FIRST FRAME作为FIRST青年电影展于2021年开设的特别策划竞赛单元,致力于关注多元女性形象,鼓励女性主题影像书写。于影展18周年成人礼之际,前缀“第一帧”正式变更为“她的一帧”,更为隐含地侧重在新世纪立足青年女性“她”立场上,透...FIRST FRAME作为FIRST青年电影展于2021年开设的特别策划竞赛单元,致力于关注多元女性形象,鼓励女性主题影像书写。于影展18周年成人礼之际,前缀“第一帧”正式变更为“她的一帧”,更为隐含地侧重在新世纪立足青年女性“她”立场上,透过华语新生代创作者的双眸,定格新女性影像。将目光投向竞赛单元的新生代“新女性”形象,于外梳理国内外女性影展史料,于内剖析入围影片所凸显的女性议题,并厘清身份认知、平权反抗、身份关系、主观能动等迭代变化的关键词流向,以期唤起每一位青年创作者对女性议题的勇敢捕捉与大胆表达之心。展开更多
鲁迅与李光洙,作为中韩现代文学的杰出代表,两位作家所处的时代背景、家庭背景及人生轨迹均呈现出一定的相似性。在他们的文学作品中,均对女性问题给予了高度关注,将女性议题置于重要的社会层面进行剖析,这一做法在封建制度背景下的中...鲁迅与李光洙,作为中韩现代文学的杰出代表,两位作家所处的时代背景、家庭背景及人生轨迹均呈现出一定的相似性。在他们的文学作品中,均对女性问题给予了高度关注,将女性议题置于重要的社会层面进行剖析,这一做法在封建制度背景下的中韩文学界具有开创性意义。对于当前女性主义文学领域的探讨而言,鲁迅与李光洙的文学贡献无疑具有深远的现实意义和文学价值。研究聚焦于鲁迅的《伤逝》与李光洙的《无情》两部作品,旨在对这两位作家小说中的启蒙初期女性形象进行比较性分析。作品中的女性形象,不仅映照了20世纪初中韩两国的社会风貌与女性群体的生存状态,更深刻反映了中韩新时代知识分子群体对于女性独立问题的深刻思考与独到见解。Lu Xun and Lee Kwang-Soo, as outstanding representatives of modern Chinese and Korean literature, both writers have similarities in their era background, family background, and life trajectory. In their literary works, they both paid great attention to women’s issues and analyzed women’s issues at an important social level. This practice has pioneering significance in the Chinese and Korean literary circles under the background of the feudal system. For the current discussion of feminist literature, the literary contributions of Lu Xun and Lee Kwang-soo undoubtedly have far-reaching practical significance and literary value. This study focuses on Lu Xun’s “Sorrowful Death” and Lee Kwang-soo’s “Ruthless,” aiming to conduct a comparative analysis of the early enlightenment female images in the novels of these two writers. The female images in the works not only reflect the social outlook and living conditions of the female groups in China and South Korea in the early 20th century but also deeply reflect the profound thinking and unique insights of the new-era intellectual groups in China and South Korea on the issue of female independence.展开更多
文摘鲁迅与李光洙,作为中韩现代文学的杰出代表,两位作家所处的时代背景、家庭背景及人生轨迹均呈现出一定的相似性。在他们的文学作品中,均对女性问题给予了高度关注,将女性议题置于重要的社会层面进行剖析,这一做法在封建制度背景下的中韩文学界具有开创性意义。对于当前女性主义文学领域的探讨而言,鲁迅与李光洙的文学贡献无疑具有深远的现实意义和文学价值。研究聚焦于鲁迅的《伤逝》与李光洙的《无情》两部作品,旨在对这两位作家小说中的启蒙初期女性形象进行比较性分析。作品中的女性形象,不仅映照了20世纪初中韩两国的社会风貌与女性群体的生存状态,更深刻反映了中韩新时代知识分子群体对于女性独立问题的深刻思考与独到见解。Lu Xun and Lee Kwang-Soo, as outstanding representatives of modern Chinese and Korean literature, both writers have similarities in their era background, family background, and life trajectory. In their literary works, they both paid great attention to women’s issues and analyzed women’s issues at an important social level. This practice has pioneering significance in the Chinese and Korean literary circles under the background of the feudal system. For the current discussion of feminist literature, the literary contributions of Lu Xun and Lee Kwang-soo undoubtedly have far-reaching practical significance and literary value. This study focuses on Lu Xun’s “Sorrowful Death” and Lee Kwang-soo’s “Ruthless,” aiming to conduct a comparative analysis of the early enlightenment female images in the novels of these two writers. The female images in the works not only reflect the social outlook and living conditions of the female groups in China and South Korea in the early 20th century but also deeply reflect the profound thinking and unique insights of the new-era intellectual groups in China and South Korea on the issue of female independence.