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岷州攒都沟藏族土司世系及相关史事研究——以新发现的“攒都沟后土司宗图”为中心 被引量:5
作者 李志明 洲塔 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期148-154,共7页
岷州攒都沟后土司向来被认为是甘青地区的重要土司家族,与明封大智法王班丹扎释同出一族,历来受到学界的关注。已有史料中关于其家族世系大致有五种记载,各史料相互之间亦多有抵牾。本文以新发现的"攒都沟后土司宗图"为核心,... 岷州攒都沟后土司向来被认为是甘青地区的重要土司家族,与明封大智法王班丹扎释同出一族,历来受到学界的关注。已有史料中关于其家族世系大致有五种记载,各史料相互之间亦多有抵牾。本文以新发现的"攒都沟后土司宗图"为核心,对该土司的世系及相关史事进行了分析研究,初步厘清了后氏土司的世系、品级等相关问题。 展开更多
关键词 岷州 土司制度 宗图 汉藏关系
作者 雷冠中 《黑龙江民族丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期107-110,共4页
2019年6月9日,发现于广西平果市城区的清代广西百色直隶厅下旺土司韦成林亲供宗图册,让人们首次看到了广西右江流域土司亲供宗图册的格式与内容,既能补充清光绪《百色厅志》、今人龚荫《中国土司制度》所载下旺土司的世系和子嗣的缺漏,... 2019年6月9日,发现于广西平果市城区的清代广西百色直隶厅下旺土司韦成林亲供宗图册,让人们首次看到了广西右江流域土司亲供宗图册的格式与内容,既能补充清光绪《百色厅志》、今人龚荫《中国土司制度》所载下旺土司的世系和子嗣的缺漏,又保留了分袭的记录,具有较高的文献价值。 展开更多
关键词 平果市 下旺土司 亲供 宗图
明代勋爵承袭与勋臣宗族活动初探 被引量:4
作者 秦博 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期27-34,共8页
明代公、侯、伯勋爵承袭遵照一套完整的勘验制度,以诰券、宗图为准,由五府、吏部执行。在这种制度的整肃下,勋贵家族组织在形式上向上古封建宗法礼制靠拢,部分族众的宗族意识不断提高,明皇朝的统治秩序与政权合理性亦借此彰显。但随着... 明代公、侯、伯勋爵承袭遵照一套完整的勘验制度,以诰券、宗图为准,由五府、吏部执行。在这种制度的整肃下,勋贵家族组织在形式上向上古封建宗法礼制靠拢,部分族众的宗族意识不断提高,明皇朝的统治秩序与政权合理性亦借此彰显。但随着明代中后期勋臣家族生齿日繁,兼之勋爵袭封制度出现纰漏与畸变,勋贵子弟争袭爵位的现象频繁发生,宗族的秩序性受到冲击,勋臣宗族组织僵化复古,依附于国家强权而缺乏自我调节功能的特性暴露无遗。 展开更多
关键词 勋爵承袭 勘验制度 宗图 勋臣宗族 争袭爵位
作者 李智敏 马丽伟 《陕西教育学院学报》 2003年第2期43-45,共3页
圣人不但对古圣哲不能尽意的哲思"立象以尽意",而且还将自己的见解也附会到已立之象中去,以至出现种类繁多的太极图。照此模式,我们将一些认识论问题的探讨亦附会到太极图中去。首先,太极图象征了人在认识过程中人的意识与客... 圣人不但对古圣哲不能尽意的哲思"立象以尽意",而且还将自己的见解也附会到已立之象中去,以至出现种类繁多的太极图。照此模式,我们将一些认识论问题的探讨亦附会到太极图中去。首先,太极图象征了人在认识过程中人的意识与客观世界的关系,即此两者的阴阳变合交感,既矛盾对立,又相辅相承,如此交错变换、循环不已的特征。其次,它还象征了个体人的"理"与"思"的思维特征,客体的"能"与主体的"可能"之间的关系,以及人的"日新"与"境界"的关系等。 展开更多
关键词 太极图 认识论 象征 意识 客观世界 思维特征 宗图 双鱼图 写意线图
Representing Islam in China: A Case Study on the Religious Motifs of Uyghur Sermon Poems
作者 WANG Jian-xin 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2011年第2期136-149,共14页
As a unique local convention of Islamic proselytizing, Uyghur religious specialists in the present Turpan Basin are using a kind of folk songs "qoshaq" to organize motifs and materials for their religious sermons. T... As a unique local convention of Islamic proselytizing, Uyghur religious specialists in the present Turpan Basin are using a kind of folk songs "qoshaq" to organize motifs and materials for their religious sermons. Though the poems are particularly used as religious texts at mosque preaching and other chances of Islamic proselytizing, their contents give insights into the ways of local Uyghurs to understand various daily happenings through the lens of Islamic doctrines. This issue can be taken as a process of the localization of Islamic culture among Uyghurs, therefore, it provides comprehensive pictures on the Islamic ways of local Uyghurs to accommodate their social realities. Through undertaking analyses on the structure, style, contents of the poems, this paper makes efforts to unfold the symbolic landscape of the poems implied, making clear the logic bases of those religious motifs and the attitudes Uyghur preachers had toward social realities. 展开更多
关键词 Uyghur folk songs religious motifs islamic accommodation of social realities
The Logic of Incarnation: Hegel's Use of Plato's Philebus in the Shorter Logic and in the Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion
作者 Chrysantho Sholl Figueiredo 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2016年第10期569-577,共9页
Hegel uses Plato's classical text, Philebus, in two of his most important texts, the so called Shorter Logics, the first part of the famous Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences and in The Lectures on the Philosophy... Hegel uses Plato's classical text, Philebus, in two of his most important texts, the so called Shorter Logics, the first part of the famous Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences and in The Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion. The aim of this article is to analyze how can this two references be read together as to form a relationship between logic and religion in the very heart of Hegelian philosophy. In the first case, Hegel analyzes Plato's text within the context of his Doctrine of Being, specially from §§ 89 to 95, which deal with the question of determinate being. In The Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, on the other hand, the reference appears in the 1824 Lectures in a particularly complex chapter called "The Transition to the Speculative Standpoint of Religion," in which Hegel affirms not only that such a speculative standpoint is the only one in which religion can be truly grasped, but also that the Christian concept of "incarnation of God" is the "speculative midpoint" of religion. It will be argued, therefore, that the ontological question of determination and actuality, as exposed in the Shorter Logics, is fundamental to the metaphysics of Christian Religion as Hegel understands it not only in his Philosophy of Religion, but arguably in his whole philosophy. 展开更多
关键词 HEGEL LOGIC Philosophy of Religion Greek Philosophy PLATO CHRISTIANITY Incarnation of God
The Use and Reuse of Julius Caesar's Religious Résumé on Imperatorial Coinage
作者 Gaius Stern 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第1期62-74,共13页
Soon after Roman mint masters began issuing the silver denarius (traditional date 187 B.C.), they discovered that they could employ coinage as newspapers and PR by individualizing the imagery on each side of the coi... Soon after Roman mint masters began issuing the silver denarius (traditional date 187 B.C.), they discovered that they could employ coinage as newspapers and PR by individualizing the imagery on each side of the coin with references to their ancestry, current events, and/or their religious offices to increase their name recognition in order to win votes. It should come as no surprise that the Divine Julius ordered his mint masters to issue coinage that advertised all of the above features to circulate his good reputation in what our modern political scientists would call propaganda. After Julius' enemies began to attack his reputation, some of his partisans boasted of their closeness to him on coinage by recycling specific coin images. What is surprising is how these partisans adopted the exact imagery Julius had used to advertise his own religious résumé on their coinage, even though these religious images could not and did not apply to them specifically. Apparently, Julius' religious résumé no longer demonstrated a religious portfolio, but had transformed into a badge of partisanship, however thinly it applied, so that the religious symbols themselves retained only the function of an association with Julius without their original and intrinsic meaning. 展开更多
关键词 Roman history Roman religion Roman coinage Julius Caesar Augustus lituus simpulum NUMISMATICS Second Triumvirate
北宋末山谷后学的双重整合与《江西宗派图》 被引量:4
作者 伍晓蔓 《文学遗产》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期72-78,共7页
江西宗派得名于吕本中的《江西宗派图》,是北宋末期一个带文学流派性质的诗人群体。以地缘为基础的南昌—临川—建昌诗人群体和以诗学思想为基础的符离—临川诗人群体的双重整合,是其发展的主导线索。大观年间,以徐俯为首的豫章诗社和... 江西宗派得名于吕本中的《江西宗派图》,是北宋末期一个带文学流派性质的诗人群体。以地缘为基础的南昌—临川—建昌诗人群体和以诗学思想为基础的符离—临川诗人群体的双重整合,是其发展的主导线索。大观年间,以徐俯为首的豫章诗社和吕本中发起的“东”字韵诗唱和,带来北宋末期山谷后学“同作并和”的繁荣局面,成为《江西宗派图》绘制的基础。 展开更多
关键词 《江西宗派图》 宋末 重整 后学 山谷 诗人群体 文学流派 诗学思想 吕本中 “东” 临川 唱和 韵诗 诗社
《元世祖出猎图》流传考略 被引量:4
作者 陈晓伟 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期117-125,共9页
台北故宫博物馆藏刘贯道《元世祖出猎图》(轴)是一幅以描述元世祖忽必烈游猎活动为主题的蒙元宫廷画,颇为著名,一直备受蒙元史及美术史学者关注。然而关于这幅图像的历史流传过程,目前却很少有人探讨。本文从书画流传史的角度对《元世... 台北故宫博物馆藏刘贯道《元世祖出猎图》(轴)是一幅以描述元世祖忽必烈游猎活动为主题的蒙元宫廷画,颇为著名,一直备受蒙元史及美术史学者关注。然而关于这幅图像的历史流传过程,目前却很少有人探讨。本文从书画流传史的角度对《元世祖出猎图》做了一番考证,通过将文献资料与图像相结合,首次指出钱宰《临安诗集·题藩王出猎图》、顾复《平生壮观·元裕宗御容》及纳兰揆叙撰《益戒堂诗后集·题元世祖岀猎图》所涉内容皆指今本《元世祖出猎图》,这为今后研究美术史及蒙元游猎制度奠定文献学基础。 展开更多
关键词 刘贯道 元世祖出猎图 藩王出猎图 元裕宗御容
作者 于建松 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期65-67,共3页
关键词 切韵诗 禅宗语录 早期韵图
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