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作者 焦善庆 马凤才 +1 位作者 阎贵卿 唐振绩 《烟台大学学报(自然科学与工程版)》 CAS 1989年第2期42-48,共7页
关键词 夸克-结模型 内含强子 强子谱
作者 张国营 董雪 夏往所 《大学物理》 北大核心 2016年第6期5-7,共3页
关键词 k序 强子谱 对称性破裂 相似性
CBM能区带电强子谱的中心度依赖 被引量:1
作者 马键豪 吴科军 《湖北民族学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2019年第4期449-452,462,共5页
德国反质子和离子研究装置(FAIR)上的压缩重子物质(CBM)实验为研究高重子密度环境下的强相互作用物质性质提供了机遇与挑战.为了提供实验参考与理论对比,利用多相输运模型(AMPT)模拟了CBM能区(束流能量10~40 AGeV)氙氙(XeXe)碰撞,并系... 德国反质子和离子研究装置(FAIR)上的压缩重子物质(CBM)实验为研究高重子密度环境下的强相互作用物质性质提供了机遇与挑战.为了提供实验参考与理论对比,利用多相输运模型(AMPT)模拟了CBM能区(束流能量10~40 AGeV)氙氙(XeXe)碰撞,并系统研究了几种末态带电强子(π、K、p)在中心快度区的横动量谱.结果显示:在固定束流能量下,从中心碰撞到边缘碰撞,中心快度区的带电粒子产额逐渐减少.基于热化-径向流模型对强子横动量谱的拟合结果显示,在固定束流能量下,从中心碰撞到边缘碰撞,强相互作用物质系统热力学冻结时平均横向速度逐渐减小,系统温度逐渐升高. 展开更多
关键词 压缩重子物质 强子谱 多相输运模型 热力学冻结温度 中心度
作者 高原宁 谢跃红 杨振伟 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第31期4526-4528,共3页
大型强子对撞机底夸克(Large Hadron Collider beauty,LHCb)实验是为开展重味物理研究而设计的粒子物理实验,其主要科学目标是通过研究底夸克与粲夸克的性质,揭示正反物质性质的微小差异、精确检验粒子物理标准模型和寻找新的物理现象.... 大型强子对撞机底夸克(Large Hadron Collider beauty,LHCb)实验是为开展重味物理研究而设计的粒子物理实验,其主要科学目标是通过研究底夸克与粲夸克的性质,揭示正反物质性质的微小差异、精确检验粒子物理标准模型和寻找新的物理现象.自2010年开始运行以来,LHCb实验经历了2011~2012和2015~2018年两个运行期,积累了大量的实验数据.基于这些数据,LHCb国际合作组在重味强子的CP破坏与稀有衰变、强子谱学和产生机制、量子色动力学物理以及电弱物理等方面开展了广泛的研究,取得了一批重要成果:发现了67个新强子态;首次探测到粲介子的CP破坏;显著提升了关于B介子混合与CP破坏的若干关键参数的测量精度,对三代夸克混合机制进行了迄今为止最严格的检验;在B介子稀有衰变中观察到偏离标准模型预言的若干迹象.这些成果标志着味物理研究进入精确检验标准模型和深入理解强相互作用的新时代. 展开更多
关键词 量子色动力学 大型强子对撞机 CP破坏 精确检验 强相互作用 标准模型 强子谱 混合机制
BES和CLEOc强子谱和粲偶素衰变研究(英文) 被引量:1
作者 苑长征 《高能物理与核物理》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期488-496,共9页
回顾了近期BES和CLEOc利用正负电子对撞机采集的J/ψ,ψ’和ψ”数据得到的强子谱与粲偶素衰变方面的部分研究结果.重点分析了对于轻标量粒子的实验研究,包括利用J/ψ的辐射衰变和强衰变,ψ’的强衰变和 Xc的强衰变得到的结果,并对... 回顾了近期BES和CLEOc利用正负电子对撞机采集的J/ψ,ψ’和ψ”数据得到的强子谱与粲偶素衰变方面的部分研究结果.重点分析了对于轻标量粒子的实验研究,包括利用J/ψ的辐射衰变和强衰变,ψ’的强衰变和 Xc的强衰变得到的结果,并对有关粒子的性质进行了评述,对用以获得这些信息的实验方法作了评论,提出了改进的建议;还重点总结了矢量粲偶素粒子衰变“ρπ疑难”相关的实验和理论研究成果,并对进一步的实验和理论研究提出了建议.这些结果对于理解量子色动力学在低能区的应用有很大帮助. 展开更多
关键词 强子谱 粲偶素 量子色动力学
作者 王晓东 张汉中 王恩科 《高能物理与核物理》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期553-557,共5页
基于微扰量子色动力学(pQCD)的部分子模型,在领头阶(LO)近似下分别计算了质子-质子(p+p)碰撞,Au+Au和Cu+Cu不同对心度碰撞产生π~0的强子谱和相应的核修正因子R_(AA).在考虑部分子喷注能量损失(即喷注淬火)效应后的理论计算表明,与相... 基于微扰量子色动力学(pQCD)的部分子模型,在领头阶(LO)近似下分别计算了质子-质子(p+p)碰撞,Au+Au和Cu+Cu不同对心度碰撞产生π~0的强子谱和相应的核修正因子R_(AA).在考虑部分子喷注能量损失(即喷注淬火)效应后的理论计算表明,与相同质心系能量s^(1/2)=200GeV的p+p碰撞相比,Au+Au或Cu+Cu不同对心度碰撞产生的强子谱被压低,被压低的程度与依赖系统大小的能量损失有强烈的关系.系统越大,部分子喷注的能量损失越大,导致强子谱被压低得越多,R_(AA)越小.理论计算的数值结果和实验数据相符合,说明能量损失机制的可靠性和真实性. 展开更多
关键词 重离子碰撞 喷注淬火 强子谱 核修正因子 夸克胶子等离子体
强子物理中的一些问题 被引量:1
作者 姜焕清 《原子核物理评论》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期215-218,共4页
简要介绍了当前强作用物理研究的基本目标 .对其中 QCD的参数和强子谱研究的问题做了较细致的讨论 ,特别是讨论了北京正负电子对撞机 /北京谱仪可以开展的强子物理实验研究 .
关键词 强子物理 强子谱 重子结构 强作用物理 粒子物理学 QCD 量子色动力学
作者 黄祥钟 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第3期313-315,共3页
关键词 强子谱 强子 结构 对称性
作者 杨晓华 姚卫星 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1995年第2期206-211,共6页
Two parameters,block spectrum intensity Seq and spectrum shape factor a,which describe the characteristics of the loading block spectrum are defined,and the relationship between the parameters and fatigue crack propag... Two parameters,block spectrum intensity Seq and spectrum shape factor a,which describe the characteristics of the loading block spectrum are defined,and the relationship between the parameters and fatigue crack propagation behaviours is investigated.It is shown that the spectrum intensity is an 'average drive force' of fatigue crack propagation,and the variance of fatigue crack size at a given fatigue life is closely related to the spectrum shape factor α. 展开更多
关键词 fatigue crack loading distribution random distribution material scatter block spectrum intensity shape factor
Triangular Au-Ag framework nanostructures prepared by multi-stage replacement and their spectral properties 被引量:1
作者 易早 张建波 +5 位作者 陈艳 陈善俊 罗江山 唐永建 吴卫东 易有根 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第9期2049-2055,共7页
Triangular Au-Ag framework nanostructures (TFN) were synthesized via a multi-step galvanic replacement reaction (MGRR) of single-crystalline triangular silver nanoplates in a chlorauric acid (HAuCl4) solution at... Triangular Au-Ag framework nanostructures (TFN) were synthesized via a multi-step galvanic replacement reaction (MGRR) of single-crystalline triangular silver nanoplates in a chlorauric acid (HAuCl4) solution at room temperature. The morphological, compositional, and crystal structural changes involved with reaction steps were analyzed by using transmission electron microscopy(TEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX), and X-ray diffraction. TEM combined with EDX and selected area electron diffraction confirmed the replacement of Ag with Au. The in-plane dipolar surface plasmon resonance (SPR) absorption band of the Ag nanoplates locating initially at around 700 nm gradually redshifted to 1 100 nm via a multi-stage replacement manner after 7 stages. The adding amount of HAuCl4 per stage influenced the average redshift value per stage, thus enabled a fine tuning of the in-plane dipolar band. A proposed formation mechanism of the original Ag nanoplates developing pores while growing Au nanoparticles covering this underlying structure at more reaction steps was confirmed by exploiting surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). 展开更多
关键词 triangular Au-Ag framework nanostructures multi-stage galvanic replacement reaction surface plasmon resonance surface-enhanced Raman scattering
Computer Assisted Assignments of Rotationally Resolved Molecular Spectra 被引量:1
作者 Ling Wu Li-juan Zheng +2 位作者 Xiao-hua Yang Yu-yan Liu Yang-qin Chena 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期39-42,共4页
A graphically oriented interactive program for assignments of rotationally resolved molecular spectra has been devised. The program functions by grouping spectral lines in term of the second difference principle. and ... A graphically oriented interactive program for assignments of rotationally resolved molecular spectra has been devised. The program functions by grouping spectral lines in term of the second difference principle. and graphing spectral intensity versus frequency in a bar graph of the selected groups, distinguished by color and/or line-type. This allows for easy detection of regular patterns buried in the observed spectrum. Furthermore, it includes a Loomis-Wood view for assisting in spectral assignments. As an example, the program was applied in assigning the molecular spectrum of the production in the discharge of PCl3 buffered by helium gas, which may belong to several species. The results suggest that the program is highly efficient and quite useful in the assignment and the analysis of molecular spectra, especially those of symmetric top, slightly asymmetric top and linear molecules. The accuracy and efficiency of this program will likely ensure its wide application in the processing of molecular spectra. 展开更多
关键词 ASSIGNMENT Rotationally resolved Molecular spectra Computer assisted
Determination of Cordyceps Sinensis/Betaine Compound Feed Nutriment by HPLC 被引量:1
作者 陈煜 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第6期1363-1364,1367,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to conduct HPLC analysis on Cordyceps Sinensis/Betaine compound feed nutriment. [Method] Cordyceps Sinensis/Betaine compound feed nutriment was under HPLC analysis to determine separation of Co... [Objective] The aim was to conduct HPLC analysis on Cordyceps Sinensis/Betaine compound feed nutriment. [Method] Cordyceps Sinensis/Betaine compound feed nutriment was under HPLC analysis to determine separation of Cordyceps Sinensis effluent and betaine. [Result] Different compositions in Cordyceps Sinensis/etaine compound feed nutriment would be well separated by the method. [Conclusion] The method provides a suitable platform of separation and analysis for Cordyceps Sinensis /Betaine compound feed nutriment. 展开更多
关键词 Cordyceps Sinensis /Betaine Compound Feed Nutriment HPLC SCX
Cavity-Enhanced Saturation Spectroscopy of Molecules with sub-k Hz Accuracy 被引量:2
作者 Tian-peng Hua Yu Robert Sun +4 位作者 Jin Wang Chang-le Hu Lei-gang Tao An-wen Liu Shui-ming Hu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第1期107-112,I0002,共7页
Saturation spectroscopy is frequently used to obtain sub-Doppler measurement of atomic and molecular transitions. Optical resonant cavities can be used to enhance the effective absorption path length, and the laser po... Saturation spectroscopy is frequently used to obtain sub-Doppler measurement of atomic and molecular transitions. Optical resonant cavities can be used to enhance the effective absorption path length, and the laser power inside the cavity as well to saturate very weak ro-vibrational transitions of molecules. Three different cavity-enhanced methods, cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy, cavity ring-down spectroscopy, and noise-immune cavity enhanced optical heterodyne molecular spectroscopy (NICE-OHMS), were compared by measuring the Lamb dip of a C2H2 line at 1.4 μm using a cavity with a finesse of 120000. The center of the line was determined by different cavity-enhanced methods, each giving a sub-kHz (δv/v≈10-12) statistical uncertainty. The sensitivity and precision of different methods were analyzed and compared. As demonstrated in this study, the NICE-OHMS method is the most sensitive one, but more investigation on the systematic uncertainty is necessary before its application in metrology studies toward a sub-kHz accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 Precision spectroscopy METROLOGY Cavity enhanced
Resonance-Enhanced Photon Excitation Spectroscopy of the Even-Parity Autoionizing Rydberg States of Xe
作者 Chun-yan Li Ting-ting Wang +2 位作者 Jun-feng Zhen Qun Zhang Yang Chen 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期401-406,共6页
Xenon atoms were produced in their metastable states 5p^56s[3/2]2 and 5p^56s'[1/2]0 in a pulsed DC discharge in a beam, and subsequently excited to the even-parity autoionizing Rydberg states 5p^5np' [3/2] 1,[1/2] 1... Xenon atoms were produced in their metastable states 5p^56s[3/2]2 and 5p^56s'[1/2]0 in a pulsed DC discharge in a beam, and subsequently excited to the even-parity autoionizing Rydberg states 5p^5np' [3/2] 1,[1/2] 1, and 5p^5nf' [5/2] 3 using single photon excitation. The excitation spectra of the even-parity autoionizing resonance series from the metastable 129Xe were obtained by recording the autoionized Xe+ with time-of-flight ion detection in the photon energy range of 28000-42000 cm-1. A wealth of autoionizing resonances were newly observed, from which more precise and systematic spectroscopic data of the level energies and quantum defects were derived. 展开更多
关键词 XE Pulsed DC discharge Resonance-enhanced photon excitation spectroscopy Autoionizing resonance
Theory of Electrorotation of Clustered Colloidal Particles
作者 LIURen-Ming HUANGJi-Ping 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4期765-768,共4页
When a colloidal suspension is exposed to a strong rotating electric field, an aggregation of the suspended particles is induced to appear. In such clusters, the separation between the suspended particles is so close ... When a colloidal suspension is exposed to a strong rotating electric field, an aggregation of the suspended particles is induced to appear. In such clusters, the separation between the suspended particles is so close that one could not neglect the multiple image effect on the electrorotation (ER) spectrum. Since so far the exact multiple image method exists in two dimensions only, rather than in three dimensions, we investigate the ER spectrum of the clustered colloidal particles in two dimensions, in which many cylindrical particles are randomly distributed in a sheet cluster. We report the dependence of the ER spectrum on the materialparameters. It is shown that the multiple image method predicts two characteristic frequencies, at which the rotation speed reaches maximum. To this end, the multiple image method is numerically demonstrated to be in good agreement with the known Maxwell-Garnett approximation. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROROTATION colloidal particles
Density Functional Theory Study on Raman Spectra of Rhodamine Molecules in Different Forms 被引量:2
作者 Yong Ma Wei Hu +1 位作者 Xiu-neng Song Chuan-kui Wang 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期291-296,共6页
Rhodamine molecules are one of the most used dyes for applications related to Raman spectroscopy. We have systematically studied Raman spectra of Rhodamine 6G, Rhodamine 123, and Rhodamine B (RhB) molecules using de... Rhodamine molecules are one of the most used dyes for applications related to Raman spectroscopy. We have systematically studied Raman spectra of Rhodamine 6G, Rhodamine 123, and Rhodamine B (RhB) molecules using density functional theory. It is found that with BP86 functional the calculated Raman spectra of cationic Rhodamine molecules are in good agreement with corresponding experimental spectra in aqueous solution. It is shown that the involvement of the counter ion, chlorine, and the specific hydrogen bonds has noticeable effects on the Raman spectra of RhB that can partially explain the observed difference between Raman spectra of RhB in solution and on gold surfaces. It also indicates that an accurate description of surface enhanced Raman scattering for Rhodamine molecules on metal surface still requires to take into account the changes induced by the interracial interactions. 展开更多
关键词 Density functional theory Raman scattering RHODAMINE Solvent effect
The Element Size-Spectrum Distribution of Atmospheric Aerosol in Strong Autumn Winds over Beijing 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Ren-Jian 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2010年第1期31-35,共5页
Atmospheric aerosol samples collected in Beijing during 17-21 September 2004 were analyzed using the proton-induced X-ray emissions (PIXE) method,yielding concentrations of 20 elements.Analyzing the aerosol element si... Atmospheric aerosol samples collected in Beijing during 17-21 September 2004 were analyzed using the proton-induced X-ray emissions (PIXE) method,yielding concentrations of 20 elements.Analyzing the aerosol element size-spectrum distribution,enrichment factor (EF) and source over Beijing showed that under strong wind weather conditions,there were double peak distributions in the element size-spectra of Cu,S,K,Mn,As,Br,and Pb:one in fine mode and another in coarse mode.The peak in fine mode resulted from local emissions related to human activities,while the peak in coarse mode was caused by long range transport.The EF values of elements Ni,Cu,Zn,As,Se,Br,and Pb were relatively high,suggesting an evident characteristic polluted by regional aerosol.Results from factor analysis indicated that soil dust,coal-burning,industry and vehicle emissions contributed considerably to the autumn aerosol pollution in Beijing. 展开更多
关键词 AEROSOL chemical composition PIXE factor analysis
The Study of the Impact of Mercury Sample Magnetization Prior to Detection by Emission Spectroscopy 被引量:1
作者 Wameath S. Abdul-Majeed William B. Zimmerman 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第3期380-387,共8页
Experimental investigations were conducted in this study to explore the effect of magnetization on water sample properties and to envisage whether the effect is beneficial for mercury detection in a sample of water or... Experimental investigations were conducted in this study to explore the effect of magnetization on water sample properties and to envisage whether the effect is beneficial for mercury detection in a sample of water or not. Subjecting the water sample to 0.3 Tesla magnetic field for 14 hours led to instantaneous effects on the examined water properties, where a reduction in the values of pH (7%) and interfacial tension (0.2%) was observed, whereas an increase (8%) in water electrical conductivity was recorded. Similar behaviours with slight changes in trend were observed after storing the samples for six days, which indicates a creation of permanent effects. Other experiments were conducted to explore the impact of magnetizing water sample containing inorganic mercury prior to detection by emission spectroscopy. Samples were prepared with different mercury concentrations and derivatized by using tin chloride (SnCI2). The generated mercury vapour species were transported with aid of carrier gas into a dielectric barrier discharge plasma atomizer, in which the mercury signal at 253.65 nm was recorded. The results have shown 3.5%-7.5% increase in the signal intensities recorded for the magnetized samples, mostly attributed to a reduction in the sample surface tension and other reasons, which facilitates analyte derivatization. 展开更多
关键词 Water magnetization DBD plasma atomic emission spectroscopy heavy metals.
Effect of Sample Temperature on Radiation Characteristics of Nanosecond Laser-Induced Soil Plasma
作者 Li Wang Yu Zhou +3 位作者 Yuan-xia Fu Li Xu Hao Gong Rong-long 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第6期760-764,I0003,共6页
An Nd:YAG single pulse nanosecond laser of 532 nm wavelength with an 8 ns pulse width was projected on the soil samples collected from the campus of Bengbu College under 1 standard atmospheric pressure. Laser-induced ... An Nd:YAG single pulse nanosecond laser of 532 nm wavelength with an 8 ns pulse width was projected on the soil samples collected from the campus of Bengbu College under 1 standard atmospheric pressure. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy at different sample temperatures was achieved. The intensity and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) changes of different characteristic spectral lines could be analyzed when the sample temperature changes.The evolution of plasma electron temperature and electron density with the sample temperature was analyzed through Boltzmann oblique line method and Stark broadening method.The cause of the radiation enhancement of laser-induced metal plasma was discussed. Experimental results demonstrated that the spectral intensity, SNR, the electron temperature and electron density of plasma are positively related to the sample temperature, and reach saturation at 100℃. 展开更多
关键词 Sample temperature Spectral intensity Signal-to-noise ratio SOIL Electron temperature Electron density Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Frabrication of Au Nanoparticles in Various Shapes and Their Application in Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering
作者 薛晨阳 王慧娟 +2 位作者 梁永峰 陈容 刘俊 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2010年第3期208-211,共4页
Anisotropic metallic Nanoparticles (NPs) have unique optical properties, such as Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) spearoscopy. In this paper, star-shaped and sphere gold NPs were prepared by seed-mediated ... Anisotropic metallic Nanoparticles (NPs) have unique optical properties, such as Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) spearoscopy. In this paper, star-shaped and sphere gold NPs were prepared by seed-mediated growth and Frence methods respectively. The reaction process arid the effect of reagent in seed-mediated growth of gold naaostar particles were systematically described. After fabricaring NPs the authors test their Raman enhancement using Ch-ystal Violet (CV) moleolles apart. The experimental results indicated that star-shaped Au NPs had strtmger Raman enhancement spectrum than that of sphere Au NPs. 展开更多
关键词 gold nanoparticles seed-madiated growth method hERS
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