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非法证据排除程序规则的中国路径——以审判阶段非法供述排除为视角的分析 被引量:2
作者 贾志强 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2014年第5期33-40,共8页
目前,我国审判阶段"排非"程序的适用情况较为混乱,缺乏一种稳定的程序模式。我国最初设立的"诉中诉"程序模式正在走向消亡,转而采用的是"不完全的诉中诉"模式。而"完全的诉前诉"模式应是最理想... 目前,我国审判阶段"排非"程序的适用情况较为混乱,缺乏一种稳定的程序模式。我国最初设立的"诉中诉"程序模式正在走向消亡,转而采用的是"不完全的诉中诉"模式。而"完全的诉前诉"模式应是最理想的"排非"程序选择。但出于我国整体制度环境和倾向保护辩方诉权的考虑,目前较为可行的是采取以"诉前诉"为主、以"诉中诉"为辅的"折衷的诉前诉"模式。以此为蓝图,可对我国"排非"程序规则进行有益的修正和完善。 展开更多
关键词 非法证据除规则 非”程序 证据合法性 “诉中诉” “诉前诉” 折衷
露天煤矿排土场建设发展程序优化研究 被引量:16
作者 李三川 白润才 +2 位作者 刘光伟 付恩三 吴东海 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第3期49-55,共7页
为提高露天煤矿经济效益及确保安全生产,对排土场参数及建设发展程序进行优化,有效保障露天煤矿排土工程安全及控制排土成本。通过优化露天煤矿外排土场参数,以排土场剥离运输功最小为基本原则,优化排土场段高;提出4种露天煤矿卡车外排... 为提高露天煤矿经济效益及确保安全生产,对排土场参数及建设发展程序进行优化,有效保障露天煤矿排土工程安全及控制排土成本。通过优化露天煤矿外排土场参数,以排土场剥离运输功最小为基本原则,优化排土场段高;提出4种露天煤矿卡车外排土场排土程序方案;根据不同排土程序方案下动态绘制排土场排弃量与加权运输距离曲线,建立排土场运输费用现值模型及排土场征地费用现值模型。结果表明:以内蒙古元宝山露天煤矿为研究对象,根据总费用最少为原则,确定四合村北排土场方案为最佳排土场位置,根据不同排土程序条件下,优化元宝山露天煤矿新建卡车排土场合理排弃段高为26 m,同时推荐采用对向发展式排土程序。露天煤矿逐年动态发展运输、征地费用不同;排土场运输、征地现值模型简单可靠,对于解决其他露天煤矿卡车外排土场设计优化问题具有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 露天煤矿 程序 土成本 剥离运输功
钢制圆筒形储罐的计算机排板程序 被引量:3
作者 刘德连 宋剑 杨林洲 《石油工程建设》 北大核心 2004年第1期54-56,共3页
运用VB语言,编制了一套圆筒形储罐排板应用程序。该程序包括罐壁板和罐底板两部分,可帮助用户快速进行排板、布片以及焊接记录的整理编制和过程控制,并提供高效的编辑、修改、统计、查询等功能,在数十台储罐排板中取得了良好效果。文章... 运用VB语言,编制了一套圆筒形储罐排板应用程序。该程序包括罐壁板和罐底板两部分,可帮助用户快速进行排板、布片以及焊接记录的整理编制和过程控制,并提供高效的编辑、修改、统计、查询等功能,在数十台储罐排板中取得了良好效果。文章重点介绍了该程序的功能及特点。 展开更多
关键词 钢制圆筒形储罐 计算机程序 自动 图形编辑 标注 布片
大峰露天矿纵采条件下汽车内排规划及排岩程序分析 被引量:6
作者 孟兴国 柯良雄 《露天采矿技术》 CAS 2018年第3期33-35,39,共4页
关键词 汽车内 容量 剥离 程序
作者 王小龙 《电力安全技术》 2021年第4期46-49,共4页
沉淀池排泥作为大型火电厂净水站预处理系统的重要环节,其排放程序是否合理对于设备安全和节能有着重要意义。介绍了某厂净水站预处理系统排泥程序的运行情况,从节能优化角度出发,分析了原排泥程序中存在的问题,提出了优化控制方案,对... 沉淀池排泥作为大型火电厂净水站预处理系统的重要环节,其排放程序是否合理对于设备安全和节能有着重要意义。介绍了某厂净水站预处理系统排泥程序的运行情况,从节能优化角度出发,分析了原排泥程序中存在的问题,提出了优化控制方案,对整个排泥程序及操作画面进行了优化重建。通过对优化后程序进行多种控制策略的节水分析及经济性对比,论证了新排泥程序良好的节能优化效果,也为其他同类型工厂提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 预处理系统 程序 优化 节水 策略分析
作者 刘振宇 《电脑学习》 1999年第5期17-17,共1页
关键词 程序设计 FOXBASE+ 成绩程序
作者 张飞 《中国航班》 2020年第9期172-173,共2页
故 障 树 分 析 法(Fault TreeAnalysis)简称 FTA,它的特点是直观、明了、思路清晰、逻辑性强,既可以做定性分析,又可以做定量分析。它是一种将系统故障形成的原因由总体至部分按树枝状逐渐细化的分析方法。用于磁电机故障诊断,是根据... 故 障 树 分 析 法(Fault TreeAnalysis)简称 FTA,它的特点是直观、明了、思路清晰、逻辑性强,既可以做定性分析,又可以做定量分析。它是一种将系统故障形成的原因由总体至部分按树枝状逐渐细化的分析方法。用于磁电机故障诊断,是根据磁电机的故障原因和磁电机故障表现之间基于磁电机结构的逻辑关系构成的树枝状图形,来对故障发生原因进行定性分析。实际工作过程中为了对磁电机的故障进行快速预测和诊断,本文通过故障树分析方法以及在实际维护过程中收集的常见故障,绘制出磁电机的故障树,并通过对故障树的分析,制定出磁电机的排故程序。 展开更多
关键词 故障树 磁电机 程序
国外压后返排的理论研究与推荐做法 被引量:25
作者 范文敏 徐媛 《钻采工艺》 CAS 2000年第5期42-44,共3页
压后返排是水力压裂作业的重要环节 ,适当的返排程序和返排速度通常是保持裂缝导流能力的关键。近十年来 ,国外压后返排领域先后出现了小排量返排、强化返排、反向脱砂等 3种有代表性的理论观点 ,文中介绍这些理论研究及其推荐做法 ,分... 压后返排是水力压裂作业的重要环节 ,适当的返排程序和返排速度通常是保持裂缝导流能力的关键。近十年来 ,国外压后返排领域先后出现了小排量返排、强化返排、反向脱砂等 3种有代表性的理论观点 ,文中介绍这些理论研究及其推荐做法 ,分析其优缺点 ,并给出应用实例。 展开更多
关键词 大力压裂 排程序 速度 裂缝闭合 采油
排课问题的一种近似算法 被引量:2
作者 于标 《扬州职业大学学报》 2001年第1期30-34,共5页
本文对程序排课问题的近似算法进行了探讨 ,提出了一种实用的近似算法 。
关键词 边着色 近似算法 NP类问题 程序
作者 薛金姝 《零陵学院学报》 1993年第4期43-44,共2页
众所周知,培养合格的中学教师,是师范院校的培养目标;对在校师范生进行师范专业思想教育,则是实现培养目标的关键,是师范院校教育、教学工作的出发点和落脚点。虽然现在高等教育进一步改革、开放,高师院校可以设置一些非师范专业的学科... 众所周知,培养合格的中学教师,是师范院校的培养目标;对在校师范生进行师范专业思想教育,则是实现培养目标的关键,是师范院校教育、教学工作的出发点和落脚点。虽然现在高等教育进一步改革、开放,高师院校可以设置一些非师范专业的学科,以适应当地经济发展的需要;虽然在师范专业的课程中,也可以增设一些非师范专业的选修课,以增强师范生的社会适应能力,但是,为国家培养合格的中学教师,仍然是师范院校的最终目标。这一点,应该是不容置疑,不可动摇的。当前。 展开更多
关键词 专业思想教育 教育心理规律 程序 努力实现 师范生 非师范专业 师范院校 排程序 教师职业情感 中学教师
Design of Aided Decision-Making Program for Prioritizing Construction Projects in Urban Road Network Planning
作者 任刚 王炜 顾志康 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第3期249-253,共5页
The importance and complexity of prioritizing construction projects (PCP) in urban road network planning lead to the necessity to develop an aided decision making program (ADMP). Cost benefit ratio model and stage rol... The importance and complexity of prioritizing construction projects (PCP) in urban road network planning lead to the necessity to develop an aided decision making program (ADMP). Cost benefit ratio model and stage rolled method are chosen as the theoretical foundations of the program, and then benefit model is improved to accord with the actuality of urban traffic in China. Consequently, program flows, module functions and data structures are designed, and particularly an original data structure of road ... 展开更多
关键词 prioritizing construction projects program design urban road network planning aided decision making
作者 姜太平 沈春林 +1 位作者 何亦征 王金岩 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2004年第1期24-30,共7页
Now the image display techniques have made great progress. The planar display and a fully new true 3-D volumetric display technique are rapidly researched and come into the application. A method based on the voxel mak... Now the image display techniques have made great progress. The planar display and a fully new true 3-D volumetric display technique are rapidly researched and come into the application. A method based on the voxel makes the observer able to get a true 3-D effect freely without any additional facilities. This paper introduces the basic form of the swept-volume display technique and discusses its voxelization process. By the translational motion prototype, this paper emphasizes how to get the voxel mapping matrix. The translated image data are the data of the beam source deflections. Finally the voxel ordering and the optimizing are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 voxelization process swept-volume voxel ordering
作者 杨敬东 《棋艺(象棋)》 2003年第4期58-58,共1页
关键词 提问 “闲” 现行规则 “将” 国家级裁判 仲裁监督 比赛中 电脑编 运动员 排程序
作者 P.D.Nguyen 牛宝荣 《吐哈油气》 2001年第1期66-71,共6页
开发了一种用于涂层支撑剂的新型流体表面调整体系。它极大地提高了表面摩阻,制约了周围颗粒。涂层支撑剂颗粒间表面的高摩阻可经受高流速,从而最大限度减小压裂增产处理后的返排现象。按照油田应用结果,常规压裂处理后,当表面调整材料... 开发了一种用于涂层支撑剂的新型流体表面调整体系。它极大地提高了表面摩阻,制约了周围颗粒。涂层支撑剂颗粒间表面的高摩阻可经受高流速,从而最大限度减小压裂增产处理后的返排现象。按照油田应用结果,常规压裂处理后,当表面调整材料用做返排控制剂时,它可用在较侵蚀性的返排程序中。该处理方法不影响导流能力,事实上在闭合应力低于4,000镑/英寸~2时会提高支撑剂的导流能力,实验当中垂向支撑剂的良好分布证实了表面调整是如何阻止支撑剂沉降的。已经存在在支撑剂的所有细粒(地层中产生的或裂缝闭合点支撑剂破碎而产生的)都粘附在处理的支撑剂上,从而阻止它们运移和堵塞支撑剂充填层的孔喉。这种独特的涂层技术通过改善某种流体中压裂破胶剂活性更进一步提高了导流能力,并能在增产处理后快速有效地洗井。 展开更多
关键词 树脂涂层支撑剂 裂缝导流能力 支撑剂充填层 压裂处理 闭合应力 新方法 排程序 压裂液 侵蚀性 处理方法
Deterministic and randomized scheduling problems under the lp norm on two identical machines 被引量:5
作者 林凌 谈之奕 何勇 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第1期20-26,共7页
Parallel machine scheduling problems, which are important discrete optimization problems, may occur in many applications. For example, load balancing in network communication channel assignment, parallel processing in... Parallel machine scheduling problems, which are important discrete optimization problems, may occur in many applications. For example, load balancing in network communication channel assignment, parallel processing in large-size computing, task arrangement in flexible manufacturing systems, etc., are multiprocessor scheduling problem. In the traditional parallel machine scheduling problems, it is assumed that the problems are considered in offline or online environment. But in practice, problems are often not really offline or online but somehow in-between. This means that, with respect to the online problem, some further information about the tasks is available, which allows the improvement of the performance of the best possible algorithms. Problems of this class are called semi-online ones. In this paper, the semi-online problem P2|decr|lp (p>1) is considered where jobs come in non-increasing order of their processing times and the objective is to minimize the sum of the lp norm of every machine’s load. It is shown that LS algorithm is optimal for any lp norm, which extends the results known in the literature. Furthermore, randomized lower bounds for the problems P2|online|lp and P2|decr|lp are presented. 展开更多
Conditional Mutations in Drosophila 被引量:1
作者 Boris F. Chadov Nina B. Fedorova Eugenia V. Chadova Helena A. Khotskina 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第3期224-240,共17页
The aim of this study was to obtain unusual mutations called conditional. The mutations manifest in some, not all representatives of a species. Collections of these mutations in chromosomes X, 2, and 3 of Drosophila m... The aim of this study was to obtain unusual mutations called conditional. The mutations manifest in some, not all representatives of a species. Collections of these mutations in chromosomes X, 2, and 3 of Drosophila melanogaster were established. Sex of fly or chromosomal rearrangement was the conditions providing "manifestation-non manifestation" of these mutations. The mutations differ from the usual by a set of properties. The salient differences in addition to conditional manifestation include: manifestation dependence on the spatial arrangement of chromosomal material in the genome, parental effects (maternal or paternal) of the mutant, capacity for transferring the genome from stable to unstable state. It is suggested that conditional mutations are mutant variants of Drosophila regulatory genes contained by the large Genomic Regulatory Network of Drosophila. Thus, the genes of this category can be detected by using special breeding procedures, mutations of these genes have unusual manifestation. 展开更多
关键词 Conditional mutation PENETRANCE modification morphosis dominant lethal genetic instability energy dissipation Drosophila melanogaster.
Synthesis and Scheduling of Optimal Batch Water-recycle Networks 被引量:4
作者 Arwa H. Rabie Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第3期474-479,共6页
This work develops an optimization-based methodology for the design and scheduling of batch water recycle networks. This task requires the identification of network configuration, fresh-water usage, recycle assignment... This work develops an optimization-based methodology for the design and scheduling of batch water recycle networks. This task requires the identification of network configuration, fresh-water usage, recycle assignments from sources to sinks, wastewater discharge, and a scheduling scheme. A new source-tank-sink representation is developed to allow for storage and dispatch tanks. The problem is solved in stages by first eliminating scheduling constraints and determining minimum usage of fresh water and wastewater discharge. An iterative procedure is formulated to minimize the total annual cost of the system by trading off capital versus operating costs. The work overcomes limitations in previous literature work including restricted recycle within the same cycle, lumped balances that may not lead to feasible solutions, and unrealistic objective functions. A case study is solved to illustrate the usefulness of the devised procedure. 展开更多
关键词 process integration process synthesis mass integration batch networks water recycle SCHEDULING
Re-explanation of Weyl Quantization Scheme via Weyl Ordering Approach 被引量:1
作者 FAN Hong-Yi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第11期1089-1092,共4页
We re-explain the Weyl quantization scheme by virtue of the technique of integration within Weyl orderedproduct of operators,i.e.,the Weyl correspondence rule can be reconstructed by classical functions' Fourier t... We re-explain the Weyl quantization scheme by virtue of the technique of integration within Weyl orderedproduct of operators,i.e.,the Weyl correspondence rule can be reconstructed by classical functions' Fourier transfor-mation followed by an inverse Fourier transformation within Weyl ordering of operators.As an application of thisreconstruction,we derive the quantum operator coresponding to the angular spectrum amplitude of a spherical wave. 展开更多
关键词 Weyl quantization Weyl ordering of operators angular spectrum of spherical wave
A Precise Information Extraction Algorithm for Lane Lines 被引量:3
作者 Jinyan Chen Yaduan Ruan Qimei Chen 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第10期210-219,共10页
Lane line detection is a fundamental step in applications like autonomous driving and intelligent traffic monitoring. Emerging applications today have higher requirements for accurate lane detection. In this paper, we... Lane line detection is a fundamental step in applications like autonomous driving and intelligent traffic monitoring. Emerging applications today have higher requirements for accurate lane detection. In this paper, we present a precise information extraction algorithm for lane lines. Specifically, with Gaussian Mixture Model(GMM), we solved the issue of lane line occlusion in multi-lane scenes. Then, Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform(PPHT) was used for line segments detection. After K-Means clustering for line segments classification, we solved the problem of extracting precise information that includes left and right edges as well as endpoints of each lane line based on geometric characteristics. Finally, we fitted these solid and dashed lane lines respectively. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method performs better than the other methods in both single-lane and multi-lane scenarios. 展开更多
关键词 multi-lane scenes lane line occlusion left and right edges endpoints of lane lines
Novel multipath routing protocol integrated with forward error correction in MANET 被引量:1
作者 安辉耀 卢锡城 +1 位作者 彭伟 王阳元 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第2期196-199,共4页
In order to improve the data transmission reliability of mobile ad hoc network, a routing scheme called integrated forward error correction multipath routing protocol was proposed, which integrates the techniques of p... In order to improve the data transmission reliability of mobile ad hoc network, a routing scheme called integrated forward error correction multipath routing protocol was proposed, which integrates the techniques of packet fragmenting and forward error correction encoding into multipath routing. The scheme works as follows: adding a certain redundancy into the original packets; fragmenting the resulting packets into exclusive blocks of the same size; encoding with the forward error correction technique, and then sending them to the destination node. When the receiving end receives a certain amount of information blocks, the original information will be recovered even with partial loss. The performance of the scheme was evaluated using OPNET modeler. The experimental results show that with the method the average transmission delay is decreased by 20% and the transmission reliability is increased by 30%. 展开更多
关键词 mobile ad hoc networks multipath routing forward error correction encoding reliable transmission
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