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振动台试验叠层剪切型土箱的研制 被引量:107
作者 陈国兴 王志华 +2 位作者 左熹 杜修力 韩晓健 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期89-97,共9页
在总结国内外振动台试验用土箱的基础上,研制了一个15层叠层方钢管框架并辅之以双侧面钢板约束的叠层剪切型模型土箱,钢管框架层间相对运动和垂直振动方向两边界的自由运动大大削弱了土箱边界效应。平行振动方向土箱两侧安装4根立柱,立... 在总结国内外振动台试验用土箱的基础上,研制了一个15层叠层方钢管框架并辅之以双侧面钢板约束的叠层剪切型模型土箱,钢管框架层间相对运动和垂直振动方向两边界的自由运动大大削弱了土箱边界效应。平行振动方向土箱两侧安装4根立柱,立柱上安装与土箱侧壁接触的若干轴承以限制箱内土体的转动。采用正弦波激振的扫频法测量了模型土箱的自振频率,与ABAQUS软件模拟的计算结果基本一致;采用脉冲信号激振的自由振动法,测量了土箱的阻尼比;进行了正弦波和地震波激励的自由场地振动台试验研究,测试了模型地基地表和1m深处的加速度时程,提出边界效应指数作为衡量土箱边界效应的指标并对几种土箱进行了比较。结果表明:设计的叠层剪切型土箱能较好地模拟自由场地的边界条件,比较理想地削弱了边界上地震波的反射或散射效应。 展开更多
关键词 振动台试验 土-结构动力相互作用 土箱 叠层剪切型 研制
管土相互作用土箱模型实验设计 被引量:9
作者 张海丰 周维 +1 位作者 张鹏 马保松 《地质科技情报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期219-222,共4页
随着给排水管道埋深的增加,土压力对管道受力状态的影响也越显著。这要求设计和施工人员对管土相互作用有更深入的认识,并能准确地计算作用在管道上土压力的标准值。埋地管道管周土压力分布规律、管道内部应力特征、管道破坏机理以及填... 随着给排水管道埋深的增加,土压力对管道受力状态的影响也越显著。这要求设计和施工人员对管土相互作用有更深入的认识,并能准确地计算作用在管道上土压力的标准值。埋地管道管周土压力分布规律、管道内部应力特征、管道破坏机理以及填土对管道受力状态的影响是管道设计和施工的主要影响因素。土箱模型实验可用于研究和解决上述问题,介绍并分析了管土相互作用土箱实验系统设计原理。土箱模型实验的设计包括管土受力模型的简化、土箱尺寸的设计、土箱加载方式的选择、土箱侧壁摩擦阻力和箱壁变形的评价、物理量的量测以及实验土体的选择与填筑等。土箱模型实验设计的关键是要保证设计出来的土箱中管土单元的受力状态仍然是简单的三向受力状态。 展开更多
关键词 管土相互作用 土箱 模型实验 设计
悬臂拼装钢筋混凝土箱型拱桥的施工监测方法 被引量:8
作者 颜东煌 唐东 +1 位作者 涂光亚 袁明 《长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2004年第3期18-22,共5页
以贵州省六圭河特大桥(跨度为195m的上承式钢筋混凝土箱型拱桥)为工程背景,介绍了六圭河大桥施工监测的特点,并分析了引起误差的原因.测试表明,六圭河大桥最终裸拱的受力和线形都比较理想,从而证明了对这座桥采用的监测方法是有效的,为... 以贵州省六圭河特大桥(跨度为195m的上承式钢筋混凝土箱型拱桥)为工程背景,介绍了六圭河大桥施工监测的特点,并分析了引起误差的原因.测试表明,六圭河大桥最终裸拱的受力和线形都比较理想,从而证明了对这座桥采用的监测方法是有效的,为同类型大跨度桥梁施工监测提供了较好的借鉴. 展开更多
关键词 钢筋混凝土 土箱型拱桥 悬臂拼装 施工监测
大型复杂结构-桩-土振动台模型试验土箱设计 被引量:9
作者 徐炳伟 姜忻良 《天津大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期912-918,共7页
以基于天津站交通枢纽的大型复杂结构-桩-土振动台试验为背景,详细介绍土箱设计特别是其边界设计,通过试验数据并结合模型模态分析对边界效应进行定量分析,检验土箱边界实际效果并为边界的进一步改进提供事实依据.研究结果表明:在土箱底... 以基于天津站交通枢纽的大型复杂结构-桩-土振动台试验为背景,详细介绍土箱设计特别是其边界设计,通过试验数据并结合模型模态分析对边界效应进行定量分析,检验土箱边界实际效果并为边界的进一步改进提供事实依据.研究结果表明:在土箱底部,通过设置分割条嵌入模型土中做成的摩擦边界的效果较好;在土箱垂直于地震动两侧壁上,聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料做成的柔性边界对Taft波和人工波加载的效果比较好,而对天津波加载效果略差;在土箱平行于地震动两侧壁上,通过侧壁内表面贴聚氯乙烯薄膜并涂抹润滑油做成的滑动边界起到一定的效果,但偏差较大.对模型土的模态分析表明:通过提高模型土域的宽高比以及适当减小柔性边界的弹性模量都可以明显减小柔性边界对模型土的影响.土箱设计总体效果较为理想,边界设计及分析可为类似土-结构相互作用振动台试验提供借鉴. 展开更多
关键词 振动台试验 土箱设计 摩擦边界 柔性边界 滑动边界
介质非均质性对蒸汽强化SVE法修复TCE污染影响的二维土箱模拟研究 被引量:4
作者 王宁 彭胜 陈家军 《环境保护前沿》 2013年第2期45-51,共7页
蒸汽强化SVE法(Steam Enhanced Extraction)是一个新近发展起来的并具有较好应用前景的土壤包气带非水相液体(NAPLs)污染修复方法,是把蒸汽和空气的混合气体注入污染土壤促进污染物的挥发,利用气流将土壤中污染物带出的技术。其实质是... 蒸汽强化SVE法(Steam Enhanced Extraction)是一个新近发展起来的并具有较好应用前景的土壤包气带非水相液体(NAPLs)污染修复方法,是把蒸汽和空气的混合气体注入污染土壤促进污染物的挥发,利用气流将土壤中污染物带出的技术。其实质是在人为施加的工程条件下非饱和多孔介质中NAPLs的运移转化过程。介质非均匀性影响着NAPLs去除过程,对NAPLs去除效率存在一定的影响。本研究选取三氯乙烯(Trichloroethylene, TCE)为典型污染物,采用不同质地的石英砂(粗砂、细砂和粉砂)模拟介质非均匀性,通过二维土箱气体模拟实验,分析介质非均质性对蒸汽强化气体抽提修复中TCE去除效率和去除过程的影响。结果表明:蒸汽强化SVE法较好的改进了SVE法去除过程中的“拖尾”现象。粗砂实验、细砂实验、粉砂实验的去除率分别为89.5%、88.2%、85.2%,受介质非均质的影响,细砂、粉砂区域的气体通透性降低,气体流经该区域出现“绕流”现象,从而减少了TCE随空气的去除量。同时介质非均质性影响实验进程中热量的传递,使热在非均质砂土中前进不均匀,进而影响TCE的去除过程,降低其去除效率。在细砂实验和粉砂实验里,均出现污染羽积累与下渗的现象,进一步降低了TCE去除效率。 展开更多
关键词 蒸汽强化SVE法 三氯乙烯 土壤非均质性 二维土箱模拟
作者 张宇 刘东 赵斌 《物探化探计算技术》 CAS CSCD 2016年第1期52-58,共7页
对BEAM(Bore-Tunneling Electrical Ahead Monitoring)法实验土箱形状的设计进行了仿真研究,模拟了无限远边界和圆形、六边形、正方形等形状边界的电场分布情况,计算了各种土箱形状对应的电位分布与无限远边界电位分布的差异,最后确定... 对BEAM(Bore-Tunneling Electrical Ahead Monitoring)法实验土箱形状的设计进行了仿真研究,模拟了无限远边界和圆形、六边形、正方形等形状边界的电场分布情况,计算了各种土箱形状对应的电位分布与无限远边界电位分布的差异,最后确定圆形边界且中心位置偏移的土箱形状,可以最大限度地接近实际地电场的电位分布情况。 展开更多
关键词 聚焦电流法 有限元仿真 土箱形状 电位分布
作者 董健 《四川建材》 2016年第4期163-165,共3页
关键词 钢筋混凝 土箱型拱桥 施工监控 有限元分析
蒸汽-空气混合注射修复TCE污染的二维土箱实验研究 被引量:6
作者 王宁 彭胜 陈家军 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期2785-2790,共6页
蒸汽-空气混合注射法是一种新近发展起来的并具有较好应用前景的包气带非水相液体(NAPLs)污染修复方法.为探讨蒸汽-空气混合注射法的修复过程及机制,本研究采用石英砂模拟包气带松散介质,选取三氯乙烯作为典型污染物,在二维土箱内人工... 蒸汽-空气混合注射法是一种新近发展起来的并具有较好应用前景的包气带非水相液体(NAPLs)污染修复方法.为探讨蒸汽-空气混合注射法的修复过程及机制,本研究采用石英砂模拟包气带松散介质,选取三氯乙烯作为典型污染物,在二维土箱内人工设置不同的污染方式和污染区域,开展混合注射修复实验.结果表明,混合注射有效地改善了SVE法后期出现的"拖尾"现象,其修复过程可分为SVE阶段、蒸汽加强阶段和热量穿透阶段;污染区域零散分布与单一分布相比,热量穿透土箱的时间变短,TCE去除率更高,去除速率更快.污染区域零散分布与单一分布条件下,热量穿透时间分别为60 min、69 min,去除率分别为93.5%、88.2%,去除时间分别为83.9 min、90.6 min,缩短了修复时间;另外,在污染区域单一分布的实验中发生TCE污染羽的积累与下渗现象,降低了TCE去除效率,在污染区域零散分布实验中温度过渡带更宽,温度峰前冷凝的NAPL态TCE减少. 展开更多
关键词 土壤污染 NAPLS 修复技术 蒸汽-空气混合注射法 二维土箱
土-结构动力相互作用振动台试验中模型地基影响因素分析 被引量:14
作者 史晓军 岳庆霞 李杰 《建筑科学与工程学报》 CAS 2007年第4期50-53,59,共5页
为了给出土-结构动力相互作用大型振动台试验中模型地基设计的一般原则,结合各国已有的典型试验中模型地基的动力响应实测结果,以加速度峰值放大系数及其傅里叶幅值谱为分析依据,从边界效应、模型地基高度、土体含水量及地震波输入次数... 为了给出土-结构动力相互作用大型振动台试验中模型地基设计的一般原则,结合各国已有的典型试验中模型地基的动力响应实测结果,以加速度峰值放大系数及其傅里叶幅值谱为分析依据,从边界效应、模型地基高度、土体含水量及地震波输入次数4个方面对模型地基的振动性态进行了比较分析。结果表明:土箱刚性、土的自振特性、地基高度、土体含水量及地震波的输入次数是影响模型地基动力特性的主要因素,并提出了相应的控制原则。该结论可为同类试验中模型地基的设计和试验的顺利开展提供有益的参考。 展开更多
关键词 土-结构动力相互作用 振动台试验 加速度放大系数 模型地基 土箱 边界效应
Finite element failure analysis of continuous prestressed concrete box girders 被引量:4
作者 张峰 李术才 +2 位作者 李树忱 叶见曙 雷笑 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第2期236-240,共5页
In order to analyze the load carrying capacity of prestressed concrete box girders, failure behaviors of in-situ deteriorated continuous prestressed concrete box girders under loading are experimentally observed and a... In order to analyze the load carrying capacity of prestressed concrete box girders, failure behaviors of in-situ deteriorated continuous prestressed concrete box girders under loading are experimentally observed and a finite failure analysis method for predicting behaviors of box girders is developed. A degenerated solid shell element is used to simulate box girders and material nonlinearity is considered. Since pre-stressed concrete box girders usually have a large number of curve prestressed tendons, a type of combined element is presented to simulate the prestressed tendons of box girders, and then the number of elements can be significantly reduced. The analytical results are compared with full-scale failure test results. The comparison shows that the presented method can be effectively applied to the failure analysis of in-situ continuous prestressed concrete box girders, and it also shows that the studied old bridge still has enough load carrying capacity. 展开更多
关键词 full-scale failure test prestressed concrete box girder finite element analysis combined element prestressed tendon load carrying capacity
Seismic performance of double- skin steel- concrete composite box piers: Part Ⅰ——Bidirectional quasi-static testing 被引量:6
作者 夏坚 宗周红 +1 位作者 徐焯然 李明鸿 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第1期58-66,共9页
To study the seismic performance of double-skin steelconcrete composite box( DSCB) piers, a total of 11 DSCB pier specimens were tested under bidirectional cyclic loading. The effects of the loading pattern, the ste... To study the seismic performance of double-skin steelconcrete composite box( DSCB) piers, a total of 11 DSCB pier specimens were tested under bidirectional cyclic loading. The effects of the loading pattern, the steel plate thickness, the axial load ratio, the slenderness ratio and the aspect ratio were taken into consideration. The damage evolution process and failure modes of the tested specimens are presented in detail. Test results are also discussed in terms of the hysteretic curve, skeleton curve, ductility and energy dissipation capacity of DSCB pier specimens. It can be concluded that the hysteretic performance of DSCB piers in one direction is affected and weakened by the cyclic loading in the other direction. DSCB piers under bidirectional cyclic loading exhibit good performance in terms of load carrying capacity, ductility, and energy dissipation capacity. Overall, DSCB piers can meet the basic aseismic requirements. The research results can be taken as a reference for using DSCB piers as high piers in bridges in strong earthquakeprone areas. 展开更多
关键词 double-skin steel-concrete composite box(DSCB) pier bidirectional quasi-static testing hysteretic curve skeleton curve ductility energy dissipation capacity
Experimental study on box shape steel reinforced concrete beam 被引量:3
作者 杨春 蔡健 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第4期463-468,共6页
Experimental study on the fundamental behavior of box shape steel reinforced concrete (SRC) beams was conducted. Seven 1 : 3 scale model SRC beams were tested to failure. The experimental results indicate that the ... Experimental study on the fundamental behavior of box shape steel reinforced concrete (SRC) beams was conducted. Seven 1 : 3 scale model SRC beams were tested to failure. The experimental results indicate that the flexural strength increases with the increase of the ratio of flexural reinforcement and the thickness of flange of the shape steel; the shear strength increases with the increase in the thickness of the web of the shape steel. Concrete filled in the box shape steel can prevent the early failure of specimens due to the buckling of the box shape steel, and increase the ultimate load. Measures should be made to strengthen the connection and co-work between the shape steel and the concrete. Formulae for flexural and shear strength of the composite beams are proposed, and the calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental results. In general, the box shape SRC beam is a kind of ductile member, and it is suitable for extensive engineering application. 展开更多
关键词 steel reinforced concrete (SRC) experimental study ultimate strength box shape steel
Seismic performance of double-skin steel-concrete composite box piers: Part Ⅱ—Nonlinear finite element analysis
作者 夏坚 宗周红 +1 位作者 徐焯然 李明鸿 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第3期346-355,共10页
An accurate finite element ( FE) model was constructed to examine the hysteretic behavior of double-skin steel-concrete composite box ( DSCB) piers for further understanding the seismic performance of DSCB piers;... An accurate finite element ( FE) model was constructed to examine the hysteretic behavior of double-skin steel-concrete composite box ( DSCB) piers for further understanding the seismic performance of DSCB piers; where the local buckling behavior of steel tubes, the confinement of the in-filled concrete and the interface action between steel tube and in-filled concrete were considered. The accuracy of the proposed FE model was verified by the bidirectional cyclic loading test results. Based on the validated FE model, the effects of some key parameters, such as section width to steel thickness ratio, slenderness ratio, aspect ratio and axial load ratio on the hysteretic behavior of DSCB piers were investigated. Finally, the skeleton curve model of DSCB piers was proposed. The numerical simulation results reveal that the peak strength and elastic stiffness decrease with the increase of the section width to steel thickness ratio. Moreover, the increase of the slenderness ratio may result in a significant reduction in the peak strength and elastic stiffness while the ultimate displacement increases. The proposed skeleton curve model can be taken as a reference for seismic performance analyses of the DSCB piers. 展开更多
关键词 double-skin steel-concrete composite box(DSCB) pier finite element analysis local buckling hysteretic behavior skeleton curve model
Temperature Stress Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Box Girder with Corrugated Steel Webs 被引量:5
作者 单成林 刘文芳 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2012年第2期97-103,共7页
To figure out the distribution of temperature gradient along the girder height of steel-concrete composite box girder, combined with the mechanical characteristics of prestressed concrete composed box girder with corr... To figure out the distribution of temperature gradient along the girder height of steel-concrete composite box girder, combined with the mechanical characteristics of prestressed concrete composed box girder with corrugated steel webs, the calculation formulas of cross-sectional temperature stress along the span in a simply-supported beam bridge with composite section were derived under the conditions of static equilibrium and deformation compatibility of the beam element. The methods of calculating the maximum temperature stress value were discussed when the connectors are assumed rigid or flexible. Theoretical and numerical results indicate that the method proposed shows better precision for the calculation of temperature self-stress in both the top and the bottom surfaces of the box girder. Moreover, the regularity of temperature stress distribution at different locations along the girder span is that the largest axial force of the top or the bottom plate of the box girder is located in the midspan and spreads decreasingly until zero at both supported ends, and that the greatest longitudinal shear density in steel-concrete interface appears at both supported ends and then reduces gradually to zero in the midspan. 展开更多
关键词 bridge engineering composite structure temperature effect corrugated steel web connector influence
Temperature gradients in concrete box girder bridge under effect of cold wave 被引量:3
作者 顾斌 陈志坚 陈欣迪 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第3期1227-1241,共15页
The temperature distributions of a prestressed concrete box girder bridge under the effect of cold wave processes were analyzed. The distributions were found different from those under the effect of solar radiation or... The temperature distributions of a prestressed concrete box girder bridge under the effect of cold wave processes were analyzed. The distributions were found different from those under the effect of solar radiation or nighttime radiation cooling and should not be simplified as one dimensional. A temperature predicting model that can accurately predict temperatures over the cross section of the concrete box girder was developed. On the basis of the analytical model, a two-dimensional temperature gradient model was proposed and a parametric study that considered meteorological factors was performed. The results of sensitivity analysis show that the cold wave with shorter duration and more severe temperature drop may cause more unfavorable influences on the concrete box girder bridge. Finally, the unrestrained linear curvatures, self-equilibrating stresses and bending stresses when considering the frame action of the cross section, were derived from the proposed temperature gradient model and current code provisions, respectively. Then, a comparison was made between the value calculated against proposed model and several current specifications. The results show that the cold wave may cause more unfavorable effect on the concrete box girder bridge, especially on the large concrete box girder bridge. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the thermal effect caused by cold wave during the design stage. 展开更多
关键词 concrete box girder temperature field temperature gradient cold wave
Strengthening of Concrete Box Girder Bridges under Close-in Detonations 被引量:1
作者 Ahmed Ibrahim Hani Salim 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第6期699-706,共8页
The response of a bridge superstructure under blast loading might depend largely on the extent of the local damage experienced due to close-in explosion threats. This paper investigates the local and structural respon... The response of a bridge superstructure under blast loading might depend largely on the extent of the local damage experienced due to close-in explosion threats. This paper investigates the local and structural response of box girder bridge decks strengthened using CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced polymers) under close-in detonations. Due to the lack of experimental research on this topic, the study is conducted using the explicit finite element computer program LS-DY-NA. The numerical study will be verified using the results of strengthened reinforced concrete slabs under field detonations. The blast load was assumed to be detonated above the bridge deck. The key parameters investigated are the charge size, and the strengthening location on the deck. This paper will present the results of this investigation and provides recommendations for predicting the local damage level based on the CFRP strengthening design under blast threat. 展开更多
关键词 Pre-stressed BLAST box girder BRIDGES carbon fiber.
Influence of concrete differential aging time on the construction phases analysis of the Fenghua River Bridge 被引量:1
作者 余报楚 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2004年第2期34-37,共4页
The Fenghua River Bridge is a major structure on the highway between Hengzhang and Guojiachi, which is to be built with a four-span prestress concrete (PC) box girder and symmetrical cantilever castings. In this paper... The Fenghua River Bridge is a major structure on the highway between Hengzhang and Guojiachi, which is to be built with a four-span prestress concrete (PC) box girder and symmetrical cantilever castings. In this paper, a finite element method (FEM) model is set up to study the effects of concrete differential aging time on the construction phases of the Fenghua River Bridge by calculating the vertical displacement of the folding segment of the middle span and the longitudinal bending moment of Pier 12#. In the model, the girders are classified into 150 changing sections based on the desgn scheme, and their construction is to be carried in 16 phases respectively to build 12 blocks connected by a side folding segment and a middle folding segment, covered with a second dead load and in completion for 20 years. It is found that the internal forces and deformations of the concrete structures at the aging time of 60 d are quite different from those of 0 d aging time while the behaviors of the structures of 120 d aging time is nearly the same as those of 60 d aging time― the differences are so small that can be neglected, suggesting that the creep develops obviously about one month after the cement is hardened and the development fades later on. 展开更多
关键词 the Fenghua River Bridge prepress concrete successional box girder cantilever construction construction control concrete differential aging time
Weakening effect of vertical prestress ducts on web sections in prestressed concrete box girder bridges
作者 Shen Mingyan Zhong Xingu Yin Xuwen Shu Xiaojuan 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第2期73-79,共7页
Based on experimental study result of two simply supported beams,which were prestressed by vertical tendons,the research on the weakening effect of vertical prestress ducts on web sections of prestressed concrete box ... Based on experimental study result of two simply supported beams,which were prestressed by vertical tendons,the research on the weakening effect of vertical prestress ducts on web sections of prestressed concrete box girder was carried out. The test result shows that in the condition without grouting into the ducts,the cracking load is evidently lower than that with full grouting,and stirrup stress and principal tension stress at the surface of concrete will increase obviously. Meanwhile,the finite element analysis has been done to the test beams. The research is consistent with the analysis of finite element. The research tells that strengthening the detection and management for the vertical prestress grouting quality have an important meaning to prevent cracking of the prestressed concrete box girder bridge and provide one theoretical and testing basis for analyzing the cracking reason of such bridges. 展开更多
关键词 concrete box girder bridge vertical prestress duct weakening of web section experimental study finite element analysis
Full-scale model tests and nonlinear analysis of prestressed concrete simply supported box girders
作者 Fang Zhi Tang Shenghua He Xin 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2014年第1期67-76,共10页
Full-scale model tests were carried out on a 30 m span prestressed concrete box girder and a 20 m span prestressed concrete hollow slab. Failure models were prestressed reinforcement tensile failure and crashing of ro... Full-scale model tests were carried out on a 30 m span prestressed concrete box girder and a 20 m span prestressed concrete hollow slab. Failure models were prestressed reinforcement tensile failure and crashing of roof concrete, respectively. The ductility indexes of the box girder and hollow slab were 1.99 and 1.23, respectively, according to the energy viewpoint. Based on the horizontal section hypothesis, the nonlinear computation procedure was established using the limited banding law, and it could carry out the entire performance analysis including the unloading, mainly focusing on the ways to achieve the unloading curves computation through stress-strain, moment-curvature and load-displacement curves. Through the procedure, parameters that influence on the bearing capacity, deformation performance and ductility of the structures were analyzed. Those parameters were quantity of prestressed reinforcement and tension coefficients of prestressed reinforcement. From the analysis, some useful conclusions can be obtained. 展开更多
关键词 prestressed concrete box girder full-scale model test nonlinear analysis bearing capacity DUCTILITY
Preliminary Estimation of Torsion of Curved Bridges Subjected to Earthquake Loading
作者 Nikolaos Pnevmatikos Vassilis Sentzas 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第11期1530-1535,共6页
This paper focuses on the seismic response of the curved and post-tensioned concrete box girder bridges. More specifically, it investigates how the curvature influences the response of a bridge subjected to earthquake... This paper focuses on the seismic response of the curved and post-tensioned concrete box girder bridges. More specifically, it investigates how the curvature influences the response of a bridge subjected to earthquake. Parametric analysis of different radius of curvature is performed and the internal forces, torsion moment, axial and shear along the bridge are calculated. Two types of connections are investigated, the monolithic connection and deck connection with bents and abutments with rubber bearing. The response spectrum seismic analysis was performed. The models were designed, according to the provisions of EC8-part 2, EC2 and the Greek regulations E39/99. Diagrams relating the curvature with the torsion moment have been obtained from the results of parametric analysis. These diagrams could be used by engineers for preliminary design of such kind of bridges. 展开更多
关键词 Box girder bridge curved bridges base isolated bridge TORSION
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