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X线、CT和MRI对小肠Crohn病诊断价值的评价 被引量:34
作者 任小军 章士正 +1 位作者 刘海 张联合 《中国医学计算机成像杂志》 CSCD 2005年第3期184-189,共6页
目的:探讨X线、CT和MRI对小肠Crohn病的诊断价值及其限度。材料和方法:分析经肠镜、手术和病理诊断的26例小肠Crohn病的X线、CT和MRI表现,其中X线小肠灌肠13例,CT小肠造影15例,MRI检查13例(其中小肠MRI水成像和注气小肠灌肠分别为7例和6... 目的:探讨X线、CT和MRI对小肠Crohn病的诊断价值及其限度。材料和方法:分析经肠镜、手术和病理诊断的26例小肠Crohn病的X线、CT和MRI表现,其中X线小肠灌肠13例,CT小肠造影15例,MRI检查13例(其中小肠MRI水成像和注气小肠灌肠分别为7例和6例),同时行X线小肠灌肠和CT检查7例,行X线小肠灌肠和MRI检查8例,行CT和MRI检查2例。结果:13例小肠Crohn病的X线表现为多个节段性病变12例(92%),线形溃疡11例(85%),卵石征11例(85%),瘘管形成4例,不对称性病变伴假憩室样改变3例,误诊为肠管外炎性肿块和脓肿3例。15例CT小肠造影表现为肠壁增厚15例(100%),强化增加13例(87%),多节段性病变13例(87%),肠管周围蜂窝织炎11例(73%),脓肿和炎性肿块5例,瘘管形成3例。13例MRI表现为肠壁强化增加13例(100%),肠壁增厚12例(92%),多节段性病变11例(85%),肠管周围蜂窝织炎9例(69%),炎性肿块6例,瘘管2例。CT和MRI均未显示肠壁线形溃疡和卵石征。结论:X线小肠灌肠易于显示小肠Crohn病线形溃疡和卵石征的特征性改变,对小肠Crohn病的初次诊断具有重要价值,但难以明确显示肠管外炎性肿块和脓肿;CT和MRI均难以显示肠壁线形溃疡和卵石征,但可明确显示病变肠壁及其周围并发症,对于指导临床治疗以及评价临床疗效具有重要价值。 展开更多
关键词 小肠crohn病 诊断价值 MRI检查 小肠灌肠 MRI表现 线形溃疡 炎性肿块 瘘管形成 肠壁增厚 多节段性 特征性改变 理诊断 小肠造影 CT检查 X线表现 不对称性 造影表现 蜂窝织炎 临床疗效 临床治疗 显示 肠管 水成像
胶囊内镜在小肠Crohn病的应用 被引量:4
作者 王健 贾红 《世界华人消化杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第16期1841-1844,共4页
小肠Crohn病是一种节段性、全壁层炎症性病变,其病因不明,临床表现多样,病理改变无特异性,误诊率高.对于小肠Crohn病,胶囊内镜是一种有价值的诊断方法.此文综述了胶囊内镜的应用原理、诊断小肠Crohn病的临床应用情况及存在的问题,并且... 小肠Crohn病是一种节段性、全壁层炎症性病变,其病因不明,临床表现多样,病理改变无特异性,误诊率高.对于小肠Crohn病,胶囊内镜是一种有价值的诊断方法.此文综述了胶囊内镜的应用原理、诊断小肠Crohn病的临床应用情况及存在的问题,并且探讨了今后的研究领域. 展开更多
关键词 胶囊内镜 小肠crohn病 消化道疾
小肠Crohn病误诊为肠系膜上血管压迫综合征一例 被引量:1
作者 孙备 许军 +2 位作者 刘昶 白雪巍 姜洪池 《临床外科杂志》 2003年第4期213-213,共1页
关键词 小肠crohn病 误诊 肠系膜上血管压迫综合征 腹部间歇性疼痛
小肠Crohn病的影像学和内镜诊断 被引量:2
作者 陈海英 戈之铮 《国外医学(消化系疾病分册)》 2005年第2期77-80,共4页
Crohn病(Crohndisease,CD)单独累及小肠者可达30%~40%,近来大量文献报道在世界范围内Crohn病发病率有明显升高趋势。小肠的解剖和生理情况影响了传统影像学及内镜技术对小肠CD的诊断,而新出现的影像学及内镜诊断技术则可无痛苦地检查... Crohn病(Crohndisease,CD)单独累及小肠者可达30%~40%,近来大量文献报道在世界范围内Crohn病发病率有明显升高趋势。小肠的解剖和生理情况影响了传统影像学及内镜技术对小肠CD的诊断,而新出现的影像学及内镜诊断技术则可无痛苦地检查整个小肠。此文旨在对各种传统影像学、内镜技术及其新技术对小肠Crohn病的诊断作一综述。 展开更多
关键词 小肠crohn病 影像学 内镜诊断 CT MRI 小肠 胶囊内镜
作者 逯云山 李国章 《沈阳部队医药》 2004年第6期436-436,共1页
1 病例报道 患者女,47岁。因持续性腹痛、柏油样稀便10天,于2003—11—11入院。查体:体温37.4℃,脉搏106/min,血压130/80mmHg,急性痛苦病容。腹胀明显,无胃肠型及蠕动波,全腹压痛、肌紧张及反跳痛,尤以中下腹为著。移动性... 1 病例报道 患者女,47岁。因持续性腹痛、柏油样稀便10天,于2003—11—11入院。查体:体温37.4℃,脉搏106/min,血压130/80mmHg,急性痛苦病容。腹胀明显,无胃肠型及蠕动波,全腹压痛、肌紧张及反跳痛,尤以中下腹为著。移动性浊音阳性,肠鸣音弱,未闻及气过水音。血像:白细胞11.5×10^9/L,粒细胞0.89,血红蛋白105g/L;粪:黑色稀便,潜血阳性。 展开更多
关键词 急性重症小肠crohn病 治疗 剖腹探查术 复发 手术适应证
X线和多层螺旋CT小肠造影对小肠Crohn病的诊断价值 被引量:1
作者 杨磊 《北方药学》 2012年第10期48-49,共2页
目的:探讨X线和多层螺旋CT小肠造影对小肠Crohn病的诊断价值。方法:我院2007年6月~2012年6月收治小肠Crohn病患者,对其分别给予X线和多层螺旋CT小肠造影检查,统计两种检查的影像学表现。结果:25例患者中,X线表现为:黏膜增粗24例,卵石... 目的:探讨X线和多层螺旋CT小肠造影对小肠Crohn病的诊断价值。方法:我院2007年6月~2012年6月收治小肠Crohn病患者,对其分别给予X线和多层螺旋CT小肠造影检查,统计两种检查的影像学表现。结果:25例患者中,X线表现为:黏膜增粗24例,卵石征18例,多节段病变20例,线形溃疡19例,假憩室样改变8例,肿块/脓肿4例,肠腔狭窄16例,瘘管/窦道8例;多层螺旋CT小肠造影表现为:肠壁增厚25例,肠壁分层16例,多节段病变21例,强化增加24例,肠腔狭窄11例,蜂窝织炎18例,窦道/瘘管9例,肠系膜血管增多("梳征")14例,假憩室6例,病变肠管周围纤维脂肪增多9例,多发淋巴结肿19例,脓肿和炎性肿块7例。说明X线造影对黏膜病变敏感,CT诊断对肠壁病变敏感。结论:X线和CT对于病例的检出各有所长,通过X线和多层螺旋CT小肠造影结合应用,更加有利于对小肠Crohn病的正确诊断,能够帮助临床及时发现并发症全面评估病情。 展开更多
关键词 X线 多层螺旋CT 小肠造影 小肠crohn病 诊断
作者 蔡冬生 《苏州医学杂志》 1998年第3期M004-M004,共1页
患者男,50岁。因“脐周胀痛1小时伴呕吐1次”急诊入院。以往有阵发性腹痛、腹泻(水样便)史2年。查体:T72℃,急性痛苦面容。下腹稍隆起,脐周及下腹部均有压痛、肌卫、反跳痛.尤以下腹部为重。肝浊音界消失。肠鸣音亢进。实验室检查... 患者男,50岁。因“脐周胀痛1小时伴呕吐1次”急诊入院。以往有阵发性腹痛、腹泻(水样便)史2年。查体:T72℃,急性痛苦面容。下腹稍隆起,脐周及下腹部均有压痛、肌卫、反跳痛.尤以下腹部为重。肝浊音界消失。肠鸣音亢进。实验室检查:WBC180×109/L,N0.820X线示:肠腔扩张、充气,右膈下游离气体。提示①消化道穿孔,⑧肠梗阻。手术探查见:腹腔内暗红色液体约800m1。部分空肠、回肠段高度扩张,距屈氏韧带80cm、回盲部100cm左右间呈跳跃式分布水肿、增厚的肿块,表面呈颗粒状。其中在回肠段一肿块处有一如黄豆大小的穿孔。 展开更多
关键词 小肠crohn病 小肠穿孔 诊断 手术治疗 实验室检查
作者 孔云朋 王玲 +1 位作者 单裕清 徐锐 《中国实用医刊》 2012年第1期66-68,共3页
目的探讨64排螺旋CT增强扫描在小肠Crohn病中的应用价值。方法对21例经病理证实的小肠Crohn病患者行MDCT平扫及增强扫描,并在ADW4.4工作站进行后处理,分析小肠Crohn病影像学特点并进行比较。结果21例小肠Crohn病共累及78个肠段:累... 目的探讨64排螺旋CT增强扫描在小肠Crohn病中的应用价值。方法对21例经病理证实的小肠Crohn病患者行MDCT平扫及增强扫描,并在ADW4.4工作站进行后处理,分析小肠Crohn病影像学特点并进行比较。结果21例小肠Crohn病共累及78个肠段:累及回肠远段24个,回肠中段20个,回肠近段、空肠远段和空肠中段分别为9、6、5个,累及回盲部9个,广泛累及结肠5个;21例患者均同时累及2组以上小肠且呈节段性分布。病变肠段平扫CT值平均为(38±4)HU,动脉期为(78±12)HU,门静脉期为(96±13)HU,差异有统计学意义(F=265.35,P〈0.01)。病变肠段平扫与动脉期和门静脉期CT值两两比较,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。动脉期与门静脉期比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论小肠Crohn病的影像学表现具有一定的特征性,MDCT增强扫描在小肠Crohn病诊断中具有重要的价值。 展开更多
关键词 小肠crohn病 体层摄影术 x线计算机
作者 李明鉴 王国栋 +1 位作者 谢海燕 李建华 《临床医学》 CAS 2015年第8期74-76,共3页
目的探讨螺旋CT对小肠Crohn病的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析郸城县第二人民医院2009年1月至2013年6月收治的32例小肠Crohn病患者的临床资料,记录其螺旋CT的检查结果,如小肠受累的数目、肠壁厚度、黏膜改变、肠腔扩张或狭窄、肠道病理改变... 目的探讨螺旋CT对小肠Crohn病的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析郸城县第二人民医院2009年1月至2013年6月收治的32例小肠Crohn病患者的临床资料,记录其螺旋CT的检查结果,如小肠受累的数目、肠壁厚度、黏膜改变、肠腔扩张或狭窄、肠道病理改变和并发症情况等。结果 32例患者均进行了螺旋CT检查,过程顺利,均未出现不良反应及意外情况。病变部位分布为单纯累及空肠6例,单纯累及回肠21例,同时累及空肠和回肠5例。CT显示患者肠壁有不同程度的增厚(≥3 mm),肠壁黏膜水肿,黏膜密度增大,急性期可见肠壁水肿呈现"分层状"或者"靶征"。6例患者可见肠腔狭窄或扩张。肠系膜血管增多、纠集,伴有邻近肠管受压变形等,8例患者肠系膜淋巴结肿大,伴有腹腔积液。有3例患者小肠外发现脓肿,周围出现蜂窝织炎、液体聚集,甚至有窦道形成。结论螺旋CT对小肠Crohn病具有较高的诊断价值,值得推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 小肠crohn病 螺旋CT 价值
Colorectal cancer risk in Crohn's disease 被引量:2
作者 Hugh James Freeman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第12期1810-1811,共2页
There is recognized increased risk for colorectal cancer in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, particularly in long-standing and extensive ulcerative colitis. There also appears to be an increased rate of intes... There is recognized increased risk for colorectal cancer in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, particularly in long-standing and extensive ulcerative colitis. There also appears to be an increased rate of intestinal cancer in Crohn's disease, including both colon and small bowel sites. In Crohn's disease, evidence suggests that detection of colorectal cancer may be delayed with a worse progno-sis. Some risk factors for cancer in Crohn's disease include the extent of inflammatory change within the colon and the presence of bypassed or excluded segments, inclu-ding rectal "stump" cancer. In addition, the risk for other types of intestinal neoplasms may be increased in Crohn's disease, including lymphoma and carcinoid tumors. Earlier detection of colorectal cancer based on colonoscopy scre-ening and surveillance may be achieved but, to date, this has not translated into a positive survival benefit. Moreo-ver, newer staining methods and evolving micro-endos-copic techniques show promise, but have not significantly altered management. Future research should focus on development of molecular or other bio-markers that might predict future dysplasia or cancer development in Crohn's disease. 展开更多
关键词 Colon cancer crohn's disease SURVEILLANCE Small bowel cancer
Capsule endoscopy 被引量:8
作者 Miguel Muoz-Navas 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第13期1584-1586,共3页
Capsule endoscopy(CE) is a simple,safe,non-invasive,reliable technique,well accepted and tolerated by the patients,which allows complete exploration of the small intestine.The advent of CE in 2000 has dramatically cha... Capsule endoscopy(CE) is a simple,safe,non-invasive,reliable technique,well accepted and tolerated by the patients,which allows complete exploration of the small intestine.The advent of CE in 2000 has dramatically changed the diagnosis and management of many diseases of the small intestine,such as obscure gastrointestinal bleeding,Crohn's disease,small bowel tumors,polyposis syndromes,etc.CE has become the gold standard for the diagnosis of most diseases of the small bowel.Lately this technique has also been used for esophageal and colonic diseases. 展开更多
关键词 Capsule endoscopy Small intestine Gastrointestinal hemorrhage crohn's disease Gastro-intestinal neoplasms Intestinal polyposis
Double-balloon enteroscopy-assisted dilatation avoids surgery for small bowel strictures: A systematic review 被引量:6
作者 Judith E Baars Ruben Theyventhiran +2 位作者 Patrick Aepli Payal Saxena Arthur J Kaffes 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第45期8073-8081,共9页
AIM To evaluate the therapeutic role of double-balloon enteroscopy(DBE) in small bowel strictures and to propose a standard approach to small bowel strictures.METHODS Systematic review of studies involving DBE in pati... AIM To evaluate the therapeutic role of double-balloon enteroscopy(DBE) in small bowel strictures and to propose a standard approach to small bowel strictures.METHODS Systematic review of studies involving DBE in patients with small bowel strictures. Only studies limited to small bowel strictures were included and those with ileo-colonic strictures were excluded. RESULTS In total 13 studies were included,in which 310 patients were dilated. The average follow-up time was 31.8 mo per patient. The complication rate was 4.8% per patient and 2.6% per dilatation. Surgery was avoided in 80% of patients. After the first dilatation,46% were treated with re-dilatation and only 17% required surgery.CONCLUSION DBE-assisted dilatation avoids surgery in 80% of patients with small bowel strictures and is safe and effective. We propose a standardized approach to small bowel strictures. 展开更多
关键词 Double-ballloon enteroscopy DILATATION Small bowel stricture ENTEROSCOPY crohn's disease Systematic review
Fecal microbial transplant for the treatment of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease 被引量:4
作者 Alice Yuxin Wang Jelena Popov Nikhil Pai 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第47期10304-10315,共12页
The role of fecal microbial transplant(FMT) in the treatment of pediatric gastrointestinal disease has become increasingly popular among pediatric practitioners, patients, and parents. The success of FMT for the treat... The role of fecal microbial transplant(FMT) in the treatment of pediatric gastrointestinal disease has become increasingly popular among pediatric practitioners, patients, and parents. The success of FMT for the treatment of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection(RCDI) has bolstered interest in its potential application to other disease states, such as inflammatory bowel disease(IBD). FMT has particular interest in pediatrics, given the concerns of patients and parents about rates of adverse events with existing therapeutic options, and the greater cumulative medication burden associated with childhoodonset disease. Published literature on the use of FMT in pediatrics is sparse. Only 45 pediatric patients treated for RCDI have been reported, and only 27 pediatric patients with pediatric IBD. The pediatric microbiome may uniquely respond to microbial-based therapies. This review will provide a comprehensive overview of fecal microbial transplant and its potential role in the treatment of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. We will discuss the microbiome in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease, existing adult and pediatric literature on the use of FMT in IBD treatment, and pediatric FMT trials that are currently recruiting patients. This review will also discuss features of the microbiome that may be associated with host response in fecal transplant, and potential challenges and opportunities for the future of FMT in pediatric IBD treatment. 展开更多
关键词 Inflammatory bowel disease MICROBIOME MICROBIOTA fecal microbial transplant PEDIATRIC crohn’s disease Ulcerative colitis
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