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5-HT2C受体亚型参与易化大鼠内嗅区-海马通路的突触传递:平面微电极阵列记录技术研究 被引量:1
作者 许燕 金建慧 +3 位作者 王燕 王蕊蕊 李震 陈军 《生理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期259-268,共10页
本实验旨在运用64通道(8 × 8)平面微电极阵列记录技术(MED-64系统)探讨5-HT2C受体在调节内嗅区-海马突触传递和突触联系中的作用。将急性分离的大鼠海马脑片置于MED-64系统的电极平皿中,持续灌流通入95% O2和5% CO2混合气的人工脑... 本实验旨在运用64通道(8 × 8)平面微电极阵列记录技术(MED-64系统)探讨5-HT2C受体在调节内嗅区-海马突触传递和突触联系中的作用。将急性分离的大鼠海马脑片置于MED-64系统的电极平皿中,持续灌流通入95% O2和5% CO2混合气的人工脑脊液,孵育2 h后进行多电极阵列同步记录。选一个电极进行电刺激(刺激强度30~199 μA,正负双波脉冲,单波宽0.1 ms,频率0.1 Hz),其余63个电极作为记录电极。最佳有效刺激部位恰好位于前穿质通路(perforant path, PP)上,电刺激结果可以分别在海马CA1区和齿状回(dentate gyrus, DG)记录到兴奋性突触后场电位(field excitatory post-synaptic potential,fEPSP)。我们以往研究结果已显示内嗅区-CA1和内嗅区-DG直接突触联系是由谷氨酸非NMDA受体所介导的兴奋通路。在稳定地诱导出网络fEPSP后,分别给予5-HT2C受体激动剂DOI和选择性拮抗剂SB242084,观察与计算fEPSP的反应幅值与斜率变化。同时利用双线性内插法计算出64个点的电流源(current source)与电流井(current sink),并将其转换为二维电流源密度(two-dimensional current source density, 2D-CSD)分布图。结果显示,结合fEPSP波的极相与2D-CSD成像,可见电刺激PP纤维在CA1区(腔隙分子层、锥体细胞层)和上部DG的分子层均发生突触兴奋引起的去极化,fEPSP为负向波,在空间上形成2D-CSD成像的电流井(蓝色区域)。同时,可在DG的颗粒细胞层和门部检测出正向波,形成2D-CSD成像的电流源(黄色区域),这反映了颗粒细胞在树突部位发生去极化后很快沿门向CA3传播电信号。在此基础上,给予5-HT2C受体激动剂DOI后,海马内有效突触联系(>基线20%的fEPSP)的空间网络范围显著扩大,突触传递效能显著增强。而相对应的是,给予5-HT2C受体的选择性拮抗剂SB242084,则海马内有效突触联系空间网络范围显著缩小,突触反应强度减弱。以上结果提示,内源性5-HT作用于5-HT2C受体可易化内嗅区-海马突触传递效能,扩大有效突触联系,引起突触反应的兴奋作用。 展开更多
关键词 5-TH2C受体 内嗅区-海马通路 突触传递 平面微电极阵列记录技术 大鼠
作者 李华 许晴 +2 位作者 薛奋勤 刘丽娜 魏华 《基础医学教育》 2023年第9期810-814,共5页
平面微电极阵列技术实验教学课程注重培养学生动手技能的同时,开拓思维,将理论知识转化为科研能力。学生通过对大型仪器基本操作的学习与实践,从而掌握实验技术,为从事相关科研工作打下坚实的基础。文章介绍了课程内容,分享教学经验并... 平面微电极阵列技术实验教学课程注重培养学生动手技能的同时,开拓思维,将理论知识转化为科研能力。学生通过对大型仪器基本操作的学习与实践,从而掌握实验技术,为从事相关科研工作打下坚实的基础。文章介绍了课程内容,分享教学经验并针对实验中的问题提出解决方案,探讨性地提出改进设想,为进一步开展电生理实验提供了有益的借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 平面微电极阵列技术 电生理实验 教学改进 实验教学 大型仪器基本操作
清醒大鼠前扣带皮层神经元群的伤害性反应(英文) 被引量:1
作者 王锦琰 罗非 +3 位作者 张含荑 张景渝 Donald J.WOODWARD 韩济生 《北京大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期47-51,共5页
目的 :利用多通道记录技术在清醒大鼠前扣带回 (ACC)记录神经元群的痛反应模式 ,以证实ACC在痛觉情绪编码中的作用。方法 :在 5只成年雄性SD大鼠的双侧ACC脑区植入微电极阵列 ,在大鼠术后清醒状态下给予尾部及四肢足底伤害性辐射热刺激 ... 目的 :利用多通道记录技术在清醒大鼠前扣带回 (ACC)记录神经元群的痛反应模式 ,以证实ACC在痛觉情绪编码中的作用。方法 :在 5只成年雄性SD大鼠的双侧ACC脑区植入微电极阵列 ,在大鼠术后清醒状态下给予尾部及四肢足底伤害性辐射热刺激 ,神经元的放电信号经由电缆和连接器传送至多通道记录系统。结果 :伤害性辐射热刺激在大鼠ACC引起以兴奋为主的反应 ,该反应持续时间较长 ,可能与痛情绪有关 ;刺激开始附近ACC神经元有与痛刺激相关的预期性反应 ,可能与准备逃避的动机有关 ;同侧和对侧肢体刺激引起的ACC神经元的反应差别不显著 ,表明神经元感受野大 ,不适合精确定位。结论 展开更多
关键词 扣带皮层 神经元 疼痛 多通道记录技术 伤害性反应 微电极阵列 大鼠
老年小鼠海马离体脑片长时程增强方法的建立 被引量:3
作者 李华 朱改只 +5 位作者 周珊 徐雅琪 崔秀玉 周岩 王仁喜 粟文婷 《实验技术与管理》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第8期51-54,60,共5页
老年小鼠离体电生理技术的一个难点是保证实验动物脑片神经元的活性。该研究参考国内外相关文献并进行优化,摸索出能制备高质量活性的老年小鼠急性脑片的实验体系。在搭配无创的64通道平面微电极阵列记录系统的基础上,建立了一套适合记... 老年小鼠离体电生理技术的一个难点是保证实验动物脑片神经元的活性。该研究参考国内外相关文献并进行优化,摸索出能制备高质量活性的老年小鼠急性脑片的实验体系。在搭配无创的64通道平面微电极阵列记录系统的基础上,建立了一套适合记录老年小鼠离体海马脑片长时程增强的方法和平台,为老年学习记忆能力的研究提供了一个强有力的实验工具。该方法操作简便、成功率高,制备的急性脑片也适用于膜片钳记录的研究。 展开更多
关键词 神经电生理 老年小鼠急性脑片 平面微电极阵列记录系统 长时程增强
《电子科技文摘》 2003年第6期18-18,共1页
0311911非致冷红外焦平面阵列用探测材料[刊]/刘世建//信息记录材料.—2003.4(1).—56~58(C)0311912“劳氏曲线”的分析与修正建议[刊]/林小松//湘潭矿业学院学报.—2003,18(1).—28~30(C)纤维在复合材料中的方向系数是描述纤维分布... 0311911非致冷红外焦平面阵列用探测材料[刊]/刘世建//信息记录材料.—2003.4(1).—56~58(C)0311912“劳氏曲线”的分析与修正建议[刊]/林小松//湘潭矿业学院学报.—2003,18(1).—28~30(C)纤维在复合材料中的方向系数是描述纤维分布形态的重要参数,对纤维的增强、增韧与阻裂效应有着显著的影响。C.V.S.Kameswara Rao在J.P.Romualdi的无限制纤维取向研究的基础上研究了边壁效应对二维乱向纤维方向系数的影响。 展开更多
关键词 光电子技术 红外焦平面阵列 纤维方向 纤维取向 湘潭矿业学院 阻裂 探测单元 复合滤波器 壁效应 记录材料
AMPA受体参与的出生后大鼠海马发育早期的电生理学特点 被引量:2
作者 陈雪怡 张皑峰 +5 位作者 赵文 高钰丹 段红梅 郝鹏 杨朝阳 李晓光 《生理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期106-114,共9页
本研究旨在探讨α-氨基-3-羟基-5-甲基-4-异恶唑丙酸(AMPA)受体参与的出生后大鼠海马发育早期的电生理学特点。选择出生后0.5月龄、1月龄、2月龄和3月龄Wistar大鼠共计48只(每组各12只)。应用全细胞膜片钳技术及MED64平面微电极阵列技... 本研究旨在探讨α-氨基-3-羟基-5-甲基-4-异恶唑丙酸(AMPA)受体参与的出生后大鼠海马发育早期的电生理学特点。选择出生后0.5月龄、1月龄、2月龄和3月龄Wistar大鼠共计48只(每组各12只)。应用全细胞膜片钳技术及MED64平面微电极阵列技术检测海马CA1区锥体神经元的被动膜特性及AMPA受体参与的自发兴奋性突触后电流(spontaneous exctitatory postsynaptic current,sEPSC)和场兴奋性突触后电位(field excitatory postsynaptic potential,fEPSP)。结果显示,海马CA1区锥体神经元在出生后0.5~3月龄期间,在被动膜特性方面表现为:膜电容与静息膜电位无显著性变化;膜输入电阻与时间常数均显著下降。在主动膜特性方面,呈现出阶段性变化:0.5~1月龄期间,s EPSC的反应表现为:振幅显著升高,频率明显增大,上升时间及下降时间显著增加;1~3月龄期间,sEPSC的反应特性与0.5~1月龄期间相反。此外,0.5~3月龄期间,海马CA1区诱发出的f EPSP范围明显扩大,而幅值显著减小;各月龄海马CA1区诱发出的fEPSP幅值均可被AMPA受体竞争性拮抗剂6-氰基-7-硝基喹喔啉-2,3-二酮(CNQX)明显降低。以上结果提示,在出生后大鼠海马发育早期过程中,AMPA受体作为调节突触传递和突触联系的主要兴奋性受体,可以促进海马的发育及功能成熟。 展开更多
关键词 AMPA受体 出生后发育早期 全细胞膜片钳技术 MED64平面微电极阵列记录技术
Neural circuits and temporal plasticity in hindlimb representation of rat primary somatosensory cortex:revisited by multi-electrode array on brain slices 被引量:1
作者 王丹丹 李震 +7 位作者 常颖 王蕊蕊 陈雪峰 赵振宇 曹发乐 金建慧 刘明刚 陈军 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期175-187,共13页
Objective The well-established planar multi-electrode array recording technique was used to investigate neural circuits and temporal plasticity in the hindlimb representation of the rat primary somatosensory cortex (... Objective The well-established planar multi-electrode array recording technique was used to investigate neural circuits and temporal plasticity in the hindlimb representation of the rat primary somatosensory cortex (S1 area) . Methods Freshly dissociated acute brain slices of rats were subject to constant perfusion with oxygenated artificial cerebrospinal fluid (95% O2 and 5% CO2) , and were mounted on a Med64 probe (64 electrodes, 8×8 array) for simultaneous multi-site electrophysiological recordings. Current sources and sinks across all the 64 electrodes were transformed into two-dimensional current source density images by bilinear interpolation at each point of the 64 electrodes. Results The local intracortical connection, which is involved in mediation of downward information flow across layers II-VI, was identified by electrical stimulation (ES) at layers II-III. The thalamocortical connection, which is mainly involved in mediation of upward information flow across layers II-IV, was also characterized by ES at layer IV. The thalamocortical afferent projections were likely to make more synaptic contacts with S1 neurons than the intracortical connections did. Moreover, the S1 area was shown to be more easily activated and more intensively innervated by the thalamocortical afferent projections than by the intracortical connections. Finally, bursting conditioning stimulus (CS) applied within layer IV of the S1 area could success-fully induce long-term potentiation (LTP) in 5 of the 6 slices (83.3%) , while the same CS application at layers II-III induced no LTP in any of the 6 tested slices. Conclusion The rat hindlimb representation of S1 area is likely to have at least 2 patterns of neural circuits on brain slices: one is the intracortical circuit (ICC) formed by interlaminar connections from layers II-III, and the other is the thalamocortical circuit (TCC) mediated by afferent connections from layer IV. Besides, ICC of the S1 area is spatially limited, with less plasticity, while TCC is spatially extensive and exhibits a better plasticity in response to somatosensory afferent stimulation. The present data provide a useful experimental model for further studying microcircuit properties in S1 cortex at the network level in vitro. 展开更多
关键词 planar multi-electrode array two-dimensional current source density imaging primary somatosensory cortex neural circuits long-term potentiation
Differential effects of long and short train theta burst stimulation on LTP induction in rat anterior cingulate cortex slices:Multi-electrode array recordings
作者 何莹 刘明刚 +1 位作者 巩克瑞 陈军 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期309-318,共10页
Objective There is substantial evidence supporting the notion that the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is an important limbic structure involved in multiple brain functions such as sensory perception, motor conflict... Objective There is substantial evidence supporting the notion that the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is an important limbic structure involved in multiple brain functions such as sensory perception, motor conflict monitoring, memory, emotion and cognition. It has been shown that long term potentiation (LTP) is an important synaptic model of neural plasticity in the ACC, however, little is known about the spatiotemporal properties of ACC at network level. The present study was designed to see the LTP induction effects across different layers of the ACC by using different conditioning stimuli (CS) protocols. Methods A unique multi-electrode array recording technique was used in the acutely-dissociated ACC slices of rats. Long and short train theta burst stimulation (TBS) paradigms were applied in layer V-VI as the CS and the LTP induction effects were compared across different layers of the ACC. Briefly, both long and short train TBS are composed of bursts (4 pulses at 100 Hz) with a 200 ms interval, however, the former (TBS1) was with 10 trains and the latter (TBS2) was with 5 trains. After test stimulation at layer V-VI in the ACC, network field potentials (FPs) could be simultaneously recorded across all layers of the ACC. Results The waveforms of FPs were different across different layers. Namely, positive-going waveforms were recorded in layer I and negative-going waveforms were recorded in layers V-VI, in contrast, complex waveforms were localized mainly in layers II-III. Following application of two CS protocols, the induction rate of LTP was significantly different between TBS 1 and TBS2 regardless of the spatial properties. TBS1 had more than 60% success, while TBS2 was less than 25% in induction of LTP. Moreover, both the 2 CS protocols could induce LTP in layers II-III and layers V-VI without layer-related difference. However, no LTP was inducible in layer I. Conclusion The present findings indicate that stimulation protocols may, at least in part, account for a large portion of variations among previous LTP studies, and hence highlight the importance of selecting the best LTP induction protocol when designing such experiments. Moreover, the present results demonstrate the prominent superiority of multi-electrode array recording in revealing the network properties of synaptic activities in the ACC, especially in comparing the spatiotemporal characteristics between different layers of this structure. 展开更多
关键词 long term potentiation anterior cingulate cortex theta burst stimulation multi-electrode array recordings RAT
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