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作者 刘绍卫 《柳州师专学报》 2002年第1期22-26,共5页
诗性蕴涵着民族丰富的文化内涵,同时跟我们哲思的背景有千丝万缕的 联系。文论的逻辑起点正是由此展开,不论是“诗化”、世俗化,还是诗的神性化,都是一 种对感性的经验的依赖,这导致诗性的泛化和诗化的文论意识的蔓延。我们的文... 诗性蕴涵着民族丰富的文化内涵,同时跟我们哲思的背景有千丝万缕的 联系。文论的逻辑起点正是由此展开,不论是“诗化”、世俗化,还是诗的神性化,都是一 种对感性的经验的依赖,这导致诗性的泛化和诗化的文论意识的蔓延。我们的文论虽然逐渐 观念化、抽象化,也构成了诗性的批评系统。但这种话语一旦定型、成熟之后,文论的意象 的丰富性和创造性就会受阻。同时,面对西方的话语的大量的浸入,却有一种“失语”的迷 茫。文论的现代话语的建立,必须正视这个现实,并进行一种深刻的理论反思和学理的梳理 。 展开更多
关键词 诗性 文论意识 意识形态 世俗化 反思 《中国诗性文论与批评》 思想资源 古典文论
作者 李胜清 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第4期457-460,470,共5页
意识形态文论研究的心理学视向主要目的在于建构或阐释意识形态特别是文艺意识形态形成以及发生作用的具体独特的微观机制。其内涵包括:意识形态形成及其存在的感性机制;社会心理作为意识形态与文学艺术的中介机制;意识形态与社会心理... 意识形态文论研究的心理学视向主要目的在于建构或阐释意识形态特别是文艺意识形态形成以及发生作用的具体独特的微观机制。其内涵包括:意识形态形成及其存在的感性机制;社会心理作为意识形态与文学艺术的中介机制;意识形态与社会心理的复杂互动关系;心理学视向对于意识形态文论研究范式转换的本体论意义等。 展开更多
关键词 意识形态文论 社会心理 中介机制 意识形态实践性
作者 李胜清 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期104-108,共5页
意识形态文论的实践性研究是马克思主义意识形态理论研究的本体论领域之一。这种研究的必要性与可能性主要在三种语境中获得其文本阐释的、历史演变的和现实实践的条件根据与意义规定。马克思的意识形态理论文本、西方马克思主义的实践... 意识形态文论的实践性研究是马克思主义意识形态理论研究的本体论领域之一。这种研究的必要性与可能性主要在三种语境中获得其文本阐释的、历史演变的和现实实践的条件根据与意义规定。马克思的意识形态理论文本、西方马克思主义的实践性意识形态文论建构与文学实践活动的意识形态转型策略等主要构成了关于当下意识形态文论实践性研究的语境规定与背景支援。 展开更多
关键词 意识形态文论 实践性研究 语境 马克思主义 西方马克思主义 意识形态“转型”.
作者 李胜清 《中国矿业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第2期89-94,共6页
意识形态概念的多义性决定了意识形态文论研究的复调方法论。从结构上看,这种复调结构主要体现为认识性、实践性及其两者的复杂关系;从发展史的角度看,这种复调结构主要体现为从马克思经过所谓正统马克思主义到西方马克思主义的意识形... 意识形态概念的多义性决定了意识形态文论研究的复调方法论。从结构上看,这种复调结构主要体现为认识性、实践性及其两者的复杂关系;从发展史的角度看,这种复调结构主要体现为从马克思经过所谓正统马克思主义到西方马克思主义的意识形态文论研究的范式变迁。在根本性质上,意识形态文论研究表现为一种总体性的方法论结构。 展开更多
关键词 意识形态文论 复调方法论 马克思主义 正统马克思主义 西方马克思主义
作者 李映冰 《理论导刊》 北大核心 2017年第11期55-60,共6页
国内目前的意识形态文论建设存在这样几个问题:一是对经典作家的经典文本的诠释还有待深入;二是对国外意识形态及文论思想的借鉴、批判存在不足;三是受西方学术观念转变影响,中国学界已开始把意识形态问题转化为一个美学问题,但到目前为... 国内目前的意识形态文论建设存在这样几个问题:一是对经典作家的经典文本的诠释还有待深入;二是对国外意识形态及文论思想的借鉴、批判存在不足;三是受西方学术观念转变影响,中国学界已开始把意识形态问题转化为一个美学问题,但到目前为止,学界始终未能提出合理有效阐释文学现象的意识形态批评模式。就第一个问题看,马克思定性文学使用的概念是"意识形态的形式",直接使用"意识形态"定性文学的人是恩格斯,这一点应明确。就第二个问题看,意识形态文论建设虽然取得了实绩,但还有深入研究的可能和必要。就第三个问题,应该认识到,形式是组织材料并赋予材料以意义的一种结构性功能或力量。从而,文学研究的基本思路应从特殊到一般,即从审美、形式到政治、意识形态,而不是相反。考虑到文学批评从根本上是一个实践问题,这里只能提出一个大致的构想和框架,即作家创作过程中存在意识形态冲突、文本中及文本间存在意识形态冲突、文学接受过程中存在意识形态冲突。 展开更多
关键词 意识形态文论 文学审美意识形态 认识论 实践论 形式主义
20世纪西马文论本体论的主要形态 被引量:8
作者 冯宪光 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期100-109,共10页
美学与文艺理论研究对象的真实状况只有在复杂关系的对象存在中才能得到本真性阐释与说明。作为马克思主义文艺理论研究出发点的一元本体论以对象性存在的多种形态为其存在方式并以此贯穿、展现自身的存在。20世纪西马文论在马克思主义... 美学与文艺理论研究对象的真实状况只有在复杂关系的对象存在中才能得到本真性阐释与说明。作为马克思主义文艺理论研究出发点的一元本体论以对象性存在的多种形态为其存在方式并以此贯穿、展现自身的存在。20世纪西马文论在马克思主义文艺理论一元化本体论思想的指导下,展现出人类学文论、意识形态批评文论、艺术生产文论与政治学文论等四种具体的理论形态。这四种理论形态不仅是对马克思主义文艺理论的继承与发展,更是对其进行新的理论阐释与建构活动的结果。在结合历史与现实文化思想语境的马克思主义文艺理论的发展与流程中,它们共同构成了马克思主义文艺理论本体论的主要逻辑架构体系与空间性的具体存在形态,奠定了马克思主义文艺理论的扎实基础与敞开的发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 20世纪 马克思主义文艺理论 本体论 西方文学 意识形态批评文论 艺术生产文论
作者 陈士部 《宁波广播电视大学学报》 2007年第1期10-12,25,共4页
“审美意识形态”概念的提出虽然顺应国内外学术语境,注意到文学特征的整一性、研究方法的开放性,但它自身又不可避免地陷入文论的意识形态性与文学的意识形态性的纠缠、化约文学复杂微妙内涵等困境中。文章认为,应置身于审美现代性批... “审美意识形态”概念的提出虽然顺应国内外学术语境,注意到文学特征的整一性、研究方法的开放性,但它自身又不可避免地陷入文论的意识形态性与文学的意识形态性的纠缠、化约文学复杂微妙内涵等困境中。文章认为,应置身于审美现代性批判的语境中,并展开与当代审美文化的“交往对话”,以此推动中国当代文论的健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 审美意识形态 审美 意识形态 文论意识形态性
Study on Methodology of Culture Teaching
作者 Chaomei Yang 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2005年第2期1-7,26,共8页
Culture teaching has to be carried out systematically and specifically. It can not only depend on the teacher's occasional input knowledge concerning cultures but demand fundamental changes in educational structures,... Culture teaching has to be carried out systematically and specifically. It can not only depend on the teacher's occasional input knowledge concerning cultures but demand fundamental changes in educational structures, philosophies and methoclologies. This paper attempts to build up a conceptual framework guiding the practice of culture-oriented English teaching. The literature review includes three main aspects: aim for strengthening awareness of culture teaching; methodology of culture teaching; culture teaching techniques. The paper also points out that only by combination of language teaching and culture teaching can students reach the purpose of enhancing the intercultural communicative competency. 展开更多
关键词 culture teaching methodology intercultural awareness
Causes of Pecola's Tragedy in The Bluest Eye
作者 WANG Xiao-yan LIU Xi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第2期85-89,共5页
Toni Morrison has a unique status in American literature. She is the winner of the National Book Critic Circle Award, the Pulitzer for Fiction and many other literary awards. She was granted the Nobel Prize for litera... Toni Morrison has a unique status in American literature. She is the winner of the National Book Critic Circle Award, the Pulitzer for Fiction and many other literary awards. She was granted the Nobel Prize for literature in 1993, thus becoming the first A^can-American writer to receive this honor. Her first novel The Bluest Eye (1970) tells the story of the bitter and tragic experience suffered by Pecola, a little black girl, and loss of black people's self-respect, confidence, value, and culture. The present paper, first of all, gives a brief introduction of the story Then the paper explores the root causes of Pecola's tragedy from two aspects: The cause of racial oppression and self-hatred, and the cause of the loss in her independent consciousness. The paper concludes that Pecola is the victim and scapegoat of racial oppression, self-hatred and the loss of her independent consciousness existing in the black community 展开更多
关键词 ~ The Bluest Eye CAUSES self-hatred loss of independent consciousness
The One Who Has Left the Bildung Friedrich Nietzsche's Philological Turn as a Catastrophe*
作者 Kristáf Fenyvesi 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第6期492-505,共14页
Bildung, a western cultural ideal, which fundamentally can be traced back to biblical connotations, but is also rich in Platonic elements from the history of hermeneutics, reached its culmination point by the 19th cen... Bildung, a western cultural ideal, which fundamentally can be traced back to biblical connotations, but is also rich in Platonic elements from the history of hermeneutics, reached its culmination point by the 19th century. As the vast superstructure of western erudition, it has acquired the rank of the sole discursive and epistemic normativity, which has defined not only its own system, i.e., education in its narrow sense, but also the criteria of scientific assertions. Since the basis of Bildung was formed by the variations of classical erudition changing by every era, so in the Age of Bildung the defining epistemological and methodological pattern, which determined it from a discursive, and at the same time, an epistemological point of view, was meant by classical philology. As a classical philologist Friedrich Nietzsche was among the first to point out the inseparable connection between rhetoric, interpretation, and epistemology. Nietzsche, as against the monolithic tradition of Bildung, developed a set of aspects of subversive criticism of science, so his surpassing of the nineteenth century academic philology and renewal of it as a kind of cultural hermeneutics walk hand in hand. Nietzschean philology, first and foremost, has to be adapted for revaluing its scientific statements from the aspect of art, i.e., aesthetical sensitivity, which has to be reassessed from viewpoint of effects on life as active potential. The claims of Nietzsche are so comprehensive that the notion of morality defined by Bildung, as well as the ethical system of Bildung, the sole sense of morality is questioned, and his issues are extended over the methodological basis of Bildung considered as normative. However, he does not use such a method of interpretation that, to a certain extent, would not have been known and used by the philology of the Bildung's scientific ideal. With the difference that the Nietzschean critical practice does not have respect for the borders defining homologous structures but, by implementing transgressive tactics, it claims the authority of these borders. In my article, I show how the Nietzschean propositions for the methodological reform of classical philology did set the stage for Nietzsche's later critical comments, now purely on the philosophy of science, and I analyse the multifold consequences of the concept of the Nietzschean philology as an "existential science," which was aimed to de(con)struct the concept of Bildung. 展开更多
关键词 NIETZSCHE Bildung classical philology EPISTEMOLOGY criticism of science interpretation
Rethinking the Modern Transformation of Classical Chinese Literary Theory
作者 朱立元 Zhang Dachuan 《Social Sciences in China》 2015年第3期162-174,共13页
Though it is not new, the topic of the modem transformation of classical Chinese literary theory still holds profound significance for China's current efforts in carrying forward the essence of classical literary the... Though it is not new, the topic of the modem transformation of classical Chinese literary theory still holds profound significance for China's current efforts in carrying forward the essence of classical literary theory and constructing a new literary theory that conforms to the spirit of our times. Today, Chinese scholars have to handle two traditions: one is the classical literary scholarship up to the 19th century, distant in time and space from today; the other is the modern tradition that started in the early 20th century. These two traditions involve not only rupture and heterogeneous change but also continuity and partial homogeneous preservation. Taking our stand on the modem and contemporary tradition, we should consciously pursue research on classical literary theory, using modem consciousness to scrutinize, reorder, discover, select, interpret, activate and absorb its finer elements, those that are still vital, so as to creatively promote its modem transformation and further integrate it as an organic component of the construction of modem Chinese literary theory. Over the past two or three decades, Chinese scholars have been advancing this great project in a systematic and solid way, achieving gratifying progress. We must strengthen our efforts and make further progress with this great undertaking. 展开更多
关键词 classical Chinese literary theory literary tradition modem consciousness modem transformation
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