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云南南洞岩溶地下河水温场时空变化规律研究 被引量:12
作者 高明刚 《中国岩溶》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第1期19-30,共12页
本文以通过水温场研究来获取含水系统内部信息为出发点,就南洞地下河系统水温季节性变化特征、各分区水温差异、钻孔测温曲线等进行了系统分析,并对其形成原因及所包涵的水文地质意义作了探讨,认为水温场特征的形成与含水系统内部结... 本文以通过水温场研究来获取含水系统内部信息为出发点,就南洞地下河系统水温季节性变化特征、各分区水温差异、钻孔测温曲线等进行了系统分析,并对其形成原因及所包涵的水文地质意义作了探讨,认为水温场特征的形成与含水系统内部结构间存在密切联系,温度场的测试与研究可以作为探测含水层内部信息的一种有效手段。 展开更多
关键词 水温场 地下水 岩溶 地下河 时空变化规律
江苏地温水温场特征及地热异常分布规律与控制条件探讨 被引量:15
作者 赵剑畏 许家法 王光亚 《江苏地质》 1997年第1期27-35,共9页
江苏地温分布的一般规律是:坳陷区地温高于隆起区,坳陷区中次级正向构造(隆、凸起)高于负向构造(坳、凹陷),隆起区中则相反。此外,地温随深度加大而增高。全省的第Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ含水层中,共划分出热水异常35个,按平面分布的重... 江苏地温分布的一般规律是:坳陷区地温高于隆起区,坳陷区中次级正向构造(隆、凸起)高于负向构造(坳、凹陷),隆起区中则相反。此外,地温随深度加大而增高。全省的第Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ含水层中,共划分出热水异常35个,按平面分布的重叠性归并为21个地热异常,其中大部分可归纳为5个异常带。扬子准地台区是本省地热异常的主要分布区。对地温分布起控制作用或重要影响的因素是区域构造、深部地壳结构、岩石热物理性质、岩浆及地下水活动。江苏地温分布主要受燕山运动以来,特别是挽近地质时期仍然活动的构造体系(主要是新华夏系和华夏式构造)的控制。因处于新华夏系第二隆起带,本省地温的封闭条件不甚理想。地热异常及地热田的热源主要来自地下深处经自然增温而形成的热量。地下热水的通道主要是活动性断裂,故此。 展开更多
关键词 地下热水 地温 水温场 地热异常 分布规律
渤、黄海及东海北部平均表面水温场季节变化特征其成因的初步分析 被引量:14
作者 汤明义 刘宇中 +4 位作者 李洪海 孟庆莲 曲如美 高振会 隋萍 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1989年第5期544-553,共10页
本文分析讨论了渤海、黄海、东海北部(29°N以北,127°E以西)海域表面水温季节分布和变化的主要水文学现象及其物理机制。 分析海域表面水温的季节分布和变化,除显示了太阳辐射的变化、海陆分布、海底地形、气候等因素影响的基... 本文分析讨论了渤海、黄海、东海北部(29°N以北,127°E以西)海域表面水温季节分布和变化的主要水文学现象及其物理机制。 分析海域表面水温的季节分布和变化,除显示了太阳辐射的变化、海陆分布、海底地形、气候等因素影响的基本特征外,冬半年,尤其是黄海南部和东海北部水温分布形势深受对马暖流、黄海暖流及其延伸部分、台湾暖流余脉和黄海沿岸流等不同示性流系的影响;春、夏期间,黄渤海沿岸(水深特别浅的区域除外)存在着若干强弱不等的冷水域,一般而论,它们应是由动力因素(海流)、气候因素、特定的岸形和底形等诸因素综合作用而造成的底层冷水涌升现象。 基于分析海域表面水温年变化趋势及其主要数值特征,可归结为沿岸型、近海型、黄海中央型、东海北部外海型、黄海暧流型5种变化类型。 展开更多
关键词 海洋 水温场 季节变化
红层地区地下水源热泵对地下水温场的影响 被引量:1
作者 江冰 岑鑫雨 +2 位作者 许模 肖力源 肖先煊 《人民长江》 北大核心 2018年第20期45-49,111,共6页
地下水源热泵是地源热泵中造价最低、发展较快的一种开发利用浅层地热能资源的热泵系统。此前的研究主要是以第四系松散层内孔隙水作为热源对象,而对红层地区地下水的研究尚为空白。选取重庆红层基岩裂隙水为热源研究对象,采用对井系统... 地下水源热泵是地源热泵中造价最低、发展较快的一种开发利用浅层地热能资源的热泵系统。此前的研究主要是以第四系松散层内孔隙水作为热源对象,而对红层地区地下水的研究尚为空白。选取重庆红层基岩裂隙水为热源研究对象,采用对井系统带制冷(热)荷载进行试验,同时布置观测孔和温度、水位、流量等测量装置,获得试验过程中各孔内不同深度水温和水位、流量等观测数据,分析得到地下水温度场初始温度分布特点、试验过程中各孔不同深度的温度变化特点、地下水温度场在空间上随时间的变化特点等。分析结果表明:场地内地下水温场的变化主要受天然地温场及初始温度、注水井位置、注水口深度与注水温度等因素的影响。推测注水导致的温度影响范围的边界为:平面上以注水点为圆心,呈不对称近椭圆状;空间上,则以注水点为球心,呈不对称近橄榄球状。研究成果可为红层地区地下水源热泵的进一步开发利用研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 地下水温场 地下水源热泵 基岩裂隙水 红层地区
湖南洛塔表层岩溶带水文地球化学特征初步分析 被引量:21
作者 梁小平 朱志伟 +2 位作者 梁彬 关碧珠 邹胜章 《中国岩溶》 CAS CSCD 2003年第2期103-109,共7页
湖南洛塔为西南具有一定代表性的溶丘洼地型岩溶区,本文利用近两年来洛塔水环境监测资料,进行洛塔表层岩溶带的水化学和水温场特征的研究,认为该表层岩溶带的水化学和水温场的特征与气候、生态环境和岩溶含水介质等多种因素明显相关。... 湖南洛塔为西南具有一定代表性的溶丘洼地型岩溶区,本文利用近两年来洛塔水环境监测资料,进行洛塔表层岩溶带的水化学和水温场特征的研究,认为该表层岩溶带的水化学和水温场的特征与气候、生态环境和岩溶含水介质等多种因素明显相关。不同影响因素对表层岩溶水水化学组分的作用有所不同,表层岩溶带岩溶水受气候影响较大,大气降水的降雨强度,直接影响到地下水化学组分含量的大小,总硬度和HCO-3含量与降雨量呈明显的负相关关系,植被、土壤的覆盖程度与水化学组分含量高低呈正相关性。 展开更多
关键词 表层岩溶带 水文地球化学特征 湖南 岩溶水 水化学组分 水温场 大气降水 生态环境
乌东德水电站坝址区SO_4^(2-)成因与分布特征分析 被引量:1
作者 骆祖江 张弘 +1 位作者 李会中 王团乐 《水文地质工程地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期32-37,共6页
针对金沙江乌东德水电站坝址区左右两岸地下水中SO42-含量的差异,尤其是左岸SO24-含量普遍高于右岸的特征,通过岩矿和水化学成分分析,采用聚类分析法分析了地下水中SO42-与其他离子成分的相关性,并结合水岩相互作用及水化学场、水温场... 针对金沙江乌东德水电站坝址区左右两岸地下水中SO42-含量的差异,尤其是左岸SO24-含量普遍高于右岸的特征,通过岩矿和水化学成分分析,采用聚类分析法分析了地下水中SO42-与其他离子成分的相关性,并结合水岩相互作用及水化学场、水温场、水动力场等方面的分析研究,发现坝址区地下水中SO42-的来源主要与地层中的黄铁矿有关,左右两岸地下水中SO42-含量的差异主要由于二岸地下水循环不同所致。 展开更多
关键词 乌东德 聚类分析 水化学 水温场 水动力
任意海区海底泥温设计参数的推算方法研究 被引量:1
作者 安永宁 《海岸工程》 2018年第4期9-16,共8页
为解决离岸海洋工程设计所需的海底泥温参数获取困难及精度不高等问题,运用一维热传导方程和耿贝尔极值I型分布方法,分析了中国科学院大气物理研究所(The Institute of Atmospheric Physics,IAP)发布的IAP全球水温场资料,探讨了任意指... 为解决离岸海洋工程设计所需的海底泥温参数获取困难及精度不高等问题,运用一维热传导方程和耿贝尔极值I型分布方法,分析了中国科学院大气物理研究所(The Institute of Atmospheric Physics,IAP)发布的IAP全球水温场资料,探讨了任意指定海区海底面以下不同深度不同重现期的泥温极值推算方法。将逐月推算结果与渤海某站历史实测资料进行相应对比,在秋冬季差值为0.16~1.04℃,春夏季差值为0.96~2.47℃;将1~100a不同重现期的泥温极值推算结果与辽东湾某油田区块的实测值回归统计分析结果进行对比,当正态分布函数<0.2时,其分组差值数为-0.45~1.55℃。应用此方法推算海底泥温设计参数,不受资料实测限制,可应用于全球绝大部分海区。 展开更多
关键词 海底泥温 热传导方程 回归统计分析 IAP水温场 耿贝尔分布
Thermal modeling of underwater friction stir welding of high strength aluminum alloy 被引量:3
作者 张会杰 刘会杰 于雷 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第4期1114-1122,共9页
The thermal modeling of underwater friction stir welding (FSW) was conddcted with a three-dimensional heat transfer model. The vaporizing characteristics of water were analyzed to illuminate the boundary conditions ... The thermal modeling of underwater friction stir welding (FSW) was conddcted with a three-dimensional heat transfer model. The vaporizing characteristics of water were analyzed to illuminate the boundary conditions of underwater FSW. Temperature dependent properties of the material were considered for the modeling. FSW experiments were carried out to validate the calculated results, and the calculated results showed good agreement with the experimental results. The results indicate that the maximum peak temperature of underwater joint is significantly lower than that of normal joint, although the surface heat flux of shoulder during the underwater FSW is higher than that during normal FSW. For underwater joint, the high-temperature distributing area is dramatically narrowed and the welding thermal cycles in different zones are effectively controlled in contrast to the normal joint. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum alloy underwater friction stir welding temperature field MODELING
Microscopic phase-field modeling of atomic anti-site behaviors in precipitation progress of Ni_3(AlFe) 被引量:1
作者 梁敏洁 廖海洪 +1 位作者 丁文江 陈铮 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第10期1963-1967,共5页
The effects of temperature on atomic anti-site behaviors in L12-Ni3(AlFe) phases were studied using microscopic phase-field dynamic model in precipitation progress of Ni75Al20Fe5 alloy.The results show that with the i... The effects of temperature on atomic anti-site behaviors in L12-Ni3(AlFe) phases were studied using microscopic phase-field dynamic model in precipitation progress of Ni75Al20Fe5 alloy.The results show that with the increase of temperature,the formation of NiAl and AlNi anti-sites is much easier in Ni3(AlFe),and Ni and Al anti-site atoms show clearly stronger temperature-dependent than Fe anti-site atoms.The evolution progress of anti-site atoms is completed at the initial growth stage of L12-Ni3(AlFe) phases.The site occupation probabilities of Ni atoms on the sublattice A(NiNi,face centers sites of FCC),and Al and Fe atoms on the sublattice B(AlAl and FeAl,corners sites of FCC) all present the degressive tendency with the temperature increasing.Fe atoms mainly prefer to occupy the Al sublattice at the whole temperature range. 展开更多
关键词 anti-site microscopic phase-field PRECIPITATION Ni3(AlFe)
三峡水库蓄水以来近坝区水温垂向结构分析 被引量:28
作者 曹广晶 惠二青 胡兴娥 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期1254-1259,共6页
以三峡大坝上游距离最近的庙河断面作为典型断面,利用2004—2011年实测水温资料,分析三峡水库近坝区水域水温垂向结构。分析结果表明:庙河断面从2006年开始,在水库底部一定高度内,每年4—6月份水体水温在垂向上均会出现一定的温差,但该... 以三峡大坝上游距离最近的庙河断面作为典型断面,利用2004—2011年实测水温资料,分析三峡水库近坝区水域水温垂向结构。分析结果表明:庙河断面从2006年开始,在水库底部一定高度内,每年4—6月份水体水温在垂向上均会出现一定的温差,但该区域还没有形成稳定温跃层;温差较大的区域均出现在水深75m以下,该区域均位于电站取水口高程(110m)以下,其水温对三峡水库下泄水流水温没有影响;三峡水库不存在深层低温水下泄问题。 展开更多
关键词 三峡水库 水温场结构 低温水流
Water Intake and Utilization in Mithun (Bos frontalis):Effect of Environmental Temperature,Rearing System and Concentrate Feed Supplement
作者 D.T.Pal A.Dhali +2 位作者 S.K.Mondal C.Rajkhowa K.M.Bujarbaruah 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第2期178-188,共11页
Seasonal and sexual variations as well as the effect of dry feed supplement on total drinking water intake and its utilization were observed in mithun (Bosfrontalis) - a semi-wild animal found in North Eastern Hill ... Seasonal and sexual variations as well as the effect of dry feed supplement on total drinking water intake and its utilization were observed in mithun (Bosfrontalis) - a semi-wild animal found in North Eastern Hill Region (NEHR) of India. In a completely randomized design, twelve adult mithuns (B. frontalis) as per their sex and body weight were assigned in two different rearing systems (free grazing and free grazing with dry concentrate feed supplementation), and ten growing male mithuns as per their body weight assigned in two different levels of dry concentrate feed supplementation (1.o kg and 2.0 kg dry concentrate feeds on green forage based diet) and in two different seasons (summer and winter). It was observed that the environmental temperature had a significant effect on drinking water intake by mithuns. Drinking water consumption (per unit of body weight) was significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher in summer than in winter. Supplementation of concentrate feed on free grazing animals resulted in increase in water consumption. Total water consumption (drinking as well as performed water) was found to be 15.18 litres per 100 kg body weight by growing mithun. Feed dry matter and digestible nutrient intakes by growing mithun were observed to be increased with the increase of supplementation of dry concentrate feed. Roughage to concentrate ratio did not affect the nutrient digestibility. Mithun calves drank an average of 4.30 litres water for each kg of dry matter intake. Metabolic water was significantly (P〈0.01) increased with the increase of supplementation of concentrate feed whereas water turn over, which depends upon the body weight of the animals, did not differ significantly on offering of lower or higher level of dry feed. Faecal water loss of growing mithun was decreased with the increase in intake of concentrate feed and was estimated to be 33 - 46 % of total water intake. Excretion of water through faeces of mithun was about 3.8 % of body weight. It could, therefore, be inferred that water intake by mithun varied with seasons, rearing systems and dry feed consumption. As far as the water nutrition is concerned, it is needed to give an attention while feeding mithun in summer with dry feed supplementation under semi-intensive system of rearing. 展开更多
关键词 MITHUN water intake water excretion SEASONS GRAZING concentrate feed feed utilization
Electrostatic Enhancement of Coalescence of Oil Droplets(in Nanometer Scale) in Water Emulsion 被引量:3
作者 HOSSEINI M. SHAHAVI M.H. 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第4期654-658,共5页
Oil droplets in nanometer scale which are dispersed in water cannot be separated easily. An attractive technique is carried out by electrical phenomena to demulsify oil in water emulsion. In this research, non-uniform... Oil droplets in nanometer scale which are dispersed in water cannot be separated easily. An attractive technique is carried out by electrical phenomena to demulsify oil in water emulsion. In this research, non-uniform electric field or dielectrophoresis (DEP) is applied to remove sunflower oil (which is dispersed in the water). Effectsof temperature, time and voltage (using AC-electric field) were considered to get the highest DEP-force (Fdi) and the best results. The oil particles sizes with average of approximately 76 nm have been shown using a ZetaSizer Nano ZS, Model ZEN 1600 (Malvem Instrument Ltd.). The maximum separation efficiency of 85% is obtained at the optimum temperature of 38 ℃ and voltage of 3000 V. 展开更多
关键词 DEMULSIFICATION oil/water emuision electric field dielectrophoresis
The Coolibility of Melt Pool in PWR Lower Head - Results of LIVE Experiments
作者 X. Gaus-Liu A. Miassoedov T. Cron T. Wenz 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2010年第3期15-21,共7页
The LIVE (Late In-Vessel Phase Experiments) test program investigates in-vessel melt pool behaviour and cooling strategies for in-vessel corium retention during severe accidents in light water reactors (LWR). The ... The LIVE (Late In-Vessel Phase Experiments) test program investigates in-vessel melt pool behaviour and cooling strategies for in-vessel corium retention during severe accidents in light water reactors (LWR). The main part of the LIVE facility is a 1:5 scaled semi-spherical lower head of a typical pressurized water reactor. Up to now, LIVE experiments have been performed in different initial external cooling conditions, melt volumes and internal heat generations. At present the well-known simulant material KNO3-NaNO3 in non-eutectic composition (80 mole% KNO3-20 mole% NaNO3) and in eutectic composition (50 mole% KNO3- 50 mole% NaNO3) is used in the live program. The 3D heat flux distribution through vessel wall, melt pool temperature, crust thickness and the pool melt composition can be measured or determined. Extensive results have been obtained concerning the melt pool thermal hydraulic behaviour in transient and in steady state conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Core melt LWR in vessel corium retention PWR lower head
Influence of CaO-based expansive agent,superabsorbent polymers and curing temperature on pore structure evolution of early-age cement paste
作者 ZHAO Hai-tao LI Xiao-long +5 位作者 XIE Dong-sheng DI Yun-fei HUANG Jie XU Wen WANG Peng-gang ZUO Jun-qing 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第5期1663-1673,共11页
Cracks easily generate in concrete at early age owing to the shrinkage deformation.CaO-based expansion agent(CEA)and superabsorbent polymers(SAP)have been extensively used for the mitigation of concrete shrinkage.The ... Cracks easily generate in concrete at early age owing to the shrinkage deformation.CaO-based expansion agent(CEA)and superabsorbent polymers(SAP)have been extensively used for the mitigation of concrete shrinkage.The macroscopic properties of concrete are highly determined by the microstructure.In this study,the influence of CEA and SAP addition on the pore structure evolution of cement paste under different curing temperatures was evaluated via low-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.Test results indicated that,in cement paste,a higher CEA content led to a higher porosity and a larger most probable pore diameter(MPPD).Meanwhile,SAP addition increased the porosity and MPPD of CEA cement paste at early age but decreased them after 7 d,and a higher SAP content always brought a higher porosity and MPPD.Furthermore,the addition of SAP led to a lower porosity and MPPD of CEA cement paste than that of plain cement paste after 14 d.Moreover,the porosity and MPPD of CEA cement paste decreased first and subsequently increased as the curing temperature raised. 展开更多
关键词 cement paste pore structure CaO-based expansion agent superabsorbent polymers curing temperature low-field nuclear magnetic
Pore structure formation and hydration characteristics of cement paste with temperature rising inhibitor
作者 ZHAO Hai-tao XIANG Yu +6 位作者 ZHANG Hao SHEN De-jian CHEN Xiao-dong HUANG Jie XU Wen LI Hua WANG Yu-jiang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第5期1674-1685,共12页
The early-age thermal cracking easily generates and severely impairs the durability of concrete.The temperature rising inhibitor(TRI)was utilized to regulate the temperature evolution by controlling the cement hydrati... The early-age thermal cracking easily generates and severely impairs the durability of concrete.The temperature rising inhibitor(TRI)was utilized to regulate the temperature evolution by controlling the cement hydration process.This paper aimed to investigate the pore structure formation and hydration characteristics of cement paste containing TRI by low-field nuclear magnetic resonance.The experiment showed that the T_(2) peak of cement paste shifted from 7.32 ms to 0.23 ms regardless of TRI addition.But the pattern of pore structure formation was changed with TRI addition,that is,the pore structure formation was delayed,and the pore successively shifted to left in two parts.In addition,TRI addition significantly prolonged the duration of gel pore formation and greatly decreased the increase rate of gel water,which implied that TRI introduction hindered the growth of C-S-H,and subsequently decreased the hydration rates and delayed the main hydration peak.Meanwhile,TRI dissolved and diffused rapidly at 40℃,delaying the hydration of cement paste seriously.Moreover,TRI brought about the C-S-H nucleation homogeneous and the ion concentration uniform,which might reduce the localized curvature occurring on the sheet of C-S-H,and then decreased the T_(2) intensity of capillary water and gel water. 展开更多
关键词 pore structure formation hydration characteristics temperature rising inhibitor low-field nuclear magnetic resonance cement paste
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