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基于地形指数模型的白沙河流域逐日流量模拟 被引量:1
作者 刘厚凤 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第8期17-18,27,共3页
地形指数模型的计算方程是建立在动力波方程基础上的,有较好的物理基础。根据现有白沙河流域水文资料和降水资料,选择地形指数模型对白沙河流域逐日流量过程进行模拟,并根据实测资料对模拟结果进行检验。结果显示,用地形指数模型法模拟... 地形指数模型的计算方程是建立在动力波方程基础上的,有较好的物理基础。根据现有白沙河流域水文资料和降水资料,选择地形指数模型对白沙河流域逐日流量过程进行模拟,并根据实测资料对模拟结果进行检验。结果显示,用地形指数模型法模拟山丘区流量是可行的,可以为流域非点源污染通量模拟提供合适的水文模型和流量模拟结果。 展开更多
关键词 地形指数模型 逐日流量 白沙河流域
地形指数模型TOPMODEL与陆面模式SSiB的耦合及在流域尺度上的数值模拟 被引量:9
作者 邓慧平 孙菽芬 《中国科学:地球科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期1083-1093,共11页
为了检验陆面模式耦合TOPMODEL和分析不同耦合方案对水量平衡和能量平衡模拟结果的影响,将简化的生物圈模型与TOPMODEL按地形指数大小将流域分多块和仅区分饱和区和非饱和区2块的方案进行耦合并进行实际流域逐日水量平衡模拟.耦合模型... 为了检验陆面模式耦合TOPMODEL和分析不同耦合方案对水量平衡和能量平衡模拟结果的影响,将简化的生物圈模型与TOPMODEL按地形指数大小将流域分多块和仅区分饱和区和非饱和区2块的方案进行耦合并进行实际流域逐日水量平衡模拟.耦合模型考虑了土壤饱和导水率垂直分布的非均匀性以及由于地形引起的土壤水分空间非均匀性的水文影响,流域逐日水量平衡模拟结果表明:(1)耦合模型明显改进了基流的模拟结果.(2)耦合模型模拟的土壤水分大小以及垂直分布和季节变化、流域水量平衡、能量平衡和逐日流量与SSiB的模拟结果均有明显的差异.垂直一维的陆面模式会改变水量平衡和能量平衡的模拟.(3)相对于将流域分为饱和区、非饱和区2块与陆面模型耦合的方案而言,将流域按地形指数分为多块的耦合方案模拟的地表径流和流域蒸发较大,而地下径流、流域总径流和多年平均地下水位较低.(4)与SSiB的模拟结果相比,分2块与分多块方案的耦合模型模拟的逐日流量和土壤水分差异明显减小,模拟的逐日潜热差异也有所减小. 展开更多
关键词 陆面模式 地形指数模型 耦合方案 模拟结果影响
可用于陆面过程模型的地形指数水文模型中简化参数化方案的研究 被引量:1
作者 邓慧平 孙菽芬 李倩 《气象学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期351-364,共14页
在全球气候系统模型中,陆面水文过程对提高模拟精度有显著作用。土壤水分空间非均匀分布对于蒸发和径流的计算以及能量在潜热和感热之间的分配具有重要的影响,但现有的多数陆面过程模式未能考虑土壤水分水平非均匀性的影响。地形指数模... 在全球气候系统模型中,陆面水文过程对提高模拟精度有显著作用。土壤水分空间非均匀分布对于蒸发和径流的计算以及能量在潜热和感热之间的分配具有重要的影响,但现有的多数陆面过程模式未能考虑土壤水分水平非均匀性的影响。地形指数模型以其较好的物理基础、参数少、计算量小,且能考虑地形变化对土壤水分非均匀分布影响等优点,使其有潜力模拟陆面过程中水分过程分布非均匀二维特性。目前地形指数水文模型已被推荐应用于陆面过程模式(Land surface models,LSMs)中以改进对陆面水文过程的模拟能力。在地形指数模型中,数据的空间分辨率、河道的起始临界值、非饱和区域的分区和空间各点的坡度等因子不同的确定,都能对模拟结果产生重要影响,对它们如何合理地给定,既不降低模型精度,又能省时、省资源是十分重要的。本研究通过大量的敏感性模拟试验,较系统地探讨上述参数不同的确定方案对流域水量平衡模拟结果的影响。主要结论有:(1)将流域按地形指数值大小分为16块与仅区分饱和区与非饱和区或仅区分饱和区、较湿润区和较干区3块模拟结果相差不大,因此将地形指数模型应用于陆面模式时仅区分饱和区与非饱和区或区分饱和区、较湿润区和较干区3块这种简化方案也许是一种可行的选择;(2)不考虑坡度会扭曲水量平衡各要素的计算,用一个平均坡度替代实际坡度的办法就会有比较接近了实际坡度的结果。因此,LSM模型中一维均匀的网格做法应该改进,但太细致的坡度取法也许没必要。以上结论可为今后发展用于陆面模式的大尺度水文模型提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 陆面过程模型 地形指数模型 简化参数化方案 敏感性试验
流域土地覆被变化水文效应的模拟——以长江上游源头区梭磨河为例 被引量:30
作者 邓慧平 李秀彬 +2 位作者 陈军锋 张明 万洪涛 《地理学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期53-62,共10页
为分析地表覆被变化的水文效应,以半分布式的地形指数模型(TOPOMODEL)为基础,对梭磨河流域1960~1999年逐日流量过程进行了模拟.结果表明,对于流域面积2536km2的梭磨河流域,该模型也能取得较好的模拟结果.模拟了流域40年来气候波动和地... 为分析地表覆被变化的水文效应,以半分布式的地形指数模型(TOPOMODEL)为基础,对梭磨河流域1960~1999年逐日流量过程进行了模拟.结果表明,对于流域面积2536km2的梭磨河流域,该模型也能取得较好的模拟结果.模拟了流域40年来气候波动和地表覆被变化对流域水文的影响.最后在4种不同的流域土地覆被情景下模拟了1960~1999年逐日径流过程.对于实际蒸散发与潜在蒸发有300多mm差距的梭磨河流域,在其它条件不变的情况下,随着流域土地覆被和冠层最大截流量的增加,冠层截流蒸发和流域总蒸发增加,植被蒸腾和土壤表面蒸发减少,土壤水分增加而流域水分含量和饱和层含水量减少.地表径流、地表以下径流、总径流减小.重现期小于20年的洪峰流量减小,但对40年一遇的洪峰流量影响很小,甚至有增加洪峰流量的作用. 展开更多
关键词 流域 土地覆被变化 地形指数模型 水文影响 梭磨河 土壤水分 地表植被
陆面模式SSiB耦合TOPMODEL对流域水文模拟影响的数值试验 被引量:5
作者 刘惠民 邓慧平 +1 位作者 孙菽芬 肖燕 《高原气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期829-838,共10页
为了检验陆面模式SSiB耦合TOPMODEL模型对流域水量平衡模拟结果的影响,用原始SSiB与TOPMODEL按饱和区和非饱和区两种方案耦合的耦合模型(下称SSiBT)进行长江下游青弋江流域水文的数值试验,通过耦合模型与原始SSiB模式模拟结果的比较,并... 为了检验陆面模式SSiB耦合TOPMODEL模型对流域水量平衡模拟结果的影响,用原始SSiB与TOPMODEL按饱和区和非饱和区两种方案耦合的耦合模型(下称SSiBT)进行长江下游青弋江流域水文的数值试验,通过耦合模型与原始SSiB模式模拟结果的比较,并利用流域实测逐日流量和水量平衡资料,揭示了流域水文模拟结果对SSiB耦合TOPMODEL的响应和原因。结果表明:(1)与原始SSiB的模拟结果相比,SSiBT增加了土壤湿度的模拟结果和各层土壤湿度之间的差异,流域蒸散发增加而总径流减小。(2)原始SSiB不能准确地将径流在地表径流和基流之间分配,对于较小的土壤饱和导水率,原始SSiB产生过多的地表径流和洪峰流量;对于较大的土壤饱和导水率又产生过多的基流和明显偏小的洪峰流量。(3)即使土壤饱和导水率大到不会产生超渗产流,由于饱和区的存在,SSiBT在洪水期间也能产生足够大的地表径流,从而形成洪峰流量。由于考虑了地形引起的土壤湿度空间非均匀形成的饱和区产流,SSiBT改善了雨季逐日流量的模拟结果。 展开更多
关键词 陆面模式(SSiB) 地形指数模型 耦合模型
作者 王洪明 杨勤科 姚志宏 《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第S2期57-59,共3页
借助数字地形分析和GIS方法,将野外采样和空间分析相结合,研究了利用区域土壤水分空间统计模型和地形湿度指数模型模拟土壤水分的方法。并在此基础上,以陕北黄土高原为实验样区,利用实测的土壤水分数据分别构建两种模型对土壤水分进行模... 借助数字地形分析和GIS方法,将野外采样和空间分析相结合,研究了利用区域土壤水分空间统计模型和地形湿度指数模型模拟土壤水分的方法。并在此基础上,以陕北黄土高原为实验样区,利用实测的土壤水分数据分别构建两种模型对土壤水分进行模拟,分析了不同模型模拟土壤水分的精度,对两种方法模拟土壤水分的效果进行了评价。 展开更多
关键词 地形湿度指数模型 区域土壤水分 空间统计模型
Study on the Flow of Rural Labor Force and the Contribution of Terrain Factor in Shaanxi,China
作者 Liu Yanxu Li Chunyue Ren Zhiyuan 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第4期77-83,共7页
The flow of rural labor to urban is a significant phenomenon in China during the last 20 years.In spite of many researches focus on the driving force of economy,terrain is an important index in the rural development.T... The flow of rural labor to urban is a significant phenomenon in China during the last 20 years.In spite of many researches focus on the driving force of economy,terrain is an important index in the rural development.There is a question that whether the flow of rural labor has some relationships with terrain.The study used the relief degree of land surface (RDLS) as terrain index,and the cost distance model and the center of gravity model to analyze the relationship between terrain and labor flows.The results indicated:(1) In the last 20 years,the rural labor force was not simply flowing to the low terrain region in Shaanxi province.And the RDLS was constantly strengthening the influence on the movement.(2) The RDLS was low in Guanzhong region,and the translation of rural labors relatively was not significant.Since North Shaanxi act as the energy industry base,the number of rural labors there increased faster than in South Shaanxi.(3) The movements of economical centers took an important role in the change of rural labor centers,and terrain factors also showed a high correlation with them.It is found that the lower of the terrain index,the higher of the land intensive degree,the more intensive of nonagriculturalization process. 展开更多
关键词 rural labor force relief degree of land surface center of gravity spatio-temporal pattems
Estimating Soil Salinity in the Yellow River Delta, Eastern China——An Integrated Approach Using Spectral and Terrain Indices with the Generalized Additive Model 被引量:7
作者 SONG Chuangye REN Hongxu HUANG Chong 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第5期626-635,共10页
Soil salinity is one of the most severe environmental problems worldwide. It is necessary to develop a soil-salinity-estimation model to project the spatial distribution of soil salinity. The aims of this study were t... Soil salinity is one of the most severe environmental problems worldwide. It is necessary to develop a soil-salinity-estimation model to project the spatial distribution of soil salinity. The aims of this study were to use remote sensed images and digital elevation model(DEM) to develop quantitative models for estimating soil salinity and to investigate the influence of vegetation on soil salinity estimation. Digital bands of Landsat Thematic Mapper(TM) images, vegetation indices, and terrain indices were selected as predictive variables for the estimation. The generalized additive model(GAM) was used to analyze the quantitative relationship between soil salt content, spectral properties, and terrain indices. Akaike's information criterion(AIC) was used to select relevant predictive variables for fitted GAMs. A correlation analysis and root mean square error between predicted and observed soil salt contents were used to validate the fitted GAMs. A high ratio of explained deviance suggests that an integrated approach using spectral and terrain indices with GAM was practical and efficient for estimating soil salinity. The performance of the fitted GAMs varied with changes in vegetation cover.Salinity in sparsely vegetated areas was estimated better than in densely vegetated areas. Visible red and near-infrared bands, and the second and third components of the tasseled cap transformation were the most important spectral variables for the estimation. Variable combinations in the fitted GAMs and their contribution varied with changes in vegetation cover. The contribution of terrain indices was smaller than that of spectral indices, possibly due to the low spatial resolution of DEM. This research may provide some beneficial references for regional soil salinity estimation. 展开更多
关键词 Akaike's information criterion digital elevation model Landsat TM image soil salt content terrain in indices vegetation cover
Simulation and comparative study of two types of Topographic Index model for a homogeneous mountain catchment
作者 SUN ShuFen DENG HuiPing WANG Qian 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第9期2089-2099,共11页
In order to expand the application range of the classic Topographic Index model(TOPMODEL) and develop a more appropriate submodel of hydrological processes for use in the land surface model, two types of TOPMODEL are ... In order to expand the application range of the classic Topographic Index model(TOPMODEL) and develop a more appropriate submodel of hydrological processes for use in the land surface model, two types of TOPMODEL are investigated, one with saturated hydraulic conductivity change with depth obeying exponential law(classical e-TOPMODEL or e-TOPMODEL for short) and the other obeying general power law(general p-TOPMODEL or p-TOPMODEL for short). Using observation date in the Suomo River catchment located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, the sensitivity study of the p-TOPMODEL was conducted and the simulated results from the model were examined and evaluated first, and then the results were compared with the results from the e-TOPMODEL to find the similarities and differences between the two types of models. The main conclusions obtained from the above studies are(1) topographic index and its distribution derived from the p-TOPPMODEL for the Suomo Basin are sensitive to changes of parameter n and m;(2) changes of n and m have impacts on the simulation results of various hydrological components(such as daily runoff, monthly averaged runoff, monthly averaged surface runoff and subsurface runoff), but have the weaker impacts on forty-year averaged total runoff; and(3) for the same value of m, the simulated results of e-TOPMODEL display higher surface runoff and lower subsurface runoff than the general p-TOPMODEL does but multi-year averaged total runoffs produced from the two types of TOPMODEL show insignificant difference. The differences between the two types of models indicate that it is necessary to pay close attention to correct selection from different hydrological models for use in land surface model development. The result mentioned above is useful to provide some referential information for the model selection. 展开更多
关键词 classical exponential TOPMODEL (e-TOPMODEL Power law profile TOPMODEL (p-TOPMODEL) model evaluations and comparison
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