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库车坳陷三叠-侏罗纪烃源岩生气特征与生气模式 被引量:23
作者 李贤庆 周强 +4 位作者 汪为孝 郑礼全 董鹏 宋志宏 仰云峰 《煤田地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期18-22,共5页
根据热解实验和动力学模拟计算结果,研究了塔里木盆地库车坳陷侏罗纪煤、煤系泥岩及三叠纪泥岩的生气特征与生气模式。结果表明,库车坳陷三叠-侏罗纪烃源岩具有良好的生气性,尤其在进入中、高热演化阶段,甲烷产率更高,且侏罗纪煤和煤系... 根据热解实验和动力学模拟计算结果,研究了塔里木盆地库车坳陷侏罗纪煤、煤系泥岩及三叠纪泥岩的生气特征与生气模式。结果表明,库车坳陷三叠-侏罗纪烃源岩具有良好的生气性,尤其在进入中、高热演化阶段,甲烷产率更高,且侏罗纪煤和煤系泥岩的甲烷产率要高于三叠纪泥岩。侏罗纪和三叠纪烃源岩均以生气为主,是库车坳陷的有效气源岩,但前者的生气贡献明显高于后者。 展开更多
关键词 烃源岩 热解实验 甲烷产率 生气模式 库车坳陷
惠民凹陷南坡石炭二叠系煤层二次生气模式 被引量:3
作者 何瑞武 杜玉民 +1 位作者 刘金 刘玉亮 《煤田地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期42-44,共3页
利用开放体系程序升温热模拟实验方法,对惠民凹陷南坡石炭—二叠系煤岩样品的热演化规律进行了研究,建立了该区石炭二叠系含煤地层有机质的生气模式,探讨了影响二次生气潜力的各种主控因素,为准确评价其资源潜力和计算远景资源量奠定了... 利用开放体系程序升温热模拟实验方法,对惠民凹陷南坡石炭—二叠系煤岩样品的热演化规律进行了研究,建立了该区石炭二叠系含煤地层有机质的生气模式,探讨了影响二次生气潜力的各种主控因素,为准确评价其资源潜力和计算远景资源量奠定了基础,对渤海湾盆地其他类似地区煤型气勘探具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 模拟实验 二次生气模式 影响因素 惠民凹陷南坡
煤系烃源岩生气热模拟实验研究 被引量:8
作者 董泽亮 李贤庆 +5 位作者 杨杰 孙杰 黄孝波 米敬奎 文志刚 刘建军 《中国煤炭地质》 2015年第6期12-17 34,34,共7页
为了客观评价煤系烃源岩的生气特征和生气量,采用限定体系黄金管热模拟实验技术,对采自鄂尔多斯盆地的不同地质时代煤系烃源岩(煤岩和煤系泥岩)样品进行了生气热模拟实验研究,详细讨论了煤系烃源岩热解生气特征与气体碳同位素变化。结... 为了客观评价煤系烃源岩的生气特征和生气量,采用限定体系黄金管热模拟实验技术,对采自鄂尔多斯盆地的不同地质时代煤系烃源岩(煤岩和煤系泥岩)样品进行了生气热模拟实验研究,详细讨论了煤系烃源岩热解生气特征与气体碳同位素变化。结果表明,煤系烃源岩具有较好的生气性能,煤岩与煤系泥岩热解生成气态烃产率相差不大,两者具有相似的生气演化特征,即随热模拟温度升高,煤岩和煤系泥岩热解生成甲烷的产率逐渐增加,甲烷最大产率分别达211.69 m3/t和184.47 m3/t,而C2-5产率是先增加后降低,在热模拟温度430℃~470℃达到最大值,分别为19.14 m3/t和6.87 m3/t;煤岩和煤系泥岩热解气组分碳同位素值总体上随热模拟温度升高而变重,且相同热模拟温度时具有δ13C1<δ13C2<δ13C3的特征,其中煤系泥岩热解气甲烷、乙烷碳同位素值较煤岩分别偏轻0.3‰~2.1‰和1.4‰~3.7‰。在此基础上,建立了煤系烃源岩(煤岩和煤系泥岩)的生气模式。 展开更多
关键词 煤系烃源岩 热模拟实验 生气特征 碳同位素变化 生气模式
作者 孔庆芬 李剑锋 吴凯 《低渗透油气田》 2008年第1期51-56,共6页
通过天然气组分与甲烷碳同位素特征分析,证实河套盆地第三系上新统一第四系更新统确有生物气存在。详细的有机地化分析资料显示,第三系上新统一第四系更新统生物气源岩的有机物质含量丰富,干酪根类型以Ⅱ2、Ⅲ型为主,有机质演化正... 通过天然气组分与甲烷碳同位素特征分析,证实河套盆地第三系上新统一第四系更新统确有生物气存在。详细的有机地化分析资料显示,第三系上新统一第四系更新统生物气源岩的有机物质含量丰富,干酪根类型以Ⅱ2、Ⅲ型为主,有机质演化正处于生化甲烷阶段,非常利于生物气的形成。另外,文章在建立生物气生成演化模式的基础上,结合温度对生物气形成的影响,提出河套盆地生物气生成的最佳深度范围为685~926m,位于第四系更新统中段. 展开更多
关键词 河套盆地 生物气 有机地球化学特征 干酪根 生气演化模式
小区块油气田伴生气自发电的探讨 被引量:7
作者 刘红 邹兵 《电力需求侧管理》 2003年第4期54-56,共3页
针对小区块油气田开发中,同时存在伴生气回收难、供电难的实际,提出采用以伴生气为燃料的天然气发电机组自行发电的模式,并对其技术性、经济性进行了分析;结合首批投运机组的运行实践,指出选用发电机组时应注意的问题;探讨了伴生气自发... 针对小区块油气田开发中,同时存在伴生气回收难、供电难的实际,提出采用以伴生气为燃料的天然气发电机组自行发电的模式,并对其技术性、经济性进行了分析;结合首批投运机组的运行实践,指出选用发电机组时应注意的问题;探讨了伴生气自发电模式的适用区域及其发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 小区块油气田 供电系统 电网 供电线路 生气自发电模式
三种成因天然气生成时限与生成量及其对深部油气资源预测的影响 被引量:24
作者 张水昌 胡国艺 +3 位作者 米敬奎 帅燕华 何坤 陈建平 《石油学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S01期41-50,共10页
中国天然气主要由煤成气、原油裂解气和生物气组成。通过热模拟实验等方法对3种成因类型天然气生成时限及生气量进行了研究,结果表明,生物气、煤成气和原油裂解气3种成因天然气在生成深度、温度或成熟度上均有不同程度的增加,普遍向深... 中国天然气主要由煤成气、原油裂解气和生物气组成。通过热模拟实验等方法对3种成因类型天然气生成时限及生气量进行了研究,结果表明,生物气、煤成气和原油裂解气3种成因天然气在生成深度、温度或成熟度上均有不同程度的增加,普遍向深部延伸。基于柴达木盆地三湖地区深部地层中检测到大量微生物、热力作用所产生的次生活性有机质可为深部微生物生存提供营养物质的认识,提出生物气生成的温度上限有可能突破传统的75℃。煤系烃源岩生气特征与湖相或海相有机质明显不同,前者没有明显的生烃高峰,生气的成熟度上限由以前认为的Ro为2.5%延伸到5.0%,总生气量由以前的不高于200 m3/t TOC增加到至少300 m3/t TOC。原油裂解热模拟与动力学研究表明,原油开始裂解的对应地层温度为190℃,大量裂解对应地层温度大于210℃,原油裂解约在230℃结束;若地温梯度恒为30℃/km,则开始裂解对应的深度应大于6 000 m。3种成因天然气生成时限的新认识为中国深部地层天然气资源评价和油气勘探深度范围的预测提供了重要依据。 展开更多
关键词 生物气 煤成气 原油裂解气 生气模式 生气
开平煤田煤层气富集成藏及其控制因素 被引量:10
作者 罗跃 朱炎铭 +2 位作者 钟和清 王怀勐 张建胜 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第6期100-103,共4页
基于开平煤田构造演化背景和煤层气勘探研究结果,研究了煤层气从生成、储集、运移到聚集的演化过程。结果表明:在开平煤田的不同构造部位,由于煤系埋藏条件和后期构造运动改造影响,煤层气富集成藏模式不同,主要分为3个类型:唐山矿W字型... 基于开平煤田构造演化背景和煤层气勘探研究结果,研究了煤层气从生成、储集、运移到聚集的演化过程。结果表明:在开平煤田的不同构造部位,由于煤系埋藏条件和后期构造运动改造影响,煤层气富集成藏模式不同,主要分为3个类型:唐山矿W字型、吕家坨矿阶梯型与东欢坨矿V字型。受不同成藏模式的控制,煤层气含量、压力分布明显不同,大致呈"西高东低"的趋势。开平向斜的南东翼瓦斯压力普遍较低,全为低瓦斯矿井;北西翼瓦斯压力普遍较高,分布有2个高突矿井和1个高瓦斯矿井。 展开更多
关键词 开平煤田 煤层气 开平向斜 埋藏-生气模式 控制因素
渭河盆地生物气生成条件 被引量:1
作者 张云翠 《断块油气田》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期614-619,630,共7页
文中利用钻测录井资料,结合前人研究成果,通过野外地质调研、气体化验分析、岩石地化分析等方法,对渭河盆地生物气的地球化学特征及生成条件进行了研究。研究表明:渭河盆地张家坡组天然气具有典型的生物成因特征,其适宜甲烷菌存活的地... 文中利用钻测录井资料,结合前人研究成果,通过野外地质调研、气体化验分析、岩石地化分析等方法,对渭河盆地生物气的地球化学特征及生成条件进行了研究。研究表明:渭河盆地张家坡组天然气具有典型的生物成因特征,其适宜甲烷菌存活的地层温度、水介质矿化度和pH值及新生代快速沉积形成的缺氧还原环境,为生物气的生成提供了有利条件;固市凹陷快速沉积形成的半深湖相未成熟—低成熟暗色泥岩是生物气良好的母质来源。参考沉积有机质降解生成甲烷的生物化学反应机理,结合区域地质条件,文中明确了张家坡组生物气的生气模式,预测主产气带埋深为1300~1600 m,并指出固市凹陷沉积中心张家坡组断块和岩性圈闭发育区是生物气富集有利区。 展开更多
关键词 生物气 地球化学特征 生成条件 生气模式 张家坡组 渭河盆地
塔东地区天然气生成地质模式及其封盖条件评价 被引量:9
作者 胡国艺 李谨 +4 位作者 崔会英 冉启贵 张莉 王晓波 王义凤 《中国科学(D辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第S2期87-96,共10页
针对塔东地区天然气勘探面临的是否具有大量晚期原油裂解气气源供给和气藏封盖条件优劣的两个成藏关键问题,采用原油裂解气生成动力学方法和盖层微观参数评价方法对该区气藏形成条件进行评价研究.原油裂解气生成动力学研究和储层沥青统... 针对塔东地区天然气勘探面临的是否具有大量晚期原油裂解气气源供给和气藏封盖条件优劣的两个成藏关键问题,采用原油裂解气生成动力学方法和盖层微观参数评价方法对该区气藏形成条件进行评价研究.原油裂解气生成动力学研究和储层沥青统计结果表明塔东地区原油裂解气生成层位在寒武系顶部至奥陶系底部之间,原油裂解气至少有两种生成地质模式,即满东1井原油裂解气早期快速生成(中奥陶世-志留纪末)、大量裂解(天然气转化率>90%)模式和英南2井原油裂解气两阶段生成模式,英南2井晚期阶段原油裂解成气对塔东地区天然气勘探评价意义重大.盖层评价结果表明下部组合寒武-奥陶系泥岩或灰岩盖层微观参数明显好于上部组合,封闭能力强,相对于上部组合来说,盖层突破压力较大,压力封闭效果较好,天然气散失主要以扩散散失为主.根据上述研究结果,通过综合分析认为塔东地区环满加尔坳陷的孔雀河斜坡、塔东低凸起和英吉苏凹陷下部组合寒武-奥陶系天然气勘探前景广阔. 展开更多
关键词 塔东地区 天然气 原油裂解气 生气模式 盖层评价 勘探前景
Bioclimatic Urbanism and Regional Design in Portugal: The Atlantic and the Mediterranean Contexts
作者 Maria Guerreiro Israel Guarda 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第8期963-973,共11页
The subject of the present work is the study of the relationship between the city shape and its geographical and climatic context. This is a very important feature of the Portuguese city. The Iberian Peninsula compris... The subject of the present work is the study of the relationship between the city shape and its geographical and climatic context. This is a very important feature of the Portuguese city. The Iberian Peninsula comprised by Spain and Portugal belongs to very different environments: the Atlantic and Mediterranean sea. This position is responsible for a series of highly contrasted regions. The external forces presented in each region, influence the shape, location and orientation, not only of individual buildings but of whole villages in such a way that we can identify pattems of construction in different natural regions. There is in fact, a remarkable correspondence between climate and urban type which is useful to identify for planning the different regions. The legacy of industrial city, as in other parts of the world, has changed this close connection between geography and architecture, with consequences not only in environment but especially for the identity of urban spaces. Bioclimatic urbanism is not just a question of sustainability or survival. It is also a question of local identity and variety. There is in fact a relationship between cultural process and environment responsive which we can learn from the structures of the past -- the pre-industrial city. We believe that the reinterpretation of the traditional city pattems forms a language which can be used as a design process for recovering urban landscape. 展开更多
关键词 Urban nature regional design bioclimatic urbanism environmental response local identity.
Effect of Climatic Factors on the Radial Growth of Teak (Tectona grandis L.F.) in Parakou and Tchaourou Districts in Northern Benin
作者 Arcadius Yves Justin Akossou Alfred Godui Noel Houdegbe Fonton 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第6期721-730,共10页
Climatic factor's effect was studied on the radial growth of teak (Tectona grandis L.F.) by using the stem analysis of 36 trees distributed in 6 plantations in Parakou and Tchaourou districts in northern Benin. The... Climatic factor's effect was studied on the radial growth of teak (Tectona grandis L.F.) by using the stem analysis of 36 trees distributed in 6 plantations in Parakou and Tchaourou districts in northern Benin. The results showed that the plantations of Parakou were in general more productive than those of Tchaourou. The annual average growth was estimated in the first five years at 0.86 cm/year for Parakou and 0.76 cm/year at Tchaourou. The analysis of the radial growth showed that a significant percentage of the variance was allotted to the growth model. It follows that a big part of the ring width was predetermined before the intervention of the other factors, in particular the climatic conditions. The percentage of the variance related to the climatic conditions was thus more reduced for the plantations of Tchaourou than those of Parakou. The radial growth was influenced by the conditions of humidity (evapotranspiration, humidity and rain) of February to May on the one hand and those from August to October on the other hand. 展开更多
关键词 TEAK stem analysis radial growth climatic factors North Benin
Investment Requirements in Extension to Achieve Zero Hunger and Adapt to Climate Change
作者 Magdalena L.Blum Judit Szonyi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第7期552-562,共11页
The study reflects on previous World Bank and FAO reports that made the general recommendation to set both research and extension investment targets in developing countries at 1% of agricultural gross domestic product... The study reflects on previous World Bank and FAO reports that made the general recommendation to set both research and extension investment targets in developing countries at 1% of agricultural gross domestic product (AgGDP). In order to define proxies for country-specific extension investment targets, authors developed an extension investment model (EIM) based on socio-economic macro-indicators (poverty, undernourishment, access to information and population density) and a method to define estimates for cost increases related to climate change. These parameters helped estimating the demand for agricultural extension and investments required for it. Results showed that about half of the 94 developing and emerging countries should spend more than 1% of their respective share of GDP derived from agriculture and about a quarter of the countries, mostly in Africa and South East Asia, need to spend more than 2% of their AgGDP. The paper reveals significant differences in average investment requirements in different regions and shows the additional extension costs related to climate change and other areas that currently lack investment. 展开更多
关键词 EXTENSION 1% AgGDP country-specific investment target socio-economic macro-indicators.
东海盆地西湖凹陷古近系煤的生烃动力学 被引量:15
作者 刘金水 李树霞 +5 位作者 秦兰芝 易琦 陈晓东 康世龙 沈文超 邵龙义 《石油学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期1174-1187,1218,共15页
通过高温高压封闭体系条件下的热模拟实验和生烃动力学模拟分析,获得了西湖凹陷古近系平湖组和花港组煤生成气态烃的产率及其动力学参数。结合古地温演化史和热演化史恢复了西湖凹陷西部斜坡带、西次凹及中央构造带的古近系平湖组和花... 通过高温高压封闭体系条件下的热模拟实验和生烃动力学模拟分析,获得了西湖凹陷古近系平湖组和花港组煤生成气态烃的产率及其动力学参数。结合古地温演化史和热演化史恢复了西湖凹陷西部斜坡带、西次凹及中央构造带的古近系平湖组和花港组煤的生烃演化历史,并基于预测的镜质体反射率(Ro)建立了研究区煤的生气演化模式。研究结果表明,西湖凹陷煤所生成的天然气以甲烷(C1)为主,重烃气(C2—C5)较少,C1和总气态烃(C1—C5)的产率增长速率在煤的高成熟阶段(1.10%≤Ro<2.20%)最大,在成熟阶段(0.50%≤Ro<1.10%)次之,在过成熟阶段(Ro≥2.20%)最小,且含碳原子个数不同的重烃气(C2、C3、C4和C5)的主裂解期不同。在西湖凹陷煤的生烃演化过程中,西部斜坡带平湖组和花港组中的煤所生成的气态烃最少,生烃条件最差;而西次凹、中央构造带平湖组和花港组中煤所生成的气态烃较多,是比较有利的生烃区。花港组中煤生成气态烃的产率远小于平湖组,且至今尚未达到生烃高峰。 展开更多
关键词 西湖凹陷 生烃动力学 生烃史 生气演化模式
作者 达达 《学生天地(小学中高年级)》 2020年第5期42-45,共4页
大家一定都见过身边的人生气的模样。回想一下,你上次惹爸爸妈妈生气时,他们是什么样子的?你周围的其他人在生气时又有哪些特殊的表现?有些)人可能会选择隐忍,自已默默地生气,而有些人则会让怒火爆发出来.....无论是哪种“生气模式”,... 大家一定都见过身边的人生气的模样。回想一下,你上次惹爸爸妈妈生气时,他们是什么样子的?你周围的其他人在生气时又有哪些特殊的表现?有些)人可能会选择隐忍,自已默默地生气,而有些人则会让怒火爆发出来.....无论是哪种“生气模式”,人们的语言、动作、神态、声调,都会让你觉得他们与平时判若两人。 展开更多
关键词 生气模式 隐忍 回想
Response of Pinus taiwanensis growth to climate changes at its southern limit of Daiyun Mountain, China's Mainland Fujian Province 被引量:8
作者 CHEN Dan FANG KeYan +3 位作者 LI YingJun DONG ZhiPeng ZHANG Yu ZHOU FeiFei 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期328-336,共9页
The Pinus taiwanensis trees of a Chinese endemic species form pure forests at infertile sites in humid subtropical China, which can aid soil reservation and ecological resiliency at such sites. Herein, we used dendroc... The Pinus taiwanensis trees of a Chinese endemic species form pure forests at infertile sites in humid subtropical China, which can aid soil reservation and ecological resiliency at such sites. Herein, we used dendrochronological methods to investigate the growth patterns and their relationship with climate by analyzing 158 cores of 79 P. taiwanensis trees at 4 sites in their southernmost distribution in China's Mainland at Daiyun Mountain in Fujian Province. Tree growths at sites with favor- able conditions generally showed an age-related growth trend, which decreased from approximately 5 mm to 0.5 mm in about a century. Trees in moderately stressed environments established high growth in their juvenile periods but were highly suscep- tible to environmental stresses such as a sharp growth decline in the 1990s. The temperature in February and the moisture in July are the major limiting factors for most of the tree growths, except for a few extremely stressed P. taiwanensis trees. The growth of the dwarf P. taiwanensis trees, with all ring diameters of the first 20 years less than 4 ram, is mainly limited by the dry climate in May. Under the potential future warming trend, drought stress can be particularly threatening to these dwarf P. taiwanensis trees, which are likely to be the germplasm resources for this species in this region. 展开更多
关键词 Daiyun Mountain Pinus taiwanensis Climate-growth relationships DROUGHT Global warming
Physical characteristics of high-rank coal reservoirs in different coal-body structures and the mechanism of coalbed methane production 被引量:5
作者 ZHANG XiaoDong DU ZhiGang LI PengPeng 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期246-255,共10页
The physical characteristics of coal reservoirs are important for evaluating the potential for gas desorption, diffusion, and seepage during coalbed methane (CBM) production, and influence the performance of CBM wel... The physical characteristics of coal reservoirs are important for evaluating the potential for gas desorption, diffusion, and seepage during coalbed methane (CBM) production, and influence the performance of CBM wells. Based on data from mercury injection experiments, low-temperature liquid nitrogen adsorption, isothermal adsorption, initial velocity tests of methane diffusion, and gas natural desorption data from a CBM field, herein the physical characteristics of reservoirs of high-rank coals with different coal-body structures are described, including porosity, adsorption/desorption, diffusion, and seepage. Geometric models are constructed for these reservoirs. The modes of diffusion are discussed and a comprehensive diffusion-seepage model is constructed. The following conclusions were obtained. First, the pore distribution of tectonically deformed coal is different from that of normal coal. Compared to normal coal, all types of pore, including micropores (〈10 nm), transitional pores (10-100 nm), mesopores (100-1000 nm), and macropores (〉1000 nm), are more abundant in tectonically deformed coal, especially mesopores and macropores. The increase in pore abundance is greater with increasing tectonic deformation of coal; in addition, the pore connectivity is altered. These are the key factors causing differences in other reservoir physical characteristics, such as adsorption/desorption and diffusion in coals with different coal-body structures. Second, normal and cataclastic coals mainly contain micropores. The lack of macropores and its bad connectivity limit gas desorption and diffusion during the early stage of CBM production. However, the good connectivity of micropores is favorable for gas desorption and diffusion in later gas production stage. Thus, because of the slow decline in the rate of gas desorption, long-term gas production can easily be obtained from these reservoirs. Third, under natural conditions the adsorption/desorption properties of granulated and mylonitized coal are good, and the diffusion ability is also enhanced. However, for in situ reservoir conditions, the high dependence of reservoir permeability on stress results in a weak seepage of gas; thus, desorption and diffusion is limited. Fourth, during gas production, the pore range in which transitional diffusion takes place always increases, but that for Fick diffusion decreases. This is a reason for the reduction in diffusion capacity, in which micropores and transitional pores are the primary factors limiting gas diffusion. Finally, the proposed comprehensive model of CBM production under in situ reservoir conditions elucidates the key factors limiting gas production, which is helpful for selection of reservoir stimulation methods. 展开更多
关键词 High-rank coal Coal-body structure Reservoir physical characteristics Gas production mechanism
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