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特色热带作物种质资源收集评价与创新利用 被引量:14
作者 王庆煌 陈业渊 +1 位作者 李琼 何云 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期188-194,共7页
本文介绍了我国特色热带作物种质资源的区域分布和研究机构,系统阐述了种质资源考察、收集和保存的状况,总结了鉴定评价技术体系和共享平台建设的情况及资源的鉴定、评价与创新利用等方面的现状,并针对目前存在的问题提出了深入挖掘、... 本文介绍了我国特色热带作物种质资源的区域分布和研究机构,系统阐述了种质资源考察、收集和保存的状况,总结了鉴定评价技术体系和共享平台建设的情况及资源的鉴定、评价与创新利用等方面的现状,并针对目前存在的问题提出了深入挖掘、强化自主创新、提高共享效率等建议。 展开更多
关键词 特色热带作物 种质资源 收集评价 创新利用
海南菠萝蜜种质资源调研与收集评价 被引量:10
作者 范鸿雁 王祥和 +3 位作者 华敏 罗志文 何舒 何凡 《中国热带农业》 2012年第3期34-39,共6页
对海南菠萝蜜种质资源分布情况进行了初步摸底、调研,结果表明实生种质零散分布于全省,以北部羊山地区为主;嫁接种质分布相对集中,以农场或果园规模化种植为主。收集保存了120多份菠萝蜜种质资源,对其中3份湿苞种质、33份干苞种质的主... 对海南菠萝蜜种质资源分布情况进行了初步摸底、调研,结果表明实生种质零散分布于全省,以北部羊山地区为主;嫁接种质分布相对集中,以农场或果园规模化种植为主。收集保存了120多份菠萝蜜种质资源,对其中3份湿苞种质、33份干苞种质的主要植物学性状、农艺性状及果实品质性状等进行了综合评价,结果显示种质间各性状差异显著,而以HNBLM2、HNBLM35两份种质综合性状最好。 展开更多
关键词 菠萝蜜 种质资源 调研 收集评价
湖北地方红肉桃种质资源收集、评价及利用 被引量:11
作者 王富荣 何华平 +3 位作者 龚林忠 王会良 顾霞 诸小敏 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2013年第15期3562-3565,共4页
红肉桃[Prunus persica(L.)Batsch.]是湖北省的地方特色桃品种,其果实成熟时果肉呈紫红色或鲜红色,风味浓甜,质地脆爽,离核,在桃果肉颜色的更新选育上具有重要作用。从湖北红肉桃的特征特性、资源收集及评价、遗传育种、果肉颜色、红色... 红肉桃[Prunus persica(L.)Batsch.]是湖北省的地方特色桃品种,其果实成熟时果肉呈紫红色或鲜红色,风味浓甜,质地脆爽,离核,在桃果肉颜色的更新选育上具有重要作用。从湖北红肉桃的特征特性、资源收集及评价、遗传育种、果肉颜色、红色素开发利用等几个方面进行了综述,并结合作者的研究工作情况对红肉桃育种利用及遗传倾向进行了讨论,分析了湖北红肉桃育种利用中存在的问题及难点。 展开更多
关键词 红肉桃[Prunus persica(L )Batsch ] 种质资源 收集评价 育种利用 湖北省
应用循证药学原则指导药学信息的收集与评价 被引量:9
作者 叶云 《中国执业药师》 CAS 2009年第5期24-26,共3页
随着循证药学理念在药学实践工作中的应用和发展,人们对以证据为基础的药学信息服务提出了新的要求。本文通过对"循证药学"起源、概念、循证原理和作用的研究,初步探讨了应用"循证药学"原则来正确指导临床药学信息... 随着循证药学理念在药学实践工作中的应用和发展,人们对以证据为基础的药学信息服务提出了新的要求。本文通过对"循证药学"起源、概念、循证原理和作用的研究,初步探讨了应用"循证药学"原则来正确指导临床药学信息收集、评价的工作方法。 展开更多
关键词 循证药学 药学信息 收集评价 指导作用
如何充分利用网络学术信息的资源优势——《WWW学术资源的收集和评价研究》简介 被引量:1
作者 木子 《学术动态(北京)》 2004年第16期21-23,共3页
中国社会科学院文献信息中心蒋颖副研究馆员主持的“因特网学术资源的收集和评价研究”,系国家社科基金青年项目,1999年立项,2002年11月完成,2003年4月结项。项目最终成果为研究报告(WWW学术信息资源的收集和评价研究》,10万字。... 中国社会科学院文献信息中心蒋颖副研究馆员主持的“因特网学术资源的收集和评价研究”,系国家社科基金青年项目,1999年立项,2002年11月完成,2003年4月结项。项目最终成果为研究报告(WWW学术信息资源的收集和评价研究》,10万字。课题组主要成员有:杨丹、刘筱敏。 展开更多
关键词 《www学术资源的收集评价研究》 研究报告 学术信息资源 网络信息利用 信息评价
作者 杜晓红 汪欣娴 +2 位作者 黄丕龙 文伟奇 张华 《高原农业》 2024年第6期651-660,共10页
为合理保护利用拉林铁路沿线的蒲公英属植物资源,本研究通过采集标本、收集种子、查阅资料等方法,对该地区蒲公英属植物资源进行了实地调查、采样,并对橡胶含量进行测定。研究结果显示拉林铁路沿线的蒲公英属植物共有反苞蒲公英、锡金... 为合理保护利用拉林铁路沿线的蒲公英属植物资源,本研究通过采集标本、收集种子、查阅资料等方法,对该地区蒲公英属植物资源进行了实地调查、采样,并对橡胶含量进行测定。研究结果显示拉林铁路沿线的蒲公英属植物共有反苞蒲公英、锡金蒲公英、角苞蒲公英3种,其中角苞蒲公英的综合评分最高最优为43分,加查站反苞蒲公英单位质量橡胶含量最高,其单位质量胶重为9.48%。 展开更多
关键词 蒲公英橡胶 生态学调查 资源收集评价
中国山楂属植物资源研究和利用现状 被引量:28
作者 柳唐镜 张棵 +4 位作者 刘国英 吴素萍 伍钱林 陈宝燕 钟娜 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 2011年第8期847-852,共6页
山楂属(Crataegus spp.)植物是重要的果树种质资源。近年来,许多学者通过收集全国各地的山楂种质资源并建立保存圃或引种圃等,主要采用植物学性状和生物学性状对山楂种质资源进行评价和鉴定,编制了《山楂种质资源描述规范和数据标准》;... 山楂属(Crataegus spp.)植物是重要的果树种质资源。近年来,许多学者通过收集全国各地的山楂种质资源并建立保存圃或引种圃等,主要采用植物学性状和生物学性状对山楂种质资源进行评价和鉴定,编制了《山楂种质资源描述规范和数据标准》;采用过氧化物同工酶酶谱及RAPD、ISSR、SSR、cpDNA PCR-RFLP及cpSSR等分子标记技术对山楂种质资源分类、遗传多样性和种质创新利用进行研究,并取得了一定的成果。今后,需继续采用各种分子标记技术,加强对山楂种质资源进行遗传多样性分析,并从叶绿体DNA分子水平上对山楂属植物进行叶绿体基因组多态性研究,探讨山楂属植物系统进化、分类和传播路线,指导我国山楂种质资源收集、鉴定、评价和创新利用,从而为山楂核心种质构建、叶绿体基因组功能和遗传工程研究奠定基础。此外,还需加强对山楂多倍体育种研究,并加强具有特殊医用保健功效、生态适应性广、丰产性强、品质优良、经济效益高、易加工等山楂品种的选育。 展开更多
关键词 山楂属 种质资源 收集评价 创新利用
商务日语任务导向型角色扮演教学设计——以商务日语口语教学为例 被引量:1
作者 王伟 《吉林工程技术师范学院学报》 2013年第7期67-69,共3页
商务日语口语教学应着眼于培养学生在商务场景下自我思考并恰当交流的能力。应建立任务导向型角色扮演教学体系,做好学习者评价工作,不断改善任务导向型角色扮演教学体系。根据学习者日语语言能力情况,对语言基础一般的学生侧重日语语... 商务日语口语教学应着眼于培养学生在商务场景下自我思考并恰当交流的能力。应建立任务导向型角色扮演教学体系,做好学习者评价工作,不断改善任务导向型角色扮演教学体系。根据学习者日语语言能力情况,对语言基础一般的学生侧重日语语言能力的提升,对语言基础良好的学生侧重发现问题、解决问题的能力及异文化下调整适应能力的培养。 展开更多
关键词 商务日语 任务导向 角色扮演 评价收集
RP-HPLC法测定美国不同产地野葛根和叶片中葛根素、大豆苷和大豆苷元含量的研究 被引量:4
作者 杨雪芳 黄伟 丁建清 《植物科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期391-397,共7页
对采自美国的8个野葛种群的异黄酮类物质进行了定量分析。结果表明,叶片中葛根素、大豆苷和大豆苷元含量分别为0.0950、0.698、0.110 mg/g,但不同产地大豆苷和大豆苷元含量存在显著差异。在整个生长季节中,3种异黄酮类物质的含量均在8... 对采自美国的8个野葛种群的异黄酮类物质进行了定量分析。结果表明,叶片中葛根素、大豆苷和大豆苷元含量分别为0.0950、0.698、0.110 mg/g,但不同产地大豆苷和大豆苷元含量存在显著差异。在整个生长季节中,3种异黄酮类物质的含量均在8月份最高。根中3种异黄酮类物质的含量分别为3.664、1.0302、0.3689 mg/g,但不同产地之间无显著差异。此外,美国种群中异黄酮类物质的含量均显著高于已报道的中国种群。本研究为充分利用国内外野葛资源,确定合理采收时间,挖掘野葛叶片的利用潜力奠定了一定的理论基础,为葛藤新药源的开发利用提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 野葛 异黄酮类化合物 资源收集评价
Policy implications for community-managed forestry in Cambodia from experts' assessments and case studies of community forestry practice 被引量:2
作者 Sareth NHEM Young Jin LEE Sopheap PHIN 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第11期2531-2551,共21页
Over the last 40 years, it has been shown at the global level that sustainable forestry can be achieved through comprehensive forest management,with the decentralized institutional arrangements of community-managed fo... Over the last 40 years, it has been shown at the global level that sustainable forestry can be achieved through comprehensive forest management,with the decentralized institutional arrangements of community-managed forestry coordinated by effective policy implementation. However, there is still a shortage of evidence regarding whether communitybased forestry is well characterized by forest policies,assessing what action is most needed and how best to address the challenges faced by community-based forestry in halting deforestation and promoting rural livelihoods. The study analyzed experts' assessments of the characteristics and success of communitymanaged forestry in Cambodia and explored three case studies of community-managed forestry practice to identify priorities for addressing forest policy implementation inadequacies in halting deforestation and promoting rural livelihoods. There were two methods of data collection. Firstly, this study used a survey of 27 experts to analyze perceptions about how far forest policy supported community-managed forestry effectively, the major challenges faced by the national community-managed forestry program, and the community-managed forestry contribution to halting deforestation and reducing rural poverty.Secondly, data was collected by content analysis of three case studies to explore the knowledge and practical experience of local experts about community-managed forestry practice at local level.The study employed Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance to analyze the level of concordance of experts on related forest policies(n=15) considering community-managed forestry, the challenges faced by the national community-managed forestry program,and the actions required to enable communitymanaged forestry to support communities. Analysis revealed that experts were in moderate agreement,denoted by Kendall's W=0.152, on how well forest policies articulate and implement the characteristics of community-managed forestry. Ranking of the major challenges faced by the national communitymanaged forestry program yielded Kendall's W of0.104, indicating the confidence in the ranking among experts was fair. There was only low confidence in the ranking of the action needed, with Kendall's W of0.055. Content analysis of the three case studies examining local experts' opinions on the attributes of community-managed forestry concerning the access,local participation and protection of the sustainable forestry revealed that Attribute one ‘Local people have access to the forest land and forest resources', and Attribute three ‘Local people begin by protecting and restoring the forests', received high attention from local experts. Of lesser importance or agreement was attributing two: local participation in decision-making concerning the forest. 展开更多
关键词 Kendall's W Content analysis method Forest policy DEFORESTATION Sustainable forestry Cambodia
In-Situ Evaluation of Evaporation in Layered Soils (Tukulu, Sepane and Swartland)
作者 Sabelo Sicelo Wesley Mavimbela Leon Daniel van Rensburg 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第5期577-590,共14页
Knowledge about the influence of soil layers on evaporation is essential for the optimization of infield rainwater harvesting (IRWH) in the semi-arid areas of the Free State province of South Africa. Among the soils... Knowledge about the influence of soil layers on evaporation is essential for the optimization of infield rainwater harvesting (IRWH) in the semi-arid areas of the Free State province of South Africa. Among the soils earmarked for 1RWH development include the Tukulu, Sepane and Swartland soil types that have contrasting soil layers. These soils have to capture and store rainwater within the soil profile layers away from the evaporation zone. To determine how the three soils release and deliver soil water at the evaporating site, a 21-day evaporation experiment was conducted on pre-drained monoliths. Instantaneous soil water content (SWC) from in-situ and soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) from laboratory was measured. Separate soil samples of 15 mm thickness were also evaporated under the same conditions to establish the extent of drying and hydraulic gradient at the soil surface. The Darcian evaporative flux and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (K-coefficient) were also determined. At the surface suctions of magnitude greater than 1,500 kPa were observed from all monoliths. Total contributions to evaporation from the Tukulu, Sepane and Swartland were 43, 51 and 70 mm, respectively. The low contributions were explained by the presence of the prismacutanic C-horizon in the Tukulu and Sepane at respective depths of 600 and 700 mm. This layer was associated with the steepest suction gradient that restrained further upward fluxes by subsequent lowering for the K-coefficient with more than two orders of magnitudes within a narrow range of SWC. However, the presence of the pedocutanic B-horizon at depths of 300 mm undermined this restrictive function through the appreciable capillary activity demonstrated by clays at near evaporating surfaces. The shallowness and deficiency in structure of the Swartland was consistent with the high contribution to evaporation that gave this soil a dry soil water regime. It was therefore concluded that the Tukulu offered soil profile layers that could reasonably satisfy the soil water conservation requirements for IRWH. 展开更多
关键词 Soil water soil layers EVAPORATION soil hydraulic characteristics.
What do coaches want to know about sports-related concussion?A needs assessment study
作者 Lindsay Sullivan Michal Molcho 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2018年第1期102-108,共7页
Purpose: This study aims to identify the concussion-related training and education needs of Gaelic Athletic Association(GAA) coaches in Ireland,as well as the preferred method of concussion education delivery.Methods:... Purpose: This study aims to identify the concussion-related training and education needs of Gaelic Athletic Association(GAA) coaches in Ireland,as well as the preferred method of concussion education delivery.Methods: We used a self-report questionnaire to collect data from a convenience sample of 108 GAA coaches in Ireland. Data were captured on(1) informational needs and desires,(2) preferred methods of delivery, and(3) concussion practices and procedures. Questionnaires were completed electronically from June 3 rd–September 29 th, 2015.Results: Coaches indicated that they were most interested in receiving information about the(1) signs and symptoms of concussion,(2) assessment of concussion, and(3) return-to-play guidelines. Over two-thirds of participants indicated that in-person training would be the most effective mode of delivery of concussion education for this population. Additionally, only 10% coaches reported that before the start of the season they talked to their athletes about concussion management and safety, and this was more common among coaches who reported being formally educated about concussion.Conclusion: Our findings reveal a disconnect between the concussion education needs and the education that is currently provided to GAA coaches, in terms of content and delivery modality. Our results suggest a need for a multifaceted approach to concussion education, tailored to the needs and learning preferences of the target population. 展开更多
关键词 COACHES CONCUSSION Concussion education GAA Mild traumatic brain injury Needs assessment
Farmers' Evaluation of NERICA Rice Varieties and Adoption Determinants in Nigeria
作者 Diran Olawale Awotide 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2015年第1期24-33,共10页
Farmers' evaluation and analysis of the factors determining the adoption of improved farm technology are essential to elicit what varietals characteristics motivate farmers to adopt or reject improved varieties and t... Farmers' evaluation and analysis of the factors determining the adoption of improved farm technology are essential to elicit what varietals characteristics motivate farmers to adopt or reject improved varieties and the technology. The main objective of the study was to elicit farmers' criteria for selecting rice varieties and the factors determining adoption of NERICA varieties in the study areas. The data used for this study were collected from 600 farmers in Ekiti, Kaduna, Nassarawa, Ogun, Ondo, and Taraba States of Nigeria through farming household survey conducted from August to September 2009. The main instruments for data collection were well-structured questionnaires administered in each state. This study utilized descriptive statistics, such as means, frequency and percentages; and Tobit regression model were used to analyze the data collected. The results revealed that field days attendance was very low in the study areas and was similar across states; and this may limit their participation in exchange of ideas and in sharing of knowledge and experience of improved technology. The small farm size and subsequently low output could adversely affect rice production in the country and thus prevent the country from attaining self-sufficiency in rice production. Farmers grow an assortment of both local and improved rice varieties and the most important criteria across the states were high yield, tillering and logging resistance. There was progressive increase in the proportion of land given to NERICA rice cultivation since 2004. This suggests that there is increase in the adoption rate of NERICA varieties across states. Level of formal education, farm size, access to credit, rice income, farm income and level of awareness of NERICA varieties positively and significantly determined NERICA rice adoption. Base on these, we recommend that government should aim at policies geared towards providing incentives to encourage all stakeholders to improve productivity in rice production. Incentives, such as provision of micro credit and implementation of subsidy on inputs like fertilizer and seed, would go a long way in boosting rice production in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 ADOPTION EVALUATION NERICA rice varieties Nigeria.
Performance Evaluation of Antenna Receive Diversity in SlMO-OFDM System over Rayleigh Fading Channel
作者 Ripan Kumar Roy Tushar Kanti Roy 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第7期364-373,共10页
This paper represents a comparative performance evaluation of different diversity combining techniques for a SIMO-OFDM (single-input-multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) system over Rayleigh f... This paper represents a comparative performance evaluation of different diversity combining techniques for a SIMO-OFDM (single-input-multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) system over Rayleigh fading channel. OFDM is a key technique for achieving high data rates and spectral efficiency requirements for wireless communication systems. But in scattering environment, the system performances are severely degraded by the effects of multipath fading and inter-symbol interference. In wireless communication systems, antenna diversity is an important technique to combat multipath fading in order to improve the system performance and increase the channel capacity. In this paper, the performance of different diversity combining techniques-SC (selection combining), EGC (equal gain combining) and MRC (maximal ratio combining) has been analyzed and compared in terms of SNR (signal to noise ratio) and BER (bit error rate) probability. The simulation results show that the maximal ratio combining technique provides maximum performance improvement relative to all other combining schemes by maximizing the SNR of SIMO-OFDM system at the combiner output. The analytic expressions of error probability and effective bit energy to noise ratio correlated with BPSK (binary phase shift keying) modulation have been derived and formulated for N-branch SC, EGC and MRC schemes. The BER characteristics for all three combining techniques are simulated in MATLAB (matrix laboratory) tool box for varying bit energy to noise ratio. Our results also derives that SNR can be improved if the number of receiving antenna is increased, which in turn reduces BER over a Rayleigh fading channel. 展开更多
关键词 OFDM antenna diversity SC EGC MRC Rayleigh fading BER SNR IBI ICI FFT BPSK modulation.
Effect Evaluation about Pathogenic Bacteria of Diary Cow Mastitis Treated with Ruyuankang
作者 WEI Xiao-juan ZHANG Ji-yu ZHOU Xu-zheng LI Jian-yong NIU Jian-rong LI Jin-shan 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第9期85-86,共2页
In this research,36 cows with clinical mastitis were treated with the Chinese herb injection Ruyuankang which was developed by our group.Milk samples of pre and post treatment of Ruyuankang were collected for isolatio... In this research,36 cows with clinical mastitis were treated with the Chinese herb injection Ruyuankang which was developed by our group.Milk samples of pre and post treatment of Ruyuankang were collected for isolation and characterization of pathogenic bacteria.The dynamic changes of pathogenic bacteria were investigated as well.The results indicated that Ruyuankang could effectively inhibit the common pathogenic bacteria of mastitis which result in the negative rate of pathogenic bacteria 71.74%. 展开更多
关键词 RUYUANKANG Pathogenic bacteria Dynamic changes
Assessment of the Diversity, Distribution and Uses of Wild Edible Mushrooms in Ekiti State, Nigeria
作者 Olujobi Olagunju John Sale Faith Aladi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2014年第6期328-335,共8页
Lack of information about the available species of mushroom, the distribution along different ecological zones and purposes for which they have been used has hampered their domestication for sustainable production. Th... Lack of information about the available species of mushroom, the distribution along different ecological zones and purposes for which they have been used has hampered their domestication for sustainable production. This study assessed the diversity, distribution and uses of wild edible mushrooms in Ekiti State. The study area was stratified based on vegetation distribution into two zones (rainforest and derived savanna zones). Pre-tested semi-structured questionnaires were administered to 80 randomly selected respondents for data collection. Descriptive statistical technique of frequency counts and percentages were used to summarize the data. Information from the study revealed that 52.5% and 67.5% of the respondents are above 50 years in the rain forest and the derived savannah vegetation, respectively. About 57.5% and 47.5% of the respondents had at least secondary education in the rainforest and derived savannah vegetation, respectively, while majority of the respondents with over 20 years of collection experience carried out their hunting in free areas outside forest reserve in both ecological zones. Twenty different species of mushroom are collected at different period of the year for consumption. The study recommended that government should checkmate further destruction of the remaining natural forest to ensure continued availability of these mushrooms. 展开更多
关键词 DIVERSITY DISTRIBUTION edible mushrooms sustainable production Ekiti State.
Research on the performance management of the special funds in provincial colleges and universities
作者 Sun Jianchun 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期178-181,共4页
This paper is a comprehensive data collection and analysis of the special performance of the managed fund in provincial universities, which has very important academic value and theoretical and practical significance ... This paper is a comprehensive data collection and analysis of the special performance of the managed fund in provincial universities, which has very important academic value and theoretical and practical significance for the effective and rational improvement of the utilization ratio of the special funds, the specification of the management the university capitals and the ceaseless development of the education reform. It also has very important academic value and theoretical practical significance for the improvement of the financial management levels, the introduction of the evaluation results of the special funds into the budget appropriation mechanism, the refinement of the budget planning of the special funds, the improvement of the scientificalness and accuracy of the budget planning oft he special fimds, and the further strengthening of the management of the expenditure and balance of the special funds of universities, and the formulation of the scientific and effective performance evaluation methods, and the formation of the theoretical platform of the performance management evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 Special funds performance management RESEARCH provincial colleges and universities
作者 王忠志 张裕良 《浙江教育科学》 2001年第2期46-47,44,共3页
关键词 中小学 教学质量 教学评价 学生 课业负担 评价信息收集 评价内容 评价结果
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