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碧流河水库下游河道的现状防洪能力 被引量:14
作者 周惠成 李伟 +3 位作者 张弛 高永敏 李绪生 王金芳 《辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第S2期109-111,共3页
针对缺乏实测流量资料的水库下游河道,利用一维河网模型系统MIKE11,采用多种工况组合,模拟计算并分析了碧流河水库下游河道主要断面的现状防洪能力。建模过程考虑水库调度与潮位等因素的影响:使用水库下游河道最新实测断面数据与网上遥... 针对缺乏实测流量资料的水库下游河道,利用一维河网模型系统MIKE11,采用多种工况组合,模拟计算并分析了碧流河水库下游河道主要断面的现状防洪能力。建模过程考虑水库调度与潮位等因素的影响:使用水库下游河道最新实测断面数据与网上遥感数据,参考设计资料,并结合计算经验综合确定计算模型参数。研究成果可为碧流河水库及其下游河道组成的联合调度系统提供决策支持。 展开更多
关键词 水库下游河道 防洪能力 MIKE11 一维非恒定流
河北省太行山区水库下游河道生态恶化特征及成因分析——以滹沱河下游河道为例 被引量:2
作者 崔建军 郑振华 张韬 《中国集体经济》 2015年第3期59-60,共2页
文章通过对河北太行山区水库下游13条河流重点河段生态现状的普查和对滹沱河典型河段的重点调查,发现了目前水库下游河道普遍存在河道断流、平原荒漠化、补排关系发生变化、"沙龙"肆虐和众多水生物种消失的五个生态恶化特征... 文章通过对河北太行山区水库下游13条河流重点河段生态现状的普查和对滹沱河典型河段的重点调查,发现了目前水库下游河道普遍存在河道断流、平原荒漠化、补排关系发生变化、"沙龙"肆虐和众多水生物种消失的五个生态恶化特征。在此基础上,文章揭示了造成河道生态恶化的原因,主要为气候变异、干旱频发、筑坝建库、破坏河床、污水排放和执法不力。 展开更多
关键词 水库下游河道 生态恶化特征 成因分析
水库下游河道控制站水位级划分方法探讨 被引量:1
作者 赵玉芬 《南水北调与水利科技》 CAS CSCD 1996年第2期21-23,共3页
1 对《河流流量测验规范》的初步认识 由国家技术监督局和建设部联合发布的《河流流量测验规范》(简称新规范)是与国际标准(ISO)接轨的国家标准。新规范的特点是先对国家基本水文站按流量测验精度分类(三类),再对每类水文站进行... 1 对《河流流量测验规范》的初步认识 由国家技术监督局和建设部联合发布的《河流流量测验规范》(简称新规范)是与国际标准(ISO)接轨的国家标准。新规范的特点是先对国家基本水文站按流量测验精度分类(三类),再对每类水文站进行水位分级(分高、中、低三级),最后根据不同的水位级下的水流宽深比(B/D)和断面概化垂线流速分布形式参数(I/N<sub>11</sub>)选定优化测流方案(垂线。 展开更多
关键词 水位级 水库下游河道 流量测验 控制站 划分方法 保证率曲线 最低水位 新规范 王快水库 水位变幅
大伙房水库下游河道内最小生态需水量研究 被引量:2
作者 刘树春 刘永鹏 《现代农业科技》 2012年第1期261-262,265,共3页
为了使Tennant法更适合计算大伙房水库下游河道内生态需水量,对Tennant法计算标准进行修正,考虑了河流丰、平、枯水文变化特征,采用典型年逐月径流量修正Tennant法计算的生态需水量,不仅体现了天然河流水文变化特征,使计算的最小生态需... 为了使Tennant法更适合计算大伙房水库下游河道内生态需水量,对Tennant法计算标准进行修正,考虑了河流丰、平、枯水文变化特征,采用典型年逐月径流量修正Tennant法计算的生态需水量,不仅体现了天然河流水文变化特征,使计算的最小生态需水量更科学、更合理,而且减少了大伙房水库一些不必要的弃水,减轻供水期,尤其是枯水年供水期的水量分配压力。 展开更多
关键词 大伙房水库下游河道 Tennant法:最小生态需水量
作者 王健 姜伟民 张璇 《农业与技术》 2007年第2期103-104,共2页
关键词 水库下游河道 不稳定河流 规律
作者 李一鸣 马彪 《水资源研究》 2024年第4期406-413,共8页
本文旨在研究某拟建大型水库可能引起的下游河道的生态流量问题。通过收集和分析相关数据,结合生态流量理论,对水库下游河道的生态流量进行计算。对比分析不同方法的计算结果,结合该河流自身特性,综合确定下泄生态流量值,为水库建设后... 本文旨在研究某拟建大型水库可能引起的下游河道的生态流量问题。通过收集和分析相关数据,结合生态流量理论,对水库下游河道的生态流量进行计算。对比分析不同方法的计算结果,结合该河流自身特性,综合确定下泄生态流量值,为水库建设后水资源调配与生态流量管理提供依据。The purpose of this paper is to study the ecological flow of the downstream channel caused by a proposed large reservoir. By collecting and analyzing the relevant data and combining the ecological flow theory, the ecological flow of the downstream channel of the reservoir is calculated. By comparing and analyzing the calculation results of different methods, combined with the characteristics of the river itself, the ecological flow value is determined comprehensively, which provides a basis for water resource allocation and ecological flow management after the construction of the reservoir. 展开更多
关键词 生态流量 水库下游河道 TENNANT法 生态水力学法
3S技术与水力学耦合在水库下游防洪中的应用研究 被引量:2
作者 全强 王文君 +2 位作者 吴英杰 陈晓俊 周泉成 《水资源与水工程学报》 2015年第2期174-177,181,共5页
针对艾不盖河流域水流复杂、资料短缺及水库下游河道两岸保护对象实际情况,本文将3S技术与水力学耦合对水库下游防洪方案进行研究,建立了以Arc GIS为平台,实时加载遥感影像资料,耦合HEC-RAS的艾不盖河塔令宫水库下游河道以及两岸区域模... 针对艾不盖河流域水流复杂、资料短缺及水库下游河道两岸保护对象实际情况,本文将3S技术与水力学耦合对水库下游防洪方案进行研究,建立了以Arc GIS为平台,实时加载遥感影像资料,耦合HEC-RAS的艾不盖河塔令宫水库下游河道以及两岸区域模型。模拟了天然洪水以及塔令宫水库经水库错峰运用后,水库下游河道及两岸区域的洪水演进情况,确定水库下游河道现状防洪能力。在此基础上确定防洪工程总体布置方案,通过不同方案工程总投资对比分析确定塔令宫水库下游防洪方案为:塔令宫水库通过错峰运用,溢洪道及泄洪洞闸门开启自由泄水,水库不增加防洪库容,水库下游单独整修和新建堤防。 展开更多
关键词 ARCGIS HEC-RAS 水库下游河道 防洪能力 错峰 洪水演进
水库及其下游河道洪水管理控制问题与应用分析 被引量:2
作者 严玉龙 《珠江水运》 2017年第24期77-78,共2页
众所周知的是,水资源是我们日常生活凶不可或缺的一部分,地球上任何生物的生长和成长都离不开水资源,为了使得人们可以更加方便利用水资源,我国修建了大量的水库。但是,这些水库在利用的过程中,由于水位上升等因素也会引起洪水的发生,... 众所周知的是,水资源是我们日常生活凶不可或缺的一部分,地球上任何生物的生长和成长都离不开水资源,为了使得人们可以更加方便利用水资源,我国修建了大量的水库。但是,这些水库在利用的过程中,由于水位上升等因素也会引起洪水的发生,从而给人们的生命带来了一定的威胁,并且也带来了巨大的经济损失。因此,对于水库及其下游河道进行洪水管理控制已经成为了目前我国进行水库建设过程中的一种必然趋势。本文就目前我国水库及其下游河道洪水管理控制存在的问题以及相对应的解决对策做了简要的分析和探讨,希望对进一步控制洪水有一定的积极作用。 展开更多
关键词 水库及其下游河道 洪水管理控制 问题与应用分析
不同调度方案下清河水库坝下河道淹没损失分析 被引量:2
作者 王莉 《水利规划与设计》 2021年第12期73-77,共5页
水库不同调度方案下对其下游河道淹没影响损失不同。为科学调度水库,以清河水库为例,基于水力学模型对水库不同调度方案下的淹没范围进行推演,结合库区范围内外野调查以及遥感数据,对其下游河道淹没范围内的损失进行定量估算。研究成果... 水库不同调度方案下对其下游河道淹没影响损失不同。为科学调度水库,以清河水库为例,基于水力学模型对水库不同调度方案下的淹没范围进行推演,结合库区范围内外野调查以及遥感数据,对其下游河道淹没范围内的损失进行定量估算。研究成果对于水库调度决策具有重要参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 不同调洪方案 淹没损失 水库下游河道 水力学模型 清河水库
作者 琚玉香 朱继林 高玉菊 《吉林水利》 1996年第9期17-18,共2页
四年市中小型水库防洪问题与对策四平市水利局琚玉香,朱继林,高玉菊四平市现有中型水库16座,小(一)型水库19座.小(二)型水库72座,共107座水库。控制流域面积2894平方干米,总库容50989万立方米,兴利库容2... 四年市中小型水库防洪问题与对策四平市水利局琚玉香,朱继林,高玉菊四平市现有中型水库16座,小(一)型水库19座.小(二)型水库72座,共107座水库。控制流域面积2894平方干米,总库容50989万立方米,兴利库容23019万立方米,防洪库容2430... 展开更多
关键词 中小型水库 防洪问题 中型水库 小型水库土坝 洪水预报 水库防洪标准 水库下游河道 除险加固 水库工程 工程管理
《山西水利》 1995年第2期40-40,共1页
关键词 后湾水库 水资源 综合利用水利工程 海河水系 控制性工程 输水洞 水库下游河道 水库泥沙淤积 襄垣县 最大下泄量
Vegetation Influence Investigation of GangnanHuangbizhuang Reservoir Downstream River and Recovery Strategies
作者 张茹春 郑振华 +1 位作者 崔建军 张韬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第11期2552-2554,共3页
The research selected three typical areas for plant investigation, including upper reaches of Gangnan Reservoir, the area between Gangnan and downstream of Huangbizhuang Reservoir, and Huangbizhuang Reservoir. The res... The research selected three typical areas for plant investigation, including upper reaches of Gangnan Reservoir, the area between Gangnan and downstream of Huangbizhuang Reservoir, and Huangbizhuang Reservoir. The results showed that affected by water, plant species, species diversity and species richness were all decreasing in varying degrees as the distance with watercourse upper reaches was increasing, but the ratio of Anthropochory plants was growing. The research finally proposed countermeasures, including increasing wetland area, constructing forests and artificial water landscape of Hutuo River and reinforcing watercourse compre- hensive management. 展开更多
关键词 The reservoir downstream river VEGETATION Gangnan-Huangbizhuangreservoir Vegetation restoration
The analysis on reservoir sediment deposition and downstream river channel scouring after impoundment and operation of TGP 被引量:1
作者 Lu Jinyou Huang Yue Wang Jun 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2011年第3期113-120,共8页
According to the measured data after impoundment and operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir,the reservoir sediment deposition and downstream river channel scouring are described briefly and compared with the research... According to the measured data after impoundment and operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir,the reservoir sediment deposition and downstream river channel scouring are described briefly and compared with the research results achieved in the demonstration stage.It is indicated through analysis that the reservoir sediment deposition and downstream river channel scouring during 8-year impoundment and operation are still within the original forecast,so the original forecasting results are feasible.The further observation and comparison should be conducted because the comparison between the observed data and the original forecast is not so sufficient in time and the prototype observation and related research work should be strengthened in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Three Gorges Project (TGP) trial impoundment reservoir sediment deposition downstream river channel scouring
Response of the distributary channel of the Huanghe River estuary to water and sediment discharge regulation in 2007
作者 马妍妍 李广雪 +6 位作者 叶思源 张志恒 赵广明 李景阳 周春艳 丁文洁 杨欣 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期1362-1370,共9页
The water and sediment discharge regulation (WSDR) project, which has been performed since 2002 before flood season every year, is of great significance to the river management in China. Until 2007, six experiments ... The water and sediment discharge regulation (WSDR) project, which has been performed since 2002 before flood season every year, is of great significance to the river management in China. Until 2007, six experiments have been fulfilled to evaluate the effect of the project on the natural environment. To fill the gap of investigations, a study on flood and suspended sediment transportation and channel changing along the distributary channel of the Huanghe (Yellow) River was conducted during the WSDR project period in 2007. The lower channel was scoured rapidly and the channel became unobstructed gradually several days after the flood peak water was discharged from the Xiaolangdi Reservoir. Within four days after the flood peak at 3 000 m3/s entered the distributary, the channel in the river mouth area was eroded quickly. Both the mean values of area and depth of the main channel were tripled, and the maximum flood carrying capacity increased to 5 500 m3/s or more. Then, the river channel was silted anew in a very short time after completion of the WSDR. Favored by the WSDR project, the fiver status in April 2008 became better than that of the year before. The adjustment ranges of main channel parameters were about 30%, 10%, and 10% at sections C2, Q4, and Q7, respectively. The process of rapid erosion-deposition was more active 15 km away in the channel from the fiver mouth due to the marine influence. It is reasonable for discharging sediment at concentration peak from Xiaolangdi Reservoir at the end of the flood peak. As a result, the sediment peak reached the river mouth about two days later than that of the water current. In addition, the WSDR project has improved the development of the estuarine wetland. Wetland vegetation planted along the river banks restrained the water flow as a strainer and improved the main channel stability. It is suggested to draw water at mean rate of 150 m3/s from the Huanghe River during flood periods, because at the rate the water in the wetland would be stored and replenished in balance. Moreover, we believe that cropland on the river shoal of the lower Huanghe River should be replaced by wetland. These activities should achieve the Huanghe River management strategy of "To concentrate flow to scour sediment, stabilize the main channel, and regulate water and sediment". 展开更多
关键词 Huanghe (Yellow) River estuary water and sediment regulation river channel adjustment wetland.
An environmental flow assessment method based on the relationships between flow and ecological response: A case study of the Three Gorges Reservoir and its downstream reach 被引量:16
作者 WANG JunNa DONG ZheRen +4 位作者 LIAO WenGen LI Chong FENG ShunXin LUO HuiHuang PENG QiDong 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第6期1471-1484,共14页
The current environmental flow assessment of Chinese rivers is thought to have three shortcomings: The first is that environmental flow requirements of reservoirs in dammed rivers are usually not explicitly considered... The current environmental flow assessment of Chinese rivers is thought to have three shortcomings: The first is that environmental flow requirements of reservoirs in dammed rivers are usually not explicitly considered; the second is that enough attentions have not been paid to the inherent links between flow regime and ecological processes; the third is that most studies focus on the variable range of merely one hydrological element such as discharge needed by riverine ecosystems. Here, first proposed is a holistic method for environmental flow assessment, the flow-ecological response relationship method that is suitable for large rivers with relatively abundant ecological data. Based on the conceptual models and quantitative relationships between flow and ecological response, this method comprehensively considers the ecological conservation requirements of both reservoir and its downstream reach. Then, it is applied to assessing the environmental flows of the Three Gorges Reservoir and its downstream reach by the following steps: 1) Construction of conceptual models of flow-ecological response; 2) identification of ecological targets of environmental flows and their key periods; 3) development of the quantitative relationships between hydrological indicators and ecological indictors; 4) preliminary assessment of environmental flow according to the tradeoff between ecological targets and water demands of human. The environmental flow hydrographs obtained have explicit ecological conservation targets, time schedule of achieving each target, and characteristics of multiple hydrological elements such as flow, water level, frequency, timing, duration and rate of change. The case study has tested the reasonability and feasibility of this method, and the results of this study are expected to provide technical support and decision reference for improving the operation of the Three Gorges-Gezhouba cascade reservoirs. 展开更多
关键词 relationships between flow and ecological response environmental flow holistic method characteristics of multiple hydrological elements Three Gorges Reservoir reach downstream of dam
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