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作者 周圣男 《昭通学院学报》 2024年第3期85-92,共8页
理性是现代性的重要议题,中国儿童文学的现代性建构在重视想象和游戏的同时,也应该重视文本的理性特质。本文着眼于中国儿童文学现代化进程中的理性议题,考察郑渊洁童话主题和情节的日常生活理性,叙述结构的参与式对话理性,叙述语言的... 理性是现代性的重要议题,中国儿童文学的现代性建构在重视想象和游戏的同时,也应该重视文本的理性特质。本文着眼于中国儿童文学现代化进程中的理性议题,考察郑渊洁童话主题和情节的日常生活理性,叙述结构的参与式对话理性,叙述语言的哲学思辨理性,以阐明并分析其突显的理性特质。这一探讨也指出,重视儿童的文学的理性特质及其对孩子的理性教育功能,是构建中国儿童文学现代性的重要内容。 展开更多
关键词 儿童文学 郑渊洁童话 理性特质
作者 胡祖豪 《大舞台》 2011年第1期103-103,共1页
米罗是近代西方艺术上最伟大、也最难理解的人物。以"魔幻"的意象来诠释现实世界,是米罗作品的特质,也是超现实主义同印象派、野兽派、立体派、未来派等现代绘画运动的差异所在。如果我们只用抒情的观点去理解米罗的作品,就... 米罗是近代西方艺术上最伟大、也最难理解的人物。以"魔幻"的意象来诠释现实世界,是米罗作品的特质,也是超现实主义同印象派、野兽派、立体派、未来派等现代绘画运动的差异所在。如果我们只用抒情的观点去理解米罗的作品,就会漏失米罗作品审美上最具精髓内容。针对当时欧洲的政治蒙昧主义,米罗作品呈现出"解放"与"禁锢""自由"与"极权"的真实心理状态下的理性特质。说明米罗以某种方略或视角毫不隐晦地折射社会,当中是理性的最高发挥。从这一点来看,非理性的秩序和非理性的精神塑造了米罗的超现实主义艺术,而其中的理性特质则是米罗作品对社会的批判意志。 展开更多
关键词 米罗 理性特质 超现实
作者 赵京封 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2002年第2期61-65,共5页
从欧洲传统音乐诸多原理性特征与人的审美机制关系入手 ,兼比较现代音乐 。
关键词 欧洲音乐 理性结构特质 审美特征
作者 陈绪新 张玉叶 《中北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第6期36-42,共7页
当某种“文化基因”主导人类的思想和行动时,即升级为“超级文化基因”,“极端经济学”是其中最顽固的那种。当人们把“风险/回报”“收益/亏损”等商业原则视为决定人类行为选择和制度创设的试金石时,“极端经济学”就应运而生。如今,... 当某种“文化基因”主导人类的思想和行动时,即升级为“超级文化基因”,“极端经济学”是其中最顽固的那种。当人们把“风险/回报”“收益/亏损”等商业原则视为决定人类行为选择和制度创设的试金石时,“极端经济学”就应运而生。如今,商业原则充斥着社会生活各个角落,经济学也不再是经济学家的私有物品。当金钱成为衡量成败的唯一标准时,“经济理性”就滑向它的反面,变成一种粗暴的、愚笨的“非理性”。“非理性”的“极端经济学”极具道德破坏力量,导致透支未来的消费伦理缺失,公共部门决策的“伦理不涉”,非营利组织陷入道德两难境地,作为个体的我们正在悄然迷失道德的自我。 展开更多
关键词 “极端经济学” 理性特质 道德副产品 超级文化基因
作者 张文娟 商士杰 《心理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期586-593,共8页
采用父母回应青少年消极情绪量表和青少年病理人格特质量表对642名青少年进行问卷调查,考察青少年人格障碍风险及其与父母回应消极情绪的方式的关系,结果表明:(1)青少年人格障碍风险存在三类最佳潜剖面,高风险占25%,中等风险占49.1%,低... 采用父母回应青少年消极情绪量表和青少年病理人格特质量表对642名青少年进行问卷调查,考察青少年人格障碍风险及其与父母回应消极情绪的方式的关系,结果表明:(1)青少年人格障碍风险存在三类最佳潜剖面,高风险占25%,中等风险占49.1%,低风险占24.9%;(2)父母温暖回应和惩罚两种方式在三类人格障碍风险潜剖面之间存在显著的两两差异,父母鼓励表达在中、低风险组间差异不显著,最小化在中、高风险组间差异不显著;(3)父母支持性回应方式能够在一定程度上缓冲非支持性回应方式对病理性人格特质的影响,但是,不论父母是否同时采用支持性和非支持性方式回应青少年消极情绪,父母非支持性回应方式都和青少年病理性人格特质显著相关。 展开更多
关键词 消极情绪 父母回应方式 理性人格特质 潜剖面分析 青少年
作者 刘岩 《长春大学学报》 2007年第11期69-71,共3页
关键词 司法理性 实践理性 理性特质
作者 丁峰 《齐齐哈尔师范高等专科学校学报》 2008年第5期9-10,共2页
理性作为哲学的思维方式,表现为概念和逻辑的形式。在实践领域蕴涵着一定的社会伦理和价值观念,它是人类追求的普遍价值性、必然性和永恒无限的能力,它运用知识和理智,控制和驾驭人的自然生命欲望,使有限的生命升华为追求无限的精神力... 理性作为哲学的思维方式,表现为概念和逻辑的形式。在实践领域蕴涵着一定的社会伦理和价值观念,它是人类追求的普遍价值性、必然性和永恒无限的能力,它运用知识和理智,控制和驾驭人的自然生命欲望,使有限的生命升华为追求无限的精神力量。人的生命自然的非理性特质和超越自然生命的理性特质,共同构成人之生命与精神对立统一的内在本性,共同构成人与自然和谐无间、理性感性的融合浑然不分状态下的诗性智慧。 展开更多
关键词 理性特质 理性特质 理性感性的融舍
作者 桑志坚 《教学研究》 2008年第3期193-195,203,共4页
教育哲学是哲学的一般原理和方法在教育领域的应用,因此教育哲学具备了教育和哲学的双重特点。教育哲学的这种本性,决定了教育哲学具有的艺术性格,以艺术的敏感捕捉教育问题,以艺术的大胆怀疑批判教育现实;决定了教育哲学具有理性特质,... 教育哲学是哲学的一般原理和方法在教育领域的应用,因此教育哲学具备了教育和哲学的双重特点。教育哲学的这种本性,决定了教育哲学具有的艺术性格,以艺术的敏感捕捉教育问题,以艺术的大胆怀疑批判教育现实;决定了教育哲学具有理性特质,以对教育的使命感和责任感,以一种求是的精神,以怀疑批判的精神去辨析、熔铸教育的精神、理念;影响了教育哲学的表达上应具有一定的文学风格。 展开更多
关键词 教育哲学 艺术性格 理性特质 文学风格
品味数学抽象性 被引量:1
作者 陈新宁 《科技创新导报》 2012年第33期151-151,共1页
数学的抽象性是使理性认识进一步深化的重要手段,是解决很多数学问题的法宝;在强调素质教育的今天,我们不必谈虎色变,而是要更为关切:如何挖掘数学抽象性的丰富内涵,仔细品味其中的文化寓意。正确认识数学抽象性,巧妙运用数学抽象性,可... 数学的抽象性是使理性认识进一步深化的重要手段,是解决很多数学问题的法宝;在强调素质教育的今天,我们不必谈虎色变,而是要更为关切:如何挖掘数学抽象性的丰富内涵,仔细品味其中的文化寓意。正确认识数学抽象性,巧妙运用数学抽象性,可使我们的数学教育丰富多彩,使得我们的数学课堂灵活多变,使得数学文化的传播更加广泛深入。 展开更多
关键词 数学抽象性 数学文化 理性特质
Effects of Controlled Atmospheres with High_O_2 or High_CO_2 Concentrations on Postharvest Physiology and Storability of "Napoleon" Sweet Cherry 被引量:27
作者 姜爱丽 田世平 徐勇 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第8期925-930,共6页
Sweet cherries ( Prunus avium L. cv. Napoleon) were stored in controlled atmospheres (CA) of high O(2) (70% O(2) + 0% CO(2)) or high CO(2) (5% O(2) + 10% CO(2)), in modified atmosphere package (MAP, (13% - 18%) O(2) +... Sweet cherries ( Prunus avium L. cv. Napoleon) were stored in controlled atmospheres (CA) of high O(2) (70% O(2) + 0% CO(2)) or high CO(2) (5% O(2) + 10% CO(2)), in modified atmosphere package (MAP, (13% - 18%) O(2) + (2% -4%) CO(2)) and in air (control) at 1 degreesC to investigate the effects of different O(2) and CO(2) concentrations on physiological properties, quality and storability of the fruits during storage. The results indicated that compared with other treatments, CA with high O(2) concentration decreased fruit decay and ethanol content, but increased the accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA) and stimulated browning. CA with high CO(2) concentration inhibited polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity, reduced MDA content, maintained vitamin C content and firmness, decreased fruit decay and browning. Soluble solids contents (SSC) were not significantly affected by different atmosphere treatments. 'Napoleon' fruits stored in 5% O(2) + 10% CO(2) for as long as 80 d were of good quality, but only 40, 20 and 30 d stored in MAP, 70% O(2) + 0% CO(2) and air, re-spectively. 展开更多
关键词 sweet cherry physiological properties quality STORABILITY high O(2) concentrations high CO(2) concentrations
依恋与人格障碍的关系:维度诊断的新视角 被引量:7
作者 张文娟 叶惠玲 +1 位作者 许晓栎 王硕 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期72-82,共11页
人格障碍是一种常见的、具有临床挑战性和社会破坏性的心理疾病。易感基因、人格特质和后天环境的交互作用导致了人格障碍患者的内心体验和行为模式持久地偏离其所在文化的规范。个体生命早期与主要抚养人之间的依恋关系是诱发人格病理... 人格障碍是一种常见的、具有临床挑战性和社会破坏性的心理疾病。易感基因、人格特质和后天环境的交互作用导致了人格障碍患者的内心体验和行为模式持久地偏离其所在文化的规范。个体生命早期与主要抚养人之间的依恋关系是诱发人格病理倾向并发展为人格障碍的重要环境因素。基于维度诊断的新视角更有助于全面深入理解依恋对于人格障碍的形成机制。评估人格功能受损程度是人格障碍维度诊断的第一步。依据依恋理论和精神分析学,不安全依恋会导致自我功能和人际功能不良,但是否达到人格障碍诊断所要求的中等程度以上的受损还有待进一步分析。人格障碍维度诊断的第二步是通过病理性人格特质区分人格障碍的类型。不安全依恋与消极情绪性、对立违抗、去抑制、分离感和精神质五大病理性人格特质维度都存在一致的、中等以上水平的正相关。但是,人格障碍诊断还需要综合评估人格功能受损程度以及典型的病理性人格特质组合,亟待更多未来研究直接验证在新的诊断范式下依恋关系对所有人格障碍的形成机制。 展开更多
关键词 依恋 自我功能 人际功能 理性人格特质
Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of Five Subtropical Forests in Lingao of Hainan
作者 薛杨 宿少锋 +1 位作者 王小燕 林之盼 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第8期1459-1464,共6页
With 5 types of typical forests as research object, the physical and chemical properties of different types of forests were analyzed by sample plot investigation method. The results showed that: the soil total porosi... With 5 types of typical forests as research object, the physical and chemical properties of different types of forests were analyzed by sample plot investigation method. The results showed that: the soil total porosity was the highest in the Casuarina equisetifolia forest (46.168%), but the lowest in the Encalyptus robusta forest (39.46%). The soil capillary porosity was the highest in the Acacia mangium forest (22.57%), but the lowest in the secondary forest (18.95%). The soil water content was the highest in the C. equisetifolia forest, with a mean value of 27.85%, but the lowest in the secondary forest, with a mean value of 4.34%. The soil pH values were in the range of 4.81-6.59, the soils in the A. mangium forest, C. equisetifolia forest and E. robusta forest were strongly acidic (pH 4.5-5.5), and the soils in the secondary forest and C. nucifera forest were weakly acidic. The soils had organic matter contents in the range of 0.34-28.68 g/kg, and showed an order of A. mangium forest〉C. equisetifolia forest〉E. robusta forest〉secondary forest〉C. nucifera forest, with a decreasing trend with the soil depth increasing. The soil total N contents were in the range of 0.10-1.63 g/kg, the A. mangium forest showed the highest soil total N contents, while the C. nucifera forest exhibited the lowest soil total N contents; the soil total P contents were in the range of 0.21-1.74 g/kg, and the E. robusta forest had the highest soil total P contents; and the soil total K contents were in the range of 0.16-2.15 g/kg, and the A. mangium forest exhibited the highest soil total K contents. The soil available P contents were in the range of 0.98-132.46 mg/kg; and the secondary forests had the highest soil available P contents; and the soil rapidly available K contents were in the range of 3.03-27.35 mg/kg, and the C. nucifera forest exhibited the highest soil rapidly available K contents. The soil ammonium N contents were in the range of 1.38-5.15 mg/kg, and the nitrate N contents were in the range were in the range of 0.56 -3.51 mg/kg. The A. mangium forest showed the highest soil nitrate N contents (with a mean value of 2.29 mg/kg) and ammonium N contents (with a mean value of 3.93 mg/kg). For the same forest type, with the increase of soil depth, the nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen content also showed a decreasing trend. 展开更多
关键词 Lingao County Coastal platform Different forest types Soil physical and chemical properties COMPARISON
Studies of Soil Physical Properties and Community Characteristics of Different Abandoned Lands in the Minqin Oasis,Downstream of the Shiyang River
作者 郭春秀 何芳兰 +6 位作者 马剑平 安富博 马俊梅 袁宏波 赵鹏 刘克彪 申国峰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第7期1697-1701,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to explore physical properties and community characteristics of abandoned lands in different years in Minqin Oasis, downstream of the Shiyang River, [Method] The evolution of environment and pl... [Objective] The aim was to explore physical properties and community characteristics of abandoned lands in different years in Minqin Oasis, downstream of the Shiyang River, [Method] The evolution of environment and plant community characteristics in different abandoned lands were analyzed after abandonment for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 15, 24 and 31 years, and the plant community characteristics, water content, bulk density, porosity and mechanical composition of soil in the different a- bandoned lands were also researched in the Minqin Oasis, downstream of the Shiyang River. [Result] Plant of 32 species spread over 14 family live through fifty years appeared in abandoned lands in the study area. Shrubs was 6 species, herbs was 26 species among them, which were 18.75%, 81.25% respectively. The goose- foot family (6 species), the composite family(4 species),the grass family(4 species), caltrop family(3 species) were 53.13% among them. Within the range of 0-40 cm of different abandoned Land, the soil moisture content showed a trend of first increase and then decrease with the increase of soil depth changes in soil bulk density and porosity of less obvious. In the range of 0-40 cm soil depth, the largest proportion of fine sand, followed by silt and clay and the smallest proportion of coarse sand in every plot, but the proportion of the each silt size varies little with the years aban- doned. [Conclusion] The research provides references for vegetation reconstruction and eco-environment construction in abandoned lands in downstream of Shiyang River. 展开更多
关键词 Minqin Oasis Abandoned land Years abandoned Soil physical proper- ties Vegetation characteristics
Progress on Light-controlled Preservation Technology of Postharvest Vegetables 被引量:3
作者 王真 王清 +5 位作者 高丽朴 王云香 史君彦 郑秋丽 冀新然 左进华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第6期1138-1144,共7页
Preservation technology of light control has received the widespread atten- tion for its safety, green, environmental-protection, high efficiency. It has become the hotspot in the area of postharvest vegetables preser... Preservation technology of light control has received the widespread atten- tion for its safety, green, environmental-protection, high efficiency. It has become the hotspot in the area of postharvest vegetables preservation. It could mainly be divid- ed into three categories: LED preservation, UV preservation and radiation preserva- tion. This paper systematically reviewed the mechanisms of different preservation technology of light control, summarized the research progress of light-controlled tech- nology in the physiological characteristics regulation, maintenance of nutritional quali- ty and microbial control of postharvest vegetables at home and aborad, and prospected the further studies on preservation technology for postharvest vegetables. 展开更多
关键词 Light-controlled preservation Postharvest vegetables Physiological char- acteristics Quality
Exterior Quality and Physical Properties of Hongda Tobacco in Yunnan Province 被引量:6
作者 薛红芬 胡魏耀 +3 位作者 王娟 徐安传 周丽娟 资文华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第4期751-754,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to analyze the exterior quality and physical prop- erties of Hongda Tobacco in Yunnan Province, thus providing references for planting planning, technology and selection of raw materials. [Meth... [Objective] The aim was to analyze the exterior quality and physical prop- erties of Hongda Tobacco in Yunnan Province, thus providing references for planting planning, technology and selection of raw materials. [Method] Hongda C3F progenies were chosen from 24 villages and towns in Qujing, Kunming, Baoshan and Dali, and the concerning exterior quality and physical properties were analyzed through cluster analysis. [Result] The openness and width of C3F differed significantly among Qujing, Kunming, Baoshan and Dali. The thickness, stem content, equilibrium moisture con- tent extremely differed, and density and filling power varied significantly. Most physi- cal properties, such as equilibrium moisture content and density, of Dali Hongda were quite different from those in Qujing, Kunming and Baoshan, indicating that Dali Hongda enjoys special characteristics in physical properties. In addition, stem content in east, center and west areas of Yunnan Province differed significantly and Hongda in Yunnan could be classified into four species according to physical property. [Conclusion] The research has laid basis for planting planning, technology and raw mate- rials selection of Hongda tobacco. 展开更多
关键词 Hongda Exterior quality:Physical properties:Local characteristics
Effect of Organic Manure Application on Physical Properties and Humus Characteristics of Paddy Soil 被引量:9
作者 DOUSEN CHENEN-FENG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第2期127-135,共9页
Long-term field experiment was established in 1978 on a coastal paddy soil to determine the effect of applicationof pig manure, rice straw and chemical N fertilizer on the physical property and humus characteristics o... Long-term field experiment was established in 1978 on a coastal paddy soil to determine the effect of applicationof pig manure, rice straw and chemical N fertilizer on the physical property and humus characteristics of soil . Resultsshowed that the porosity, the microstructural coefficient, the reactivities of organic C and N, the ΔlogK value, thedegree of oxidation stability, the contents of O-alkyl C and alkyl C, and the ratio of aliphatic C to aromatic C ofhumic acid from soils received organic manure increased, whereas, the ratio of < 10 μm to >10 μm ofmicroaggregates, the humification degree of humus, the degree of organo-mineral complexation, the number-averagemolecular weight, the C/ H ratio. the contents of carboxyl and aromatic C of HAs in them decreased. These resultsindicated that the application of organic manure not only improved the physical property of the paddy soil but alsomade the HA more aliphatic in structure and younger in origin. 展开更多
关键词 humic acid organic manure poddy soil. structural characteristics
Heterogeneity of Physico-Chemical Properties in Structured Soils and Its Consequences 被引量:7
作者 E.JASINSKA H.WETZEL +1 位作者 T.BAUMGARTL R.HORN 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第3期284-296,共13页
Structured soils are characterized by the presence of inter- and intra-aggregate pore systems and aggregates, which show varying chemical, physical, and biological properties depending on the aggregate type and land u... Structured soils are characterized by the presence of inter- and intra-aggregate pore systems and aggregates, which show varying chemical, physical, and biological properties depending on the aggregate type and land use system. How far these aspects also affect the ion exchange processes and to what extent the interaction between the carbon distribution and kind of organic substances affect the internal soil strength as well as hydraulic properties like wettability are still under discussion. Thus, the objective of this research was to clarify the effect of soil aggregation on physical and chemical properties of structured soils at two scales: homogenized material and single aggregates. Data obtained by sequentially peeling off soil aggregates layers revealed gradients in the chemical composition from the aggregate surface to the aggregate core. In aggregates from long term untreated forest soils we found lower amounts of carbon in the external layer, while in arable soils the differentiation was not pronounced. However, soil aggregates originating from these sites exhibited a higher concentration of microbial activity in the outer aggregate layer and declined towards the interior. Furthermore, soil depth and the vegetation type affected the wettability. Aggregate strength depended on water suction and differences in tillage treatments. 展开更多
关键词 aggregate peeling AGGREGATION chemical disequilibrium microbial activity water repellency
Firmness evaluation of melon using its vibration characteristic and finite element analysis 被引量:12
作者 NOURAIN Jamal 应义斌 +2 位作者 王剑平 饶秀勤 余朝刚 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第6期483-490,共8页
The “Huang gua” melons were measured for their physical properties including firmness and static elastic modulus. The vibrational characteristics of fruits and vegetables are governed by their elastic modulus (firmn... The “Huang gua” melons were measured for their physical properties including firmness and static elastic modulus. The vibrational characteristics of fruits and vegetables are governed by their elastic modulus (firmness), mass, and geometry. Therefore, it is possible to evaluate firmness of fruits and vegetables based on their vibrational characteristics. Analysis of the vibration responses of a fruit is suggested for measuring elastic properties (Firmness) non-destructively. The impulse response method is often used to measure firmness of fruits. The fruit was excited using three types of balls (wooden, steel and rubber) and the vibration is detected by an accelerometer. The Instron device was used to measure the static elastic modulus of the inner, middle and outer portions of melon flesh. Finite element (FE) technique was used to determine the optimum excitation location of the chosen measurement sensor and to analyze the mode shape fruits. Four types of mode shapes (torsional or flexural mode shape, first-type, second-type spherical mode and breathing mode shape) were found. Finite element simulation results agreed well with experimental results. Correlation between the firmness and resonant frequency (r2=0.91) and between the resonant frequency and stiffness factor (r2=0.74) existed. The optimum location and suitable direction for excitation and response measurement on the fruit were suggested. 展开更多
关键词 MELON SENSING Finite element Experimental modal analysis FIRMNESS
Analysis of the psychological conditions and related factors of breast cancer patients 被引量:4
作者 Guilin Huang Yiping Wu +2 位作者 Guiqing Zhang Pinghua Zhang Jie Gao 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2010年第1期53-57,共5页
Sufferers of breast cancer are often plagued by various psychological problems. Mastectomy, which has a serious influence on the female sex characteristics, can bring about especially serious psychological problems. T... Sufferers of breast cancer are often plagued by various psychological problems. Mastectomy, which has a serious influence on the female sex characteristics, can bring about especially serious psychological problems. These problems affect not only the patients’ quality of life but also the beginning, development, and end of the disease. This paper reviewed the relationships between the patients’ personal factors, the disease itself, treatment factors, and other socio-psychological factors and psychological conditions so as to provide new ideas for the psychological intervention on breast cancer patients, comprehensive clinical diagnosis and treatment, and prevention and cure. 展开更多
关键词 breast cancer psychological conditions related factors
Quality Characteristics Distribution and Its Simulation Based on Asymmetric Tolerances 被引量:1
作者 祝伟 李元生 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2003年第2期223-225,共3页
The application of normal distribution for quality characteristics has its limits on the condition that specification interval is asymmetric. In this paper, the compound normal distribution N(L,σ12,σ22) was proposed... The application of normal distribution for quality characteristics has its limits on the condition that specification interval is asymmetric. In this paper, the compound normal distribution N(L,σ12,σ22) was proposed and simulated, the property of the parameters Lσ1 and σ2 was studied. The distribution was further applied toangle quality process control. 展开更多
关键词 specification interval asymmetric tolerance quality characteristics SIMULATION
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