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作者 刘宝瑞 刘振侠 吕亚国 《航空计算技术》 2011年第1期96-100,共5页
开发了一种通用的航空发动机附件机匣热分析计算软件。软件综合热网络法和有限元法的优势,用Fortran语言开发了基于热网络法的附件机匣内部元件热分析模块,用APDL语言开发了基于有限元软件ANSYS的壳体热分析模块,两个模块之间存在数据... 开发了一种通用的航空发动机附件机匣热分析计算软件。软件综合热网络法和有限元法的优势,用Fortran语言开发了基于热网络法的附件机匣内部元件热分析模块,用APDL语言开发了基于有限元软件ANSYS的壳体热分析模块,两个模块之间存在数据交换和迭代联算。软件具有通用性,可以满足各种不同结构的附件机匣热分析计算。通过对某航空发动机附件机匣进行热分析计算,获得了附件机匣的温度场分布、生热量以及滑油出口温度,说明了软件应用于附件机匣热分析计算的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 航空发动机 附件机匣 热分析计算软件 网络法 有限元法
超燃冲压发动机再生冷却热结构设计的计算工具 被引量:9
作者 蒋劲 张若凌 乐嘉陵 《实验流体力学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期1-7,共7页
为分析在电弧加热器上进行的超燃冲压发动机再生冷却热结构试验的热交换,用了准三维的热分析工具和三维内流场CFD计算平台来作为分析工具。在换热计算及试验中用了水和煤油作为冷却剂,而且用煤油作为燃料。计算和试验结果吻合较好,表明... 为分析在电弧加热器上进行的超燃冲压发动机再生冷却热结构试验的热交换,用了准三维的热分析工具和三维内流场CFD计算平台来作为分析工具。在换热计算及试验中用了水和煤油作为冷却剂,而且用煤油作为燃料。计算和试验结果吻合较好,表明换热分析工具和国内航空煤油物性表达式可以在深入的热结构试验和设计中应用。 展开更多
关键词 超燃冲压发动机 再生冷却 试验 热分析计算工具
真空热试验热电偶测温参考点分析改进 被引量:11
作者 孙兴华 苏新明 陶涛 《航天器环境工程》 2012年第5期522-526,共5页
热电偶测温系统是真空热试验中最常用的温度测量系统,温度参考点是热电偶测温系统的重要组成部分。文章分析了热电偶温度参考点的各项技术要求,为参考点结构设计、热设计、电装工艺等提供了依据;同时结合温度参考点的现状,为简化操作,... 热电偶测温系统是真空热试验中最常用的温度测量系统,温度参考点是热电偶测温系统的重要组成部分。文章分析了热电偶温度参考点的各项技术要求,为参考点结构设计、热设计、电装工艺等提供了依据;同时结合温度参考点的现状,为简化操作,降低使用风险,提出了一种优化改进结构方案,并进行了热分析计算以及试验验证,结果表明该方案完全满足参考点各项技术要求。 展开更多
关键词 真空试验 电偶 温度参考点 热分析计算 试验验证
航空发动机滑油系统热分析 被引量:4
作者 刘友宏 于超 《科学技术与工程》 2009年第22期6922-6925,共4页
关键词 航空航天推进系统 滑油系统 热分析计算
癸酸与棕榈酸低共熔混合物的制备与热特性分析 被引量:8
作者 袁艳平 白力 牛犇 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期113-115,共3页
在实验测得单一物质熔点和熔化潜热的基础上,利用低共熔混合物配比计算公式对癸酸和棕榈酸低共熔混合物的配比、熔点和熔化潜热进行了理论预测,以指导DSC测试,并对低共熔混合物进行了红外光谱试验,以判断是否有新相生成。实验结果表明,... 在实验测得单一物质熔点和熔化潜热的基础上,利用低共熔混合物配比计算公式对癸酸和棕榈酸低共熔混合物的配比、熔点和熔化潜热进行了理论预测,以指导DSC测试,并对低共熔混合物进行了红外光谱试验,以判断是否有新相生成。实验结果表明,癸酸的熔点和熔化潜热分别为29.85℃和150.32J/g,棕榈酸的熔点和熔化潜热分别为62.13℃和210.13J/g。低共熔混合物的理论配比为85.7∶14.3(质量比),相变温度为26.74℃,相变潜热为152.74J/g。低共熔混合物的配比为86.1∶13.9(质量比),相变温度为25.39℃,相变潜热为153.58J/g,与理论计算结果较吻合。红外光谱试验结果表明,癸酸和棕榈酸混合物中没有新相生成。 展开更多
关键词 低共熔混合物 熔点 熔化潜 理论计算分析
复杂外热流条件下红外探测器组件热设计 被引量:11
作者 李强 陈立恒 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期66-72,共7页
为实现在复杂外热流条件下对CO_2探测仪红外探测器组件温度的有效控制,对其进行了详细的热设计。对红外探测器周围外热流进行分析,确定了其散热面位置。基于红外探测器所处空间热环境以及自身高功耗、低热控指标的特点,提出热设计方案... 为实现在复杂外热流条件下对CO_2探测仪红外探测器组件温度的有效控制,对其进行了详细的热设计。对红外探测器周围外热流进行分析,确定了其散热面位置。基于红外探测器所处空间热环境以及自身高功耗、低热控指标的特点,提出热设计方案。对红外探测器组件有限元模型进行了热分析计算,得到各个转角姿态下的红外探测器组件的温度范围为-31.8^-26.9℃,计算结果满足设计要求。通过CO_2探测仪热平衡试验对热设计进行了验证,试验中红外探测器组件的温度范围为-32.6^-30.1℃,试验结果与计算结果基本一致,满足热控指标要求,说明热设计方案在复杂外热流条件下合理可行,具有较好的适应性。 展开更多
关键词 设计 红外探测器 热分析计算
作者 龚晓叁 吴有伍 《金属材料与冶金工程》 CAS 2012年第6期3-7,共5页
针对镁合金对半固态成形工艺是否适应的问题,借助计算机辅助热分析方法,定量解析了AM60和AZ91D两种镁合金固相率与温度的关系,并据此分析讨论了这两种镁合金的半固态成形性。结果表明,AM60镁合金不宜采用半固态流变成形工艺,而应采用半... 针对镁合金对半固态成形工艺是否适应的问题,借助计算机辅助热分析方法,定量解析了AM60和AZ91D两种镁合金固相率与温度的关系,并据此分析讨论了这两种镁合金的半固态成形性。结果表明,AM60镁合金不宜采用半固态流变成形工艺,而应采用半固态触变成形工艺,其初始固相率为62%,工艺窗口为56.2℃;AZ91D镁合金既适应半固态流变成形工艺,又适应半固态触变成形工艺。当采用半固态流变成形工艺时,其最佳初始固相率为40%,工艺窗口大小为15.4℃;当采用半固态触变成形工艺时,其最佳固相率为60%,工艺窗口大小为23.2℃。 展开更多
关键词 镁合金 半固态成形 固相率 计算机辅助分析
镁合金AM60半固态成形性探究 被引量:1
作者 龚晓叁 吴有伍 《厦门理工学院学报》 2012年第4期28-32,共5页
在半固态成形工艺中,对温度的波动幅度较小的初始固相率的选择是顺利实施半固态成形工艺的先决条件.借助计算机辅助热分析方法,通过试验研究镁合金AM60固相率与温度的关系,结果表明,镁合金AM60固相率对温度的变化极为敏感,当初始固相分... 在半固态成形工艺中,对温度的波动幅度较小的初始固相率的选择是顺利实施半固态成形工艺的先决条件.借助计算机辅助热分析方法,通过试验研究镁合金AM60固相率与温度的关系,结果表明,镁合金AM60固相率对温度的变化极为敏感,当初始固相分数从20%过渡到30%,初始固相率波动幅度为(12.8%~19.2%)/℃;当初始固相分数从30%过渡到40%,初始固相率波动幅度为(7.8%~10.4%)/℃;当温度在577.9~589.9℃区间内,镁合金AM60固相分数则始终维持在62%上下.因此,镁合金AM60半固态成形工艺中,其合理的初始固相率为62%. 展开更多
关键词 镁合金AM60 半固态成形 固相率 计算机辅助分析
高镍奥氏体球墨铸铁质量的炉前在线控制 被引量:4
作者 张宇辉 华勤 阎永生 《造型材料》 2005年第1期17-19,共3页
采用计算机辅助热分析系统完成了高镍奥氏体球铁的炉前质量控制.试验结果经统计学分析用于在线控制获得满意结果.试验结果表明,高镍奥氏体球铁的液相线温度和碳当量之间的关系可表达为CE=15.7826-0.0096575TL.为了满足高镍奥氏体球铁的... 采用计算机辅助热分析系统完成了高镍奥氏体球铁的炉前质量控制.试验结果经统计学分析用于在线控制获得满意结果.试验结果表明,高镍奥氏体球铁的液相线温度和碳当量之间的关系可表达为CE=15.7826-0.0096575TL.为了满足高镍奥氏体球铁的抗拉强度大于400MPa的概率为99%的要求,高镍奥氏体球铁的液相线温度应控制在1203℃~1226℃范围内. 展开更多
关键词 高镍奥氏体球墨铸铁 炉前在线控制 计算机辅助分析 碳当量 液相线温度
Energy conserving effects of dividing wall column 被引量:4
作者 方静 赵寒梅 +3 位作者 祁建超 李春利 齐俊杰 郭佳佳 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期934-940,共7页
The energy-conserving performance of dividing wall column(DWC) is discussed in this paper. The heat transfer through the dividing wall is considered and the results are compared with that of common heat insulation div... The energy-conserving performance of dividing wall column(DWC) is discussed in this paper. The heat transfer through the dividing wall is considered and the results are compared with that of common heat insulation dividing wall column(HIDWC). Based on the thermodynamic analysis of heat transfer dividing wall column(HTDWC) and HIDWC, both computer simulation and experiments are employed to analyze the energyconserving situation. Mixtures of n-hexane, n-heptane and n-octane are chosen as the example for separation.The results show that the energy consumption of HTDWC is 50.3% less than that of conventional distillation column, while it is 46.4% less than that of HIDWC. It indicates that DWC is efficient on separating threecomponent mixtures and HTDWC can save more energy than HIDWC. Thus it is necessary to consider the heat transfer while applying DWC to industry. 展开更多
关键词 Dividing wall column ENERGY-SAVING Heat transfer Back-mixing Thermodynamic efficiency
Analysis of behaviour of computational model to evaluate performance of heat pipe containing nanofluids 被引量:2
作者 Rodrigo Vidonscky PINTO Flávio Augusto Sanzovo FIORELLI 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第5期1306-1326,共21页
Application of nanofluids in heat pipes usually presents satisfactory experimental results regarding a thermal resistance reduction of the heat pipe.However,the existing computational studies connecting heat pipes and... Application of nanofluids in heat pipes usually presents satisfactory experimental results regarding a thermal resistance reduction of the heat pipe.However,the existing computational studies connecting heat pipes and nanofluids lack a deeper discussion regarding the validity of the models currently used for representing the behaviour of a nanofluid in a heat pipe,particularly for unusual base fluids and nanoparticles such as carbon nanotubes or ethylene glycol.Thus,this comparative study presents the results of a set of computational simulations using pre-established equations for modelling a nanofluid in a heat pipe with experimental data from the literature.The results show agreement with the expected behaviour qualitatively and the presented maximum variations between 1.5% and 23.9% in comparison to the experimentally measured average temperatures.Also,the experimentally obtained temperature distribution of a heat pipe could not be reached numerically only with the use of adequate thermal properties,indicating that the boiling phenomenon is more complex than the current model used for computational simulations.Moreover,the existence of an optimal particle volume fraction for using nanofluids in this application could be observed by combining different properties models. 展开更多
关键词 heat pipe NANOFLUID computational analysis particle volume fraction
Accurate ab initio Predictions of Ionization Energies and Heats of Formation for Cyclopropenylidene, Propargylene and Propadienylidene 被引量:1
作者 K. C. Lau C. Y. Ng 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期29-38,共10页
The ionization energies (IEs) of cyclopropenylidene (c-C3H2), propargylene (HCCCH) and propadienylidene (H2CCC) have been computed using the CCSD(T)/CBS method, which involves the approxixnation to the compl... The ionization energies (IEs) of cyclopropenylidene (c-C3H2), propargylene (HCCCH) and propadienylidene (H2CCC) have been computed using the CCSD(T)/CBS method, which involves the approxixnation to the complete basis set (CBS) limit at the coupled cluster level with single and double excitations plus quasi-perturbative triple excitation effect (CCSD(T)). The zero-point vibrational energy correction, the core-valence electronic correction, the scalar relativistic effect and the high level correction beyond the CCSD(T) excitations have also been made in these calculations. The CCSD(T)/CBS values for the IN(c-C3H2) and IE(HCCCH) of 9.164, 8.987 eV are in good agreement with the experimental values of (9.15±0.03) and (8.96±0.04) eV. The CCSD(T)/CBS calculations yield the IE values of 10.477 and 10.388 eV for the ionization transitions H2CCC→H2CCC^+ (^2A1, C2v) and H2CCC→H2CCC+ (^2A', Cs), respectively. On the basis of the Franek-Condon factor consideration, the IE of (10.43±0.02) eV determined in the previous single-photon ionization experiment most likely corresponds to the ionization threshold for the H2CCC→H2CCC^+(^2A1, C2v) transition. Although the precision of the experimental IN measurements fpr c-C3H2, HCCCH, and H2CCC is insufficient to pin down the accuracy of the theoretical calculations to better than ±30 meV, the excellent agreement between the experimental and theoretical IE values observed in the present study indicates that the CCSD(T)/CBS calculations together with high-order correlation corrections are capable of yielding reliable IE predictions for simple hydrocarbon carbenes and bi-radicals. We have also reported the heats of formation at 0 K (△H^of0) and 298 K (△H^of298)for c-C3H2/c-C3H2^+, HCCCH/HCCCH^+, and H2CCC/H2CCC^+, The available experimental △H^of0 and △H^of298 values for c-C3H2/c C3H2^+, HCCCH/HCCCH^+ are found to be in good accord with the CCSD(T)/CBS predictions after taking into account the experimental uncertainties. 展开更多
关键词 Ab intio Ionization energy Heat of formation c-C3H2 HCCCH H2CCC
Fractal analysis of thermal conduction of loose coal 被引量:2
作者 WANG Yijiang ZHOU Guoqing +1 位作者 WEI Yazhi ZHOU Yang 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第6期831-834,838,共5页
For deep mining engineering, heat transfer of coal mass is a vital factor in the thermal environment of coal mines. In order to study the thermal conduction mechanism, we obtained gray images of coal mass microstructu... For deep mining engineering, heat transfer of coal mass is a vital factor in the thermal environment of coal mines. In order to study the thermal conduction mechanism, we obtained gray images of coal mass microstructure by scanning samples with a digital microscope. With the use of Matlab, these gray images were transformed into binary images, which were then transformed into a corresponding matrix consisting only of the values 0 and 1. According to the calculation method of box-counting dimension, we calculated the fractal dimension of the loose coal to be approximately 1.86. The thermal conductivity expressions of loose coal were derived based on the simulation method of thermal resistance. We calculated the thermal conductivity of loose coal by using a fractal model and compared the calculated values with our experimental data. The results show that the test data show an encourag-ing agreement with the calculated values. Hence fractal theory is a feasible method for studying thermal conductivity of loose coal. 展开更多
关键词 loose coal thermal conductivity fractal theory box-counting dimension
Computer Aided Thermal Stress Analysis of TBC Coated Specimen
作者 Yasar Kahraman Ibrahim Kutay Yilmazcoban Imdat Taymaz 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2011年第2期83-86,共4页
Thermal barrier coatings (TBC) have been improved for the engine applications. During working process of the engine, components were subjected to thermal stresses. For simulating thermally stressed engine parts, dis... Thermal barrier coatings (TBC) have been improved for the engine applications. During working process of the engine, components were subjected to thermal stresses. For simulating thermally stressed engine parts, disc specimen was objected to airflow at the temperatures about 1,000℃. In this study, finite element structural and thermal analyses were carried out on both uncoated (without coating) and ceramic-coated disc specimen using ANSYS code. A 150 micron super alloy bond coating (NiCrAIY) was first applied to the specimen. Then, the disc specimen was covered by 350 micron thickness of Mullit (3Al2O3.2SiO2) as a top coating. These analysis were performed for detecting the possible thermally problem areas. The disc's thermal stressed problematic areas were determined by the finite element analysis was helpful for improving the geometry and TBC. 展开更多
关键词 Finite element analysis thermal barrier coating stresses.
Heat Transfer and Flow Analysis in Loop Heat Pipe with Multiple Evaporators Using Network Model
作者 Shigeki Hirasawa Tsuyoshi Kawanami Katsuaki Shirai 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2016年第7期319-325,共7页
Thermal performance of a loop heat pipe with two evaporators and two condensers was examined using a lumped network model analysis. Thermosyphon-type vertical loop heat pipe and capillary-pump-type horizontal loop hea... Thermal performance of a loop heat pipe with two evaporators and two condensers was examined using a lumped network model analysis. Thermosyphon-type vertical loop heat pipe and capillary-pump-type horizontal loop heat pipe were calculated by examining the change of heating rate of two evaporators. Calculation results showed that the vapor and liquid flow rates in the loop heat pipe and the thermal conductance of the heat pipe changed significantly depending on the distribution ratio of the heating rate of the multiple evaporators. The thermal performance of the vertical loop heat pipe with two evaporators was also examined and experimental results of flow direction and thermal conductance of the heat pipe agreed with the analytical results. The lumped network model analysis is therefore considered accurate and preferable for the practical design of a loop heat pipe with multiple evaporators. 展开更多
关键词 Loop heat pipe multiple evaporators thermal conductance network model analysis two phase flow.
Chemical Modification and Characterization of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Octadecylamine and Polyethylene Glycol
作者 M. Abdel Salam 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第5期557-566,共10页
Chemical modification of MWCNTs via oxidation followed by side wall functionalization using polyethylene glycol (PEG) and octadecylamine (ODA), separately, was studied. Different characterization techniques such a... Chemical modification of MWCNTs via oxidation followed by side wall functionalization using polyethylene glycol (PEG) and octadecylamine (ODA), separately, was studied. Different characterization techniques such as FTIR spectrometery, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and solubility in different solvents were performed for the oxidized MWCNTs, MWCNTs-PEG and MWCNTs-ODA. The characterization techniques proved the presence of the functional groups on the MWCNTs surface. Thermal gravimetric analysis revealed that nearly 16% (by weight) of the MWCNTs were functionalized with PEG and 39% (by weight) was functionalized with ODA. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-walled carbon nanotubes FUNCTIONALIZATION polyethylene glycol octadecylamine.
Numerical Analysis of the Thermal Behavior of a Hermetic Reciprocating Compressor
作者 Stefan Posch Johann Hopfgartner +4 位作者 Erwin Berger Bemhard Zuber Lukas Dtir Stefan Stangl Raimund Almbauer 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2017年第1期1-9,共9页
A numerical model to predict the temperature field in a hermetic reciprocating compressor for household refrigeration appliances is presented in this work. The model combines a high resolution three-dimensional heat c... A numerical model to predict the temperature field in a hermetic reciprocating compressor for household refrigeration appliances is presented in this work. The model combines a high resolution three-dimensional heat conduction formulation of the compressor's solid parts, a three-dimensional CFD (computational fluid dynamics) approach for the gas line domain and lumped formulations of the shell gas and the lubrication oil. Heat transfer coefficients are determined by applying CFD to the gas line side and correlations from the literature on the shell gas and oil side, respectively. The valve in the gas line simulation is modelled as a parallel moving fiat plate. By means of an iterative loop the temperature field of the solid parts acts as boundary condition for the CFD calculation of the gas line which returns a cycle averaged quantity of heat to the solid parts. Using an iteration method which is based on the temperature deviation between two iteration steps, the total number of iterations and consequently the computational time can be reduced. The loop is continued until a steady-state temperature field is obtained. Calculated temperatures of the solid parts are verified by temperature measurements of a calorimeter test bench. 展开更多
Design of High-Speed PM Synchronous Motor Thermal and Mechanical Analyzes Study for Aerospace Retraction Wheel Motor Application
作者 Pedram Asef Ramon Bargallo Perpina 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2016年第4期258-267,共10页
A 3-D modeling of FEA (finite element analysis) design provides for high-speed synchronous with PMs (permanent magnets) applied in aerospace application will be examined under design considerations ofn = 12,000 rp... A 3-D modeling of FEA (finite element analysis) design provides for high-speed synchronous with PMs (permanent magnets) applied in aerospace application will be examined under design considerations ofn = 12,000 rpm, short-duty operation, and etc. for an ARWM (aerospace retraction wheel motor). First, lumped-elements will be fine-tuned following numerical method results is reported steady-state and transient solutions. Besides, the equations of thermal modeling such as Re, N,,, G,. and Pr numbers in order to calculate heat-transfer coefficient of convection on the rotor and stator surfaces in the air-gap have calculated. This section illustrates the temperature distribution of each point in a clear view. By CFD (fluid dynamic analysis) analysis, the fluid dynamics were modeled, pressure and velocity streamlines of cooling-flow have analyzed. An optimization algorithm was derived in order to have optimized number of water-channels as well. Second, calculation of nodal and tangential forces which deal with mechanical stresses of the ARWM have represented. The paper discusses an accurate magnetic-field analysis that addresses equivalent stress distribution in the magnetic core through using the transient FEA to estimate motor characteristics. The whole model shear and normal mechanical stresses and total deformation oftbe ARWM has been investigated by transient FEA. The end-winding effects were included by the authors. 展开更多
关键词 ARWM high-speed PM motor redundant winding equivalent stress distribution lumped-elements.
Thermal performance analysis of non-uniform height rectangular fin based on constructal theory and entransy theory 被引量:4
作者 YANG Ai Bo CHEN Lin Gen +2 位作者 XIE Zhi Hui FENG Hui Jun SUN Feng Rui 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第12期1882-1891,共10页
A model of non-uniform height rectangular fin, in which the variation of base's thickness and width are taken into account, is established in this paper. The dimensionless maximum thermal resistance(DMTR) and the ... A model of non-uniform height rectangular fin, in which the variation of base's thickness and width are taken into account, is established in this paper. The dimensionless maximum thermal resistance(DMTR) and the dimensionless equivalent thermal resistance(DETR) defined based on the entransy dissipation rate(EDR) are taken as performance evaluation indexes. According to constructal theory, the variations of the two indexes with the geometric parameters of the fin are analyzed by using a finite-volume computational fluid dynamics code, the effects of the fin-material fraction on the two indexes are analyzed. It is found that the two indexes decrease monotonically as the ratio between the front height and the back height of the fin increases subjected to the non-uniform height rectangular fin. When the model is reduced to the uniform height fin, the two indexes increase first and then decrease with increase in the ratio between the height of the fin and the fin space. The fin-material fraction has no effect on the change rule of the two indexes with the ratio between the height of the fin and the fin space. The sensitivity of the DETR to the geometric parameters of the fin is higher than that of the DMTR to the geometric parameters. The results obtained herein can provide some theoretical support for the thermal design of rectangular fins. 展开更多
关键词 constructal design entransy theory maximum thermal resistance equivalent thermal resistance rectangular fin generalized thermodynamic optimization
Numerical analysis of uncertain temperature field by stochastic finite difference method 被引量:1
作者 WANG Chong QIU ZhiPing WU Di 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期698-707,共10页
Based on the combination of stochastic mathematics and conventional finite difference method,a new numerical computing technique named stochastic finite difference for solving heat conduction problems with random phys... Based on the combination of stochastic mathematics and conventional finite difference method,a new numerical computing technique named stochastic finite difference for solving heat conduction problems with random physical parameters,initial and boundary conditions is discussed.Begin with the analysis of steady-state heat conduction problems,difference discrete equations with random parameters are established,and then the computing formulas for the mean value and variance of temperature field are derived by the second-order stochastic parameter perturbation method.Subsequently,the proposed random model and method are extended to the field of transient heat conduction and the new analysis theory of stability applicable to stochastic difference schemes is developed.The layer-by-layer recursive equations for the first two probabilistic moments of the transient temperature field at different time points are quickly obtained and easily solved by programming.Finally,by comparing the results with traditional Monte Carlo simulation,two numerical examples are given to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the presented method for solving both steady-state and transient heat conduction problems. 展开更多
关键词 heat conduction UNCERTAINTY stochastic finite difference parameter perturbation STABILITY
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