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几种机械增氧方式在池塘养殖中的增氧性能比较 被引量:47
作者 谷坚 顾海涛 +2 位作者 门涛 刘兴国 曹建军 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期148-152,共5页
为评价池塘养殖中主要机械增氧方式的性能优劣,该文通过增氧清水试验和水产养殖池塘中实地试验,研究了几种机械增氧方式在清水试验中的增氧能力,动力效率和实际池塘中的溶解氧变化。结果表明,在清水中,叶轮增氧机增氧能力分别高出水车... 为评价池塘养殖中主要机械增氧方式的性能优劣,该文通过增氧清水试验和水产养殖池塘中实地试验,研究了几种机械增氧方式在清水试验中的增氧能力,动力效率和实际池塘中的溶解氧变化。结果表明,在清水中,叶轮增氧机增氧能力分别高出水车和螺旋桨增氧机4%和264%,动力效率分别高出12.7%和259%;在池塘中,叶轮增氧机对池塘水层的混合均匀时间要比水车和螺旋桨增氧机快40%,对溶解氧的增加值分别高115%和293%。叶轮增氧机综合增氧性能要高于水车和螺旋桨增氧机,螺旋桨增氧机综合增氧性能最差。该研究为在池塘养殖中合理运用机械增氧方式提供了有益的借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 池塘 机械性能 增氧性能 叶轮 水车 螺旋桨
微孔曝气流量与曝气管长度对水体增氧性能的影响 被引量:14
作者 程香菊 曾映雪 +1 位作者 谢骏 龚望宝 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第22期209-217,共9页
为了探究曝气流量与曝气管长度对增氧性能的影响,在不同曝气流量、不同曝气管长度条件下进行了室内水体底部微孔曝气增氧试验。分析了曝气流量与曝气管长度对氧体积传质系数、增氧量和氧利用率的影响。研究结果表明,当曝气流量为0.27... 为了探究曝气流量与曝气管长度对增氧性能的影响,在不同曝气流量、不同曝气管长度条件下进行了室内水体底部微孔曝气增氧试验。分析了曝气流量与曝气管长度对氧体积传质系数、增氧量和氧利用率的影响。研究结果表明,当曝气流量为0.27~0.55 m3/s、曝气管长为0.9~1.5 m时,所对应的氧体积传质系数在0.63~1.1 h-1变化,增氧量在6.8~12.9 g/h变化,氧利用率在6.87%~9.28%变化,且在一定的曝气管长度下,氧体积传质系数、增氧量均与曝气流量成正比,而氧利用率则与其成反比关系;在一定的曝气流量下,曝气管长度对氧体积传质系数产生的影响表现为先高后低再高的趋势;氧体积传质系数与修正的饱和溶解氧浓度是否作为增氧量的主要影响因子取决于曝气管长度;曝气流量对氧利用率较曝气管长度更为敏感。研究还发现,微孔曝气系统中存在着最优曝气管长度,使得增氧性能最佳,并建立了最优曝气管长度与曝气流量、水深、输入压力、最优初始气泡直径的相关关系式,为低碳经济下微孔曝气系统的设计和运行提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 水处理 水产养殖 微孔曝气 曝气流量 曝气管长度 增氧性能
管道式微孔增氧装置的增氧性能研究 被引量:1
作者 管崇武 单建军 +2 位作者 宋红桥 吴凡 陈石 《渔业现代化》 CSCD 2023年第2期25-31,共7页
为了评价不同进气量和进气压力对管道式微孔增氧装置增氧性能的影响,参照SC/T 6051—2011《溶氧装置性能试验方法》中的标准测试方法,在3个进气压力条件下开展不同进气量的室内清水增氧试验。结果显示:在相同进气量条件下,降低进气压力... 为了评价不同进气量和进气压力对管道式微孔增氧装置增氧性能的影响,参照SC/T 6051—2011《溶氧装置性能试验方法》中的标准测试方法,在3个进气压力条件下开展不同进气量的室内清水增氧试验。结果显示:在相同进气量条件下,降低进气压力可取得较好的增氧性能;在相同进气压力条件下,装置的氧质量转移系数和增氧能力随着进气量增大而增大,氧利用率和动力效率则呈下降趋势,但在进气压力为0.2 MPa时,其氧利用率和动力效率下降幅度较缓。综合考虑增氧能力和运行能耗等因素,装置的进气参数可设置为进气压力0.2 MPa、进气量0.064~0.081m^(3)/h,在该条件下增氧能力达到29.79~34.36 g/h,氧利用率达到29.83%~32.32%,动力效率达到7.67~8.31 kg/(kW·h)。研究表明,进气量对装置的增氧性能有较大的影响,合理控制进气量对于提高增氧性能、降低增氧装置能耗具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 管道式微孔装置 增氧性能 进气量 利用率 循环水养殖
三种增氧机增氧性能研究 被引量:4
作者 宋瑜清 熊元芳 马志光 《现代农业装备》 2014年第2期37-40,共4页
为了更准确地评价池塘养殖中主要的三种不同增氧方式的增氧机的性能,通过标准水池试验和养殖池塘中实地试验,研究了三种增氧机的增氧方式在清水试验中的增氧能力、动力效率和养殖池塘中的溶解氧均匀度与水温均匀度的变化。结果表明,曝... 为了更准确地评价池塘养殖中主要的三种不同增氧方式的增氧机的性能,通过标准水池试验和养殖池塘中实地试验,研究了三种增氧机的增氧方式在清水试验中的增氧能力、动力效率和养殖池塘中的溶解氧均匀度与水温均匀度的变化。结果表明,曝气式增氧机增氧能力和动力效率最好,增氧能力比水车的高55.1%,动力效率比水车的高出64.0%。增氧能力和动力效率从高到低依次是曝气式、叶轮式和水车式。水车增氧机对养殖池溶解氧的均匀度提升最快,最高的达到46.43%,曝气增氧设备对养殖池溶解氧的均匀度提升达到29.46%;对养殖池水温均匀度的提升,三种增氧机都不是很明显。该研究为在池塘养殖中合理运用不同增氧方式提供了有益的借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 池塘 增氧性能 均匀度 叶轮 水车 曝气
射流式增氧机性能研究 被引量:10
作者 门涛 张祝利 +2 位作者 顾海涛 何雅萍 王君 《渔业现代化》 北大核心 2011年第2期49-51,55,共4页
为评价射流式增氧机性能,采用SC/T 6009—1999《增氧机增氧能力试验方法》标准,通过清水试验和养殖池塘试验,研究了射流式增氧机在清水中的增氧能力、动力效率,以及实际养殖池塘中上下水层溶解氧变化。结果表明:射流式增氧机对于下层水... 为评价射流式增氧机性能,采用SC/T 6009—1999《增氧机增氧能力试验方法》标准,通过清水试验和养殖池塘试验,研究了射流式增氧机在清水中的增氧能力、动力效率,以及实际养殖池塘中上下水层溶解氧变化。结果表明:射流式增氧机对于下层水体具有良好的增氧效果,能使1.5 m水深处溶氧值提高31.0%;利用产生的水流搅拌水体,使上下水层进行交换,避免水体溶氧量分层分布,并且水体曝气也可改善水质。 展开更多
关键词 射流式 溶解 增氧性能 动力效率 池塘养殖
淡水水产养殖中机械增氧技术的应用比较 被引量:3
作者 苑东明 《江西水产科技》 2017年第5期47-48,共2页
关键词 水产养殖 机械 增氧性能
作者 马淑 《新农民》 2019年第30期87-89,共3页
时代不断向前发展的同时,人们的需求也逐渐多样化,农民对农业耕种方式也越来越技术化,这是当今社会科技现代化的必然趋势,农产业种类繁多,而此文也将从农产业中的池塘养殖业说起,池塘养殖业不仅是农业发展的翘首,促进农村经济的发展,而... 时代不断向前发展的同时,人们的需求也逐渐多样化,农民对农业耕种方式也越来越技术化,这是当今社会科技现代化的必然趋势,农产业种类繁多,而此文也将从农产业中的池塘养殖业说起,池塘养殖业不仅是农业发展的翘首,促进农村经济的发展,而且还对机械增氧技术的发展提供了线索,本文从机械增氧技术的应用情况、主要类别、和具体的工作原理、各种机械增氧方式来阐明。 展开更多
关键词 池塘养殖 机械 增氧性能
作者 向鹏 颜雪娟 +2 位作者 柴亦奇 禹畅 陈聪 《教育教学论坛》 2015年第8期237-239,共3页
本实验以DM308玻璃粉作为原料制备微孔玻璃片,研究采用加入添加剂、改变玻璃粉目数以及改变热处理工艺来获取强度、孔径、孔隙率等综合性能较好的微孔玻璃片,然后将玻璃片运用到鱼塘中利用微孔来为养殖输送氧气。本实验主要分成两大部分... 本实验以DM308玻璃粉作为原料制备微孔玻璃片,研究采用加入添加剂、改变玻璃粉目数以及改变热处理工艺来获取强度、孔径、孔隙率等综合性能较好的微孔玻璃片,然后将玻璃片运用到鱼塘中利用微孔来为养殖输送氧气。本实验主要分成两大部分:一是用烧结法制备硬度较好、孔隙率高、导气性优良的微孔玻璃片,二是设计并制作一个小型鱼缸,模拟微孔玻璃片为鱼塘增氧的过程。 展开更多
关键词 微孔玻璃 烧结法 增氧性能 应用研究
Enhanced Performance of Denitrifying Sulfide Removal Process by 1,2-Naphthoquinone-4-Sulphonate 被引量:1
作者 Liu Chunshuang Han Kang +4 位作者 Zhao Dongfeng Guo Yadonag Liu Lihong Liu Fang Zhao Chaocheng 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第1期22-28,共7页
The denitrifying sulfide removal(DSR) process with bio-granules comprising both heterotrophic and autotrophic denitrifiers can simultaneously convert nitrate, sulfide and acetate species into di-nitrogen gas, elementa... The denitrifying sulfide removal(DSR) process with bio-granules comprising both heterotrophic and autotrophic denitrifiers can simultaneously convert nitrate, sulfide and acetate species into di-nitrogen gas, elemental sulfur and carbon dioxide, respectively, at high loading rates. This study has determined that the reaction rate of sulfide oxidized into sulfur could be enhanced in the presence of 1,2-naphthoquinone-4-sulphonate(NQS). The presence of NQS mitigated the inhibition effects of sulfide species on denitrification. Furthermore, the reaction rates of nitrate and acetate to nitrogen gas and CO_2, respectively, were also promoted in the presence of NQS, thereby enhancing the performance of DSR granules. The advantages and disadvantages of applying the NQS-DSR process are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 denitrifying sulfide removal NQS inhibition bio-granules
Improving the Abrasion Resistance of "Green" Tyre Compounds
作者 Teku Zakwan Zaeimoedin Jane Clarke 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2017年第10期637-642,共6页
Since the introduction of"green tyres" in the early 90's, the use of silica as a reinforcing filler, along with a silane coupling agent, has spread and grown worldwide. The greatest advantage of using silica over c... Since the introduction of"green tyres" in the early 90's, the use of silica as a reinforcing filler, along with a silane coupling agent, has spread and grown worldwide. The greatest advantage of using silica over carbon black as reinforcing filler in a tyre tread compound is that a lower rolling resistance is achieved, while maintaining good wet traction. However, a previous study has shown that the wear resistance of a silica filled ENR (epoxidised natural rubber) compound was not as high as those of conventional OESBR (oil extended styrene butadiene rubber) and NR/BR compounds used in passenger car and truck tyre treads. In this work, with the aim of improving abrasion resistance, the effect of blending BR (butadiene rubber) into a silica filled ENR compound was studied. Blends with 0 to 30 phr BR were prepared in a Polylab Haake internal mixer. The rheological properties of the compounds were measured using a Mooney viscometer and oscillating-disc rheometer. The hardness, tensile strength and DIN abrasion resistance were also measured. The results showed that the ENR/silica compound properties such as tensile strength and hardness were as good as those of the conventional compounds. However, the most important finding was that abrasion resistance increased significantly with BR content, exceeding that of the conventional compound at BR: ENR ratios of greater than 20:80. 展开更多
关键词 ENR BR SILICA abrasion resistance tyre tread.
A multijunction of ZnIn2S4 nanosheet/TiO2 film/Si nanowire for significant performance enhancement of water splitting 被引量:4
作者 Qiong Liu Fangli Wu +5 位作者 Fengren Cao Lei Chen Xinjian Xie Weichao Wang Wei Tian Liang Li 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第11期3524-3534,共11页
Photoelectrodes with a specific structure and composition have been proposed for improving the efficiency of solar water splitting. Here, a novel multijunction structure was fabricated, with Si nanowires as cores, ZnI... Photoelectrodes with a specific structure and composition have been proposed for improving the efficiency of solar water splitting. Here, a novel multijunction structure was fabricated, with Si nanowires as cores, ZnIn2S4 nanosheets as branches, and TiO2 films as sandwiched layers. This junction exhibited a superior photoelectrochemical performance with a maximum photoconversion efficiency of 0.51%, which is 795 and 64 times higher than that of a bare Si wafer and nanowires, respectively. The large enhancement was attributed to the effective electron-hole separation and fast excited carrier transport within the multijunctions resulting from their favorable energy band alignments with water redox potentials, and to the enlarged contact area for facilitating the electron transfer at the multijunction/electrolyte interface. 展开更多
关键词 water splitting photoelectrochemical cells NANOSHEETS atomic layer deposition multi junction
Synthesis of multifunctional monomers from rosin for the properties enhancement of soybean-oil based thermosets 被引量:3
作者 LIU Yuan LI Chao +3 位作者 DAI JinYue JIANG YanHua LIU XiaoQing ZHU Jin 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第9期1332-1338,共7页
Two kinds of rosin derivatives, (2-hydroxy-3-(methacryloyloxy)propyl 7-isopropyl-1,4a-dimethyl-1,2,3,4,4a,4b,5,6,10,10a- decahydrophenanthrene-1-carboxylate) (HMPIDDC) and (((7-isopropyl-1,4a-dimethyl-1,2,3,4... Two kinds of rosin derivatives, (2-hydroxy-3-(methacryloyloxy)propyl 7-isopropyl-1,4a-dimethyl-1,2,3,4,4a,4b,5,6,10,10a- decahydrophenanthrene-1-carboxylate) (HMPIDDC) and (((7-isopropyl-1,4a-dimethyl-1,2,3,4,4a,9,10,10a-octahydrophenan- thren-1-yl)methyl)azanediyl)bis(2-hydroxypropane-3,1-diyl)bis(2-methylacrylate) (IDOMAHM) were synthesized under mild and easy to implement conditions. The two derivatives were employed as the rigid monomers to copolymerize with acrylated epoxidized soybean oil (AESO), as so to improve the performance of the cured resins. The chemical structures of HMPIDDC and IDOMAHM were confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) before copolymerization. The curing behaviors of pristine AESO, AESO/HMPIDDC blend, and AESO/IDOMAHM blend were monitored by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Moreover, the thermal and mechanical properties of the cured resins were evaluated by universal mechanical testing, dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The results demonstrated that after the introduction of HMPIDDC and IDOMAHM, the glass transition temperature and mechanical properties of the copolymerized resin were significantly increased. In one word, HMPIDDC and IDOMAHM showed dramatic potential to be used as bio-based compounds to improve the properties of soybean-oil based thermosets. 展开更多
关键词 rosin derivatives bio-based compound rigid monomer THERMOSETS
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