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作者 张保民 《吉林大学学报(地球科学版)》 EI CAS 1982年第4期23-28,共6页
宇宙间是个大的引力场,在地球上来源于地心的引力,就是重力。“它使地壳类似穹形,因之这个地球体本身就是大地构造研究的起点。在研究构造运动的驱动力以及重力与构造的关系方面,马杏垣教授近期发表了精辟的论述。 我们居住的这个天体... 宇宙间是个大的引力场,在地球上来源于地心的引力,就是重力。“它使地壳类似穹形,因之这个地球体本身就是大地构造研究的起点。在研究构造运动的驱动力以及重力与构造的关系方面,马杏垣教授近期发表了精辟的论述。 我们居住的这个天体还具有一个大的应力场,李四光教授在他青年的时候曾经将他的论证建立在假没地球转速的变化上,他所创建的构造体系在组合分析时。 展开更多
关键词 岩组学 构造体系 应力场 大地构造 引力场 重结晶作用 合分析 石变形 构造作用 受力机制
作者 张保民 《山东海洋学院学报》 1985年第C00期168-168,共1页
关键词 岩组学 大地构造 运动方向 判断方法
断裂带构造岩中石英组构的动力学分析——以豫西煤田中某些断裂带为例 被引量:2
作者 徐志斌 曹代勇 高文泰 《河南地质》 1989年第1期32-38,共7页
本文在综合分析前人的实验结果及理论分析成果的基础上,依据笔者在豫西煤田断裂构造的研究成果,试图建立一种统计稳态条件下石英光轴优选方位的动力学解释模型。在此基础上给出了利用石英光轴岩组图求解三向主应力轴方位和断层两盘相对... 本文在综合分析前人的实验结果及理论分析成果的基础上,依据笔者在豫西煤田断裂构造的研究成果,试图建立一种统计稳态条件下石英光轴优选方位的动力学解释模型。在此基础上给出了利用石英光轴岩组图求解三向主应力轴方位和断层两盘相对运动方位及判断断裂带力学性质的方法。并利用文中的模型及方法对豫西煤田中某些断裂带进行了石英组构的动力学分析。分析结果与野外观察和宏观研究所得结论基本一致。 展开更多
关键词 断裂带 构造 石英 动力 岩组学
利用岩矿记忆信息恢复基岩潜山裂缝储层形成的机制 被引量:13
作者 傅强 王家林 周祖翼 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第4期434-438,共5页
基岩储层具有当今油气储层研究的两大难题,即特殊且致密的基质岩性和储集空间。变质岩作为基岩岩性之一,其储集空间——裂缝的形成与动力作用密切相关。构造动力是致密基岩产生裂缝的主要因素,岩石矿物将记忆其在地质历史过程中所经历... 基岩储层具有当今油气储层研究的两大难题,即特殊且致密的基质岩性和储集空间。变质岩作为基岩岩性之一,其储集空间——裂缝的形成与动力作用密切相关。构造动力是致密基岩产生裂缝的主要因素,岩石矿物将记忆其在地质历史过程中所经历的动力特征。在准确采取定向岩心的基础上,利用声发射技术(AE)和岩组学方法可以恢复基岩储层在地质历史过程中所受应力期次和应力方向,从而了解储层的动力机制。应用上述原理恢复辽河大民屯凹陷曹台变质岩潜山受到三期应力作用,潜山南北两端受近EW向挤压应力,而潜山中部受NE向压剪应力。储层裂缝发育和分布与潜山所受动力机制一致。 展开更多
关键词 变质 裂缝 岩组学 矿信息 油气藏 储集层
精心育人 锐意开拓——德学双馨的女地质学家池际尚院士 被引量:1
作者 赵崇贺 杨光荣 《中国地质教育》 2005年第4期5-12,共8页
关键词 池际尚 院士 分析 岩组学 金伯利 角砾云母橄榄 超基性 金刚石原生矿
作者 周永生 何绍勋 《桂林冶金地质学院学报》 1989年第2期161-166,共6页
大王山剪切带内出现一系列规模不等的糜棱岩条带,广泛发育S面理和C面理,还出现一系列次级拉伸折劈理、剪切条带和不对称小褶纹。剪切带中的石英、云母等基质矿物以塑性变形为主,出现动态重结晶、亚晶、波状消光等显微构造。长石主要以... 大王山剪切带内出现一系列规模不等的糜棱岩条带,广泛发育S面理和C面理,还出现一系列次级拉伸折劈理、剪切条带和不对称小褶纹。剪切带中的石英、云母等基质矿物以塑性变形为主,出现动态重结晶、亚晶、波状消光等显微构造。长石主要以破裂和香肠化为主,出现粒内的张裂隙和肿缩构造。石英和长石存在明显的流变学差异。通过构造和显微构造特征判定,大王山剪切带为右旋剪切带。吴川-四会断裂曾经历过右旋韧性剪切作用。 展开更多
关键词 断裂带 剪切带 花岗 岩组学 广东 韧性变形作用 剪切作用
电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术在地壳构造变形研究中的应用 被引量:13
作者 黄学猛 张进江 许志琴 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期1130-1145,共16页
电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术是岩组学研究的一项革命性新技术。该技术可以对传统的岩石薄片进行分析,实用性高,观测精度达到亚微米级别。配合扫描电子显微镜、阴极发光、波谱、能谱分析设备,EBSD技术可以对透明和非透明的任何对称性晶体... 电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术是岩组学研究的一项革命性新技术。该技术可以对传统的岩石薄片进行分析,实用性高,观测精度达到亚微米级别。配合扫描电子显微镜、阴极发光、波谱、能谱分析设备,EBSD技术可以对透明和非透明的任何对称性晶体进行取向测量,快速获取晶体显微结构、微区成分与晶体学参数,可以对晶体开展形貌观察、晶体优选方向(CPO)、取向差分析、物相鉴定、应变测量、晶界分析、变形机制、位错滑移系、晶内变形、温压条件研究。结合聚焦离子束(FIB)技术,可以获取矿物的三维结构图像。对地壳的主要矿物进行组构分析,结合野外矿物变形特征与试验岩石学研究成果,可以开展地壳构造运动学、动力学的研究。本文介绍岩组学的研究历史,以及EBSD技术在地壳常见矿物石英、钾长石、斜长石、角闪石以及假熔岩构造变形研究中的最新进展与典型实例,并对EBSD研究结果中一些潜在的不确定性因素进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 电子背散射衍射(EBSD) 岩组学 构造运动 动力 变形机制
淮南煤田逆冲叠瓦扇构造系统 被引量:14
作者 姜波 《煤田地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1993年第6期12-17,共6页
淮南煤田推覆构造发育于淮南复向斜南、北两翼。南缘推覆构造更为强烈,规模亦大,系由一系列走向近 EW,向 S 倾斜的逆冲断裂组成。剖面上各断裂上陡下缓,向下逐渐归并于统一的滑脱面,从而构成上叠式逆冲叠瓦扇构造。滑脱面在倾向上及走... 淮南煤田推覆构造发育于淮南复向斜南、北两翼。南缘推覆构造更为强烈,规模亦大,系由一系列走向近 EW,向 S 倾斜的逆冲断裂组成。剖面上各断裂上陡下缓,向下逐渐归并于统一的滑脱面,从而构成上叠式逆冲叠瓦扇构造。滑脱面在倾向上及走向上均呈波状变化。北缘的反向逆冲叠瓦扇可能是在南缘逆冲推覆的构造作用下被动产生的。这在宏观、微观及超微观分析中都清晰地得到显示。然而,它们是近于同时形成的。这样就构成了淮南煤田的前缘止于反向断层的逆冲叠瓦构造系统。 展开更多
关键词 煤田 叠瓦构造 推覆构造 岩组学
作者 游振东 孙善平 《中国地质教育》 2016年第4期1-4,共4页
王嘉荫教授(1911—1976)1935年毕业于北京大学地质学系、留校任教。后来在老北大地质学系升任教授,1952年院系调整,任北京地质勘探学院教授、岩石教研室主任兼图书馆馆长。1955年起北京大学地质地理系教授并任地球化学教研室主任。在老... 王嘉荫教授(1911—1976)1935年毕业于北京大学地质学系、留校任教。后来在老北大地质学系升任教授,1952年院系调整,任北京地质勘探学院教授、岩石教研室主任兼图书馆馆长。1955年起北京大学地质地理系教授并任地球化学教研室主任。在老北大,他是唯一没有出国经历的教授。但他却通晓英、德、俄、日等多国文字,足见其勤奋与聪慧。他在矿物学、火成岩石学、岩组学、地质学史等领域,都颇多建树,是国内这些学科的主要奠基人之一。他博学卓识,教书育人,是我们永远敬仰和怀念的老师。在王嘉荫老师105周年诞辰之际,本文旨在回忆他对我们的教导,怀念他的科学成就和治学道路,学习他的敬业精神和爱国情怀,以寄托我们的哀思。 展开更多
关键词 王嘉荫 矿物 岩组学 地质教育
作者 赵杰 姜军 王军红 《山东矿业学院学报》 CAS 1991年第1期25-30,共6页
本文通过对泰前断裂显微构造,石英组构特征进行研究,认为该断裂是一条自中生代形成以来经历了四次不同力学性质的活动断裂:断裂受到NE-SE向主压应力作用,发生了右旋压扭活动;断裂受到近东西向的主压应力作用,发生了右旋张扭活动;断裂受... 本文通过对泰前断裂显微构造,石英组构特征进行研究,认为该断裂是一条自中生代形成以来经历了四次不同力学性质的活动断裂:断裂受到NE-SE向主压应力作用,发生了右旋压扭活动;断裂受到近东西向的主压应力作用,发生了右旋张扭活动;断裂受到NNW-近南北向的主压应力作用,发生了左旋压扭活动;断裂受到NE-SW向的主压应力作用,发生了左旋张扭活动。 展开更多
关键词 断裂构造 岩组学 应力场 显微构造
作者 张仪娴 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》 CAS CSCD 1990年第3期181-182,共2页
将岩组学研究方法应用于材料、石材以及工程爆破中的应力场研究具有广阔的前景。然而,应用旋转台进行观测、统计速度很慢,而且使用范围受很多条件制约。用“一轴晶矿物光轴与镜轴夹角的干涉图测定法”不仅结果与旋转台基本一致,而且工... 将岩组学研究方法应用于材料、石材以及工程爆破中的应力场研究具有广阔的前景。然而,应用旋转台进行观测、统计速度很慢,而且使用范围受很多条件制约。用“一轴晶矿物光轴与镜轴夹角的干涉图测定法”不仅结果与旋转台基本一致,而且工效可提高1—2倍; 展开更多
关键词 一轴晶 干涉图 岩组学 旋转台 应力场 条件制约 研究方法 工程爆破 偏光显微镜 白云母
Numerical simulation of dynamic fracture properties of rocks under different static stress conditions 被引量:6
作者 LIANG Zheng-zhao QIAN Xi-kun +1 位作者 ZHANG Ya-fang LIAO Zhi-yi 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第2期624-644,共21页
When underground cavities are subjected to explosive stress waves,a uniquely damaged zone may appear due to the combined effect of dynamic loading and static pre-load stress.In this study,a rate-dependent two-dimensio... When underground cavities are subjected to explosive stress waves,a uniquely damaged zone may appear due to the combined effect of dynamic loading and static pre-load stress.In this study,a rate-dependent two-dimensional rock dynamic constitutive model was established to investigate the dynamic fractures of rocks under different static stress conditions.The effects of the loading rate and peak amplitude of the blasting wave under different confining pressures and the vertical compressive coefficient(K_(0))were considered.The numerical simulated results reproduced the initiation and further propagation of primary radial crack fractures,which were in agreement with the experimental results.The dynamic loading rate,peak amplitude,static vertical compressive coefficient(K_(0))and confining pressure affected the evolution of fractures around the borehole.The heterogeneity parameter(m)plays an important role in the evolution of fractures around the borehole.The crack propagation path became more discontinuous and rougher in a smallerheterogeneity parameter case. 展开更多
关键词 rock mechanics coupled static and dynamic loading numerical simulation rate-dependent damage constitutive model
Mesoscopic analysis of the utilization of hardening model for a description of softening behavior based on disturbed state concept theory 被引量:3
作者 Jian-ye ZHENG An-li WU 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第9期1167-1175,共9页
Mesoscopic characteristics of a clayey soil specimen subjected to macroscopic loading are examined using a medi- cal-use computerized tomography (CT) instrument. Disturbed state concept (DSC) theory is based on the ut... Mesoscopic characteristics of a clayey soil specimen subjected to macroscopic loading are examined using a medi- cal-use computerized tomography (CT) instrument. Disturbed state concept (DSC) theory is based on the utilization of the hard- ening model. DSC indirectly describes material behavior by claiming that the actual response of the material is expressed in terms of the relative intact (RI) response and the fully adjusted (FA) response. The occurrence of mesoscopic structural changes of material has similarities with the occurrence of a macroscopic response of the material under loadings. In general, the relative changing value of a softening material is three to five times more than that of a hardening material. Whether special zones exist or not in a specimen cross section does not affect the following conclusion: hardening material and softening material show me- chanical differences with CT statistical indices values prominently changing, and the change is related to the superposing of a disturbance factor. A new disturbance factor evolution function is proposed. Thus, mesoscopic statistical indices are introduced to describe macroscopic behavior through the new evolution function. An application of the new evolution function proves the effectiveness of the amalgamation of a macroscopic and a mesoscopic experimental phenomenon measurement methods. 展开更多
关键词 Constitutive model Disturbed state concept (DSC) Computerized tomography (CT) SOFTENING
Study of the engineering geologic feature of weathering zone of bedrock in 810 producing area of Luling Mine 被引量:1
作者 桂和荣 孙家斌 +4 位作者 李明好 李伟 尹正柱 陈富勇 宋晓梅 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2002年第2期38-42,共5页
For a safe extracting of the mine resource of the razor thin capping rock, a study of waterproof, sand prevention, roof fall prevention must be made. As a result, it’s necessary to master the engineering feature of w... For a safe extracting of the mine resource of the razor thin capping rock, a study of waterproof, sand prevention, roof fall prevention must be made. As a result, it’s necessary to master the engineering feature of weathering zone of bedrock. According to the lithology appraisal and X diffract analyses, the mineral feature of weathering zone of bedrock in 810 producing area has been studied in this article. By testing the physical mechanics index of weathering zone, we have found out some features of physical mechanic quality. Utilizing the determined result of viscosity index and slaking test, we reach a conclusion of the water stability of weathering zone, that is the weathering zone rock belongs to the type that is easily slaked when encountered water and the water stability is weak. 展开更多
关键词 weathering zone of bedrock lithology feature mineral component physical mechanics quality water stability
Sequence Stratigraphy Study of the Late Quaternary Activity of the Nankou-Sunhe Fault in Its Northern Segment,Beijing
作者 Zhang Shimin Wang Dandan Liu Xudong Ren Junjie Luo Minghui Zhang Guohong Zhao Guocun Wang Rui Zhang Yingli 《Earthquake Research in China》 2008年第3期334-347,共14页
A test drilling exploration was implemented across the northern segment of the Nankou-Sunhe fault in the Beijing plain,and a combined borehole section was built by sequence stratigraphy,lithologic facies analysis,magn... A test drilling exploration was implemented across the northern segment of the Nankou-Sunhe fault in the Beijing plain,and a combined borehole section was built by sequence stratigraphy,lithologic facies analysis,magnetic susceptibilityand absolute chronology to investigate the episodic activities of the fault since 60 ka BP. The results show that the active stages of the fault are 60 ka to 47 ka BP,36 ka to 28 ka BP,and 16 ka BP to present. Other intervals are relatively stable. The average vertical slip rate is 0.35 mm/a from 60 ka to 37 ka BP,0 mm/a from 37 ka to 32 ka BP,0.78 mm/a from 32 ka to 12 ka BP,and 0.35 mm/a since 12 ka BP. Compared with the conventional analyses on lithology and sedimentary facies,the sequence stratigraphy method has certain advantages in the studies of borehole strata comparison and episodic activity of buried faults. 展开更多
关键词 Nankou-Sunhe fault zone Drilling exploration Buried active fault Sequencestratigraphy
LA-ICP MS Characteristic of Geochemical Composition of Veins Rocks from the Central Part of the Khibina Massive in Kola Peninsula, Northern Russia
作者 Milosz Huber 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2014年第4期364-370,共7页
This paper discusses the vein rocks located in the central part of Khibina Mts.. These rocks are located on the border of two zones: ore and external. In the ore, zone is present titanite-nepheline bodies whilst in t... This paper discusses the vein rocks located in the central part of Khibina Mts.. These rocks are located on the border of two zones: ore and external. In the ore, zone is present titanite-nepheline bodies whilst in the outer zone are massive-syenites "khibinites". The veins can be divided into: mikrosyenites, melteigites and other rock types (e.g., tinguaites). The results of LA-ICP MS (laser ablation of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) indicate that these rocks are associated with deep zones which formed as a result of injection of primary magma and contamination of fluids during migration, where there have hydrothermal processes. Rock-forming minerals, their corrosion and accessory minerals indicate these processes, too. 展开更多
关键词 Khibina Massive Kola Peninsula vein rocks geochemistry.
The geobiological formation process of the marine source rocks in the Middle Permian Chihsia Formation of South China 被引量:5
作者 LIU XiTing YAN JiaXin +2 位作者 XUE WuQiang MA ZhiXin LI Bo 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期957-964,共8页
The Chihsia Formation is one of the four sets of regional marine hydrocarbon source rocks from South China.In the past two decades,detailed geochemical and sedimentological studies have been carried out to investigate... The Chihsia Formation is one of the four sets of regional marine hydrocarbon source rocks from South China.In the past two decades,detailed geochemical and sedimentological studies have been carried out to investigate its origination,which have demonstrated that the high primary productivity plays a primary role in the deposition of sediments enriched in the organic matter.However,the mechanism of this high productivity and the path of the deposition and burial of the organic matter have always been a mystery.Based on the previous studies on the Shangsi Section in Guangyuan City,Sichuan Province,we proposed that the development of the equatorial upwelling due to the sea level rise is responsible for the relatively high productivity in the Chihsia Formation.The sea waters with high nutrient were transported by the sub-surface currents along the equator.High organic carbon flux was deposited on the deeper shelf,and then decomposed by bacteria,leading to the occurrence of anaerobic respiration.The metabolism of the microorganisms consumed the dissolved oxygen in waters,which was in favor of the preservation of the organic matter.This suggested geobiological model integrating with paleoclimatology,paleoceanography and geomicrobiology will help us to understand the causes of this particular sedimentary sequence. 展开更多
关键词 Chihsia Formation source rocks primary productivity paleo-oxygenation facies GEOBIOLOGY South China
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