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作者 汪建红 《塔里木农垦大学学报》 1994年第1期66-67,共2页
呼吸生理是动物生理学中重要的组成部分,而“胸内负压的测定”和“呼吸运动的调节”是呼吸生理中最基本的必做实验.但由于我们学校地处边远,“呼吸运动的调节”中所使用的玛王利氏气鼓需要的特制材料每每无法及时供应,从而往往使此实验... 呼吸生理是动物生理学中重要的组成部分,而“胸内负压的测定”和“呼吸运动的调节”是呼吸生理中最基本的必做实验.但由于我们学校地处边远,“呼吸运动的调节”中所使用的玛王利氏气鼓需要的特制材料每每无法及时供应,从而往往使此实验无法进行,为了保证实验教学的正常、顺利进行,故我们在多次改进探索的基础上,采用水检压计在这两个实验中的重复使用,妥善解决了这个问题,并获取了同佯或更满意的实验效果.1 传统实验方法简介1.1胸内负压测定:将动物(如兔)麻醉后,仰卧保定在手术台上.在右侧胸部第四肋间处剪毛并切开皮肤1.0—1.5厘米,分离肌肉至暴露肋间肌为止,然后将连接有注入有色液体的水检压计的胸套管由此插入胸膜腔(以水检压计内有色液体明显波动为标志),此时即可测出胸内负压并进行各项实验. 展开更多
关键词 水检压计 呼吸生理 动物生理学 实验
电动乘用车前端盖水检试漏机的选型与分析 被引量:1
作者 徐国庆 徐飞跃 周海军 《现代制造技术与装备》 2013年第1期35-37,共3页
关键词 试漏工艺 试漏机选型分析 水检试漏机 气动控制原理
作者 王亚娟 齐乐 《装备制造技术》 2021年第7期103-105,136,共4页
对温度传感器测试结果影响因素进行分析,找出基于温度传感器水检时间常数测试结果重复性差的问题,在排除同一产品温度传感器本身因素(材料、结构、工艺)的前提下,系统测量对于测试结果的一致性和重复性是至关重要的。从试验结果的统计... 对温度传感器测试结果影响因素进行分析,找出基于温度传感器水检时间常数测试结果重复性差的问题,在排除同一产品温度传感器本身因素(材料、结构、工艺)的前提下,系统测量对于测试结果的一致性和重复性是至关重要的。从试验结果的统计数据中可以发现,通过对测试介质流速、示波器参数设置、测试位置逐项分析验证、优化改进,归纳总结详细的水检时间常数测试方法,最终达到温度传感器水检时间常数具有可重复性测试的目的。 展开更多
关键词 温度传感器 水检时间常数 重复性
中心静脉压的波动性研究 被引量:2
作者 陈淑芝 刘艳华 张游 《承德医学院学报》 1999年第3期218-219,共2页
目的:研究用封闭的检压系统测定中心静脉压的波动性。方法:分离家兔右侧颈外静脉,将塑料导管自右侧颈外静脉插入,经上腔静脉插到右心房入口处,用二道生理记录仪和水检压计观测中心静脉压。结果:封闭的检压系统测得的中心静脉压具... 目的:研究用封闭的检压系统测定中心静脉压的波动性。方法:分离家兔右侧颈外静脉,将塑料导管自右侧颈外静脉插入,经上腔静脉插到右心房入口处,用二道生理记录仪和水检压计观测中心静脉压。结果:封闭的检压系统测得的中心静脉压具有节律性的起伏变化,它的波幅远大于水检压计法测的波幅。结论:封闭的检压系统观测到的中心静脉压具有明显的脉动性。 展开更多
关键词 中心静脉压 波动性 封闭检压系统 水检压计
Using 4C OBS to reveal the distribution and velocity attributes of gas hydrates at the northern continental slope of South China Sea 被引量:7
作者 沙志彬 张明 +2 位作者 张光学 梁金强 苏丕波 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期555-563,628,629,共11页
To investigate the distribution and velocity attributes of gas hydrates in the northern continental slope of South China Sea, Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey conducted four-component (4C) ocean-bottom seismometer... To investigate the distribution and velocity attributes of gas hydrates in the northern continental slope of South China Sea, Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey conducted four-component (4C) ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) surveys. A case study is presented to show the results of acquiring and processing OBS data for detecting gas hydrates. Key processing steps such as repositioning, reorientation, PZ summation, and mirror imaging are discussed. Repositioning and reorientation find the correct location and direction of nodes. PZ summation matches P- and Z-components and sums them to separate upgoing and downgoing waves. Upgoing waves are used in conventional imaging, whereas downgoing waves are used in mirror imaging. Mirror imaging uses the energy of the receiver ghost reflection to improve the illumination of shallow structures, where gas hydrates and the associated bottom-simulating reflections (BSRs) are located. We developed a new method of velocity analysis using mirror imaging. The proposed method is based on velocity scanning and iterative prestack time migration. The final imaging results are promising. When combined with the derived velocity field, we can characterize the BSR and shallow structures; hence, we conclude that using 4C OBS can reveal the distribution and velocity attributes of gas hydrates. 展开更多
关键词 gas hydrates velocity attributes ocean-bottom seismometer PZ summation mirror imaging
海上地震双检资料合并处理方法的应用 被引量:9
作者 苏燕 《物探与化探》 CAS CSCD 2014年第4期754-757,786,共5页
主要对海底电缆双检资料的特点进行了分析研究,针对双检资料的特点,对水陆检近偏移距共检波点叠加剖面进行相关处理,求取海底反射系数和校准算子,进而进行水陆检资料的合并,该方法可以有效地压制海底鸣震,同时也很好的补偿了水检资料的... 主要对海底电缆双检资料的特点进行了分析研究,针对双检资料的特点,对水陆检近偏移距共检波点叠加剖面进行相关处理,求取海底反射系数和校准算子,进而进行水陆检资料的合并,该方法可以有效地压制海底鸣震,同时也很好的补偿了水检资料的频率缺失。利用该方法对某浅海地区的实际资料进行处理,取得了良好的应用效果。 展开更多
关键词 海底电缆 海底鸣震 水检 陆检 多次波 海底反射系数
作者 宋鑫 王征 +2 位作者 王炜 宫云良 谢涛 《工程地球物理学报》 2023年第1期11-17,共7页
鬼波压制是海底电缆资料处理中至关重要的一个步骤,业内常采用水陆检合并方法压制电缆鬼波。传统方法在进行水陆检资料匹配处理时,对陆检资料品质要求较高。受仪器设备的影响,陆检资料往往信噪比低,水陆检资料标定系数计算精度低,制约... 鬼波压制是海底电缆资料处理中至关重要的一个步骤,业内常采用水陆检合并方法压制电缆鬼波。传统方法在进行水陆检资料匹配处理时,对陆检资料品质要求较高。受仪器设备的影响,陆检资料往往信噪比低,水陆检资料标定系数计算精度低,制约了鬼波压制的精度,同时降低了资料信噪比。为了提高海底电缆资料鬼波压制精度,同时避免合并处理对资料信噪比的降低,本文提出了一种频率—慢度域(f-p)鬼波压制技术,通过在频率—慢度域计算鬼波延迟时间,建立一次波求取的线性方程组,利用最小二乘求解,实现鬼波压制。与传统双检合并方法不同,本方法仅需单个分量数据参与计算,完全数据驱动。通过模型和实际数据测试验证,本方法能够对海底电缆资料单一水检数据或陆检数据实现鬼波压制,达到消除陷波,拓宽地震频带的目的,同时较好地保持了地震资料信噪比。 展开更多
关键词 海底电缆 水检数据 频率—慢度域 鬼波压制
海底电缆资料双检合并处理技术研究与应用 被引量:6
作者 徐强 《工程地球物理学报》 2017年第2期130-134,共5页
海底电缆采集资料通常利用水检和陆检的合并处理来压制电缆鬼波。但通常情况下,鬼波在海底反射形成的海底微屈多次波对资料的影响也很严重。分析了水检与陆检的地震波接收的物理机制,在水陆合并压制鬼波后,通过求取海底反射系数,进一步... 海底电缆采集资料通常利用水检和陆检的合并处理来压制电缆鬼波。但通常情况下,鬼波在海底反射形成的海底微屈多次波对资料的影响也很严重。分析了水检与陆检的地震波接收的物理机制,在水陆合并压制鬼波后,通过求取海底反射系数,进一步利用双检数据来压制海底微屈多次波。经实际数据的应用表明,这种方法可以较好地同时压制电缆鬼波和海底微屈多次波,改善剖面的波组特征。 展开更多
关键词 海底电缆 水检 陆检 鬼波 微屈多次波
油底壳气检试漏机的智能化的优化分析 被引量:2
作者 徐国庆 徐飞跃 +1 位作者 周海军 池晓钦 《制造技术与机床》 北大核心 2013年第6期128-131,共4页
对油底壳的水检试漏工艺进行了详细的分析,论述了气检试漏机总体方案设计,阐述了气检试漏机的气检试漏工艺的工作原理、密封夹具工作原理、基于触摸屏的人机交换工作界面的自动化和智能化设计方案、气密仪的工作原理及液压气动控制原理... 对油底壳的水检试漏工艺进行了详细的分析,论述了气检试漏机总体方案设计,阐述了气检试漏机的气检试漏工艺的工作原理、密封夹具工作原理、基于触摸屏的人机交换工作界面的自动化和智能化设计方案、气密仪的工作原理及液压气动控制原理等具体设计,对批量生产的试漏机设计具有一定的参考作用。 展开更多
关键词 水检试漏机 气检试漏机 气密仪 触摸屏 液压气动控制原理
A Rapid and Simple Method for the Detection of Rice Dwarf Virus by Aqueous Extract 被引量:2
作者 许曼琳 杨金广 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第3期98-100,共3页
Rice dwarf disease caused by rice dwarf virus (RDV) is one of the major rice virus diseases in China,which widely distributes in the rice area of China.A simple and rapid method for detection of RDV in rice plants a... Rice dwarf disease caused by rice dwarf virus (RDV) is one of the major rice virus diseases in China,which widely distributes in the rice area of China.A simple and rapid method for detection of RDV in rice plants and Nephotettix cincticeps was investigated in this study,and the whole detection only lasted for 20 min.After diseased leaves of rice (10 mg) and leaves of Nephotettix cincticeps (10 mg) both infected by RDV were ground by sterile water (100 μl),the supernatant was analyzed by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis to steadily detect five specific electrophoretic bands with 1 000 bp to 5 000 bp.However,there was no electrophoretic band in the healthy rice leaves and aqueous extract of non-viruliferous N.cincticeps.Therefore,this method was more rapid and simple to detect RDV in rice plants and Nephotettix cincticeps,which avoided expensive reagents and tedious steps of conventional serological testing and molecular detection (RT-PCR and Western-blot). 展开更多
关键词 Rice dwarf virus Aqueous extract Rapid detection
作者 由志刚 《物探装备》 1999年第1X期32-34,53,共4页
关键词 电缆 质量控制 水检 陆检
对双检检波器反序故障的分析与探讨 被引量:1
作者 李猛 韩学义 +1 位作者 曹建明 王道杰 《物探装备》 2013年第5期300-302,共3页
双检检波器是OBC(海底电缆)上配套用的一种地震勘探传感器,它将高灵敏度的磁电检波器和海洋压电检波器合二为一,即把陆检检波器和水检检波器两种接收装置结合在一起。此双检检波器大大提高了地震采集资料的优良品率,并能够较好地压制虚... 双检检波器是OBC(海底电缆)上配套用的一种地震勘探传感器,它将高灵敏度的磁电检波器和海洋压电检波器合二为一,即把陆检检波器和水检检波器两种接收装置结合在一起。此双检检波器大大提高了地震采集资料的优良品率,并能够较好地压制虚反射和海水鸣振。但是408ULS的双检采集系统经常会出现反序的现象,本文通过对双检检波器反序故障的分析,找出了应对双检检波器反序故障的实际方法。 展开更多
关键词 双检检波器 反序 陆检 水检
作者 李艳青 《西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期82-86,共5页
传统的海洋地震勘探采用拖缆进行数据采集,拖缆采集数据的信噪比受外部环境影响较大,通过改变拖缆的沉放深度,可以降低环境对采集地震数据的影响。受国内海洋地震勘探装备作业能力的限制,在中国海域实现海洋宽频地震采集相对较困难。为... 传统的海洋地震勘探采用拖缆进行数据采集,拖缆采集数据的信噪比受外部环境影响较大,通过改变拖缆的沉放深度,可以降低环境对采集地震数据的影响。受国内海洋地震勘探装备作业能力的限制,在中国海域实现海洋宽频地震采集相对较困难。为了打破这一限制,探讨了拖缆与海缆联合宽频采集设计的方法,对联合采集的参数论证、面元合并、羽角对宽频的影响和深度优化求解等4项关键技术进行了分析。在参数论证方面,论证了如何通过最浅目的层深度设计线间距的方法;针对拖缆和海底电缆检波器间距差异设计了面元合并方案,同时考虑了面元合并对信噪比的改变;在羽角存在的情况下,讨论了横向变化率对采集数据限波点频率和能量的影响;最后论述了深度变化试验求取拖缆最优沉放深度的方法。通过对拖缆与海底电缆联合宽频采集设计4项关键技术的分析,搭建了拖缆与海缆联合宽频采集设计的基本流程。 展开更多
关键词 宽频 鬼波 海底电缆 水检 组合
作者 屈立君 王超 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 2021年第8期350-350,352,共2页
在我们生活中,与水有接触或者可能接触的电器产品,在国家标准中都对其有相应的防护要求。一般 IP 防护等级测试实际生产过程中经常要用水来测试,但是动力电池箱在线用水测试整机会造成后续的除水、清洁一些工作量加大,为此我们通过实验... 在我们生活中,与水有接触或者可能接触的电器产品,在国家标准中都对其有相应的防护要求。一般 IP 防护等级测试实际生产过程中经常要用水来测试,但是动力电池箱在线用水测试整机会造成后续的除水、清洁一些工作量加大,为此我们通过实验换算对应 IP 等级的气密性测试参数关系,改变测试方法,引入直压式和差压式气密性测试仪进行产品防护等级检验。 展开更多
关键词 IP防护等级 水检 气密性检测 直压式 差压式
《家电科技(维修与培训)》 2004年第10期39-41,共3页
关键词 空调器 制冷系统 故障检修 更换方法 拆卸方法 泄漏检查方法 水检漏法
Physiological and Biochemical Characteristic of a Stripe Mutant with Abnormal Flower Organs in Rice 被引量:8
作者 陈德西 马炳田 +2 位作者 王玉平 马玉清 李仕贵 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期15-18,共4页
[Objective] The experiment aimed to explore physiological and biochemical changes of leaves after plants were mutated. [Method] A rice double mutant with stripes on stems, leaves and spikelets were taken as experiment... [Objective] The experiment aimed to explore physiological and biochemical changes of leaves after plants were mutated. [Method] A rice double mutant with stripes on stems, leaves and spikelets were taken as experimental materials to study the enzyme activity changes in different growth stages and amino acid variation in rice. [ Result] The SOD activity in mutant was higher than that in wild plant at tillering metaphase, but lower than that in wild type before heading stage and late flowering; the POD activity in three stages increased firstly then declined and the activity showed highest maximal activity at before heading stage. However, the POD activity in wild type showed the opposite change trend; the CAT activity presented degression at three stages, especially high at tillering metaphase, but reverse changes in wild type; the MDA activity decreased at three stages, but it was still higher than that in wild type, besides, the soluble sugar content of mutant was lower, but total amino acid content was increased. [ Conclusion] The expression of mutant characteristics was correlated with SOD, POD, CAT and MDA activity Changes and these changes made the mutant survive and rice quality change at last. 展开更多
关键词 RICE STRIPE Physiological and Biochemical Characteristic Rice quality
Design and Application of Automatic Test System of Soil Water Characteristic Curve
作者 唐玉邦 徐磊 +3 位作者 虞利俊 裴勤 王恒义 黄万喜 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第11期2026-2029,共4页
[Objective] In order to better meet the requirement of crops on a more and more accurate water content under various planting environment of modern agri-culture, an automatic test system of soil water characteristic c... [Objective] In order to better meet the requirement of crops on a more and more accurate water content under various planting environment of modern agri-culture, an automatic test system of soil water characteristic curve was designed by combining the conceptions of soil moisture content and soil water potential. [Method] Electronic soil moisture tension meter was used to determine the real-time tension value of soil moisture in the tested container, and the electronic Weigh sensor was used to determine soil Weigh. Minusing method was used to calculate soil moisture content, based on which the soil water characteristic curve was plotted. [Result] Through the filed survey of 2 different kinds of soil in Jiangsu Province, the results were as fol ows: soil of different composition showed different trend in soil water characteristic curve that the soil water characteristic relation of the sandy soil in the old course of the Yel ow River in Xuzhou was Y=-0.000 2X3+0.027 7X2-1.644 5X+38.161, R2=0.991 9; while the soil water characteristic relation of the saline-alkali soil in Jinhai Farm of Dafeng was Y=-0.00 2X2-0.426X+39.905, R2=0.991 3. [Con-clusion] The automatic test system of soil water characteristic curve soil water char-acteristics curve could reflect soil moisture content and soil water potential, as wel as reflect the effectiveness of soil water to plant growth, providing basis for the sci-entific irrigation. 展开更多
关键词 Soil water characteristics curve Water tension meter Automatic detec-tion Wireless charging
Calculation of wave and current loads on launching offshore jacket 被引量:6
作者 ZHANG Guang-fa JI Zhuo-shang LI Tie-li LIN Yan 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2006年第4期1-7,共7页
It’s very complicated to calculate and analyze the wave and current loads on naval architectures since the sea condition is uncertain and complicated and the determinants vary from different form types and dimensions... It’s very complicated to calculate and analyze the wave and current loads on naval architectures since the sea condition is uncertain and complicated and the determinants vary from different form types and dimensions. For calculating the wave and current loads on upright small-long-size pipe, the Morrison equation is practical and applied. Jacket platform is a kind of offshore space frame structure comprised of lots of poles that are circular cylinders with small diameter and in the oblique status relative to seabed. In this paper, based on Morrison equation, the specific method and procedure calculating the wave and current loads on launching jacket are given and applied on a typical launching jacket. The instance shows that the method and procedure are convenient and make the calculation and analysis in good agreement with actual launching. 展开更多
关键词 LAUNCHING hydrodynamic force morrison equation jacket platform
Triaxial mechanical creep behavior of sandstone 被引量:16
作者 YANG Shengqi JIANG Yuzhou 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第3期339-349,共11页
Based on laboratory results of time-dependent mechanical behavior tests,we investigated short-term and mechanical creep behavior of sandstone,observed in conventional triaxial compression experiments at room temperatu... Based on laboratory results of time-dependent mechanical behavior tests,we investigated short-term and mechanical creep behavior of sandstone,observed in conventional triaxial compression experiments at room temperature,using a servo-controlled rheology testing machine.Given our short-term experimental test results,we confirmed deviatoric creep stress levels of sandstone.Multiple deviatoric stress levels were applied in steps to each sample.Each deviatoric stress level before the final failed deviatoric stress was maintained for 48 h or longer.Time-dependent variations of axial strains of sandstone samples are discussed and evaluated.During the creep tests,complete tertiary creep curves of sandstone were observed under failed deviatoric stress levels with different confining pressures.Slices of coal in sandstone samples can lead to distinct tertiary creep deformation failure. 展开更多
关键词 SANDSTONE CREEP experimental investigation tertiary creep creep failure
Clinical significance of CT-defined minimal ascites in patients with gastric cancer 被引量:14
作者 Dong Kyung Chang Ji Won Kim +4 位作者 Byung Kwan Kim Kook Lae Lee Chi Sung Song Joon Koo Han In Sung Song 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第42期6587-6592,共6页
AIM: To study the clinical significance of minimal ascites, which was only defined by the CT and whose nature was not determined preoperatively, in the relationship with the peritoneal carcinomatosis. METHODS: The m... AIM: To study the clinical significance of minimal ascites, which was only defined by the CT and whose nature was not determined preoperatively, in the relationship with the peritoneal carcinomatosis. METHODS: The medical records and the dynamic CT films of 118 patients with gastric cancer were reviewed. Factors associated with peritoneal carcinomatosis were analyzed in 40 patients who had CT-defined ascites of which the nature was surgically confirmed, RESULTS: Only 12.5-25% of the CT-defined minimal ascites, whose volume was estimated to be less than 50 mL, were associated with peritoneal carcinomatosis. When the estimated CT-defined ascitic volume was 50 mL or more, peritoneal carclnomatosis was identified in 75-100%. When CT-defined lymph node enlargements were not found beyond the regional gastric area, perigastric invasions were not suspected, and the size of tumor was less than 3 cm, peritoneal carcinomatosis seemed significantly less accompanied at the univariate analysis. However, except for the minimal volume of CT- defined ascites in comparison with the mild or more, other factors were not confirmed multivariately. CONCLUSION: In the patients with gastric cancer, CT- defined minimal ascites alone is rarely associated with peritoneal carcinomatosis, if it does not accompany other signs suggestive of malignant seeding. Therefore, consideration of active curative resection should not be hesitated, if CT-defined minimal ascites is the only delusive sign. 展开更多
关键词 ASCITES Peritoneal carcinomatosis Gastriccancer
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