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多调查 少检查
《乡镇论坛》 1997年第10期22-22,共1页
关键词 多调查 领导干部 农民群众 检查评比 自给自足小农经济 升级达标 农村改革发展 社会化服务组织 领导方式 政治工作
作者 陈安 《领导科学》 北大核心 1999年第5期13-13,共1页
县以下基层党委书记与行政主要负责人同为本部门的主要负责人,在职务上是平级关系,在党内又为书记与副书记的关系。党政主要负责人朝夕相处,共同谋划本部门各项事业的发展,如能协调一致,同心同德,对形成强有力的领导核心、发挥战... 县以下基层党委书记与行政主要负责人同为本部门的主要负责人,在职务上是平级关系,在党内又为书记与副书记的关系。党政主要负责人朝夕相处,共同谋划本部门各项事业的发展,如能协调一致,同心同德,对形成强有力的领导核心、发挥战斗保垒作用关系极大。在处理党政主要... 展开更多
关键词 行政负责人 基层党委书记 主要负责人 强协调性 多调查 调动积极性 领导核心 掌握艺术 事务 树立威信
作者 蔡德华 《中外企业文化》 1997年第7期47-47,共1页
辛勤,还需心勤蔡德华有的企业,辛辛苦苦地千了一年,生产经营照旧,毫无转机,仍然费力不讨好,步履艰难。而有的企业,在市场竞争中,却峰回路转,生产经营突飞猛进。何以如此?笔者认为:一个主要原因是能否适应形势,用“心”工作... 辛勤,还需心勤蔡德华有的企业,辛辛苦苦地千了一年,生产经营照旧,毫无转机,仍然费力不讨好,步履艰难。而有的企业,在市场竞争中,却峰回路转,生产经营突飞猛进。何以如此?笔者认为:一个主要原因是能否适应形势,用“心”工作。在市场经济的大潮中,不仅要努力,... 展开更多
关键词 柳州铁路局 计划经济体制 生产经营 新的思维方式 转变观念 创造效益 市场竞争 市场需要 努力干 多调查
《医学研究与教育》 CAS 1995年第2期28-28,共1页
关键词 分裂症 低胆固醇 科学家 胆固醇含量 致病机理 危险因素 药物治疗 多调查 心脏病 卫生信息
《红广角》 1996年第2期46-46,共1页
中华人民共和国成立后,毛泽东一直有三大志愿,这三大志愿由于“文化大革命”而始终没有实现。1961年8月在庐山,有一天毛泽东和张仙朋谈他的愿望:“一是要下放去搞一年工业,搞一年农业,搞半年商业,这样使我多调查研究,了解情况,我不搞官... 中华人民共和国成立后,毛泽东一直有三大志愿,这三大志愿由于“文化大革命”而始终没有实现。1961年8月在庐山,有一天毛泽东和张仙朋谈他的愿望:“一是要下放去搞一年工业,搞一年农业,搞半年商业,这样使我多调查研究,了解情况,我不搞官僚主义。二是要骑马到黄河、长江两岸进行实地考察。我对地质方面缺少知识,要请一位地质学家。 展开更多
关键词 天毛 文化大革命 岸进 缺少知识 陈布雷 多调查 张学良 《新民晚报》 放风筝 地质学家
多看 多听 多思——我写言论稿的三点体会
作者 陶号醒 《新闻实践》 1997年第8期44-44,共1页
关键词 言论稿 《浙江日报》 多听 新闻稿 多调查 绍兴 造车 通知 二等奖 题材
作者 桑永奇 《黄河.黄土.黄种人》 2008年第1期13-14,共2页
在豫东平原黄泛区腹地的扶沟县,有一个人,提起她,人们总是跷起大拇指称她是顶呱呱的大好人,然后滔滔不绝地给你讲述她一串串动人的事迹。她就是魏双,一位普通的基层计划生育协会会长,育龄妇女都亲切地叫她"魏大姐",一个享有&q... 在豫东平原黄泛区腹地的扶沟县,有一个人,提起她,人们总是跷起大拇指称她是顶呱呱的大好人,然后滔滔不绝地给你讲述她一串串动人的事迹。她就是魏双,一位普通的基层计划生育协会会长,育龄妇女都亲切地叫她"魏大姐",一个享有"河南省十大女杰"、"河南省劳动模范"、全国计生系统"新时期最可爱的人"等荣誉称号的计生工作者。 展开更多
关键词 计划生育协会 扶沟县 计生协 协会工作 群众 调查研究 多调查 计生工作 基层 新时期
作者 黄晶章 《新闻前哨》 1995年第5期16-16,共1页
关键词 新闻事件 多调查 新闻的真实性 新闻素材 表面现象 准确性 堂而皇之 一点红 时效性 目击者
作者 任长建 吕富傲 《农村经济与科技》 1996年第12期38-38,共1页
为转变干部作风,提高工作效率,襄阳县埠口镇委积极倡导、大力推行"三三"工作要素法:即"三先"、"三多":先想、先学、先干;多调查、多交友、多落实。通过近一年的实施,镇委的凝聚力、战斗力显著增强,有力... 为转变干部作风,提高工作效率,襄阳县埠口镇委积极倡导、大力推行"三三"工作要素法:即"三先"、"三多":先想、先学、先干;多调查、多交友、多落实。通过近一年的实施,镇委的凝聚力、战斗力显著增强,有力地促进了全镇社会经济的健康发展。埠口镇地处鄂豫交界,拥有发展乡镇企业和边界商贸的诸多优势。1996年2月,新一届党委成立后。 展开更多
关键词 要素法 健康发展 乡镇企业 干部作风 工作效率 社会经济发展 多调查 凝聚力 战斗力 襄阳
作者 朱新忠 《传媒观察》 1997年第2期56-56,共1页
我于70年代参加工作,在基层办公室工作,那里没有秘书,我是统计兼秘书,逼着搞文字工作。后来从乡镇调到县市党政机关,当秘书,当办公室副主任、主任,直至担任局领导,一直与文字结了不解之缘。起初,我对于写作知之甚少,香烟一根接一根抽,... 我于70年代参加工作,在基层办公室工作,那里没有秘书,我是统计兼秘书,逼着搞文字工作。后来从乡镇调到县市党政机关,当秘书,当办公室副主任、主任,直至担任局领导,一直与文字结了不解之缘。起初,我对于写作知之甚少,香烟一根接一根抽,稿纸撕了一张又一张。“文到用时方恨少”,苦不堪言。但工作需要迫使我养成了读书看报,多调查、勤动脑的好习惯,充实了我的知识,也充实了我的精神世界,使我更加执着起来。我还有个近邻友好。 展开更多
关键词 精神力量 办公室工作 精神世界 秘书 湖北日报 文字工作 党政机关 勤动脑 多调查 新闻报道
《内蒙古宣传》 1994年第1期62-62,共1页
新年要有新作风今年是贯彻党的十四届三中全会决定,实施建立社会主义市场经济体制蓝图的第一年。改革和发展的任务非常繁重。各级领导干部要团结和带领广大群众前进,就要有新的风貌、新的作风。江泽民同志最近一再强调:"希望大家都... 新年要有新作风今年是贯彻党的十四届三中全会决定,实施建立社会主义市场经济体制蓝图的第一年。改革和发展的任务非常繁重。各级领导干部要团结和带领广大群众前进,就要有新的风貌、新的作风。江泽民同志最近一再强调:"希望大家都能多挤点时间学习,少搞一点应酬,多... 展开更多
关键词 社会主义市场经济体制 主观主义 领导干部 调查研究工作 开创新局面 指导思想 改革和发展 实践学习 科学论证 多调查
作者 《广西农村金融研究》 1989年第4期50-50,共1页
一、改善农业生产条件的紧迫性与农村资金短缺的矛盾。今后农业的持续增长将越来越取决于对农业投入的增加和农业生产条件的改善。然而,近几年来各部门对农业的投入在不断减少;许多调查表明投资不足已成为农业发展的主要制约因素。 二... 一、改善农业生产条件的紧迫性与农村资金短缺的矛盾。今后农业的持续增长将越来越取决于对农业投入的增加和农业生产条件的改善。然而,近几年来各部门对农业的投入在不断减少;许多调查表明投资不足已成为农业发展的主要制约因素。 二、农村商品经济的发展与农民素质低弱之间的矛盾。在传统农业向现代化农业转变过程中,由于自然资源开发总量的极限和人口膨胀造成、人均自然资源占有量相对贫乏。 展开更多
关键词 六大矛盾 深化农村改革 农业生产条件 农村经济体制改革 人均自然资源 农户家庭经营 多调查 农村商品经济 生产专业化 主要制约因素
PolyQ-expanded ataxin-3 interacts with full-length ataxin-3 in a polyQ length-dependent manner
作者 贾娜丽 费尔康 +2 位作者 应征 王洪枫 王光辉 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期201-208,共8页
Objective Machado-Joseph disease (MJD), also known as spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3), is a dominant neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expansion of the polyglutamine (polyQ) tract in MJD-1 gene produc... Objective Machado-Joseph disease (MJD), also known as spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3), is a dominant neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expansion of the polyglutamine (polyQ) tract in MJD-1 gene product, ataxin-3 (AT3). This disease is characterized by the formation of intraneuronal inclusions, but the mechanism underlying their formation is still poorly understood. The present study is to explore the relationship between wild type (WT) AT3 and polyQ expanded AT3. Methods Mouse neuroblastoma (N2a) cells or HEK293 cells were co-transfected with WTAT3 and different truncated forms of expanded AT3. The expressions of WT AT3 and the truncated forms of expanded AT3 were detected by Western blotting, and observed by an inverted fluorescent microscope. The interactions between AT3 and different truncated forms of expanded AT3 were detected by immunoprecipitation and GST pull-down assays. Results Using fluorescent microscope, we observed that the truncated forms of expanded AT3 aggregate in transfected cells, and the full-length WT AT3 is recruited onto the aggregates. However, no aggregates were observed in cells transfected with the truncated forms of WT AT3. Immunoprecipitation and GST pull-down analyses indicate that WT AT3 interacts with the truncated AT3 in a polyQ length-dependent manner. Conclusion WT AT3 deposits in the aggregation that was formed by polyQ expanded AT3, which suggests that the formation of AT3 aggregation may affect the normal function of WT AT3 and increase polyQ protein toxicity in MJD. 展开更多
关键词 Machado-Joseph disease/spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 ATAXIN-3 POLYGLUTAMINE
Patient and physician perception of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic appendectomy 被引量:1
作者 Tomas Hucl Adela Saglova +4 位作者 Marek Benes Matej Kocik Martin Oliverius Zdenek Valenta Julius Spicak 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第15期1800-1805,共6页
AIM:To investigate perception of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery(NOTES)as a potential technique for appendectomy.METHODS:One hundred patients undergoing endoscopy and 100 physicians were given a questi... AIM:To investigate perception of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery(NOTES)as a potential technique for appendectomy.METHODS:One hundred patients undergoing endoscopy and 100 physicians were given a questionnaire describing in detail the techniques of NOTES and laparoscopic appendectomy.They were asked about the reasons for their preference,choice of orifice,and extent of complication risk they were willing to accept.RESULTS:Fifty patients(50%)and only 21 physicians(21%)preferred NOTES(P<0.001).Patients had previously heard of NOTES less frequently(7%vs73%,P<0.001)and had undergone endoscopy more frequently(88%vs 36%,P<0.001)than physicians.Absence of hernia was the most common reason for NOTES preference in physicians(80%vs 44%,P= 0.003),whereas reduced pain was the most common reason in patients(66%vs 52%).Physicians were more likely to refuse NOTES as a novel and unsure technique(P<0.001)and having an increased risk of infection(P<0.001).The preferred access site in both groups was colon followed by stomach,with vagina being rarely preferred.In multivariable modeling,those with high-school education[odds ratio(OR):2.68,95% confidence interval(CI):1.23-5.83]and prior colonoscopy(OR:2.10,95%CI:1.05-4.19)were more likely to prefer NOTES over laparoscopic appendectomy.There was a steep decline in NOTES preference with increased rate of procedural complications.Male patients were more likely to consent to their wives vaginal NOTES appendectomy than male physicians(P=0.02).CONCLUSION:The preference of NOTES for appendectomy was greater in patients than physicians and was related to reduced pain and absence of hernia rather than lack of scarring. 展开更多
关键词 Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery Patient perception Physician perception APPENDECTOMY LAPAROSCOPY
Influence of A-type Zeolite on Methane Hydrate Formation 被引量:8
作者 臧小亚 杜建伟 +2 位作者 梁德青 樊栓狮 唐翠萍 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第5期854-859,共6页
The porous medium has an important effect on hydrate formation.In this paper,the formation process and the gas storage capacity of the methane hydrate were investigated with A-type zeolite and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (... The porous medium has an important effect on hydrate formation.In this paper,the formation process and the gas storage capacity of the methane hydrate were investigated with A-type zeolite and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) existing in the system.The results show that A-type zeolite can influence methane hydrate formation.At the temperature of 273.5 K and pressure of 8.3 MPa,the distilled water with A-type zeolite can form methane hydrate with gaseous methane in 12 hours.The formation process of the system with A-type zeolite was quite steady and the amount of A-type zeolite can influence the gas storage capacity significantly.The adding of A-type zeolite with 0.067 g·(g water)-1 into 2×10-3 g·g-1 SDS-water solution can increase the gas storage capacity,and the maximum increase rate was 31%.Simultaneously the promotion effect on hydrate formation of 3A-type zeolite is much more obvious than that of 5A-type zeolite when the water adding amounts are 0.033 g·g-1 and 0.067 g·g-1 at the experimental conditions. 展开更多
关键词 HYDRATE FORMATION gas storage A-type zeolite
Risk factors for rebleeding after angiographically negative acute gastrointestinal bleeding 被引量:2
作者 Ijin Joo Hyo-Cheol Kim +2 位作者 Jin Wook Chung Hwan Jun Jae Jae Hyung Park 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第32期4023-4027,共5页
AIM:To identify possible predictive factors for rebleeding after angiographically negative findings in patients with acute non-variceal gastrointestinal bleeding.METHODS: From January 2000 to July 2007, 128 patients w... AIM:To identify possible predictive factors for rebleeding after angiographically negative findings in patients with acute non-variceal gastrointestinal bleeding.METHODS: From January 2000 to July 2007, 128 patients with acute non-variceal gastrointestinal bleeding had negative f indings after initial angiography. Clinical and laboratory parameters were analyzed retrospectively.RESULTS: Among 128 patients, 62 had no recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding and 66 had recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding within 30 d. As determined by the use of multivariate analysis, an underlying malignancy, liver cirrhosis and hematemesis were significant factors related to recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding.CONCLUSION: Clinical factors including underlying malignancy, liver cirrhosis, and hematemesis are important predictors for rebleeding after angiographically negative findings in patients with acute non-variceal gastrointestinal bleeding. 展开更多
关键词 ANGIOGRAPHY Gastrointestinal hemorrhage Predictive factor
作者 李延峰 郭玉璞 +1 位作者 池田修一 方定华 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 1996年第2期113-116,共4页
This paper reports a familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) family in China. This family being investigated had 69 members of five generations. From the third generation, there have been 16 patients. The age of onset w... This paper reports a familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) family in China. This family being investigated had 69 members of five generations. From the third generation, there have been 16 patients. The age of onset was about 3 to 5 decades. The initial symptoms were autonomic nerve symptoms, such as impotence, dyspepsia and diarrhoea, associated with the sensory loss of lower extremities. As the disease progressed, the upper extremities and motor ability were also involved. The duration of disease course was about 8-10 years, most patients died of infection and cachexia. Sural biopsy in 3 patients had showed positive Congo red staining. From the clinical view, this FAP family is similar to FAP I found in Japan. The true classification, however, should be confirmed by further genetic analysis. 展开更多
关键词 familial amyloid polyneuropathy sural biopsy
Integrating a DNA barcoding project with an ecological survey:a case study on temperate intertidal polychaete communities in Qingdao,China 被引量:2
作者 周红 张志南 +4 位作者 陈海燕 孙仁华 王慧 郭磊 潘海建 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期899-910,共12页
In this study,we integrated a DNA barcoding project with an ecological survey on intertidal polychaete communities and investigated the utility of CO1 gene sequence as a DNA barcode for the classification of the inter... In this study,we integrated a DNA barcoding project with an ecological survey on intertidal polychaete communities and investigated the utility of CO1 gene sequence as a DNA barcode for the classification of the intertidal polychaetes.Using 16S rDNA as a complementary marker and combining morphological and ecological characterization,some of dominant and common polychaete species from Chinese coasts were assessed for their taxonomic status.We obtained 22 haplotype gene sequences of 13 taxa,including 10 CO1 sequences and 12 16S rDNA sequences.Based on intra-and inter-specific distances,we built phylogenetic trees using the neighbor-joining method.Our study suggested that the mitochondrial CO1 gene was a valid DNA barcoding marker for species identification in polychaetes,but other genes,such as 16S rDNA,could be used as a complementary genetic marker.For more accurate species identification and effective testing of species hypothesis,DNA barcoding should be incorporated with morphological,ecological,biogeographical,and phylogenetic information.The application of DNA barcoding and molecular identification in the ecological survey on the intertidal polychaete communities demonstrated the feasibility of integrating DNA taxonomy and ecology. 展开更多
关键词 POLYCHAETES DNA barcoding CO1 gene 16S rDNA molecular identification
Spontaneous liver rupture in hypereosinophilic syndrome:A rare but fatal complication 被引量:1
作者 Yue-Sun Cheung Shun Wong +3 位作者 Philip Koon-Ngai Lam Kit-Fai Lee John Wong Paul Bo-San Lai 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第46期5875-5878,共4页
We report a rare case of spontaneous liver rupture in a patient with hypereosinophilic syndrome(HES),of which the diagnosis was delayed,resulting in a fatal outcome.The diagnostic criteria and treatment of HES with he... We report a rare case of spontaneous liver rupture in a patient with hypereosinophilic syndrome(HES),of which the diagnosis was delayed,resulting in a fatal outcome.The diagnostic criteria and treatment of HES with hepatic involvement were reviewed.The possible cause of spontaneous liver rupture in HES and its management were also discussed.To our knowledge,this is the fi rst case report of spontaneous liver rupture in HES.We emphasized the need of a high index of suspicion in diagnosing HES,so that early treatment could be initiated. 展开更多
关键词 Hypereosinophilic syndrome EOSINOPHILIA HEMOPERITONEUM COMPLICATION Spontaneous liverrupture
Research on the Mediating Effect of Market Benefit Between Dual Distribution Channel Conflicts and Financial Performance of Garment Enterprises
作者 Yue Yanzai Qu Hongjian 《International English Education Research》 2014年第12期88-92,共5页
The paper discussed the impact of dual distribution channel conflicts on financial performance of garment enterprises by multiple regression and mediation effect has been analyzed with market benefit as the mediated v... The paper discussed the impact of dual distribution channel conflicts on financial performance of garment enterprises by multiple regression and mediation effect has been analyzed with market benefit as the mediated variable based on the survey data of Shanghai region. The results show that: first, channel contention, channel areal differences and channel perception differences have a negative effect on financial performance and channel communication has a positive effect on financial performance significantly; second, market benefit has a positive effect on financial performance significantly; third, channel contention, channel areal differences and channel perception differences have a negative effect on market benefit and channel communication has a positive effect on market benefit significantly; forth, market benefit has a partial mediation effect on the influence of channel areal differences and channel communication on financial performance. Therefore, channel areal differences and channel communication are two major aspects among the dual distribution channel conflicts which may have influences on financial benefit of garment enterprises, and clothing company should lay emphasis on the settling of these two matters. 展开更多
关键词 Dual Distribution Channel Conflicts Financial Performance Mediating Effect Empirical Analysis
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