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黑曲霉产α-转移葡萄糖苷酶固态发酵条件优化 被引量:11
作者 毕金峰 魏宝东 李长彪 《食品与生物技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期65-68,共4页
对产α 转移葡萄糖苷酶的黑曲霉 U菌株固态发酵条件进行了优化.结果表明:麸皮和水的质量比为1∶1较好,35 ℃培养48 h时产酶量及酶活较高; U菌株生长的最适pH值为6 0; 麸皮中的碳源和氮源可以满足该菌株产酶的需要,可以不外加碳源和氮源.
关键词 转移葡萄糖苷酶 发酵条件优化 黑曲霉 固态发酵条件 最适PH值 菌株生长 外加碳源 质量比 产酶量 麸皮 氮源
宇佐美曲霉产木聚糖酶的固态发酵条件研究 被引量:11
作者 符丹丹 谢慧 邬敏辰 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期50-53,共4页
研究了培养基组分及培养条件对宇佐美曲霉(Asp usamii) 固态发酵产木聚糖酶的影响。采用Plack ett Burman和Box Behnken实验设计确定了最佳培养基组成和培养条件为:麸皮3 4g ,玉米芯4 6 g ,NH4NO31% ,KH2 PO40 3% ,CaCl2 0 1% ,MgSO4... 研究了培养基组分及培养条件对宇佐美曲霉(Asp usamii) 固态发酵产木聚糖酶的影响。采用Plack ett Burman和Box Behnken实验设计确定了最佳培养基组成和培养条件为:麸皮3 4g ,玉米芯4 6 g ,NH4NO31% ,KH2 PO40 3% ,CaCl2 0 1% ,MgSO40 1% ,Tween 80 0 4 % (均为相对于固体料的质量百分数) ,液固比为1 2∶1;最佳初始pH为自然pH ,2 8℃静置培养72h ,其间翻曲2~3次。酶活最高达到74 4 2IU/g(干曲)。 展开更多
关键词 宇佐美曲霉 木聚糖酶 固态发酵条件 TWEEN-80 NH4NO3 KH2PO4 培养条件 培养基组分 培养基组成 CaCl2 MgSO4 实验设计 静置培养 sp. Box 玉米芯 百分数 液固比 最佳 pH 麸皮
纳豆芽孢杆菌产蛋白酶固态发酵条件研究 被引量:6
作者 帅明 黄占旺 牛丽亚 《饲料工业》 2008年第8期18-20,共3页
蛋白酶是一种重要的工业用酶,其产量约占酶制剂市场的65%以上,广泛应用于食品、药物、皮革制造、蛋白水解和纺织工业等。蛋白酶是从动植物组织和微生物代谢物中提取、精制而来的。由于微生物蛋白酶均为胞外酶,与动植物源蛋白酶相比具有... 蛋白酶是一种重要的工业用酶,其产量约占酶制剂市场的65%以上,广泛应用于食品、药物、皮革制造、蛋白水解和纺织工业等。蛋白酶是从动植物组织和微生物代谢物中提取、精制而来的。由于微生物蛋白酶均为胞外酶,与动植物源蛋白酶相比具有相当大的优势,如下游技术处理相对简单、价格低廉、来源广、菌体易于培养、产量高、高产菌株选育简单且快速;此外,微生物蛋白酶还具有动植物源蛋白酶所具有的全部特性和较大的耐热性及一定的酯酶活力,易于实现工业化生产。 展开更多
关键词 微生物蛋白酶 固态发酵条件 纳豆芽孢杆菌 微生物代谢物 工业化生产 工业用酶 皮革制造 纺织工业
少根根霉γ-亚麻酸固态发酵条件的研究 被引量:1
作者 王卫卫 任鹏康 +1 位作者 闫明 史秋芳 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期94-98,共5页
通过He-Ne激光、紫外线和化学诱变剂LiCl复合诱变,获得高产GLA菌株少根根霉RC378,摇瓶培养含油脂量47.8%,GLA含量12.6%。经发酵条件优化得到菌株RC378固态发酵条件,培养基基本配比为∶麸皮∶玉米粉∶菜籽粕∶大米粉=6∶4∶2∶1,培养基... 通过He-Ne激光、紫外线和化学诱变剂LiCl复合诱变,获得高产GLA菌株少根根霉RC378,摇瓶培养含油脂量47.8%,GLA含量12.6%。经发酵条件优化得到菌株RC378固态发酵条件,培养基基本配比为∶麸皮∶玉米粉∶菜籽粕∶大米粉=6∶4∶2∶1,培养基料与水分比例为1∶1.5,在添加2%蔗糖,0.2%NH4NO3,0.4%柠檬酸钠,0.3%ZnSO4的情况下,采用孢子悬液接种,发酵前期(72h)30℃培养,后期(60h)24℃培养其固态发酵干基油脂含量可达9.4%~12.9%,GLA含量可达9.8%~12.6%。 展开更多
关键词 少根根霉 Γ-亚麻酸 固态发酵条件 油脂 生产菌株 功能性食品
红曲固态发酵产Monacolin K工艺条件的优化 被引量:4
作者 张安 常聪 +2 位作者 孟霞 范娟 张文学 《中国调味品》 北大核心 2017年第12期38-43,49,共7页
采用响应面优化法对红曲产Monacolin K的固态发酵条件进行了优化,结果表明:最佳发酵条件为氮源(玉米粉)1%、碳源(淀粉)4%、初始pH 5.0、培养温度28℃、装米量31.77g/250mL三角瓶、初始含水量40.72%、接种量11.14%(V/V),该设计中模型预测... 采用响应面优化法对红曲产Monacolin K的固态发酵条件进行了优化,结果表明:最佳发酵条件为氮源(玉米粉)1%、碳源(淀粉)4%、初始pH 5.0、培养温度28℃、装米量31.77g/250mL三角瓶、初始含水量40.72%、接种量11.14%(V/V),该设计中模型预测的Monacolin K最大值为0.256%,进行重复验证实验,得到Monacolin K实测值为0.258%,与模型预测值接近。此结果可为大规模生产功能性红曲提供一定的理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 红曲 Monacolin K 固态发酵条件 响应面法
克劳氏芽孢杆菌S-4菌株固态发酵产碱性果胶酶 被引量:14
作者 张保国 白志辉 +2 位作者 李祖明 张国政 张洪勋 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期8-11,共4页
对克劳氏芽孢杆菌(Bacillusclausii)S 4菌株产碱性果胶酶的固态发酵条件进行了优化,并对酶的部分性质进行了分析,结果表明,以甜菜粕为碳源和酶的诱导物,酵母膏和麸皮作氮源较适宜。固体培养基的组成:甜菜粕5 0g ,麸皮2 0 g ,KH2 PO40 ... 对克劳氏芽孢杆菌(Bacillusclausii)S 4菌株产碱性果胶酶的固态发酵条件进行了优化,并对酶的部分性质进行了分析,结果表明,以甜菜粕为碳源和酶的诱导物,酵母膏和麸皮作氮源较适宜。固体培养基的组成:甜菜粕5 0g ,麸皮2 0 g ,KH2 PO40 0 15g ,MgSO4·7H2 O 0 2 5g ,Na2 CO3 0 12g ,水2 0mL ;培养温度4 0℃;发酵时间72h ;产酶率可达2 30 0u/g(甜菜粕)。该酶具有果胶水解酶和果胶裂解酶的活性,在pH 10 5 ,反应温度6 0℃时酶活力最高,在pH9 5~11 0范围内,温度4 0℃以下较稳定。1 0mmol/L的Ca2 + 、Tween 80和SDS对该酶有明显的激活作用,Mn2 + 、Cu2 + 、Zn2 + 对其有强烈的抑制作用。 展开更多
关键词 碱性果胶酶 芽孢杆菌 Tween80 菌株 固态发酵条件 固体培养基 MgSO4 果胶裂解酶 Ca^2+ MN^2+ Cu^2+ ZN^2+ 甜菜粕 培养温度 发酵时间 反应温度 激活作用 抑制作用 诱导物 酵母膏 水解酶 酶活力 SDS 麸皮 碳源 产酶
少根根霉γ-亚麻酸高产菌株选育及发酵条件优化 被引量:20
作者 王卫卫 任鹏康 《菌物系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期92-97,共6页
经过He-Ne激光复合氯化锂对孢子诱变,以及He-Ne激光处理原生质体的方法,从一株产γ-亚麻酸(GLA)的原始菌株少根根霉(Rhizopus arrhizus)R8中选育出突变株RC378,摇瓶培养菌体油脂含量47.8%,其中GLA占油脂的12.6%,比原始菌株油脂含量提高... 经过He-Ne激光复合氯化锂对孢子诱变,以及He-Ne激光处理原生质体的方法,从一株产γ-亚麻酸(GLA)的原始菌株少根根霉(Rhizopus arrhizus)R8中选育出突变株RC378,摇瓶培养菌体油脂含量47.8%,其中GLA占油脂的12.6%,比原始菌株油脂含量提高了130.8%,GLA含量提高了276.7%.突变株油脂组分较原始菌株具明显差异.以麸皮、玉米粉为主要原料固态发酵干基油脂含量保持在9.4%~12.9%, GLA含量在9.8%~12.6%. 展开更多
关键词 少根根霉 He-Ne激光诱变 固态发酵条件
Condition Optimization of Lipopeptide Production by Bacillus natto NT-6 in Solid-State Fermentation with Box-Behnken Design 被引量:1
作者 孙东方 汪文静 +2 位作者 邓旗 王雅玲 孙力军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期942-946,共5页
Solid-state fermentation has certain advantages in improving the yield of lipopetide, Box-Behnken Design(BBD) was adopted to optimize the producing condition of the antibacterial lipopetide produced by Bacillus natt... Solid-state fermentation has certain advantages in improving the yield of lipopetide, Box-Behnken Design(BBD) was adopted to optimize the producing condition of the antibacterial lipopetide produced by Bacillus natto in this article. The optimal solid state fermentation conditions were obtained: 10 g solid medium(7 g of wheat bran, 3 g of soybean meal) with appropriate inorganic salt(glucose 0.67%,sodium glutamate 0.64%,(NH4)2SO40.15%, K2HPO40.10%); moisture content 123.78%; inoculation amount 10%; cultivation temperature 36.75 ℃ and cultivation time 72.4 h. The maximum production of lipopetide is 61.76 mg/gds under such conditions. This is the first report on the optimization of lipopeptide fermentation conditions in solid-state fermentation by wheat bran and soybean meal with Bacillus natto NT-6 strain, and will contribute to the development of lipopetide production. 展开更多
关键词 LIPOPEPTIDE Bacillus natto Solid-state fermentation OPTIMIZATION Box-Behnken Design
Optimization of Solid State Fermentation Conditions Using a Mixture of Bean Curd Residue and Marc with Bacillus natto 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Hong LUO Yong-quan HUANG Zhi-bing XU Yang LIU Yu-fang 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第4期474-476,519,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to optimize the appropriate solid state fermentation(SSF)conditions.[Method] The optimization of solid state fermentation using a mixture substrate of bean curd residue and the marc with Bacill... [Objective] The aim was to optimize the appropriate solid state fermentation(SSF)conditions.[Method] The optimization of solid state fermentation using a mixture substrate of bean curd residue and the marc with Bacillus natto was developed.[Result] The best fermentation condition optimized by the test of single factor and the orthogonal design respectively was mixing ratio of bean curd residue to marc 2∶1,substrate pH value 6,fermentation temperature 39 ℃,inoculum volume 10% and fermentation time 48 h.Under this optimized fermentation condition,the content of crude fiber in the substrate decreased from 107.8 mg/g before SSF to 56.2 mg/g after SSF,and the degeneration rate of crude fiber was 47.87%.[Conclusion] The bean curd residue in its palatability was enormously improved by SSF with Bacillus natto strain,which could be expected to be widely used as raw material of health foodstuff. 展开更多
关键词 Bacillus natto Bean curd residue MARC Solid state fermentation
Effect of cultivating conditions on α-galactosidase production by a novel Aspergillus foetidus ZU-G1 strain in solid-state fermentation 被引量:2
作者 LIU Cai-qin CHEN Qi-he CHENG Qian-jun WANG Jin-ling HE Guo-qing 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5期371-376,共6页
The work is intended to achieve optimum culture conditions of α-galactosidase production by a mutant strain ,Aspergillusfoetidus ZU-GI in solid-state fermentation (SSF). Certain fermentation parameters involving mo... The work is intended to achieve optimum culture conditions of α-galactosidase production by a mutant strain ,Aspergillusfoetidus ZU-GI in solid-state fermentation (SSF). Certain fermentation parameters involving moisture content, incubation temperature, cultivation period of seed, inoculum volume, initial pH value, layers of pledget, load size of medium and period of cultivation were investigated separately. The optimal cultivating conditions of α-galactosidase production in SSF were 60% initial moisture of medium, 28 ℃ incubation temperature, 18^h cultivation period of seed, 10% inoculum volume, 5.0-6.0 initial pH of medium, 6 layers of pledget and 10 g dry matter loadage. Under the optimized cultivation conditions, the maximum α-galactosidase production was 2037.51 U/g dry matter near the 144th hour of fermentation. 展开更多
关键词 Α-GALACTOSIDASE Culture condition Aspergillusfoetidus ZU-G 1 Solid-state fermentation
Comparable Study of Xylanase Production from Aspergillus niger via Solid State Culture
作者 Norazhna I Pushpahvalli B +1 位作者 Ku Halim K.H Norakma M.N 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第12期1106-1113,共8页
With the high availability of agricultural wastes in Malaysia, green energy is practical to be conducted. Thus, a research on the modification of the physical conditions of the solid state culture system, specifically... With the high availability of agricultural wastes in Malaysia, green energy is practical to be conducted. Thus, a research on the modification of the physical conditions of the solid state culture system, specifically different initial moisture content, fermentation temperature, inoculums size and different percentage of carbon and nitrogen sources were conducted to compare the usage of two different lignocellulosic materials which were oil palm frond and banana petiole respectively. After using a conventional method (one factor at a time), the optimum fermentation conditions would be a combination of 70% initial moisture content (v/w), at 28 ~C fermentation temperature with supplementation of 1% sucrose (w/w) and 1% peptone using 1 mL of inoculum in order to achieve highest xylanase production which was 1,711.87 U/mL and 1,579.60 U/mL for oil palm frond and banana petiole respectively. It was suggested that oil palm frond showed higher xylanase production compared to banana petiole. 展开更多
关键词 XYLANASE solid state culture Aspergillus niger oil palm frond banana petiole.
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