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中子活化水泥在线分析仪最小成本自动配矿算法研究 被引量:2
作者 吴志强 刘永超 李岩峰 《现代矿业》 CAS 2018年第1期181-184,共4页
为了降低石灰石矿山资源的开采成本和延长矿山使用寿命,迫切需要利用中子活化水泥在线分析仪实现最低成本的自动配矿控制。在多种不同成本的石灰石资源可供选择的情况下,利用线性规划算法,建立配矿方程和目标函数,求解出成本最小化的配... 为了降低石灰石矿山资源的开采成本和延长矿山使用寿命,迫切需要利用中子活化水泥在线分析仪实现最低成本的自动配矿控制。在多种不同成本的石灰石资源可供选择的情况下,利用线性规划算法,建立配矿方程和目标函数,求解出成本最小化的配矿方案。利用matlab7和vc6软件联合编程的方法,设计了一套适合于石灰石矿山最小成本自动配矿的算法。结果表明,利用中子活化水泥在线分析仪最小成本自动配矿的算法,可以实现降低生产成本和提高低品位石灰石利用率的目标,为水泥企业带来可观的经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 中子活化水泥在线分析仪 自动配矿 最小成本
作者 鹿晓泉 李楠楠 +1 位作者 刘亚民 任静怡 《水泥》 CAS 2019年第A01期142-144,共3页
中子活化水泥元素在线分析仪可以实时在线检测物料中各元素成分含量,直接参与过程控制,提高质量控制水平,减少排废、降低能耗、稳定产品质量。目前国内的各水泥企业几乎都在使用,但是还没有统一的评价方法指导水泥企业选择产品,评价产... 中子活化水泥元素在线分析仪可以实时在线检测物料中各元素成分含量,直接参与过程控制,提高质量控制水平,减少排废、降低能耗、稳定产品质量。目前国内的各水泥企业几乎都在使用,但是还没有统一的评价方法指导水泥企业选择产品,评价产品效果。本文提出了通过在实验室对其静态性能指标进行测定以及在水泥厂应用现场对其动态性能及可靠性指标进行测定两个方面对在线分析仪进行科学系统的综合评价,不仅有利于节约企业项目成本,还有利于产品性能提升及产业进步。 展开更多
关键词 中子活化水泥元素在线分析仪 静态性能 动态性能 可靠性
作者 李胜保 冀炜 《水泥》 CAS 2022年第6期62-64,共3页
水泥行业中水泥粉磨系统在线自动配料大家关注的不多,为推进智能化工厂建设,同时为稳定出厂水泥质量,降低配料成本,实现高质量发展,于2021年在3000 t/d生产线水泥粉磨系统应用了中子活化水泥元素旁线分析仪,实现了自动配料,提高了水泥质... 水泥行业中水泥粉磨系统在线自动配料大家关注的不多,为推进智能化工厂建设,同时为稳定出厂水泥质量,降低配料成本,实现高质量发展,于2021年在3000 t/d生产线水泥粉磨系统应用了中子活化水泥元素旁线分析仪,实现了自动配料,提高了水泥质量,取得了良好的经济效益,在水泥行业具有推广价值. 展开更多
关键词 中子活化水泥元素旁线分析仪 水泥自动配料 降低配料成本 智能工厂
作者 鹿晓泉 李楠楠 王伟 《中国水泥》 CAS 2019年第12期96-99,共4页
随着分析仪在水泥行业的广泛应用,如何评价分析仪各项指标以及使用效果,目前国内乃至国际上还没有该产品的统一标准。该文主要规范了在线分析仪的要求,提供了评价分析仪在准确性、重复性、率值控制等性能的方法,对验评在线分析仪提供了... 随着分析仪在水泥行业的广泛应用,如何评价分析仪各项指标以及使用效果,目前国内乃至国际上还没有该产品的统一标准。该文主要规范了在线分析仪的要求,提供了评价分析仪在准确性、重复性、率值控制等性能的方法,对验评在线分析仪提供了有力的数据支撑,使得用户有客观、公正的数据可供参考,为仪器厂商对产品进行性能提升与升级改进提供了思路,促进了国产科学仪器品牌影响力、用户认可度和市场销量的提升。 展开更多
关键词 中子活化水泥 在线分析
作者 林华 《四川水泥》 2013年第7期96-96,共1页
7月26日,伴着轻柔的夏风,东方测控中子活化水泥元素在线分析仪现场观摩会在吉林省长春市喜来登酒店成功举行,这是水泥企业的一场盛大聚会,也是东方测控展现民族品牌力量的华丽秀场。本次观摩会,共有来自30余家国内大型水泥企业的60余位... 7月26日,伴着轻柔的夏风,东方测控中子活化水泥元素在线分析仪现场观摩会在吉林省长春市喜来登酒店成功举行,这是水泥企业的一场盛大聚会,也是东方测控展现民族品牌力量的华丽秀场。本次观摩会,共有来自30余家国内大型水泥企业的60余位代表以及诸多行业专家、协会领导参加。会议首先在丹东东方测控技术股份有限公司董事长兼总裁包良清热情洋溢的欢迎辞中拉开序幕。 展开更多
关键词 在线分析仪 活化水泥 测控技术 东方 水泥企业 现场观摩 民族品牌 中子活化技术 股份有限公司 元素
作者 К.,ЮА 丁培积 《探矿工程译丛》 1993年第3期60-62,共3页
关键词 油气井 固井 质量 活化水泥
中子活化水泥元素在线分析仪在水泥厂的应用 被引量:1
作者 张伟 孙常安 《山东工业技术》 2019年第3期74-75,共2页
关键词 水泥生料自动配料 中子活化水泥元素在线分析仪原理 原材料
作者 李玉海 许国琳 王军荣 《石油矿场机械》 1995年第4期39-40,共2页
关键词 固井 水泥 水泥活化
铝酸盐水泥与硅酸盐水泥生料热分解特性的对比研究 被引量:1
作者 周志华 李福洲 王新博 《水泥技术》 2013年第1期27-31,共5页
本文采用热分析等测试方法,对铝酸盐和硅酸盐水泥生料的热分解特性进行了研究。通过热分析可知:铝酸盐、硅酸盐水泥生料,其分解热耗分别为703.3kJ/kg和901.2kJ/kg。本文还采用相边界反应收缩圆柱体反应机理、随机成核和随后增长机理,分... 本文采用热分析等测试方法,对铝酸盐和硅酸盐水泥生料的热分解特性进行了研究。通过热分析可知:铝酸盐、硅酸盐水泥生料,其分解热耗分别为703.3kJ/kg和901.2kJ/kg。本文还采用相边界反应收缩圆柱体反应机理、随机成核和随后增长机理,分别对两种生料中的碳酸钙和一水硬铝石进行了分解活化能计算分析。 展开更多
关键词 铝酸盐水泥 硅酸盐水泥 热分解 活化
作者 张诗曼(编译) 王晓阳(校) 《耐火与石灰》 2023年第5期65-68,共4页
探讨了碱性活化矿渣作为耐火混凝土唯一粘结剂的可行性。分别在850℃、1100℃和1300℃的烧成温度下制备的混凝土试样,用X射线衍射研究其矿物组成,并用扫描电子显微镜对其微观结构进行了分析。测定了烧结参数、力学性能以及耐火材料的永... 探讨了碱性活化矿渣作为耐火混凝土唯一粘结剂的可行性。分别在850℃、1100℃和1300℃的烧成温度下制备的混凝土试样,用X射线衍射研究其矿物组成,并用扫描电子显微镜对其微观结构进行了分析。测定了烧结参数、力学性能以及耐火材料的永久线性变化、耐火度和抗热震性,并通过改变烧成温度观察了烧结参数和力学性能的变化。基于地聚合物的耐火混凝土仅在1300℃时表现出显著的永久线性变化,在载荷和温度升高下观察到最大PLC指数(0.56%)。此外,耐火混凝土具有良好的TSR指数(最多15个循环)。根据XPA分析数据,除骨料中的主要相外,在850℃和1100℃处均有易熔化的相,随着温度的升高,明显形成了黑铝钙石和钙长石。在110℃的玻璃基体中发现了针状结构,但在较高的温度下观察到了黑铝钙石的板状结构。XPA结果表明,碱性活化矿渣水泥是一种很有前途的高温耐火混凝土粘结剂。 展开更多
关键词 碱性活化矿渣水泥 铝酸钙水泥 耐火混凝土
商品混凝土降低成本的技术途径 被引量:1
作者 孔凡营 冯承会 《建筑技术开发》 2004年第6期60-61,共2页
关键词 商品混凝土 活化填料 活化水泥 粉磨 拌制
Study on activity evaluation of activated coal-gangue and the hydration process
作者 张洪涛 邓宏卫 +1 位作者 冯奇 王培铭 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第6期855-860,共6页
Chemical compositions, mineral compositions and the activated mechanism of the coal-gangue were analyzed. And pozzolana activities of the coal-gangue were evaluated after activated. Moreover, hydration heat and hydrat... Chemical compositions, mineral compositions and the activated mechanism of the coal-gangue were analyzed. And pozzolana activities of the coal-gangue were evaluated after activated. Moreover, hydration heat and hydration compositions of activated coal-gangue-calcium oxide system, as well as hydration degree and hardened paste microstructures of activated coal-gangue-cement system were studied. Results show that pozzolana activities of the activated coal-gangue root in amorphous SiO2 and activated Al2O3. With the exciting of gypsum, the reaction of activated coal-gangue and Ca(OH) 2 would produce hydration products as ettringite, calcium silicate hydrate, and calcium aluminate. The relationship between the curing age and the content of Ca (OH)2 in coal-gangue-cement system was ascertained. Unhydrated particles in the coalogangue-cement paste were more than that in the neat cement paste at the same hydration periods, and even existed at the later stage of hydration. Furthermore, the activated coal-gangue could inhibit growth and gathering of the calcium oxide crystal, and improve the structure of hardened cement paste. 展开更多
关键词 activated coal-gangue CEMENT pozzolana activity HYDRATION function mechanism
Activated Sludge Ozonation to Reduce Sludge Production in MBR
作者 何圣兵 薛罡 王宝贞 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第3期100-105,共6页
The total experimental period was divided into two stages. At the first stage, a series of batch studies were carried out to get an understanding of the effect of ozouation on sludge properties. At the following stage... The total experimental period was divided into two stages. At the first stage, a series of batch studies were carried out to get an understanding of the effect of ozouation on sludge properties. At the following stages, three MBRs with different amounts of activated sludge to be ozonated were run in parallel for a long period to evaluate the influence of sludge ozonation on sludge yield and permeate quality. Through batch study, it was found that ozone could disrupt the cell walls and caused the release of plasm from the cells, then the amounts of soluble organics in the solution increased with ozouation time. With the rise of soluble organics, the amount of soluble organics to be mineralized increased as well, which would reduce the soluble organics content. For the counteraction between these two aspects, a pseudo-balanee could be achieved, and soluble organics would vary in a limited range. Sludge ozonation also increased the contents of nitrogen and phosphorus in the solution. In addition, ozouation was effective in improving sludge settling property. On the basis of batch study, a suitable ozone dosage of 0.16 kgO3/kgMLSS was determined. Three systems were run in parallel for a total period of 39 days, it was demonstrated that a part of activated sludge ozonation could reduce sludge production significantly, and biological perfonnanee of mineralization and nitrification would not be inhibited due to sludge ozouation. Experimental results proved that the combination of ozonation unit with MBR unit could achieve an excellent quality of permeate as well as a small quantity of sludge production, and economic analysis indicated that an additional ozonation operating cost for treatment of both wastewater and sludge was only 0.096Yuan (US$ 0.011,5 )/m^3 wastewater. 展开更多
关键词 oznation MBR sludge production sludge property permeate quality
再生水泥浆的改性研究 被引量:4
作者 余睿 水中和 玄东兴 《武汉理工大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期104-107,共4页
由于水泥净浆热处理后得到的活化水泥浆的胶凝性能与普通硅酸盐水泥的胶凝性能相差甚远,为了改善其胶凝性能,实验使用一定量的石膏和粉煤灰作为改性剂,对活化水泥浆进行改性处理,研究了改性后活化水泥浆的胶凝性能,包括凝结时间、标准... 由于水泥净浆热处理后得到的活化水泥浆的胶凝性能与普通硅酸盐水泥的胶凝性能相差甚远,为了改善其胶凝性能,实验使用一定量的石膏和粉煤灰作为改性剂,对活化水泥浆进行改性处理,研究了改性后活化水泥浆的胶凝性能,包括凝结时间、标准稠度需水量和抗压强度,并通过XRD和SEM的微观分析对活化水泥浆的再水化过程进行了分析。试验表明:石膏和粉煤灰组成改性剂能延长活化水泥浆的初凝时间,增强其抗压强度,但不能减少活化水泥浆的标准稠度需水量。 展开更多
关键词 热处理 活化水泥 改性剂
Design of a modern automatic control system for the activated sludge process in wastewater treatment 被引量:2
作者 Alexandros D.Kotzapetros Panayotis A.Paraskevas Athanasios S.Stasinakis 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期1340-1349,共10页
The Activated Sludge Process(ASP) exhibits highly nonlinear properties. The design of an automatic control system that is robust against disturbance of inlet wastewater flow rate and has short process settling times i... The Activated Sludge Process(ASP) exhibits highly nonlinear properties. The design of an automatic control system that is robust against disturbance of inlet wastewater flow rate and has short process settling times is a challenging matter. The proposed control method is an I-P modi fied controller automatic control system with state variable feedback and control canonical form simulation diagram for the process. A more stable response is achieved with this type of modern control. Settling times of 0.48 days are achieved for the concentration of microorganisms,(reference value step increase of 50 mg·L-1) and 0.01 days for the concentration of oxygen(reference value step increase of 0.1 mg·L-1). Fluctuations of concentrations of oxygen and microorganisms after an inlet disturbance of5 × 103m3·d-1are small. Changes in the reference values of oxygen and microorganisms(increases by 10%, 20% and 30%) show satisfactory response of the system in all cases. Changes in the value of inlet wastewater flow rate disturbance(increases by 10%, 25%, 50% and 100%) are stabilized by the control system in short time. Maximum percent overshoot is also taken in consideration in all cases and the largest value is 25% which is acceptable. The proposed method with I-P controller is better for disturbance rejection and process settling times compared to the same method using PI controller. This method can substitute optimal control systems in ASP. 展开更多
关键词 Activated sludge Modern automatic control PID controllers Root locus Waste treatment
Effective Utilization of Coal Fly Ash in Building Material Production
作者 Jozef Junak Nadezda Stevulova 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第8期724-728,共5页
This paper is aimed at verifying utilization possibilities of alkaline modified coal fly ash as cement replacement in the concrete. The influence of alkaline activated coal fly ash originating from Slovakian power pla... This paper is aimed at verifying utilization possibilities of alkaline modified coal fly ash as cement replacement in the concrete. The influence of alkaline activated coal fly ash originating from Slovakian power plant in Novsky (Si/Al = 3,1) as a partial cement replacement in concrete on compressive strength of hardened composites after 28 and 90 days was investigated. Alkaline activation of coal fly ash was realized in an autoclave at 130 ℃ and pressure of 160 kPa during 5 hours and in a reactor under normal conditions (equal temperature during 36 hours) at solid/liquid ratio of 0.5. Coal fly ash/cement mixtures were prepared with 25 % cement replacement by starting and modified coal fly ash and given in forms. Compressive strengths of composites after 28 and 90 days of hardening were compared to referential composite without coal fly ash and evaluated according to the standard of STN EN 450 by the value of relative strength KR (compressive strength of coal fly ash/cement composite to compressive strength of comparative concrete). The final compressive strengths of hardened composites based on alkaline activated coal fly ash reached values in the range of 6 up to 50 MPa. In the set of experimental composites based on alkaline activated coal fly ashes, the highest value of relative strength after 28- and 90- days of hardening reached composite with cement replacement by coal fly ash zeolitized in autoclave (105% of compressive strength of referential sample), what is connected with formation of zeolitic phases on surface of coal fly ash particles. The achieved results confirm that alkaline activation of coal fly ash in an autoclave under observed conditions can be successfully used as a partial cement replacement in concrete of C20/25 and C25/30 in accordance with requirements of standards (STN EN 450 and STN EN 206). 展开更多
关键词 coal fly ash chemical activation CONCRETE compressive strength ZEOLITE
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