文"实用性阅读与交流任务群"的教学,从教学目标循序渐进、教学载体情境化并因境思策、... "实用性阅读与交流任务群"在教学过程中存在学习目标零散、拔苗助长、任务设置随意、学习评价方式单一等问题.针对统编版高中语文"实用性阅读与交流任务群"的教学,从教学目标循序渐进、教学载体情境化并因境思策、教学过程和学习评价可视化三个方面解决以上问题,使教学更加高效省时. 展开更多
关键词 序列化 梯级化 因境思策 可视化
作者 董继荣 弭秉成 +3 位作者 张建军 杨金龙 王成 唐代清 《河北成人教育》 北大核心 1996年第3期35-37,共3页
浅谈当前我省农科类基础专业教育面临的因境与对策董继荣,弭秉成,张建军,杨金龙,王成,唐代清伴随着我国职业技术教育的蓬勃发展以及我省农村县市“兴建县级职教中心”办学思路的圆满实施,我省创出了河北职教特色,受到了中央领导... 浅谈当前我省农科类基础专业教育面临的因境与对策董继荣,弭秉成,张建军,杨金龙,王成,唐代清伴随着我国职业技术教育的蓬勃发展以及我省农村县市“兴建县级职教中心”办学思路的圆满实施,我省创出了河北职教特色,受到了中央领导同志和社会各方面的充分肯定,为发展... 展开更多
关键词 农科类 专业教育 初中毕业生 农业职业 发展趋势 高中毕业生 因境 意识形态 职业技术教育 职业学校
作者 吴瑶环 《教育探究》 2015年第1期98-100,共3页
教师需要用多元化的教育方法,"因境施教""顺势而为",抓住和利用情境中一个个教育契机,活化班级管理。针对不同教育情境,教师需要成熟的教育思想、独特的教育风格、娴熟的教育能力,以春风化雨、润物无声的教育方式,... 教师需要用多元化的教育方法,"因境施教""顺势而为",抓住和利用情境中一个个教育契机,活化班级管理。针对不同教育情境,教师需要成熟的教育思想、独特的教育风格、娴熟的教育能力,以春风化雨、润物无声的教育方式,深入浅出地将人生的真谛内化进学生心里,让他们健康快乐地成长。 展开更多
关键词 班级管理 因境施教 顺势而为
德国民社党(左翼党)的困境与选择 被引量:1
作者 孙敬亭 《当代世界与社会主义》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期41-45,共5页
在经历转轨初期的消沉后,德国民主社会主义党在20世纪90年代中期重新崛起。但在德国统一后的特殊政治背景下,民主社会主义党的发展出现了独特的地方性特征,成为德国“东方利益”的捍卫者。该党要成为全国性的政党,必须克服组织和意识形... 在经历转轨初期的消沉后,德国民主社会主义党在20世纪90年代中期重新崛起。但在德国统一后的特殊政治背景下,民主社会主义党的发展出现了独特的地方性特征,成为德国“东方利益”的捍卫者。该党要成为全国性的政党,必须克服组织和意识形态方面的困境。 展开更多
关键词 德国 民主社会主义党 因境 选择
作者 韦家朝 《宿州教育学院学报》 2006年第6期60-61,83,共3页
新课程实施的困境,笔者以为主要是课程观念仍然落后、课程资源严重缺乏、教师培训流于形式、教学方法生搬硬套、评价制度与方法严重滞后,在深入反思新课程实施困境的基础上,我们有必要从文化、概念、制度等层面进行再反思,以便挖掘新课... 新课程实施的困境,笔者以为主要是课程观念仍然落后、课程资源严重缺乏、教师培训流于形式、教学方法生搬硬套、评价制度与方法严重滞后,在深入反思新课程实施困境的基础上,我们有必要从文化、概念、制度等层面进行再反思,以便挖掘新课程实施困境的深层根源,为新课程的顺利实施提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 新课程实施 因境 反思 再反思
作者 刘菲 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)教育》 2016年第12期198-198,共1页
关键词 教学情 因境入情 动情
作者 李迎春 《法制与经济》 2013年第16期100-101,共2页
修改后的刑事诉讼法规定的附条件不起诉适用范围较窄,程序较复杂,制度优势不明显,监督考察和教育矫正的实施存在困难,导致办案人员宁愿选择其他处理途径,其法律效果大打折扣。因此,笔者建议适当扩大附条件不起诉适用范围将犯罪嫌疑人的... 修改后的刑事诉讼法规定的附条件不起诉适用范围较窄,程序较复杂,制度优势不明显,监督考察和教育矫正的实施存在困难,导致办案人员宁愿选择其他处理途径,其法律效果大打折扣。因此,笔者建议适当扩大附条件不起诉适用范围将犯罪嫌疑人的监督考察纳入社区矫正规范管理之中,或者建立起以检察机关为中心的监管帮教队伍,以破解实施困难的难题。 展开更多
关键词 检察机关 附条件不起诉 因境与出路
创造社前期的“文学梦” 被引量:3
作者 陈红旗 《郭沫若学刊》 2005年第1期30-39,共10页
在创办《创造》季刊之前,前期创造社存在着多种“可能性”抑或变数。创造社同人有着与文学研究会并峙称雄和“急挽狂澜”于新文化运动的大抱负。办刊焦虑、创造“新文学”的热望和对现实的强烈不满,决定了他们在新文坛中“独异”的行为... 在创办《创造》季刊之前,前期创造社存在着多种“可能性”抑或变数。创造社同人有着与文学研究会并峙称雄和“急挽狂澜”于新文化运动的大抱负。办刊焦虑、创造“新文学”的热望和对现实的强烈不满,决定了他们在新文坛中“独异”的行为方式。前期创造社同人以《创造》季刊和《创造周报》为文艺阵地,凭借着“挑战”这一行动策略,在文坛“异军苍头突起”。此后,他们因生活困苦、思想颓废陷入了生存和精神上的双重困境。这种困境是促成创造社后来“转向”的重要原因。 展开更多
关键词 创造社 文学梦 新文化运动 可能性 “打架” 颓废 因境
作者 周锋 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2012年第6期82-91,共10页
受传统诗学和西方诗学语言观的双重影响,中国现代诗的语言经营策略可以分为因境造语和因语造境两种类型。因境造语可分为按意象刺激性、知觉膨胀性和境界朦胧性要求造语三种类型;因语造境可分为重感兴和重理味两类,前者可分为讲声音语... 受传统诗学和西方诗学语言观的双重影响,中国现代诗的语言经营策略可以分为因境造语和因语造境两种类型。因境造语可分为按意象刺激性、知觉膨胀性和境界朦胧性要求造语三种类型;因语造境可分为重感兴和重理味两类,前者可分为讲声音语调的象征和反语法规范的言说两种,后者可分为正题反说的陈述和反修辞规范的传达两种。 展开更多
关键词 现代诗歌 语言经营策略 因境造语 因语造
State Estimation Method for GNSS/INS/Visual Multi-sensor Fusion Based on Factor Graph Optimization for Unmanned System
作者 ZHU Zekun YANG Zhong +2 位作者 XUE Bayang ZHANG Chi YANG Xin 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2024年第S01期43-51,共9页
With the development of unmanned driving technology,intelligent robots and drones,high-precision localization,navigation and state estimation technologies have also made great progress.Traditional global navigation sa... With the development of unmanned driving technology,intelligent robots and drones,high-precision localization,navigation and state estimation technologies have also made great progress.Traditional global navigation satellite system/inertial navigation system(GNSS/INS)integrated navigation systems can provide high-precision navigation information continuously.However,when this system is applied to indoor or GNSS-denied environments,such as outdoor substations with strong electromagnetic interference and complex dense spaces,it is often unable to obtain high-precision GNSS positioning data.The positioning and orientation errors will diverge and accumulate rapidly,which cannot meet the high-precision localization requirements in large-scale and long-distance navigation scenarios.This paper proposes a method of high-precision state estimation with fusion of GNSS/INS/Vision using a nonlinear optimizer factor graph optimization as the basis for multi-source optimization.Through the collected experimental data and simulation results,this system shows good performance in the indoor environment and the environment with partial GNSS signal loss. 展开更多
关键词 state estimation multi-sensor fusion combined navigation factor graph optimization complex environments
Re-searching nasopharyngeal carcinoma
作者 Ingemar Ernberg ZHENG Shixing ZHOU Xiaoying 《广西医科大学学报》 CAS 2024年第9期1227-1236,共10页
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC)has been a focus of medical research for more than 100 years,with significant interest emerging over the last 58 years following the identification of the link between the disease and Epst... Nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC)has been a focus of medical research for more than 100 years,with significant interest emerging over the last 58 years following the identification of the link between the disease and Epstein-Barr virus(EBV)infection.NPC possesses several distinctive characteristics among human cancers,notably its well-documented global epidemiology,which reveals localized high-incidence regions primarily in Southeast Asia,particularly in the Southern provinces of China near the Pearl river,as well as in Greenland and North Africa.Epidemiological data indicate a marked male predominance,early disease onset,and a nearly 100%prevalence of latent EBV infection in the tumors.Due to lack of consistent pattern of cancer-related mutations in NPC genomes and excessive DNA-methylation in the tumor cells,NPC can be considered"an epigenetic cancer".Despite extensive researches,convincing biological explanations for these unique characteristics remain elusive.Recently,suggestive evidence has been published that specific local variants of EBV may represent major high risk factors.In spite of tumor and virus specific immunity,it has not been possible to use this for improved treatment.Ongoing studies on the role of the local microflora and tumor microenvironment are essential for a comprehensive understanding of host-EBV-tumor interactions.Ultimately,this knowledge aims to enhance diagnosis,disease fractionation,treatment strategies,and potentially prevention of NPC. 展开更多
关键词 nasopharyngeal carcinoma Epstein-Barr virus risk factors EPIGENOME tumor microenvironment
Plant Anthocyanin Synthesis and Gene Regulation 被引量:6
作者 马廷蕊 张金文 +1 位作者 梁慧光 柳永强 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第3期507-511,540,共6页
This paper aims to explain the biochemistry of anthocyanin synthesis based on an overview of plant anthocyanin synthesis genes and environmental factors in the regulation of anthocyanin metabolism. The results show t... This paper aims to explain the biochemistry of anthocyanin synthesis based on an overview of plant anthocyanin synthesis genes and environmental factors in the regulation of anthocyanin metabolism. The results show that: ① The metabolism of anthocyanins in plants is affected by the temperature, light, ultraviolet, fertilization status, hormone levels and other factors, which affect the military anthocyanin biosynthetic genes, and then induce or inhibit the synthesis of anthocyanins. ② In the regulation of genes, some of the structural genes of anthocyanin synthesis showed promoting effect, while others showed inhibitory effect. At different environ- mental conditions, the regulation of gene activation and inhibition of the amount of different regulatory genes that anthocyanin accumulation is different, and cause different colors of plant-organs production. ③ In different environmental factors or hor-mones induced to produce the same or different regulation of gene expression changes in regulatory genes, resulting in several different anthocyanins or anthocyanin ratio changes, so that the color of plant organs in different colors. 展开更多
关键词 ANTHOCYANIN Structural protein Regulatory genes regulation factors
Inducible Expression of Translation Elongation Factor 1A Gene in Rice Seedlings in Response to Environmental Stresses 被引量:13
作者 李子银 陈受宜 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 1999年第8期800-806,共7页
Differences of gene expression between salinity_stressed and control rice ( Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica ) cultivar “Zhaiyeqing 8' were compared using differential display PCR (DD_PCR) technique. Sequence an... Differences of gene expression between salinity_stressed and control rice ( Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica ) cultivar “Zhaiyeqing 8' were compared using differential display PCR (DD_PCR) technique. Sequence analysis of one salt_inducible cDNA clone revealed that this clone represented a new member of rice translation elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) gene family and was tentatively named REF1A. Northern blot hybridization using REF1A fragment as a probe was performed to investigate the expression of rice translation elongation factor 1A gene in response to various environmental factors. It was observed that expression of the eEF1A gene in rice shoots was dramatically induced by salinity stress or exogenous application of abscisic acid (ABA). The induction of this gene by ABA stress occurred more quickly than that by salinity stress. In addition, expression of rice translation elongation factor 1A gene was also induced by drought (15% PEG6000), cold (4 ℃) or heat_shock (37 ℃) stresses. The results suggested that the induction of translation elongation factor 1A gene expression by environmental stresses might reflect the general adaptive response of rice plants to the adverse circumstances. 展开更多
关键词 RICE Differential display PCR Translation elongation factor 1A Environmental factors Differential expression
The Effect of the Novel "light fertilizer" on the Environment Factor in High Tunnel and Growth of Brassica Chinensis 被引量:6
作者 李文秀 周宁琳 +5 位作者 陈园园 王佳 朱晓玲 王振江 徐磊 冯伟民 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第12期2245-2248,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to study the properties of novel "light fertilizer", photo-conversion film, in order to evaluate its effect on the environmental factors and morphogenetic process of crops in the high tunnel.... [Objective] The aim was to study the properties of novel "light fertilizer", photo-conversion film, in order to evaluate its effect on the environmental factors and morphogenetic process of crops in the high tunnel. [Method] Photo-conversion film and Iongevous anti-dropping film were compared in terms of light, air and soil temperature utilizing the Facilities of leafy agriculture high tunnel intelligent monitoring system. Verifying the results by farmland experiment. [Result] Photo- conversion film indeed improved the light quality of high tunnel compared with the Iongevous anti- dripping film. The air and soil temperature was raised several degrees. Results of farmland experiment show that the average value of brassica chinensis fresh weight increased 19.15% compared to the control. [Conclusion] Photo-conversion film promotes more crop growth than Iongevous anti-dropping film due to improvement of light quality, air and soil temperature. 展开更多
关键词 Photo-conversion film Environmental factors Light quality WARMING Light quality Yield increase Brassica chinensis
Impacts of Environmental Factors on the Structure Characteristics of Avian Community in Shanghai Woodlots in Spring 被引量:31
作者 葛振鸣 王天厚 +2 位作者 施文彧 周立晨 薛文杰 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期17-24,共8页
From March to May, 2004, we selected 8 typical parks or green lands in Shanghai downtown as the study sites to conduct a ornithological research. During this study, total 55 species of birds were recorded, which inclu... From March to May, 2004, we selected 8 typical parks or green lands in Shanghai downtown as the study sites to conduct a ornithological research. During this study, total 55 species of birds were recorded, which included 31 resident and 24 migratory species. With statistics methodology, we analyzed the avian communities with 10 major environmental factors covering the park area, water percentage, vegetation species, canopy cover, shrub cover, grass cover, hill number, location condition, human quantity, path width, the study results indicated that: (1) the following 7 environmental factors were important to impact the structures of the avian community, they were park area, vegetation species, shrub coverage, grass coverage, hill number, location condition of the parks and path width; (2) the avian community of theses urban parks tended to deteriorate in the bird number and diversity; the man-made lake which was currently promoted in the park designing and planning process would not be good to attract the birds. 展开更多
关键词 Urban avian community Bird diversity Key environmental factor Shanghai park
A Prognostic Model Based on Colony Stimulating Factors-related Genes in Triple-negative Breast Cancer
作者 GUO Yu-Xuan WANG Zhi-Yu +7 位作者 XIAO Pei-Yao ZHENG Chan-Juan FU Shu-Jun HE Guang-Chun LONG Jun WANG Jie DENG Xi-Yun WANG Yi-An 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期2741-2756,共16页
Objective Triple-negative breast cancer(TNBC)is the breast cancer subtype with the worst prognosis,and lacks effective therapeutic targets.Colony stimulating factors(CSFs)are cytokines that can regulate the production... Objective Triple-negative breast cancer(TNBC)is the breast cancer subtype with the worst prognosis,and lacks effective therapeutic targets.Colony stimulating factors(CSFs)are cytokines that can regulate the production of blood cells and stimulate the growth and development of immune cells,playing an important role in the malignant progression of TNBC.This article aims to construct a novel prognostic model based on the expression of colony stimulating factors-related genes(CRGs),and analyze the sensitivity of TNBC patients to immunotherapy and drug therapy.Methods We downloaded CRGs from public databases and screened for differentially expressed CRGs between normal and TNBC tissues in the TCGA-BRCA database.Through LASSO Cox regression analysis,we constructed a prognostic model and stratified TNBC patients into high-risk and low-risk groups based on the colony stimulating factors-related genes risk score(CRRS).We further analyzed the correlation between CRRS and patient prognosis,clinical features,tumor microenvironment(TME)in both high-risk and low-risk groups,and evaluated the relationship between CRRS and sensitivity to immunotherapy and drug therapy.Results We identified 842 differentially expressed CRGs in breast cancer tissues of TNBC patients and selected 13 CRGs for constructing the prognostic model.Kaplan-Meier survival curves,time-dependent receiver operating characteristic curves,and other analyses confirmed that TNBC patients with high CRRS had shorter overall survival,and the predictive ability of CRRS prognostic model was further validated using the GEO dataset.Nomogram combining clinical features confirmed that CRRS was an independent factor for the prognosis of TNBC patients.Moreover,patients in the high-risk group had lower levels of immune infiltration in the TME and were sensitive to chemotherapeutic drugs such as 5-fluorouracil,ipatasertib,and paclitaxel.Conclusion We have developed a CRRS-based prognostic model composed of 13 differentially expressed CRGs,which may serve as a useful tool for predicting the prognosis of TNBC patients and guiding clinical treatment.Moreover,the key genes within this model may represent potential molecular targets for future therapies of TNBC. 展开更多
关键词 triple-negative breast cancer colony stimulating factors prognostic model tumor microenvironment drug sensitivity
Study on the Daily Change of Photosynthetic Rate for Prunus domestica × armeniacain Different Seasons 被引量:3
作者 李雯雯 冯贝贝 +5 位作者 魏雅君 牛莹莹 徐业勇 王明 杨红丽 廖康 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期838-844,941,共8页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the daily change of photosyntheticratefor Prunus domestica ×armeniacain different growing seasons. The study can provide theoretical basis for arid area high yield... [Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the daily change of photosyntheticratefor Prunus domestica ×armeniacain different growing seasons. The study can provide theoretical basis for arid area high yield and quality cultivation.[Method] The photosynthetic physiological properties of leaves of different types of Prunus domestica × armeniaca were measured by the Li-6400 portable photosynthesis system indifferent seasons. By this method could analysis of photosyntheticcharacteristicsfor different types of Prunus domestica×armeniaca in different seasons.[Result] Daily change of photosyntheticrate(Pn) for Prunus domestica×armeniaca in differentseasons showed a "double-peak" curve. The peak values were at 10:00 and16:00. The Pn of ‘Fengweihuanghou', ‘Konglongdan', ‘Weihou', ‘Weiwang' and‘Weidi' reached the maximum in July, theywere 13.75, 14.76, 12.96, 13.3, and 11.9μmol/(m^2·s), respectively. The Pn of Prunus domestica×armeniaca reached minimumin August, they were 9.78, 10.71, 12.02, 10.43 μmol/(m^2·s). The Pn overall average of ‘Konglongdan' was highest,it reached 12.65 μmol/(m^2·s).The Pn overall average of ‘Weiwang' was lowest, it reached 11.31μmol/(m^2·s). There were extremely significant positive correlation between the Pn and Gs(P0.01). [Conclusion] Daily change of photosyntheticrate for Prunus domestica ×armeniaca in differentseasons showed a "double-peak" curve, showing significant phenomenon of "midday depression".The photosynthesis intensity of Prunus domestica ×armeniaca was strongest in July, and the photosynthesis intensity was weakest in August. ‘Konglongdan'showed the strongest photosynthesis capacity, ‘Weihou' and ‘Weiwang', followed.There were highest correlation between the Pn and stoma conductance(Gs). 展开更多
关键词 Prunus domestica × armeniaca Net photosynthetic rate Daily change of photosynthetic rate Environmental factors
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